DAILY CROSS WORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 A lump 4. Edible i 7. Foothk< par: 10. Fetish 11 Ha-=t- ■ 12. Land nu-a^ur* 13. Sh;u>: 14 Cor.-;:".u . t'O-.ai 15. Grapes 18. Build 19. A fruit 21. A top 24. Without 2$. Iniitatt 29. Corde i fabric 31 To clo.Sc •:;> 32. Wager ?3. Printer's rr.ca?ur-s St. Congeal 1 water 35. Swedish coin 36. Perish 37. Ever (con traction) 3S. Uncommon 40. Surgical stitch 42. Like a reea '44. Moist 47. An ear shell 61. Judgment 53. Anger C4. Male child 55. Weep 56. To trans gress 57. Conclude 58. A hat 59. Coterie DOWN 1. Outdoor eame • • v_\ if-'ial A rar.c-l M .Uculir.e riinv* ;• ; nor.iir.a war i?. F'^Ul over j.' • • .j .-ill.;r»n 22. Musical drama 23. An apostle 2-3. Farewell 26. More retir.: 1 27. A cubic meter 30. Pen-name 3?. Ireland 41. Norse wa r-ged 43. Fiat 44. Stockings 45. On 46. Head 4$. Fail to hit 49. A Great Lake -Saxon ey Distribute-:! by King Features Syndicate. Inc. BARCLAY ON BRIDGE * By Shepard Barclay The Authority on Authorities" > SOW VOI R >\J MAY BE ve player ir. er respeeti-. b! ■ ; efficient :r. t .*Gir.g of s:g. '■ :v rate your:; i.-.in mediocre. 1-. dee!arer cic-~ . . >/cvk between the :annot see each o:l •-.-refore have to ' . *'le" by the leeit: meeting their p'.a;. ALS the best de the world ir. .it ;f you are he eivir.g ar.d "ou ••'"Ul have is no better ■. ork against . upon team v:fer.:iers. *.vho ner's hands ana talk across the imate means of .•? careful'.v A K Q & 4 ? t Dealer Xs th :vul nerable. ) East opener i de?l with 1- . Club., West iit-i l-«eart. North 1-Sp?.de. East "'.'-Civb?. West 2- { Hearts. North 2-cpades and South : 3-Spa'irj. which ait passed South ' was afraid tc ry >v Trurr.p. v.ith his sir.«:e sir , r ir: West's rebid hearts. Answering his partner's bid. East led the heart 3. v.-on by the A On it West rOaycd the heart 8 & fcy Kin.- F< He could read his partner's leac as a singleton, and his high carc was meant to ask East to shift tc the higher-ranking of the othei side suits, diamonds ranking high' er than clube. Had East, after winning wit* the trump ace. then led a dia mor.d. West would have won anc led back a heart for a ruff. On« more trick each then in diamonds and clubs would have set the con tract East, however, didn't kr.ow tha< signal He thought West's higr heart asked for a repeat of th' su:t. which he couldn't glv hav. tn.jr a singleton So ■. ? "e . the club A and another clut hoping West could ruff Thus declare! made his contract. Tomorrow's Problem ({» * 6 4 I ,y. i tS Q J ? 3 i 'Dealer: South. X^rth-South vulnerable.) How can South make 7-Clute on this deal after th? heart J is led? a'.urc-s Syndicate. Ir.c A A 10 5 5 w K Q 6 <* Q S 7 > » J 10 3 3 O K J 10 6 op 3 o A K " A 7 5 4 A 5 AAKQJH Medicine's Banner Anniversary Year By LOGAN CLKNDENINf;. M. I). THIS ciamr; v. "le *r.d long- i.'« m:— : ii :--i u very Happy Nov. V'-ar! What will 1.*: 1 bring forth in nedical ' Oar i < <• >r I in the j past ori *.h;.- ar.ruv :.-ary n <\able: 1 Fifty year- u-.- >—1 . •'< a young ! b»Cter:nl'jgi.:t nam* '! K..:il M' hring,' in the "Triangle," 'he <»!•: dilapi dated building of K'.'