i «?*, ïtenîtersott Β at lu Htsjrafrfi Πνί V ΐλ \ τι ν Kinti ί ι Τ » * τλη t * ».* > - - — — — - ΟΝΙΛ DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISH Kl) IN THIS SI·. ΙΊ< >\' OF NORTH CAROLINA ANDVIROLN'l y,\ ι Ν- I ^ -ΕΚ,ΗΤΗ ^ EAR 'τί^κC>1P HENDERSON, Ν. C., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 4, 1ÎM1 .·.·.·! i,h, ,λ.m;;xi;™noon FIVE CENTS ( < Britain To Break With Bulgarie Nazi Fire Bombs Rain ! Five Hours On Cardiff South Wales City Suffers Long Attack R υ y a 1 Air Force Bombers Pound Co logne ; Crisis in Balk an» Moves Nearer To Breaking Point; Nazis Stream Into Bulgaria. Tin· Asm ici: ι ted l're.-s. ) ι hue" attacked llu· ( '.irdi11. S'iuliι V.';iles, u iti, li r| 111 incenci' ,··ν non b- ; ι. ■ »·' ;bed 1 py 1 il'jt i h of- ι ■in of 11 it· gft·,·! te-1 I'm t'.i w:u ■ white ηi.v.iI :nt :ίι- pounded Ciilu.uiic· in 1 ι tihineland. '■ · : i nin l '.n'dit ι airi i ι i η marked ■ ι frail ι >I de • . ie: - > -, tin· city tin morn 1 Ί lieafl and v. was ■ ' d lately est i η 11 d I >ui m· ! hi a · wave alter \\ a. e u ι ' 111 il n-s swept til'· eitv with ib.- and high ι xplosives. the Η I'd Cross ru.-hed ambul •H London, Hid miles away Balkan Crisis. d tli. surgi ol renewed .ητι ιi ' the ci ι a- in the Balkan-, ι ■ ai er the Iireak n.u point ' .11 .■ ,| : ,rtei - in Limdoi: ! I ' ' , m h ι .Li 111 I ι c.ik »! I reia ' ■ I iuluai i. i "v. itll in the next with the ai tion pre .'in; ι .· ■ , illnu en I iv a deeiarat ion ' ■ d the ni.'i- ■ movement nl 11 1 η . ι ι - Γ it in ι tin· north c< in- | ■ ι : >j ll\ . with line· nl' na ■ | ■ i equipment. tanks, anti-a:.'- j ,-.i ;iiul l i Id :irti llery . ■ ;:u■- ! ι·ι 'llli · ! I.- .ill 11 τ i I: "S i <. 11U j outh itit■ ι Hldf-ana thro ' l i ι ·. il η t. 11 : ι ι m -. '· >v. ι ΓιΊοκιηρίικ· Agency dis- ] ii ! Ji Ίί*ι· κ1'\ Υ ι i.hi ·.-1 ; ι \ capi- I • >1 "ίΐΗ·Γΐ>;ι· ' " prelim mai y • ; :>U· it.· ;·ι·<· iiiidi . for an 1 bev. eei ι ( ! : err - and Italy." ! i.■ l,ii. Germany'/. attitude d I recce n;i de.-cntel as bc !!·■ το frigid. • ·!■■:■. 11 j ι· ni.- aid Br ' tain's I'· >r . laiy. Anil· .si.v Kdcn, and I ■- r .11 ihii G. I )i!Î. i ll u t · 11 Oit il aii-Tal .-t.·!''. v. it·· work 111.4 ι1 · with G · 1 k «m ernniiii' ■ 1 Ath'-i 1 . Ιο 1 ash aid t ι I :ί ■ e\ 1 lit o! .1 ( Irni all 1;; ■ K11. :.i Kciiifor.-i's Troops. ■ 1 I ; 11 . ι ; 1, -till Un· number nm ι.! Ike war, . ι rr|)orti'd re tr.ioj) on the I'rrtt '·· ι '■ iicinii i'umania. 1 Moh111/ un con. mued I lie ι ! 111 ι \ 1 .1. » 11 ol German : a ■ ■ ' ι · τ -. d ο iloi · ill „ · ■ it ; I .e lo liai j 1 ■ ι -.ι initia1:., 11:1/1 le.uiol 1 · to 1 - r ci m ml i \ 111 |i i ted imei·.