âfcLfceUï. PERRY MrN'ORHÙ » k HÊNDEKb^·*, Μ α ïtenîterson Hmhj Sîspatrh OVI.V Π4ΓΙ V MPU;onAi.rn m r» τη, ΟΝΙΛ DAILY NEWSPAPER PLBLISHEl) IN THIS SE«"TI()N OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR IjKASED wire SERVICE OP ΰ "" "•oc't·""' ""*■ HENDERSON, N. C„ MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 3. 1W1 ' ' ·»-». E.KCfl'T -ΓΝΙιΛΥ. FIVE CENTS COPY Balkan Powder Keg Smoulders * * X » - « - - - • -·- ν Τ Τ "1" τ V V Camp Davis Skilled Workmen Strike No Violence As Unionists Picket Camp Between 3,000 and 4,· 000 Workmen Demand Preferential Shop and Pay Increases; Work men Not on Strike Go To Jobs. U.'llv Hidtfp, March 3.—(ΛΡ) — Skill···) ·λίirknien went un strike to day it Camp Davis, the Army's $15, (Miiι. ι .mti-aircraft firing center un der .· · liiictiun at this little town 29 ii, ir ·νι: th of Wilmington. I'. · P··. al H. C. .Johnson of the State highway patrol estimated that be twi" · and 4,000 workmen were picke'ing the entrances to the reser vation ν here approximately 15,000 men ne employed. The camp is scheduled to be completed late this month. Jι >i'.i: π -.aid the men carried sign-. !■: iclainiing the project was "an:.ι . to organized labor." "Tnere has been no violence or disturbance of any kind and we do not expect any," Johnson said, adding that ti c patrol had. ten officers on the scene. The workmen not on stike went tn tin jobs as usual this morning. R. Η Rouse, business agent for the Wilmington Building Trades ('<> au·;! (AFL). announced last night that carpenters, electricians. • > · boilermakers and members "I ··· " crafts would join the strike ant:.. : ./■. d at a mass meeting. 'I'm· council, Rouse added, has a I'd ,i prefrential shop, time and nail !■ ivertime and double pay for Si.ι i.;y and holidays. Η .-'"id Ernst. State labor depart u^pector, arrived here today <·' nfer with union leaders and ••v." rntatives of the contractors, II .ι·.-;. Grannis, Thompson and Mil Vvet t. State Spending Bill Expected Tomorrow l'.x W. .IOVXES ΛΙΛ( FAKLAN. ' ■ · « ί κ 11 ■ Miircli 3.— (Λ11)— There '· 1 i"· fry indication today that the I · il appropriations bill wot«id be II ■ ·: tv cl to the legislature tomorrow, : ι >'d 'il diversion of $2,000,000 from I s'c. ι y to general state purpose.? ■ tid t!:at this would probably kill <'i.v chance lor a liquor referendum Well inlormed state official circles ■-nid tlie General Assembly would likely Imally enact a spending bill : limit SI-j.IKMi 0(H) in excess of budget r " 1111111 s s ι ο η recommendations for Η» Π-m. Πιι budget commission proposed :ι "< · 11 ι 11 fund expenditure which would necessitate the use of $2.200, d'I" ni highway money for general i'-nd purposes unies.- general rev ΐΊι ΚΝ exceeded estimate.-,. Revenue 0-'in Jttes have now been revised up ward by $1,800,000 for the biennium, but tile spending bill as tentatively ·■ tΊ" '' . » d by the appropriations com luittee calls for spending $4,200,000 ' "i'c than the budget recommenda tion.-. As liquor, beer and wine revenues '"e being counted on in balancing 'he budget, it was taken as a l'on gone conclusion in legislative circle that no bill would be passed which would make it possible to cut oil those sources. I'roponents of the liquor store sy. II m now m operation arc scheduled to be heard by the House committee "r, propositions and grievances to morrow. I.ast week dry leaders ar gued before the committee on a bιi. Providing a referendum in Novem ber nn returning the state to pro hibition except for medicional liquor. 