Man Dies Of Auto injury IS m On Saturday Harry Krakew, of New York, Succumbs at Hospital; Unidentified Soldier in Car Disap pears; Dead Man Had Been to Miami. 30" \\'. • <»*♦'• S" ' • V I • tv d:rd • >.I- T\ '• • • ' <i"?v todiv •_ S • (i ' • - w v and - ■ »i? .••• ti •• .*hnrt di< tnrxv > • K ' M- c' :-.t :: - - ca.srd hd» *• . * - :• .it wxi. An -:":d< v.*:rfod • h;r " 'f. <r . V hi ' t. TN • i .i SOU •' mp'inct - Thr d Yd: y »••••.: h t<> >.\v. v. b-: K tht • • ' v Nf V. b«ptn n M \v * 1 - St" 1" pi ll, h Why Should You Be? Sin Ui.: : !V y.-.;: cl»»thi-> t- •• • • . :• ' : -re. < >.. Huffman Cleaners Hospital Gets High Rating I l.Iaria I';;rani ao.-pital in Hender-j - : ... . i;ain :»«. v i! I'lit on the favor- ■ cd !:-t el hospitals id t!ie country ap-j i ii vtd ! y American College of Suigeiitb. Tiib recognition has been txtuidec. u> tiic h< >pital lor a num- i Th ■ . • v' rd announced today suvers' the entire State, and shows the local! ;io>pital t«> have capacity for ;7 j : rii'-. it i rated as a general ho.— ! pit.' under control 01 a board oil :. >tees with community ownership. I u' . avaie hospital in Oxford i> on "he ! t a- .feting the minimum re-1 cjuirements. Duke hospital in Durham is the I -i.-t :. the State, with capacity <>! • ">7". v • the exception of the gov-' cr:i:!n:.t hospital at Oteen. with a! capacity tor iSj'». This is lor tuber-: cm--:- ~ patient-. Rutins of this sort bv the Americ n ' College Surgeon.* Cx's nut < flci ■ any financial assistance of any kind. ■ • i iy c.xtvn i:i'g a credited -tanoarrl ot having met certi:in requirement-. D.ike hospital is listed as one ofj : y two tut: >n< in the State c !' ductiaa approved cancer clinics. The tiier ! t c » ciinic of the Gul a>rd County Audtcal Society. Bang 's Disease Eradication Work Starts Work will begin tomorrow > n1 Vance county on the county-wirh K. :u\> disea.-i «: ..dieation; v •. eh v.'.i- p. <i--ci lor .Mime month • . it v..i.- -1.1toci '.td iv i>y Dr. A. D. Gi t county in. th ollicer. The . ^ Lltl.'if tilt' joint .-p'll!;..| -r.::> . t county health department the county board of commissioner.. :i>*. i:11 «• a o! A: . ..1 Husbandry oi ■ e S: . • {)'. p; '*i e:;: o[ Agriculture. .i i- i'r.'tea Statt Department o. Al:. icul'ure. Dr. X. B. Tyler and Dr. Robert (I. Lt . \ * terinarians oi the State bi; e Li i Animal Husbandry. arrived :!• : •'! son if: - . >:n:ng to in . ;'< the pi'oui and it is i» . i the a-*u; testing of cat ■ ■!I begin ton ■: Dr. Lee v. ;!! :;ih :;i the county until the pro completed. and Dr. T\!er • : en- lor the .-tart of the work. L": ci- • the d>ea>e e .dieation pro . a!i cattle six : months of age '•r !cu-: will be tested lor Bang'. i • -e and al! inlected animal wi,. ' i ndtmned ^4tid destroyed. Own i ■ : condemned animals will be « ind'.-:: nltv according t > a fixed •>tvie. D.. Gregg urged all cattle owners. ; .iiitv to be prepared for ti^o vi.-it .. the inspectors and to give; ... po.«*iyk» assistance in the testing oi' their cattle. j T: ey have overnight sleeper planes 1 between the coasts. Citizens Realty & Loan Company COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE ii< ;:i K«;;iTc — Property Management •Joe! T. Cheatham. President Till CHECK-WHY is the easy way ®° PaY Once you've paid bills by check you'll never want to go back lo slow, lisky cash payments. Start an account here and learn for yourself how enoriless paying by checii really is. t^diik & 1 rust Company Henderson, N. C. 'i he Leading Bank in This Section 1S89 - Fifty-First Year - l(J-40 Banking Hours: 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. All Deposit - insured l'p To >T>,0(H).')0 Sub-Freezing Temperature Is rirst Here 1 i t brought the coldest weather of the winter so far. with a minimum ieinp?rature of •27 i-.