-'i'- laboratory in Berlin, wa- working on a hint given him by a Frf-r;e/\ri:an. The Frenchman's nun:" was Roux. Dr. Clendening will answer queslions of f'l-neral interest only, and then only through hi3 column. .vFrmchmen and Germans worked frfrfr-r in those far-off days for flffaanity.) Roux had been working Hp'diphtheria, which then took a flfcadful toll of young child life. He ■H proved thiit what killed the Wildren was not the diphtheria ferm itself, but the poison it pro uced—the toxin. Behring thought that where there ■was a poison there should be an antidote. After long labor he was able to immunize horses and prove that the blood strum of an immune horse contained the antidote or anti toxin to neutralize the toxin of diph theria. And one winter's night— Christmas night, indeed—he bent j&yer the bed ide of a desperately Pick chihl, choking and almost gasp ing its last breath*-, and injected "the first d>e of diphtheria anti toxin ever gi'. -n. Only 50 years .ago.' ? A hundred y - r ■ ago, the Jewish jProfessor of . my at Zurich, Jacob Ile.'i: *. •|M'' : tied a Irs--!;, "Mi . asms aril »'■ i. . ,r->ri," which con tained (he lit* • r.s-ar sf 'i -merit of the germ "ti i . A l''n-:ir man, Pasteur, w i. t-. ' ; i,.t ;» ■ >und, experini; . . • , '>.:t iletile first out1 it • Infanti! • -I - v/:.. 1'st «!e scribed ! . ■ r.'i a. •» that conditio: < I' -'.■•»id \ !i<*h produces [>••. .. •••< kni' .n as Basedow "> ti: . ■•. 'I lie first den school in the United .Slate:; was founded in Baltimore by Chapii Harris in 1340. The first hospita for tuberculosis in England opener ii.i doors that year. What a lonj road we have come in scientific den ti.stry and tuberculosis treatmen since then! University Founded Two hundred years ago the Uni vcrsity of Pennsylvania was found ed. It was called the "College o Philadelphia." It was to give loni and honorable service to its countrj There was a war going on in 174 —the "War of the Austrian Succes sion." How ironically that nam rings in our ears today! And, a is usual in war years, there wer pestilence and famine. There was widespread epidemic of typhus feve —almost unkonwn now—the feve spread by lice. Smallpox was rag ing in England and Scotland an throughout the American colonies Nobody knew how to prevent it. "Physician's Watch" Two hundred and fifty years ag Dr. John Floyer invented the "phj sician's pulse watch." He was abl to count the pulse in sickness an health, and made diagnostic dedu< tions from the data. The watchc began to be manufactured and gc into circulation. They had secon hands on them. Your second han was put on your watch by a phj sician for the benefit of physician How many times do you use if Probably never, unless you are physician, nurse or chemist. I Four hundred jear ago, 151 Valerius Codis di < overed ndphur ether. The world v.;r: to wait. !!(, years before it wa- »!i:-rovered tl.i it would put a person io ..!<■< p an keep him free from |•:.in througl out a surgical operation. And fj'iO year; ago printing w: discovered, tl:- nio .t jriot: .vim versary in ojr ro.'er of !'.»!!(. Kl)irn':'S NOTK: Or. «*:• • % hi:: >• vi n i .nptlk*t. whi« i. rid ■ • Msiiii >1 .. ■ 11. 