ïtenîterson Β at ht Htspafrh iiVI V I» * It \r κτη.,„„. ΟΝΙΛ DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA f\VKv Π-EIGHTH YEAR ' τ i iV? κν ss ΜΓ i AT Ε D ' \ ■ ! ! F.ss 'J * HENDERSON, N. C., THURSDAY AF'I ERNOON, FEBRUARY (j 1941 i'ui'u>...; ^κκν,,χ FIVE CENTS COPY U.S.-Mexican Paci To Be Signed Italian Colonists In Africa Flee Before British Forces Moving Rapidly On Bengasi Reports ot Freel Greek Successei P'iunge Italy's Wai Effort Into Furthei Gloom; British Te Roach Bengasi In 41 Hou. s. ■ ' -Ι Pits'.. ) ρ·,;. * ■·.·!■ ·)ΐ τ ι .-ilian <*οΙοπ<η( '■it fl« ••ill': before 1b !-;■■· i I'u'iniiT Mussolini' 111 Λ ι lean empire to ■■ > · : ". : 11 1 - told of secmi ■ · ■· (I '' il'tPHis withilr.'iv ι· _ ι ι and Blaek Shrir Ί ' ■ κ . p. ··1 - ! ι : ι te . η ihi ι . ' ! 11. .nuholfl in"·(.·. -o . Ill Alb.'ini, :mî ui m I in ΛΊκ η·. plunged It.il.v ' . Γιιι tlu-r wiooni Di ' ' tin I.ihyan deser ι" ' Ί tint General Si Aie ■ ' ί V. .i \ ell's troops wcr ' ward ;ilonn the Modi ■ . t at a pace whiel ·: Ci ί : ι to the gates ο li.it ι ' :l 48 lloUIV. ".ile : ι'·ι·ιι the I· ri eeen heralded a-· till • '· ' . i..π.le major defense I>; Mai I: ! E'odtilfo Gi'aztiinî's retioal iiiR .it:· y. Il whs not immediate!; ·'.<· ' ' ■ tii" withdrawal 11 i : ii ,μ : ii»nalled alum : : · ' 'ι: 'lie town. !·■<'■ ' : ! put the Μ ι ί 'i h with 1 lil'llRJIM. sweeping lol '-n:ilo-ii-day clip. I: · (în-ck-Itnlian war. ai Athi'i; ι !.r,nun declared that th< Gut . ..I -mashed two fascis < lit- ·■· ι !. ■ 11 tht- Adriatic coa<· • lid that the Italians wen !..linm i. in contusion. abandon :u ii· .ri wounded on the tick T!.> '· ' j,lid that Italian tan!· " ι .fi i con frustrated and tha 'in- I' : ! ι had been driven Iron ρ η great .strategic impor iMi't i'u'i· T!.· 15:.11~reported steady ad .'·· · l'y their ι it tier armies oi ' r-filing fronts in Eritrea and in Italian Somali ■ ι S rh African troops were saic . driven (50 miles insidi la ! ii·· ι. Brit i-h forces are clos (.'hercn. important railroac v.:. 15. ,!:.-h headqu..: ters announc ed. Gi bombers stri:cl: at Londoi ■ nd .'In rn England last night n ■ ' it intensive raid. The Brit •i : ' illy classed the attacks a: i; : ι ithcr cut short the Germai ((.'< iitnned on Page Seven.) DEMONSTRATION Heme. Ici;, β.— (ΛΡ)—Λ crowd "Ι students hearing Italian and (ii'rman Class marched toward tin.· 1'nited States embassy this afternmui shouting "down witli (lemneracy". They were turned "If dim η a side street and did nut pj\s the embassy itself. Nazis Scoff At Willkie Message Berlin. Feb. 6. (ΛΓ) Author "t'd \ith · intcnipt I Willkie. m a statement broadca. I "y 'hi British. BnadcastmH l'")y alter liis departure ironi IjOU 'Inn yesterday, said: "Tell the Gei ; people that we Gcrman-Amcn ''",s reject and hate the agiiressioi "i:d lust lui power ol Ihc presen (,nman government.") ^ I lie Gorman government, the an '■"•rized sources said, did not paj "l'ifh attention to Willkie's words, a^ ''"y were made by a private citizen Of one tiling we are sure." the\ :'ud- "Willkie would not have madi llii.