Rose Company Sales Set Ail-Time High For 1939 Volume Is $5,584,457 In 110 Stores; All Directors And Officers Are Re-Elected At An nual Meeting Here. S.iliv- the l»o<e i'>-H5c Store* C'o».p..nv ' a Iu>x- ail-time high rec ord in 1939. stockholders were told a* :r annual meeting today by P. H. K. >e. president and treasurer ot the i" ipany. All directors and of ficers were re-elected tor the year. P. H. Ro>e. founder and head ot the bu.-moss since it began here 25 years ago next month. was re-elected preside::: ana treasure:, with T. B. Rose vice-p:v> dent and secretary. Directors m :'ed by the stockholders were those • oit'icials and R \V. Bruit;, ft. P. Butcher. X. B. Rose. B. H. Perry and \V. T. Xewcomb. Mr. K -e's report said sales in 1939 amounted t • S5.58-t.45T.T5, an in crease ot S471.283.lo. or 9.113 percent, owr t-larnmgs ot the com pany a: 1939 were S2.28 per share, compared with St.75 in 1938. Dividends amounted to Si.60 in 1939. hah' ot wh: 'it was an extra dividend, ar.d shareholders were told that the company pl.-ttried to continue the us ual dividend rate ot SJ cents per share in 1949. Gene.illy improved business con d.tam.s were credited with the in crease ::t voh;.".:e last year. At the end ot 1939 the company itaa 110 stores in operation, seven m\v .: t.- having been opened dur ing the :r Tim new stores were opened .-: XVrtoik. Virginia Beach and Ocean View. Va.. and Elkin. Bre vard and L!n » nt >n. X. and Lake C:tv. S. t". The three stores in the X «. used in bu'ldings erect-d tI'.v ••>:• the purpose. An acid.". :t..l mulding has been leased .»t I5u . it. v. ..etc the com pany h .- ope • ;Vi i •: >evcral years, and the spc ce lh< -e will be virtually doubled v.. i • - .s occupied. In -ihoskie t'liii . .o se tue Rose ^toris were transfer ■•■d to new and more advantajieo s . c t.. :i<. and with larger stocks and new equip me nt. St res at Morehead C ty and Me bane are being remodeled and im proved now. and ine sales at Mebane are bo :•; approximately doubled. An additi« ral oui.'.t-ng to the tear of the >*• ;••• A.. e i us been !eu.«ed t • in< rease the t"!< >- r space about halt', and work ot remod?!:ng modern izi ~ this sure is to get under way! next m nt!. A new store is to be opened in m .-j . Va.. ir. t ie tail, a] A Three Days' Cough is Your Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to loosen germ laden phlegm, increase seer -tion and aid nature to soothe and heal raw. tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. No mat ter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding that you are to like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION For Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis ■ building there having boon leased for the purpose. "It is our plan." Mr. Rose told stockholders, "to continue improve ments and expansion during th.> cur : rent year in the usual conservative | manner, mo king such improvements and opening now stores in such cases as the management feels will allow your company better to serw the I public, and where increased sales and ; profits will justify." The Rose company, as it has done since the inception, maintains home offices here furnishing employment , to some 15u to 2iH) people in Hender son. It is one of the biggest enter prises in the community. Its 110 stores are located in North Carolina.! Virginia. Snith Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia. Most of the stock was represented at today's annual stockholders' meet ing. and all directors were present for the meeting. Negro Taken For So. Pines Officers here arrested on Saturday! night a Negro booked as Kllis Bald win. about 25. wanted at Southern i Pines for obtaiivm* s;<<• -ci- under f;iis; pretense, and on Sunday turned him ( over to Chief of Police Newton, of I that olace. who came here for him.. Chief of Police J. II. Langston said today the Negro was suspected of im plication in a recent post office rob- 1 berv in the Southern Pnu-s area. Baldwin had a room here on Pet tigrew street over i store. He had/ been sought here l'or several days prior to his arrest. Chief Lap.g.