1 i ctioii.i fur I Ik- Tr< :tl im-nr <> |»inh«»trs". "Kefninin* llyriem" *J>U '"IU Caic u£ the Hair and bklu". ifu<i ■: Kadi I'-i' l K-ir oiy one i-CT i in roin. aii'l a > .i in coin, aii'l •> V/Mi 11 th • -t:i CI' iiil' iiiMr. '1 II u-t". an«! < urinj; :i."I CailiilMS :. it I i-i'l TKIMBLL BLONDIE Registered I. S Pwtfot Office 05 Wood To Saw! By Chic i ou SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R.J.SCON K flu4E Red ballook oH<HE<KROA.<oF^£ MALE MAN-0-WAR. BIRD \$ BLOWK UP DUR.1H4 *<Kt £EA.$OK -fb ktfkAtf -tftE FEMALE' Atf*E.K/fioK v>V. iJ.MU^Le INDIAN^ . BO.I115H ^ Li I ANA., v/-\SL SA.N AHA., 0P-> •. lAR^E LEAVE"? .r. vfECf-fHEMfEIVE5 r-; ' -4(e HoT $uK ,-fHEV \ ;n( a ver./ \[ryf CD MATE i ri "-•/cAKHCrf if t r: i:?„e<He Di r_ect RA>S FR.OM "ftfE_ 5UN _ /({(E IN^L'CfoP. A/A 5AK FRAHCl^CO^ALir., ff ^ PooL ADVICES PuPlLS 5/ -TELEPHONE , EVEN. V/nEH ""'V.-.Y* ^ S© ARE UKDER- WArtE.R- — WA'Tep.-proop R£c?jvrr< ok <f.E PuP:\.:" "y% « - Copr I959. K.r.i Features Inc, WorlJ riA'.s rcscrvtd Senator UOSSENFEFFER SpeaKm6 to fid to3m at +J1& VftpySYBANQUE7 c ^ rAS EVEN IN THE ANCIENT D/WSOP<3fcEkKG,WMEN THE MAI28LE WALLS OF THE TEMPLES ECHOED TO THE THUNDEROUS CHCEI2S WE<TOO>f2AISE' OUIZ HUMBLE VOICES IN VOClFEfSOUS TT2I8UTE - I'VE <SCT 'O Get out Or MEI2EMV riATcc; By PAUL ROB IN SO ' STEP AS IDE '-E n r II 'k"; THE GUMPS—TO THE RESCUE \ YOU '- AY YOU FCSJMD c-A3\'Z WHEJSk? u VJEL'J1. *V*i» 4H-TAKE IT EM&i I DON'T WANT Mlbt TO HEAR-&A&Y PHONEP ME t-A^"7* 5atj^av JA/i R>3GM >MiCr M6AN AfjulttP? wwv Pi? yc'j "7H/£> pr.GM .A'*':'1? X m , I P/CW'T IVANT TO 5PGIL YOUR NEW V£AI?£ £V£ FiA/ -£«£'£ FACING TRIAL ON A SHOPLIFTING CHARGE I FURNISHED BAIL ASJP ESTA&U5HEP HER AT THE Vi, &ELPLXZA HOTEL-APSQUATbOt /"unp— ""7 OF COURSE- ' The policei C;„" HAVS 7/W£ (sOOi > <*>' HEZ-BiJT Y2!J A v-'.V < SURE, I'LL FioHT 7/-. CASE IMiTH /W LS;>T £ I \ \ ' 3 S •>v 7 ip :g ■' '': ;Sj T> ' !■? ?1 © I© #1 ^ 7:; I "2 u\ II". '.V Ih- Tri //,;.• - ,\#5; A THE OLD HOME TOWN R«g'S»ered U S P*t#nt Off BySTA KLEY i lirfi ,i=, ?■) y. xammh ■"■ /A - II ; . . i-A". ,nV:.:. ' V •' ill last \ r. : ~ Ti"i-.r w w. i.-. 3OT7A0 CliT A' .Tfrt/rt two BL'C-i: :-~ ■ r:/T».1"5 Sy:®:CATE. SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R.J.SCON A +1U4E Red BALLOOH^f on frit ROAT of -ft£ male man-o-war. BIRD 1$ BLOWK UP DUR.IN4 ^E MAYiK^ $EA$Ort -Jo A«RACr -lUE FEMALE'^ " A-lYEKflOK 'Jmi^LE INDIAN^ itf . ^ Li I ANA, V VP- 3 AH AHA < OR^ LASc^E LEAVE"? vfECf <*lEMfELVES ' ' -4(E Kerf $UK~ 'oU^H -fHEV -*V:\ !H A VER./ ! ;vr £L1 MATE "iri'V cAKKCrf D1R-ECT rR-OM^E- SUK /&£ ^WlMMlN^ lN^fRAldofc A<A 5AK FRAHCKCO^Al!F.( UiC p-siC PooL ADVICES ^1$ PllPl'L^ £ -<ELEPHoHE , EVEN. Y/l^EK N W ARE UNDER- WA<E A WATER.-PR.OOP RZCrJVf 15 CLAMPE.P oK -ftfE PliP'.V, .r— Ccpr 1959. K:r.i Fiitur« Syr.j.cjtc. Inc. WortJ ri^.ts rc:-:rv«d ETTA KETi Senator //ottSVf&fB? SpeaK/nti to Vid to3m t at t/i<z V'tio&y6ANQU& f AS EVEN IN THE ANCIENT D/tySOFC5fc£tCE,WM£N THE MA128LE WALLS OF THE TEMPLES ECHOED TO THE thunderous cheeiss • VJEiTOO^AISC OUIZ HUMBLE VOICES IN VOClFEfZOUS TT2I8UTE - J n/E 6ot to i V;;'J fa r Get our o~ J . ! and WE'LL , HEf2EMV J f r- '-) ! c^SWcu n/yrcG. I i ^ ;r " i 1 y (/ -v By PAUL ROBINSQ GIVE HEI2 FI2ESH Al(Z I WSBVj smes fainted, > II STAND 6ACK" 1 ^v-r;—VBBB VJE'LL MEET 'EM AT TV(E I jt DOOf2/J

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