ehacco Referendum Meetings s o tie Held Throughout County SnJule and Names Speakers Announc 1 i1 lowing Meeting • re Last Night; J. E. ; ii ijen Here Satur :.,tive group of Vance j men. tobacconists. . nkt" ami fanners .. the county court-1 explanation «>| the i., »oied upon July l»0! i i-U , ctidum. appr«>\ - j • u i> '.he proposal lor a • • ;irol program on to anil perfected plans i'ctiuys to be held e county during this, i:< \i lor the purpose ol'j i-bacco "rowers the I they must ilecide at ; etendu:?!. .'!i Chamber ot Coin ed laM night's meeting, tin balances of the ,ii ng presiding oftueiSj liie:pcu Here Saturdu.v : umed thi> morning I' i,pen. of the Agrieul iiit Administration of . ngtoti. will be the priti- i itj.u'i' at a meeting sche-' next Saturday afternoon . .!i the courthouse in tleu Ttrgpen has appeared :ly :!*. the Mate on previous and i> known as an au tobacco and on the situa tacing the flue-cured to :.;oducer>. (-1. W. Knott of . i preside at the meet Other Meetings. eetinsts scheduled, with 4tiers i 'ti each. iKX'asiOll. are • v. J.;lv 10. ti p. m.. Epsom W. \. Hunt. W. J. Al : W. i'.. Daniei. s y. July 11. 8 p. m.. Wit c :vd school: H. I». 1'ay Itobards. and CI. W. Knott. j. July !J. p. m. Wat- . ! MYA do I Look Like THAT? ; Many houses around town would ;; ? t:.e shock of their young (or I) lives if they could see them \ !vr s as others see them. On some, , • p.:int is almost gone; on others .t is dingy, blistered or peeling. i.'ndtr such conditions, no house . look its best. And, since the :-f:g:ircment is only skin deep, ' rrme ly need only be paint deep. Wc 'nave just the righc materials :o make your house look young I r ;:.n—long-wearing Dutch Boy itr-leac! and a wide :-rv of pnints, var enamels, colors, • - And • .r prices are /.t. .r service prompt, Watkins Hardware Company. i }'in»!«r tC lll-|)(llT>(ll). \. C. ^ ounded in Mexico Ivan Hasslocher More than 100 persons were slain and thousands injured as Mexico , went to the polls to select a presi- \ dent. One of the victims was Ivan Hasslocher, son oi the counselor of the Brazilian embassy in Washing ton, 1>. C., who was wounded in Mexico City. \ins. Re tin's store: 0. \\\ Knott. J. ('. ' xittivll and M. Y. C"«•• »t-f. Friday. July 12. <1 p. m.. Oabnev high school: F. S. Rovster. M. F. 1 Walter (Ireenway. and Rev. .1. J. Teague. , ' Monday. July 15. «S p. m.. Ayeock ' ■chool: Bennett I!. Retry. J. C. (lard-; U'f. \\ . I!. Daniel and (!. W. Knott. .... .... i I Monday. July 1:». i! p. m.. Xutbusli •ihooi No. 1: \V. \V. Whitt*. R. K. , .'lements and M. !■'. I .egg. Tuesday. July Hi. !» p. in.. Zeb , .'anee high school: F. S. Rovster. W. . V Hunt. J. C. Kittrell and .J. ('. Sardner. Wednesday. Jiuy 17. }> |>. in.. Mid lleburg high school: J. C. Gardner. ' ■*. S. Rovster and J. Fleming. Thursday. July 1!!. als on which tobacco growers t nil v«»te July 20 weri1 oullined last light by W. li. Rogers, field officer | if the Xorth Carolina AAA organi/.a- \ ion. who came to Henderson from ialeigh for the meeting. I Mr. lingers pointed out that re 's ut amendments to the tobacco | piota [•('!<\ i' if three years. Farmers may also | ( AiilJ <>1 THANKS. We wish to thank our friends and ;eighboi. lor their kindue s and j \;i.; j.:l.!:.v drring Mie illness and | leatli of our beloved wife and . notiier. We also express thanks fori' he mat iv bealit i I n I I lower received. J. \V. RKDDINCFIKIJ) AND FAMILY. S-A-V Fruits—•'V ege tables Can The Modern Way Use New Type Quart Tin Cans i:mtitv prices as low 3 3-4c . Now typo hand sealer: machine sealing, each Hurpoo lVrlVct $9.95 All Kinds Cannir.s Needs Canners, each $1.19 • :iiiiu rs, lartfe holds. I He hall' gallon , raOh 0 «3 • ai'ii.Ts, 1L> half (gC AA lli»n i/.c. ca. vu»vv Fruit jars, Kerr or mummu ''"f' . 