DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. To decav 4 Panda 7. Costly 8 Exclama tion of sorrow 10. A weakling 11. Send money in payment 13. Burden 14 Spanish river 15. Obese 16 Constellatiot 19 Vasf 20. Consumed 21 Fen point 23. Waste cloth 23. Scotch city 26 Perforin 27. Samarium (svm.> 2S Butterflies 33. A wing 34. Evenicontr.l 35. Piercing tool 37. In behalf of 33. Loose hang ing end 39. Born 40. Female sheer 42. Paradise 43.Insurgent 45. Crawled 46. Religious > ceremony 47. Organs of hearing IS. Child's gam? 49. Letter S DOWN 1. Denied 2. Cereal grains 3. Attempt 4. Conflict 5. Toward the lee n uotman seaport 7 Kestow l>. Term of ;i' klress 10. Couch 12. Chinese society 16. Vexed 17. I.caf vein 1>. lU-iisin.c 2 J. Feiiutiirte name 25. Hurried 2S. Ail angry stare 29. A Welsh rabbit 30. Meadow 31. Male geese 32. Brushes 33. Southwest wind 36. Allowed the use of 41. Bristle •12. Enochs t1. A support Voste.aay's Answer 45. Letter C BARCLAY ON BRIDGE PKLTH DEEP KIGl KING vVITH A SIMPLE sot of fuels work from, a line deductive player can reach conclusions or: some deals which result in mak ing the prettiest sort cf plays. The mere failure of a player to lead the suit H i by his partner may furnish the necessary clue to every vital fact needed by the de clarer ".ho thinks. If it is clear the suit was not so long that he was void in it. then he must be ducking a lead away from an honor. Going further, if the suit bidder did not hold that honor, then he must hav< a certain other honor in another suit. And so on, end so on.. + A ? S f J D 4 ♦ A Q 10 A A J & 3 AK Q 4 •r i Dealer: West. North-South vulnerable.) West North East South Pass 1A 1 * 2 * Pass 2 NT Pass 4 * Pas3 6 V North's jump to slam was a beautiful example of sublime faith in his partner. Lee Hazen, who has been gair.ir.? more and more fame for his fine work in national championships. Going for a slam with the opponents holding three kings, a queen, two jacks, two tens and two of the highest three trump honors, makes quite an as signment. A3 with the hand shown ves : i!ny. Mr. Hazen Mac! to build a squeeze LC-utien on this one. Y.'hen uv':r led the club S. he rea- J s.>ned that a «pade would have been led unless West had the guarded king: in this event East I must have some other high honor for his bid When the heart A ! then dropped the singleton K, he J reckoned it must be the diamond K. He led a heart to the Q and. when West returned the diamond 6. he came up with the A. Next game a heart, then three clubs, for a diamond discard. The crucial play then was the diamond Q. covered by the K and ruffed. This transferred the high diamond from East's K to West's J. Hearts were run then. When the last was led West was squeezed between his diamond J. as the dummy had the 10. and his two spades, both declarer and dummy having two of them. Had the diamond K been allowed to stay with East, he could have guarded that suit while West protected the spades. * * * Tomorrow's Problem 4 A 10 4 V A 10 7 ♦ 32 *10 9 7 6 5 4 6 5 3 2 — ♦ K Q J 9 f 6 Ar. % 7 ♦ A K J 9 1*1 fK8 7 5 ' s ♦ Q 10 4 * K'J 1 * Q 8 3 ♦ 8 VQJ9543? ♦ 8 6 A A 4 2 fDealer: North. East-West vuW nerable.) If South bids a psychic 1-Spadc on this deal, West 2-Diamonds, North .'i-Clubs, what should East do? uv rwixis rvaiurw cynuitaw, inc. HowBody Responds to Coffee Drinking By LOGAN CLENDENING, M. D. THE CONTROVERSY as to whether coffee i.; beneficial o: harmful cannot he settled dogmati cally. The active ingredient of cof fee, caffeine, is a drug which is used in medicine for definite purposes. It is a heart stimulant. It is useful in shock and the di-pr<-.-. ion follow ing surgical operation-. Its fundamental action is prob ably to increase the amount ol blood put out by the heart, and it is this increased blood flow alone which, going through the brain, in duces mental stimulation. Caffeine does not harm the kidneys, al Dr. Ck-ndening will answer questions of general interest I only, and then only through i his column. .though it is often thought by those who do net study carefully that the increased output of urine is harm ful. The increased output of urine is due simply to the increase of blood flow through the kidneys. Or the heart muscle, caffeine has a very beneficial action because it increases the nutrition of the heart ' muscle. For this reason it should be advocated as a regular beverage in moderate quantities for middle aged people. Muscular Response Measured Muscular response to coffee has been measured. It was found in nor mal young men, whose reaction t< a given stimulus was measured be forehand, that after drinking cof fee their reactions were two to sh per cent more rapid. Naturally for any drug, it