DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Sudden fear 6. Swift 11. Fragrance 12. Wear away 13. A fish i pi. • 14. Name 15. Dutch gur dent plot 16. Browned 18. Exclamation 20. Seize with teeth 21. Abraded 7. Awns S. Earthen ware maker P. Inactive 10. / i exploit 17 Siberian lt\ Ccddess or death 21. Exhibitions 22 Implant •j:>. Moisture 25. Roof edges 26. Undressed kid 2S. Spigot 32. Yearning ; "3. Dissolvable 3d. Rumpled r.S Obtained .">? Rather good 41. Devices for drying 44. Half an em 48. Serpents 47 Post 45. Strong wind 30. Small is!anc TlwftW'rlC? OJ Yesterday's Answer 51. Rind «i. Insect egg 24. Tne nostras 27. Foot orna ment 29. Isaac's son 30. Exists 31. Path 33. Norse god 34. Repose 37. Plugged 40. Endured 42. Slip-knot 43. Entice 45. Toward 46. Entertaining 49. To slope 52. Valuable fur 53. An herb 55. One who piles 56. A fabric 57. Snow vehicles 58.'Girl's name DOWN 1 A step 2. Sandarac tree i. City in Virginia 4. Little devil 5. Hurl 6 Keep •Diitrii--3 ty Kinir Features Svndica'o. Inc. BARCLAY ON BRIDGE SAVE VOIR ENTRIES iF THERE is a need for all the entries you possess into the dum my, or into your own hand, you should conserve th-nrt carefully. When you find yourself in the hand which requires the lead sev eral times, you should r.ot waste that opportunity by leading a s-.ut which can just as well be lead from the other hand Use that chance for one of the leads which must come from that han !. and then lead the other suit " hen you find yourself with tht* load oppo site it. 4 K 6 5 VAQJ94 ♦ J AK Q 5 2 A A J 10 3 + 7 4 3 2 A J 10 7 4 (Dealer: East. East-West vul nerable. ) East South Pass P;iss Pass 1 A Pass 3 A Since this was tournament. Xort North Dbl 2 V 3 * in a duplicate h was straining West 1 V 2 ♦ Pass to get the better score produced by a major contract as against a minor on? It happens that son** pairs made 5-Clubs despite trump leads by ruffing two diamonds, discarding one on the finessed hearts, finessing spades success fully and losing only trick in each minor But this pair man aged to £<-> down at 3-Spades. West Irci the span"1 9 to the 10. South r.ow should have fin?ssed hearts at once, discarded a dia-. mond on the heart A. then led the diamond J. If a spade came back, xto his J. he then could have ruffed one diamond with the spade K, and thereafter would have lost only one more trick in diamonds, ore to the club A and one to East's trump raiding. But South, after winning the first trick, led a diamond from his hand When West returned a spade he finessed the heart, dis carded a diamond on the heart A, but now had to shorten his own Tumps with a heart ruff so he Tould lead a diamond for a ruff. Wasting that trump in his own hand enabled East to get two trump tricks, and so beat the con tract. Tomorrow's Problem 4 A K 8 3 2 10 7 2 + 86 A Q 9 6 A 7 5 ff A K 8 4 * 9 5 3 A K 10 4 2 ♦ QJ V Q J 3 ♦ A K Q J 10 A J 7 5 (Dealer: South. East-West vul nerable.) If West leads the heart 9 to '•he K and plays the G on the A, SouUi playing his Q and J. how should East then know that c. third heart is his safest return? 4 4 of Fainting Attacks By LOGAN CLENDENINfi. M. I). THE CAUSE of :i fainting attack is interruption of tin- Wood supply to the brain. This results in a com- i plete, sudden blotting out of con sciousness, which returns gradual ly. The mechanism behind the occa sional fainting attack which occurs from fatigue is s.vdden lowering of the blood pressure. I have several times had the experience of exam ining life insurance applicants who fainted from nervousness while the blood pressure cup was actually on their arm. The blood pressure went down to practically zeio at the mo ment of loss of consciousness. The fainting of sudden < motional shock is due to a long period when the heart ceases to contract (asys tole). j Nature's Treatment i ! The treatment of a fainting at-' tack is that supplied by nature. A fainting person keels over or falls on the floor, which allow the blood to run into the head, even