· : 1 i In . 1111 a 11 ■ Ί1 .0 m oil ail' ed by ail '. Turl.i'v. today aid -il ■ . dcilely d"1 iTed !.. Ί III - 1 I'i· 1 · ; · ut 11101 in what w;i^ be - ■ dill· a speei il 1:1c . a^e fruni ' A1I1.Il i I itler. ;" „ I ■ u n about 111 ■ ■ 11 U'soi, · "^| 11 111 .ι.. heliel it ,.· e. e .1 ■ nr.nuv . !l ·' ' <· 1 oiany doc- not intend lo at I'' n key to heliel :' contained | ' on it· j in ii η ι ι ■■ in order 1" keep !l· '·« ν ι ul ol Hie w ar. I ''Ρ1''inatie ob.orver at llelmade •'ported they expected lUW'ii; !| ner i'aul of Yugoslavia I" lea\i· 'J : 11 day |,, ci infer with 11 ! tier in *1 e ι ιιι,ιΐιν. h tin |n 11 ice and I he Gere : 1 a luehm· should reach an agreement, ""liiei .. 1 : ;ΐι 11 ii. e thai ol Ye '•on |n ohahly would lie add«'d I" hie thre: power paet. they said. At Tokyo, the .Japanese lorei*; 1 ( ( . . « J . . II...... M' WIAIKtR ΙΟΙ! N'OKTII ( ΛϋΟΙΙΝΛ. I'.irlly cloudy and much cold er freezing temperature nearly I" coast tonight. Wednesday lair, eolder in east and central por tions. I χΙιίμΙριΙ wrallii'i' forecast for "«'rind from 7:.!U ι·. in March 4 ~:.'!0 p. ni. March S—(ieneral l> lair except moderate showers near end ol' period over north Portion. Temperatures much he l"« normal at heuinniiip of pc l*"U. lisiiig to abuit uuiinal. Disowned by Vichy? E\e Curie Λ decree will bo issued lvr the French government making all ncm C"i funning Frcn h citizens abroad, such as Eve Curie, liable to lose their nationality, it utis announced in Vichy. Aille. Curie, now in the Cnited States on a lecture tour, has lie ι making her home in London. Sin: is tin. daughter of the radium discoverers. Wiley Joins Opposition Wisconsin Republican Sees British Aid Pro posal as Step Toward War. \V.i.-,!;inKt«n. Μ .η eh Î. (AIM — Si ; ι ' ι ι γ Wiley, Republican. Wiscou .-in. iiiiin ι. ι if ι r iu, hi.s ρρι is! t ion to tin: admini.-tratiouV British aid hill, as serted tud;i> that "il we put oui* Meet into the Atlantic h reach Inr Britain, Hitler may i;oad .Japan" into attack ing the I'nitcd States Wiley's expression came un the 14 th day of Senate debate, while S*· pl·· π Κ. ι l'y. White H>; <· secre tary, was. 1· II « » ii4 reporter^ that he thought "ii i»<«od π any efh-rl to con 11 is' · and ·· \ t : I y and inject ρ ison into the del en e setup an· now go ine. on " The.-»· « Mil K.irly -a d. were • · pr< Ί >a". i ν rr la ted î · » 1ι η · · >pp« it ion ol th·· I* ·.·( lend bill." Dec! rum that (' >::;iv had "no ri^hl to ι ) i ι sthe but!; · directing foreign policy to th· !'?■«■ ' · at. Vtlpy ; ιr< 1 he believed ther»· v..· 1 serious ρ «lability that it th·· ί 1 il a - it is drawn I.·' came law Λ · · . 