->ton, said the man wa- accompanied by a woman, who. however, was not taken nto custody. The chiet also said the J man had a police record in New York,; State. Little Change In Allotments The AAA board of review lor ' Vance county, after meeting here 1st week to consider application- for ad justment of tobacco acreage allot ment*. made one change where an t additional 1 — H) acre was allowed one . tit! l\ W'ct^ >ic«l(.ku l*»cKiy Ly ( County Agent J. \V. Sanders. The board ot review heard 67 ap plicants for adjustment ot allotment.-. l! and dismissed 14 application because the farmers failed to appear. * and four because of late filing. !c Two additional complaints h: \v' been tiled. County Agent Sand-'r 'v said, from among approximately tv.-*•} hundred allotments sent out In -: j week to tobacco growers. The per: • i. v for filing of objections expires March ) 8 and hearings on the petition.- Willi probably be held March IS. jl Our LEAP YEAR Proposal This is the one year out of four known as Leap Year — this is the year that brings an extra day to the short month of February — this is the year of proposals! Our Leap Year proposal is this: Let complete Citizens Hank services provide the" safety, convenience and effi ciency you require in handling financial matters throughout the year. Make use of ALL our facilities. We Are At Your Service CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY Henderson, X. C'. The Leading Hank In This Section Aiember Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 188!) — Fifty-One Years — 11)40 High School Dramatists In State Contest i lit' Senior Dramatic Club ol Henderson high school will present the plav "Cloud Burst" in the state dramatics contest, it was announced today by \V. D. Payne, principal of the high school. The play is to be presented first at Rocky Mount on March 8. when tin- local dramatists will complete against clubs of the Rocky Montr.. Wilson and Greenville high schools. Winner of this district context will compete against three other groups i in eliminations leading to the state finals at Chapel Hill. Members of the cast and produc tion staff will be announced in the j near future, it was sta'ed. Miss Shannon Morton of the high school I faculty is sponsor of the Dramatic I Club. The stage crew has already begun j work, having made the wind, machine ;md thunder sheet fori sound effects in connection with the 1 play, and committees arc beginning ' their work. I 1 Directors Of Chamber Meet j Discussion of offers of several! manufacturing concerns to locate in { Hend'Tson was part of the program for the meeting of the directors ofj the Hi nder.-on C hamber of Coi:-j nu'ree this evening. The gathering was a dinner affair at the Capitoi i Cafe, when F. S. I? oyster and W. J.j Alston were hosts to the sixteen! unmoors ;t a dinner. R. W. Bruin.' (insideni of the chamber, was listed is the presiding oilicer. Council Will Meet Tonight I | Acceptance ol the new sewage clis- j losal plant. con-ideratiun of a dona iun it»i" the Henderson centennial clebration in 1941 and other niat •.'!'> await tiie Henderson City Coiin il i!iis evening at its regular month v meeting lor February. Represen atives of a number of organizations | re t<»join in the request » the alder- i nen to appropriate SI.000 toward ] >.e expenses of the celebration. SEVERAL LOTS IN SATURDAY'S DEEDS Several lots near the eastern see on of the city figured in realty eeds filed with the Vance Registry \V. H. Johnson, et a!, sold Garland • lmsi>!i. ot al. an undivided interest i two lots along Shanks street. Garland Johnston, et al. sold W. t. Johnson, et al. undivided inter st in four lots along Shanks street. Zona Johnson Salesman, et al. eon eyed to Mrs. Geneva Johnson in •rest in six !