Henderson Baily Qtsparat ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA i'U \KXTH YEAR l.KASi;|) WIR12 SKUY1CK OK I'lIK ASS* K'lATKI > IMIKSS. HENDERSON, N. C., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 81, 1940 i'UULISIIKIi KVKI1Y AKTKUN* •< >N i:.\Ci:i'T Sl'M'AY. FIVE CENTS COPY I vasion Of England May W ail ******* * « * * iA < X X X. X. X. X X. X. X. /> iiiary Training Measure Amended HT! C y loose 2i To 3! T register Military Com Approves L ,c, Reducing \ of of Registrants iSiSl By 30,000, 0C'- "'on UUv !!: u v 'it. —(Al'>—The utter amended rth compulsory . :>>vi iv t • require • ".iy of turn from 21 ' i-!tad ol ihibo be _ •..!) acted while the .• **?»*«.* wa< hear- ! > <•: War Stimson i . uci'•:it tru-tee" I >. .i • • i: u^t realize _■ t i if conquer *':>•* Japan is in and Germany, iull support of | ."•rih hill and also Senate committee en! ndorsed it u ' bis: im .i had pa>s i . . Republican. • s. Democrat. New iroi a closed ses '■ committee to say ■ge emit amend- : ed unanitnousiy. i ' • ei :ange was sug- ; • 'or L.ee. Democrat,! >»-conned by Senator' e n. New Hampshire.1 •••■( action on the bill I . tomorrow. It is e.\ , approved. "i« measure t st::nat ..iteration would re-' 4^. nMi.(M»(» to about 12.-: • '.'.I'M'tT affected. - :.ad -aid pre\ iously e i; ■ »n; lo to »> I were • t otiiy men between, ■ >•. ■ '.led to selec-; • ry x :\ ice. The called, these aid. would be in the I older groups I ■ :;uard 4 nal provisions ' v id this had merely from the, Big Navy ! biii i asses i:.u tin* '.■■•lav a hill curr.vins S4, •"7 to start work on u •'\paiisimi of tin* Navy **. it»-- modern weapons for ■'""-mat: Army. . •! . y III.-(AP)—The committee ree ri..> trie spending of • •ft dollars to ■ ■ • r. v" ;ttirl equip •j.ht 11 imber 2, < > ■■ ■' -tatus. • :H • exactly • {'resident tifccs :«ry ti» give d« tense." w« >ti Id ppropriation.- and / .... for the Army .22") VI. hi it's total. S2. provided in di a: d the balance ■i contract authori i"onyre>s would ■ Hie cash later. "i i emphasized ' 1 equipment to he <■ new money would • oi • •■nth- t" come. :>:» "o-. 1 ot the pro • .."ild enable pro cut agencies of pi;.n their work ■: - ' :ean piece the committee . • i-her svmd pre ■ '/ n<-y r. .r good Roosevelt "Pleased" at Naval Activity I'rc.-ident Roosevelt is shown at Norfolk Navy Yard on his tour of inspection with Navy Secretary Frank Ktx>\- (center) and lie;;. Carl Vinson, chairman of the House Naval Affairs Committee. Rear Admiral M. H. Simons, commandant of the Virginia yard, is pointing out construction work. The President re ported himselfc "pleased" at the intense activity. HavanaMeei Suggest Britain Now Engaging in Fifth Column Activities In South America. Berlin. July 31.—(AP)—Authoriz ed German sources referred derisive-! ly today to the resolution against j "tilth coiumn" activities adopted by tiie 21 Ameriean republics at the j Havana conference. They suggested that Great Britain! was engaging in such activities inj South Amet i( i rigid now. "Japan today offers an excellent! opportunity to study what is the reaij meaning ol tlu- fifth column." they j said. "The British intelligence service i afk-r lirst being exposed in the Bal kan-- now also have been revealed as' operating in Tokyo. "This shotiId be of speci >1 interest i to South America as it is hardly con-[ ceivable that the British intelligence is sparing that continent." These sources said Feuhrer Adolf | Hitler and Ucichsmarshal Goeriug hi j recen' interviews had reiterated to' the world that Gertnany has no de signs on the v estern hemisphere. "We do not want to yive a bad ex ample of mixing in on the affairs of: other continents as some powers do," these sources said. GIBRALTAR BOMISKD Algeciras. Spain, July 31.—(AP)—i The great tortre.-^ ol Gibraltar was' heavily bombed late tliis afternoon, j Taking advantage of scattered clouds, an undetermined number of J plane believed to have been Italian > swooped flown over the rock and j dropped several bombs. I. S. Army Bomber Crashes In Panama I Panama. July HI.