'lie joint appropriations commit tee held its first morning meeting of the session today and tentativ ely ap proved every item in the spending '"II. then authorized a subcommittee to gu over it again and see if it could "e cut any. 'he committee amended and la \orably reported a measure already Passed by the Senate to provide *600.000 from state bonds for an eastern North Carolina tubeixulj e^Uilunaiu. Dying, Her Prayers Answered The Army and Navy answer a dying woman's prayers as Francis ("asalou (left) and his brother, George, give comfort to their mother, Mrs. Celia Casalon, 61, ill of heart disease in Arlington, Muss. The Kid Cross provided air transportation from Camp Hulen, 2,400 miles «way in Texas, for George, and the Navy provided χ special ear from Newport, R. I., for Francis. (Central Press) Britain And Ireland Get War Materials Latin Queen Mis.·. Sylvia Goieh, M'ie-eyed blonde from Santiago, Chile, was crow nod queen of the Uni\er>ity of North Carolina at the student faculty day celebration in Chapel Hill. A representative in Carolina's winter •'Summer School" I'm· South Americans, Miss Goich won out in a campus-wide election ο ■■.or five native co-eds. Blanket Order Issued for Export of 138 Key War Products From ! United States; OPM Must Clear Orders for Vital Products. Washington, March 3.—(AP) — Blanket authority was issued today fur the export to Great Britain and northern Ireland of 138 key war products, including aluminum and aircraft parts. The office til the administrator of export control explained, however, that a daily cheek would be kept on the experts of vital commodities so the supply could be choked off if it appeared that too heavy a volume was lea\ ing the United States. In accordance with a federal license order the State department notified all collect·n·-· "t customs that any ex porter w it! 'he requirement of an individual license may export any ol the article·· >n the li t to Great Bri tain and η 11■ t πι 1 reland. The list ,s . : : τ ι ilar to one previ ously iu elleet l'ii Canada. Export control officials pointed oijt export Ι any product oil the list vital '·· \merirnn defense would have to be ι rst cleared by the Office of Product ι η Management. Aluminum, for example, i . num ber one item or. the list. Λ recent I mandatory defense priority order lor . the aluminum ndustry would make I it impossible for .iktminum to be ι exports without ruirnt .it the Ul ' fiee of Prooueti η *»u,iL;eiuent. Senatorial Redisricting Measure Expected To Pass Senate At Session Tonight Daily Dispatch Bureau. In !»»·» *ir Walter Hotel. lîv IIKNKV AVEKILL. I ; It igli. March 3. Blessed by a joint committee of House and Sen ate. ii a amn.stration-drafted and : in»"· : led lull I'M' .senatorial redis t r ι f 1111 u v. .11 < ' >i ι it· before the Senate tonight a- a .special older ol busi nes. Un· t π be a.-.-ailed as a deli-j berate "v, hilt washing", but to bt pas id by · tii ii - ' ^ t majority, at'-' cording to all indications. Opponent·- have repeatedly chain ed that it the lull be.ir< any resem blancc to tin kind ol districting con templated in the state coii.-titutior il is purely coincidental They havt pointed out and will again point ou: on the floor—-inequities and in equaliti."·; of the grossest ,-ort. They will charge that certain counties ai .