- reference to his German extrac timi before election." (Actually, Willkie made a fui ''dement concerning lus Germai 'incestiy in his acceptance speech a '-'wiHid. Ind., last July.) 't 'vas asserted that Willkie hat whuved more English than Amen ldn "Hie British lords so inipresset him." Previously. Berlin authorities ex Pressed doubt that any number ο Germans heard the Willkie broad ('ist in view of prevailing laws mak mS listening to foreign stations sub J"'! lu .ita. j ptualtifcà. Seized by Nazis Ivan Jacohson Clerk in the United States Legation at Oslo. Norway, Ivan Jacobsen, of .'rattle. Wash., has been placed in custody by the Gorman army police there, lie and Frank Nelson, of St. •Joseph, Mo., a former legation clerk, are charged with carrying documents which the Nazis consider hostile to the government of occu pied Norway. Jacobsen was ar rested while en route to Moscow, where he had been transferred. (Central Press/ Market Bill Is Favored Joint Committee Ap proves Broughton - Backed Measure t ο Aid Farm Marketing. Raleigh. Fob. (i CAP' The joint j legislative committee on agriculture ! fav rably reported today (he Breugh ton-haeked hill lu provide ;i st,*i(e wirt<> ν ten el publie marketing rente rs. The c· immittee -ils·· adupti-l ; π m > liiti"M rii'ei-lni' Ilea the e· mgrc-Mim aI delegation be telegraiΊιοιΙ a re-' nirst tn have lohnccn included in .the ) >ii >\ ! .ion- of 1 ! ι < · le iso lend bill η w under debate in font;ret.-.. K\ idenee the npiio 'tii.n by many j house members ♦<> granting the right ! of eminent domain lo ageneie-. not ■ h ι \ · ■ 11 ti it we- how 11 v. Imn .m .anend j ment to the marketing bill was j .''("looted on motion -a P-ar Ή of \rash eliminating > ι ' "U gr a lit - ! i mi: tlu right !■ < ·η I· : η ite·· for ι markets ί Cïeorc· b'o . 1 · ■ 1 · 1 ■ · ■ !>··r' of jlhe agrienlture dop e ι ■ .·"' ••■.plain erl the M arketing ■'! '" ■ and ι ill it W"l I III pen m t Ian ei tn lump ( C 'ont j nued on I 'age Τ ν 10 Severe Code Is imposed In Rumania Kucha re t, I'cb. Π.— (AIM — (Ι\ι·Μ·ά i \ iuilit.nx censor)—The n:->st sr·. ·■!·!» criminal code in modern Kunuinlun history w ;is ar,noun;"d toda> by I'rrniier General Inn Antoncseu. provid ing such penalties as death for drawing anti-govcri.:nent car toons and live to I "i years at hard labor for singing political songs in thi· streets. The code also establishes the death p< naltv for misappropria tion of more than S.i.OIIO in pub lic funds aieve to five years imprisonment for parents whose children are convicted of crimes. Penalties equal to those for pa rents are provided for ι hildren over 1."». The prison terms are doubled for .lews, communists and those of :iouT'umanian origin. More than !') crimes .ire mad? punishable h\ death within ten hours after sentence i·; passed. Among them are promising to redistribute fortunes or to end taxation, and engaging in any class struggle. The special punishment for communists was the first in Ku manian history. While saying he was "not a tyrant" and does not wish to 'Spill blood". Antonrscu declar ed any future revolts must be forest alled so that order can lie reestablished immediatel;. "foi ns and our allies." Retirement Bill Debated School Matters Get Much Attention From Legislature on Busiest Day of Session. Haleigh. Feb. il. (AIM The Home debated tli'· lull in provide a ιτΙίι·<·:ιιΐ nf · vlcin for nil State em ployee. -iieUirtint: -chool teachers to day a llie logi-lature had perhaps it·· lui κ·· ι rlav. Repri' - ·. · 111 a 1 i. r Allen of Wake, chairman of Hie IIoihc education committee explained the retirement bill which provides for joint contri bution.· by employees and the State to provide pensions to persons 60 years of age οι oldei School ii liter.·, including the re tirement program, got much atten tion and a committee rejected a bill ti orovide a ninth month lor schools. The llou-e adopted a joint resolu tion offered bv liepr entative U'il I. a 111 s of I', isipiot.ini. calling for a (Continued on I'age Two) New Engineering Building For N. C. State College's School Of Agriculture I>.iil\ Disputcli Hureaii. In the Sir Walter llotcl. Bv I.VNN NISHI T. I; I II : '.11. Feb. 11. North ( 'ι! ■ > 1111 : ι St.île ( ' il!· u< ' t 1" ί 111 ν ι ■ .ι hall mil-j Ιιοιι ι ίι 11 i. 11· j 11 ·■. 11 · tu be known a.- the j . \ t; ι 11 · 1111111 .1 I'.ngmi'i ruin Uuilding. ! and to lie ι i -ci I as t*I; ι > room, tor lemon ti.ition m u e ot improved I;.rm machinery. ,.ικΙ as a working "labor;>.j*.v" in practical tarming. A $300.(10(1 buil-ling is |iro.jeeteci, to be eon tructed without cost to the >t;ite. by a federal allocation ol Λ I.VI. 000 and a "loan from anolhei -I itc lund ol a like amount, -aid loan to . I>e repaid from rental proceeds from the old agricultural building, now under lease to Farm Security Ad ministration and .Yielding a net re turn of about S25.00(I a year I All preliminary planning and nego tiating has been completed and there ; remains only the formality of pass ing agreed upon legislation to eon oummatt thL tlvcU pjopcr Uit di* M'>v in p'ep.,ι ;iInίι .nui will I m in troduced wiililn the ηι·\Ι lew days. It w.i. tir-t thought that the state uould I i\e in ■ · iii bonds lnr its -hare ni th«■ 'ni' tiiiclion cost, but the more tic irahle loan plan was worked mit yesterday. The iiru building will pu I the ag ricultural school at State College on a par w ith other departments there, and mi a |vn with the best of such riiool* in the Smith bv making pos sible the acquisition without cost of u t a- much laim machinery as the : chooi (.m u e Manufacture!s are willing to ■ uppl.v th., e(|Uipment and to keep it up to d-'te witiiout cost to the college. The college lia been handicapped lor years loi lack of this very tactor, and agricultural leaders have been working to remedy the situation. Governor Broughton has given full approval and pledged the full sup iCW.nueJ t a Pjgt St\er; ) Scene of Fatal New Haven Fire Investijrati.rs ··> arch tb·· charml ruins ot' th X < ■ ■ Π . v. η Quilt :ιΐκΐ l'ad ( ' mpain in NYw Haven, (' ■ nn., v. <\ < ;· riy ι< ι ι >rt.- rewuled that ! ι η π η. r. Imrm· : . drat h ! ; · < other employes injur.!. Λ spark from ma"hinery is .'ι·.· ι ι·. fax* started the fin·. Th.