'an de Ι>· η-si ii 11 it h I b< ■ in i| tan ■ i .an I this π nuit r.v 11 it i .u: JI l-'e η ι, ι ri \ · i ai wa r.'v I'm .J aridin-Ji V lui'iu v ' >' Ameri can coMiniitiuenls had !■ «·· » made in the Far Ka-u. Wiley said the lea.se I'-nd b-M wa s« » drawn th ' u !'resi dent Koo. . veil I'elt tin : latioii de ι Con 11 m J'nl on F ' . ·«» · Sr\·ι ·π \ Wagner Urges Speed On Aid Bill New York Senator De clares Axis Triumph Would Imperil United States; Senate Chided for Long Debate on Measure. \V:i hmgton. March I (ΛΓ) Sen.iter Winner. Democrat. \'ew i Null; ;i ! Μ" ' I* "tl 1 < > f i, · \- ι· ι enactment "I 'he I 'u ■ ! ish M ill bee. e ; e. he d'-cla: "(I. in : χ in aaph would iin-' !"f·ι■ iI llu' western hemi.-ptere and : :i.ι· United Stall·-. "il tin· a:·.!.- |inv rr, win abroad. If asserted. "they will have won a| Partial \ irto: y over in as well, be- ' cause imperative military necessity would make» such a vast drain upon oil'· re-ourc·· and manpower a- to I undermine our economy, our stand-! ards of lite and po.-sibly our form ofΊ government." The Mew Yorkei added his argu ment 1'or prompt action to those of : Senator Schwartz. Democrat. Wyom ing, who look the Senate sharply hi task lor the amount of time it had spent discusanfi tin législation. "We aie now killing time." Schwartz chided. "While the Ger man.- are kill,iig Knglish women and1 children and the aged and infirm". ' Meanwhile, admini.· tration leader-, striving to ha,ten final action were icported s-riously considering an amendment "guarantee" that Amer ican armed forces would not be em ployed in any delivery of war ma terial.-- to Britain. This amendi cut. offered by Sen-' ; tor O'Mahoney. Democrat, Wyom ing. apparent !> v. a designed to re move one so ee ui' 1 imo-consuming j debate by sali-lying the demands ol those who believe the hill should cany a prohibition against the use ol naval \e -ei- or armed forces. Wagner called the program tile people'.- "la-t b>- t hope shoi t of wa. to safeguard i.heir peace and se curity \ '< χ Ιί· passage i.- vital l·· the ciefen.-c : the United States." STIMSON, MARSHALL CALLED TO TESTIFY Wa hingtirtl, March ) (Al'i l'ongle. -lon il resentmenl ονιτ Wa: ré partn eut -ilcnce ",i ir.ay aspects ol the defen.-e progr; m ι ry -! i!l;/.ed to day when the Hou.·" military com mittee voted secretly to s"nii"oii Secretary Staiison and Clenera· George ('. Marshall, chut · · ι .-tail, lor questioning Thursday. SpeiaI eaIIv. ι."at1 lier- .ad, llu group wa- an sum I'm· detail - < > I the progress being made in rearming the land force and on the amount o1 equinmcnt already eut h ι <iri.il llritain. Informed mn ce ■ aid t h ■ · ι el a ai 'a t week of Si ni tu l'unir h .iieh. information | < ι ■ - ι ■ t · d the introduc tion ol tod,· > '. ι e olution. Holly Ridge Strike Effects Labor Legislation In State Legislature, Aver ill Says I >.