—(AP)—A Unit-| ed State:- sit'iiiy bomber was reported j to have crashed ;ind burned shortly | before noon today in an isolated area [ some 4f) f iles southeast of this city, j The plane, from France Field. | Canal Zone, had been towing aerial targets. American Nations Form United Front Rains Brinf* Some Respite From Heat (By The Associated Press.) Showers brought a welcome respite from intense heat in scattered sections of the nation today, but apparently provided only u temporary check on torrid temperatures. Forecasters said there was 110 sign ot general relief, but pre dicted more rain for the plains states. Great Lakes and upper Mississippi valley. Temperatures remained far above normal for much of the continent cast of the Rockies. Deaths attributed directly or indirectly to the heat numbered S">8 today. They included 118 heal deaths and 110 drownings. Expansion Of Aviation At UNC Favored Raleigh, July 31.— (AP)—A spe cial committee of the trustees of tin University of North Carolina adopt id rcMilutions today calling for ex pansion of aviation facilities at th< Chapel Hill and North Carolin; State units, with a flying field con templated for the use of the Chape Hill unit and Duke University. The committee was originally ap pointed by Governor Hoev under : resolution adopted by the full boarc of trustees calling for a study of tin matter of establishing a ROTC uni at Chapel Hill. The War departmen advised it would not establish am new units but suggested expansioi of facilities for training airplam pilots. The discussions of the committer centered on increased equipment an< personnel for aviat-on instruction a North Carolina State and provi sion of an air field for the Univer sity unit. Havana Conference Closes With Formal Signatures to Docu ments ; Argentina j Leads Eight Nations in Reservations. Havana. July 31.—\AP)—The 21 ] American republics formally prc-cnt • eel a united trout 1<»duy against puli : tical and economic dant'err from j other continent:- in a three-uoint i program which Secretary of State I lull regarded with deep .satisfaction ; despite last-minute re < rvatioi.s by I eight nations. The Havana conference, after set ting up new machineiy to bolster the [ solidarity of the western hemi: piiere, • concluded i st nigh! with formal sig j natures o| documents amid flurries ! of cheers. Ail of the delegate: signed the "Act I of Hav ana" and supplementary agreements, although the Argentine j delegation—which had argued against I anticipating need of action concern ing Kuropean colonies in the New I World—led seven other nations in a j .•Ui ce.-sion of reservations. " The dc legates of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay and Venezuela I sp< eified that the agreements be rati .1 tied by their governments before par , 1 icipittii>11. Mexico. Bolivia and Peru , ( made reservations a: t" mir.ur points. . I The program consists of: . j 1 Tli.' Act of Havana, declaring i j all the republics oppo.-ed I" transfer . ; to other non-American nations or | attempt to transfer or acquire interest j ill Kuropean passe.-::ions in this j hemisphere. i I '2 Inter-American cooperation to I combat "i iftli columnist. 3—.Mutual effort to settle Ameri [ can economic problems. Hatter as And Ocracoke Are Featured In Magazine Story Daily Dispatch Bureau. In the Sir Waiter Hotel. Raleigh. July 31.— One of the big gest picture "spreads" on North Car olina carried by any of the larger magazines is contained in the August .'5 issue of The Saturday Evening Post which went on saie today, it was pointed out by Robert L. Thomp son. manager of the news bureau of the advertising division of the De partment of Conservation and De velopment. The stovv i> rntlt'ed "C:«prt *".jcoo.. Brown of Beaufort, telling aboii (ape Hatteras and Ocracoke and th colorful history of the "outer banks. With the text are almost three pagi' of color photographs taken by Pint< stall' photographer of The Post. I all. there are 2'.i color photograph; two black-and-white photograph and a map ol the Ocracoke-Hai teras region in black-and-white. ('n the lirst page of the colore p:cture lay-out is a picture of th Ocracoke lighthouse, built in 1 7{j; (Continued on P?-^1 Five) Be Named I'Oith Carolina First D;s.rict Congressman Wi'J Accept Govern ment Post; Bonner Is Backed For Nomina tion As Successor. Wasliinglon, July !J1.