Corbitt Awarded $1,395*267 Government Order More Than 250 Trucks To Be Built Hundred Additional To Get Jobs; Order Calls For Delivery of Huge Trucks by Jan uary 1. T1 • " Company, motor truck ir ■ :' • (.".ii: i : ~ i.. this city, has luvn av :»(: d by the \V r IVoartment a ■SI T i' act for production i• t" 250 large army truck.*, it was !t . tii ioday. The company learned last week <>;' ;t> success in bidding i<> th* v.o;\. h ;• iruMiiMceincnt was di : y today in Washington. with the • •[ :ward:nti of the order. E\ .' C'i head of the company, old- t and i >ru» .otor truck matu; tacliavrs in the South, said today that the trucks are t»» be delivered by January I. and that l't(> extra en :• ■ *v.- u .! be :;iven jobs in car ry i'Ut tri". rder. Work i»n the Co.!* - to be beuun at once. Ti:e award to '['lie Corbitt Com p. :.y i.;:.- includt d in contracts lor •>IJ. r r: .v i.ils tor the army, o* v.: el; »rt t >aii Sln.OUti.iMui was to: automobile truc'.s. I".*, i'cal co:: pany has frequently m;-vi»- largi tria.:.- for the army, and i'">: ' ie pa>t evcra! years has been wo! ;ing at tinu > on contracts of this? k • d. Ui, . tf:;.- :> understood To be ti • .' 4i -it -J- allotment the c»sn P-t'iv i cc... > d from the govern ment. To solve the problems of life: first pre; are to be honest with yourself. Personal Security ' rcident and Health Insurance !\y Ho-pital and Doctor Hills. ! of Time and Lo s of Life or Liivb. Ft-:p. • from $5.00 annually Ciiizens Realty & Loan Company "ool T. (heath: m. I'rrs't Baise Will Study Street Needs Here Alter hearing complaints by ;i delegation ot Henderson city officials, i headed by Mayor Henry T. Powell. \V. Vance Baise. chief engineer of the State Highway & Public Woi ks Commission. promised the group late Wednesday afternoon that he would come to Henderson in the nexl few days and look ov er the needs for im provements on city streets which • form links of St t«> highways. The city otfic: ds protected tin" .STL'O aI 1 lotment from State lunds ; nun My j turned back to cities for maintenance : ot street- u.-cd by through traflic ! In the party besides the mayor were Aldermen M. V. Cooper, super visor of finance, and T. W. Kllis. su pervisor of public work<. for the C:ty Council. and J. Kd Hamlett. street superintendent. Mayor I'owell did all the talking, and requested additional allotments, though naming no specific amount. He a^ked that ample funds be allot ted for curb and gutter work and and surfacing on Andrews avenue, i which is part of the east-west route through the city, running on toward Towns'! Hie. Some work on the Chest nut street segment of that route is also needed, the engineer was ad vised. Mr. Baise told the group that sev eral thousand dollars was held in re serve in making the allotments, to care for emergencies of this kind. He promised tu come here at an early date and make an inspection, with aj view to adjusting claims presented. TK only other complaint filed wa from Roxboro. where, the mayor said, the contention set up was that WPA truck.- had damaged certain streets and funds were asked to make repairs. EXAMS ANNOUNCED IN CIVIL service! Mi.-< Sally B. Garlick. local sccrc-I tary of the board of U. S. Civil Ser vice Examiners. ha? announced ex-j animations for civil service positions a^ nui. es. medical officers, patholog ists. stenographers and typists, civil engineers and otln r professions. Full! information on these and other civil service positions may be obtained i from Miss Garlick at the post office; in Henderson. IWVS FIXE. Mrs. J. I.. Mclnnis paid SI into the office of the city clerk as a traffic fine, according to records at that office today. We will swap you High Grade Flour For Your Wheat LEGG-PARHAM COMPANY Wli ifli wuy for your business? • \ cry often a binglc deeisioti may mean the difference between profit ami loss. • For example tlic decision to enlarge facili ties, eomluet a new sales campaign, add fresh merchandise—may open the way to profits. ® We can help in two ways: hy giving you the benefit ol our experience to help you reach Sound deeision*. ami hy advancing funds when k a loan is the solution. Citizens Bank & B rust Coni|iaiiy Henderson, N. C. The Leading: Hank in This Section 1889 - Fifty-First Year - 1940 Banking Hours: 9 A. M. to 2 I*. M. Ail Deposits Insured Up To $5,(>00.')0 Prices For Leaf About As Expected Range in Georgia Opening f rom Around Pour io 27 Cents; Av erage Is Believed Tc Be Around 14-15 Cents Per Pound. Opening prices paid on the Geor gia tobacco markets today as th( new .»ca<on began were abuit in !:ne with hope< and expectations in this section. First estimates of the average at 1M to !!