MARRIAGES, parties SOCIAL ACTIVITIES I THU S ARE OI'RS. I The autumn sun II ? 1 , garden days are done I uhiH bloom lias long gone ■ put I , : ;, 0 :r anthems to the sky, I jjjj, i’clst pine's fidelity I company a passing of the flowers, ■I ... while trees are ours. 9H Bea l; ' H o . .. . 1 >.s while these are ours: I ,■ ;;ns, sedate and tall, V TT•". v the garden wall, I .a its scarlet dress, 1 • : ‘ L ’ , •i ee grav with loveliness. ■ The et«. >. • 1 these, so radiant now, I ;L'‘Y . ■ ~neu their bright leaves ■ SU ■ '.re : .ea. I o- ;0 winter sky will spread I v£’-'ricavacy of twig and bough. I *f; .-grace shouts with ecstasy | Pa poor. he thick on every tree. Marjorie Knapp. (.uist of Miss Burton. , f) .. Gertrude S. brady, of Cleve , Giv is the guest of Miss Car 'a'r- ' • it her home on North Wil r:c du- - ' street . In Richmond Yesterday. ilermon Lewis, Mrs. H. M. Levw M’-'s. Raymond Wilson, and Snell went to Richmond, Va yesterday for the day. Plan Social. : B. Y. P. U. of the First Bart st eiturch will have a social to night at the church .All members and ;'rr.s,y-s . r. urged to attend. Visit Gills Here. _\r ; - and Mrs. W. A. Underwood, ,'Mc :t City. Indiana, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Gill, at their home on North Garnett street. Choir to Practice. The eh. r of Christ Methodist churer v. :d practice tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the church. All members are urged t be present and on time. 1 -3 OUT OF 5-, mothers relieve misery of colds externally with -V/ICKS — 1 B TON W Vapoßub NODOSINa WEBB’S BEAUTY SALON Selection of the beauty shop should be one of Great Importance to every woman. Here you v.’l find only experienced operators, the most r.'diern equipment, the use of the best sup- v /twill be a pleasure to serve you. X u.e 524 Stevenson Theatre Bldg. Mrs. Housewife Go On With Your Christmas Shopping Don’t Bother About The Laundry Just forget that you have a laundry care in the world. Go on with your Christmas hopping and other duties and leave the laundry to us. We can not only save your time now when it is greatly needed, but we can please and satisfy you immensely with the high type of laundry work we turn out and the service we render. . Phone us to get your bundle. Henderson Steam Laundry Phone 508 SOCIETY NEWS / _JTELEPHONE 610 « ...» * • • * HOURS: 9A.M,TO 12 NOON Miss Evelyn Satterwhite Atnd Rennie Brooks Wed dg a Private ceremony Thursday atteinoon at tour o’clock, Miss Evelvn Giace Satterwhite, of this city be came the bride of Bennie Watkins looks, ol Oxford. The marriage was pei oimed at the Baptist parsonage neie with the Rev. E. Norfleet Gard ner, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiating. The ring cere mony was used. Only close friends and relatives of me bride and groom were present. Prior to the ceremony Miss Hallie U ra ? k „ Mllls truly and “Ah, Sweet Mystery of Lite on the piano. “The Rosary” was played during the ceremony, and the tiaditional wedding marches were used. The couple entered together, un attended. i lie bride was becomingly attired in a grape wine colored dress, o\ er which she wore a stone blue coat trimmed in gray fox fur. Her ac cessories were of grape wine, and she wore a shoulder corsage of white carnations. Mrs. Terrell Wed To Bill Edwards Mrs. Gladys Knight Terrell and Willard Floyd Edwards were mar ried in a private ceremony at Law renceville, Virginia at 5 o’clock Thursday afternoon, Dec. 7, with a few friends of the couple attending. Dr. H. J. Terry, of Lawrenceville, performed the marriage, using the ring ceremony. The bride was becomingly dressed in grape wine moire taffeta, with black accessories. Mrs. Edwards is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Knight, of West End. She has been manager of the City Beauty Shop here for some time. The groom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Edwards, of Macon, is con nected with the Electric Motor & Repair Co., of Raleigh. The couple will make their home with the bride’s parents until after Christmas. HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1939 Mrs. Brouxs is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Satterwhite, of Hen