marriages, parties SOCIAL ACTIVITIES SOCIETY NEWS / TELEPHONE 610 HOURS: 9 A. M. TO 12 NOON CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENT UTTER TO A FRIEND. Joseph Auiaiidrr. ■ .. you not vis others do. the crowded gaze exempt: \ auk dispute- 'lie eagle's view, u \ the: s in that bright contempt, v \ r heart is a jewelled sword :;,i.-he> proudly to defend -v color of a candid word. silence of a lonely friend, ii your eyes I know how much ot and courage stand: A your laughter T can touch :.uth as one n.iuht touch a hand. To Asheboro Annie Fuller Young has re • to Asheboro to resume her trie city schools there. Central l*.-T. A. ' Association • v.' school will meet Wednes ;<. noon at 3.15 o'clock, at the Leave for School . ne Miles and Miss Ada V left yesterday for Last » Teachers College, in Green Mr-. Drake Here. , .-ru.- Drake, of Fucjuav . - \">itmg Dorothy • •( ■ e on Young avenue (ir>n n>boro Guest. ..iter Cbri-.. of Greensboro. • s.. > t. ' w home •>! Mr. and w l. : ght. on Hendc son \ i-ii Mrs. Watkins and Mrs. E. H. Turpin. of ,\vksor. Height.-. N. Y.. and Mrs. R. « Boyd, of Durham, spent Friday • Mr- \V I T. Watkins here. T«i Return t«> School. M .-• > K therine and l.« n : Wr ?ht Henaers >n route 4. plan to ieavr r w :V>r Woman's College . : cont nue their course:. Ketuni- to Shenandoah College -vv.-::e*r J -hnson has returned to i ah College. Dayton. Va.. -rendmg tne Christina? st».i - . .i fnts. Mr. and Mrs. C. Daughters of America Cot ncil Xo. 39. Daughters ; .-.iT:. will meet Wednesday 7:3<> •.•'cluck at the Junior It is said :o! landoah college, after vi>:ting t:: r. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Clay • the Christmas holidays. S^tevenSon KN'OS TOXIOHT H17TI 10 AS TOMORROW missiop 26c & -36c •> t64%,/ <'»«•*•»«»» uy Adventure ' Reel Marian Martin :— Pattern —: I PATTERN 0264 Play starry-eyed-ingenue in this charming 1'ttlc princess frock de signed by Marian Martin. The slim panelled lines of Pattern 9264 will make your figure lithe and willowy, with your tiny waist cmpmiMzed by the "double-swing" skirt. Use a wide >ash. tied in a piquant bustle bow. or let a narrow belt come from the sides, with buttons at the front wcist. Be fancy-free as to trim ming. You might like cuffs and i vouthful doi'bie-'oow of v>yelet em broidery or lace. Or use lace edg ing at the pretty neck, the sleeves and down the panels. Pattern 9264 may be ordered only > misses* and women's sizes 12. 14. iC. 18. 20. 30. 32. 34. 36. 38 and 40. ,?i:'e !6 require- 4 1-2 yards 39 neh fabric. 1-2 yard contrast. bend Fit TEEN CENTS m coins or tins MARIAN MARTIN pattern le sure to write plainly your SIZE, M 6. ADDRESS, and STYLE ■»!. nIBER. bend your order to Henderson Daily Dispatch. Pattern Department. '?.? \V ifith Ft.. New York. N. Y. Zeb Vance P.-T. A. Postponed. The meeting of Zeb Vance Parent Tcacher Association. which was set for Thursday of this week, has been postponed two weeks until January 18. it was announced today. All mem bers were asked to note the change. C larke St. P.-T. A. The Clarke street P.-T. A. will met tomorrow afternoon at 3:15 »'ciock at the sciiool. with the Rev. L. Nortieet Gardner, pastor ot the First Baptist church. the speaker for the afternoon, bring a New Year's nessage. A good attendance is urged. Bagging Officials To Honor \ isitors Mr. and Mrs. John S. King. Jr., of Memphis. Tenn.. are expected to arrive here Thur. day morning to be the guests of S. S. Parham and Mrs. Kate Watkins. On Friday evening Uie officers of tlie Carolina Bagging Company, S. S. Parham. W. P. Gliolson. E. F. Parham. S. II. Watkins and A. J. Watkins. will entertain for Mr. and Mrs. King at a dance at West End Country Club. To All My Friends And Customers: I