Leaf Quota Set For '41 Secretary Wallace Proclaims Quota, With Provision For Increas ed Acreage. Wash ngton. July iV--> AP) —-Sec ret; \ Wallace proclaimed late yes r»: '; > t!itc-c ivii t"!»;KVo quota " Ii»41-42 iv.arketiuu year i>i' p»>.ip.Js with the proviso that the quota l>e increased to <» 1 •>. 01 M>.DdO pounds ii growers approved by referendum marketing quotas foi three years. Wallace set the referendum tor July 20. Growers will vote on: t. Adoption of marketing quotas for the three-year pjeriod. 15)41 through 1943. 2. Adoption of quotas for 1911 only. 3. Rejection of quotas. Two-Thirds Must Approve A two-thirds majority vote will be necessary tor adoption of quota The f>5t>.000.000 pound quota is 10 per cent less than that it', effeet for the 1940 erop. The IU 8.000.0001 pound quota i- the .-asne .is that for 1940. J. 11. llutson. Assistant Adminis trator of the A*;: cultural Adiu-t uient Administration. s.:id the •>!{'<. 000.900-pound quota plus tin* normal production on Hit- innc.iM' previou. ly made in allotments for small farms ;ictu;illy meant a total quota of about t (iiid.UIHi.OttO pounds. j "Ti'.is quota." II.r. on said. "inm | p-uw- with an e: !iniat. d lo\<| of world consumption of United States Ilue-cured tobacco prii>r to the out break of tin* war in Kurope of around 77;>.UtM).lt!KI pounds. Thcrelore. il tin1 (ill!.Odd,DOU-pouud quota plus tin increase for small farms is maintain ed for tlit* four years. !!H0 through !!)!.", it will mean production at a level about lt)tl,00ti.i>:i!l pounds be low the present e tiniated world consumption level an ! should result in elimination of tin- 01 imis of aboi:' •lOO.OuO.i-OO pounds which resulted from ■ he e\iri mel;> i :• crop in 1 latins .M.uor I'rdliK'ins llutson pointed out hi it as Hie currenl varUelmv, :-e.> oil oprn.-J. Schedule of Meetings About Ihe T obacco Saturday, July 20 9 Epsom Hiiili School—Wednesday, July 10th, S:DO 1\ i\l. Wil'iamsboro Colored School—Thursday, July lltli, 8:00 P. i\i Watkins- Kcnn's Store—Friday, July .l^th, -.*o0 P. M. Dalnuy Hit>ii School— Friday, July 12th, 8:00 P. i\i. Henderson-—Court House. Saturday, July lMlli, '1 I). 3\1. A y cock Hiii'h School—Monday, July loth, 8:00 1*. i\l. Xutbush School Xo, 1 — Monday, July 15th. S:()() P. M. Xeb Vance Hi.di School—Tuesday, July l(>th, 8:00 P. M. Middlebur.fr Hiurh School —Wednesday. July 17th, 8:00 P. M. Townsville Hurh School—'Thursday. Julv 18th, 8:00 P. M. P>obbitt Gill's Store—Friday, July 19th, 8:00 P. M. Plan to Attend as Many of These Meetings as Possible These Meetings Are Sponsored by The Henderson Chamber of Commerce glowers WCIC Conllollleil M.V lo« targe supplies remaining Ironi lit.'!!' 1 and I'll rl 111*1* complications *»l" Iht* I export .■ 11nalion. Indications were, I I he said. Ilia! buyers lor 11 if trade W illi (beat Hritain and continental j : Kuropcaii countries would not oper- ■ alf in tin - year's marl.el utile, s some j ariangcmcnl similar to llic purchase and loan plan >c made unless growers adopted marketing i|tiolas in I he re ferendum. "If (|itolas are disapproved." he said, "marketings in l!lll will he iiiicoiiIrol'ed as in and there will he no price protection for thi year';: crop." Ilalloting i?i the rclereiidutn will !>e secrci. I•ncal committees will do signale polling places. Three local growers will he m charge of each polling place. Any hon:i l'nle owner, operator, tenant or share-cropper who receives-a share of Hie proceeds of the I!) Ill flue-cured tobacco crop will be eligible lo vote. I ionic I ,o;m !>;mk I las Six Months Period Winston-Salem. .Inly !!. With to tal credits ot .S!l.l)!l."i.i»11> advanced lo 11 • • * *: it m *i thrill and honic-i inaucing institutions during the first six months of this year, the Federal Home Loan Hank of Winston-Salem experienced its greatest activity for any first half-year period hire the haul; was organized in 1 fl.'il!. said < >. K. l.al«o(|ue. presiden! of the bank, e-i.-i'dav in a semi-annual review of ihe haul 's activities. During the first hail' of 1 !>-!}). advances of .S.''».7(il!,7111it! llir I'.M'i'SS of iL'jKiy- | niriils, which rrdturd 11 n • net lj;il.incr ; n! i H11I.i i h I hi", ; i«I \ .iin-ivs lii $17,010, L!.'!'i ;i. i*;ir<>,(i(!7 .il (lie bc.'-iinninn i»i llir yr;ir, to I In* j Ir.idil.v iiifir.i in^ llovv nl siivin;.;: I'utid: imIii ...-1\ ni.u. ;11mf lu.'iii s ;is.si»ci;i linii in Hie sl.ite nl M.n.vI;11111. Vm L*iiii;i. Nnrlli (";iii)lin;i, South (.*;iro lm;i, (icih:;i;i. KIhikIi'i. ;iiiiI Al.ih.iiii.t, iikI Hie I )i I l id nl' ('11i111111>i;t. Mr. I.;ilvu<|iic pointed mil lli;il ll.'i s;i\ in.:;:; ;nul lo.in ;i.--oei.ilions ;irtrl m- : sunnier i*i>i11]>;mii' in Hit- .southe;i I ru t;11<*s iiii|llir tin mhcrship • I the l-'i-.lri :iI 11• iiiu• I,ii:i;i li.inl; . y.< '•*iii in Mir f';iid kv;is ciiiimiI Iiv cniisiilid.'itidijs. iiiy,lit. (patrons enjoy llir same siiij'io standard (/I' .:cf\ico. Get Over on the Quality Side T 1 i oday Try Our Special Business Lunch NEGRO IS HELD FOR EMBEZZLING MONEY I'erey Lee Allen, Ni'Jini. was Ixnii^lil Im-I'iiic Kecordcr R. E. CJe nn'iil:; iii enmity emirl luda.v. charg ed with embezzlement of $17 from J. C. Evans. Probable cause w -s l"«n:nrl. Alien was ordered held lur y Superior Court und' t Sf>«iu A large Iro mnormally 11\«• lwt» year, in Hie water a .1 1 : ; rr» T"1* 1 1 o 1 ide You Over No matter how little your need may be, friendly consideration and unfailing courtesy await you when you come to our bank. SMALL BORROWERS ARE WELCOME! Henderson, N. C. All deposit.* up to $5,000 insurer! hv the ;«"*<•*I !)< posit Insurance Corporation Banking Hours: 9 A M. ro 2 P. M. wm FARMERS SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1940 Is the Date Set for You to Vote for a Program Which Wil! GOARANTEE PRICES EQUAL TO OR ABOVE THE 1939 TOBACCO AVERAGE Only By Voting for Marketing Quotas for Three Years Can This Be Done. f We Urge You to Think Seriously About This | Matter Before You Vote in the Referendum.