-i jKl'd at C a. in. today. II. I,. official aiher Bureau jihsff. :t here. aunnunerd. The >haiv drop was accompanied by a v- rv 'if tvy frost this morning. It v..i- the first sub-freezing Icjimerature «>t the season here. T'.-" hiyhrM temperature of Sunday was "»:J. and Hie mercury slid !<> :• point almost exactly half fiiat tor till* minimum of the nklit I.iiu temperatures prevailed m!:si i.! I'st wv.'k in litis section. S'sie- w.-re overcast, too. most of th" time, and weather out • :(!.• very disagreeable, liter;- wa very 1 til? rain, how ever. Snows that reae' well down ii. Y"r'-ini.! d*d i:«l coma this far. but '■•at' tiiey done so would have s!-t ;i new record for early snows here. Heavy Break C* r T* V u i ooacco Is Offered < m • ill lin* ie..aviest breaks of the se; .-on v ; reported on the Hemler <•:. ; ; .-.••• ir '.et ! •• lay ,\v:tl\ :"ome .Mn ; (i'H' l!i ii ."ltd pound, m leal in -:!r. it \va-; 11<>t certain in the Ii.m i:: whether i'. would be pos sible- i-i clear .'I! floors or it «t before cIom!H; luiiC at ■» p. 111. I'lin-: v.t i reported to be higher than at tin.' end o! l;..- t week. Tin' •r;; las! Friuav the market iih! . • d . iightlv more titan 9.400,0(10 pifiut.Jr ol it:: t for the season. and • pet ;• »n- were e.\peeted to i\;n tlie tot;d at least to ten million pounds. S- !i • i ;i i:. ies are that about half <•:• o . , . little more than half oi Hie . a It's have been made. i'<hi>■»;. t? oi i season have betn •'ta* ii lit rcieison market would -fit Min t- i!> to million pounds. Colored Fair Opens Tonight For One Week Heralded a> "bigger and better ti .si ever." the Vance County Color ed Fair wiit open tonight, with it midway offering ten rides and ten sh<v.i-'iix-i-t Hawkins, manager oi' tiie lair, announced today. attractions aie f u r ii i in ii by tin.- I J..i> Parrott Mam Shows. I-i-atured are Roy li<gt_t>' "Harlem Follies", starring 16 d. . c ti.u 141:1-. also Pardee's "Colored H i.vaiian Revue" Trained animals will perloim in tiie Davis & Parrott circu- side .-ho.v. There will be a ten in-oi.e show. Hawkins announced he had book id .-ome outstanding free acts, pre ented by Captain Harry Bedc and l.\ iiinic and Dolly, two of America's trapeze acts. This act will appear Iree twice daily on the mid way. w'edne day will be children's day at 111;• tair, and all scnooi cnildreii '.vi 11 be admitted lree. Black Beauty, the big wonder dog oi .-•tage and screen, has been booked lor the iair, and fireworks will be a feature each evening. Today was giit day, with a sur p; 1. ( package offered the first 25IJ pci.o." purchasing lickeK Tuesday 1.; rural organization day, Wednesday cii'kiren's day, Thursday health day, Friday athletic day and Saturday premium day. ('a h awards will be made to winning entries. A penal feature will be the pub lic wedding Saturday. The couple will be married on top of the Ferris wheel. Hawkins announced today that the v-.-liibit hall is crowded with beauti ful displays, and six days and six m^ji 1 ts ol entertainment for young niid old are promised. MARRIAGE PAPERS TO FOUR COUPLES K<.ur marriage papers were issued Saturday at the Vance Registry of fice. two going to colorcd couples. Clyde Rowland Forsythe, 19, and Small Francos Richardson, route 2. \\-i: iiville, secured llcnse to marry .V illain Wheeler Thomas, 19, and ncy Mae Hayes, 18, both of Hen der.-.on, also secured papers to marry. 'I'lie colored couples were Joe i\i;-.r;-l>ury, 39. route 1. Kittrell, to luinU r, Ui. i»I Kittrell; and Wil flarlic, 39. to Alary Alston, 32, /utii of Henderson. Catches "Possum. M>- . Will Goodrich has been miss iv, chickens from her chicken house • ti.v past several weeks. Friday .-hi caught the culprit, a big »p:).-suM. This is sweet potato time, md .'opossum and taters are hard to VenTset back growing buds Guard Units I Pass Here; | | lOne Remains i ' Several hundred -oldiers :ind niorej than 100 arniv trucks passed through' Henderson Sunday auct Sunday night J enroute t<> training camp.