—(AI')—Itcp resci native Lindsay Warren, Deino v*r;i>. W •J'lii Carolina. will be ap pointed <;«111>troiIct general of the United Slatethe noi-iination »n iu the Senate tomorrow. Stephen Ivuly. presidential secre tary, was asked today hv newsmen about reports that Warren would ,n iiie post, and replied: "He will. 'Ihc nomination would have .".one up today if the Senate had tin .n :.<• sioii. 1! will be submitted lomorrow." Warren, a veteran member of the ilous'j and chairman ol the accounts committee, will succeed Former Senator Fred Brown of New Hamp shire, who resigned recently be cause ol poer health and was sub sequently appointed a member of the tarifl commission. Keproscntative Warren said lie pi-obiibly would resign from Con gress some time in September to ac cept the appointment. lie has served in the house 10 years Iron the first North Carolina district and was renominated -or his ninth term in May. HERBERT BOX NIK RACKED AS SI CCESSOK TO WARREN Raleigh, July SI.—(AI')—Herbert Conner of Washington, veteran sec retary to Congressman Lindsay War ren. received the support today of Dudley Iiagley of Currituck county for the nomination to succeed War ren. who. will resign to become comptroller general. Iiagley i.-. a member of the first "on^re.-.-ional district exeeulive com mittee which will select warren's Micct here. Before Iiagley declared for Bon ner. speculation had immediately centered on Marvin K. Blount of Greenville and Sam Blount of Wash ington as principal contenders for fhe indorsement by the district com mittee. J. S. Moore of Bethei. a former • {ale legislator, announced two years aco he would seek the congressional nnmirntinii in this year's primaries, ' at did nd. and said he would not "I'P i i I is! Warrenl. Governor lloey said Warren would " an excellent comptroller gen eral. NAZI AIR LOSSES. London. July .'SI.—(A!*)— The air ministry announced tonight thitt 210 German planes had been shot down during July. Germans Claim l,270,000Tons Shipping Sunk Berlin. July 31.—(AP)—Authoriz ed German spokesman said today that German sailors and flier.--, mak ing up ««nlv a part of Germany's arm ed might, have sent to the bottom of the English channel and other seas 1,270,000 tons <■! British shipping since June 25. Spokesmen said these figures h should quiet any suspicions abroad that Germany is carrying on the war half-heartedly. Thev declined to comment on the i * .'Continued on Pn»c iOmiiisji FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Partly cloudy tonight and Thursday. scattered thunder ! showers on coast Thursday. Safe From Hitler Genevieve Tabouis Madame Genevieve T.i: wis, one of France's best-known j:>!i:ical com mentators, is shown a^ she arrived in New York. Ordered arrested by Hitler, she escaped to England, ! came from there to the United States, declaring. "I can't live with out liberty." Export o f Aviation Gas Outside Western Hemisphere Banned by Administration. Washington. .Jiiiv 31—(AP)—The administration today banned export (if aviation gasoline to nil nations ex cept thove of the western hemisphere. American-owned aviation firms op erating outride the hemisphere, how ever. ;till will he ahle ied |>i«•! 1:1 ;*«• roundup for eign ul lie*' !<(il:c. iiiiui Y.ikichiro Siiuci siiid todny. Sum:i told ;i pre confcr'nce th:it if I'nt;iin should prote-i ;• Li• ii 1 th< !ii'rt,k'i "the government will give no con-?rlc*r;i t ioii to it" ijee;iu:-e th" roundup i entirely ju tificd. lie s;iid ;iutliorili<' h.ive "'uffi- : eient evidence" ;ig:iinst the prison- j ers. tlie number of whom he pre viously h;id declined to di»c|o e. IP indicated 1h.it such .-irrests were con tinuing despite the strong liriti: h ("Continued on Page Five* Gas Fumes Sicken Men Fighting Camden Blaze j I Camden. N. J.. July 31.—(AP;— Gas fumes sickened fireman after i fireman lodav as they tried to cool still .smoking ruins to starch for, bodies of mising dead in a fire ;md explosion thai destroyed a million dollar plant and at least 67 mid-j town homes. I Fifteen were treated within a few hours. The fume-, rising from! smoldering chemicals, drove all oth ers from the four-block area. Mrs. Mary \V. Kobus, director of! public safety, expressed fear the! death toll might exceed the number! indicated in still incomplete check-. She .-aid insurance underwriters ihoiigilt "pr-'Aabiv sr-."n persons" v.