y ,\ .rt.AGES, parties ;.\L ACTIVITIES SOCIETY NEWS TELEPHONE 610 HOURS: 9 A. M, TO 12 NOON CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENT (. Oi "»> l'Or\TRY. ; l»t 1 a' .' ..ntiy. so they i action. keen.! - A matt to rule -. y sane in .iudg-j •;' f the time oi | - nu. step by i • \t. onored him.! ■ u >t ! \ ice true. > «.•: Ami lie gave j tor !ii> fellow-! • ::i:r,?eli luicl • red. b> u- to thee. t:-.v heritage! • Weils Da . is. i..;rl»ek Here .... Greens n the city Sally D Gar it 111 i't.tllixliM !i. Pace spent v V : ginia. as the l\.ce"s sister. Mrs. >:i Petersburg i • and Mr. a:id a dwell. Jr.. visited . \ a., over » :")rtr» to Meet \ chorus will meet to- j *tkvtci 01 at o:30 - -. high school. . ... i to ye present. U k-eiul («uest> M. Lewis had as ixer ! ts her =:ster. Mrs. D.irhatn. her niece. Raleigh, and ■ Lewi.-, ot Durham. 5 mv. tor Florida ... er. Mrs. Hubert r. L. .. *;1 aot'iC} j - H G. Maxwell, oi ! planning to leave j - tv." Florida, for a 1 t r Ut ek-Er.d j Tanner. a student 1 v. Lege. Green-1 oro. ! .-end here with her ! Mr.-. C. P. Ta.tner. j ,.. -t -.e. class:: ate. | » :e"lv. o; Asheviile. .1: li\ liiv* Ci Jts°> .. -. A. »■ - Rocid.."» iitii. .•t jit'Siiwi'-j:iv ,.ic ;i S ..va. y ni-iht her ; p;.:*e:"*-. tici • and 1^'"* '"lis :r. • :z'.\ on a business t. :p. ' 11 1 I r • lM r~. » | I IUJ - f v-'h'/ M\ra~irb OAn^O jiiril: <>i Daughter .J.^eph J. PitJlkuch. i *.hc Rose Apartments • c. announce the • .. K-tthleen Jeanne P ham hospital v.: 91 EiAQ? ,3 Easy to relieve t*ar\aS B V .. . direct vithout "dosing". r*:'3 throat ciioj*. :;cl oiiCf. • • « LT:3 S* 3 O'JT -*:is W VAPORUB Marian Martin x Pattern ^ PATTERN 9326 Of course you want your * ' :t rhen-dutv" costume simple to make But it can be crisply pa tty ;,t the -a:ne time. Here's proof In M Martin's Pattern 9326. See t'.ie well 1'tmg front lines, with the .-martiy ^uiveu >ide bodice sections that orm. one piece with the houldeiv In back the shoulder straps arc ;nt in just THREE PIECES such, excluding the sash and the >;:>tiona pockets. Take vo'tr choice >t ;w" gay voivions: '.me with contra>t. the other with u colorful. ea>y flower •ppiique. Pattern 9326 may be ordered onlv a sizes small, medium -ind large. 111 s:ze. view A. requires 1 1-2 35 inch fharic and "i-8 yard I'ntrast: view B. 2 1-8 yards 35 rich. Send FIFTEEN' CENTS in coins or this MARIAN MARTIN pattern *o sure to write plainiv vour SIZE. N.A ME. ADDRESS, and STYLE NUMBER. Send your order to Henderson Dailv Dispatch. Pattern Deoartment. 232 W. 18th S» . New York. N. Y. Dabnev P.-T. A. To Meet On fu.esday The Dabney Parent-Teacher As sociation wiil meet in the .school auditorium Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, according to an announce ment made today. All members were urged to be present. Visitor on Sl.\nr'i:tv. U'illie E. Hooker. o! V.'arronton -pent Sundav with .'.it. and Mrs. P E. Lewis. r. D. (Vs to Meet The United Daughters of the Con federacy wili meet Wednesday af ternoon at 4 o'clock with Mi-ses Jennie and Jtinie Dunn, at their at 42'i \ort;i Garnet1: street. Cat »oW,l iNtSKIf6 ■>. 1940 All-Wluie \ fukwZcifer WASHER EASY Turbolator action takei on a 3-ZONE WASHING job— a thorough, tub-through ac tion that washes ALL the clothes ALL the time—putting YOU hours ahead on Mon days! I.ess wear on clothes be cause entire tubful gets equal washing cction — no "dead zone' of floating pieces at top ... no excessive -.. ashing wear at bottom of tab. Henderson Furniture Co. Phone 14-1 Alma Club Meeting At TheR. G. S. Davis Home The Alma Club met Saturday aft ernoon with Mrs. 1!. CI. S. Davis and Ivirs. 