- in south I ern states. One unit, a signal corps | [ outfit, spent the night at the National) ! Guard Armory here, and continued j on their way today. j All unit* were foinier New York i | National Guard. now a part of the | regular army ful intensive miliUiryj training. All were ol the old :27th I Division that won lame during the I j World War. I Several hundred of the soldiers were fed during the afternoon and! | evening at the Capitol Cafe here. Traffic lights were cut out on Gar | r.etl street, the roule oi the national j | highway through Hencleiv»n. ><> as: not to slow down the movement of the organization. In addition, how-1 v« r. Highway patrol cars piloted the! motor caravan through the city. D.liiculiv and delay was experi-! cnced in finding an entrance into the National Guard Armory. Mayor! I HtT.ry T. Powell telephone and rani e rrands for several hours during the • evening to find some one with the' keys io the Armory, which has not been u-cd and ha- been and locked since the last of the loots7 guardsmen left here for Foil Jack-, son several weeks ago. A Company, C soldier home for the week-end' I'ui nisiied tne solution to the i iddle by going inside by way ol a circuitous ( route. Mayor Powell had a water dc paitment man turn on the water, but the soldiers had no lights all night, and there was no heat in lite Armory. ; Officers of the outfit expressed their appreciation for the courtesies] shown tiiem here. They said they were dehy.'d on their trip by sno\.- j storms further north of here. The units were ah enrouic to Camp Mc Clellan. Anniston, Ala. Eleven Are j Arrested On ! W hisky Charge i I Eleven persons are charged in coun , ty court with pos.sess.ny whisky for the purpose of sale as re>ult of raids ! here Saturday night by ABC Officers | J. C. Champion and L. A. Jackson i with the assistance of W. S. Strange, with most of the cases set for trial before Recorder R. E. Clements Fri day. It is said that undercover agents have been at work here for the pastj several weeks gathering evidence of illegal whisky traffic. : Those arrested are Garland John- j son, Walter Wheeler. Julian Carroll. Johnnie Jarrell, Buck Stewart, Kit- , tie R. Grissom. Hershcy Stokes, Mary Wheeler, J. C. Evans. George- j Wynn and Grady Pully. All of the defendants gave bond, j IS. JOHN H. IKS i IS BURIED TOOAV1 Services Conducted From Holiness Church, Inter ment at Rock Bridge Mrs. Viola Dell Hicks, 48. died Sat urday in Duke hospital, alter an ill ness. and funeral services were held (this afternoon at 4 o'clock from Holi iness church, South Henderson, with | interment in Rock Bridge cemetery. ! 'Flic Rev Jodie Leonard conducted j the services. Mrs. Hicks is survived by her hits ! band, John H. Hicks: three daugh ters, Mrs. Cornelia Pruitt, and ML Ises Lillian and Peggy Hicks, all of Henderson; four sons by a former marriage. Henry, Lee, Roger and Norman Williams. A sister, Mrs. Mary Betty Green, also survives, and there are three surviving prothcrs, .1. T.. A. G., and A. J. Hunt, all of Henderson. Trtcre j are eight grand children. Active pallbearers were announc ed as Sam Parrish, Alvin Currin. Lewis Pruitt. Lee Harris, W. 11 Wilder and Johnny Martin. JUDGE R. E. CLEMENTS HEARS THREE CASES Throe eases were disposed of at today's session of county court, with Recorder R. E. Clements presiding. Mi!o C-lcaton pleaded guilty to be ing drunk, and was given 30 days, suspended upon payment of the costs, and not be convicted of violating the prohibition laws of Vance county for the next two years. Edward Pearce drew 30 days on the roads for non-support of his il legitimate child. He gave notice of an ; appeal, and bond was set at $50. Frank Taylor. Negro, was guilty of careless and reckless driving, and jrayer for judgment was continued upon payment of the costs and $25 lor the benefit of Will Hendricks. MATTRESS FIRE IN W. H. JOHNSON'S HOME ) A mattress in the linirie <>r W. H. Johnson on Andrews avenue exten sion. just across from the fairgrounds. | '.