DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. To dai!;en 6. Cut off 9. Hirsute 10. To to i:' debt. 11. Female 12. Young: c-agU 15. Glacial ridge 17 Like beer IS. Neon (sym> 19. Dip into water 21. Asterisk 22. Ancient 24. Definite article 26. Depart 27. Peoples of Asia 30. SuHi:; to form *3iu:*c.l 31 Cc:.\:-".v-2 O- il'.JC.v (symcoiism) 34 Motkor 36. Refunding 40. Exi~t3 41. Turf 42. Eisngure 43. Trea rtump 46. June-bug 48. Pennsylvania (abor.) 49. Tonicity 51. Toriure frames 53. Unexpected 55. Stumbla 56. Buy's neme 57. Foreign 59. Arid 60. Farm implements DOWN 1. Cutting tools 2. Singing bird з. Lubricated i. Biblical city y. To color и. Theater fcoxcs 7. Young owl S. Body of peers 11 It ihun city 13. Jo v.. oil month 14 Novices 16. Clatters 20. Greek letter 1?J. Pilch 25. S. A. repuMu 28. Swiss river 29. Swine ;:c:i oo. Intention 31. Fog3 35. Surprise 37 Seed vessel 33. Serviettes 39. Sci^o 44. Beneath 45. Companion 47 Proportion 50 Selenium (sym) 52. c.ar.g Yesterday's Answer 54. Short sleep 'oS. Lines labor.) mjLt Y// U\ 5 i »n j 1 T//lfo ■S!C> 5 i i p j i% 23 127 31 «JZ&3 m Va I 149 44 |43 1/2 16 24 41 Li s^o Ea rpf i £r 2 O 513 i 25 37 46 32 IO M 14 26 29 33 30 3S 39 42 147 lr 46 ^2 A U-<^ BARCLAY ON BEIDGE * <«i £ 9 7 5 3 ♦ A S 2 ; c A 0 S 5 4 * 7 3 2 L—J A A K J 9 6 V 9 G 3 ^ K Q *A Q J (Dealer: South. North-South -vulnerable.) South West North East 1 £ 2 V 2 NT Pass 3 A Pass 4 A If West had made an orthodox lead of his heart suit here, the A, declarer would have made his contract with en<>v. plus an over trick if he played his K in case West reptc.U-! the suit. But West was not orthodox. He reckoned that the contract would be easy for the declarer unless something special happened, that an over trick seemed likely, as his partner could iiardly have anything worthwhile. Then he reasoned ti.st North aimcst surely had the heart K, from his No Trump fcid. He might not have the Q. which was about all East could hold. When he led his heart 4. to make the reading difficult for declarer, the latter decided East had the A. probably singleton. So he played the J from dummy. The Q took the trick, the 2 was returned to West's A, a third heart was led and East ruffed it. He returned a diamond and that gave the side the setting trick. * * ♦ Tomorrow's Problem ♦ Q J2 *5 ♦ A 9 5 3 A A 9 6 4 2 * 9 6 4 3 V 6 3 * Q 6 4 * ^ 1U 8 7 I A 8 ♦ A 10 8 7 4 2 ♦ K J 8 7 2 A K (Dealer: North. Neither side vulnerable.) What bidding would you prefer on this deal? By LOGAN CLENDENJNG, M. D. WE. IN America, have been pam pered pets of Nature for a number of years. We have had about 15 years of unusually mild and tem perate winters all over the country. ■But this spring, with a severe win ter behind us, we may begin to see example? of the English disease, fibrositis. or painful nodules. It has not beon reported very often in American literature, and I think there is no doubt that it has some relation to cold climates and severe weather. It is by no mean? unknown in the northern states and in Canada. The painful nodules occur any where under the skin: they may be in the muscles. Favorite places are along the neck, in the edge of the Dr. Clendening will answer questions of general interest roiy, and then only through kjft'column. pig triangular muscle that goes from the back of the head to the point of the shoulder; in the lumbar muscles of the back; in front in the breast and abdominal muscles. The nodules are painful and cause muscle spasm. They are often found in the course of massage. Trapezius Myositis • That triangular muscle which forms a sheet along the back of the neck from the promonitory of the hind part of the skull to the corner of the shoulder, the trapezius mus cle, is the seat of an affection that is called trapezius myositis (Myo sitis means muscle inflammation.) It is a hangover in spring from a long siege of catarrh or infection of the nose and throat. There is pain noticed on turning the head or ex tending the neck. With fatigue of the muscles of tho neck, there is apt to be headache in the back of the head. Tenderness can be elicited at the paint of insertion of thu muscle at the shoulder and back of the hef.d.