ιiί\ Dispatch itiircuu. !ιΐ III·· Sir Hotel. Γ.ν IIIAKY ΛVl lill.l.. i. !' . 1 ;. .Mai i ll Ί. \V;iIkotlt οΓ an >ii !. l· ' , ι ii'il number ι il union ν ' ι ..ι ·: . 11 tin· ( "ιι ιι 111 Du ν ι.-- (Holly i, ■ i :. ■ ι . ml ι . ιι Ι'ίΊΊ .11 c il isli ι let i. 01 ριιιμιΊ ! ι., m..ην unfits other Ulan Ιΐκ· ι .. un - ι.ιΐ'■ its effect on ρη> gross οΓ tin- particular project. It lia- already set legislatee and olt icia! ru i li". here thinking aliout. (1) The crying need lor a labor conciliation lav in North Carolina. (2) Possibility that tin· -■ I rιUt* it self ι· only tin· beginning oi a cnn c( ι ted union cl toi t to >;.iiii cunt ιοί ol all national detente pro.jccts thro ugh "cluscd shop" agreements. (i{) Réaction ol tin· strike upon the iiirrent legislative el forts ol union labor to secure passage of a Staline striking li'oin the present maximum hour law the multitudinous exemp tions it now contains. Oil the tu t point there lia»· long beta a . tr> itueidi tisuiei.it Uwt ι there should be ι en ici 11;11 :oti law l)iit tin· argument lin been mer Un kind. Ther:· live been indications that tin* Λ. 1·'. ot I.. organization, at Ιι ; st. W'uUIci nut 11><>k iinl.iv irab!;· ii|)i η a measure patterned aller the jvi inuesnla statute. This type law pro vides a mandatory period of delay in calling any strike 111 order to permit uit'icial conciliators ol the State De partment m Labor to try their hand at smoothing ont iiiI'tifiilties. This law seems to iiave worked well in M innesota. At all c\i nt- the Molly Kidge strike has made certain the intro ciuction ol a bill setting up oll'icial conciliation machinery in North Car olina. Under present law the Depart ment ol Labor has no personnel es I ecially lor conciliation purposes ano there is no statute making any delay m strikes mandatory. The setting up ol a conciliation di vision will, ol' course, call lor an ap (ConUnued on Fa#e Ί*ο) Bulgaria Signs With Axis Pen »ers Rulparia Η<·'···ηι<·- a member of the Avis, sisrnine on the dott· ' ' Τ· !v ·<ΐ· ···· Palace, Vienna. Putting their signal nr · ·.» the part an: Bulgarian Premier Bogdan Pi 1 1 :!'··! I· ), (i«iman Foreign Min ister Joachim \..u I: ! iibenti up (enter) anil Italian Forei.··. r Ι'.·,ιι.· 1 ni- azzo Ciano. Almost hi·for.· ιικ. ink was dry, German troupe occupied Bulgaria, n. .ving onii)e u: i_, closer to Greece. Str β τ î?p> ΐΐ·> i£à "f" Ρ $ IV1S New Version Of Education Board Amendment Proposal Is Passed By Senate Today Raleigh, p.