•aught fire last night around 11 j o'clock, with fireman answering a I •;s]l there for aid. The damage vasi •or.fined to 1 !>o r.yilt'vss. vi'Ii r<e' »oom bcini ?n. >':<•: <• \ id<.-r;:'o!y, FK Various Cases Before Mayor Routine Monday morning cases were up in city court today before .Mayor Henry T. Powell for hearings. Lonnie Day, Negro, was charged with forging the name of W. P. Smith to a check of $5, drawn upon Citizens Bank and Trust Co., and cashing the same at U'oolard s. He was ordered held for superior court j under $300 bond. Jim Alston, Negro, was charged ! with assault, but the prosecuting ' witness failed to appear. Mayor j i'owell ordered the witness, when I apprehended, to pay a line 01 S1U. j D. Boyd Kimball, R. S. Young and | J. E. Elrod. Jr.. charged with traffic violations i a i led to appear. Allied Goode Wimbish, Negro,! charged with being drunk, failed to j make his appearance in court, and his case was continued. ii. !l. B»v».-:\veli, route 1, Warren ton : pleaded guilty to being drunk, and j was given lit) days .suspended upon I payment of the costs. Eugene Williams, Negro, faced the j court, charged wtih using profanity I and trespassing. He pleaded guilty, j and was given 60 days, suspended [ upon payment of the costs, and show-j me good behavior for the next two i years. harry Hayes, Negro, was given the [ t'hoic" of going to the roads for 30 j day or paying the (">sts when con victed of being drunk. "Aaron Ma lone was given 30 days, suspended upon payment of the cost for being drunk. J. A. Riggan entered a plea of guilty Jo being drunk, and was given j 30 days, suspended upon payment of the costs. ,J;>el T. Cheatham was charged with two violations of traffic rule-, and was ordered to pay double fines, the total cost; being $4. Mark Green was taxed with the costs when he peladed guilty to be ing drunk. POLICE DEPARTMENT IN TEMPORARY PLACE The desk sergeant's office of the Hc.nders' n Police Department is now j in the Vance County ABC officers | licadquai tors over the law office oi Z >llienrier and Zollicoffer. ne::t door to the municipal building . The desk sergeant's office will re main there until repairs to the muni cipal building have progressed to such a point the police can return in their original office in the city building. CAN YOU ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? See Pnf/e Four 1. Name the Speaker ol' the House of Representatives. 2. Camel hair brushes are made from the tails of Siberian squirrel:;, hair of the llama, or camel's hair? 3. The average American soiclici in France during the World War had -,\ days, six weeks or six months training in the U. S.. before goin£ overseas? 4. How many stars a:'e on the State flag of Texas? .3. How many men have held the office of Secretary of Commerce un der President Roosevelt? G. Who wrote. "Early to bod. ear ly to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise"? 7. William Allen White is a n.»toc? newspaper editor in which city? 8. Is Doris Duke the first or sec ond wife of James H. R. Cromwell. 9. Is the Trans-Jordan a river, hp Arab state or a mountain? 10. Shiuld the American flag be displayed during a storm? Announcement I am now associated with Mr. J. M. Swindell of the VANCE 'SIGN SHOP (Formerly C• y Sis*n Shop) In the capacity <il c niincrc'al s g:i artist—your patronage will be g rca t ly a pi a ccia t ed. FRED A. JEWELL VANCE SIGN SHOP Vance Theatre Jjldg. i TRI'STEP'S SALE OF I AM). By virtue of Ihc power ;md au thority conferred by that doeri «il trust executed by T-=itST. \V:ird and wife to Tasker I'«»11<. Truster. dated Aug. 20. 