13. Frank Harris, as hostesses, at the Davis home on Andrews avenue. A letter I'rom Mrs. Berniee K. Harris. thanking the club lor a con gratulatory wire sent her when she received the Mayflower Cup. was read. Officers were reelected for the coming year, and the president, Mrs. K. F. Siuiw. appointed the louowingl program committee lor 1940-41: Mrs.' E. H. Dixon, chairman; Mrs. F. L. Toepleman, and Mrs. William II. Boyd. The matter of the Alma club's sponsoring the lectures lor next year was discussed, and voted upon negatively. The afternoon's program, "Radio in the World Today ' consisted of two very interesting; papers by Airs. Wil liam H. Bnvct and A'isv Aiarie! Gary. The hostesses served delicious re freshments to fifteen members and two sue: ts present. Gaia Plans For Leap Year Lance Are Being Formed The Ambassador Club's Leap Yean D; nee Wednesday evening from 101 unt:i o'clock ;il West End Country' Jiub [ i'oie.ii'C: to be a most enjoyable j a.'.air. according to Mi.^s Dorothy | vVesier. presi lent pro tempore, who.! i.'i lv. ooard ol directors, chosen Cor thi. event, are planning to make he cU'i.ee a big event fur this sec tion. Air; numerous girls in nearby ! c:ties have been invited to atiena,! with their escorts. ! "Best Undressed'' Janice Logan | An abbreviated,,toga, coupled with a spectacular figure, won for Jarwce j Logan, Hollywood star, the title of ; "best undressed woman of the year." Among the runners-up were Mar lene Dietrich, No. 2; and Dorothy Lamour, No. 3. Selection was made by Art Students League, in Nsw York. i {Henderson Peoole i r * At \ arbroufjh-Hines W edding In Durham i | A number uL Henderson people attended the marriage ol Miss Lur •nelia Eiliut Yarbrough, of Durham, 'and Richmond Kennon Hincs, ol New (York City, at 8:30 o'clock Saturday jeveiling in Duke Chapel, Durham, 'and tiie reception given at the home ol tiie bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Yarbrough, immediately iol lowing the ceremony. ! The Yarbroughs are former resi ' dents ol' Henderson and they have a number of friends here. Among those who were at the .wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank IB. Robards, Mr. and Mrs. JR. J. !Jones, Miss Betsy Rose Jones, Mrs. | R. B. Powell. Mrs. L. R. Gooch, Miss I Page Gooch, and Miss Annie Thomas. , ol Henderson and Washington. Mrs. I Farquhard S. Best, of New York, one of Miss Yarbrough's attendants, (returned to Henderson Saturday j night, to visit her parents, Mr. and I Mrs. L. R. Gooch. Governor Hoey Here. Governor Clyde R. Hoey, Mrs. Hoey. and ihcir daughter. Miss Isobcl Hoey. were in the city yesterday. The party stopped at Parker's Drug Store, where Kdgar Edwards .-erved the G' " ern •. his I'avo: ite dring a Coca Cola. Red 1 U-'SX :!P.d l!:S til I'iicv i; a, I i ClKipol lilil. '..iii iHi HI ll 111'.- . ,lISIC lOl" lilt e\ cut. 1 he ladies will •• i.-i .hi dancc, dt> ail the i 1 aiiinj;. v..t!i I mere nKiiiv Ihcic : i!n,j|y .. a m i - oily. tiacii member t>! thr ;>:lui organization will brir.;; t\.., (>.■ n.ore dates, and ihe invited gue>t v.:!; tl<» like-wise. In keeping v.'t'i the i-!u^>i."<.*%. thf it;, nee v.'iil be smelly mimal. Miss Daniel is Oil Meredith i lonor Roll Meredith College. Raleigh. Feb. 2G.—The honor roil for the lall se mester ut Meredith college, released recently by Miss Luc:!e Johnson, registrar, lists 144 students, with 48 attaining the lirst honors, ana lib entered on the second honor roll. All "A" rating went to tour stu dents. The 18 students making the first honor roll achieved a scholastic average of over U<) percent. Miss Rowena Daniel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Daniel, of Hen derson. and Miss Lillian Watkins. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Watkins, of Manson, were among those girls achieving tlie first honor roll rating. P.