-rcl: ·1. AI'· -A brine mow version <ii a C"Hist11H1ί 1 >11.11 .111 .elld:II. .j, . .! ei eat 11 is ol a l.'i-ii;i ιμί 11 ■■ · ■ ol edueatio:ι '·ι ha. · ei·. ;·' ·. · ι ··. 117il ol the pul ·■: a < ' - ·· ; ν ι m·· oei\ ί ti Senate ;ppi o\ al t· al η iï m til and wa- -eut id tin lioii.-e. The new ho.nd would ! ι.. \< : .v in r appointed 1 run '■,·'·!> e ■ 14 11 - ional district by the governor with the nvijiii '·. luin.u !,· -in.* n:<>n The si'perinle:.dent .,· j· ,·· ·· struct ion iid l.i ( \ oii.i " ' ·■!.■!ι y and t ι Il ca:.l 1 : ι·. no i a ll ! ■■·■ -II .1 Would . I 1 · ι '1 . ι ι . . I : would ι-1er' ' 11 w η < 1 . > ι * ■.. π Λ CI ρ! I ill ! to '<· . ; aI Iair v. ιnιid ;-■ ■ v"' ' 1 Ά itil till' PI 'I dent and .i; he (iireedv π If lin the lu". I I'll I I I Si - ι ι. : II I'll · I < nnlti ηίίΜι4 di·. 1 hall the . hall lo .11 w.-u . I ol 1 he api> ' ' <i 1 μ.· · . 1 PI-: ' ■· e in l -o a· I · . Senator Sander.* ni Λ I;.η in nee ρι·> ''n il r .ι.:inn '1 " i ι .il'Ίΐ.ιπ' !;ιι ι - .Ol t'1 111 1 . . ! I ί, . ! ' .S· : I U* I'M. I ί I Set:..·· >1 « . ·· ■ ; ■ ι ί Λ'..,. · · · ; Ί I' ' ίί g Γ ; 11:; till' η M ! i M 11 ·| Il It ' : î '·. I i 1 );· ( r" 11! rll -ι I ,· M I ill :. I ■ ·; · ! Is·. ·!!··>· ..lid - ' >11 L;i 11 !.. .-Ι ΙΙΙ.Γ ι .: t! ... Ι ι,.Ιit ni til" bill, uni was S'uti'U CI..".η 1i.» jv i Lie u te 11 a η t - G o ν φ· η or Harm die ; • •I ι'·, ide dlurinji the debaa- ... a . !· tier w 11 ι'.ο S. ■ ι . 1 :. »· S!a. y 1 ..· I m v. h ii-h lie · al In· 1...! ■ · 11 > . · - : 1 · 111 · · lily ! ■ . . - ii ■· h' ·■! lia- I 'M. ί Ho 1 a- ..<·'<·{t . " 1 only -, ·. > I, I a ·. il a- I Γ ■ I (III π ·.'. : . · Γ ί ' l'y i■ i-'.fiii"litcd 1 lu- h. d . 1 II'·:.' l'OI 11 ■ I . <1 ... : " '".nvl. h1 .. loin t sub-eomniitleo wm'k a i-ii the biennial appropaiata.n 'i i 1: ;ifte a " .η ι ho I Ii.îiso corni .11 1 i lj). .'κ a 1,.. .ni': nia ■ ■ ' ' ' -" ■·' ' ' l·· ' i ri', :' J ii ·*' M Henri kiSLVi Re * ο _ «i tf ' λ >·· - & "%it» ·&. si* .. V·/ A&f». Joint Committee (îives Measure to ûubcom mittee ; 1 iendersoii iiiii Approved. Ii;iU■ ιl;;, Ai.i. .· 1. ι ΛI' ι .. by leg ι.· ι · ·. ι ι μ ι > 1 ,π. HCSSCs I'l .··· 1 .· |)|· .{κι ci ' broaden ιι.< .-.'atr . ' n - la>·. . quire payment 1 u .'«nos l· m work at .111 ni 011e h;il: regular rail ·.>·· il Un· lalive lai 1 ■ . ι i ' 1 ■ ■ · t< i fer the l>.Il t·· . Mibrnnm ·· » Tlic suit ιυ 11 ; ι will i ·< · ι ■ ■ Governor Brought!»t hu urged > he legislut ■ ι (' ·1 ' '1 a«*l ii-e li.i' b.i · >1 on the irj>11 r! al a majority ni a .sue rial coi! ' 1; ■ wli ici 1 ■·:.·· . \ and hour law during tin· i ; 1 -1 . . ί nium. Labor t 'ι ί : ï 111 is.v·i ner Fori cat il Shuford . 