<>ts near the city. The transfers, in each instance ere made for SI and considerations. Scotland's principal rivers are the ay. Spey, the Dec and the Forth. I ALEX i>. WATiUINS "The Place of Values" Are You Watching Our ABC's Cabinet Hardware Cahill Grates ("tint Honk.; Carpenter's Chalk Carpenter's Crayon Carpet Tacks Caulking Compound Cedar Post Coiling—thick and thin Cement Chain Mi»11 t lean (Jul I)oors Clutho;; Line Coal Clinics Coal Hods Corner Mead Corner Braces Cornerite ('01 rugateri Fastners Cow Chains Crack Filler ("re« »sot(: Cross Cm Saws Uevoe Paints (,)icadoo Cleaner Dome Dampers I )oors I >oor 1 Jells Door Iluinpers Door Closers Door Pulls Double Action Hinges Double X Cleaner Drain Tile Dry Colors 101 bows Kxpan>ion Shields H'arbo Field Fence Files finishing Hoards Finishing Lime Fir Fly Wood Floor Fnamel FJoor Hinges Floor Wax Flooring pine and oak Flue Lining F! v i • Slops Flue Thimbles Food Choppers Framing Lumber ■Y'Hion ('alehes Furnace ('( in nl KurniMiv i'.ii.•:11<• I • 'mminiI- Polish ALEX S. WATKIN5 "When- Qualit.v Tells Ami I'ricis S'll" FUNERAL IS HELD Auto Injuries of Five Weeks Ago Cause of Death Late Saturday Fiukt.-)! s^rv'ces were hHd 'his afternoon ;il Union Chapel Methodist chinch several mile.-' south of Hen derson for Baxter Gill White, 29 who died ;il 11 o'clock Saturday night at Maria Parham hospital of injuries sustained in an automobile wreck several weeks ago. Interinent was in the church cemetery. The services were at 3 o'clock in charge of the pastor. Rev. .1. P. Pcgg Mr. White had been a member of the church l'ur fifteen years, or since boyhood. Survi\ in;? are the parents of the young man. John F. White and F.tura t'ogliill White" two brothers. John C'.. and Samuel F. White, and two sis ters, M'sses Mamie and Doris White, all of this county. The d'ceased was born in this eounty Fel rear*' 11. 1911. and had live here his entire lifetime. M»* was popularly known in a host of friends and acquaintances. Pallbearers were named as fol lows: Active—J. P. Satterwhite, Thurs ton Co^'hill. .Tim Parker. Conrad Co» hiII. Lee CoghiM, Sam Coghill. Honorary —Freddie Finch, Aubrey Pleasants. Bill Watkins. Dr. W. W. ?Vrl. Donald Edwards. S. W. Knott. I John Tucker. Jr., Arthur Nutt, E. F.' Hut!. Dr. A. P. N'cwcomb. Tn.'madye Hoyle. Meh in Edwarcis. Frank Floyd, I Dr. W. H. Furman, B. f. Stone, Rus-, sell Biummitt, T. T. Ellis, Glenn i Satterwhite, Lewis Davis, O. T. Black ley. Dr. J H. Wheeler. Donald I Pleasant-, Norwood Vandyke. Paul l Abbott. Howell Steed. Jack Fra/.ier. Robert Thomp on. Clifton Ejwaids,, Raymond Sn ,;i. Th'irnvin Stone, j W:ll Daviy. Zina Clayton, U. C.! Wooduef. Joe Clayton. John Nor- j v. ood, Eugene Breed love. Buck I lul l", j and Raym -nd Daniel. Oxford. Final Plans For Forum Final arrangements for the pub-1 lie loiuni planned for \'*ednesd ty, r,:gi:t were announced today by W. | D. I'avne. head of the local com- ' mil tot* in eh; rue ol the event which | is sponsored by tlie North Carolina j Public Forum in cooperation with , iiie l'ni\cr>:ty of North Carolina :md the United Slates (Offices of iducation. Dr. Ralph \V. McDonald, state lorum counselor, and Dr. Harl L. Douglass, head of the University's | aepM tn . nl ;.l Education. will share i he presentation ol' the topic "Fed-j ;ral Aid to Education". Each will | ;peak approximately :2i) minutes and i here will be a 20-minute period for >pen discussion of the topic. The forum is to be held in the | ligii school auditorium, starting iromptlv at !! o'clock. A 30-minute •onct-rt by tiie high school band tin ier the direction of W. T. Hearne .vill precede the l'orum. The public is invited and indica tions point to a large crowd, it was stated. COLLIER SEEKING SENATE NOMINATION Statesvill". Feb. 20.