PAGE FOUR iaiiii SiHpatrl? Established August 12, 1914 Published livery Afternoon Except Sunday by HENDERSON DISPATCH CO., INC at 109 Voung Street HENRY A. DENNIS, Pres, and Editor M. L. FINCH. Sec.-Treas., Bus. Mgr. TELEPHONES Editorial Office *>oo Society Editor blO Business Office biu The Henderson Daily Dispatch is a member o! I lie Associated I less, Southern Newspaper Publishers As sociation and the North Carolina Press Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to a e for republication all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ered/ted in this paper, and also the local new s published herein. All rights of publication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. ' SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Payable Sirictiy in Advance One Year $5 00 Six Months 2-50 Three Months 1-59 Weekly (By Carrier Only) 15 Per Copy 9a Entered at the post oft ice in Hender son, N. C. as six ond class mail matter. cHF./?':FC r, ALC -A . RC M R^^ —rdi» al»ii?p iyleei,»ii|hl un«, the United j-jiri 'Tnwn th<* mvie at, t?ie Fan-.* m°riea?i conference in Panama last summer. Amoiu the events occurring within t*-e 7fin n . and thus H'«. turbine; neutral nations, which mav want to beep the war off thefr doorsteps, are: The Gennnn-British naval battle off Uruguay; the pursuit o? the German freighter Arauea bv a British warsh'p into Fort * verglad"s, Fla.; the scuttling of the German liner Columbus within gam* hot, of a British de stroyer. and the helping of the American Iwr Santa Rosa h.y a French cruiser. In London it was said the Bri tish navy f It free to fight any where on the high seas, hut be lieved at the same tim- that if asms of the zone could he made ! t(> work it would he to the ad j vantage of the Allies. Red Attack On Isthmus Is Stopped 'Lontinned From Page One) around the capital. ■v F vV? 1 bombs fe!l in the five-block* ■2S™ . area ', ll WHS the third su<:- Ifnk'L„H ,y -°! ?. wial “‘tack on He!- sink, and vicinity. dmnnpH a n ?J d , not all of the bombs ed P bni th bospital area explcd struct L 1 dormitory, a five-story bon hTi, USt3 J nod a di »'eet hit. The two Hnn l apsed the roof and u PP f *r W ° * loors ’ wrecked the back of the CHRISTMAS WREATH, building and tore out the front. The clinic building, a five-story structure, was damaged heavily, as was the school for the blind, a build ing four stories high and a block! long. Most of the hospital patients bad been removed, but ten were too 11 to stand transfer and ('lie of these was injured seriously, while another, was shuck by stone hot through, a window by one bomb explosion. The Soviet Rus iwi forces, stretch- i ed on three sides like a great hand trying to clinch were stopped on the! Karelian 1 thrnus in the south and in die southeast after raging battles, in which the invaders used hundreds of tanks. Although temperatures 25 degrees below zero stalled the Russian drive in the far north, above the Arctic circle, the Finns acknowledged they had withdrawn. In the southeast, where the Rus sians apparently are attempting td split Finland at her narrowest, in a westward drive, the Finns said they had taken the initiative and were ad vancing. Gravely Move Wailing On Bill Fenner •Continued From i*ace One) that it would he practical political suicide for both to get in. Lee. it seems, has now received assurance th-M perennially ambitious Dick Fountain will not come out as a nuisance candidate; but he has no such as uranee about the Fenner fu ture. and any candidacy by Bill would be serious and bona fide, not ourely to annoy because he knows it teases, as the old jingle about the' sneezing little boy goes. So Gravely is still in the dark, ac cording to the reports, although lie lives almost across, the street from Fenner. B''" 1 ' : n the closing days of the legislature there developed a right sizable ■ Fenner for Governor” move ment. one of sufficient power, in fact to generate a dinner at which a num- , ber of the law-makers loudly ac claimed the House? finance chair-" man and proclaimed lbs availability I and suitability for the State’s No. 1 I post. i Bill didn't say yes, but he didn’t say no; and after a while the tumult! and shouting died away to less than the distant, rumble of a drum. For several months now there has j been practically no mention of Fen-j ner as one of the hordes of possible governorship hunters; but as the sit- At NLRB Hearing fig i w Simm K - *b- ill ■ tel, ■! jHH illll telfjk... ■?•••?