7 ~ . ; Pose Financial Problem f Daily liispaJ»Ii Htirruu. In the *»§r "'.'jiier Hotel. By M:\K1 WIRIL! [{aleinh. \\»v. -7. V mmii; the thirds which . v !:ki I' o mvr mt* than ;i iitrie t>• -t«< U :■> v \:-c; ■.. . - nm .1 \l. [!:. •ti." ;nj - •->>.'•1 li»-i>c inducted admmL-t ration arc 1W»» CO: li< ::cMtS l>V ti'O i:l!ti executive which ...•«• J.* cut ..leu,,t . ••,!■■■ the : uu:c> which might othwivis*1 be used fiH' est mating the imiual budget for t. > n yr i-i ' e next biennium. If '! be 'id t!' tbe ivtjuctinn ! actual de creases n-nmi>.- otic «•! •hi cc : ■ ' de.N u th •ronev tiv.t :>>v • "u .. V v!i- ii« \v •tv» ti:c St . V > i \c:« • "tic: . ■ i " t eti ' CCt to ti'.V Broughton promises %> do two i I » Recomi u-vd removal oi the - • •» : . \ . >< >«.:■» 'or ' I'V Bdbson Foresees Great New Industrial Growth ;> (1 ' C>. -«•» ! ' V\ CUUCs (Coutir.upc pared utc fcl...v>pe by «• - tne y..~" "or. .• - dustry ••• - • bio holds .. tare jjrowtn utu enterprise. C " *■ - iH-uci-t ^.vatic dustry. i->pee:a!'.; t.e> ot from UMM One) .i it'.". Mitic. ..:*.:ie." iO.vHHl p \ Kepe.o Busiuo*. A. t'er.se *:cias: > pear orders.- I ■ ,.-h from which am muni and tanks bUv destrove quick oosolesc sider the p[iiC6 p. fighti not from the i • :: ".iUVUgtl - o ••>... r.ed. g ;us .). plane.- and : rather from a >":i!idpoint. Cuti • -.at have taken :o> of all tvpes. ■ : World War 1 to the beginn ng World War II. , rent affair but - r.a : e .started. , Winjf*tl:> i ■ -' i.achino I ym installation? arc »n y one tm- , pr.'ver.'.en; l:' < ; . y Head Uv j newspapers and t-.. journals v to visualize the improvements that J are taking place . ech; ileal, elec trical. and t ie .ca: d* . * ■ . on j. are t'a>t vnder.ng t» v-t;ng „ implements of war whether tneso j be planes, guns, tanks, rifles, >r nu- jj nitrons. This does :;v>t take into ac- . count new inventions which tor the ^ New Forms <>t \rtivity. Unless one is close to manufactur- ^ ing and e!aT • -• v. the de- -0 lense to era.r. - d 'It . ' op predate the importance of constant -j improvements and r^piaei-- ent>. The production "t defense products auto niatically set- . ; new group of repei: * ba-rne.v-e.- and the Laxative With Three Important Features Three thing- a laxative should do: act panctiiiillv. act thoro gi'.iy. act gently. This one usually does all three if used by the direction". You'll like BLACK-DRAUGHT'S way It's a spicy, aromatic, all vegetable kI icine. Its chief ingredients is an "in- 1 testinal tonic-laxative which helps tone lazv bo\v»*i >:i ;-(•!«• it" c nlji-r BLACK-DRAUGHT next time! 25-, 40 doses: 25c.—Adv. Thanksgiving DINNER 75c 12 t«> 2 ant! G ?<> s Sp. vial'y < jt.ixl ()iu; VANCE ' HOTEL i-i:'p: "ti Most intimates are that !iii< v. •!! rt'tiui'i' the >alvs tax yield ; 11: ■ • i ■ .Sl.:!(i|).()(U aMnually. ilM Kliininate from l!io revenue act 1111* pro\ i>:»»11 for "contingent" aA'i'rv. m . ;.proximately $'2,500. IHH» (i| highway ::d- annually. Dur •iu :l:f Hi'cy administration there has been is* actual diversion. but the amount permittcd 11» hi* diverted has been figured n making up tin- bud vet estimates !»•:• the General As semoly. And so tiio governor is going u if faced with something of a pre bleat it? making up the budget slak for tin1 !SM! legislature. It isn't big a job as might Ik :.:vught. howcVer. i'«.t the reason that : iv solved by a bit more liberal i-:.: .;t ::ii o! receipts anticipated trom Other SOUIVCS. It has bt't'll tht1 I practice to underestimate u: ast ;ca!Iy :'i order to forestall too hia\> . ppropriations requests. growth of the defense industry is und t • c 'tit uie alter World War !i - over. Entirely new products I arise as ;:s technological pro cesses develop. Lot e roc..:! J to t:rst test ot what :"\>uyii: about our modern : a'.f.t-v ■>. .\:':er trie Monitor sun < the Yu ' . 1862. did I :.u id.as, -o:i ships stop with the ending ot the Civ;! War? \o.— • • started a sjreat new ai -• y. ::<»> Iding of iron and . . steel >!i:ps for use in both ; .v The construction of -'ma- - s• • ?I noing on. Out of thi< prcgancy of Hitler's new . e . - -caching industry, new i\ nstraction. city plan -u. : 'd n^< of all kinds will Xc\ O4I»p :e urnKiktnu tacuiri^. huhi«, ci.w-m And Cities. Ye.«. : - the bombing plane has :h;mge«.i war:are it is drastically ••c • - ' e hiy.'-.it of cities and the •. a v ot factories, shops and \V.< 'Manufacturing plants ;v built without win low- : .1 being located at night, ["hey are a!<>' being divided into eparate .. ;'i> so if one building - ae-irnvtv. "''0 .>ther units can con cities have gradually ;: 11 to be more fireproof, o they :>»u a-:: 1 be rebuilt to bo »o:nbproo!. l'h:s will take many : I- •<. T-e ci» .-use industry does iot :. can !ely the manufacturing ( implements of war. but should ul .;:-.ate!y res it 'i changes in roads, /ate:- :> pes. g - mains, and power j tation-. The construction of homes must , Mil-ally be changed to provide the ' reatest protect-on. Civilian popula-, on. which in t>"day's warfare suf- I *rs so much, must be cared for! r >ugh mdi\ d it this time by going in too ite. :irst Round 1 ro Anties (Continued From Pdge Gnel ,:st election F. i). R. himself re- 1 larked that iie had no new legisla tor t:> ask .or at present. This gen rally was interpreted as an expres- ' i(,n of something more than a wil- . ngtie.-s on his part to have the two <>use< on Capitol Hill quit business j :>r 1940. and go home. Ordinarily, they'd have been glad | > do it. to en;:' '» such of them as I .( v up for re:' .-tion (all the rep- j i ; iitatives an : one-third of the' tor ) t) beat it to their respec- I ■ bailiwicks, to spell-bind their a.ious constituencies. Why they chose otherwise in the j i :i'ii? instance is well known. There i >' two main reasons and possibly j third supplementary one. of minor | i eciuence*. I. There was considerable talk to i in i fleet that there exists today a j < Id emergency which makes it ' in .erntive for our national legisla ure to remain everlastingly on the r , *7ke BEST # . ^fuwkirjmtw ^fiinnei kt .TOWN / / Make this ;i >: i . : U> T!i;nik:^giving by dining at Contra 1. Here v. .1 tind American cookery at its wundcrti l ••nst imparting new pleasure to the eating the i'east uf the year. We have turkey . . . bin. tend«*r birds . . chicken for those who prcl- them And. oi eouiso, every thing that "goes with." Dine with us this Thanksgiving. Central Hotel and Cafe bake i"io3p:{ivi 10 u2 Ucli'iC/U'cCl nil—Hi "Till 11 I Ill connection with a two-day «.lj;i s \; i • ■ ot the : • ■ ?lii anniversary ol Duke Hospital and Medicai School on Fr day and Saturday, the hospital's • <»om addition W! I i>e lormally dedicated. Above are shown pictures ot the new unit. Abo\e the bed in the upper li'ft picturj is shown the specially designed holophan elight which replace.-. in the new unit the awkward lighting arrange-nont used in the past. On the wall are two bo.'ces, cue a two-station radio and tlu- other a two-way telephone connected with the ward secretary's desk by which the patient can make his needs known immediately. Tli upper right picture shows a section of one ol' the new semi-private wards. In the lower picture is shown a portion of the hospital facade, the new wins occupying approximately the left half. On the two-day anniversary program wMl be a number of events, including dedication of the hospital's new neuropsychiatry department, a clime by 1)". AdoM Meyer, of Johns Hopkins University School of Medi cine. and organisation oi an alumni association by V)uk.'. medical graduates. job and congressional candidates ivere afraid tiil* voters would criti— ../.e them adversely if thev .-.spend d operations in Washington. simply :o chase cut into the sticks to elec lioneer. 2. Anti-New Dealers (the Demo cratic as well as the Republican vind) have represented K D. R. a< i would-be dictator: they wanted to • iv,> the impression that they dare lot leave him in Washington legis atively unrestrained. I hey may not lave believed jt genuinely. but they lad to pretend that they did. Pending Legislation Although F. D. R. said 'no had to new legislation to propose, there ieverthe!e-> re named a o;t oi pend ng legislation to attend to. And some >l it. 1 ithe Walter-Logan bill, in ended to modify the New Deals igencies powers, was ot a sort the IVhite Tlouse outspokenly didn t ike. Naturally the anti-New Deal ers were desperately anxious to put his stuff through at the pr.vent con gressional >cs>ion. it-toad of having t gf> into the tuxt one. when :t will lave to start again from scratch. Well. then, congress did not ad inurn. except for three days at a ime. before election. Shortly alter election the subject •ante up again. As previously ob served. maybe l'\ D. R. personally iidn't care, But Ins New Dt'al iol owing on Capitol Hill evidently did. senator Alton W. Barkley. Demo cratic manager in the upper house, leclared in favor of a sine die term nation of tli<' session. Congressman lohn W. MeCormack of Massachu ;etts, lower house Democratic lead er. introduced the outright adjourn ment resolution in his chamber. It ,vas beaten, as were all aware. Of -nurse thr Senate can't adjp urn until he House docs. too. So that ends he controversy temporarily. It may :ome up again. However, the late vote was pret ;y decisive—1!M to 143. Of the 101 against adjournment. 14 were Democrats. There were a lot of absentees, to ae sure. b'it Congressman McCor nack himself says he thinks the ta 1 y was a fair sampling. New Deal Setback? Washington's ver"..t is tha<_ the I •esult was ;i New Deal administra tion setback. And it was the first post-election test. True, it's the old congress that did the voting. Still, the incoming one'.- personnel won't oe very different. There's any amount of ehat rela tive to non-partisan unity.. As to national defense nobody disputes that it will prevail nearly 100 per cent, minus only such elements as Congressman Martin Dies' anti- I American investigating committee ' thinks it's uncovering—and num erous observers venture the guess that Martin believes himself to be j uncovering a deal more of them than truly exist. If we get into the World war (or i wars) there's no argument; Ameri can solidarity will be super-solid. There are obvious signs, though, of terrific opposition to what's seen as a policy tending to take us into the conflict. And domestic New Deal policies? That a Ui-adjournment ballot does not hint at unity on that issue. Democratic-Republican inter-par ty unity doubtless was lather too much to expect. But that non-ad journment vote doesn t suggest much Democratic intra-party unity, either. Prospects arc that, as heretofore, we'll go on having New Deals on one side and, on the other side, Repub licans and anti-New Deal Democrats bucking them. A party and a "loyal opposition party." as Wendell Willkie puts it! Prudence is the offspring of wis dom. Vultee ?;ant Resumes Work After Strike (Continued FVo:n T.urc Onci agents. it wi:* declared. will closely scrutinize returning workers to make .--lev that in' spies make entry into the plant among their numbers. Attorney General Hubert Jackson and Repivsentaiive Martin Dies, chairman i>i ih< congressional com mittee invt .-t'lj.-'tirig un-American acti\"5lie.-. haw charged that "corn muni. ? influences" played a part in the walkout. The charges were om phaticalh il: '.'I'd by union, officials. Indictments Made in Frobe in Michigan (Continued From f*ice One* fraud Edsel turd. pre.sidcnt of the Ford Motor Co.. ol .SiJ.91!!. in the second case McKay was ac cused of <. nileciaui money on false pretenses meet a deficit of the Kepuolican •t:.i.> central committee following the Ifi.'JI! campaign. Ac tually. tin- iiuiictn • ni said, there was no deficit and the Ford Motor Co., was shown lalse invoices. A third indictment named a state purchasing agent and two suppliers who have had dealing^ with the state. Says Probes Of Agencies May Overlap (Continued From tJa£e One) t!it executive responsibility in the hands of the President and that therefore continuing administrative duties in relation to illegal activities lie in the executive branch of the government and not ill the legisla tive. "As soon as this distinction is clearly rcc'gnixed there ;s no reason why there .-h.uild not be complete harmony bit ween your committee and the executive branch of the government." Snow Falls Over East (Continued From "Pace One} legion struggled to restore transpor tation and communication facilities. Storm warnings were posted along the New England coast and on the Great Lakes. The Chicago weather bureau warned shippers to prepare for 15 to 23 degree temperature in the north and west and 25 to 32 in the south and oast. Maekay Radio reported lhat t Canadian vessel was in distress 35C to 400 miles northeast of Si. Johns? j Newfoundland, only a few hundred ' miles from where the Greek steamei Euge-na Camhanis was wallowing helplessly in a gale-swept sea. i Maekay said ihe Norwegian steam er Bernhard radioed she would reach ; the Canadian vessel's position in I "about four hours"'. (J. S.-Russian Talks Resumed (Continued From rase One) conversation stopped shortly before Molotolf went to Berlin for talks with Adolf Hitler and other German leaders. This was interpreted in informed quarters as a sign that Molotoff's Berlin visit had not impaired the negotiations, which have been in progress here for several months looking to a general improvement of Russo-American relations. The Welles-Oumansky taiks have dealt mainly with trade and related problems with a view to adjusting i these before going on to broader 'questions. Daladier's Aide Here Count Rene do la Taille, former pri vate secretary to former Premier Edouard Daladier, arrives in New York. In Philadelphia, he will write his views on the collapse of France. (Central Pick*) memMRNHi1 L|;AVE for summer sunshine any day the Greyhound way—and be in Florida the following day! Take your choice of scenic routes—enjoy Supcr-Coach comfort all the way and a saving, too, at Greyhound's ». lower tares! There's an rxiui saving—in t>'c and money—on Expense-Paid Tours! Sample Round-Trip Fares -Jacksonville SI 1.20 Miami 18.(>:> W. Palm Beach 17.30 Tampa 15.Tf) BUS STATION Q&y Villiam si. riionr in | GREYHOUND I ^ ^l/Af£S - Allot Funds For Defense fCon'.rmed ironi Pace One) ly i ) two other ckt.-'ses, ihe- Moot and lilt' organised reserves. unci many ol their members have been summoned in duty. Only one class, the merchant ma rine reserve, remained today without a notification that it might bo called ■uon. Members lin> group, at ,-va Dii merchant ships, may not bo called tu aciive duty except in event of United States invoivement in war. in announcing President Run o velt's release of funds t- start wori; un the now naval and air bases stretching from Newfoundland i.> Bi itisi) Guiana in South America, the naval secretary said the money would be used to provide store - houses, fuel oil storage. anchorages for ships and planes and ou,< r facilities. Surveys already are in progress, he i.id. and the work will be com pleted as quickly as possible. The oases may be used to a considerable extent in the meantime, he added. Fires Set At Arsenal (Continuer From Page One) up a se.j.nd arsenal . . to make good any oJ our deficiencies." Minister of Labor Ernest Be\ in ,oid the house that "between nov and next .Juno there will be anoth i enormous call up ol Britain s man j power for the lighitng service. In this connection it was recalled • hat British officials have said Hi li mn would take ihe offensive in 1941. i no Italian high command in its i daily communique declared: "On the Greek front, normal re connaissance and patrol activity is reported. Our air force carried out continuous actions against enemy preparations and troops." Despite the arrival of fresh troops. Athens dispatches said the Italians were abandoning rich stores of ma terial as they fled north into Al bania in a wheeling movement to ward Adriatic seaports. Only in the southwest Albanian sector of the 100-mile front, the Greeks said, were the Italians put ting up a stubborn resistance bol stered by troops and plane reinforce ments. General Soddu. the new fascist commander, was reported to have urgently requested the planes and fresh troops in an attempt to halt the Greeks. Mussolini's high command admit ted royal air force bombers dam aged buildings in the center and out skirts of Turin, starting a fire in a glass factory and inflicting "some casualties". Hitler's high command acknowl edged "numerous civilians were kill ed and wounded" and dwellings dam aged by royal air force raiders over Germany. Informed German quar ters said British bombs fell in Ber : lin's suburbs but asserted that none of the raiders reached the capital's j center. Bears Active In Stock I . v Nov; York, stock market to break cut truck1;.- Ie>ted lCClT;l SC : AiUv e. cm >» «> .cioi*: 1 Sic* ■> "Vriiiii upside, most bear )ui :y . , <;ii tin1 ci"c! i siclcd bill tin' low> in i Quol-iion, . A mi ! ie .,1 i' i Art.: Aii:tl\i ii l Apj-coi! la AM.,:-;- cv , All; :.tv i?. ; ' Bendix A\ i; Beth.'ehen S: (\ v ■ , r; Ci i'i : (• ci; | Consolidated Curl; .V: i )::I'ont F |c;ct rie Pov < General Kl-r: Gc n< nil M« t«» Liggett Se Moot '• ( • . I{fvn.,ld To v'. Cotton Pv jAre Lower i New York. X"' ' ton future?. ' p< • .< (! ! ' Tilt' iani*k<- ! < 10.12. .May KM)". < ■ t Federal Costs May Ik Cut Half-Billion (Continued From TV _-:ed e! regular .aid exti; spending. Senator Adams. I), ado. influential : ate appropri.il:-" ■ I that in his eye- S.Vii' i repro.-ent a "m 'v I thoug'l it mi!4!!t set small alongside e<>iit< 1 expenditures. To Turkey and Trimmings Why not go out this Thanksgiving instead <>f the trouble of eating at home? It s the w;iy i pletely enjoy the holiday. We'll he seninv .1