have sold my stock of goods to W. K. Fleriiing* and W. E. Milliard. I wish to ( yt.cnd L<> niv friends and customers my appreciation for their trade and co <»poi ati<.n during the past ten years. It •}-as been a real pleasure to serve you, but o-.viny to health we think it best to sell. Mt\ Fleming and Mr. Billiard will ap preciate your patronage and will con tinue with the same business. Melville Hicks will continue with them. Thanks To Everyone Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Oakley Returns to Burlington. Mrs. Walter E. Warren has re turned to her home in Burlington alter spending the holidays in the city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Jessup. Circle to Meet The Dena Ayseue Missionary Cir cle No. I of the First Congregational Shristian church will meet this even ing at 8 o'clock in the home ot' Mrs. R. P. W. Seaman, on Garnet! street. New Year's Party At Business School Students <>T Henderson Business College were entertained at a New Year'* Day party Monday afternoon, on tiv day they returned to classes follmvir. ■: a two weeks' vacation for Christmas. A game was played, with prizes •■'ins* awarded to several members of I • *isS. Rcl'u hments were served in one I u' he classrooms, with a pink and ! white color motif being followed. | dotted begonias were the eenter nieccs of the two long tables, and the nviller table had an arrangement of nink carnations and stevia in the cen ter. Lighted pink candles in crystal holders were placed down the length ! n* the t ;h(es. Strawberry ice cream j a'. Mustian. in Middlcburg. Mis.: May Bcistic v.';is the guest o Airs. Fnmk Fuller fur the week - end. Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Mabry and •hildren arc spending some time it Florida as the guests ol' Mrs. Char iic Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Jackson arc moving to Shotwcll, N. C., where Mr. Jackson has acccpted a posi tion. Thoy will be missed in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Spain, their little daughter. Frances, and Mrs fohn Spain visited in Louisburg and Youngsville during the holi days. Mrs. Amanda Davis, of Franklin ton, is spending some time in the Perry home. Miss Mary and Elma Currin art visiting Lhoir parents. Mr. and Mrs. YV. W. Currin, during the holidays. The Grange had a Christma? oarty at the community house Wed nesday night, which was enjoyed by 'hose present. Charlie Perry spent the first o" Christmas week in Winston-Sale: with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Grant, re 10c—15c TODAY ONLY KEN MAYNARD in "RANGE LAW" ALSO Dick Tracy's G-Mcn" TOMORROW CLAI'DETTE COLBERT DON AMECHE MARY ASTOf? in "MIDNIGHT" Hi-Lo Bridge Club Has New Year's Eve Dinner Members of the Hi-Lo Bridge < club entertained at a New Year's Eve| party Sunday evening at Pine Treei Lodge, with the members and their | dates, and a lew specially invited j guests present. A turkey dinner was served, with i jridal favors being presented to Mrs. George Gow, a recent bride, and Miss Sally Hight, a bride of this month. | The hostesses and guests included j the following: Miss Sue Kelly, Dr.1 Evans Coleman, of Warrenton, Miss! Tuddy Parham, Walter Burwell, Miss turning to Henderson where he >pent several days with his oroth er. Geurge Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holloway I were guests of Mrs. J. W. May field. Jr.. of Norlina, last Thursday. The Middleburg Garden club will meet Wednesday, January 3, at the club house. Joel Carroll and Miss Laura Car- ; roll visited their niece, Mrs. J. L. Byrd, in Darlington, S. C., during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Perry visited Mrs. Perry's mother, Mrs. Jennie Harris, and her daughter, Mrs. William Riggan, in Towns ville. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Rogers and | children spent flic week in Mul lins, S. C. J. J. Jackson, Jr., Misses Luna and Theta Jackson spent the holi days with their parents, near Mid dleburfi. Tom Taylor vi|:tcd in Darling ton, S. C. last week. We are glad to state that Ray mond Stainback is recovering satis factorily after being in *an automo bile accident. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barnes, Mr. and IV] vs. Millard Morgan, ot' Suf folk, Va., visited in the Turner .iome during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Rawles, Jr. and family, and Mr. Rawles, Sr. were guests of the Turners last week. Mr. and Mvs. Edward Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Holloway en tertained several of their l'riends at a dinner given one evening during OS Christmas holidays. Mrs. Marvin Mitchell has re lumed home from Maria Parham hospital and is slowly improving. Townsville News | By MRS. A. R. TARRY Miss Mary R. Tarry returned to Saint Pauls to resume her work a* teacher in Saint Pauls school. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tarry and family, of Townsville, moved to Brookneal, Virginia, last Saturday, where Mr. Tarry is to be manager of Mr. Bruce's farms. Friends are glad to hear that Jud son Knott is improving from the in juries he received in the wreck Christmas. Rev. J. A. Boyd and sons, Alston, Jr., James A. Boyd, and Keasfort, visited their grandmother, Mrs. James A. Boyd, during the Christ mas holidays. We are so glad to welcome Mrs. Tom Taylor home at River-Oak. She has been staying with her sister. Mrs. J. L. Byrd. of South Carolina, who has been sick. Mrs. William Coffin and her sis ter. Miss Susie Alston, were visitors n Townsville during the Christmas holidays. Bobbitt News BY MRS. 1'. B. ALEXANDER. Mrs. J. T. Ilight has had as her quests during the Christmas holidays \. T. Hight of Meadcville. Pa., Mr. md Mrs. David Gartner, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Pi. Wells and son, Gerald, all if Kannapolis. Meyer Salmonski of Norfolk, Va., md Miss Margaret Johnson of Wake vorest, visited in the home of Mr. >nd Mrs. E. O. Young and Miss Betty Young last week. Miss Miriam Alex mder, also spent Saturday night with Miss Young. Mrs. E. L. Fuller left last Thur; lay for Atlanta, Ga., to spend a nonth with her daughter, Mrs. Ec'. vard Thurmond. Mrs. Johnnie Moss entertained her ■)lurch school class of junior boys •nd girls with a Christmas party at ier home last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mitchell and >aby, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fuller •isited in Troy during the holiday icason. A number of college students spent he Christmas holidays at their re pectivc homes here, among them vere Miss Elaine Woodlief, from Greenwood, S. C.. Misses Evelyn [itchell, Sarah Gill and Ruth Gill .om Greensboro, the last named , •aching there also, Miss Irene El- , ngton and Miss Myrtle Mitchell rom Greenville and Walter Finch, r. from Atlanta. Ga. A most happy occasion, the celc ration of the twenty-fifth wedding ■nniversary of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Rowland, on last Saturday night, has >een previously reported, so I will ot include it here. Mrs. H. J. Johnson and daughter, Irs. Ruby Hayes, had as their holi lay guests, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence i ohnson and little Miss Roxie Ann i ohnson of Meadeville. Pa., Mr. and i .Irs. Herman Woodlief and family i >nd Forest Lee Rogers of Raleigh. | liss Elizabeth Woodell of Raleigh. ' vas also a visitor here, accompany ng the Woodliefs. I Mrs. A. B. Deans of Henderson, i ;pent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Gill and attended services < jt Plank Chapel Sunday. I We v.eic glud to v.ekumc uiem-.. Sally Hight, Julian Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Millican. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Church, Miss Margaret Candler. Dick Burwell, Miss Carolyn Polston, Mrs. George Gow, Miss Dorothy Wester, Dr. Thomas M. Hun ter. Miss Alice Rose. J. M. Peace, Jr., Miss Kappa Macon, Robert Bunn, Miss Mary Elizabeth Poythress. J. W. Rose. Miss Efi'ie Flannagan, Turner Wortham, Miss Adele Powell. Pete Gorman. Miss Sils Petty, Red Mc Bride. Miss Helen Whitmore and Gillam Burleson. bers from the other churches on the Granville and Tar River circuits to worsnip with us Sunday morning in this united service. The Rev. Mr. Martin and the Rev. Mr. Pegg brought messages of the hour, both speaking on the Advance Movement ol' the United Methodist church. Mr. Martin told about the financial and other resources of the church and Mr. Pegg stressed the moral and spiritual responsibility of the church, "To whom much is given shall much be required," being his text. It being an annual cumoiii. Air. anr: Mrs. P. C. Smith had their children and families with them for break fast Christinas morning. We congratulate the two young men of our community who were married last week. Th^y are also members of our church and we ex tend a very-cordial invitation to the brides to join with their husbands and the rest of congregation in all their church services as well as olher activities of the community. Joseph K. Parks was married to Miss Louise Tunstall of Oxford and Vester Young was married to Miss Marie Moseley of Bearpond. Mr. and Mrs. Young, also Mrs. Carl Young, little Miss Jean Young and Miss Addie Young were dinner guests of Mrs. U. B. Alexander Sun day, Mr. and Mrs. Young took sup per with Miss Frances Fleming. We are very sorry little Miss Char lotte Woodlief has been ill with pneumonia, but glad she is much im proved. Miss Frances Brewer ol Townsville and Henderson, and friend, were pleasant callers here Sunday even ing. Miss Vivian Alexander accom panied them back to Henderson. Mrs. E. T. Hicks had as her Christ mas guests two of her nieces, Mis* Margaret and Miss Doris Elmore, ol the Ayeock community. Miss Lou Ella Dickerson, who visit ed her parents here during the hoii iays. has returned to Rocky Mount Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Montgomery and daughter of Washington, D. C. visited A. K. Rogers and family lasl week. Mrs. C. M. Young had as her din ner guests on New Year's Day the Johnsons from Meadeville, who were visiting in the neighborhood for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Gill and family pent several days last week in .iickory with Mrs. Gill's mother, vlrs. J. A. Cline. Mrs. Josie D. Woodlief had sev eral relatives visiting her during the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pleasants spent Christmas with relatives in Golds 0010. TRUCK DRIVERS ARE TO DISCUSS SAFETY Hcilei^li. Jan. 2.—(AP)—A two day safety school for truck opera tors will be held at State collcgc January 17-18, Edward W. Ruggles, >f the extension division, announced today. Co-operating with the college in presenting the course will no the North Carolina Truck Owners' as sociation, the State indu trial com mission and the state highway safety division. Harry Tucker, professor of high way engineering at the college, will preside over the discussions. Speakers will include Charl«»s Ray, of Richmond. Va.: Doyle Can non, of Raleigh: George I!. Ross, o| Raleigh; Morgan B. Spier, Jr., oi Charlotte; J. N. John.