DAILY C \ - * v - across 1. Small i 5. 9. To stunt 11. A mo 1?. Arti f ran v4 13. Cant 14. Likoiv 13. Sk-H IT. l'r:i ' is. ExoLi'va • tion 19. Ascend 23. Kirk! of daisv 2S. Kin.! of1 29. A let CO. Fc :i-h 31. Six C2. Apr" 35. Rcwboai 37. Fur:i«h 3S. Fuller wc-is 29. cyprii fish 41. Fuss 14. Fish spawn 45. The eye 4S. Ir.trii.ue 50. Canu'e 52. Shackles 53. Teacake 54. Feat 55. Concludes DOWN 1. Notion 2. Exchange 3. Final 4. Before 5. Disfigure 6. Jason s sh ? 7. An image S. Allot 10. F'acci .i 11. Measure ct length Csndy Co. Cerium 40. Perform 41 Fair.? •t ' : :on- o :>YvrrS'\t •'r> « 7 i \ ■ : u*:\ r © A Uh ^7 At I i * ? M 8? !Vf 5! NC*» iC ' DEPEND ADI.:' % orthy as a : oe most of ' table is r.o she is a k- . : playing a e i: • • time that -rv. pick out cr::c. .. lead aces an.! r farious devi-?e« 10 lauqh weeks how thev rot . i'nings the h\s! .. 4 0 M *> K J r '2 Z : i\ : A a :: J A K ♦: !~~ .V. if A S '> 3 > 10 G 3 ^ A a r. - •- . *? :•> '• $ Q ' t\ Q " ' o «Oeal-r: ?.' ■ /ulnerab'.e.1 North F 1 NT 3 NT Very N vulr.e: tribi:'. an-.'. So;:-.* Other- v.v. Trussr? ■ 2-X > Or.'- -. • '■ buc poi.-;t ly not the Q ho ■ !•;<: Iccd. and the Q won A heart was re lumed to the A and a third round ruffed South then led tne spade 2. V.'hort she played the >>. h--> c; her tor possibly the J but i >t the :; pl.'.yed ilur.:::!;'-." V. the.?i:i . : -tor. J winnir.?. 7 "!.cr. of i Minse. lost the settia : trick to the . -•pade K. ! * I -r [• ■v.- heart leeu really gave . • •; a chance to make C-Spades. If he came up with the K. then n • n • diamonds, discarding a i •. i"o!'ov.-in<? with the »pctde i \ an i another to the Q. he would ! '•■w lost only to :he spade K. j v h r •••a! defense and play, he • • :• tost only one trick in h • making five-odd. And : -> : by ' c.vr. wife. k * < * | •r r-' -rro'.v's Probk.-ii A J o 5 3 2 V A J 3 s A v <; ?> I | A " S 7 —r —j & Q 10 9 j ; I* Q 4 :» I **'•.! y 7 G : t. 0 J !<: A A 9 5 4? * I •> <y j • "0 ? s n . / K i r> 7 a a j !•) <P:al r: Zast. Hcth :Ides vul nerable.) ' it is the : bid on fc id fci 8 • ! • r who ij. >t air.h'.g tor a better •- re on it I B} I.OVAN ' ! 157 - a ;V., >• • A ;.»• • lay: . Rick. VI. seen hea! .:. enlar:' ir: ti: me a? secret:* Ir.tr; nervju ine.-s f.i" WiilT:: excitet: ■ • of the r All of '.! ent in binati'.ri •• lat^i... • occur v.! tion an \ ■ 9r li.' I>r. n r. • . question.- <• only. ::: i • hi? c ■! i:..:::. an inert :' ereu- i:i . you may sympton . goiter. Undor i: the fact duced by . the {')')•!. • ». tain : goiter t an supplying \ to til*- biidv i spring am1 i"a,:. In certain fori.!.