85c aniel for $10 and considerations. On Saturday, four papers were il( (1. YV. B. Might and wife sold M. L. light 1-2 undivided interest in a nt in North Henderson for $10 and onsiderations. VV. L. Dickerson, et al, conveyed iinher rights to Burgess Lumber 'o. to 20!> acres of land in Kittrell ownship for $10 and considerations. Clifton H. Edwards, et al, sold kiltie E. Edwards, et al. an acre of and in Kittrell township for $10 md considerations. In another transfer, Clifton E. Ed vards and wife sold E. E. Wells, et 11. 10 acres of land in Kittrell town hip for $10 and considerations. Hunter Heads Ambassadors Dr. Thomas M. Hunter was named )resident of the Ambassador club, ucceeding Hylton T. Webb, who has erred for the past two years, at a neeting of that group last evening. Other officers named at the ses ion were Gillam Burleson, first vice president, J. E. Elrod, Jr., second ,'ice president, J. H. Murrell, Jr., hird vice president, and C. S. Might ,vas re-elected secretary-treasurer.. A. C. Hoover. James N. O'Neil and \. J. Watkins were chosen to serve vith the officers as a board of di ectors. Dr. Hunter plans to name his com n it tees shortly. Will Install Legion Heads New officers to serve during the coming year will be installed by Henderson Post, No. 60, of the Amer ican Legion tonight at the monthly meeting in the Legion hut. Henry K. White will become post comman der. succeeding J. C. Gardner. A former announcement that the meet ing was to be last night was er roneous. In addition to the installation, ii a'as said sev eral vital matters would come before the post, and that a large attendance was looked for. Aristocrat Refugees Bombs make no distinction between aristocrats and commoners, so these children were sent to Amer ica. They are Davina Bowes-Lyon, 10, and her brother Simon, 8, niece and nephew of the British Queen, shown arriving at New York, en route to the Charlottesville, Va., estate of J. P. Morgan, a close friend of the British royal family. Work Rushed On Warehouse Work is proceeding rapidly on 1ho: ilew Carolina Warehouse for tin* sale of leal tobacco, and which is to lie completed in a month or six weeks, j It faces on three streets. Chestnut.! Montgomery and Walnut, and is he- j ing erected by W. IJ. Daniel and F. j S. Hoyster. When ^completed. the warehouse will be leased to the operating linn composed of Mr. Daniel, Mr. Hoyster and W. M. Young and I!. S. Young.! This concern has operated Coopers Warehouse for several years and al-| so the new Banner since it was erect ed several years ago, but which is! being relinquished this season with completion of the new Carolina house. A new wing has been added to Coopers Warehouse, and this will be ready well in advance of the opening of the selling season here on Tues Mistrial Had In City Court A jury trial of Harvey Hayes, charged before Mayor Henry T. Powell in citv court wilh drunken driving, ended in a mi:,trial today, when one memhe.r of the jury was withdrawn. Charles Allen. Negro, faced the court, charged with careless and I reckless driving. The state look a nolle pros with leave. fiertrudc Brown. Negro, was j charged with trespassing and :it- I tempting to enter the home of I )r. R. T. Upchurrh on Soulli Oarnett I street. The woman was found guil- | •fy of trespassing, and given HI) j clays, suspended if she leaves the city for a period of two years. The | costs were omitted. Well Known Farmer To Be Interred Wednesday ?t New Bethel Cemetery A. W. Duke, well known farmer of the county, died at his liome on the Lynbank Road last night about 9:1f> o'clock, after an illness of the past lour months. Mineral services will be conduct ed Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the home of his only daughter, Mrs. A. M. Poytluess, at Gillburg, and interment will be made at New Bethel church cemetery, near