-T. Members I r^ed To Attend Forum Members of Parent-Teacher As sociations in Vanee county are urged by the officers ul' that organization to attend the panel discussion on "Federal Aid to Education", to be conducted by a group of University of North Carolina faculty members, led by Dr. Ralph W. McDonald, as sistant director of the extension of the University, in the Henderson high school library Wednesday even ing at 8 o'clock. The subject of federal aid to edu cation is being treated at this time by a committee of the State Parent Teacher Association. called the '"Xext Steps in Education" commit tee. and the open forum Wednesday will tie in with the P.-T. A. commit tee work. Mrs. W. R. Daniel is the member from Vance county on the committee. Lonely Bride Margaret Hill Steinbruckner An American from Springfield, Mass., the former Margaret Hill is pictured as she returned to New York to try and^ get her German husband, Hans Steinbruckner, re leased from a British internment camp. He was seized when war broke out, shortly after they were married. T Get QuicA Relief when HEADACHES Strike Nerve-racking headaches usually yield promptly to the quick-acting ingredients in the "EC" formula. Try a "EC" the next time a headache is pounding away. Note how quickly you are re lieved and begin to feel much better. =M "BC" is also effective for the relief of muscular aches; pains of neuralgia; functional periodic pains, and as a sedative in simple nervousness. Use according to directions on package, aad always consult a physician when pains persist. 10c & 25c sizes. News From Library A t Henderson High School Last week the book order lor this school year was sent. Books ordered are as follows: 78 fiction, 15 North i Carolina, 3 vocational and subscrip tion to Vocational index, G Story I Collections, 3 Mathematics, and 1 history. After the books arrive, it will take about two weeks to put them into circulation. Mrs. A. M. Fountain of Raleigh (formerly Miss Maxine Taylor) made a visit to the library recently. She gave some books, chiefly history, as subscription. The list o! students who owe line: grows smaller every day. This i probably due to the tact that student are paying more attention to the dati due stamped in the back of the book The daily reminder of date on stud; hall boards may help a few to tun books in on time. There are so fev books in certain groups that it al most becomes necessary not to re new books at the end of the 7-da; period. Many students are cooperat ing nicely in this respect: there are few renewals when compared with the circulation. —Reported. Important for Women A weak, run-down condition niton gives a foothold to functional 5 dysmenorrhea, causing much peri > odical distress from lieadach.es, 5 nervousness, cramp-like .pain for J women. CARDUI so often helps in such cases, for it sharpens appe tite, boosts flow of gastiic juices; 1 so improves digestion, helps build physical resistance. CARDUI, lak ■ en a few days before ard during - "the time." is another way to help ' periodic distress. Used 50 years. 1 iuiiu vv o. Fish. History of America. McKinley. World history in the | making. Williamson. Problems in American Democracy. Beard. History of the U. S. Lurch. Problems in American De- | mocracy. Schapiro. Civilization in Europe. i Furniss. Labor problems. lla/.cn. Modern Europe, j Shakespeare. As you like it. Webster. Early European history. This ^jift of bonks was appreciated ivery much and the books will bo put in . circulation as soon as possible. ] . Lillle change has been made this !| jjemester in the group of council ; j members who keep the charging I j do.-1-. During 5th period Stamo Za- j pantis takes Majorie Royster's place; !i jLula Abbot during the (5th period! hakes .Mildred Whitley's place. The j stud', nts at the desk handle cir-j ! dilation in a very satisfactory man ner. j i During the past week Helen Mus- ' | tian. council member, made two j i labels for the Democracy and Con- j j serration shelves. As much material J as possible will be collected this year ! for these and for North Carolina and Vocational shelves, also. The high school library is open daily from 8:15 a. m. to 4: