5,284 Register Here For Coming Primary Election 211 of Total Are Re publicans; 3,418 Dem ocrats Registered in Henderson Township, With 103 Republicans. A :.>t I ot 5.264 persons registered fur the May 2f> primary during the tu.> weeks the books were open, end ing :.i sunset last Saturday. A. \\~. (Jin-Nun. .Jr.. ehainnan of the Vance County Board of Elections, announc ed today. Xo figures were available j to show the registration on the old ln>.>:v-. out the total put on in this new countyw.de registration is al most as much ;i> the vote Vance county ii.is cast in primary elections for the past several bienniums. Soiv.e believe that most of those who registered will vote, as the n; "v- i : :-.'d represent citi.ens who ; n now re.-idents in the county, and who probaoly would not have quali ficd had they n.intended to vote. Of :!.e tot d iv:. stration. 5.0.">3 are IX" ci.ts mcl I'll Republicans. In Hi r.derson township, where five of the ti . teen p>teincN in the county ; r-. ' >cateil. 3 418 IVmocrats and l'>3 Ke:-::!'I:c;m< registered. Separate bo» • were v.-. iinta;n.ed for the two p; . ty a fuiat' "•>. and a third book v. - N- kept for »(>• registration of independents. li there were any of !'\ '■ 'ter. .Mr. Gh-L-on did not report rl< ... t!ie 13 precincts of the county, the regNtration was as follows: Fnviiut Prm. Ron. X • l: nd- r. . . 52:-, 14 U" • :!• ruiei'Son ... 7X3 21 S-: Ilend. X>. I . f»J3 22 Si i ■' 1 i; j id. Xo. 2 . . . «S7i> «) 727 37 3."! 33 133 8 2"3 3 26 n 22.'; 20 . . 355 29 ".a-r.-on [) :., 17fi \W.. '36 5.i'53 211 JUNIOR ORDER TO MEET TONIGHT of ting of the evening at 8 or Order hall, ac ■ ur.cemont today. .gram has been •.vnibtrs are urged -ev.*.. Political Notices FOR HOl>F OF RJ PRFSENTATIYES. V- ••• :• .' ..i b.i.-inc.-s man This Time Representatives. It will • • ' 1 HERBERT M. JONES. Speaks on Radio CONGRESSMAN COOLEY Zeb Vance's Finals Begin On May 23 Coiv.tnenrement exercises at Zel Vance high school will begin or Tin:. -I y night i>i next week, Ma\ 23. at o'clock. according to an nouncement by F,. C. Young, tlu princip:!. t«»i. y. The i ;: st program will be a musi cal recital by the pupils of Mrs Httir: ■ Coftin. This will be fol lowed F: :d >y night by the class dav e.\' ! v ~ »■: ti:c senior class. (>:: Sur.j.iy af!ern< on. May 26, al .'i:.*V> • ."f .. the baccalaureate ser mon v.'l! ipieached by Itev. Mr Kent. 1 i L< .asburg. Final exercise? will 't hdd M< iKlav evening, Mav 27. at o'clock. at which time seniors will receive ti.eir diplomas. CV: menn ment marshals, choser i»n a .choiavhip basis, are: Chiri mar-h •!. Xeliene Edwards: tenth grade. Margaiet Brummitt; ninth _ a a. H:k:a Edwards. Shirley Stone: •»:ghtn grade. Evelyn Pace and Grady Tharrington. FRANK YOUNG GETS 90 DAYS ON ROADS F:ank Yot;:ig. Xcgro. was sent to :he road> today bv Mayor Henry T. ?ov.oil in city court. after his convic tion of loitering on the sidewalks md failing and refusing to move liter asked by a police officer, for )0 days. Citizens Realty & Loan Company COMPLETE IXSCRAXCE SERVICE Real Estate — Property Management JOEL T. CIIEATHAM, President Y OU can always borrow Hers against the cash surrender value of life insurance policies, because such secu rity is "as good as gold." Rates for life insurance loans are very moderate. We don't recommend borrowing simply be cause you have a policy, but if you really need funds bring your insurance papers to us and we'll gladly arrange for a low-cost loan. Citizens Eank & irust Company Henderson, N. C. The Leading Bank in This Section 1889 - Fifty-First Year - 1040 Banking Hours: 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. All Deposits Insured Up To $5,000.00 Cooley Here To Further Candidacy j Congressman Harold D. Cooley, of ; this district. was here yesterday all . ernoon and evening lnoknii; alter his campaign tor re-election. tie made a ' number ol falls ami discussed the | situation with a number ol his : n tends. He appeared to l>e \ ery op | timistio about the outcome ol the I campaign. ! Cooley is opposed tor re-election • by former Representative liiiflin. of i I.euisburg. who has serveil in the i legislature, and who was a latc-eom I er into the campaign. filing at the j last minute with the State Hoard of ! Elections. i Mr. Cooley will speak next Sat ! urday evening. May 18. at 8 o'clock. | ever a network of the NHC. discuss | mg the marketing bill he recently; ' ,nireduced in Congress, and which 1 if .