{^r vI i* VV Cl y -axe-State Battle Wslh th«" . • ! te.luctMi •• . tus Salnr ! ii . .1 \. i' p: aetieai :i;i> ;i ifu i .1 State \! '>f tin .li.ii'. tad .cher in . c:i> W*iIr— :!».... • ■ year" . weed that • • irvoth pep with evciy : t.» the hitfh • ft i DOLES f. > Mr Taylor ■.rhone* . I i'IkhIm l('(l to Ulko i'.n Wl.'.M. i!:i St.itii.iii in Kn it the two tallies as the ' • ■1 ■ ' < i -i etinjj . Battle of the ><. A. i.ii!y will go on the . :r ! 8:ir> . :k.I State's at K.3U. Both a ill !;«.•■ 'lit1 other's perl'orm ■ • . :i ; • call loi a two min ! ' i >m each ,yr■ '■>. S: ;u. day'.. important tilt ■ . ip! . . . tit? l/>UiS Trunzo, v."<. in;i red guards. v. ill lie hack in . the Deacons will (•"i; ! * * 11 i'res ton. :: I'ettdcrgast. centcr: c . i «; it . ! ■;!:' u'lMirs: Tony Ru r c' l< . Paul Waivers, right 1 V !' !' it. (i-'artrrhaek: Jolt :>:icl Tonv Gnllo '.k.-: and C.iptnin Jim !t !il. iulM>ack. V. 't' • "!' Pa* Felt Icy to tiec tl week. Coach Doc N'ew >i V. i| • ■ ■ •;! ! • : t li in the . 7.—Mayhc it should ' after they n defeating ^1-7. : :t the fact re a < Lli c Devils are :i> '"V. ard setting n v.. Mow Oil Heatrola turns waste into warmth. A >-« How it circulates clean, odorless warmth. fb « How i; Keeps floors warmer, means fewer colds. v Tiany beautiful models then are to choose from. All sizes and styles $34.50 to $125.00 rson Furniture Co. h • ■* i - r* ft ^ 1 • ill v.* Phone 144 ec M d I'll!' !; miblitlg. . •.! Ih.- .-(•I - I:.III-. I i.v.1- . the K'l I I I-. I . 1 ' 1* ■ ; l .. >1 ami tli.ll i:.i I I, ■ kepi !m m • :t I: i >i:i iii■ t r i ul tlic |niic In tliO 11\ «• j»;»ii"ii* lln ea. on. i >uke iback: ha\e juggled tin- ball a Iota! jot l!> time:;, but only . i:< o! tin». «* l!l tin it-'- haw i.»-1 the b; j| to 11n [opponents iu that way. J I'.eheve it >•!• not, they bit their high both fur luaibiini., and recc.e. . illg ill that r I — . Iin.lt i>l (!eori{ia Tccil. The Hllli• 1 )t• V i I fumbled « : ill time Jin that ball game but in LH'i'y in 'stance except one, tin* buy who fum bled nr a teammate v.able tu cove. |thf ball. j The coaches frankly don't like it jaiul are working with tiie buy., tu I try tu learn what makes the clock tick that way. They, like followers jof the lilue Devil; arc afraid tna; will happen sometime when no m:r. is around to recover the ball, Coach Wallace Wad' eon-idcr< fumblitc one of the cardinal in - of football. Siati'i:ig record i-: une of the greatest a Duke team has ever had. The lilue Devils have tiirown <>7 passes and completed une pa-.- over I ha it. ot them .'!4- or :» lotai of a2f> jvard-. They h:.ve had only torn' n j terceptecl. i The Wadeaien have made a net of I 54!» yard-. s»v r s aing again I 115 for | the opponent^. The se<>.'i'"A has been weil divid led. Steve l.ach. leader in ground gaining. pa - receiving and puntim . |also has the scoring lead with th.-"t I touchdowns. MulVat Storer. v"pl I halfback out lor the season due c. I an injury sustained bet ire the Wsk I Forest game, Fullback .Jap Davis am Plncekicker Tony Ituffa have iJ points each. Uuffalias .-cored hi-- on I two field goal and i>: estra p> 'lit . Ranking §1/3.1*S Feature UNC Spider Game ! Chapel Hill. Nov ".—Meeting Richmond's dangci Spiders Sat urday in its on< appear: nee m Vir ginia soil. .\..rtii Caiolinn's c-. till ground .'fid aerial show w !i offer three n:it "t:;iI ranking stars. Paul Sevi i in is ;ui \1I-Aineriean end. while Harry Dunkie led lh" na tion's punters and plaeckickers last year, and .Jim Lai;.line '.and- X >. a amoni> the nation ball carriers and also, ranks with it- be.-t passers. The biita^utd Tar He;-! . " i>.o lo-'t to f ordnati' > I. i-tcrn leader.-. la t week, may or may not get back to their Tulane and TCL' peak tor :I mond's iiiight. but whether they do or not. taese three aei - are expecltd to v.ipplv plenty of brilliant play and thrill.-. Lalanne and Severin are also book ed tor the game's feature duel wii'i Art Jones. IDi'-pound triple threat who led Richmond over Virginia Teeii and V. M. I., and Dick Hum bert. who ranks second anion:; the nation's pass receivers up to now. Carolina and Richmond have each lost only • r.e pme in the Conference, and 1 ied in I he standi!*!.,- j !-i be hind Duke and Cle:n-.on. the sanr.; spet they finished last year. The two end-: also use the same sy.-tem and have much the .-amo wide-open versatile attack bv l .• ?: £ La. y A ••• r* -• s V- ft-. <£» * ; II :qu:tl i m] 11'. ihIi r . .1) In -.ii "-if ! ! |)l:iyiiv.' i»I* •;>'it: >n "I U<>;tnt>ko | |{;i|.iil.-. h:'Ii : < 1,1.1.1 :iI liii- 11:.Ii1.1:< In unity town tin ■ :iilrnn>i»n. TIor!'nriiiuI ri ii r i- ■ ■ ' 1 or:-1 ur ■ ;i!.:it iii I' l;iy in 'ii l!i» !-tl.il judicial dull •■!. '! : • .'">■? v. a.-' to hand down «»p i *•!«• :*i ";,»• ;» 'i f ?■::i < a . • : i. i.i (i v.«i.' ti'.':1 iii which '"iid !).i- appealing lYnm a Ci.llVii ' 'oil "v |\ I'lir.lly l.i ( >:t*;•'t: : • i11 .i Samp.-:»ii i uii i.ivi> •••-. tir 1 "ii i i n i i- w.-: \i•; rather oi a child ' 'I 11: ' I * *l>. I )all\ •i l!l< !icc (i 1(1 l ive 111 ■ i ;' y a. . !!; wife, who did not appeal. v. cmivictcd uiid sentenced to i\\'i !o loin* year.-:. ThO fanner was Hul'ii: IJrvant. N it W YORK STATE THE BEST !N MEW'S WEAR AT EFIRD'S ill H I v. • . .. p-. - . ■- -*»€•>>»?r?r-±L* •*»,.* ;v "Now l m unaware, "Yes, sir . . . I'm telling you that Hakes mid- \ dleweight Winter Sets are made for a man's comfort. You hardly know you've got them on! You're warm cnougli outdoors without swelter ing indoors. Easy to puil on and take c ff . . . no buttons, draw strings or gadgets to fuss with. The all-round Lastex waistband s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s comfortably even if you've had a henrty meal. Another thing I like is the gentle athletic support of the Hanes Crotch-Guard." Select one of the popular Hanes Winter Set styles. Your Hanes Dealer will be glad to show them to you. hanes rAr WINTER SETS j|jfo'rS st C) the garment Pick the set you like. Wear a sleeveless or short-sleeve shirt with a pair of Crotch Guard Wind-Shielus (figure at top) or Crotch-Guard Shorts (shown at left). All cotton (combed) or cotton-wool mixtures. I BOYS' 7QC /rc THE WINTER SETS Jf UJ GARMENT I P. H. HANES KNITTING COMPANY, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. HANES HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OTHERS. (at left) A 89c to S2 Ankle-length legs. Long or short sleeves. Knit to fit with full, accurate size. You can bend and stretch — without bind ing. Buttons, button holes, cuifs and seams all sewed securely, jfc I Geo. A. Rose & Son COME RIGHT !N FOR 1H Leggett's Dept. Store For Your Hanes Shirts and Shorts. , Bulldogs In Light Workout |Im Preparation For Enfield i m ! f'oach Fred Kilpatik!: ran 11is I>i11Kf<•:> quad through .1 Imijji! so ! .■ ii.11 »>s* light work vi." Ioniav ;t!UT ' i •••hi iit preparation fur the Knfkld i Miinc under Iil»111s nti (u-ndoixMl vridii'oii Kiitia\ night lull Iff) oil. 1 . !-i ij11 • 11:in dt'ft'ivi t.i tli0 ;.i-; j 1 uies :>lill bothering a lev. members t.f lilt ie«il!l. t !li' pronuiineed the .'|iiad in lairly ■• ;() 1 Hiditioii fur the game. with iI• 1 i• (i.i sum and i'aul Hlake .-till -lightly ailing and .!. W. Simpson 1 j forced to miss Wednesday's practice! U-cause t.i an injured knee. Every 1 inl\va.^ >;! the I proceedings. and the lighting t qi; I met it ha\e been checked by tin ir | operators and are pronounced n tip ! top condition. I Tonight at 7:30 o'clock Hendei >. hi I is promised the biggest pep parade o!' the season, surpassing e. en the crowd and noise «>f the rally prelim inary to the Roanoke Rapid of two weeks ago. 'l'iie pat. le il j form .it the high school and in«>\e ; from there to Garnett street and I thivugh the business section The fault of the honest i. an is |to expect every man to no eqinlly honest. r seal 6f "C~"* Wr>, MOHtr oU K J v V:\vuA''AnurV . sSt1$ PACT ION frs (iu/lMNTttS /OUR MMTPl/RCm&f / f'UtJc f(), ' VPrv C;:r! ( CW Sliced Bologna I'ound 12c 407-409 Garnett St. ' Lontf Island Sliced Pig Liver, lb. 12Yzc ?s!i>aty Xeck Fresh .Meaty Spareribslb.lOc Fresh Fork Brains, lb \2xric Picnics *>• 15c My the Piece—Lean Smoked Bacon lb. 14c 'Streak of Lean Side Meat lb. 12c lT. S. Mranded Steer Roast Rolled rib, lb. 33c Sparkling Fresh Produce While or Yellow 4 pounds 19c Larjre Firm 3 heads 17c r. s. Xo. i POTATOES 10 pounds 14c Fancy Delicious APPLES 2 dozen 43c Lonjf Island CAULIFLOWER Large head 10c Emperor GRAPES 4 pounds 25c tieer, 2 cans . . . 37c Gorton's Ilead.v to fry Codfish, 2 cans . 25c {Jeinz rtoston liakcd Bc.ans, 18-oz( can 12c ?Jj ?•> :t!f Team Borax, 1-lb. pkg . 15c ( akrs Camay Soap . . . 17c 2 CJuest Cakes Icory Soap . 9c 2 Sniali i kgs. ivory Flakes ... 17c Sm. 1'kff. Lkc. f'ks. Chipso 8c 19c l-llt. can 3-lb. Can Crisco 18c 46c BREAD T? iFresh. Our Pride 2 large loaves . . 15c Double-Fresh G:>ld«n Blend Coffee 2 lbs. 25c Appi p Butter ? ■<*-<»■■ i i LjiHj White House ^ jars £3C HERRING ISW.- 3 :x25c raisins 3 25c NIBLETS ISi'S,0"" 10c SAUSAGE Si::v,„ 2 ,„.15c CH A TCI TD Del Monte 9 14-"y- OCr> I i^xJl Tomato ** bottles MUSTARD Lynnhavt'n 9 17c PRUNES SMn"^°,5£29c CORNED Libby s 2 37c PRUNE SUt ir 35c Triange Pure Creamery Butter||b ro" 33c