1924. recorded in Ihc ofl'ic of the Register of Deeds of Vancc County in Book 107, P. 7(> e1 seq., and by virtue of the authority conferrec on the undersigned by an in::!n; ment duly recorded in said Registry substituting the undersigned as Trustee in place of Tasker Polk. Trustee, deceased, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed nl trust, the undersigned substitute trustee will, on the 22nd day o! November. 1940, at 12 o'clock. IVT.. i>> front of the court house door of Vance County, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash the land conveyed by said deed of trust, lying in or near the town of Middleburg. Vance County, N. C., described as follows: Bounded on the North by Cedar Street, on the East by North Jack son Street, on the South by Pine Street and on the West by North Washington Street, and being the same land conveyed to Stokes Allen by deed dated Nov. 22. 1920. and registered in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Vance County in Book 105. p. 24. This the 21st clav of October. 1940. MARY E. GRANT. Substitute Trustee.« Poll; and Gibbs. Attorneys. Budgets For Chest Asked Immediately Those agencies that lo .-hare in funds oi' the Vance County Com munity Chest were asktu iuda\ tj prepare and present oy Wednesday an itemized budget lur the causes tiiey represent. K. U. Falkner, presi dent of Ihe che .J. calied at:< ntioo to the fact that directors will have a meeting Wednesday evening at <J o'clock in his oiiice in the court house, at which time midgets wiil ue approved or rejected. At the meeting a cha.rman for the chest drive will be named and del'i nite dates fixed for it. The e:.act budget will be agreed upon, any final plans made for me campaign. A committee consisting of Dr. Charles Rollins, chairman, B. il. Hicks and R. W. Liruin ' t<* present i suggestion for a chairman. In connection with tne adaption of the chest budget, attention wa callcd to a section of the bylaw.-, re lating to the arra:i';e. a.: fel lows: "All application- for aid n • th-. Vance County C"..imuni'.y Che.-; shall be made to the board oi. d, rectors in the form of an iivnizerf budget, and if approved by .-aid board of director.-, it mut b: an nounced publicly in I >ca! n< ' ■ pcrs, or by other means of cq :a publicity, at least ton day. pi or ' . starting the annual drive for "und otherwise application i-= invalid.'' ce': :ear Happy Relief When Laxative Is Needed Don't experiment v ' l<> r< lievv ('in i i. gentle way that spicy, arom;-tie BLAC!'. taken by the dirt-ei mils a good night's re \ . a thorough : i • ing. You generally tev: Whenever r < !i>ti::• •. uchv. hi!!o ■ >. i ' .< table BLACK-DRAUGHT.— Time Out Y< .it don . • ■ ! I.oiiv—with a v.''"'1 a iast-ircvMij; v • • lifilia V.. - '* t . . CiM- n.:-:/ !' • : V.V m ■ inP'f:r:'{ lit' r>' "■ ClU'.'f y.M, : >\VC' t i• I! I-:!)■•:■• H. C. Amlerson >i- SI. N. ( JMimcnds - V - Urjuirin; When used according to directions indicated on each package, v/e think you'll agree that "BC" works fast and relieves in a hurry. Also relieves headaches, muscular aches and functional periodic pains. Consult a physician when pains persist or recur frequently. TODAY See This New Pattern Tn BIGELOWBEAUVAIS BROABLOOM IDEAL FOR 18th CENTURY • EARLY AMERICAN • PROVINCIAL ROOMS Just 1 of 59 smart patterns and colors >74"_ SIZE [lLUSTRATED—an ideal pattern for 18th Century, Early American or Provincial petting. And there are many more smart new effect?, for all types of furnishings, in our complete range of Beauvais Broadloom rugs. They're all top quality, woven to last for years. You can have ony size, cut to your room's cxact measure. x 6 824.50 7.0 >: 9 4.6 x 0 ">1.50 9 x(J 4.6 x 12 '12.00 9 x 10.6 6 x 8 40.50 9 x j:j.G 850.00 9 x 15 £99.-Vi 6:5.00 9 x )i.i 120.00 70.00 1) x 21 1 lo.oo 95.00 12 x 12 106.00 Henderson Furniture Co. Phono 1 14

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