L>GWS v. » ■ •strong . \ wild t \i>!• i- \ t" iiomhs .1 >h,> ' .uul u h«-u tht'iv was ■ ; ■'i. \« ithoiit . i'. >■ his i.i! '■••• .iriii •><> :i.I .t'W . <t::us ni' a;. it: -• i't'tuven ' ' iuvl !hr <•' ; in lip. * I J HI . piny solf in a tuxedo. w rtabic clothes . . . . . tch-Guard Sports &ivc • soli s. An all-round - m re "play" at the I >\ ^knir C: tch-Guard hit t support. Con i:y-fr, !lt. • :\.i! spruce at !i\NES Cr tch-Guard :n p best with a y >>:r Hanes SPORTS r* .i u -> n *J 3SC and 50f (shown above; HANES SHIRTS ANO BROADCLOTH SHCKTS 35% 3 forS1 > h. HANES KNITTING COMF'f Win«ton-So!»m. N. C ,-fv ^na n •?. 3 to?? oTe o» "ill. tciii.V':i U> -ee It. ! ' three rounds. the w!-Uerweight i <>«on icst \v.sn mil took a j"■»>ii sound ticking. Tin:: lu? tunnel the range. lie battered the light v.en:ht title holder ti» the tloor si\ Ihne through ttie ne\t three heats ami hurt him so badly that the Te\an thin man just couldn't make it for the se\entii. lie slumped to his knee in his own corner in seconds l>i i. re the be!! rant* opening the -cv.nth and the State Athletic Coin • i':. ■ ion i:i u-»I it a six round terhni i-.-i UtuK'l.ont for tho t.r< at little Ne Results ?'!l.l)MONT Llv\Gl t j 11:;i-U;:n» Ashevillr I. Uoeky Mount 8: Portsmouth <>• i Norfolk «»0; Richmond 7-t) (first i^ame I.j innings. 2nd gillie called i oml t>!h. darkness^. C'harlolto 7-1: Winston-Salem 3-2. AMFIIK'AN TFAGI E llitston J5-8: I Vtroit Xew York 4: Cleveland V" :stii:; ".ton Chicago 2. Only games played. VATIOWI. I.KAC.I E Prooklyn "J: Chicago !. Cincinnati -t Huston S? L,oni< a; Philadelphia .'i. Only games played. It matter of common experi- I we thai ti .iperate men are the ! f-t and longest-lived. 5 $ THE BEST IN i ► WEN'S WEAR AT 4 ¥ EFIRD'S FOR Geo. A. Rose & Son COME RIGHT IN FOR Legorett's Dept. Store F.t Votir Hanes Shirts and Short PIEDMONT LEAGUE Club Ashevilk Durham Uiehmotul .... Charlotte . . . . lio.-ky Mount Portsmouth . . . Norioik Winslnn-Sali'iu Vv. 53 47 4«i 45 IK 34 3i: 41 in 13 no 47 AMERICAN LEAGUE Club Cleveland Di-ln.ii . ! id -Still . New York Chira,u<> U'a liini'.l.; Philudoljii* St. Lutii-s W. 18 L Hi i:: 47 no NATIONAL LEAGUE Club W. L Ciiu'innnti 52 24 I lit Hiklyn IS) 23 Now York 42 311 Chicago 43 "1 Si. Louis 3!> 42 Pittsburgh 33 12 Boston 23 45 Philadelphia 2(J 49 Schedule PIEDMONT LEAGUE Winston-Salem ;it Richmond, lloeky Mount at Charlotte. Portsmouth at Asheville, Durham at Norfolk. AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland at New York. Chicago al Washington. St. Louis at Philadelphia Detroit at Boston. NATIONAL LEAGUE New York :>t Pittsburgh. Philadelphia at St. Louis. Boston at Cincinnati. Brooklyn at Chicago. HARRIET NINE TO PLAY FIVE FORKS The Harriet Mil! nine will tackle Five Forks at Pine Park in South Henderson at 3 o'clock Saturday aft ernoon. it is said. This is a Golden Bell league con test. and a good game is expected. NORTH HENDERSON LASSIES WINNERS The North Henderson recreation gills soltball team beat Spring Val ley girls 9 to 2 at the Parish House ball park recently. Wiggins and Edwards were the top hitters for the losers, with Johnson. Miller, the captain. Helen Lowry and Sarah Uenn being the best for the lo.-ers. LOOKING FOR H A R Car AIMS? The Year's Best Values Classified For You Clel I'flF. CLXCINK; ,c ; ;sc ! a.- baby j ar.d play 'ar— L OjuBINA i ' ind—-real wal : S12.95 sellers. Mm ire. Limited and up. V WASHING MA >ii, v.av tubs. See • a lor this bargain I'.KDS—IF YOU ■>(i bed m single . t • v tu show yotI i •! at S4.M.). Lasy i erms VALUES aim; not ?v\sf!> ox ruich alom:: If W'r Can't (>i\T Vou A Better Dial We Don't Kxpect Your lUisincss. See This One Today! 