-on, of Balti more, Md.; Prof. R. 15. Rice, of State college; John II. Vickers. of Char lotte; R. C. Atwood, of Greensboro; W. D. Lewis, of High Point; N. P. Straus, of Henderson; Carl F. Becker, of Apex; Industrial Con - missioner T. A. Wilson, of Raleigh; Ronald Hocutt. director of the high way safety division, and Dr. Wil liam McGehce and Dr. Frederick McCutcheon, of State college. JUST A KINSTON .STORY. Kinston. Jan. 2.—A story was circulated here today that $30,000 ivas saved from a blazing mattress n a mid-town dwelling. The re sort said the fire started from a oipc smoked by an aged woman re fining on the mattress. Firemen ;aid thov were unaware of such a lappening. They hari extinguished lames in a mattres« /n the home of in elderly woman but had found io money in it, not even 30 cents, hey said. Officials said the story vas probably unfounded. fl'DGES ARE SHIFTED FOR HARNETT COURT Dunn. Jan. 2.—Superior Court rierk Howard Godwin announced oday thai Judge John J. Burney. if Wilmington, would preside over he January 8 term of Harnett Su jcrior court instead of Judge C. E. rhompson, of Elizabeth City. Judge Thompson was scheduled o preside over the term, but Gov. riyde R. Hoey notified Godwin hat the two jurists h^d be^r hanged, sending Judge Thompson o»his home county of Pasquotank .ad Judge Uui'uey Ij IluingU. Cupid Beats Train j Jessie Simpson (njrlit), ot TeanscK, N. J., former model who lost her legs when she fell benpaih a train, selects her wedding gown, worn I y a model from a New York sum.,-. Jessie will marry James Steward, | advertising executive. {Centml I'rene) Y. P. S. L. Members Given Tea Dance Mrs. James H. Brodie ;nui Mrs. W. J. Alston, sponsors of tho Young People's Service League of Holy Innocenis Episcopal church, entertained the members of the league at a tea dance Saturday :if ternoon from 4 to (j o'clock, at the West End Country C'lub. Between 75 and 1 no guests, in cluding league members :md their guests, were present for the after noon. Dancing was enjoyed, with music being furnished by the nickelodeon, j Punch, wafers, and candy were I served. Gors lo Washington. Oren T. Eu-on has returned to Washington. D. C. after spending the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. .Jes sup. BABY 3 Easy to relieve _ _ ■ misery direct without "dosing". M ■■III Rub throat, chest. LmLU and back Wlth*'* WICKS USED BY 3 OUT \M I tv OP 5 MOTHERS Y VAPORUB . Inventory Gloves Fabric gloves in winter shades of brown, navy and wine. Were $1.00. Reduced to 49c Spun Rayon . 16 pieces of Spun Ka.von "bulla Crepes. Reduced to 39c Kid Gloves 1 group. Formerly $l.0X and j $2.25. Now $1.49 1 group now at $1.00 Suede Bags Iilack, brown and wine. Sold for *1.08. Now $1.69 Woolens Stripes, plaids and solid col ors. 54 inches wide. Former ly sold for $1..'J9 to $2.50. Now $1.00 to $1.69 Short Lengths 1-2 Price (Piece Goods Dept.) E. G. Davis & Sons Co. Clearance SALE Warm Specials For Cold Weather Sweaters Ladies' Kmc Wool Sweaters (100'* All Wool). Found on ,i special table upstairs. Slip ons ant! cardigans. All sizes. Bear Skin Sweaters and Sonja Henie Outfits *2.98 Value . .$1.29 $1.00 Value . . .79c Bradley Woolly Jackets $7.95 Value . . $5.50 $8.50 Value . . $5.75 (UjMairsO Boys' Sweaters All Wool Zipper Front Mod els. All Sizes. $3.00 Value . .$1.98 j $1.75 Value . .$1.00 I Boys' Sleeveless All Wool $1.00 Value . . .50c (Shoo Dept.) Boys' Tweeduroy Corduroy Knickers $3.00 Value for $2.49 (One D;iy Only) Balbriggran & Tuck Stitch . Pajamas $1 Value — Now 59c COAT SPECIALS .*> fine quality coats. 2 with jrenTiTne Heaver collars. Size IX maroon and IS jrrey. One with Black Fox collar, si/.e 16 tfray. Formerly -S00. • Now $1!) 1 Lot Brown Coats With Fur Trim 6 coats in .sizes M, 18, and 40. Formerly $1().">0 to §25.00. Now $2.98 2 Pi intze ss Coats Sizes IS and 11. Formerly $2o and -SO'). Now $5.95 E.G