« Treatment consists, first, of free drainage of the nasal sinuses. 'Another special form of fibrositis is panniculitis, which consists oi painful spots in tho fat of the ab domen. upper arm, upper 1; -, knees and calves. The typical suU.rer is a. middle-aged woman of pasty ap pearance. Tho skin is thickenec 0S T&OTlnd doWTTso that it cannol be picked up as usual. Besides heat and massage, small amounts of thyroid extract are often beneficial. Heat as Treatment In treatment of any form of fibrositis, heat takes an important place. It io especially valuable be cause it can be given at home, by the household doctor. It may be moist or dry heat—mustard poul tice, hot moist compresses, electric pad, hot bricks, hot iron, applied over a folded towel or flannel. The best and most effective treat ment is by massage. The fibrous nodules can be broken up and mas saged away by a special type of heavy stroking and kneading mas sage, which is applied directly to the nodules. It produces subsequent relief, although it may be painful at the time. The patient should j know the nature of the condition i and be aware that the treatment will'at first cause more pain, but ' thai subsequent treatments will be less painful and eventually result ( i!i the disappearance of the nodules. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Mrs. J. E. M.: "I have a five year-old boy who has been troubled with asthma for the past three j years. Do you think he can be j cured?" Answei — Asthma in children is i almost always of a simple sort, un • complicated by infection and due to ] sensitiveness to food or dust or ani mal dandruff. Perhaps a pet, such as a cat or a dog or a parrot, causes it; or rafabits. Perhaps some food or combination of foods is the cause. The proper course to pursue is to have an examination made by a man who practices allergy and who will be able to study his sensitive ness to various foods, dusts, etc. Children usually grow out of child hood asthma at about the age of nine or 10 years, but this time can be shortened by proper treatment. Asthma in older people is usually complicated i,y infection and much harder to < ;udicate. KDIT.'.lt'S MOTK: Dr. Clemlening has seven . ii:pYt... which can l:c obtained by r«.a*-!~ ... ll veils for 1<» cents. For any one pampli! . ■ i:ed, send 10 cv.iis in coin, and a :v . cti envelope stamped with a t!i.u .1 amp. to Dr. Logan Clendening. in •• v ti:is paper. The pamphlets are: " < '.Vccl.;' Reduc ing Diet", "Indigestion and Constipation", "Reducing and Gaining". "Infant Feed ing", "Instructions for the Treatment of Diabetes", "Feminine Hygiene" and "The I Care of the Uair and Skin". THIMBLE THEATRE Starring POPEYE i ■■ > i > POPEYE , YOU ARE ft SAILOR. YOU HAVE HEARD The- STORES m ABOUT A CERTAIN SWIRLING II MASS OF SEAWEED FAR FROM ftKV KNOWN LAND ? 7/ — euoene? J KB . , J ? V WELL, FOR CENTURIES PEDIMENT HAS FORMED AT THE CENTER OF THE SWIRLING MASS, THUS CREATING A FLOATING ISLAND ■CM THE ISLAND IS SUPPORTED BY WRECKED SHIPS, ONCE A SHIP (5 CAUGHT IN THE WHIRLPOOL THERE IS NO Both In I lie hawic ^ THE OLD HOME TOWN Registered U S Patent Office ^/(SO,VoU^E ONE of those: '/) SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH M EN^INEERS,TOO ?—ANP I MY BOX FURNISHES ) \ the ?AW material J 'thai nbvm comer at , p* MR"S SULRHURO BRIMSTONES ^ £OARD>lN6 HOUSE WAS ^ ; SURPRISED HIS | J LABORATORY LAST g ; NI^HT- g ■^JkIchT. 10-10. KING ft AZURES SYNDICATE. Inc WORLD RIGHTS RESERVED SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK ff^ER-E. HAS NEVER. BEEN A. MAJOR. WAR- FOlic;UT OU ^N\E, PRINCE DD !^— FROhAAGaE DiE\> UAS>T: i \£AR AT THE ACbE OF f u., 109-HE LEFT Nb HEIRS- / W/"