• cents a pound wore taken as an indication that ac tual levels were somewhere in th vicinity of the 15 cents a pound that iiad been forecast. It is recalled, however, that the >pening a year ago actually did average around 20 cents, but thi !evel lasted only a short time, and in the end the season average for the Georgia belt was less than tiiir Lecn cents, by comparison with the approximately !5 cents price lor the .iue-cured bells of North Carolina. The view in tobacco and busines circles here is mat a la-cent, oi butter, average would be about in .me with last year, but with much less, about a thnu less, cash money jam lor the year s crop, because ol die reduction ol about that much a lite estimated IDlU pioduction. The fact, however, that averages have been estimated, even if unof ficially, at U> to ID cents, was taken as a hopeful sign here. It at least nut deepening the niild pes iii i.-m thai v.\its a;> to prospects for he fail bti-iiie-• season. Should tin ii>t O'j ■ r\\.i• 11 bi' born*, out b.\ : ore or le.-s reliable figures tomor row or by the end ol ine week, the it cuin.'tanee would be hailed with delight. At any rate, the first reports from Georgia were optimistic, but. even liter di-eumts lor the inclination of no-t markets to exaggerate opening figures, the feeling is that the sea son has started off. from a price standpoint, about as auspiciously as a year ago, and about as much as! .\a> generally anticipated. [>i)iiTr ufL I7i Sessions Monday Evening Largely Attended; Barbe cue Slipper Served C. N. Spry, of Cooleemce, state president of the Patrotic Order Sons •;! America. paid TTis official visit to :!u l(,cMi r: mp Monday evening, ajc accompanied by several state of l ieers. A barbecue dinner was served atj 8 o'clock in honor of the visitors, and attendance upon the meeting was the best in recent weeks. .Mayor Henry T. Powell and Roger Fleming did the officiating, with the welcome being voiced by E. (J. Falk ner. Mr. Crotts, of Winston-Salem, State Master of Forms, replied to the welcome. .1. David Sink, of Lexington, Stato Secretary, complimenlcd the local camp on such a line gathering, stat ing that iie seldom r tti nded meetings of 100 per cent aUen^nve such a the local camp had. J. C. Kesler, of Salisbury, state treasurer, gave an account of funds on hand and of death benefits paid. He asked all members of the order to back their president in his aims m advancing the order in North Car olina. The main address of the evening was by State President Spry, who pleased the members with his talk. There arc usually more foolish buyers than sellers in any commun CAN YOU ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? See Page Four 1. A thin, round stick of ash, about three feel lo'.* used t<» practice l'enc ' irig, is culled a singlestick, toil or stickler? i 2. VV"ii;»t country does the figure of j "John Bull" represent? 3. What was the name of the air ! plane flown by Wiley Post and Harold Clatty in their flight around the world? 4. What building in Boston is call ed "Cradle of Liberty"? 5. For whom is the Monroe Doc trine named? (j. Is the index finger on the hand | of the Statue of Liberty 8 inches, ft j feet, or o yards long? 7. Name the canal that extend: from the mouth of the Elbe on the North Sea to Kiel on the Ballic. 8. Name the author of the news paper column "Advice to the Love lorn". 9. In what country did the Mi-me iukes rise to power"' I ! iP-'te less dc As Ribbentrop Won More Oil i Rumanian Prime Minister ion Gigurtu (left) and German Foreign Min ister Joachim von Ribbentrop are shown oil their way to a conference in Bucharest, capital of the Balkan state. Soon after their meeting Ru mania announced she was making additional economic concessions to Germany and Italy, which are now getting nearly aM her oil. (Central Press) Lack Of Rain Is Still Felt By The Crops Continuous intermittent cloudy weather for several days has failed to produce rains that are greatly neeued in thi: section. Vegetation is plainly showing iiie need of nr.'isHire m the ;) ound. while gmwerr had hoped for further rains lo aic! In the maturity of the remainder o! the to bacco crop still i!i the fields. Hopes have run high at times for rains as the s.kie. became overcast. Sprinkling rains nave come rmw and then, but never in the quantity that lias been needed that i:-. in t!v. t ten days. Garden yields of vegetables have been cut short bv lack of rain and canning for winter uses will not be on a large a sea e as had been hoped and as at one time appeared likely. Some crops yet would benefit him arn. il had immediately. s nae ihing lii.e half of the tobacco crop has been harvest ri and eiired. St ras turned out a fairly good quality. TWO NEW DONATIONS TO RED CROSS FUND Two additional contrikualions to e Rod ('t :v~S V <• refugee relief fund were announced tod >y by ]\lrs. K. Austin. One was S! 25 from Circle X. . 