[ ASSOCIATED PRESS AND CENTRAL PRESS j Htfttîterann Sally SHspafrlj THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1941 City Police Stage Drive On License ( its police. \ is' η ! I 'iuef ■ Ί Γι hcc .1. E. Parks said today. aie rvaking ,i determined effort to brm.-i jrtu court all liiiitonsts in I he city who operate their cars without last obtaining a city license plate. All such automobiles were sup posed !·> I>e equipped with tags .is ..t J: nu.i'y 1 At today's session of city coin!, Dr .1 Ε. Baxtet pleaded guilty to operating his automobile in the city without a city license, and prav ci for judgment was continued iip oti payment of the costs and secur ing the. necessary plate. The tag- are sold for $1, but cost $10.85 if police are forced to resort to court action to make motorist comply w:th the city ordinance. Ben Lawinn. Negro, was tried be fore Mayor Henrv Τ Powell today lor theft of a truck and careless and reckless driving He pleaded guilty to forcible trespassing, and was giv en six months, suspended upon pay ment of the costs and repairs to the truck, -ind showing good behav r for the next two years. Laborers Wanted At Fort Bra<r<r The Henderson office of the State Fit··; 1. Service received notice this i»rn:ne that 3.000 colored com mon laborers are wanted at once on the nat >nal defense construction project at Fort Bragg. Wages were given at 40 cents hourly for a 48 hour week, or $19.20 weeklv Colored men interested in secur ing \> urk at Fort Bragg must nnke application through the employment office se: \ na the territory in which thev 1. e. The Innl office serves Vi.'ir1' Ci: ,.n\ : He and War re ι conn lit.-. anci representatives of the nf ti"' will pay their weekly visit to <)\: id t "in rrow. it was stated Y . can be ,c'i. even with noth ing: if you want for nothing. FREE. Send fnr rte~i· hook!··'. -fiîfvnf dn/ens it bright ideas to ιιτιηπι'r if 'aie* ni a Address R >. in ford ; ι Puuder. Bo* N. Rurtjford. Rhode Island JOSEPH I. JONES m AT HOSPITAI Funeral Rites Tomorrow to Long Time Resident Of Hencierson .I■ ·-1■ ρ 11 Thmna>· nos. ST. ι tient ιΊ Hendei si m I· ·. 'lit· pu-' ye.irs d led .ι t · »"«.'!· .,··> ': ι : - ;ι! Maria P;. > ham ho»1>. 1.1 ! ci tuai line > cl .m v.h . ι. t.nil Λ1 : Julie W a .1 fiat, e il Λ ! · < 1er. bai t; e· aili ty. \ ; : s; : i. > the 1 .lii.M'ptl Τ .111(1 Aline T»yli Jones lie moved tu Heiîûerson · the fall ni ! K89 and was engaged it i. here until Ιιι · u t ■.<■:··.".· . number oi years ago. Hip Was twtci rtij. ; led. I, ι >t to tin· . :· <■ ι Γ.Ι ι ι . t u : Meeklenlun n e-Ίΐι ».v. V ginia, vvlm died February 11- I SI S • ι 1,1 ■ :■· :.l. >iieti e.- J Κ' 1.. id ι ■ ■ ! : : i h ■ e .iiic ι ι \ >ui \ η .i1}; ι !.iti\ e m . i dit:"il ! the w idow ι- ,ι m ■' ι I.. ! Μ η i.-ket \ ilk· 1 s ut h Π.I: va 1- .μ οι , ιιί'λ vvii! l e e. 'tuilli 11 ι ; 111 row il fterrtooji ;it 3 u'eiiiek i» the Holy Innocents Episcopal ehurch ot 1 h'eh the deeeased iiad been ». member for the past ten years, wit1 Kc\ I VV II ighes. t e ree' ir, fiCinting Interment will be made π Κι" " eenietery Pallbearers will be Alplvus Thiwnp· η. Μ Υ l" -| u■' . 1 1 !tmkle.. Henry M w.s Thomas l>. Pnrhain anc I· red Γ·. Hight. M V t. rtuKSUrNà t'AÏ TRAFFIC FINES OF $1 Fi\ ·■ \ · · 1 ■ p.nd ί 1 ·..·■· fin· ■ • ,t., I ■ , if t!.ι' c ' ν (·.■ : . ι (·<■ rd# · : t( .1 y Ί !.■.-·,■ I ne ■ ' ' traffic • ■'■;· ■ ( ; V. J. iik Γ Λ. D:r · ■ , ' ' Κ \ν· Μ η. λ' II Λ WiK.iliii ι a Γι Stui'g:> Γ ί!:η . CAN YOU ANSWER 1HESL QUESTIONS? .s',, /■; ■ Γ,-ir .iute !■ η . I . ι ·. · ι ■ . ι ι ■ I - " I i ;i v. \( \ ■ W! c . · ·■! iMi : · · ' in the ι !;Τι.Γ'„ 5 is ' .ngci·. .ι ι '■ : ι· !.' it·· Τ Τ v.rich lit-icn··.' \v.,, . iknan ι \V .-..s.; · : Κ. suie: it. · d v. π icn n:c:itr··!· · < " . ·■ :i I) · . _ Î - - !·■:-■ ■ : · I . nited .·»*..-t · ,lι ' r · !y : cet · pen.·!· ί ι 1 ' ■ G . "I'm: ont 1 !0. \V:;i « : it ct the L'niarj ni'.v ;it tr:·■ il. " ' . vit tty.sh Plumbing - Heating Electrical Contractors Oil.-O-Matic Oil Burners — Iron I in mi 11 Coal Burners WILSON ELECTRIC CO. Thone 738 William Street What part are banks playing in the national defense program? ' ι 'HEY are providing the all-im portant credit that makes the wheels of industry turn. The Ameri can hanking system is on record as being ready and willing to do its full share. This bank welcomes loan ap plications for defense or other sound purposes. Citizens Bank A Trust Company Henderson. N. C. The Leading ]Jank in This Section 1889 - Fifty-First Year - 1!)40 All Deposits Insured Up To $5.000.0U. On Flying Visit to Miami Τ ·■!'·. · of Windsor, hair waving in the wind, bids farewell to well \\ - i-i the former British monarch returns from Miami to Nassau, . r· -· is serving as governor-general of the Bahamas. He flew to ]·";< ■ · witness opening of the Miami All-American Air Maneuvers. (Central Press) Bill Ends '"Diversion In Reverse" Dispatch Bureau. !n ih«· sir Walter Hotel. By m:\KV AVKKIIX ''ill.;·. .I.m ·: The ad\ i.- 'ry . *.£fl >■ .. »nt> .1 .Slop p.it ·...! ·■ ■ 'd !" "diversion • ι ■■ rii -i '·' its \ ι·ι·ν strong !.-i ·':··>! " 1 pt t-»«-ltt stntu ■ ' i. : . J i; ect d iversi· >n • ' μ d Tucked ;nv;iy m ike "public imiMida ■ i ·■ ,· · ti ! 'it · ' ''Titi i'i'i'.s \\ hich. ··«·.*! ·· : · : ..' Ii £·■ · ..tun*. Will ' «'· Highway hinds PP ,'i :.; i 11 :■ itl dul Î3I .ii lin cuiuirtg hiennitim- and a -. ■■ ·. ■ ι . \ :1.u in the General ! ; i'!i t*;i> half million ι ι·η I .! ■: '.! '. p: -t. :■ t i.u !.. the .six cents ' I 1 11 1 . , ^.iSoi 1 Ι I'.." • »! > :>: .· >nd the ρι\· • · ι .·; · · ! ; : ι · II μ»ν,\ ay funds ,\ ··· r ·.·.·■ . < : idiiet commission . nd ay> •\Vi· . · ι t i '1 : .ι t the tf-eent i gasoline tax be eliminated from the ι;.·.»··' in· ii.·w used by public school bu-e- This will amount to approxi . . 'ι■ ·, $2Λ per year. This . ■ ' .ι. iii ducted tr· m tiie • ■. ■ ρ■- the .iperalion oi thi· -ehi>ol bu. t Γ . · o:. : , ■1 ; in the pa.-t there bi'cii ι η ted ti ι .ι trans it : 1 ι ui ι ··.·>: · d ni mey to high way funds - or diversion in reverse. Ί hat'.- w I.at t::r budgeteers would .-top Base ! . *·. - desire, oi course, is tin· f.u'1 tl >i ' si-eii'.s rather ridicul .- t ι ' . -ii .· · tate tax .m fuel for tin- ..per ,:·.·< vehicles used only ι I··. purely - late purposes. Danger of Invasion By Air Is Foreseen (Continued from Page One) \ ι it f■ .·;nd accept lble. j ■ ι ι -■ η whether he thought that, wjth this country s I 11 ; . 11 tu.ntît!,. foreign nation i. ' Ιί I ft I : ,ιΊι1 ι ' iV I ' ■ tl'CS . "Ν ' π·l'i -ib iiiiv not." Stimson · lepl · · I i· : ' ·<··(! tho question λ I.··!!.»· t· lY.ted States Army' ι Li I - ί ι ; · I a ■ '.iv of ,ιΟ,ΟΟΟ truops ilfi '!..·>· m landed "Ι π "ik :!;··>· probably could, if the gentleman means a land in- j \ ,Μκι.. ' Sr,ι-, ,.n responded, adding that he thought that airplanes would iccurnpuny an attempted invasion by ' iitantry ι "Doe- the μ'ί retary believe," Fish rontinued That our Navy would re- ' mam locked up in our harbors if any >uch invasion were attempted?" "N'o.' said Stimson. "but where is our Navy now"" (Most of the big >hips of the Navy are now based in the Pacific). Fish ihen inquired whether there i was fear of invasion" and the sec ictary replied that there was dan-. ai r oi an air inv asion if the British ι fleet was destroyed or otherwise ren dered ineffectiv e for this country's protection. Relief At Last For Your Cough Chronic bronchitis may develop if your cough, chest cold, or acute bron chitis is not treated and you cannot af ford to take a chance with any medicine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creo sote by special process with other time tested medicines for coughs. It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the under standing vou must like the way it quick ly allays the coufrh. permitting rest and sleep, or you are to have your money bacli. (Adv.) "Lend-Lease" Foe Hep. John M. Vorys Representative John M. Vorts, of Ohio, is recogniicd as the lea< er of the House opposition to the admin istration's "lend-lease" hill for aid to Great Britain. Representative Vorvs i< actively supported by Rep. Hamilton l-'ish, of New York. Eaton Strike Is Ended (Continued From Pace One? I'nited Auto]., ibilc Worker.- reached an agreement last night. Ht» hours ..Iter Federal Conciliator James F Dewey had demanded that the strikes ;ease and that the company re-open its closed plants. The strike.-, which had threatened to interrupt production of airplane engine parts tor defense orders, be gan Monday η the Saginaw plant ν itii the tiii:· ·ϊι charging that the com pany refused to keep a rehiring igreement rt iched after a walkout m November. Sympathy strikes by the CIO anon followed at plants in Detroit. Battle Creek and Marshall, Mich., •.nd at Cleveland. All four of these plants were clo-rd while the Saginaw .Knit continued operations. Food Problem At Fort Bragg Is Discussed (Continued From ease Onei t<s national diffuse a veil a· to the economic well being of the farmer of this section if production can be or gamzed." "It is going to take a tremendous lot of food to supply a fou·· of 70. oon men here and many others in r.ur expanding Army over the coun try." the commander said. "Where ever practical we would like to buy locally." The starting point of Mohammed's teaching wa> the conception ot the Last Judgment. Gary Cooper and Madeleine Carroll in "Northwest Mounted Police" ploy ing at the Embassy Now. 1 Flu Epidemic Abates In Some Areas ■ I ! ν I i ι· A- · 'ii.ilofl Pre-·· ) ι ! 1111·! ·. ι epidemic, tli.it con I : ρ : ied t'i ■ μι r.κ) η the ea-tern see ·., ii- ι ! : · (" . .·ΐ·ιι;ι> today, appeal e.l * 11 I·.,' Ii-mmt; m>!1h< letup in the ' up|)«.i' p.utiiui nl South Carolina,1 •..litre the fit rep· ut. wJ w idc.-pread ι ··!. IKc ..f ti ·· «lise. .· were noted At Aiuii ι "ii. S (' , the city health nil announced th.it theatre- anrl Iίm. 1 ι. un.· ci.«ed ' ι ι .me than a ν eels, would be allowed to reopen •·*ι that .school- would open Mon Jay Ander-mi wa the Iir t I'arolina i.l- t.. j>1 :ic ■ .ι I ..η "H public gath i aig P-'ints in vi' tein North Carolina and along the North Carolina-South C ";i rol : ι ;. ι state line reported spread o' the disease. however. Schools vt re e' ■ ed at A l.eville and Hen (.·. ι. 'iiiville .aid ;.t the latter point thrall'.· ai.-o were clo-ed. Schools haw been closed in a; i.tinihi ι . f other Carolina citie; and I towns and bu.-.ne- and industrial hie ha.·, been disrupted in many places. Ί' e \· ι ( ' l olin ι Hoard \ ol Health rcpoited today 313 cases of aifluen/a had been reported to them to date tin- year. However, 180 of the 3 *3 cases were reported today. I Cotton Market Is Lower New York, .Ian ΙΠ (AP) Col ton future* opened (i lower to 3 higher. ι !.. market eased 1 to ίΐ points; fiom the morning's be.-t in late fore noon dealings. Stock Market Again Falters New York, thm. lit. (AIM Scat ti rod fuxorite rii. played mild π < ov< rv tendencies in today's stuck market but the I.Μ .1- a whole con tinued to falter Steels edged forward at the start 11 eι· re. uni.'d the retreat Volimv was a hit greater than yesterday and r.ear the fourth h ;ur declines ot irac t J> 11 s to a point οι -ο were well dis tributed. Quotations at 2 ρ : : American Kariiat ι (.i 7-;·) American Telephone Hi? 5-8 1 American Tobacco Β 73 Anaconda 26 1 -8 ι Atlantic Coast. Line ........ M IM Atlantic Refining 2Η 1-2 Bendix Aviation :ΐΓ> 1-4 Bethlehem Steel . 85 3-4 Chrysler . 67 3-8 Columbia Gas & Elec Co ... 4 3-4 , Commercial Solvents . . 10 1-4 Consolidated Oil Co 5 3-4 Curtiss Wright 8 7-s ' DuPont 1.39 1-1 Electric Power Light .4 General Electric . 34 5 8 General Motors ... 46 1-4 Montgomery Ward & Co . . 38 5 8 Reynolds Tobacco II . 33 1-2 Southern Railway 15 5-8 Standard Oil Co Ν .J . . 34 3-4 U S Steel 67 Fire Aboard Ship Forces Its Sinking (Continued From faee Onei Italian plane-launched torpedo in the Mediterranean. In Libyia, British forces took ad vantage of a lespite from a week ol heavy sand storms to labor with re doubled energy at getting ready for an assault on the besieged Italian garri.-on at Tobruk. Greek troops attacked in a snow , storm, dispatches from Albania said, and drove Italian forces from in - ! portant heights along the central front. The Germans have always been noted for their thoroughness—even in foolishness. St. Die, a town in northeastern j France, has long been known as "the beginning of America," because the geographical work in which for the ! first time the name of America after i Amerigo Vespucci was suggested was first issued there. Lemon Juice Recipe ! Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly l! you suffer from rheumatic, ar thritis or neuritis pain, try this sim ule inexpensive home recipe that thousands are using. Get a package of Ru-Ex Compound, a two-week supply, today. Mix it with a quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons. It's easy. No trouble at all and pleasant. You need only 2 table spoonful two times a day. Often within 48 hours — sometimes over night—splendid results are obtained. If the pains do not ciuickly leave and if you do not feel better, return the empty package and Ru-Ex will cost you nothing to try as it is sold by your druggist under an absolute money-back guarantee. Ru-Ex Com pound is for sale and recommended by Parker's Drug Store and drug stores everywhere.—Adv. Citizen· Realty & Loan Company COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Real Estate — Property Management Joel T. Cheatham, President Carolina Bird-Lore Kuby-rrowiH'd Kinglet On· morning while I wa- frying bacon l'or the fam.ly breaku I tin ι"1 wu- .1 loud thlid .in the ntar-.iy ■· m - :.to\\ pane. On ομι iiing the λ nil ·\v. 1 tound a little olive-grey bird i roi.cai-d un tin· sill, somewhat di / ■d by hi> encounter with the pin . I t ■ . h. m in riv hand- On, thl thr: 11 of ha\ .ng a kinglet in my hand-. Γι·: t u.i- no other than a Ruby-crowned Κ nglet. First 1 noted thi· white pyr-riiï, then the whit·· win?-!);·!·* and the wins and tail feathers edged ά.'·. pale inn, but no vermilion crown-patch. ( )ti the top of h:s head there was a bald spot with some pin feat her · growing nut of it no vermilion.I rubbed them with my finger Thev we™ stiff and stubby. I concluded th it he was a young bird whose rob·.· crown had not yet grown out While the bacon burned, I measured him. Yes. he was exactly the right size, 4 1-2 inches long. After this experi ence it will be hard to go back to the fadd glass method of identify ing birds. The Knight* •••n" gna tea tellers belong to the same family The mem bers of this family which come to North Carolina are the Rubv-crown ed and Golden-crowned Kinglets throughout the state in winter and the Blue-gray gnatchatcher which it found in whole state in summer. Inscriptions. Ruby-crowned Kinglet A< already described. Only the male has the red crown-patch. (tolden-ci owned Kinglet; Much iik·1 the Ruby-crowned but smaller The top of the head is yellow with a central red pitch in the male, edged with black in both ,>exe.·. Thin Kinglet has a da à . tripe through the eye While wit!· us th:.- bird "usually goes il troop . frequenting grove* o! evergreen.-." (Contributed, North Carolina Bird Club.) κιm.tv di:ki>. \V. II Finch and wile -old Mamie Κ Oil! lili acre-, ot lard along the Bobbi 1 ί Ο ι 1!1hp :, road for Sill uid ι'..η.-iderfitioii , accoidmg to a ready deed tiled with the Vance Regi.t.y Wednesday. Re-Diatricting Up To State, Solons Say (Continuée From P.;: Mnot legislature." Bulwinkle ,j personal reason I would | ■ ί up any county iihiv < · ·ι ι 111, ; _ ,, m 10th but 1 want tin· If «i latiur 7., what is best Im Hit.· state I'.rj party." Weavol echoed .-iimlai . and added "Yon know my district !, ι ,,ί , ways been Democratic." Several mountain counlie the present 10th and lit;, · poll heavy Republican vote |>„, . districts now. howev er. mcl . strong Democratic counties ι ι his. >1Λ RllIAC.I Audi e'.v («cria. ι fi I ; ι Charlotte 1'alm. 30. hot! ,.t i; Held. Conn . m cuml lict tiM· !.. .· , v at the Vance Registry oll'ice V.'<_dn« - ('ay. record.·· there disclosed ' .rl:,\ GET A BETTER DEAL Fn m Your Chevrolet Dealer Good Will USED CARS 1937 FORD 1 2 Ton Pickup ν I Oj 193 1 'HI) $1 7r ( 'Ί· π'ι ' A I <3 $395 1937 CHKVK'Π,Γ.Τ Sn'Tt ^ 'Ifπ Nov.· I<rn·.. 1 J) H lie n . 1... Vinr;igp 1 9.'57 .'HKVHOLKT ^ 7 7 Ç Τ Scdnn. |ic ri'ei't ·ι« ν»# ι Ο :·;!·„Γ""'Λ $90 EVEREADY CHEVROLET CO. Phone "Ο* Announcing W. H. (BILL) HESTER In charge of our service department. Hi- willl be .ui.nl to serve all of his friends and others in his new connec Candler-Palmer Motor Co. STIDEBAKER DEALERS 4 14-oz. Cans 25c F or Branded Steer Beef Tender CHICK ROAST, lb. HNyr 1U0«T MfINT 1H£ KANSAS MILLING CO | ■= WiCHIT*. KANSAS =Γ Ξ: GUAft«NÎEEO Silk Floes Flour ,7t' 6 11). Ban' Plain or S. R. 2">c H' neless SIRLOIN ROAST. II). . .23c. 12 lb. Bag Plain or S. R. 17c T-BONE STEAKS, lb. . .35c ~—,— 24 11). Batf Plain or S. It. i^c l ender Ton 1 ROIXI) STEAK, lb. 25c 48 lb. Bag Plain or S. R. $1.75 SPARE RIBS. lb. ... JOc — . . 17c Shoulder VEAL CHOPS, lb Triumph Flour Tender ">· ^ag Plain or S. R. -ï7c VEAL LIVER, lb. .. ..35c | 24 ïbTBag Plain or S.R. 70c •J s2 LEG-O-LAMB, lb 21c Fore Quarter of LAMB, lb 12 l-2c Lean PORK STEAK, lb. . . 17 l-2c 48 lb. Bag Plain or S. R. $1.38 98 lb. bag Plain or S. R. $2.70 "Every bag of flour guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction." DICKSON'S 123 Horner Street Phone *359 IMirmHa Opens Drains · Cleans Closet riUIIUMf Bowls · No Gas · No Odor 20'

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