—Robert A. Collier has entered the race for state senator from the 25th district. Mr. Collier, a member of the Iredell bar. is n graduate of Wake Forest college. He eaine to Statesville in 192fi to engage in practice 'of law. He was issociated with Monroe Adams from 1927 until 1929 and since that time i-;s been a::oeiatcd with John A. Scott, under the law firm of Scott md Collier. Mr. Collier has nevei il'IcI a public office. Probably That's Close Enough! I'timpano, Fla., Feb. 2(i—.fAI')— Investigators who sought 1o deter mine the needs of negroes ^ufferinc "rum effects of the January cold .vave still arc talking about this ne: A woman, asked the acjes of her "our children, declared she couldn't •ep'fniber. Pressed, she finally said: "Well, I got one lap child, one •reeper. one porch child and one yard young 'un " j CAN YOU ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? See Paye Four 1. On what river is Norris Dam.' 2. Where is the statue. "Appeal to in Cireal Spirit'.'" (inann causes myosis. What is myosis? 4. Would you s;iy that Eugene Pal letle, the movie actor, was over, or under, six Iff* tall: 5. Are s-piders classed as insects'j (i. WIhi won tlu» recent Miami 13iIt— noi l- women's uol! eh. inpionship at. C'oral (la!:Irs'" 7. .1. Warren MaiU' -n is adminis trator oi tin- Wa^r and Hour Division. ('11.11r■ 11.'in oi the National Labor Re lations I li•;ir«I or Chairman ol the j Serial Security Hoard? !!. W hat relation is Franklin Delano Kim i*\ fit I" Hie late Theodoic Moose veil'.' !i Is Ihe earlh nearer the sun when tin- northern Hemisphere is having' winter or ; iiinmer? Ill Whieh Is Hie Swedish and wiiieii the I* • i 'ii l> |||t, uam,i ... ,i • -i . ! Finland. B. & L. Loans Are Highest Of Decade The building, savings and loan as sociations of North Carolina made the large.-1 amount of loans during 1939 that they have in the past dec ado, it was announced by Al. B. Wester. Secretary of the Henderson Building ;,"d Loan Association. These home financing institutions made, last year; total loans of ap proximately $25,600,000 enabling over' 15.000 individuals to construct, pur chase-, refinance or repair their homes. This record-breaking total re represents an increase of more than $3,000,000 over 1938. The largest in crease in type of loans was in con struction oi new homes for which $10,9.1(1,000 was loaned during 1939. During the past year 3,400 homes, to (lie value of 85,500,000, were pui chased through these local institu tions. The balance of 89,000,000 was poses. A combined total increase of loaned for refinancing, repairs, mod ernization and miscellaneous pur over s*> 10.800,000, by 11 io building and ; loan and Federal savings and loan! associations, which is one of the lar gest annual gains in the past decade,! was al.?o predicted by Mr. Wester. | Cotton Market | Again Higher ; New York, Fob. 2fi.—(AP) -Cot- j ton futures opened 2 to G higher. Around the end of the first hourj price.-; held gains of 3 to C points, i March old traded at 11.14, January! at 9.81. Around mid-day the list maintain- j eel a lead of 3 to 9 points above the! previous close. Stocks Fail To Make Gain New York, Fob. 2fi.—(AP)— The -li.ei: market struggled against down v.'rirl tendencies tod:iy but failed to make much headway in either di .ecti >n. Fractional declines in the early morning were partially erased going into ti.e fourth hour, but not much • luoeurod in the form of bulk trans actions. F.i nds and commodities shaded oft a Lit. Foreign markets showed steadying si^ns. gaining slightly in closing deals. American Radiator 9 1-8 .American Telephone 172 American Tobacco B 90 1-4 Ar.