11 u t li I'. Taylor ni \\ .,(ii born, i ο 11111 · ι State sénat or and member oi lin· special eommi>-i'in advocated the lull b'-fore II-· r mittci'. Tlic.v pointed out that Hi· labor i> >1111111 - -1 ' 11er would have a . thoritv in tuant seasonal busniesse the right to work employees in c\ cess of -4R hours a week for women and 55 hours for men if they were paid extra. Tavloi sâid information given 'he special commission indicated thai the W"ik week iu the slate some (CorjUr.ued 00 Γ λ ù j f . t I %.% If «>· •i- ·. ^ · .4. ^ Ρ à- <t A *L.^· JT ik %*> > ν·. Ο i owns i>i % -"f ι ; w « âL, : î : - ' I ' ! · · ν Γ 1 »ii·< ! I » ί ; I . r: I !.. 1 ' ι : · i '1 ί ' i ill i h i mi HttloÊ 11 I · ] Til I· (i> H* ill » Γ til « »! . .... M Ι'' . πι.· ι ·Ι|1. U. « in < ·> » ι h ι u<? ι !iss J't i ' ,.· >ο Λ ; : liiiι κ <·■· -1 ΐ'.ιϋιιΐι,ιιιΊ . nnoimr· - .1 (ii.» .id ; » ί i \ , .·. i'· »; : 1 h ι ■ ι I" y.ind ti ■> >■ t \\ « · u '\v? • \ ifini'.v . Ihr K?l:i'.|i ,.n h . 1 « : .il · I ; i i ι Smut . |»i i ·· · >! Soiilh Am km .nul \ ■ · t i Λ" • il '<{·.'( .t. lin t r<h IM ί ι ' ' 1 :t - ι π\ ··<! m Niinoii. ί «lit . M· · developments ot' m.tioi in.p.u l;imr .iic* m prospoet πι the Γ;·ηιρ;ι<!4η ί». throw the ïtiiluuis out nf tluMr I· » \1 ' K'.ni < π pirn. in London, \V;u Smvl n v 11. i) Λ... s L.K ■ ι m in η ι ι .OH 11 to ·,.<>{ > Ci Ί 1111 u 'M 1 I :.l i t llll I .11' I lU.OUU I i ι I ο 1»■* ·' !·( ca ι jy tuicd in ;iui in u.iu v-o; . Weather Ρ revents Many Workmen From Returning to Jobs; Picket Lines Dissolve. 11,'iv I; dm·. March (AP> — ι · .ι - representative- reported to y t! it large proportion ol the ■ .men who went on strike .· is. the Army'.-· SUl.OOO. i!'t (.'enter being uilt ■ ι mod to their jobs, is called by the Wil I Inmg Trades Council ■ ! . id ν ·.ι i;· r at a ma-.s meeting j •' I to continue it. ι, .·> ( 'harlottr·, electrii al aid his men who wen· ti .< yesterday would i! noon today ol' the contractor I ·■■ οι fitters were :|t liricl; masons l>'if had been ι j'·!·: because η the num 1 ·· ' r ported lor tant pro I ·! .1 ID.(Kill ' · job : to • 1 r·;,· prop r • V ·,, ·. ork bo " Γ 1 ·Ί.ν no pickci I · ! I ' I · I" I i/··(■! ! utit ;cr. h "i •. · : wore on • η 11 κ! )vM\' '!< pi i.v l'or Farmers Face Shortage Of Labor ν ') ι· 11 . outil eastern ; ■ ■ 111 · ■ . ■ lit icipate .. ι ! ibi il >11' ι tage during the • ' ··; ( ι ■ 'ps this spring and suin i ' ' ·μ· ι list tinu in a decade il··· ι th >t ' a ri ι h ■ ι ai·· enncern i .ι ■■ ■ - i t . , ill·· spi ng har • \ : ti need m the Kdwards -·: ι ■ -.1» ι.