DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS i. Murk of an injury 5. Cottooet 9. iJentle breezes 11 Ktiil 12 Hike 13. To tor in a lino 14. A wlK \ 1G. Tend .i furnace 17. Cavities 20. Flap 2;>. To bo in debt 24. To coiuo to pass 27 Inevitable 30. To tVcl displeasure 31. Sheltered spot 32. Anger 33. Correct 35. From ii river 3S. Natives ot" Montana 42. Falsify 43. Infirm 45. Frighten 46. Portable chair 47. Trust 48. Soaks tlax DO U N 1. Perched 2. Check 3. Sanda' ie tree 4. Brani he 5 Misrepre sent 6. Foray 7. Serf 5. Tiny 20. Petty quarrels 11. Keg !". lYrt'orm IV .NU'lumimt' ■ ■..in tiviupli i'-oj.i K-tor ti*. r.* **'t t i« <•>• <>t t'i:i iiitiitv .•I v..t;;uon ary Wat ?>. L*::nt blood _*! all piece »v/. S 'ort i t* Kvlward M't.-u note t 1 i— _\v Not.so god 2t>. Ahead oJ. Corns of India iVl. Baser Knrayed :;ti Paragraph ;:7. Samarium isym.) 3>. Burrowing animal ;>i». Verbal 40. Brood of pheasants 41. Lath t~!—l' ' a ->,rr; a e Yesterday's Answer 42. Distant 44. Half ems .V.c.i'iuutvd by Futures Syi'clitvsitt?. Inc. d>-& BARCLAY ON BRIDGE By Shepard Barclay "The Authority on Authorities" IS THE SV'iV -TOPPED' ONLY ON:-: nowadays by t determine ' • ticular four-c biddable. Docs strength to t'u: pers if the k played at v" • V is in the ruling is os sour, -iy which en; print oil in u: the #;»«.•.• . sound nev. <>V lately no rea • • ;ti is asked - . players to not a par " .» -.it is safely un enough sh ■ : >bable stop . -nti:.'.liy is r.p: If the reply , -|-.--n the suit : i !e as one requirements •rli st books on si.me o: the un Thciv is abso '• >r having a trick and a half at the top of the suit. so long strength hand. u.s ,5 f< :her< nonor in the A K A 0 3 V 9 8 'i 4 K 7 5 2 *ak; g /. 10 6 •" £J 10 2 | A'. I A A J 6 ^ 10 5 + J 9 S 4 A Q 8 4 3 £ O 10 5 4 £ K O J 7 2 « A Io of a game—where tk pair in the » • South lest t" tho next c'ub. K and A. rcfi: iine.-se. v -k t'i t: T 'sides vul 1 XT :: P^ast Pass Pass • i at only duplicate -t expert engaged., ks. ruffed do to the diamond • v.ilh ihe heart A, finessed the spade 10, finished hostile trumps with the Q, r,in his remaining hearts for two diamond discards, ruffed the diamond Q and so made his con tract. At other tables, after the uni versally made 1-Heart bid and North's 1-No Trump, all of the Senilis now rebid hearts except one, who raised the No Trump to three. Some of these players got into 4-Hearts. but game is patent ly impossible there, with no way to avoid three losers in the minor suits and one in trumps, since there is no side suit except the evenly-balanced spade one, which should be the trump. The No Trump declarer also was defeat ed. All in all. this hand cries aloud that players who refuse to bid such four-card suits will pass ur plenty of sure games. * # * Tomorrow's Problem ♦ 7 3 2 V J 8 4 ♦ Q 6 A Q J 10 8 3 AQ864 A 10 9Q6532 >V. 9 10 7 ♦ 10 7 ^ ki + K J 9 4 3 *A6 S. 2 Jt» K i o 2 4 A K J 9 5 ♦ A K 9 ♦ A 8 5 4,9 4 ■'Dealer: North. Neither side vulnerable.) Play:ng for 3-No Trumps, if South wins the opening trick with dummy's heart J. takes two high spades and then leads the spad:\ Will you frivc him a stim.i.mt? Cover him with a blanket? Use artificial respira tion? Put ice Oil hia head? cr what? If you are the first person to ar rive at the scene of an automobile wreck, 'tJul find t! e driver thrown ire:", t:,c oar and i:nable to move on ac>-«-ur.t of pain in the back want injury will yoj suspect? What will you do for the :>ntient? If a ohila comes to you rubbing his eye and says the wind blew