btage , , — I .ead a !ii:ht rally »»•' tfaiU'i t«\ ci t!i«' \va t«• i ik»mosti t i>.'st ill tli .in to a poin . . ti utors. air Quota a hit iIt'd vl«»v.\ i ci! r> ! fi!> r> T.> 1 i !t r» ll! 20 ')V» Tt; t;t; . . i) !I— !1 l-i t; l <: r>-; . . 1 :")7 1 5 1 i - 13 T-: .. 1 r«> .. 4i» :u 3-f . . n :?:? i : ."in a-.1 i «>!! t.ilil hill ho basis >>• his •• -hottlil iii •...O W EZ6 j£r &%]*' iN YEARS tvon. sliced thin, !b. 17 l-2c ryers Barred Rocks, ib. 22 l-2c ;*ak. round, lb. 27c '=\i Chops, ib. 12 l-2c *ork Chops, ib. 18 l-2c • ru I :.•»•!" huck Roasi, ib. 18< I't'-ruium lam, half or whole, lb. 17c SANITARY MARKET :;! ami Fights Third Term ! & i ( James A. Reed ; l ' Former Senator James A. Reed, of Missouri, called a meetinjr of anti third-term Democratic strategists I in Chicago to discuss plans for de | feating President Roosevelt. : resign until the start »»f aetivo cam paigning. Tiiat eourse was followed. The Chief Kxcrutive said today ho i thought probably that was •e to lurther questions he ' had nothing to say on reports that J ilovernoi l.loyd Stark ol Missouri 1 might slice* ed .lames A. Farley a.~ i ;>>>>tm.i*ter general. nor would he dis i eu> ■ the appointment ol a successor to Farley as ehaiiman of the Demo I eratic national committee. Young Demo Convention In Raleigh Expected To Be Of Prime Political Importance (Continued Prom T^ige One) Brewer was one oi the Chicago deic gate>. but there's one piece of am ; munition the old liners will not be ible ti> use against him he did not , \ ote for Henry Wallace lor the vice presidential nomination. I The olTensive will not. however, i eoiue trom only cue side. New Deal <:> among the Young Democrats be , gari some time ago a concerted drive , to oust the old guard and make their : organization truly loyal to the Roose ' \--It administration. They want to do ■ exactly what was done at Chi cago. i. e. toss the Parleys. Baileys . and the like out on their collective | neck and take over complete control ■ of the party machinery. I The group which has this objec tive is perhaps no more motivated by i personal ambitions than are all poli ' tieians. The Young Democrats who ! >ee eye to eye with Dr. McDonald feel that the tremendous Democratic majorities in North Carolina are due j as much to President Roosevelt and hi> New Deal as !• > any hangover o! 1 traditional loyalty. Therefore, they i tea on. Anti-Roosevclters like Serta i tor Bailey and his henchmen should be driven from control of a party i they no longer truly represent. Many of the previously outstand j Week-End Specials Rod Bli-s Potatoes, l!) lbs. 21c Tomatoes. lbs 10c Bu'.terbeans, lb 5c Peas, lb 5c | [-'resit Corn, per do/. 19c I Cabbage, li lbs 10c !Iidgewav Cantaloupes 5c | I.a,-ge melons -;»c ('a I ill- nia Oranges, do/. -<•«' Fancy Wine ap Apples, do/.. 2!)c Apple-, do/ 1D(S Kresh I'.ggs. per do/. 22c Vance Fruit Store is so Pooling and Healthful When you feel energy sagging, reach for a cold glass of Brook side Grade A Milk and got that pick-up you need to carry on d 11 r i n g this hot weather. Drink Brookside Reg ularly. It's not only cooling and refresh ing, but keeps you full and ready for any task. j mookside Dairy Farm Phone 430-J ' ing Young Detn >cvatic leaders ov< Hi • t'O ' Iteeiai liuto t>iiii'_y. oui pm ably not willing to go all the \va; with the extremists who would liki tn discredit all so-called "Stand Puts' such us Governor Hoey and othe State udniinistrution leaders. There seem to be all shades of op inion in the YD's and so there i: every reason to expect that wliei the convention meets here in i!:i leigh there will he one oi Mie luos interesting and important intra-' party battles in a long time. Cotton Closes 2 To 5 Lower New York. July (Ai'> i'ot 11»n rutin es opened I to higlnr. Soiitlurn selling and ll«1 challenge cup, emblem atic of the world's singles sculling championship, presented ldm in Philadelphia. H «• received the award for his victory iti tin* single sculls championship I'-valla at lied l'aidi, X. .1. Farley Has Best Wishes (Continued From Page One) inn- iiHu h a. they wen* pi aelically certain he was going in retire, in oilier !'• sin i1111> the baseball busi ness. (here was no reason for them to refrain from doing so. However, lie had been altogether ti>'.' obvious an anti-third termer to ;o down well w ith the "draft IJoose velt" haclers. and everybody who's it all lamihar with the > ifii;i1 i«m has known that they were overjoyed at j the news that he was about to quit voluntarily. Mow President Ifoose \ fit himself I'elt about it wasn't revealed, but there wasn't much doubt as to the views of most of the leading boosters for his renominu As a matter of fart, vehement New Dealers never have regarded Farley as out. tandiniily devoted to their j philosophy. Still, he wasn't opposed! to it. lie simply was interested in i the welfare of the party bearing the I Democratic label, and took the New j Deal indifferently—not as an "anti"' like some of !!'<• old-line Demo their naiamai committee'.