Epsom. Mr. Duke is survived by his widow, Mrs. Carrie f*. Duke, one daughter, Mrs. A. H. Poytluess, and one son. Warren Duke, all of this county. Mr. Duke had been making his home on the Lynbank road for the past year or so. and prior to that time had farmed about three miles east of the city on the Aycock school road. Active pallbearers were announced as W. J. Alston, J. E. Murphy, C. E. Hoyle, B. D. Adcock, Nat Currin and U. C. Wood lief. DR. PATTEN OPENS WEEK OF REVIVAL Dr. Walter Patten, president of Louisburg college, will preach at the 11 o'clock service Sunday morning at Tabernacle church. This service will open a revival there throughout the week. Dinner will be served on the church grounds Sunday, and the afternoon service will be held by the regular pastor, Rev. T. \V. Lee. A former pastor, Rev. P. D. W. Woodall, will also be present. Services will be held during the remainder of the week by Mr. Lee. All former members, friends, and people of the surrounding com munities are cordially invited and welcome to these services. The church has recently been painted inside and out, and the •hurch grounds and cemetery clean ed. The people are justly proud of this work being done, and sincerely hope for a splendid wee kof wor ship. Mrs. Cooper Passes In Greenville Mrs. Mary Smun Cooper, wife of Lewis CI. Coopei. formerly ol' this rity and prominently related here, died at her homo in Greenville at 7 o'clock this morning, according t<< advices received hero. She was a daughter of Robert Lee Smith and the late Neta Turnage Smitli. and was a native of Farm-, villi1, where she was burn May 17. i ay i. IJesides her husband. Mrs. Coop er is survived by two daughters, Fan nie Spo'.swood and Mary Smith ('•loper: ner father: brother. W. H. S;11ilit. ail of Greenville. and a sister. Mrs. ('. R. Townsend. of Farmville, i and several niece, and nephews. Mrs. Cooper was a member of Fight h Street Christian church inj Greenville, and was active in church I circles. She was a descendant of j Major Kenjamin May, and was a member of the Greenville chapter) Daughters of the American Revolu tion. Mr. Cooper is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John 1). Cooper of this eitv. He has lived in Greenville more than twenty-five years, is a practic ing attorney there and a former jud;;e of the Pitt county court. New Priest To Officiate Rev. Father Zaehary Ralston. C. R.. son of Mrs. Kathryn V. Ralston, well known Henderson business wo man. who recently was ordained to the Catholic priesthood in London. Ontario. Canada, is in Henderson for a week's visit to his mother, and will hold special services at St. Paul's Catholic church here next Sunday morning, ifi was announced today by Father Cletus J. llclfrich. pastor of the local church. Father Ralston on last Sunday morning sang his first solemn high mass in St. Benedict's Catholic church in Greensboro. His and Mrs. Ralston's friends here will be given opportunity next Sun flay to participate in celebration ol'j his entrance into the priesthood in | the ordination in Canada on Satur-j day. May 18, a ceremony attended by his mother, and also by Father! llclfrich, who assisted in the service.) Father Helfrich on next Sunday' morning will preach a-special ser mon on the priesthood. He said to day no formal invitations would bej mailed to residents of the city, but that all who desire are asked to be present. The hour is 1():H(I a. in. Sunday. 