something in it, will you tell him to rub towards the nose or away from it? Rub the other eye? If you get a cut or bruise what treatment will you give? Where are the two places on the body where boils are most dangerous? ♦ * * Vacation Diet for Underweights With a balanced, full diet, ade quate iu respect to vitamins, pro tein and minerals, studies on a group of underweights over a pe riod of eleven weeks showed an average weight gain of 2 pounds per week. The underweight who is trying to gain should slow up on all tiring exercises and learn to relax, sleep more at night, ride rather than walk and eat more food. The groups of foods to em Dhasize are (1) meats, milk and eggs, (2) fruits and vegetables, some uncooked, (3) fats, cream, butter, salad dressings, gravies, (4) sweets, desserts, candies, cakes. Sample Diet Breakfast: Fruit, cereal wit1-, cream; lamb chop with bacon, 1 toast and butter, coffee with cream. Lunch: Bottle of beer, omelette, bread and butter, salad with French dressing, cheese and erae!: ers, glass of milk. Dinner: Cream soup, fish var nished with parsley, potatoes, iirv. beans, bread and butter, ice civaiii | with chocolate sauce, coffee with cream and sugar. EDITORS NOTE: Dr. Clendenin* hi seven pm iihleis which can be obtained bv ■ reader)1 Each pamphlet sells for 10 cents. | tut i _y one pamphlet desired, send 10 • cent*. m coin, and a self-addressed envelope ! *t:'»HH-d with t three-cent stamp, to Dr : {• •»an Clendening. in care of this paper. 1 the pamphlets are: "Three We«ks- Kedoc ! !5\t V "Indigestion and Constipation". | . an'"- Gaininit". "Infant Feed !n.K,• "Instructions for the Treatment of I ^'"uetes". "Feminine Hygiene" and "Thi Care of the Ha:.- and Skin". THIMBLE THEATRE Starring POPEYE 'Vic RE, OSCAR, VOU TAKE \ CARE OF SWEE'PEA WHILE I TALK'S WITH THE QUEEN, GiVE 'IM PRE^H c VEOjE'ABLES AM' ' H9CK. n LOTS A MILK j -"'i'fo MO v „ A -JURSEMAlD v v STAKl' ASIDE, WlMPV.l I VAM GONER SEE THE QUEEMj i^TinT f ( HI6H DUDGEON / TODAV, I WOULD \KjOT AD WISE IT 71 DOM'T CARE WHAT DUNJUKl 'SHE'S HlDlNT \ IN. I'LL FIND HER f (halt/ Syn«JK.it*\ ln« yt telegram••• > SIGM WERE-MERE? A PENCIL x—' BLONDIE Kfcicttred '1. 8 Patem Office Some Customers Are So Fussy! fV DAG WO OP I PLEASE SEE WHO S | RIMGING THE FRONT POOR ELL OKAY-HOLD MY I ^ SANDWICH, f/\ PLEASE A, N 'it s NOTHING •■•FROM THe) ^ nr^.T C A\/C UC i ( \ X w SOSS-SAV'S HE , ARRIVED SAFE K (WHERE'S r O ^ > YOUR SANDWICH J 07EY ME MAY BE A POLICE DOG "To YOU- BUTTOME HE LOOKS /^ORE LIKE A SNIFF AND> RUN HOUND i SNIFF TROUBLE AND RUN UNl>ER ( THE PORCH TO M!D>ET /' _ ^ fl1 * 3j j£hrj| THE OLD HOME TOWN -TJ7P -.1 U J P.Vfir Oisce By STANLEY G^A!sM>PAPPY 6ALE WMOPENNY LOOKS OVEFR TMH AlEVs/AD>l>IT/ON To THE POLICE FORCE COPYRIGHT. !'>* •. KING ff All If . ^NDICAII. I" SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK ■ t~- .J(V n»*9 -! LV .S p .f It or By R. J SCOTi PLU ■ :!l _| v /kEsX : J 7E1L0W Air |N$!^KlA fir Bolivia Ohe. or oddes-i"" EKA-MPl-ES ov- dwarf im^ PRODUCED &Y<4e JAPANESE i )<, K FlJLL-BlOOMlH^ PlUM "I^EE} Iol'K PgElBllS O? ^uMBuRy,PA BO'WlED 52- CfMM Itf. Four?. ijoi-'RS Ar-o 47 Minr.* :>/c? A'// . Aj; W \t» ■'■ AJL Cmr: K.'n r.-i:ur. • ?vr.. IMAGINE THAT," ETTA WONT GET A Cf2ACtc ATTHAT PAI2F UNLESS MiSSCAl2l20LGETS Sia^Oi2 SOMETHING V£)U'f2E A SAP TO riANc3 abound HEI2E E.v:-.e/ N0HP VI HUE SHE'S IMTri=££ ; PlAVING ^OUfZ PACT"- ; 1 iil be a r\ , spoizr-iis" ; j ALL IN "WE ACT7N<5 6AME."IM gf ■' HE(2 UNDEI2.W -r STUDY.." By PAUL 3 -51 THE GUMPS - The Whole Town's Talking '? '