- chairman and 11:ici mi objection Ui him it1, the cabinet. Now It's Different But that was before the third-term issue becaim* acute and Jim took the anti side oi it. L5v tin- Chicago convention's open ;n£* date they were classing him with \ ice ."resident Garner. They re enlcd !ii pre. idential candidacy in part because it aimed at foreclosure attain, I Km»se\ elt. ;iiid furthermore, | llicy <'ppi>. i'd 1 lit* idea of his nomina- 1 [m.ii anyway, mi the ground ui;it iie | i: n't a heart \ New Dealer—just I doesn't care, uno way or the other, I fur anything except die Democratic! party label. I wy i I; ill h thai, in the event of I!iiir-'evelfs rennminalion and accept ance, Jim had ceased to he a suit— ' iiiuiiiit!•••■ chairman l<> manage F. D.'s campaign. Yel gelling rid of him, if he'd shown an inclination t<> hang onto his push promised in involve the meanest kind of a situation. Just al dial jniieliire the New J Dealers' whole difficulty was solved lor them by the revelation that Jim | (presumably realizing thai he stood no real chance uf landing the Presi- j deiilial numiiialion) was about to j abandon politic:: altogether, become! a baseball magnate, and make some | money, his chairmanship and cabi- j net job nut having been a 1 >it profit- | able tu him. Sounds Kullior rlioney Thereupon 11:irry Hopkins and his leading associates called i>n him on the convention's eve In express the deepest a! his prospective re tirement and In aslc liini In reconsid er i! and remain at the iiead nf ihf 11aiiniwi <•int of politic;)] !(chni<|iie it's widely agreed that he's a loss to his party's organization, lie understands the game to its minutest details, lie has an enor mous acquaintance and is popular everywhere he's traveled—which in cludes every corner of the country Kven the third-term New Dealers iike him personally. Mexico's Six-Year Irrigation plan ends in lf)-10. Albania is (if! percent Mohamme dan and some 10 percent Roman Catholic. Win. I'.nyd ;is "flopalon# Cassidy" in "Slagcmaeli War"—Stevcn.son To day and Saturday. Wife Preservers If I'ii'aivts or tobacco in boxes or tins drJ out>-can bo used. r. wall piece of blotlin;; paper witli {?!>*• nine ana put il in - on a.ncr. . The Klvcerinr al-sorbs ami r.-la.ns moisture ami the tobacco will ituy fresh and inoat longer. U. S. Troops Off to Guard Panama Canal U. S. troops board the Chateau Thierry, military transport, at Brooklyn, N. Y., for trie voyage ^ v..~ Canal Zone, where they will be stationed as guardians of peace about the nation's highly important connecting link between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, (Central Press) Mercury At New Highs Over State (Continued From Page One) stagnant air responsible for the tor rid spell. Although high temperatures still prevailed south of the belt of coul air. the weather bureau said that moderate tempei.'^'ures were in pro spect for all sections. A total of -HI) deaths were attribut ed directly or indirectly to the pro tracted heat wave. They included IU() heat fatalities and 229 drown ings. Havana Conference Agreement Likely (Continued >rom Pugo One) J Nabuco smilingly declared: "I believe we still have ;i chance! to agree." The belief among observers that I a compromise was shaping up also j was bolstered when an Argentine of- I final in arranging the entry of Melo I to the Cwiilorc'iK't* .*:■ *A >< > vo~ "We must mould this nic," Previously delegates had fndieat ed Argentina would stand alone in opposition to the trusteeship plan. The southern nation took a deter mined stand against any general commitments or immediate measure, asserting it was imt-.ssihle to dele gate powers in anticipation ot "hypo thetical" situations. INSURANCE — KKNTAI.S Real Estate— Home Financing Personal and courteous attention to all details AL. B. WESTER Phone 139 McCotn IildK EXTRA SPECIAL! Continued for Another Week Birds Eye Frosted Strawberries and Peas Per package 21c TURNER'S MARKET Phones .,,»04 and :»()"). Sunnvi'irM llitfh (Quality 115 Garnett St. Swift's Jewel Shortening 8 » 79 lonu New Pack CHEESE MACARONI PEAS A&P BREAD PINEAPPLE PUFFS DRESSING Tasty W/hoiesome Ann Page Lbs 8-Ok Pkg. > Soft twist or Pullman 3 2 Broken O No. 2 1-2 •sli(,c'd J < *;ms Sunnyfield Rice or Wheat Ann Pago Salad 35c 5c No. 2 Cp Cans Loaves ^,JjC 50c 5c 25c 4-Ovc. Pki*. Qt. Jul Yukon Club BEVERAGES Plus Bot. Deposit 3 for 25c Buy 1 Lye. Pktf. Cone. SUPER SUDS Get 2 Bars Of live Soap 19* All For RINSO 8c jik,r. 20c Lux Flakes;:;,' 823c Soap LUX T oilet 3: Bare 17c LIFEBUOY 3 «-17c Sweetheart SOAP 6c MILD .V MELLOW 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 3 m 39c Watermelons, North Carolina, large size 21c Cantaloupes, Ridgeway, extra nice, each 5c Grapes, Concord, 1-2 gal. baskets 19c Lemons, large size, doz. 19c Peaches, Free Stone, large size, 4 lbs. 15c Pole Beans, Kentucky Wonders, lb. 5c Apples, cooking, 4-lbs. 19c Swifts^ • (Premium) t CflMDAwy rtluti TfflCt ' Half or Whole lb. I9c Center Slices lb. 31c Bacon, White Label 17 l-2c ■ Mil ' Sausage, pure pork, lb. 10c Pork Tails, 3 lbs. 25c Fork Liver, fresh sliced, lb. 10c Veal Chops, lb. . . 15c Fresh Fish, lb. .... . . . 5c