mus be said that if used immoderately the eifect is bad. J ust what consti tutes immoderate intake is a fjues tion of temperament. People an not all made alike. Some have stabl nervous systems; some are of th thick-skinned variety; others nr temperamental, unstable, witl nerves set on a hair trigger. Fo the last class, coffee li::s no prope use. It may be put down as nxiomati that if coffee makes you ne. <>us i is not good for yuu. Coffee should certainly not b | given to children below the age 01 i 10 years and I would even say 15 ! years. They do not need the stimu ) lation. Their hearts and brains I are young and active and cofTec 1 would induce a false need for stirr.u j lation. In High Blood Pressure High blood pressure is no contra in'lication of coffee, according to i Doctor Stieglitz. He believes that patients with high blood pressure should be allowed coffee in the morning if they arc used to it, al though ho forbids its use in the afternoon or evening. Occasionally one finds a person with an irritable heart who gets pal pitation from the use of coffee. Here, again, common sense would contra-indicate its use. Coffee can be decaff einized. The decaffeinized coffees contain a very small percentage of caffeine, so small as to be negligible. For peo [ pie who are habituated to the taste | and smell of a cup of coffee, these beverages can be recommended. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS E. A.: "Does sleeping ori'the stomach cause any intestinal ail ment? When I sleep otherwise, I get a headache." Answer—No. No position for sleeping is any healthier than any other position. In days gone by peo \ pie thought that it was dangerous not to sleep with the body parallel to the Magnetic Pole, but thai* went out with Charles Dickens. You* we unconscious of exactly what posi tion you do assume at night. People ■ think they sleep in a certain posi . tion but observations on slee'jcfs ■ have shown that they turn and as ■ sunie practically every posture in i the course of the night. KIMTOK'S \OTK: Dr. Cl.-ndeniriK has 8>-v<-n |iani|>! i.'ts which rail he oI. uimi.m1 by ! I ,. h pauiphUl for I') cetts. For any '/tic p. mphlei 10 r reutr. in coin, unii a self-suUhf ■<-•«! envelope r sum. I with a three-eent :.(ai..i>. to Dr. I.o;-:.u Clfmlt-nii.tr. i" «are "f thU paper. Tl • pamphlet; arc: "'1 hnc Week ltcduc -• Diet". "Iir.li'iestinn un.l (Inn tip iti»:i". i "UeducinK nt>«l (laiuinat . "Infant I'tci. jnjj". "liistriu-tioas for llie 1 r; .i ir.oitt '..f Diabetes". "Feminine l!y::ie:ie" and "TIht 3 1 Cars of the Hair and Skiu". THIMBLE THEATRE Starring POPEYE POPEVE YOU V OKAV \ AREtnjE / wimpy iNi THE R'MCa J TELL 'EM LV \ I'LL ^ VWEKfc i \ I err "~V N / RERE COMES T RE ( CRAMP. RE DOESN'T ( KMOW ME SO I'LL V R^VE 'bOMEPUN / blondie Registered 11 8 Patent Office Bachelors Are So Dumb! By Chic uUil5. flOflpiE- 7 lT'S-E23>iE---ME ) WANTS TO KNOW ) if: Ca\ go to a *— ■ THAT'S 3EF02E ' YOU'RE MARRIES- '• AFTER VOL) RE < - MARRIED^ SILENCE MEAMS JUST PLAIN J W\C . '-/OQt-jL?—^ THE OLD HOME T OWN u s °" c« By ST A N LEY COPVRtCHT 1940. KINC FCATURCS SYUDlCATi Inc WORLD RlCHT* PF'tK'VtD S-)G ■Willi scon s SCRAP BOOK iW!C&-h yi RcguIereJ U. S. P«!tn( Oftcw By R. J. SC011 1 ■<*£$. ife"-? rs x\i -'V?* •/iSKors 'fo -friE new York world's fair im 1939, A<E OVER. •fWICE AS MANY FRANKFURTERS CKC<\i<y (10,659,000) a do<^ owned ^ Hamburgers bv <c.o.clark, C 5t\7Z(ooo) GLwpALEi calif,, Ci-IMBS * y it. >rW <> - • ' m MI i IltiSr ^0ME oF-4e. Mosf Perilous BRIDGES of Yhf world ARE-THE P.OPE B^ID^ES oFYiBEI A WOODEM SPo'oL, oR SLIDER,^fo WHICH4t PASSENGER AffACnES \ -himself wKM <<^aps# YAKES HIM Ad Rons IK A HliRRy Sv. Copr I'MO, Kir.* Future* Syndicjrr. foe. WorlJ rig!:* ro.*r\r.f ylb JUST MISSED ME I' I r By PAUL ROBINSQ! gvjEflVTHlNCj STARTS l j HAPPENING TO ME - 1 PHEWMAV8E TH02£ || IS SOMETHING TO fh THAT SAD LLIOi JIHX JJj ON THAT f2lN<3 I |J|| (?OU6Hr «tf[i P0T2 ETTA, / I I S AFTEfZALL. | AND ANOTHE(2 fellah «* Sv nJtcatf. lnc . Work! n<*m rr*rvt4 (y R«i«frtJ U S OS JEEPERI. Flf2SrA^ [ Auro 6INJES /ME A CLOSE u SHAME - THEN THIS FALLING SAFE ALMOST" PARTED /— MV HAII3.? J DA^L'N0 Losing £■_- -^ -y luc/c- buit"" ■ THE GUMPS—EUREKA! Oh.MikW OEfpERSokj vlo^ES mas. Disappeared AS COMPLETED AS IF TME EARTH SWALLOWED HIM? HE QUIT HIS nJO& AY THE SHOE STORE THIS> MOW IMG, AMD LEFT FOR PARTS J UWNOWH- ~ feUT WE'VE 66TT0 FIND HIM-TWE DOCTOR SAID CATV'S LIFE depends OK) IT— 6O6D HEAVENS; THEIR QUARREL MUST HAVE fcEEM SERIOUS.' % 5-/6. WO — SHE'S SLEEPING-THE effect of THE DOCTOR S SEDATIVE HASN'T WORM OFF YET- BUT I TREMBLE "TO TV'.KiK W^AT VOILL HAPPEN SHE AWAKES To REALITIES to p® lrJm

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