■vv. y CROSSWORD u |H»\\ \ >. liute uucie y AtnjUes •jf biros Collects i l To t>t- in t; Letter C IS A Sower u> Similar ■ji Nsj^ardly To fish j ; Morse _\"« Thin silk t>r;r-:iimn com Enlarge 3'2. Sun 3G. People of ancient England 35. Lure 40. Fierce 41. System of signals 42. A gem 43. Equip 45. Girl's name Yesterday's Answer 45. Appear BARCLAY ON BRIDGE \ \\ VOI R SCORING 1 VANTAGE possessed •s :s that they have . v number of points • various results, and .we value of such '. •v.bling. when a .fried them, in : c ahead to bid a • .ning The aver • :• <::-p and figure . -• \ ":ueh is some -rociallv in a so _ u... e A A . * A : ♦ • 5 A 10 A J 10 * - - i 'V. - r T 4 -J 'v m V Q 10 9 3 $ ♦ k q j *9 4 2 A K Q V K 6 ♦ AS A A K Q J S 6 3 < u:h North-South 'V ;t North East 4, ?-? 2 A Pass x P.-.-J 3 A Pass Fa.?? 5 V Cass Pass Pass Blackwood response bv North showed South two aces, he could count thirteen sot-up tricks, ar.d used his king-a^ker of 5-No Trumps just for the fun of it. intending to bid the 7-N*o Trumps when North's response came around to him. But West was having some fun. too, and also knew his scoring Seeing the grand slam looming^ up. he didn't care if South did redouble. It turned out that South scored 640 for making 5-Xo Trumps re doubled. plus 400 apiece for two overt ricks, total 1.440 West beat him out of 300 points, as the slam j bonus would have been 1.500, seven club tricks 140. plus 100 honors, a total of 1.740, the game bonus, of course, not being influ enced An elaborate table shows what to do with such doubles Bidding and making a grand slam counts more than redoubling in all cases except when No Trump is dou bled at four Bidding and making a small slam counts less than re doubling in all cases except when a minor suit bid is redoubled at the five level. Try to remember these rigtues * * • Your Week-End Lesson Do you understand the "suicide squeeze." sometimes called the "cannibal squeeze?" Can you set up an example to show how it works ' Z.r: 'lut-id by King Features Syndicate. Inc. I a . il Medical Science is in Control Of Growth . \.\ I I NDEXING, M. D. • .. :y in the experi v lined a tiny rat . :'.-.an the ball of :r ai its cage and - ;:/ier the ether . ; consideration a human patient, . -thesia and then ■ rating table and reparation cf the n she went in r of the mouth and • .'\z will answer jvr: ral interest only through f the skull. With - J she opened a pituitary body —.g it from its i a little glass ;.?h suction re tntire inland. t 'he Harvey Cush • . n surgeons all) ; '.;;ve done a neater b. She closed the ntly placed the pa a! scent cage. The ::e. which I timed, _ Three minutes that perhaps we ;r human operative • g, the little fellow ; pulling his whis • around for some military Gland Removed -:.c- was through with • -he measured him * 1 p of tail, because successful in re of the pituitary - rat would never grow nthf later, placed with its brother and v •• pituitary gland >; they will look like urf, although the • ' ft'! ' xactly the same ■»al sized brother - ri days of life ex - -an amounts of food, tie speck of flesh iinies, rough hew •ve will. 'nese experimental applied to man? terday that many i much more read :' tetic experiments the same applies to P<rimentation. We .ch, and theory out ':rc. akcs some experiments j •• rgrowth of the pitui- ! '■ occurs, giantism or a lition called "acromeg '^'s. If th? gland begins excessive secretion before growxn ir. puberty is completed, the result is giantism with human specimens nine feet tall. If the excessive se cretion begins, however, after the long bones are set, growth docs not begin again but the condition of acromegaly occurs. In acro megaly the bones of the hands, feet and jaws begin to grow— which is a form of giantism. Stimulating Growth What can be done to stimulate growth in those of low stature? There are undoubtedly forms of human dwarfism due to deficient pituitary secretion and a specific growth hormone has been extract ed from the gland and can be ad ministered to such patients. It must be begun, however, before growth tendency has ceased and in | practice it is not easy to find prop- | er cases so early. Although now ' that we know the possibilities more cases will undoubtedly be discovered in time for good results. Some cases arc recorded in which increase of several inches in height has been obtained. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS T. G., Detroit, Mich. — "Could you tell me how long scarlct fever germs live? One of my children had scarlet fever six weeks ago and is well now. Is there any dan ger of the other children taking it?" Answer — Scarlet fever has a long quarantine period. There is danger of a convalescent patient giving it to others up to a period of six weeks after all symptoms have suosided. This is entirely different from measles in which disease it is safe to allow the pa tient to mingle with others within a day or two. M. S., Honuiam, Wash.—"Will the taking of table salt cause hardening of the arteries?" Answer—No, many opinions to the contrary, salt does no harm. The body requires a certain amount a day, and all foods con tain some salt. Vegetables contain less than other foods and salt al lows us to enjoy many vegetables that without it would be unpal atable. ; EDITOR'S NOTE: Dr. Clendening has seven pamphlets which can he obtained hy readers. Each pamphlet .sells for 10 cents. For any one pamphlet desired. send 10 cents in coin, ami a self-addressed envelope stamped with a three-cent stamp, to Dr. Logan Clendening, in care of this paper. The pamphlets are: "Three Weeks' Reduc ing Diet", "Indigestion and Constipation". "Reducing and Gaining", ' Infant It'eed ing", "Instructions for the Treatment of Diabetes". "Feminine Hygiene" and "The Car* of th« Hair and Skin". THIMBLE THEATRE Starring POPEYE Heard But Not Seen ur;fc MISTER VAMRIPPlE, Vj WE ORTA £f£T NOUR g DAUGHTER AM1 yf] OLIVE OUTA THJ6 T^D^-lOU^t ypggj a vV <J> WES, AND LET'S HURRV- THEV MAY BE HARMED, , IF THEV <oTAV r BLONDIE Registered u 8 Patent otiica He's Always in Hot Water, Anyway! By Chic Young THE OLD HOME TOWN Rciii'.rcfc'! U i Patent O1I4C0 By STANLEY STJLSOAh, TMAT MAND>Y /Man, uj^cvabs CAA-TKXE JOB cof .ncnT. 1'i to. * Keg.hahdez- 4 Arizoma StXTE CoLLE^E -fEMP£i ARIZONA SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK «... By K. J. SCO 11 PLOOSEVELf RAvNcK tioME. \rt i^E. BAP LAHD£ of KorTH DAKo-fA, wHere. ^e. RECOVERED UlS ^EALtfl AS A you Mr MAM B/ outdoor. LiVinc;, i$ NOW OM -|Ue SfAfE capiTol qrounds w Bismarck FiRS-f"Time. +1e CARRIED iliE ball. )K 1A1ES SfftAri^E Room-I 7"uaYar.a Lizards amd FIRS-T COLLEGE 6AM.E. HE RAM S~ToG.MyPE~fR.ELS LIVE imTAe. 38 YARDS foR. aYou^HDoWN- , same burrow ~ du^ b/t^e. IK fll^ FlR$Y CoLLE^E TRACK BIRD oH -rtlE. KEW ZEALAND to AS*f$ MEET +(E WOM <♦(£ IOO-/ARD DA$K £ Q- 9///J SECONDS IO-19 -'. n Ji iti\ lac . W,,IJ rsj'.liUic FT A KETT - — By PAUL ROBINSON1 Atgtmimd I' t fw*** ~ ^ ^ ^ I'LL 6tT ALL "THE ARMY PLANES TO fly a^wmd OVERHEAD - — —I \nilL VoU HAVE All THE' THE GUMPS— TROUBLE. " - 1 \3 Yes, uncle; BiN\ HE OUST LEPT iK] A HUFF-SA\D HE WAS (zOlKCa 7D PROVE THAT he could Put over w»s> UAUOa-H CRUSADE WITHOUT YOUR. BACKlNti' v I'M REALLY WORR>Et> DOM'T BE CONCERNED OEAR-VLL BE OVER TVWS EVENING AND TALK H»NA OUT OF rr v/v, V,.l-/,::IH WOR 0|NNt=.R. MOWDY, M»KS WKEKE >S MASTER POLC/AMNA? DOK'T TELL. ME. HE'S .NKJORVONito OVERTIME ON MSS»ON OF M\RTH — " OKUMCUE B)KA, »'M SURESOtyEJWNfa PK£M>F-il-> HAPPcMEP-HE , Pl&KVV CONKS / THAT EVENWfc Ik,*. v. s 1-af. oc -hirtiurni\ ■ psiinhl. 1»0. hy 'ih.- Chimin- T:ib"n,. "<"///,_

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