· ι" o\ ifle temporary ten n't I in ι, ι ■ lor ou I ol state t·· In· ·; ed .III days or less • ι t i. ι l· and the 1 .aiiicr-BlalocU tea-ur·' to provide hall-price truck license- lor vehicles used only in the ti iispori 1 · ' ». ι ol la re ι produce. là-pré· eut live Kdv ai d ol Beau ι··it. from 'be heart of eastern North ι 'i|ma' potato mowing section, it! ι ί ι. 11 pi nl'irer ol pol lioe and iCootinucci on Page Declar ;i ■ Of War : fr Com V C& V <" (A. s . C l ϊ υ American Legation i· Take Over B; ; u Property I hr. Bulge*, ria; Na/s to Bring ! u , ; . Line. ( |{\ i In \ Clrc.'t I ι· diploma! it ι dominated Bu1k.ii British '·■ u del int'ui ' ister ί .1 it ... il I sil.lv l· < ι f t ■ 11 ; i > \! war in tlx Γ-til·..: Ki iillcl li.ni - .... that a British il- ι ι r "undoiihLedi· rupture !ii'î\.' ! tries. llai le in^li · t h'Eytiop to ι lîritisii ( » 1111 : · sariu. Une <1 I i ' forco | ) 1 ; i ι h ed llvnij; . . Mean, ι to a n;iy. ι- · ι line Tiirl4.'·; gency session t ■ > eon mc-.-.im· Ιι·. Balk : ! dm' ed a.- a ii key to to; ι . and join II·.· reieh can protect Tu ri historic designs ol Rt Tîitssi ιϋ· Γ"! called. ι··!.*< to the western . Ί via the Τ ι h . ·;· Sinn.· in Berlin Greece '.ha· master-" Greece's the fast ai control thro Japan iïets fW'¥ · jP *» 9 lime Limit 'I nkλ ί. \I ι> < h 1 - < \ !' I *:ι ρ : ι : « · - wu ι i\rn iiitiica(<·(! ■·1 ·» · ι *.< ..tp t · thf m · our! ii ■!· ι ; ϊ ι \\ · rk lui set a time tirait for ,« rejtfo '<·» Γγ.ιΠ(·(· |>lf)|M»SalS '«y s : · Î f ; ' · nirnl ι>* l·'· t 1 :ic|n ί ' ' · ι m b· »! ! cl h îiiih- v\ . I M ? «.il.· m!. Th.' · · ,■ ' ' ΛI i ni -1 < λ 1. » " · ' ι . ^ ! : ! · ! t<4 km < hiv * ! · -i· h » η' clnr l»'.51 \ 'Ί «n · ; a ! i ·. '· · · · " \\ i Γ \ M»··' ! ' . \\ « · . ι \ »,»/.» ( 10 ρ '··■!.»'·. I ». » ν M i:.r 1 \ h h (I < 1 \ \ .il·.»; · il'Tsiut ot bonds. \\ ;lh t . ponied un \'.Λ- . ; · • wiuîiu . Γι U i : : » ι iiuu i- ; . . i» . 11ii_, ».rdr « »UVf Γ i i !.. Aut 1 i": :ï4iVf qi · "· ci» .< I'll U 11 lit'. 1 II • .Klit'd Κι·.· i· . ■'· ' ι1 iVlany i:i. ... ·. ' . ;i geiK'i il : m. ι ι , the um· il Λη · 1 financing ..\ pin; · . age ' u' > 1111 i 1.11 . ι ; ι \ 111 · this n.il u ilia ! 111 It ri ' Ί ■ S I department, however, had noi ι .. nver tu tin Τ ι ra.au y \ cv, . nils reason. . Treasury men point ont Umi a : n j eral I lee/.ing m lier ■ > uiii in ι w ithout nan.pei ing llrit.nn . · " « . ι lurt in any way. Liccn ' i n Ui ι issued spet'diU lor any J i 1111; ! ι \ (Iraw.il-. ihe> said. I >n tin1 utlici hand, ι ι ■■ ■■ <·> ' any world w»»iw pr · · 1 :.η : ; tended thai it m ight load to ret ι i 111— lui y ni'' < ur· et nuiiai cli.-la .a' L»y tilt d.. i-j yj .Λ*ύ.

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