if the blood pressure is down to 7.010 and the heart has temporarily stopped beating. So we commonly say for Dr. Clendening will answer questions of general interest only, and then o*:!y through his column. ^ treatment, "Put the head down ! lower than the feet."' The nervous reaction of the blood flowing into the skull starts the mechanism of circulation so the heart begins to : beat and raises the blood pressure again. » Recurrent attacks of fair ting are » classified by causes into the "cir * culatorv" and "cerebral." ; The automatic nervous system; ► controls the heart and the blood ♦ pressure. An important part of the J automatic nervous system is th" , carotid sinus, located in the neck on • the carotid artorv. or large artery,! ' of the neck. The tan tid sines nor- j * mally serves to m^:.t:.'n a constant . blooa flow into the f;.. in by i\Sex j •regulation. V.'i-r • r'.is r rve reflex ] 'is hypersensi.. . : nti:v. attacks' jmay occur tec the rcg-'ation ► of the blood sup; .y -o the br;.in is not maintained. In people with this condition, pressure over the carotid LEXTEX REDUCING DIET FOR FRIDAY (FAST DAY) Hut to live, but do not live to ent. Breakfast: Glass of orange juice, one slice toast, dry with out butt"r; black coffee. Lnv.eh: Vegetable plate, one slice bread with butter; black coffee or tea with lemon. Dinner: One portion fish, one portion green vegetable, one slice bread with btuter; glass of milk, gelatin dessert, black coffee or tea with lemon. Day's Calories—800. sinus :if. the side of the neck results in spontaneous fainting attacks. Certain drugs will prevent re current fainting attacks due to stoppage <>f the heart, and recur rent fainting attacks due to lower ing of the blood pressure from inter ference with the automatic nervous system. But in the cerebral type of recurrent fainting attacks, there is n> change in the blood pressure or heart rate ar.d no drug will prevent them. In certain very severe cases, surgical removal of the carotid sinus has resulted in cure. Chronic fa inters are usually very sensitive to changes in posture to that if they stand or sit in one posi tion for a long period, they may faint merely from bodily po. ture. We see such example:; in soldiers standing at attention and people watching parades. Convalescent pati. ::t.: are taught to get up gradually i.v • a p riod of days, which is an erceileiii. form of exercise of fte Lloo.l v. e! ::ml is a principle of tre:i!nv:l lYst can !>•> applied to the diron • ; •» t ;ral fainters. niHTOr.'S NOTK: t)r. Clou. seven pa mphlet ' which can Lv «»!.'.i,m»| I.y ieadcr Kach pamphlet lot i » «• »l >. l or ::..y one pamphlet «'<•:.!red. hciii! 10 cents ia coin, aiul a self-addressed ••nvelupo stamped with a three-cuiL stump. to Dr. l.ugan Clendenintc. in rare of thin paper. I he pamphU ts are: "Three Wi-ek^' licdnc injr l)ict". ''Indigestion and ('mrilipalinii", "Reducing find Gaininj:". *'Infant I'Vcd •nK", ''Instructions for the Treatment of Diabetes", "Feminine Hygiene" ami "Tint Care of the Hair and Skin". THIMBLE THEATRE Starring POPEYE ( AHOY V/IMPY I YAM FteKTlN THE CHAMPION | ^—Z_—LoNi^ VOYA£aE HAS \ WEAKENED YOURTIkhTlNk / IN\6TIN\CT, YOU NEED A , ^ WORKOUT r "— ■*/ ' (IZZAT60 ? ; ^ ?i >AR. TOMBSTONE, W iLLYO KINDLY 6PAR A FEW ROUNDb WITH POPEYE ?. PLEA6E DO MOT PULL / \YOUR PUNCHES/ ^ IsuRt1 BLONDIE Restored I). S Fyteui Office Once In A Lifetime! By Chic Yo THE OLD HOME TOWN Seg.sfe'KJ U S Patent Ot«x« By STANLEY KNJQW W/~'AT ? A CARPENTER m OOP TOWAi 1 -f o6fiN \ //J) PUT A MOTOR A.'OP A VACUUM CLEARER BAG ON J PLODWELL CABONET sMORK rebmr. J0B5 Be ETC ^\ ( HIS PLANE - IT PICKS UP TME SHAV/Ai^S AS M£? ) Vs/ORKS -ME ALSO MAS A MUSICAL SAW THAT <:/( PLAYS THE BARBER OF SEVILLE "WM»L£T HE ^ HAVES cSRANPPappv 9^ LEADED'! >> ' rxvw £ ' \. tpl and a hundred L .SUCICS TO THE f DANCER LISTEN,NELOD/m"VOI//2S WACKY* L~ I DESERVE ONE HUNDRED OF THAT :—L MONEY-AND YOU l&ONER| ATTACK A SA&ER TQbTrtEDTl6ER WfTH A 0>HAsH &Ac m in—she's a SEKS^BV-E.