· (!·.ν! wen.· trapped in ' he ;>'· ;>jr room, Coroner's assistai) ·ί to rim \e one of tin· i»odi<·-. The plant was workin.v η a .'hour basis on defense .··!< r . Strike Threat At Ford Bahsori Is Bullish CIO Union On Home Building HasDemands Hconomist Advises Building of Houses This Year, Declaring Prices Are Bound to Rise in Near Future. p,\ ko(.i:k \v. babsox ( np.vriiîlit ΙίΠΙ I'ultlishiTs I in.inri.il Bun-aii. Inc. Balxon Bark, Flu.. Feb. (!.— It is an Mill-rent c·! ui ractoj-j stir· ui man tn want i«' build. In my time I luive built a large number of buildings for i'H uiM t "! μ ! I ι - mess, and ι it ! a :· jntrpnses. In as I writi·. I lia · t .t 11 n't ■ ' ! ΐ ( it a : :··■/.■ 11! 1 : ί· 1 hi : ! Id : '! ■ .n't ol bit : !d i1 ιιί .-a '■ ' - fies a criMtiX'' πι,οιιΙμ· and a pride of ·>·. ·■ >n Λ a in imité i' a':;· , In ι i Id πιι; I] .ι < i· ' > ■ ι rled tlin h a;h ■ il1 As an · I . -1 r \ . ' · tin· ulde t'a ·. ·. next t'i .: :Πlit .■ ι 'I'm r . ; ι>I ! day P'ad. the ■ ' eaate and ί 1 ors' ad ·' !'■»>.;!,l> l.'-tcai'- 111 ^ κ u ideas f · » ι a ; · ' 1 III is art i a 1 · ■ I ι <} I hi' >anii' m ; η :1 · . v'.a* 111 ρ live aΙΚ» t « .π I■ in" up I'!.,: . t· ··· and wea . itifi !·■ .ι»ι··ΐιι·. lu . .. walls and a r···■1 .VihiintaK'· "I BsiUdinr. l'A '· ",vi 'in- ι :: ι ■" I a-· 111 t hi '.■■ ·Ί (in ι ι >·*(· t "f 11 ri 11. .1 i'ia I . ' ■ I < I ' . : Ml III' larti u.v ιI! .Ill· I.H'.I ι;; it ·- ι (Cuntima-d ■ ί Pa^r Tvn JAPANESE ENVOY ARRIVES IN U. S. S; ι η Κ ι m- ·. ! '■ 11 ι Λ i ' ■ \ι. mirai Ν'·.· .Ι.Μΐ.ιη···-!· ; I fi « > ! I" 11:1 ■ I ! ' i Still. t'\ 111 ι ■ I'll C< 111 f jdl'liri ' t « ■ i \ 11 1.11 1 ; μ If ,!|f t '. ■ Illicit ii ill in1'' ι ' ■: 1 lie Mint .1 St ' · ■ and .1 -111.111 ·· · -I < Μ Π 111 il l>. ..·>··. amicably 'Πιο in (|"i . in ,ι -ι ι li ment ι - - ■ ;· ι 1 111 -i ii rn \ ,ι ! ι. : · 1 I 11·· Jim··· Κ .in ι Minn, ,ι i(" ".V. I ■ 'illy mi 11.y 1 take up ■ \ » tnwn n··· ;we countries which cannot be settled in an am ic ih U ■ ι ■ · i - ' t ι -1· tin > ι . ι through .■ t. '·Ιν display ni .· ta te - manshiu lu tin· responsible pi·..(il. en both side- mid with th-ii ··. u ι - fidencc I am proceding to \\"T»i ing 1(111." Λ reporter asked the admiral il he were here I., effect a pact i.i treaty with the t'nited Stales. "I can't -ay." he replied. (jJaaihvh FOR NORTH C AROLINA. Cloudy: ruin in interior tonight and in cast and central portions. Friday, warmer t<>niehl colder us ·.·. u.t c-atUofl FntU. . New Meeting With Laval Expected \",ν·11\ Κι·!:, fi. ίΛΙ'ι Naval Mm ι - ! < ■ ! ' Admiral Jfull Darlan It'll today i>y .pi rial train l'or Pan- today win τι· In is rxpocti'd t ■ κ'.-ηηιο talk v. ; ! ! ι Ιιίίμι'Γ \'icc ΙΥπιικτ ami For i .'..ι ι M m ι· ■ 1. ι val i > r I 111 drrlin· rl ι . di eus.-. 111 rr ■1(1 οιiI .;j >[). .ι.1 ·ι'Ι m a vht't-i lui : toi .il !.. \va I'cri tla· tat ion ti· ί ι ^>i ia ·. ·. ■ ι. 11 ( I ii., t., l'ai·,.. Willi ili 11. ■ · day.-. ΤΙιγπ· ν.ι·'··.· ii'dii ili·..lis that llir [· ι ;·ικ·!ι ;;o\ ΐΊΊΐιικ ill was opposed to .t t... ··— I...· ! i-li ιιΊ ι if. .ponent . .f I- nl,ell (a ; .111 Mill· ·<·· atjon lo til. ( : il un led on I 'a.;;- Sc. en ) ARMV m oi DIES ÎN Ms Ο AID CKASH ·■ i . ,s ι· i; · \>>i d Τ ' ; Λ I : V 111! . I' · ·' ' I .:,κ|.■, '..,.<1 I· . 1 !.:·■ 11'· . .-II ι li y . ,, ... · ' ·.(»· ··' ·' ■ pl i·" ■ . ι , ■ ' · ι lira ι In : ι hi ; y a rd ΊΊ■ I ithiT "I I av, Si . .lid I .'»'!> ' pt.ul . 1. >-.■ J η ' Lfi.vccil'k. hailed out and H I'c, ι d a lor. 1.·■ 11 ml··!'■ Mitfhf'ïl Fivld a i'«··.· minutes before j ι ■ , - the s.m ·. .ι :> I ι. 11 i t ■ a < * 1. 11 ρ in · ι ι Ί, of l'.ii 11 ; Ι ρ I μ ι ipl l a ' ...It ..| tin· .V il y . ·'· 1 .·>»· Five Demands Made on Ford; Other Strikes Continue As Another Is Begun. I !y The Associated I'm l ; ·■ h _:o I·'ιird Mot··; C ν\·|ι ici ι Mi >!(i-> η ι i I lions ol dol ! . r ! ι ; ι .11 ι hi ■. HririKt· ordei s. I:.led ,·; ··. pi ii d ■ ■ ill re: if today ! η ·; ' · · (IP i ' ; ' ι · I Λ : ι lomobi le Woi kc: " A ; ■· ' · · · i I ν ο Γ a strike" ; ι1 tl. < · Κι ι il · ι . : ■ ■mu lu· av oided by " ί 11 11 .i ■ m·" on five un ion d·. vi Urday, declaied .■ ].·ί· t ·. ·: .1, Thomas, [.'nitctl .Vi' Λ ■ ί ,·· president, and M ci · I' V. Jr., director n! ι > ι · ι. ;;.in:/.e lin· I·'. ; i the ν w.iuhin'1 • , · ■ ' ■. ply lo Hie η μ .τ ' in· ■ ι niTC.'iso -. 11 ·ι ι île ol enior I ■ ; ι.ι ι >>.1111111(4 nih il,··, ι ·· -a the ci m - ; .1· ■ !! Γ : ;tn,| I ; j » { r 1 :■ hi.: Κ ■ '! : ι . II " > 1' I II I I ι I 1 . ι III .· . I . I I I ι ! ■ I t.'i't 11Ψ I h ·. ii, ι;.·· ι ; ι '. ι i'IUT1 '"■H "" 11 I'..,· . ' Ill pn. Kit· d> ' : '· · lit 1.1 the i'i pu!.· A < ha ... ■ SiOJiHt.fKJil ftj >li Ii·!· > ι >iitiact-. At I .< · \· 11 i;:··· ι (liant <·!>(I (Ί(Ι : 11 > ' ■ ι ι ' ye t<" (i. ι\ c· in!> ·ι ui. ι ι ;'i:had 'Continued in Pago Seven' Lindbergh Says America is Prolonging The War U ■ mgtnn. I <Ί>. I). - (ΛΡ) — i'hjii ■ I ( hi·: les Λ Lindbergh s ; ι i ri ι .11 ι\ 111.. 1 by aiding Great Britain .cut ι>tln-i' countries tin· lrnited St:iti - iHcouragmg \v;u\ prolonging it ,,ικί inn easing bloodshed η Kurope v. i!i 1 materially affecting the course ni the war." TestilVing in opposition to the ad miti'sli ation's British aid bill before the Semite foreign relations commit tee. Lindbergh said that if this conn try ι- ever invaded "the "esp nsibil Ίν "ill lie with those who 1 nt oin J."!., ; -jl . a'l Unfit Γ queΊ,ιιι:: I 111111 iltoci 11> giving Hi.'un sum!' iitl "We should keep uni' promises," hi' declared, then added : "I think it is w ry important that England tint lie beaten in war, but I don't think that is in American control." Meanwhile Hou-e supporters ot the British aid bill smacked down the first amendment formally offer (Coiituued 0:1 ΙΛ.=^- i>- su. Will Settle All Major Questions Millions of Dollars Involved ; Some Points Pending For Several Years; Final Arrangements Ε χ - pec ted Friday. I ' 11 · · " ·< I SI:,if . 111< I v. ■ ■ I . «••iKllll'il ι·, . <· t · ! π 111·· ·,<· .· lu ■ lure, settling ;ill majni eennon h· and ! ιυιΐ.1 I.il (III · ■ · η «IV ut Ι.. : I - i ■. : U· ΤΙ·.· IMC' ;1 . .· to. d · Il provide fnr .· jîcnera I ; « 11 inel isi'v'ff r■ ι ■ I>i■ imn ol '■ ι" y problia . l'<■ ' ' 'ί η 'h·· ' ·.