1 fl the Fi.vt Iiantii t church. anc the other SI from a Townsvillo friend. for yourself. | Tax Receipts Being Made | I Writing of t;i.\ receipts for county | accounts for the current fiscal year is n< w unde r way ;:i the court house, land will require about two week • to complete. When il." receipts have been pre i paied, tiie books will be ready for handing over to the tax collector This is not expected to be done, how ever, for several days yet. The usual time for turning over the books fen start of collections is at vlic in<>ntiil. meeting of the county commission ers the first Monday in October. Usual heavy advance payments by some corporations and individuals art reported, running up to around $5(1.000. INFANT STRANGLES ON FOREIGN OBJECT Clyde Austin llcrshman, year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hersii niiin, of the Ay cock community, swallowed some object yesterday morning at their home, and died a short while later o! stranguiatio i Medical aid icached the child too late, and attempts to revive the in fant tailed. Funeral and burial services were conducted '.hi- morning at Coritl. cliurcn cemctery. Warren county. Exports 'u I'ai ■ State- agricul tural products lia/e be«n reduced ! !•!;.* in the p;; ! 'i v. month: a- a It of the European conflict, say? Julian Mann. X. C. State Collcgv statistician. New City Tax Rate Will Be Fixed Aug. 26 I Preparation "I the city's tax books ; for the HHO-41 lisi/al year i.s waiting i on adoption <ii Hn' budget and fixing 1 of the lax rate, both of which are ex 1 pec ted to be done by the City Coun I eil at it- nninthly meeting the fourth Monday :n this month, City Clerk I W. G. IJoyster said today. Mayor Henry T. Powell has e:-;ti ' maiicl that the present Sl.fiU rate in 'effect the pa«t year would be con ; tinned. i In- tentative budget was present ; ed to tlx- Council at it.i Juiy meeting I • >i> the fourth Monday. It i» on file i j;! the city clerk's office for public inspection, pending final adoption a | little over two weeks hence. The KJ4U li-ting.-. run to a total siightiy in excess of last year, but enough materially to alfcct the rate, it is now believed. Some talk has been heard of fund inH some in: ligations III! lllS llLU . 1: - i will he i Inter ir.t-i 'in. 1 II !>■ uiiH' , dI this kiiii! greyate than liscal year. Preacher For Sunday Named I t AnnmniceiM-i'.i that Iiev. ( 1. will preael. S ■ First rivi-l.v'c: ;it the Sunday 1 • vices "I live Mr. Lawicii'-'i hi r ol i r:<'ii:i .i<■ the former .^i daughter "I Henderson. Mr. I iijij >«ji n t? tt.'. • i ■«• "■ Kev. W. xJ. M«'i..;. Fir t I'n^ >.vieri j away on vacation. Plumbing - Heating - Electrical Cui: -actors Oil-O-.Alutic Oil Burners — Iron F ir<»i;i> ( Unmet. WILSON ELECTRIC CO t'l'onc T.'IK Willi.un mm! SijgiUMIMJWI : T- ; ***, *£r Meaty Native Veal Chops, 15c lb. r<>rk Chops 17c lb. Pork Iiams 17 1 -2c lb. HKi', Pure I'"ik Sausage 10c lb. Fresh Ground Hamburger .... 12 l-2c lb. Skinless Woino:"- l"c lb. branded Hind Quarter Top Round Steak, ton-;'-' 25c lb. .Tefferson Island Salt 1 nackaws 10c Amrriean Beauty Tomato Catsup. 14 o/.. bottle 10c P-Id Medal "Nrw Process" Oatr. firlass 10c '• :!:'s Pure L?ir:l, 1 !b. nail °-> 8 lb. pail 65c GUARANTEED WISH The Taste u!h )i.u iC! BlUE PLATE«« Mayonnaise -"C Fresh Butter P>eans. i 11' liipe T(.niatoi;s. lit Size Lemons All Flavor. Jt'll-0 ?uHXV. I.'l] I fi .U t < !i) Lbs. Sujirar. Sanitary Pet Milk 4 tall cmii .Jersey Crw.-m Flour, 21 lbs '■ .'I.i':h'»:iia City' He ! Flour, 24 lbs Ver'eti lo nr .Tf-vcl ^hort'niir.'. \ Hi. ot'i ;'7c: S-l P &. Ci Son"). ( •'1V t'.'t > nil. <• J-'era c'l I m'iI. I'1'1 !'• r\'! 'tonvr Si "Parkin;? Space" ts t (Wjwuuwjj - ~zpswjim^t mrjsscaM MXiteX^4^lL&79ES^Wx}J9i&'.r ■ : 'MJ I !lC * * ARR 0 W* 9 Innerspring Mattress By The MakfifS of the "KINGSDOYrft" LAYERS Of FLUFF* / "S&jSi 4 \< CHRISTIAN-HARWARD'S f7""'' ""^H " '* ■——.-.- l-g—II 50c DOWN 50c A WEEK

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