&. IPjjjra} silk fllll mm mlmWw--, iWmmmm Phillip G. Phillips Regional director of the National Labor Relations Board, of Cincin nati, Ohio, Phillip G. Phillips denies to House committee investigating NLRB that he ever attempted to suppress a news story derogatory r . ( to the board. nation develops more and more it ha§ become evident that this campaign isn’t any part of a private fight, but one open to any and all corners. As a result, Fenner is said by some who ought to know what they’re talking about to be at least suf ficiently intrigued by the possibilities to prevent his giving Gravely an un conditional green light as Rocky Mount’s candidate. All this, mind you, is political gos sip and is not given to you as the law and the gospel. It is, however, not such nebulous speculation as to be pure moonshine. It is quite possible that even be fore this gets into the papers, Grave ly will have found out something and will even have made his public de claration of intention to run. Such things have before this happened to political writers who sat themselves down and peeked out a piece which they viewed as interesting, if no more. This possibility is increased by the very fact that this are beginning to pop with more or less unexpected suddenness, despite the lull which THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS OLD teawfeTlli k Ml ipf waSsE. Mggs2? 90 PROOF COPR. 1939, THE OLD QUAKER CO„ LAWRENCEBURG, INDIANA the holiday season ought to induce. It is still quite Irue that among the great mass of the Tar Heel populace there has been no crystallization o opinion—in fact there is .still little or no general interest in the governor’s race; but if you don’t think the po litically-minded are beginning to bestir themselves .just come to Ra leigh and talk to oi; > or two of them for as much as five minutes. FOR SALE CHEVROLET ’39 MASTER DELUXE TOWN SEDAN Equipped with -heater. 9,000 miles. Like new. $595.00 Call 692-W —ask for Barber WANT ADS Get Results HENDERSON OUSINK: —New Term, Januar-. not make any metal., a business training a big mistake NOT to ~ , STEAMED OYSTEI sauce, butter sauce, < crackers, at Termm. a and night. Phone 91 ; FOR EXPERT I 3( fender work, pair bolstering, g la ment, and radiate; e and repairing, brim car tv) Legg-Rarham FOR SALE; ONE BO\ cycle. Telephone 8»i. ALL STATE LICENS! operators. Phone 2: ment. Your patroin;;,< Bridgers Beauty S'.-.p, , FOR SALE: MEI land pony, old in. Ideal Chri: tma g over seven. Snduie eluded. Phone 9'J GET PRICES ON OCR before you buy. E. <>. a Douge and Plymouh ■ Chestnut street. CARS WASHED : until Dcct rn'x r . . . t „ *L2o. Legg-ParL m ; PLENTY OF I KS- - from sparkl. ,• , a( ,,.; a } bombs. Get , r , m \ y now. FireworU tween Rrecrea . Hiil-nl Parlor and Wir fj n ,„. St ore. :U i WE SPECIaLIZ : ] , [ kinds of body at: i CnT r re . pair work. Motor (< o< FOR SALE: FR V Universal Electr : c ■■ for quick buyer. 1 i , _ ; U-lti WANTED AT ONCE ! fTj] and reliable lady r. ' e, Xone other need apply. Add •. care Dispatch. OFFICES FOR RE Building— center >f ! •.. , l 0 stairs to climb fironv •■•! : w;; ..... Heat, light, and rrvice fur nished. Apply Erie G. Fi-mnagan, McCoin Building. tbur.—tf WE HAVE 5000 SI.OO £ * Theatre ticket books 1■ s We give one Free with cvny pur chase or accumulation yeoa-cs amounting to $10.0,). <. • ■ - and get yours. Men’s Shop. Im, J. II Tucker, Mgr. 19.4a FOR RENT: 5 ROOM HOUSE. 7,ob licoffer Avenue; 5 room F r<\ West End. Call 139. Ai M V\ ‘-i, Insurance-Rental.-Real K.-t A 2<)-3ti LOST: 1 WIDE ANGI E L Wollcnsack- -mount' d in v.-o d !nv board, marked property of \'k ■ Progress Administrat on. Tie property U. S. Gove• am • ■U, Findor please return to V. I) 11-'ffnev. Henderson. 19-3 ti FOR SALE: 200 C< )RDS \V< OD Al ready cut and corded within one mile of Henderson. AI. R. Wester, Insurance-Rental -R< 1 K fate. 20-3 ti FOR RENT: FAR : VHE tobacco allotment near Renders"!!. AI. B. Wester, Insuranco-Rentnl.s- Real Estate. 20-3 ii All keyed aus are strictly con fidential. Please do not call the office fo y their identity NOTICE OF FORM 1,0 U RE S'U Under and by virtue p* IVI1 * tained in a certain deed "I trsst executed by B. J. We t . mi T. A. West on the 26th day of 1935 and recorded in i ’ F'U at page 282, Vance County, having been made in t of the debt therein ecmv< request of the holder of F will sell, at public run. highest bidder, far <" sh. .' ' r : ' L|lt ‘ house door in if nAr- a. Vance County, N. C. at 12 < ’