Peace-Seeker Marshall Makes It Clear He Means To Fight R\ f llXKI.KS Γ. STEWART Central Γΐ'1'ss Columnist W.. ii !<«·.■ m, Jan- it-—Vrnie Mar ahull. ,>al>l. her <> 1 the ( < ilar Kapids (Iov.a) <ia/.itte and chairman nt tin I*cn!ly iirj.' ini/.vd M.i Km eign War Conn*»iH< t . ay.-, lliat anyone who re fers U> hun and W. !i. Davi>. the rich oil operator, as nazis, appeaser.-, or >ther\vise than lUil Όΐ cent Americans a !.ar. I heard 1 i : ; ι t.npliiy Ihut ■nu. Hi- .spelled it ait in the interest Ί' accuracy and h" neceded it with •uss-word. He remarked that ' he fully expected that advocates ol 1 Yankee war parti- t cipation to try to sllie: ι r himsell ι <1 ■■Κ ν Verne' Marshall Davis with nuzi-isni and appe.iser ism. and explained that that was why he w;i giving them the In· in ad vance ni the campaign lie antici pates. • Though he hails I mm the Hawk eye state. Kditor Marshall's field ' Of anti-war activity has been main- | l)r New York City of lato, sine··, j prob ably, ho consider* it the best neighborhood from which to publi flbe it. Newspapermen from all over 'Λβ country are not as mimerons in Manhattan, however, as they are in Washington. Accordingly, he visited the capital some days ago, l'or the ! sake ol a wider reportorial audience, I and, heading into the National Pres.-, ι club, proclaimed himself ready for a mass interview. He drew a crowd alright. What lie told tne scribes ba> been ' printed already, but no account of . the affair that I've ,-een gave much ' weight to the peculiarity of his man- ' ner. Far be it from me to relate that , he talked like a nazi or an appea-j but ho certainly did give the impr.'.-- , sion of being a super-fanatic. Henry ' Ford peace trip, before the United State , broke into tiie iasi war, was | hardly queerer than the tone the Iowa editor took in his chat with the Washington correspondents. Several of them surmi-ed audibly that he'd been d· :nkiiig. which did him an in justice; he's a teetotaler. He simply is so violently devoted to his cause as to seem eccentric—to put it mild ly· "Just and Honorable". The nub of his Washington in terview was his account of Oil Mag naî · Davis' effort to obtain a sum nary <· 1 lin - peace ttrms, ol his siicce. s in getting it, ol thl·· "just and honorable" nature ot the con ditions proposed. ol Davis' ubmi.s •u>n n! them t « » IV·· dent Koosevelt ι ut 1 the Stat*· departments course in smothering them in. t> ail ot making them public—.ill according to Editiu Marshall's story He added thai he himselt had the term:. .11 a deposit box, but wouldn't tell what they WM'C. "Gel 'em. ' tie shouted to the corrc.-pondrnt·., "1 'nit: the State De partment.'" Well, tiie department didn't deny that it had them, but pointed out , that it has to "conduct important in ternational affair- through official channels" and Oil Magnate Davis wasn't official as to whatever he really may hacc accomplished. Three or four hours after the Mar shall inten lew Senator Burton K. Wheeler ol Montana broadcast his appeal for an American peace move. Uurton was forcible, too. but vvasn t quite as exciting over the radio as i tlui Iowa editor was, lace to face. | As these lines are being written the j editor himself is scheduled for j a radio oration. I doubt that he'll be as thrilling on the air as he was a? | first hand, in the room with him. 1 Still, he's pretty pungent. Senator Millard E. Tydings of Maryland was 011 record ahead of ; f ι ε '. . »"■ > * - > ill!· . μ: >ί iv t ν <ίι t! ί.ιιη .ιΐκί : : ι > Sen; ' μ \. th II" C'.ippev ύ. .1- .ι .Mill Ι> Mli'tl C* ' 1.1 : Ί 11 C 1.1 it ι Ιι;ιν«·»ι : ι \ .i lly in . I \1 · '·.! ·. ι η ρι·.Η ·ι· :it··.". ΐ'Μ' ni. ■ ' ihi'v'\ <· · \|i; · - «·< ,n · 1( !' ι u "iliti .«hurt "I \\;iv' In lint ι eventually actually wilt involv us in tho ii'iifl.i ί. Sciiiitu; Arthur Y m donb'.iri; ni M c-liit» ·ιι liki-w ■ i- ap pr«*!i<'H.- \<■ So it S< ,ι" ■ II· •Tiilm-i ·η ■ ·; ( '.ilili·! iii.i ( ί· i ι \yc "t Niirili I> 'ta. îm.· ι-: John- h and ne ly 1.ι\.· the administrât ion's view as vnii-i'd by Prc>;d<?nt I {... » < ·\ ·■ 11 . I latest tire>ide chat, ι that Λ.ιιι ii peace intcrve ntam isu-'stioii: at lh«· present juncture, "nonsen-i We all ttnow why the 8dmini t! - t ■■ • ■ t ι· » y ι " Worlh Τι » ii' .' the :ι ■!.·. ; . s.-erns to b* I 1 i'MkI *i\\.i (1 ·.'· nf'l ' »! 1 thilt Ί p.H' ' Γ I'll, y illlt'l) I»t , h : ; ι 11". in It ;i,.ι h . In υι· :. m ι ! 11>* westwt—Editor Mar hall of Iowa; Si natui - VVheelo. . f'.r,ιριτ, Chn l.. Van»l«*i ι ι u. Johnson and Nye. of ' · M C.ii lui η!.ι .ι ut \ ». ι it Dakota. , ι < ' i !y. Si-ll.iV ι·.· TvihtiR- i·; :ri η illiam Alien ι t. ι' ! I : ι ■ ' (ri . '.'il· F. Ρ ' • ('· >·" fi Κ«·ί 'ι ■ '.ν ι by Helping Kit wailk· Tlii' cuni > looks ]ikf d® rlfipiny, in"·· s ;nean one—with Editor ΛΙ:ι 1 - h ; 111 ι ait; the Stat·· lepai tn.( nt , 1 I, ng up ponce erms. saying tl ing« like "iiar" and u:\iiig 11 ■ · -tr· 'iig I:·:»— iiiage. Britain, ; <·■< i hat lu··· <.■ ■en it's ch.iig-ci .-lit 'lilt.-.. G>;il·»!» Ifopo Of Y 'N.ry Pinned On U. S. (C -nîir· froru Pi, ■ < >ne) ecU,· ' ' ! ■ ( ίι ; 11 MIUn · I it l" H'flJH It. i ' ι (iullllMilt |·»Ι1 l 11 ' · .u : *: · .lit· til Hit· At!.if.* ' ' ι,« < . .r! c du not (i< < <!)1 11.. * . «Mil ! OUT plil - μ» t · .····;. -I tilt· Eng i " ι c!'i (Ιί ; Il !!·.!·, tl "!t . hitIOII !'· - i IJt Jtici the LflliRu ■- .|1( . tti ' !'.· :')· ,t:1y III p i:'. JJ« f .ilia |H\ l>tt'IHV lit I'l'M.HC 1 «'ti ll.; ' .'.I' 'lit tin· Κ11 til»-Π i t:.iu : ·.· ' ' ' ' . 111 ; ι Γ ; V n'..c ι... ' ιί Ι·, ι ne ■ iit_- Wii.v ni life upcn I 1 tin· _,ι λ ι it! .ιί iilid Iκ ι UiO CLOtUi it-.- to fulluw mu uwii.' The · !.. : in point of Mohunu ι··ά's te·., ci ι. ι. a v.,ι- tiu> conception ο: ;:..· ί..ι·ι .1 id^iii'-nt. Stock Marked New Υ· ·ι 1:. In. 9 Λ ! ' ) Th< today witîi . |. . Κ, ; .·ι|. · ί Γ ; ; 11 γ; 11· t i ι : ; ; · ! ;. . a ■ >ur ' - tl- \ . · ,. ; Prices were feesl ; t the Iwrt rntig U1JÎ from pactions Ιο ;ι p..i: 11 or ΊΊΐι si> WelV 11' ; : 111 m t'd ι . . !< ,'lld ill!' ι.ear th fourth hoar. Several !ar;.:i I>li>c-k- mi low priced i. mic.- li.U i ii volume in the forenoon. Dialing then slackened. Quotations at 2 p. in.: American Radiator 7 American Telephone 188 American Tobacco 15 74 Anaconda ;?7 1-8 Atlantic Coast Line 15 3-8 Atlantic Refining $3 7-8 Cendix Aviation 35 7-.°. Bethlehem Steel 88 1 Chrysler 70 5-8 Columbia Ga- & Kh c Co .... 4 7-8 Conmiei cial Soh i i!'·; 11 1-; Consolidated Oil Co 8 Curtiss Wright i) 3-4 DuPont ... 182 1-:: Electric Power Light . . 4 General Klectric . . 34 7-8 General Motors 48 1-8 Liggett & Myei> Β !!7 1-L* Montgomery Ward A- C ο . . 39 1 ί Reynolds Tobacco 1! 38 12 Southern Railway 13 Standard ( >il Co Ν J 38 Γ S Steel 89 3-8 Cotton Prices Are Lower New York. Jan. 9.»-(AP) Cotton futures opened 3 lower to 1 higher. Around mid-day. prices were 1 to I points lower with March 18.5(1. May 1(1.48 and October 9.8G. market " to el ΛοαΗ /Vumskuu. ^be* "T^Af oui? Τ ο λλ\ν&· 1-7 DEAP2. NCAM = /F LISHT Bf£E=v4D HAD VlTAM/NS IM IT WOULD IT STILL BE.* PUNK.* A.H-EAST SL1LPHOÎ2-, C-ZUA. DEAR. NOAH=IF I HAP A RCOT3EER. CN THE house:, would ι have TO SIT ON A LADDER. "TO DE INK IT τ FLOSSY D. CASTLE DASSELL, ΛΛΙΝΝ. TAKE. T/MET OUT To WElTL To YOUR-^PE-A"2- NOAH'' Fine selected cotton woven into firmer, sturdier .sheets than you usually find at thi.> pric<—no won der Nation-Wide is famous with housewives everywhere! Stronger than U. S. Govt, specifi cations for this grade! Laboratory tested, laundry tested and wear tested in thousands of homes—Nation-Wide has proved its superior serviceability. And now, you save even mora when you buy at low January CHECK THESE FOR SAVINGS i BELLE ISLE CASES 9f COTTON' BLANKETS 39c I'XBL. SHEETING. 10 vds. ·!9ι· FLOl'It SACK SQUARES 5c OUTING FLANNEL, yd. 10c 36·· RAMONA CLOTH, yd. 15c •16" NEW OILCLOTH, yd 29c 36" STl'RDY CHEVIOT, yd 13c ( RAS1I TOWELING. 5 yds. 33c MATTRESS ( OVERS 1.00 FINE DOWN l'ILLOWS 2.98 2 LBS. QUILT PATCHES 23c ( HFNILLE BATH M AT 98e SMART CRETONNES, yd. 19c DRAPERY DAMASKS, yd. 49.· PENNE Y'S SECTION SHOPS AND SAVES Thrifty Homemakers—Join The Crowds Who Are Taking Advan tage of These Lowest Prices While They Last! Hurry! QUILTED BATTS 49^ 2 ll>. Weight! Make your own comforts and r;.lilts with tluse big fluffy batts. Part wool lor cozy ^warmth. ' ize 72"x90". Low priced at Penney's WHERE THIS 81"x99" Fluffy 1'art Wool 25 Percent Woolen BLANKETS Speclul Low Price! BELLE ISLE 36" BLEACHED MUSLIN 10 yd. bolt 65c Tremendous Sheet Value! NATICN-WIDE SHEETS A good st: rdv wi t»l*t at an econ omy price! Bleached snowy white—you'll find many il-es for it. Unbleached 39" u ide. 10 yds. 19c Thrift Priced and Sturdv '.f WIZARD SHEETS Double bed size, heavy Weight 1 ΛΛ Durable 1 »UU 81"x99" A big value for small budgets! Snowy white, lir.i !v ·..> · i .e,-t< that wear ama/.m;ly v. ι It: Buy a good supply . >v, while prices are low! Quick drying! Soft yet sturdy! Smart ly styled in block checks with strip ed borders or in colors with white borders! Buy yours today! Reversible Check Terry at 25c Matching Wash Cloths 10c Budget Priced! TERRY TOWELS UIKIM IAN-H AR W A Kl) Il Smari ti> S;> in For Bargains! Yes -ami it'' a iii ni' fun ton. v\ iicn y mi do your Iiartrain hunting ■ it ti'ii store. Kwry floor is crowded w it h valne> — ll really dot-n't matter what your tasti vou'll find it here—the suite or the sintrle nw ·.· ·.·.,.η'. (Vme. you'll ih amazed. t -4 tl ... (... \ ····>*·. ' -■ -i-r -** V :■:* . *. ' •V ? - ·" · · ' ®»·· ' -V·./ ■ ;. ' «W λ , X\ (· ··: · . „ '*· ■ ■ *$*% i-i. * !* - ·' i>:jy À®** ·<■ - - - ■·*?/ «m ■ Τ5·.·.„. " s 'r - .. ■ '■& :£ >* 3-Piece Bedroom Suite V. ;hy ni a price tag of fai more I'.Ut il'.; .·>·ιιγ> r ιί 1 ' »v." price at'Io !:«· · !·««,· -ampli last—suite ,n ; iiuii iv : Bed. vanity in! 'itiiij crest. $1 Cash $1 Weekly $39 9-PÏECE KROEHLER GROUP Regular $119.50 Value Gen; ::ie Kruehle >u le uonolstered .11 dur able ItiomHvi.··! i! a llonr sample but «really reduced in price. Group Includes: Large Sofa < '! 111» Chair .Matching Stool Coffee Table End Table Table Lamp 'i Sola I'illows Pull-l'p PAY IIM.V S 1.50 YVEEKL1 STUDIO COUCHES Regular NOW ' 19.50 Davetiobod . 8:59.50 $00.1)0 l);i\v:i( bed . . 844.50 879.00 "I! autyrest" ( >il(.·ί 8(> 1.85 Regular NOW 829.50 'i'.irridaire ('ir c ! ; 1:11 or . . 822.50 8-Ï9.50 Torridaire Cir e 1 i. ; 11 r $:>2.50 .· 19.50 Torridaire Cir culator . . . . $3950 s ί).!).") Laundry Heat er -S T. 1 5 $24.50 ΙΙ,,ι i ί last I Irate!' SIT. 15 >29.8·"» liU a! Heater 821.00 Regular NOW 817.5(· 5-p.eee Break i'a-i Room Suite 81 1.50 821.5(1 5 .re Rreak la· Room Suite $19.95 $39.50 11««·.isier I )iiiιu'tt .. .. $27.50 839.5o ί Cabinet $.">2.95 859.85 H'Mt<ier Cal.ii · t · .. $39.45 1-2 1'riiv "ii All Hoosier I'liiiiy Cabinets Repn·ι1ΐ!(.!ι'.' the char». (·ι llt-ppl·· u 11 i 11 ■ e· <>ns in Hondo in - " a hoguny -i .ide 'o.v a White Furtii .lire- woo .no 'mown >>r their tin.' π : i,· aian^uip -Sun· ι ncludes . tyiv bed. inoiiiv clv.-t. atlrae live v. all mirror and chaïaulig ciï't-ί--inn table. S! ,'ϋ.ΟΟ Value Pay Onîy $1.50 Week or $6 Monthly \ t. ' ' f ' ' \ \.v ' .ν- , ·"·■ f") $99.50 Bedroom Suite One "t oui' ιηο.-i outstanding values — Heavy post bed. lar^e irinle niirror vanity and spacious chest robe, ail I hushed >> yemiine Anieri ι an matched gram w alnut with \valerlail . l'ont. Pay Only $2.00 Weekly Regular NOW 8 7.85 .Metal P.ed . . $ 4.95 810.50 .Metal Red . 8 6.95 s 12.50 Metal Hod .. 8 ι.4·> 8.",5.00 Solid Maple Red 825.00 οι S; ι ! id Mah og am Red . . . . 829.Γ)Π 829.50 Simmons Mattress . 822.5ο Luxury Mattress . . $24.50 $1 1.50 CHAIRS AND ROCKERS Regular NOW 8 {>.00 Pull I']> Chair 8 1.95 >10.00 ( îeeasinnal Chairs .... 8 (>.95 822 50 Kas\ Chair .. 817.50 .no Lining Chair 827.50 >5:1.00 Wii'u' Rack ( oair $29.50 .-'t>5.oo Rarrell Hack Chair 829.50 Regular NOW 829.50 Emerson Portable . . . . $12.50 859.50 t'.hi.—κ ... 8 14.50 819.50 Fanisworth Table Set .... $34.50 l'lau FURNITURE COMPANY, INC., HENDERSON, N. C. No Interest or Carrying Charges / 1 To Be Added 18th Century Hepple white By "White" 4-Pieee Bedroom Suite Regular $139.50 Bassett Chestrobe

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