-; of ;:<.i:er v. ;■! ! feed:.'is ami ■ i .. Other ca - ; : ! cratioii i- r. TrecJmc:.!" c»: Insomnia What -.frfit. I sotmri't.' I Inborn • ; a ?/•»:• m v.: ! may be ■ • :n • t «>;. hi all ii. In ti. c*i- v. • a!!c;re<i de.-p-l leasiic. s r.-.-in or so»i '.ry symptom, i: i- invariably due to li'-rvous > i- inadequate emo tional attitude towards life. The I : . : ; :t <• >•- : <■ •• Ssmpte pprevented by ' f iodine '■ L. j toms 1 1 ''•"•H. 1II >' ■ ui ::i ( ji if/ j . ■ -r»i smi j r," npple ; ■ - » o nfu'.s of ■... .: or:>.- j ce < y t.-ast. coffee ! v i..: . .;nr> of -'.i'.-ur and t' a » ...• l v>rt'»r.mi o* i ream. , / ' i ieken : ala»I — two j I • iful.-s; on? pi cc toast 1 v i but erj black • or t- a I •,vi-a I t/> ( seam (;t spinach | >r:p. one pillion mutio:.. "tic j | ;>i' ■ -11 f ii-ips. lemon ico (!.*m- j * ;. ju ! -. w .ter. one teaspoon j - :m! i : iilc'tl: coffee or tea. i I "s t'alories— S7"». ! •i vi< t -point of in: omnia is ,. it i" ? <•? a 'n'l' , which saps i svital! v health. It isdoubt- I ; ::i whether insomnia te ever j caused bad health. A pi :.n . -irologi.-t. slates that he Ik. - *'e! ;i patient with a mental ' < !'•!■ that can be attributed to .r. .:>tu::a. Modern treatment condi mi; ih» ■ of I*. pnoLii-.-: or drugs to induce a- they simply mask the real i- .r:»iiti-«n. Counting sheep, ete.. etc., r.i -j. iy a trick for the repre -ion >unpleasant ideas. .Many sleepless patients resist the :• 'iptaticn to take an afternoon nap • -cau-e they think it depletes their toek of 21 hours' sleep. There is no foundation for this:. On the ,eon ' i ary, a nap in the daytime is benv •ciai. It teachfs relaxation anil en Ztulcrs confidence in the ability 1 «> , ^et. to sleep at night. Vitamin p?incip!f>s have been found beneficial in many exhausted -tates, including in omnia, particu larly ascorbic acid, th" vitamin ('. J principle, which may account for | t'ne fact that a ^Iass of tomato juice s r orange juic, taken he fore going i lo bed, help.-. ] F.f>rp-".'S NOTK: IV. (!k ha •vi ;• j* t . vvhi'h can «*i»l ji i • *1 l«" | : !« Much pamphlet " 1W 1 •» I I'»r :»/ or.e |iami»Silrt «I - -. ?-<•*!. -«i:d 10 ' in coin, ami a self-addr.• I' . ••• i :n • •! with a three-eeiit atamp, i«» l» J •v ;u*i Cl«*n<l«. nine. in •«! i!», papvr. , . he pamphlet? arc: * T!»»■«•«.• W» » l. i:••.