2-piecv Kroehler living room suite, mohair covering. superior con -truction. I tegular $119.50 value— $89.00 CLOSE OUT—LAWN LOUNGE ON wheels. Waterproofed pad. Alumi num finish. Adjustable back. Spe cial at $14.50. Call for "Dick" Moseley. METAL UTILITY CABINET—| Large, adjustable shelves. C;ili Telephone 94!! lor prompt delivery. DISIIES. DISHES. DISIIES, NOW is the time to buy that extra 32 pieco dinner set. Complete service for six. Hcautil'ul patterns. See Cleveland Moore. FREE DEMONSTRATION 1941 model radios. Made by Farns worth. Many new features. S17.95 and up. TEN 1'IECE MED ROOM GROUP— Let Ben Perry show you this bar gain group. Bed. chest, vanity springs, mattress, lamp set. pil lows. and other items for only $59.50. On display now. FOR SALE CARD TABLES A1 'give away' prices ... strong, dur able. attractive. Not to be confus ed with cheap, inferior table. Asl< "Dick" Moseley to give you ar unusual demonstration. Only $2.95 FOUND—THE BEST VALUE OF July's many bargains. On th< third floor at Christian-Harward S. C. Stephenson has found a larg< enameled wood and coal range Originally marked S99.50. Car be hud lor only $79.50. Free Delivery TURE CO., INC. HENDERSON, N. C. Council On Monday Will Get Budget A tentative budget lor the current fiscal year will be given to the City Council Monday evening at ils monthly ses.sion for July, it was learned today. Some action may he taken at that time also on leasing of fishing rights in the city waterworks i ! lakes. The new budget has not yet been j : whipped inl" shape to cover all ilein^ i of expenditure for the year, but will ' be. at least in tentative form, by the I : meeting of the Council Monday night. During the past fiscal year the city's lax rale was SI.(ill oil Ihe $l((t) valuation. Indications are. so far as has been lea ned, that this rate will i not be increased, and that there is | some possibility that a slight rcduc I tion will be attempted. There has been some talk of a new funding «.>f maturing debt service ob ligations in 1940-41. but whelhcr or not this is seriously contemplated will await the Council's consideration of i budget matters for definite deter i mination. AROUND TOWN Pays Traffic Fine—A traffic fine of $1 was collected from the Economy Auto Supply Store, records at Ihe city clerk's office revealed today. Pleads Guilty — Arthur Ayscuej | pleaded guilty to being drunk in city ! court today before Mayor Henry T. I'owell, and was given 3(1 days, u I spended upon payment of the eo;1s. | I ndcrsocs Operation. Billy Fugleman underwent an op- | era tion for appendicitis last night at i Maria I'arham hospital, and is said j to be doing very nicely. Cotton Closes 7-12 Lower I I New York, Jiuy 18.— (AP) | ton futures opened 1 higher | lower. Futures closed 7 to 12 lower dling spot lO.al. off 12. New contracts: October 9.42 Decembei 9..12 January March 9.09 May 8.91 it's Wallace' For FDR's Running Mate; President To Speak by Radio Tonight 'Continued From Page One) became known after both Secretary of State Cordell TIull and Byrnes had refused to be considered. Word that "it's Wallace" quickly j spread from delegate to delegate and there were indications that other contenders would withdraw. Sena tor Harrison of Mississippi told the Mississippi delegation it was Wal- j lace "on the first ballot" and pre- . dieted no one else would even be nominated. * , I —Cot-| • to 1 •, mid 9.30; 9.201 9.1II 9.01 Burma Accord Seeks To End War in China (Continued From Tage One) gukited with a view to restoring a balance between rich and poor and , not in pursuance of any policy of reducing the number of persons in j "this well defended island." "After months of widespread if ill directed bombardment," he said, "our casualties have been singularly slight." Babson Urges Sound Tax Program In Defense Plan (Continued From rage One) in this new "defense war" seems to j be the same as that which destroyed France and which threatens England. France was defeated by New Deal pap, shorter hours, and high costs. Two months have gone by since we suddenly realized that our defenses were vulnerable. Yet. I have found but few people who have any under standing of what we face in the months ahead to provide adequate defense. Surtaxes I'nsound Congress must be extremely care- j ful in seeking new methods of rais ing money for our defense program. I So far the talk seems to center on j "excess profits" taxes. Aside from I the practical difficulties of deter- j mining "excess profits," this is dang-j erous for two reasons. First, every j person—not just business corpora tions—must be made to feel the I burden of this defense program for the sake ol' our national spirit. Sec ond, we must not discourage busi ness men. We have plenty of evi dence to show that high surtaxes de 1 feat their own purpose. Such taxes . do not raise the anticipated revenue; they discourage