·■■· ι ri'it mu - Λ η . I .<■ ni the j ι · ..1 ·ιη ·i!\ cd li ι . ι■ been !·"ΐ .· ' Cl ι v.-M a : : d n « .1 · . :!!■.. . rl, .11;, I Tl ·· tnrmuhi for llu· n:·-«·<··;.eut were ■ · irked . ait bv I "nd cl.i ν I S!.,1e Well" ; 111 f I Ur F, «·: . . Castillo Paieras the Mexican aeba jador. They were ^aid to concentr:i1e • ■n lump settie:-,en1 r;i*b«-r ti n peceineal disposition of ntuue:· claims and celuntcr « lain - ·.· . e·* !···«.· the '.il expi api at ion. aura· m t "'ironri tion and other contr· · > - sial questions. Final arrangements foi the ρ t probably will follow the relu · !' tic Mexican :'mbaf-.-ador he: F day alter conferences wilii h: so. · eign office in Mexico City. C )ne of the ma jor 1-10.000.000, Earth Settles, City Damaged West Pittston, Pa.. Feb. ι A!') ■ At least 2l> families were thro-en from their beds and half a C tzen .-1 reels were dan aged early |>>' \ lufe M*ttït ment al tert a I i ι ι et -ohick a rea IP : ι , 'a n : Vtm-yh ania community. The settlement was preceded by ι ■;a1 rumbling noise. (A ark- ,i deep a 2u .iu-hiv appeared in s>> · e street- (las and water mam were ι ·■.ι ! ι and Mime resident? v. ι ■ ο ueied ι : ι >111 their liumi·- until the : c ·;· iii be turned "I !'. 'Πι. ι··.:··:·.unity, with a population o! ■ ;t w.imiii. is m t lie lie., rt ol Pernio 1' iii' ■ eoal I leld an! the ε ' 'tmd S el a a til tile i - mil ι h· .ιιι·ν c a:ilvd 'λ ith mme-. A ia .;> ..·· oi another Peau \ I \ ,anai '. . il l. ··,'η- Shenandoah - ··.>,> i a 11 \ n..· .-ad i ·. imlar ettle iaenl .·· · .· . ear ayu FARM BUI.LF.TIN NOW AVAiLABL!· I :; I- · ·· H Tia- nev- an n < la 1 ι . ο! \_, . If m ,| St..»! -tic pi ib! ι ne. I ;. ' la- Si. I·· He)... ι te <-η t of ΛκνICI 1 It ! Il <· to .e.-vr a a Kind·' to ι . Ilia I· 'i. t>.i . 1111 e ι in piaillHll.JS and di-l'-i mai ι m; agl'icul 11 1 ' Ι ΙΟ .· ' I il ' '..κ a ·! a-, l'i. ill le |..· (Il - ! ritiiftinn. M Ih ai 111,(111(1 copie ..| Il e |' li1 i ι ' . ι ' 11 >f ι il ne all ι ally bren a η ι lied .ι..' te a ' ι a ! \*. ι .ei-.ei a a 11(1 li aile ι ■ Winant Nominated WashitlRt ' 1'Vb ι; I Α I ' I -II illl) t; Will.Hit. ·. !" '■!· ί·«Η·(·ΓΙ1··|· 111 Ww Hampshn t·. ua.- nnniihatt'd by I Ye mIi·!»! Ιί'Ί -ι·\ eli tudii.» tii III' ,ιπ:1ηι>· .idi>: ι tiri·'. I'.nta!!:, .-1uci'oUidiig .111 -1-1 ·ί ι Γ Kennedy. 'Γ!:(· nomination al the :"il year old ! ι ;ii r I ; < · ι ·ι 11>I h ·; ι η governor ol New 11 ; 11 η 11-111 π \v;i.- -cut to the senate .'.Inny u :th >cvcral other diplomatic . 11 >1 )i untments. These included: Anthony .) Drexel Middle ul 1'enn ylvania, now ambassador Id I'oland tu servi· also as ambassador 11. the exiled government in London 1 13 ο I «mm and as minister to the Rovern inent ol Norway and The Nether lands. Clarence K. Gauss ol Connecticut, now minister to Australia, to become ambassador to China. Nelson Τ Johnson ol Oklahoma, now ambassador to China, to be come minister to Australia. J. Pierrepont Moffat of New Hamp shire. now minister to Canada, to serve additionally as minister to (lie ' .· 1 .\i n ii. 1 .—>wl,ί...