(»«« - t ins? Diet", "Indijjesticm ami Con tipati«»n". "Reducing: and Gaining", "Infant. I-red- , ir.;c", "Instructions Tor t in* 'I im-nt of I>iabete*", "Feminine Hygiene" uii<J '"i'lit Care of the Hair and Skin". THIMBLE THEATPE Starring FOPEYE t\-,v\! THE V TkScT^oXI 6Vs/lMMlM6i )^\A/!MiM\CK- ' PCCL \*6 I POOL, TKc FlLLirvCi ( 6rV,P 16 / Cu!Tb i\(.HAKIM' ; R^DLVy ~ ^ "c/""5 " ; \V\ ■ 1 vA\j i 11 ■ 11 m i I! DO NOT CAPF. TO HAJc ' JVC J C/VoT AdPERS!OM4 |\2,M MV VACHT j '/ / AFThR AV-L.TKIS'o f ( MY VACHT. \T 16 ; \ TRE: GMUV ONE I \ \ Br\'E. , 'i / Vv/IN'.PV / AN\U6INt<.BUT OUR PREDiCAUMENiT V 16 6ER kWB_L, 61NK CPv rLOWT. AT LErVoK Vn'vt. DOWN A\-ONV£. T'.-\Hv 6 iMOBODV tUSE AiOAUD _ :— va/IMPV AN' '/•«1 ' - I »" "'•'•%/ \ *£ J 'Ife g / f -p^-LXWi &f'C% ti> r,,-S "'v. ■ !' !^WV1' - J|> r*v !■ 7w friend, n ; \ AM TRn INAcji l TO 4>ECURi. FG -or .' r'-Vr;t.DEO I vy ii\Kfco Cr 1 «SLU«VGcR.Vv/\LL \ YOU KINiOLY \ rjr.^&E \^TOMplK6i? / /jO/ fY / / ^ />■ ? V / o5 n7F : u s nt^ni o.Tirp The Taming Of I he Shrew. Sy Chi? O 1j O l -<-> £ A Is&zSL TOWN Rog^evd U S P^cnt 0:.,rc S ' * U ■•:« i I HAVE- 'TO LOCK HiS FSTisT L— 1?\ 15re TO BESI^S K£7 C^Ti: totcwm~xa;m.e^ hboiets tme: VldTUALS ~T?-\E STOKE- KEEPER H;M ON A<=-AJM A; ii> <— r::^s m/m home— ,,—^ BACK ROAt> FOLKS — - . / ^ ^ « PRTOOPY SAAAMKS WIFE" MAS FODNP A WAY TO<SirT"HIM SAFELY BY T/MAT Clt>ER MILL AT BEAR HOLLOW copymcht. i /•? ki it at ~r, 'ynjvcat AfiME. UlihtfEP- £ PERSI S<EK< MANY CoLcP-^ , Hi,;: m^ELLI^EKf /,'■• BEYrAIMEP <0 AH DECREE- ACU If /' 0,00 fZE< AS •"ffk th^ES'l" •*0!K'f* P.EA^'r:i> . i _. 5\ _ l> r// A S-fANDARD £.\U£E- 'fRACiC :p V. \ SAID -ib S>E ort A BRAKCtf LIME, or- ll-lECEH-fPAL kk'LTXOAD or PEIUl-S. AMELPJCA pE&VJ<E of A- PE£ULIA^ RESOKAMCE 1M !<$ VOICE. -'V,r. Howling Or A LOME oyo-fe PE^E^.< <OilMD<S 1.'• KEL. '5 iiE C - A 5MALL PACK cF -< V vl By R. J.S( Do You iC: yoiiR Dc: // U'JU: v ETTA KETT I WANT | voua AUTO- , I ON A - fONTT2ACT RUN, JGHHtfY RUft/' j I qo^^r' NR. melODV ^ _r-— C -Hi f -ISf2ASBEDTHE6AL. Bur heu 607 friend GOT AWAY J VOU'SE THE (JPEAT I Paulmei^'^e ri SWING BANiD LEAOtfZ IMAGINE - AND ME j— WITHOUT MV / AlirOfi!2APH ^ ROOK/. I / Jfe. fc' THANKS r didn't WANT HIM, ANY WAV* ^ h .y ^ •7 » V ' . 4^ 2-2 6 V.'MAr I'M PO1.N AIN7 ivALKIN'.." < r V*3?TI ^ ^v''" *" -Vifs. *,/ «xfXr---l,y • "»<*.> V A »• ■- ■ «»5 '1 J-ifc#' By PAUL RC" ~f V0>J(2* A 632\ 0 j ACr VOJ PULLED OU ~ I the srASE ToMienr ' V v - W] i A» ••>-1 V.-1U. )i Ax i ••'IT '■' -• •'i r^c- a or a V». ;-• . — A TsUSTnCPHAN v£f

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