employers; they penalize expansion, they cripple in dustrial efficiency. This was our i experience in the years from 1920 to 1922. We must not lose sight of the fact that in addition to our defense pro gram we still have unemployment. If we handle the defense program irrop?viv. nenny pv^vv j'.vipioynDL? should oi.' abie to find a job. Hew ever. ii' we retard the expansion of business and discourage the starting ><i new businesses by "heads-I-win. tails-you-lose" taxes. we will be missing the boat on creating new job . Above all. we must not lax and discourage ligitimate business to the extent that the government itself will start messing around with the defense job. The moment il at tempts to do this it is "curtains" for democracy in the United States a* well as in Kurope. Flat Tax Soundest Business men and investors will be glad to pay tlioir share of higher Wife Preservers Ihili li-mon juice aivl half wator makos a ivfivshingmonth wash; lemon juicoantl salt make sn oxccilvni c neiia-ncy denti frice. tctx^s to ir.e cieien:? i^vosr^ni. but Congier- must nor -..ddie t:.e | entire burden on the?::. PiU-'mess" job is to make tanks. airplanes. l itlos! und shells. Its job is not to collect j taxes toi Uncle Sain! The Treasury experts must find new taxes that give business men incentive to work for defense, to expand their plants. t« increase employment, and to make America cafe from the dictatorships. J 1 believe that the soundest tax—and I the best revenue producer—would bo ; a flat, but fair, income tax on every person in the country! Tin; hope of America today is that we will all j»et hack to the !iindamt nI;11 -- on w hich the growth of this old city of Gloucester was rounded.- hard work, self-denial.! and independence. Now. more than at any time in the last half century, j character -anion-; political leaders, munuiacturers. merchant, workers, farmer-, everybody—will dictate the' seciiritv. the pr«ij?re». and tfio future of tli:' .Yew World - and 1i " (>id! Burke Bolts Demo Ranks (Continued From Pofjc- One) shall work for your victory at the polls in November." Senator Burke, frequent critic of ine prefer7 ncirr.tni>tr;i'ivn. »\ i> u ier.ted in :he Neb*. . <u: Democrat primary in hi? renomination effoi The senator wrote Willkie *tti he was "certain that a host" Democrats would support the R publican nominee. Representative Colfee. Democr; Nebraska. said in a statement th he could not "conscientiously su] pin t ny president for a third term MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE UF BACKACHES This Old Treatment Often Brings Happy Relief Many sufferers relievo n iprinK baokarhi rpiiekly, orn r they diseovor that I In* real caus< ul their tr<i«jl>lo inav ho tired kidm-vs. 'I he kidneys arc Nature's <■ i.h-f way of takim tho ( "irss ari'ls and wa>to out of the blood 'I hey help most pie pass about 5 pints a day \\ iii-n disorder of kiduev funetion pernni: p< isoiiotis matter to rrmaiii in ym:r blood. il it ay c ause n.-iirx-'iiur baei>aehe, rheumatie pains hi' pains, l<»s i f pep aii'l eii'Tj'v, jretiins ui nichts, swelling, puiliness under tin' eyos, lit'inl aehos and diz?.iue>s. Frequent < r sonnty pas »agcs with smarting and burning sometiin** shows there is something wrung with vou kidneys or bladder. I >,.n't wait! A L your drupgist for lo>an': Pills, used fully by millions for over 4i years, 'l iny give happy relief and wdl help thi j.'i miles of kid lie) tubes llusll out poi-onuU waste from your blond. t!et 1 Juan's fills. HERB'S THE COLA / LIKE FOR PICNICS... mm atom ma NOT ONE BUT TWO jjjfj FUU CLASSES .7 ■ Goes swell with a hot dog! Royal Crown has won 9 out of 10 fortified taste-tests against lead ing colas from coast to coast! Try a bottle. J.earn why it's so popular. • • • BEST BY TASTE-TEST! A Product of Schi Corporation p Q Remember too, to order those famous Nell! Beverages. You can buy tlu-m in a variety of delicious flavors. The big twelve-ounce i:ottle cost;; only five cents. LANK NKIII BOTTLING CO. 2?,8-242 W. Montgomery St. !'lione 241. FECIALS ADDED very Department for Last Two Days of Leggett's Great CLEARANCE Thousands of Money Saving Values Hurry, Get Your Share DEPT9^ V STORE 'Henderson's Shopping Center"

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