derson. She was graduated from the local schools, and has held a position with the R. E. Satterwhite Company here. The groom, son of the lute Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Brooks, of Oxford, attend ed Berea high school. He is a success ful young farmer near Oxford. After a short wedding trip, in Western North Carolina, the couple will be at home near Oxford. Announcements have been mailed to friends in Henderson and else where which read: “Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earl Satterwhite announce the marriage of their daughter, Evelyn Grace, to Bennie Watkins Brooks, of Oxford, December sen -th, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, Henderson, North Carolina.” Townsville Seniors To Give Class Play The senior class of Townsville high school will present the play, “The Scarecrow Creeps”, which is a mys tery-comedy in three acts, Friday evening, December 15, at 8 o'clock, in the high school auditorium. The public is cordially invited to attend. A small admission lee will be charged The cast of characters includes: Adam Throgg, the butler, Willard Moody. Maudie Hobbs, the maid, Sara Tucker. Roderick Gage, master of Gage Manor, William Moody. Dr. Kenneth Gage, his nephew, Judson Knott. Aunt Zinnia Washington, the darky cook, Eloise Carey. Trailing Arbutus, her son, Mamie Kimball. Perry Gage, Roderick’s nephew, Allen Wilson. Mrs. Annabelle Gage, Perry’s mother, Sallie Hicks. Miss Amelia Gage, Roderick’s first cousin, Christine Brewer. Norma Gage, her niece, Annie Mae Twisdale. D. A. R.’s to Meet. Old Bute Chapter will have its Christmas meeting with Miss Sally B. Garlick Saturday afternoon at *3:30 o’clock. All members who cannot at tend are asked to notify the hostess. In Raleigh. Mrs. George V. Boyd, Mrs. Wil liam Humphrey, and Mrs. Jasper B. Hicks spent Tuesday in Raleigh, and attended the Christmas flower dis play sponsored by the Raleigh Gar den club at the Woman’s ciub. To Give Flay. The two prize winning plays in the dramatic tournament in Smithfield, “For He Had Great Processions” and “It is More Blessed”, will be present ed at Shiloh Baptist church Sunday evening at 8 o’clock, it was stated to day. The plays are being presented un der the auspices of the B. Y. P. U. GIRL SCOUT NEWS. The Girl Scouts of troop No. 2 met Thursday afternoon at the Girl Scout - "'HoirrWs. After the regular busi ness session, the rest of the meet- Jllg Was CitVOltCl tO liic [JI'UC i.:CI + U^ Christmas carols. The scouts are planning on going on their carolling trip Christmas Eve. Lucy Brewer Scribe. S? 5p "Pcfsonar ;ri .. , ?• | 25 ; fore to monogram. your purchases of Writing I *|| % I Papers, Playing Cards, Leather Goods, jpoun* f|£ )g f tain Pegs and a host of other wry attractive I|| S£ * gift items with either name or monogram, f Jjj? | h gold, silver or colors,..the beautiful new llf &?. | “Ki ngsley-Holly wood” way. j % I : ts f & 8 ! A complete and exclusive line of Eaton’s fine station- § S ery priced from 25c to SIO.OO. And the famous Hall- eg * mark Christmas cards. i? I Marian Martin : Pattern —: >; t—4l Till ! - M \ Vin !-/ / pV taik \vL sV~ J*mrß plaids, district check and Al A A % g solid whites $ 1 «vU * 3? PAJAMAS of fine broadcloth in beautiful pat- f' | terns. A colorful Christmas $1.75 f Mil Vim « HANDKERCHIEFS in high grade 100% linen | ££ 5gP Handmade with initials nf Op M and 1-inch hems. Each £**>C to 03C 4g BEDROOM SHOES by Daniel Green. All |j g 55? leather slippers with hard and soft soles in k 48* ■y black and tan. LUCKY NAMES WEEK *V* 10%—Ruth Taylor, Mrs. Samuel White, Mrs. Misses Edith and Ethel hideout, Mrs. H. SK Jimmie Read, Mrs. H. L. Woodlief, Mrs. °- Faulkner, Emma Foster. f? T r r „ vHnpt , 40% —Mrs. Frank Pinnell, Miss Alice Mabry, '«» £ ‘ Mrs. J. C. Cooper, Mrs. R. L. Kittrell, Rachel Fuller, Florence Satterwhite, M. 50% —Betty Brooks, Mrs. Clyde Finch, E. W. 4J$ W G. Davis. Adcock, Sr., Mrs. Harold Anderson, Jgf «-T-m | E. G. Davis & Sons Company | BLACKBURN'S One Day Sale For Saturday only, all of our $7.95 light wool ggr AA and silk sports dresses, at «p3*yU Vance Theatre Bldg. Phone 281 PAGE FIVE CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENT