SOCIETY NEWS ,1 MIDSfcASON. Ût\e Great Bear slowly round • . the Pole. And night by 1111;. ι in!... i-.wcr in the sky: His crystal feet m;u ; off îho diovvsy hours. Unheard, unchalh :!ue:l, padding softly by. fcoote.s. driver "I In·· Bear. desr( nds ! ' In bright pursuit alum; Iiiï- di lined , way; llfclentlcssly. the eh i- · le"i- toward I ί-· tlie west. Nearer to Hit· ho; /on every day.! fltrange comfort, this; as no ν the) hunter falls Fi Όίτι sight until the brumal lulej shall wane. The hunted turns in soundless eon-1 staney | And starts to climb the frozen ! dark again. Barbara Overto ι | _ I Choir Practice. The si «iiior choir "I the First Metii | odist chinch will practice tonight at 7:45 o'clock at the church. Presbyterian Choir. The senior choir of the First Pros- I by tor ian church will practice tonight Η 7:30 o'clock at the home ol Mrs. B. Martin. ■jJE' ■ . __ _ __ 'Λ Visiting Mother. V Miss Lucy Eva Poythress, of Black J^ountain. is visiting her mother, Josh Guptnn. on Andrews avenue. Kpsoni P.-T. A. .Meets. The Epsom P.-T. A. will meet in > ♦he school auditorium this evening at 7:30 o'clock. The program will be on " The Importance ol Hoireniak- ι ing." All patrons and friends art- urg ed to be present. Returns from North. Mrs. I,. ('. Gooeii has returned' from Oyster Bay. I. 1. New York. Where she attended the marriage ol her daughter. Miss Bruce Gooch, mid Louis Graham Murray Saturday, »hd New York City, where she spent ■everal days. | To .Meet Friday. The parsonage aid committee of the Vance charge of the Methodist church will meet Fridav night at 7:30 o'clock at the parsonage, with the Gillburg church in charge of the program, it is announced by the pas tor, Rev. A M. Smith. Members of Ithe joai village aid committee and Other interested persons are invited to attend. First Lady's Inaugural Gown Photo mifta; of Arnold Constable Mrs. Eleanor Hoosevelt has a last fitting In New York for the gown she will wear at the inaugural ball In Washington, following the ceremony in which her husband will take office as President for the third time. The gown i." of rose white satin and has a sweeping train and petal sleeves. It is seed pearl-trimmed. Epsom News By MRS. FLETCHER FULLER. Friends of Κ. M. Newman are glad to know thai lie is much better after being ill at Maria Parham hospital for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Joyncr and son, Donald, of Benson, have moved into the home of Mrs. Jovner's .sister. .Mrs. Tollie Ayscue. Truvene Ayscue of Franklinton, is '•pending some time with relatives in the community. Rev. J. E. McCauley spent the past wck-enci m Ingram, Va. lie has ac l'i pted a call as prstor of the Ingram Christian cnurrh lor the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Β. M. Newman and Mr. and Mr.-·. Jasper Collins lett Tt:e>rir.y for a ID-day visit to Florida.1 While tin re they will visit Mr. Col i n-.' . brother. I-'orest Collins, in Key West. The suits for the Epsom band have arrived and are really beatuiful. The >ounR group are very anxious to be presented in their first performance when they are really dressed up. Sub-Chairmen Named For Vance County Senator W. W. White of Manson, recently named Vance county chair man of a committee to cooperate with the Southern Governors Conference toward the development of a cam paign for "Balanced Prosperity in the South, 1940— 19iS0". has asked lead ers in this county to serve as sub chairmen of sixteen committees in as many fields of activities. These .sub-chairmen are Feed and foodstuffs Mrs. Thelbert L. Fuller, Kittrell, Hou te 1. Livestock, dairy and poultry— C. YV. Griisom, Kittrell. Grading and Marketing- -F. 11. Spain, Henderson, route New industrie Si tii H Young, .ccretary Hender.-oi Chamber of ommerce. Health—Miss Fdu,. Oh\er, Hender son. Education—Ε. Λί IÎ ο 11 i 11 s, superin tendent of Vanct· e.runty schools. Public forums \V. D. Payne, Hen derson. Public library service—Mrs. Leslie Perry. Henderson. Recreation -Mayor Henry Powell, of Henderson. Housing- Mr.-. 1J. Λ1. Newman. Henuerson, route 1. Transportation and communica tions- li. Λ. Dennis, Henderson. Electricity C. li. Blum, Middle ourg. Tourist \\\ J. Buweii. Henderson, route 1. Beautil'ication ot home- and roads I —J. H. Brodie. Henderson. Planning- Λ. H. Hoy le, Henderson, route 2. Score cards and recognition —Mrs. L. E. Barnes, Henderson route 4. George Watts Hill ol Durham lias been asked to serve as chairman of the Duiham district, including the counties of Caswell. Person, Gran ville, Vance, Warren. Alamance, Orange, Franklin, Chatham, Wake and Durham; it is understood that county chairmen have been named in each county. Activities of the county groups have not yet been lully outlined, but it is expected that they will be called on in the near future to undertake specific work in connection with the general program of the Southern Governors Conference. GRANTED LICENSE. William Hawk'ns. and Lens Johnson, 21, a colored couple ol H011 ■ ueison. secured marriage papers al the Vance Registry office Wednesday records there showed today. PLEADS GI'lLTY. Annie Watkins, white woman pleaded guilty to being drunk todaj in city court, and wa> given 30 days 1 ; uspended upon payment of th< ! costs. I CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our thanks am appreciation to our many friends am ; neighbors, also to the nurses of Mari I'arham hospital, to Drs. Vance Ε ;tnd Charles Ρ Rollins, for their kind ! liess during the ,'Iness and death ο our beloved babv Mi: \mi ".iirs ι r in* Marian Martin Pattern * ΥΟΓΝίΐ STYLE FOR Ι)ΛΥ OR NIGHT Marian Martin PATTERN 95Ù4 You'll take the spotlight at any gala daytime or nighttime occa.-.ion in this captivating frock. It's Pattern! 9594, and especially designed by Marian Martin for a popular girl. The back is very simple; the front dis plays two long, streamlining panels rnd a heart-shaped voke-line. The gathers through tin· shoulders are a new fashion note; ·. i> the contrast ! suggested for ynk«·, and o. m l s<··· I how nicely the puffed -.leevcs are tucked for smooth tit to your arms.! Λ belt comes Irom the panels to tie in front or in back. You might use ι crisp whiffs or lace at the neck and i the sleeves. Make one dress in street length loi· afternoon affairs; another with a long swirling skirt for that mportant prom date! Pattern 9594 may be ordered only in junior miss sizes 11. 12, 1;!, 14. là. 16, 17 and Ici. Siz*; 13, short length dress, requires 3 1-8 yards ;'!> inch iabric. Send FIFTEEN t'KNTS in emus to· This MARIAN MARTIN pattern, ϊ-ϊι sure to write plainly vmir SIZE NAME, ADDRESS, and STYLr' NUMBER. Here's a clever idc·,.! Women win· j haven't "perfect figures" (and not; many of us have), may ivhv be su,· ! of having th"ir smart MARIAN ι MARTIN frocks (it perfectly! Tlv secret? Just order our SUR-F Π FOUNDATION PATTERN 930(5 in ι your size, adjust it to your own fig ! I ure measurements in tissue, cut it out in muslin—and you have a per-; i manent guide 1<> ase when making J all your frocks. You pin your dress patterns right to it to make neces sary changes. Send for Pattern 930(5 1 today! Designed for sizes 14 ιο 2D ani 32 to 51). Size Hi requires 3 3-8 yards i 36 inch fabric. Price 15c. Send your order to Daily 1 )ι patch. I Pattern Department, 232 W. lotli St., ,îoocH ;vfi«"nl^ At (Wstê Spoken A1 The inani.igi· '..ι Miss Sara Bruce 'touch to Lewi -ham Murray was ■uleiiiiiizcd at Ov trr Bay, Long Is and. New V'nil;. .>:!iuiL!dy, January I. at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, at L'hrist Church, id a private cere nony. The bride arid bridegroom entered he church together, and spoke their ow before Ihe officiating minister. Hie Rev. Mi Warren, using the inuble ring ceremony. Close friends .nd members .1 the immediate fam hes were prcsen'. The bride wore for her wedding 1 rire.- of French blue chiffon velvet. \\ 1H1 black acce ories. At her boulder she v. ·. 1 «■ a corsage of white •rchids. The brifli· Ihe daughter of Mr. • nd Mrs Lee Cuirm Gooch, of Hen lcrson. She received her education it Duke univor itv. Durham. Mr. Murray the sun of Mr. and ilr>. Andrew \V Murray, of Oyster 3ay. He attended Duke university, Durhiujj and college. New York. After the wedding Mr. and Mi - A W. Murray, parents ot the groom, en tertained at their home at a buffet supper in honor of the bride and bridegroom The bride'.·! ς-ike was cut at this time. Friday evening, .January 3, IJi and Mrs. Myron .Jackson entertained at a dinner party honoring the biide and / The couple will i; «.,.<* their home at Delaware avenue, Wnterbury Conn Now Minv W' FALSE TEETH \Yi*h Mn'T ('f>-v»f'xrl FASTKETH. a pleasant alkalini I non-acid) powder, iioids talse teeti more firmlv. Τ ο eat and talk in _rn<rc comfort, iust sorir,' le a little FAS T F FT H on your niâtes. No gummy aooev. pasty taste o. feeling. ChecV ■plate odor', (denture breath). (,<■ F ΛΚΊ'ΚΠΤΗ at ar.v drug store -Adv <.f> to Florida. Mr and Mrs Ρ II Rnsp ;infi Mr «ικΙ Mrs· .1· τ! Γ Cheatham leO T it d,IV tin Fli'iifl.i Rirv plan lu spend on' time in the M<nth«vn ι piii t nt thai State ι SOI TU IIKN DKKSO.N MUS. Sgt. Ci ri »\ c*r Wright, (il' the llilithj infantry. Fort .lackson, S. Γ. i. \ it ing lus molhcr. Mrs. M.iiy Ι,οιι Wright, ni' South Henderson. Mr. ;md Mi-, Charles II. l'ulley announce the birth of a fini, Charles! Douglas, ,lr., at Maria I'arham ho. - pit,il mi Wednesday, January Ν Mother and "il are doing nicely Ι Γ'\ t. Scott Peuples, ο." Co. C, i 1*(·111 ■ 1 infantry. Fort .lacUson, is visiting In paren's, Mr. and Mrs. Kddu· I'enph . on Brcckenridge treet. Lewis Grissiun has returne d to the U. S. Navy aftn spending ι leu day. home with hi.- parents and tnends Vernell Jame- Turner has relumed to the U. S. Navy after visiting his ; parents, Mr and Mrs. Seymore Tut--1 npr, ot South Henderson. DOES your NOSE tlOG AT NIGHT? DO THIS jPut 3-purpose Va-tro-nol μρ each nos jHl . . . Ο > It shrinks swollen mom ■ranes; (2) Soothes irritation; (3) j|elps flush nasal passages, clearing ■Ucus, relieving transient congestion. PICKS VA-TRO-NOL OH Ε. G. DAVIS & SONS CO. L $485 BETTER SHOP EARLY! Here's good fortune for you. A special event featuring Styl-Eez Shoes at a record low price. This is your opportunity to choose several pairs of smart, superbly styled shoes at considerable savings. SOOTHES RUFFLED Nervous disturbance· caused by head ach· and neuralgia usually yield in a hurry to the quick-acting ingredients in th· "BC formula You'll And that "BC" is most effective aa a sedative in simple nervousness and for relieving the discomforts of headache, neuralgia, muscular aches and functional periodic pains Convenient 10c and 25c size·. Use aa directed. When pain· persist or recur frequently conaull a physician. TRY RUMFORD TODAY IT'S THE QUALITY WAY allphosphr ® doubieactmo κ FREE Scf-I f κ?-, rn >klrr. ronrelnfni <i ·e·rι< <>; : · ·· ; I'ltMs f<» un; r -ve vour bek ini; A'!·.; -- K imt n: liking Powder, Β"* Ν, Κ ui«.r I. P.Iwie isijnd i.y fc. EFIRD' Clearance of Winter Coats and Dresses M 3 >4 >4 >4 >4 >4 One Rack of 19 COATS $10·75 and $ 1275 This rack includes all our bet ter line of coats, sold for $19.50 and $29.50, reduced to half priûG and less. Be here early Friday morning for one of these fine coats, all for $10·75 mi $ 12-75 One Rack of 10 COATS 7.00 This rack includes our $10.75 and ·$12.7Γ) coats. In tweed re versible, plaid, and black. Here are some real buvs. \ $7.00 A j One Rack of i 14 COATS i $6.00 4 This rack includes our $9.95 i line of coats. Cut below cost, 4 don't miss seeing these coats. j $6.00 Half Price Sale of DRESSES One Rack of 25 Dresses One big- rack of regular $5.95, M all new winter. To be put on « sale Friday morning· for half M price. This includes every $5.95 " dress in the store, nothing re- N serve vd. « Half Price One Big Rack 43 Dresses This rack includes all $1.95 dresses, woolens, silks, all sizes and colors, Friday morning, Half Price One Big Rack 26 Dresses Including Winter l)i esses that sold for $3.9f> and i$2.95, on sale Friday morning, M M H M M Half Price M η ■

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