· being sacrificed to the dictates of party leaders. They will have plenty of factual ι to put into the record as ex hrjiti. I iKv \. ill lî.i. e iin ie 'uau -. modicum of lo^ic .md .indice hi their side. II tlu· Senate -ion follows the pattern eut by cm inittee meet ings they will nut even he answered (in the merit-·: hut they will be buried under ί hi.u i.ijority piled lip by the compar;,ti\cly small num ber nf beneficiaries el tlu· bill and the larger number of Senators whose complacence has been won by leav ing them completely unaffected by the little bit of rohuflling which has been done. Principal s ' iins of the stacked political deal seem to be the coun ties of Vance and Warren, which now share . senator. They will have added to their district the county of Northampton, which Κ barely con tiguous to Warren. This new district will not only be far above the aver age in population but will be a true ■geographical monstrosity". Senator White of Vance had charged with out a word of denial Other instances, as argued by va lCuaUUU«l Ui l ufci' TURKEY MINES DARDANELLES; Ν A TION CALM Nazis Report Sinkings Of Three Ships ! Berlin. March ό. ι Λ ι lin· Ger man high command ,i...erted today that three vessel ! «taiing 21,000 I tons had been sunk by na/.i .. ibma ! rincs and planes and itiat two other j vessels \·. ere dama;; d "badly", all ■ presumably yesterday. The daily war l> :lle' n aid j submarine reported ,ink.;tg a !). 000-ton merchantman west Of the Heroide Port Γίιι·; I; t ie< at : ι" British-held Libyan pi ' of Tobi i;: v. ere sli;> jected to a "sucees.-.i;.l" aid atta··.;. the high command said, while other 'planes assaulted trou]» eoneefjtra 1 lions, automobile column.» and field camps near Agedabia. southwest of Gengasi. Traffic Death Tolls Light Charlotte. March 3.—-(AP)—Auto mobile accidents on the state's high ways loft at least one dead and cv■ oral injured over ihe week-end. At High Point, seven-year old Betty Onnand was killed and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. 1. Ormand. I were seriously hurt. There were two deaths from pre j vious accidents. In Fayettt ville. Joseph B. Poole. 23, of Raleigh, who was injured in an automobile accident near St. Pauls, died at a hospital. His bride of an hour. Mrs. Jessie McCloud Pot le, was injuiod slightly. Charles Matthews, 2â. of Warsaw, 1 who was struck by a hit and run : driver while flagging traffic at a WPA project near Clinton Wednes day, died at a Fayetleville hospital ! today. Gas Masks Ordered Washington, March 3. — ίΛΡι -The War department disclosed today that it had ordered a "limited quantitv" . t !ow cost gas masks for non-com • battant -r Officiai.- said the mask-· were de -icned to meet the requirements of a military commander in providing protection against ga- for non-com battants remaining in areas under military jurisdiction and control. "The non-combattant gas mask, however, is of a type \v::·. .i the Wai department beli« res wool·:' be --tiit able lor civilian use," a lormal an : noimcement said. Strategic Straits Clos ed io Ail Ships Except Those Given Special Permits and Employ ing Turkish Naval Pilots. I 1.111 : » u I. Till key. March 3 i.M'· -1' c Turkish navy has mine·! .■ i' rxccpt .· nan ou channel in tin.· sir,ι tegic Dardanelles .straits, it wa- dis ci d anthoritatively today 'l i e ι ;ng followed closing :he Uardan: I!'·- io ail ships except ;· .».· η . ·>» <·;.>! pcl inits and ■■ · ng Turkish naval pilots. Turkish naval units also had been reported d .η.'4 toward I It e Dardanelles. Si·,.; seeking permissaii, : p.is through the straits conned iil; the Λ go;,η Ma and the .-ea ιMa ara mu..' notify Turkish naval a .thori 11c· l>y wireless six hours belorc· the trail, it is t ' begin and give lull iden tification. Turkey v;a> calm as German armies swarmed into Bulgaria. At least one small na/i detachment was rep'irted i't'ui . Sofia to ha· e reached I lie· Bulgarian town of Svilengrad. ah:· ' on the three nation frontier o! Turkey. Greece and Bulgaria. A tiioritative sources said Turke> had tak ·:ι "lull defense precautions", but official source:, remained silent on the question of mobilization. Need Felt For Claims Court Daily Dispatch Bureau, Iji 111»· Sir Halter Hotel. By LYNN NISBLT lialeigb, March 3.—The need l'or a court of claims to pass upon liabil ity ol the State in connection with pel's nal injury and property damage claims is becoming more and more acute, according to a group of legis lators who are contemplating in troduction of a public bill tu provide such an agency. There are now pending before com mittees a dozen or so bills appropri ating several thousand dollars for personal or property damage grow ing out of school bus collisions, al leged negligence ol highway em ployee.-. etc. One of them provides lor payment in large amount ol ι 1'iieiai. con pensatioti for the death ol people occasioned by alleged negli gence ni highway officials. The only v. ay now that any of these claimants can get any sort of relict is through a pecial act of the legislature in each case. Many ol the claims admittedly haw merit and should be paid: at least tiny slV'iild be thoroughly stu died In lore being denied. Yet many M i·· :ici of the legislature oppose then on general principle as open ing up the way I'm unlimited claim.-· i'ι"« l"i moss imposition on the state. A court of claims, composed ot siipi ei:ie or superior court judge.";. . n 111..il a new b aid. is gaining (Continued on Page Three ) Heads Parachutists Lt. Col. Wm. C. Le· Owing to the expanding of the para· chute unit of the war department, Lt. Col. William C. Lee has been assigned commanding: officer of the Fi'oviiional Parachute Group, at Fort £cnai£g,jGa. Litvinov May Seek Refuge In America, Stewart Says n> ( iiAia.i s ι-, stuvvakt Central Press Columnist Washington, March S—Unless he's purged from the laud of Ihe living, as well as out oi his government job ! : Moscow, it's undir.-tood in Wash __ ington that Maxim Lit\ iiuiv. until \ ery lately one of the big men at Com mun is tie headqii.irt srs, plan- to see λ refuge in this coun try tr -ni the un pleasant possibili ties inseparable rom continued re idence in Uu-.-ia by persons who have • ncurred Comrade Maxim Litvlnov StalinV displeasure Presumably Maxim already ha> : hihted. to some official authority nere. at his desire to come to the b L liiivil iiijdi; liai tv... I- J taming whelht ι »>i ooi lie'11 be ad mitted· Yiid !...· . ι leak in the tews ft In- supposed overtures is re.-ρ nsiblc lor reports that that's wli.it wi.-il llo \va> ii W.i.-hintfl· ii .1 lew months. three ο :our > <■ :·ι. ago, .1 ,iii ;:i:|)>\ h· .iid F>-reign Minister Alk-ander Cim-ar-Markovie conferred at length with Regent I'rinci Paid today attei the premier had returned suddenly by airplane from hi· home province. A .l.i ι- q iarte .- .-.oil the discussions foiieerned the possibili ty ot V.igo>la\ meinbe. >h :p .11 the av- three-p--wer pact. Authoritative source.- said the >iun iny ■ Hdd ι-r bably cone soon is a tv-ii.t oi roi.ierences between Pr-r.ce Pa the Yugoslav regent and Y k tοr on Heeren, nazi minister t·· Belgrade, only a few hours after Bultt j led the partnership las; s mi ■ Previous signers uv: e S . . il ingary and Rumania RAF Bombs Brest Harbor ι ; ifii : v" terd;i\ nibs wore m · ····' . ·.·.· h it'll .1 :■ · VI: iml H.p . · 11. · h ■ ■ 1 ithei .'KM■-'"Π ■ ι-· "1 in tin ··> · tin- North : ' : 1 . Ί ' m I ■ ν ... 1 siii.rt'c-. ...id the Ί ' ί1 \ί· »ol til·· I ; Λ I· ri'P" 1 I'd 1 ' ι..... r I.. · λ ni Hr. -t. ( it ■! Ml till' IMItll . - ;,,nd Imlit .