«;c«>nda 29 5-8 A'.!au he Coast Line 18 5-8 Atlantic Refining 21 5-8 i>end!.\ Aviation 32 Bethlhem Steel 75 3-4 Chrysler °5 Columbia Gas & Elec Co .. G 1-8 Commercial Solvents 13 7-8 Consolidated Oil Co 7 7-8 Curtiss Wright 10 1-8 DuPont 184 Electric Power Light G 1-4 General Electric 38 3-8 General Motors 53 1-4 Liggett & Myers B 105 1-2 Montgomery Ward & Co .... 53 3-41 Reynolds Tobacco B 41 1-2 Southern Rnilwav . 1G 5-8 Standard Oil Co* N J 42 3-4' U S Steel 57 1-4 Closing Grain wheat: May 102 1-2 July 100 3-8 , Sept 100 1-8 CORN. May 56 1-2 July ."G 3-4 Sept 57 3-8 OATS. May 5G 1-2 July 5G 3-4 Sept 57 3-8 Does Not Improve Mrs. L. R. Rookcr continues ill in Duke hospital and shows no im provement, ;t was said today. Two Choirs Enter Sing Two choirs of Henderson churches, from City Road Methodist and North Henderson Baptist, were entered in the community sing of choirs held in the auditorium of the .Junior high . school in Durham Sunday. Large numbers of singers from bothH churches attended the event, which j: was in charge of J. Cooper Might, of jJ Durham, formerly of Henderson. The groups left here in the late | morning, and had several numbers on the program. The total number of choirs entered was not learned but it was reported to have been very j large. CHEATHAM, CLEMENTS 1 AT BANK GATHERING I Joel T. Cheatham, president, and 1 R. E. Clements, a director of the In- j | dustrial Bank of Henderson, attend-j ed the annual winter meeting inij Rocky Mount this afternoon and this evening of the Industrial bank sec-}( tion of the North Carolina Bankers Association. |* Gurney P. Hood, Shite banking commissioner, I. M. Bailey, general c counsel for the State association, both of Raleigh, and other officials * were on the program, with the chief * address at the dinner meeting this evening by Thomas C. Boushall, of i [he Morris Plan Bank of Richmond. | Va. ROTARY TO MEET. The weekly meeting of the Rotary Club will be held Tuesday evening :it 0:30 o'clock at the Vance hotel. PAYS SI FINE. II. L. Candler paid $1 into the of- ] [ice <>l the city clerk as a traffic fine, i records revealed today. Eight Fraud Charges Are Nol Prossed Eight charge- i>! n viorth Carolina I'm jensation Comnii u ;ed und removed • < :ity court today, v. .1 r. Powell presiding. Those who laced l: • 1:. lie amount o! m -noy , Raymond H. Matthew -;j. Harriot P. Hale. $44. Callie Reeves. SI I John Ragland. $21. Lesley Tart, Si-. Voilie B. Mannin. M'.i. J. J. Cullom, S2o. Leonard Mangum, S.42 Other cases were u: he city by trial. Edison Hick.-, paid 'v icing drunk. Harold Hawkin . icing drunk, drew HO i ■d upon payment ;!„• < Moses Rogers. ;uilty to being dr-nk ■ 0 days, suspended \.\» f the costs. Dave Magbce. N'oaro. uiltv of theft of prup< :".y >< )avis. v'ANCE GROUP TO ATTEND POULTRY PRODUCTiCN MEET A group of Viiiu"' A'omen acrotnp;r <><i !>•.■ Summer. home d» n • • ind Miss Jo-T'phin* K:m< igrnt, will in Vi FT-jir-iuh 0 attend a district «hi»ri >oultry production, it oday at tho office <>! j ; s /ance county lam: Dreaming won't get you a home . . . but action will. Consult with us now we'll show you how to go about it! This association has financed hun dreds of homes in Henderson the Build ing and Loan way and will be glad t<> assist you. Come in and let us show you h<>\v you can own your own home and pay for it with rent money. Henderson Building & Loan Association Irvine l». Wat kins. President Al. B. Wester, Secretary A PENALTY OF 2% Will Be Added To All 1939 COUNTY TAXES That Remain Unpaid After FRIDAY, MARCH 1 You can save money on your tax bill by paying on or before the above date. Call this office for amounts or any information you need about your taxes. F. M. DORSEY, County Tax Collector

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