-r ; p d".'d. "But I c'.rn !vso !-.'>pr!r;." aid Mrs. Kobus. who remained a' the zctna all night. With the picture .still far fr*nr» ( clan, unofficial reports on the S2,-, 000.000 dis;ih tor- worst in Camden) history- showed: Two known dead. Four women and three men del'-i initely missing. Possibly lour or live more unac counted for -subjects "1' inquirie hospitals and relief station hut not given up. > Upwards of 200 injured or a I; ected by heat or smoke, many treated ;it the scene. Of those in the hospitals, attend-1 ants said four were in critical con dition. An army of volunteers undertook !hf 1;: c oi v' ! in^ for scores oi fam ii>. jii ri( J';-.nerarilv home'e M< .«t of these- -about 200— were shej '■*ivd in dn-mtori"- of ' :-r..dr-»\ al ila: 'J a'Jiy. impractical Authoritative Italian Editor Says Britain to Be Worn L/own With Bombings and Block ade Before Invasion Attempted. (By Tin* Associated Press) Italy was (did today that Film land probably wilt not hp invad ed until the British people are weakened by bombs and block ade. Kven as Italian troops were re ported moving up to the 800 mile (>cman-hcld eontinental coastline to jciu the nay.i blitz krieg veterans for the projeeted assault. Virginio Gayda. fascist editor, eaotiom-d his countrymen !»>t to expect to attack immedi ately. Whether his article actually spoke the mind <>t' Premier Mus solini or \v;»s intended merely to confuse tiie British as to pro spects of an immediate assault -.«!><* :• m>Iter of '.oeciilatioii. fIh( Titleless repeated what British military spokesmen and 1;• 11• - men have long contended—that an inva i«"i of the British i les would not lie a ii:i|>!<* military advance. Blitzkrieg warfare which Germany demonstr;.t< d in Poland. Norway. Belgium. ll'Hand and 1 aixembourg :•! d finally in France i not practi cal in Britain's case, said Gayda. In-l'-ad. he wrote. the tactics of attrition niu t he used—constant air attacks to demoralize the population and de trov -s l:«ini rh Icn v>. attacks on ships bringing suunlies t«> Eng land, and a strong submarine block ade and a weakening ol' i mpire de fenses in the Mediierranean. On the other hand, the belief that the blow might be struck at any moment wa- ^lengthened by reports from Vichy. France. that nostal. tele phone ,*i:id telegraph communications had been -impended between Ger man-occupied France and that part which i; till Iree. A plea which some observers took a an ii■ olier.tii;|i tli.ij Spain wiil trv t > .* lay mil ,,r tli< v.": voiced in a \1adi id new p;:nei- - ;i plea for 'ilp fi"' ii. the i'nitid Slates to put *~:paiii b:.c!: on lier feet alter her civil war. German boail-i »•:»ntitnu*c| to at tack the Brit h I !< hut the fiercc ne «.f recent att: ck wa somewhat eb.-led. Britain ii eaiiwliile ordered a '.loch.id< e\t> nd'nH from the Arctic to northern Afrie- effective at mid night tonight. ; n order in council giving f!I> < 1 the policy announced m coimi ■ ii ye lerday hv Hugh Dal 'on. ;r ' -r ••! economic warfare. Pi p-. ' :i S\- i/erl.utd aid Hitler agreed t< !*timi«-r Mussolini's re ooe t ii.,- ; Italian . sea.-oned in Kthiooia and Spain. he assigned a direct oar' i; the blov. on Britain. Italy contribution wa. aid to be v "If I en" one. including Gennan i rained pa> :■<•!,ni«. troops, light sub e arim-.' iiii perl through the Brenner fa for ' - in the KnglMi channel, and air fjuadion-'. MORE EARTH SHOCKS REPORTED !N TURKEY Ankara. Turkey. July 31.— (,\C)—Mild earth shocks per se led in the central Anatolian plateau today ;>s relief parlies went 'a t'ie aid uf twelve de stroyed villages where 300 per sons were reported killed and as many others injured yester day. Nazi Raider Escapes F rom British Ship London. July 31.—fAP)—The Fir:ti->. :;imd mrTfh;.nt '-ruiser Al r-;int;»>:> b.'iltle v. i'h ;i Ger •n.in r.'i'V .. '■< convertf-d rnr-rrh ■inl ship :rt 'h<- S > ith A'!:mtir but •■."is enable i*< pi'-v-nt osc:ipe of th^ hi'), the ;id.';:i; 1 Ty ;innoinred to The :idi:.ir:i!ty th'- Germnn hip ni'i'intiriu ton* «un- on oiirh biofjdsidr tnjp.fd inimodiak •y after yhe hit. u.-inj,' a smoke t'i escape. The* Alc;int.M"i. hnvtvr. chased i: :r.'i! a Gt-vtr.-'.r: hot reduced her pwd, ti>,. r>. .;•• i, were two '•'IH v.-otindrd. TV- a lr-;,r:t;.