-aid has the lull endorsement of the T. S. Department of Agriculture. It ! was announced that the speech, which may be heard over WPTK. Raleigh, is non-political, and will deal solely with plans for better mar keting services for the farmers. I Hiring the past week or so. Mr. Cooley has visited every county in his district, from Nash, his home, westward to Randolph. He has con tacted many of his friends through out the district, and is confident of winning in the primary a week hence. Saturday, May 25*. Delegation Will Attend Convention A large delegation of Vance coun ty Democrats will go to Raleigh to morrow to attend the Democratic State Convention. The county is en titled to 2.) delegates and 25 alter nates. all of whom were named at the county convention held last Sat urday. The county convention here in structed its delegates to the State convention to support a delegation favorable to a third term for Presi dent Roosevelt to go t'> the Demo cratic National Convention in Chi cago in July. The same group that will attend the State convention will also rep resent the county at the congression al and judicial conventions, which will be held in Raleigh at the same time as the larger gathering. The county will have 25 votes in the State convention, and C. S. Wester has been designated as chair man of the delegation. Townsville Board Names Teachers The Townsville school board mot recently, and clected teachers for the new school term, and took the occa sion to compliment the teachers for their splendid work during the past school year. David Gay was re-elected as prin cipal. with Charles G. Fort as as sistant. Miss Emily Midgette was named as English and French teach er. with Misses Bernadine Hurley. Belle Graham and Mary Souther land and Mrs. David Gay as grade teachers. Mrs. C. U. Sam ford wa named as substitute. Mrs. K. B. Taylor, secretary of tlv board, was mentioned for her good records of the meetings. i Principal Gay was praised for hi work in bringing up the attendant* at school, and Mrs. Gay for making a success of tho cafeteria and bavin such good food for thr Children. The school board is seeking an ad dition to the school, and reports t'o "terrible" need of an extra teacher FINCH BABY DIES AT PARENTS' HOME James Michael Finch, sevc months old son of Mr. and Mrs. .1 Allison Finch died at the Finch home on Chavasse avenue this aft ernoon about 1 o'clock. The infan' had been troubled most of its li' with a heart ailment. Funeral arrangements had no been made at an early hour this aft ernoon. !( CAN YOU ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? See Page Four 1. What outstanding feat did I»ol Feller perform for the Cleveland In dians baseball team in their firs' game this season? 2. Who was "the Swedish night ingale?" 3. Docs handling toads cause warts? 4. Is the Distinguished Service Cross, Medal of Honor or the Dis tinguished Service Medal, the high est award in the United States? 5. Buenos Aires is the capital oi what country? 6. Which of these words, ambig uous, amphibitious, or ambidextuous. describes a person who uses botl hands with equal facility? 7. Who has been chosen to delivcv the keynote speech in the 1940 Re publican National Convention? 8. Who is Eamon De Valera? 9. What is a callope? | 1U. Was 19l!U a Leap Year? On V. S. Board —m IIENRV T. MORRIS Henry T. Morris, for many years I ;i leading wholesale grocer of Hend erson, has been named as a member i»f the board of governors of the United States Wholesale Grocers' Association. Inc.. he was advised to day by J. D. DcLand, secretary treasurer, in Washington, D. C. The i lection was held at the annual con vention recently in Savannah, Ga. The election is for the coming year. Mr. Morris has Jong been an ac tive member of the national associa tion. He is head of the Henderson CJiocerv Company, one of the largest :ind oldest wholesale grocery con cerns in this section of the State. He 's prominent and active in many civic affairs in Henderson. ?nd is a nn.-t State president of the North Carolina branch of the Travelers Pre>toct ivc Association. The place on the board of govern ors of the national association was without solicitation by the Hendcr <11 man or his friends, and is con idercd a distinct recognition of his long and active business career in the field of his efforts. There are twelve directors, or governors, of the association, which is national in scope. Fertilizers To Be Tested In Project j At Bowen Farm j Tost plots for demonstration of lobacco fertilizing methods were put Hit this week at the W. J. Bowen Farm near Epsom, it was announced today by J. W. Sanders. Vance coun ty farm agent. L. T. Weeks, tobacc pocialist of the State Extension Service, is supervising the project. Each test plot consists of 1-20 acre Mr. Sanders said, and the tobacc rjrown on each plot will be harvest ed. graded and marketed separated !o give definite results for compari •"n of the value of the different ferti lizers used. H.AVC SFRVICE AT MT. MORIAH FRIDAY There will be an entertainment on Die church grounds at Mt. Moriah church Friday night. May 17. ac cording to announcement made by the psistor, the Row S. P. Cook. The entertainment will be in the interest :>f the church. On June 2. a special rally will be held on the church grounds at which time Bishop L. \V. Kyler