3 Contagions During June Only three contagious diseases were reported to the Vance County Health Department in June, it was announced at the office today. Two were whooping cough and one chickenpox. These and a number of other ail ments are listed as reportable dis eases, and are turned in 1o the de partment by attending physicians. ' 8 Wednesday Is Big Day At West End Country Club 9 Wednesday promises to be a gala day at West Knd Country Club. with tlu1 afternoon being devoted to a concealed handicap tournament. and tin- e\ ening M-t aside for the devoiir iii)4 til barbecue at a Dutch supper, lollowed b\ the awarding <>1 prizes l«i winners in the reeent club i iiain piunsliip lowrnanient. Wilson T. Smith, chairman of 11 ic* Journament committee, announced thf handicap tournament today, stat in.1.; that a small entrance fee will l>e required of eaen participant. The event will get underway at 1! o'clock, with plaviss drawing an envelope, which carries Iheir handicap. This must he returned to the club pro. Mr. Main, or a member ol the tour nament committee, together with a TWO NEGROES HURT CAR-TRUCK WRECK Second Wreck In Two Days at Street Intersection; Third In 2 Weeks In a collision yesterday afternoon at 3:4:> o'clock at the corner of Nicholas and Chavasse avenue be tween a taxi driven by Willie Mann. Negro, and a truck, driven by Doe McC'all for K. I'. McC'lain. two Ne groes, Sammy Amos and Melvin Terrell, were injured and sent to Jubilee hospital for treatment. Po lice Sergeant C. ('. Harris, who in vestigated the accident said today. Mann was driving a taxi for Arth ur Pool. The taxi and the truck were considerably damaged in the collis ion. This is the third wreck in little over two weeks, and tlie second in two days for the corner, Harris said. On June 2n. John I). Whaley and Cheatham Wrenn figured in a col lision at the intersection; and Sunday afternoon about 1 o'clock. Miss Jer aliline Crews and Charles Allen, a Negro, were in collision at this corn er. Police said today that Sheet Sup erintendent J. Lv llamlett had work .certified score card, when the handi caps will bo .subtracted fn»ni Ii.»* ' "bogey". and 11 it* tun1 closes-t !" the < "bogov" will leeche first prize, the j second nearest receiving second price, and a |>»-ix«» will go In tlu* one ' misso.s "bogov" the furtlu'.-1. Chairman Smith also reminded ' members ni tlu' club in »»«»tiIs tin* . Hub's pro shop u they expect to attend the supper Wodne:day even ing. gi\ ing the nsimber plates de sired. This is important m outer that those in charge of tin- -upper will know how many to prepare lor. During the ceremonies that will follow the .-upper. .1. C. Cooper. .11.. will bo crowned men's ehampion. and Mrs. Helen (ioodwyn will -hare . like honors for the ladi> j men at 11n* intei eel urn renm\ in:; • hrobbery from a plot m the center j iif the slri'et. | AROUND TOWN I,ions 'I'o .Meet—The weekly meet ing of the I .ions club will be held I Wednesday evening a! \ o'clock at | the Vance I Intel (■ranted l.iecnsc—Frank Newton, | nf (ireonville. and Tilanclie Van j I tyke, of Henderson, .seem ed lieeme ! 1o wed at the Vaiiee l.'eui:-try office I Motulav. according to records there. EXTRA Wednesday Only Uig Double Feature Program No. 1 "The Way of All Flesh" with A k i m Ti m i rol l'— / (iladvs (loom'— / No. 2 Ti'X It it > ci 'Golden Trails' St evenion HI EMBASSY Admission ...... 30< Ciovi'i nincnl Tax .. 4< Total 34c Children ... 10c I«ist Times Today—MADKLINK I'AR ROl,L — DOUG. FAIRHANKK. .IK..—in "SAFARI"—Added: News ;md Nnvrllirs Starts Tomorrow — FAY BAINTFK — FRANK CHAVKN—in "OUR TOWN". STEVENSON M:it. 2f>e Night 35e Guv. T:i>: Ic Gov. T:ix .r>c Total 29c Tutiil H»e Children Me Two Pictures Wednesday For llu1 I'rice of ()ne Rridir C';?.»it«ir—Hil;i Johnson—in "Forty Little Mothers" Added: News — N«»vellie:: Tuiiiomm'—2 l!iy Keiilmes — No. I AUini Tinieriiff, Win. Henry—in "Way Of All Flesh" STATE Admission lf>< Children ... !<•( Tochiy only—Wll.l) 1511,1. KU.IOTT in "MAN FKOM TUMULKWKKDS"—AIm»: "Drum: nf Ku Miinchu". Tomorrow: Disicl KikI Kids—in ••angki-s wash tiikiu packs" Will Close WEDNESDAY AT ONE P. M. See Wednesday's Paper For Special Announcement