Democratic Convention Tomorrow Delegates to State Convention To Be Elected; Third Term Resolution Anticipated Democrats of Vance county will meet in comention at the court he hero tomorrow afternoon at o\ ' Ctt" fOr U illUMl livn ;i> may come befi^e it. Follow o'eU ek for the purpose of electing tiolo:; :tes to the State convention and transaction of such other busi ?U'>S ;•:> £ ;;j,» v ^ ing the convention. the new county exeeirve committee will meet to clect a county chairman. the most promising devel op: cnts is the indicated intention o; >< : e Democrats to offer a resolu tion ot endorsement of President Koosi'velt for a third term. Some op position to that move has been ex pressed. but whether :t will become vocative on the fl«H»r of the conven tion remained to be seen. Chin-man M. H. Stone, of the county executive committee, is to call t:.e ::iet tmg to order. and a chair in :• tui a secretary will be elected. Interest :;tf:;ches to the selection of a county chair: »n following the convention tomorrow The executive *. • :tee ecu- -!• of precinct chai; : i . • •■u^h.out th.e county, and there are thirteen o: these. Some precincts last Saturday p rr.ed new chairmen, -v "hat there will r* some change in "he personnel of the committee, i* • peculation ha. also been heard P' THIS WH:SKEY IS 4 4YEARS OLD Oil) LEWIS IIIJNTKll k BRAND \ KENTUCKY STRAIGHT \ BOURBON WHISKEY $100 Pint Sl-95 > O 90 Proof William Jameson & Co., Inc., N. Y. f as ti» the choice for the party's lead er dining the next two years. Wheth er Mr. Stone definitely will or wilj not wish to succeed hiniselt has no.' j been announced. 2i is known, how i ever, that at least one other Demo-I ! erat lias been mentioned as desirous | I of tiie chairmanship, and that some I effort in his behalf has been rumored. Sermon For Aycock Class Sunday Night Commencement exercises, begin-' ! ning at Avcock school Sunday even | ing at 8 o'clock, are expected to 1 draw large crowds of patrons and tfiends of the school. W. D. Poe. prin cipal of the school, has stated. | The closing ev ents will begin with' the baccalaureate sermon Sunday ; evening, with The Rev. Harlean I!. I Barnett. pastor of New Sandy Creek ! Bapti>t church, bringing tiie ines- j sage. The tall program for Sunday even- i ing i.- as follows: | l'roce.-sional: Largo—Handel. Hymn: Lead On. O King F.terral I —-Congregation. Invocation—Rev. J. F. Roach. Response: The Prayer Perfect — Girls' Glee Club. Scripture Reading. Anthem: Send Out The Light — Girls' Glee Club. Introduction of Speaker—W. C. Poe. IVicivkfireate Sermon—Rev. liar lean H. Harnett. Anthem: Praise Ye The Father— Girls' Glee Club. Benediction. Recessional: Prelude in E. Minor ' —Greer. Kiwanis Has Ladies Night The Kiwanis club of Henderson tonight observes its annual Lidies'i Night. The dinner and program will, ; e at Wi ; i nd Country Club, start ing at T o'ciock. An out-oi-tuwn speaker lta~ i ecu engaged for t!:e oc-j ea>: >n and ••me talent for the pro-l gram is al •> to cme !r«>ni a distance.I Members v.iii have theii ladies as1, >pcci.d gu-. {.- for the evening. 1 xs Cansler Made Historian of Frat Wake Forest. May 10.—The follow I ing men were given offices in the J North Carolina Zeta chapter of i Sigma Pbi Epsilon fraternity fur tiie year HHu-41 in elections held here la>t week: prudent. James Mitchell. Fairmont: vice president. Fred Tur nage. Ayden: cojnpt roller-general, Joe Duncavage. Tain aqua. Pa.: his torian. Les Cansler. Henderson: and) corresponding secretary. Hal Pitt- i ! man. Fairmont. Honoring A Great Lady It's our sincere belief that Mothers are truly the great est people in the world. We know too that this is a very busy and disconcerting world . and that sometimes we forjft how much Mother really means to us. How ever, U'-xt Sunday is your chance to really express your devotion . the day Mother expects you to be with her. Don't let her down she's depending on you just as you've depended on her for years in the past. First National Bank Henderson, N. C. All deposits up to $5,000 insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Banking Hours: 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. is mm Funeral Services at 3 P. M. Saturday at Middleburg; Interment There Isaac Breedlove Roystcr. aged 53, dieu ai his home on Carolina avenue tli>> morning al 8:2u o'clock, after ;,»i illness of about a week. following stroke of paralysis. Mr. Roystcr. son ul' the late Mr. ;uiii Mr.-. William Bannister lloyster, (>! Granville county, has li\ed in llcn tor the past three years. Be fore mat time ne was a farmer near p.:iilock. in Liranville county, lie was ;i member of the State Line Baptist church for a number of years. Funeral services will be conduct rti . t o'clock Saturday afternoon, at Middleburg Baptist church, with the i{c\. W. Greene. .Assisting will be the lo'v. f\. Norfleet Gardner, Rev. K. K. Nelson, and Kev. G. Van Mei'iu ns. Interment will be in Mid dlciuim cemetery. In.uUs his wife, Mrs. Sadie Si/.c moiv Roystcr. Mr. Roystcr is sur vived by two daughters, Mrs. G. !l. Perdue and Miss Marjorie Roystcr. of lknder.-on: three sons, G. It. (Mack) and W. 1), Roystcr, both of iieiuicr. ■ n, and K. G. Roystcr, of Middlcburg: two brothers, \V. M. Koy.ur. of Soudan, Ya., and K. G.j liu-'.