·· .1 . · .·■: " nitillt St'! .· i: : . ut-d ;ind ".1 . nil til'-" \'· ι Ί r (·., : i.-i'd Ί . 11 .ι London litiâ ont îi'Klit Nazi Troops Swarm Over All Bulgaria Vanguard of German 7 roops Reaches Greek Frontier Only 65 Miles From Salonika; Brit ain to Break Relations. S..I .ι. March ·'' t.\P> ίΐ<·: I I iltei ; nu inl" S·.: : · · <· ; \* in ces today said the entire country was filling up with German tr<>o|> Unit.- nn". — " ■ hi'! i| !·. ard ( i southeast Tin KC> Π M ■ ' ι : IJ It!'·-'' 1 ! >■ P reach . fit ■ '. 11 Si,· ' ■ ι : 1 :. ι ind it ■ . undei ' .·.<( ', ι K. ■ 1 a a ι v. · ,· ι Ui probata ■' ! ' . Il d ι J > I# n [ι;ι t il : ι Ί,ι t !' il ι - .' ι111 Lulg.ir ·, bv ι:ιid-week Km« Boris 111 was said by a high lj reliable source t·· have given Bri ii Minister Georui W I;· no··; . t >■:'<.·" .ragcnicnt tn re ·. .iin lien· .· ii".i "in two conferred h"re last Sofia itself rapidly took "ii tin· a - ι 1'<·[ ul <1 : : ilitar;· ea:: ι -. with it;. - (.reds ot nazi ollaer· arnv :ng hum ly. Member· IiumI : a · ι , -1 organ:/. - lions, their hands upraised m nazi salute, headed lor the de - legation which was surrounded bj aimoted German trucks. Hundred ol -hoir.ng and cheering Bu.s,., legionnaires paraded through ii.· -t reels. Cro'A d- taking a h 1.·ι .y ρ .,· ..·· r.ade on this 63rd annivei ay of lia gs;i-;a's independence v. atched .<· lascist parade silently. In Berlin, a spoke-·· ■ ii deflated tlr.it German troops entered 1' l i aria as gue-t- ol the eotiniry .>···' are in no sense an occupying toi ce controlling Bulgarian alia :·. Debate May Be Limited Administration Lead ers Seek Vote This Week on British Aid Measure. Washington. March 3.—(ΛΡ)—The Si t ;iu· fcrcforship MketiiKfg^ tocUty • di ' ( ι ' ι : ι : u ■ 1111 » 11 t«» 1 ibtain action · m t. ι !'. ' ι.ϊ hill bv this wed; end, and I) . oeratic Leader BttrKle·,/ said lu· . ι "ii dei πκ a n· «· U» limit dehale ' ' ' 11 a·asi ι re. Barklcy ι· ηferred jn -naïve with ι ii George. Democrat, Cie ru :·.. Son île 1'ieigli l'cla ■ Tiii!'. ·.!■,. ,iivd mil ι meed a 11· «.·!·.·.,·rd : ι·· y e:: >r* woi'Vd be ide in < i give tin II (the .(>1 >· · ' Il i tiler day ■ si and il I heV ι e ' 1 ·ΙΙ. lllg We 11 ha\ e t·· escr· -< wis.ii pressur·· .>.<· eau tu prevent a lull ledged nh ι nister." Barkli y lold :ep"i'Uv.- in uis ask ' tile Si II.lie 1·! au ι ■· I 11. : ll 111 ion --1 .V 11 I'll! ;.t. I lie!iale Tin.. propo-..I, 11 < ■ h v\ a e\jjeeted io be blocked b> >|>poM11 ii leader . would precede any el i.irt : force night essions Senator Glass. Democrat. Virginia, mid reporters he would be in lavo ■ I a strict i nutation oil I Hare Sen ate d .M' ■ ■>i.in oi the bill, tie ..id he was ready to vote Lifr cloture, u re striction which permits each sena l■ 'ι lu peak mly nee for not inni' than an hour. Senatoi Clark. l)e ix.it. Missouri, "lie nl the opponents ol the bill -aid "they (the leadership) hase not ko'. the votes to impose cloture." Λ two· Ii, id- Senate vole is nocessarv Sénat r Reynolds, Democrat, Nort.li Carolina, preparing to make his sec ond ί-pecch against the hi!', told re porter he would propose three amendments: 1. To require the deportation ol Harry Bridges. we.it coast labor leader. 2. To prevent "communist-: and lasc ts" trom holding government positions. :i. To forbid any aid to Hilssia undei the British aid bill. WEATHER FOIS NORTH CAROLINA. Mostly cloudy tonight and Tuesday with occasional light rain in 'mountains: somewhat warmer tonuht followed b\ «•older in extreme west anil north . wiUat ; uiliuii I Ut.Ja