DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. hufU'iv 5 A !'• f 7 Km.! ».f liO. Aral-kki stat. 11 T>> t hf !. v 12. Spfi* !f • ■£ ;li tmil l3 I'.H 15. Tit< «uti 16. ; :i spi'tii: 17 km«i"t' tasuu >! skin 2U A husk 22 *»}■ mi a tu.-ri.ir.' 24 Man 25 Mai in. rtvatinvs; 31 T< maU tuuuy iJ. K>Ui:ii'> (jnai 34 Rov.iuu implfiiifni 35. Kwmn.u (JllH't.) 36 Ot.< <• in«»iv 39. Claw 41 Italian ''i" 12. H. »>: . v measure 43. I'ntfii li 44. (\nup;i •15 A11 un< l>t »W X 1. 1 >1.11. tarn 2. SU'fi'ian ; r. • o Cfitus of ilu»-ks 4. \ .it<1 5. p'nlt > 'i "i'" 6. [•:-- >»««.r a:.<" 11lit I i, Mil:kl. a*> uuitur.al ! 'Lu c t«f v urcliip !■! (i-hfin.) ]•- >i:: i.- nolo ;;• ii n:u out 2t*. ' i:.i!UV ..in.' • 2:;. Kj'iwis 1!;. _'7 • : tl Lanthanun (sym.) Small hole ;:t>. Piquant :;i Crushing snake Slan t fur Kenneth ::7. A rah kingdom ::s. Titlo To drink haul anil oil etl \ «-str the '.vrsi r,> launch your attack • • rc r s cit adel. It all : ;■ : the bid ar.! the r. st of your hand. :ho;v h. been no calling suits. th< re .-til! are plenty of oth-r con t! anil try to until yours : Tin; ; thf heart J v.-;>uM r'.qure to work out better titan the clrb 7 from ha;-, i >»*v I i:. the following group, the bidding having been merely l-S; a ; by South. 3 ,*oii v.-ill do bet ir-r to trump hi- hoi ling than his. Spades by North South 1. A A S r> 4 9 J 10 8 6 5 » Q 6 2 A r 3. A 3 5 4 A A > '> ") 3 A 10 7 3 2 5. A K 5 *9 ♦ KS 7 " 3 A 10 7 4 -.a i 4-Spades by 2. A A 5 4 *9 * 9 8 7 5 3 A 10 7 3 2 4 A K 5 4 V 9 <> K 8 7 5 3 ^ 111 7 3 2 6. A Q 5 4 V K 7 3 2 i K J 6 3 2 Sr>.s. 2, .1. i ."» illi7.~trate an- I other basic . you lead a singleton. iv roore ! likely tc» > • t'.io !■•:'. suit in de clarers hand >•£• uurrniv than j some other ?r.'t in which you ' have more cards. The declarer can road it as a singleton as well as your partner can. So upon winning the trick, he probab . * will run trumps and then the side suit, discarding on it the losers of other suits. That probably would happen with hand No. 3 But if you have two or three trumps headed by the A, when, the declarer starts to run trumps, you can win and then have a trump left for ruffing after you try to put your partner in the lead with some other suit. So a singleton lead figures to be good from hands Nos. 2 or 4. But it would not be good from No. 5, because if your spade K won the second round of trumps, you would not have a trump left for ruffing. A low club should be led from No. 3 or 5. One other time for leading a singleton is when any other lead would jeopardize an honor, as in Hand No. 6. Tomorrow's Lesson * 10 8 5 y None ♦ QJ 10 8762 + J 10 A A K Q J ¥ A Q S « A K 4 A 9 6 4 2 V 10 7 5 2 ♦ 953 *3 4 4k None V K J 9 6 4 3 + None AAKQ9653 (Dealer: North. North-South vulnerable.) if South starts the bidding on this deal with 1-Heart, what would you do in the West? T) •: a by Kmt,r Features Syndicate, Inc, Getting the Lcvdown on AAA £2 C. P. Phone photo fVendell L. Willkif (loft). Republican presidential candidate, confers with George N. Peek. first head of the Agricultural Adjustment Admin istration, at Colorado Springs, Colo. , THIMBLE THEATRE Starring POPE YE WHV, YER tiOOPVl THE-V AINnT EKiOUbH SHIPWRECKS . TO KEgP'VABLg>V^ ^Vs/HAvT VOufe^ v THINK-" His Nose lo The WHV, BEDROOM X V WINDOW r/ ( HEV7 > WHAT < ARE VOU * DOIN6? Cupr. 194(1, King Features Syndicate, 1ik\, Wr.rM riuhi* r< THE OLD HOME TOWN s *..«» otf.ro gy ST A N LEY HONESX I WAS JUSTc£0/^<7 j THI?0U6H THE | WASTE FLASKET* i |M A STAMP SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK iSRE By P. J. SCOT! U S l '->:l A [tbM A WREATH oF FL0WE.RSk AMP STRINGS oF SILVER COINS HlWq ACROSS HER. FACE AREA PAR.T aF Bulbar: am BRIDE'S fRoUS^EAU ^ = £UPHAN<5 OF AFRICA YrumPei" Wly. MA VVtY,BlM! »F Your happ^i^- u_. DEPENDS ON w5 YOUR DOUCaH, WHV NiOT " " JT MET I DOTE ON MAKIM& Jg OTHERS HAPPY// .. r||| W$S gjlH