-tcr. «>l Dinwiddie, Va.; and two -isicr.'. Mis. J- C\ Hunt, of Oxford, and Mrs. G. R. Nelson, of Lake Wac camaw. Active pallbearers were announced i!;" in||.i\\ ing: Thomas Roystcr. Buc; R icr. Jim Roy: tcr, Joe Hilly rluut. Beasiey Nelson, and Gjs Comer. Honorary pallbearers will be: A. R. I'erry. .i. T. Collins. K. (). Falkner. (;, r i !5 11»■ S. W. Simmons. R. C. \'i, ... !•' "'i Roystcr. William Brame. .1. II. L.mgston. .J. I). IVck. A. A. Campbell. J. B. Campbell, H. 11. il r . (J. W. Royster. C. G. Roystcr, Cr. L. Matthews. II. B. Tillev, J. L. I tcr. S. VV. Lass iter, P. P. .Jack ill. !. M. .Jackson. J. G. Satlerv.hite, Br.roiley Overby. (). B. Nelson. • aid Sprinkle. H. B. Newman, ami B. M. Newman. DEMONS! RATION OF BLUE MOLD CONTROL TO BE HELD MONDAY The fourth in a series of demon t :.*»i' ■ •! ijIn*.' mold control in to i inV't ■•!• nt i»-d - wa- ;*!>•»>r M. T. (Jreuiv. ay. in the Ca rev's Chapel community. Two demonstrations were scheduled lor i and a third i- to i f held t morrow morn ing at S':.">0 o'clock at the C. (j. Sum ford !arm war 'lownsviUe. The demonstration Monday aiter noon will sliow t!ie results obtained through the spray method of blue mold control. The other •:!: modera tion plots have lien treated i>y the approved fumigation method. County Agent Sanders said today that results obtained at the Green way farm have been very satisfact ory and that he believes farmers in the county will be interested to note the comparison between beds which were treated and those which were not treated. AROUND TOWN Pays Traffic Fine—C. L. Bagwell paid SI into the office of the city clerk as a traffic fine, records there revealed today. Xol Pros — Carl Saml'ord was charged with hit and run todnv in county court, with the state taking a nol pros to the charge. Deed Is Filed—J. B. Satterwhite. et al sold .1. P. Satterwhite 50.!i acres of |- nd in the countv 'or $1 and considerations, according to a realty deed liiod with the Vanec Registry yesterday. Safety Club Picture Show Set For May 25 Members in good standing of the Safety I'llii.»s «.!' H schoois will be treated to a free pic ture show at 10:3d ori morning ol Saturday, May 25, at tne Stevenson mem re, u wa» au nt tu need today l)^' the Chamber of i luiiinu'iv. uuieu is >|)ni).-iii my tne "lety drive m eoopcraliou with the S-venson theatre and the Lions club. School children through jnn'or high school are eligible to attend the snow it they present their safety buttons which they have earneu through observing the safety rules outlined by the Safety club. The feature picture on the pro-' giam win ue Laurel and Hardy in1 "Blotto". with short subjects of a • Crime Docs Not Pay'' series and an MGiVI cartoon. Safety club members were guests at a picture show on March iti, at which time they filled the theatre to capacity and many of the chil dren came as early as an hour be fore the start ol tne program. SPECIAL PROGRAM FQR MEN'S CLASS A special program will be given j ;:t the Men's Hibic elo.-.s of the i*'i>\sl Baptist church Sunday morning, May ! 12, at 9:15 o'clock, in observance of ^other's Day. •J. C. Kati'ell will speak, and George Harrison will have charge of a special" musical program. Those lor whom it is not con venient to attend their own church are especially invited to worship with the class, and the public is invited. CAN YOU ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? Sec I'tiiie Four 1. Name the only nation in the Western Hemisphere in which Por tuguese is the prevailing language. 2. Who wrote "The Star Spangled Banner?" A. 'liie ::: il i.f ohclrieal resistance is the volt, watt or ohm? i. vv'nn ,','ii.i. M i is llollie Hem-I . ley associate^? 5. Winch three boroughs are link ed by New York.City's Tri-Borough Bi ;dge? (i. The i remier of France is Paul Kevnaud. Kdouard Daladier, or Al ' bei't Sarraut? '■'h'l VSprtnin Ijlnsro Thnez"' In which direction is Denmark 11'.n!y vvlJ Motor Sales Co. Phone 832. Farmers Will Piant More Cotton This Year Realizing the need for more diversification of MONEY CROPS, farmers will plant more cotton this year and that is as it should be. Thoughtful farmers will not depend too much on any one crop. The Boll Weevil Can Be Controlled The United States Department of Agriculture has nurule studies and ex periments to find the most economical and effective methods of control and is prepared to make recommendations. Your county agent will be glad to give you all the information and assist you in every way possible to control the boll weevil menace. Make The Right Start Plant cotton as early as the season will permit. Plant early varieties that are suited to your soil and locality. Use seed that have been treated with Oeresan. Use the proper amount and type of fertilizer. Your county agent can best advise you regarding all of these points. Another advertisement concerning actual control of boll weevil will ap pear in this newspaper soon. Watch for it. This aeries of advertisements is being run and paid for in the interest of better fanning practices bij— Legg-Parham Company — The Cooper Company — Rose Gin & Supply Company.