and other officers are expected. Dinner will be served on the grounds. The church is trying to raise enough money so that, with what thev already have, they may complete the church build ing at once. The public is invited to attend. Public Asked To Report If Not Counted A number of families in the city have been discovered who have not been enumerated in the 1940 census, Mayor Henry T. I'owell said today, and efforts were being launched to have each such ease called to the at tention of the Chamber of Com merce. The appeal has been made to all such persons, who have rea son to believe they have not been counted, to notify Secretary Smith Young at the Chamber of Commerce offices immediately, and he will see that the proper enumeration is made. City authorities are very anxi ous that every person to whom the city is entitled shall he en rolled for the census, to the end that the count may be as large as possible. GREENWAY FIGURES IN FOUR CHARGES N. M. Grccnway figured in four of the five chargcs disposed oi' at to day's sc... inn of county court, with Recorder II. E. Clements presiding. Tried on a charge of being drunk Grcenway was given 30 days, su jjiiiued upon payment of the costs, and not be convicted of violating the prohibition lows of Vance county for the next year. A su. pended term of 30 days was prayed by the court. Grccnway was given 30 days on the roads for giving a worthies? check In H. LI. Daniel. In another warrant, Grccnway was charged with giving J. S. Grissom a worthless check, and in this case, he drew 30 days. Charged with driving drunk and driving after his license had been revoked, Grcenway was found guilty of driving after his lieer.?;e had been revoked, and was given 30 days. Pete Bobbitt faced the court charged with trespassing and pro fane language. He was given 6') clays, not t-> issue upon payment of (hc costs, and remaining away from the prosecuting witness, Stanley Medlin. OLD DEED RECORDED I DURING WEDNESDAY i There were three realty transfers recorded at the Vance Registry of fice Wednesday, one of them being made on August 21, 1899. The old deed was a conveyance of 13 acres of land in Kittrell township fo Luna .T. Edwards by M. W. Fuller, et al. and the consideration was SI50. Nettie C. Allen, et al. sold W. T. Newer mb. et al. a lot on the Oxford Road for S10 and considerations. S. R. Watson and wife sold Henry S. Moss a lot in the Carolina Buggy Co., subdivision at the corner of Oak and Maple streets for S10 and considerations. VANCE DAIRYMEN TO MEET TONIGHT! A. C. Kimrey, dairy specialist of the State Extension Service, will come to Henderson this evening to attend a meeting of dairymen of Vance county, when plans will be i made for dairy promotion during (he ! month of June. which has be°n j designated as "Milk Consumption, Month.'' I The meeting is to be held at 7:30 j o'clock at the office of J. W. Sand- j ers, Vance county farm agent. I PREFERENCE IN SUIT IS TO 'PLAINTIFF" In the story in the Daily Dispatch yesterday about the suit of R. H. Pernell against the City of Hender son, the word defendant was used in one or two places where the word should have been the plaintiff. The inadvertence is regretted, and this correction is made. A. A. Bunn, city attorney, assisted by J. H. Bridgers and Jasper B. Hicks, will represent the city in the suit. Mr. Pernell is represented by Gholson and Gholson, and W. H. Yarborough, of Louisburg. qtWw MORE THAN PMCEtfo, r, / / / // 'I Here are a list ol' bargains that will gladden li • housewives! Many not listed—conic in • Branded Chuck Roast, lb 15c Branded Hound Steak, lb 2:]c Rib Stew Beef, lb 10c Country I'urc Pork Sausage, lb. .. 12 l-2c Fresh Pork Brains, lb 10c Rath's Thin Sliced Bacon, lb. .. 17 l-2c1 Skinless Weiners, lb 17 l-2c Veal Stew, lb 10c Fresh Fish Daily One Lij. I*]•.!' Vanilla Waters j and two j><»!;ih!> j I I^afiar-as Both €><\ ] For 1 iMraty Vcill C ll'M;.', !!.. . . SmithfieM Ham Lai* • ' rtiM CoKI Cuts fi : i « • C'laranieca' F"tn Sugar, 10 Hi. I>:iv Lard, 4-Jii. ciii. .Ifv ! Meal, 10 Pi. Iia." .... Coffee. Vesper. 1 }i=. Jersey Cream Flour 12 lb. bag 35c 24 lb. baft 65c 48 lb. bag SI.30 98 lb. bag S2.5C Salad Dressing-, qt. jar 19c Dixie Special Flour 12 lb. bag 38c 24 lb. bag 70c 48 lb. bag SI.40 98 lb. bag S2.75 Matches, 6 boxes 15c Strawberries Fresli From Kittrcll 123 Horner St. Phone 650. E2HBT3T -T7T9,EwflbfJf i CONCENTRATED ,1' 1 15c lm|\ 2 fu j'JftK ) ■* r MB 1 IOC KOMI I OCTAGON ■•"•J SOAP ^.OCTAGON u «J2S\\P0WDER lOM ^OCTAGON - K^Toilet Soap 'JC mOHSpnr; i-uurEsxar DICKSON'S Get A Cool Straw—Every Day Now j Is Covrm' : Yes, we are prepared with one of the finest selec tions of the new straws we have ever seen. You'll find the ever popular sailors, panamas, and the new, colorful body straws included in the complete array. Come in and make your selection now for a full summer of cool, smart comfort.