ïtenîterson Hatlii Β is pat rh ί ÏYT V" ΓΛ Λ II V MDurnn » τ,η.» τ». , τ W Κ NT Υ-ΕIG HT Η YEA II ΤΙίΡ A <·! V! / ι/ ' I \ Tt.· I . ΟΜΛ DAIL\ NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SE ΊΊΟΝ OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA T"K associate» [-HKSS HENDERSON, N. C., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. MARCH 5. 1!<41 1 1 ' . ·χΛ7'.ΚΗΝυΟΝ FIVE CENTS » < hirst Picture of Nazi Occupation of Bulgaria This is the first picture to roach the t'ni.rl Stall·- It · -. i (.iTire ami threatening Turkey. (:ι ρ;ιι.·ι tro-ip. 1)rid^e over tin IUuiuIm· from Uumana Ιο |·!;ι!^.ί i :;t. were reported to have moved in within l'I lluilio/iliolu ; ti." t.icrawn occupation of Hu'caria. imperiling .in' pietund crossing a German-huilt pontoon <; l'iiian divisions, totaling upward of 1> IJ ,000 men, hour.-, with "10,000 more to follow. British Aid Limited Amendment Is Adopted President Required to Obtain Congressional Approval On Future Spending. Washington. March (AIM — Tm· Senate adopted today an amend ment te the British aid bill designed t lighten congressional control of . : ι■ "purse strings" by req .tiling the Piivident to obtain speeittc eongre·. i ■ >t 1 approval before committing the fiovei nmenl to luturc expcadi ti : r under th·■ aid program. The amendment, approved without d ,ent. v. as rerun ι neurit· 1 by the I « · ι ιί 11 π lat ι ι committee and pro neiit. .*'7 t w a ottered to quiet ..rg'tmenls that the lcfiishiti η would g.ve the I'rc.-ident "blank cheek" an-' thorily. The proVi-uon -tatc.- that the Chiel K\i cutis e could make contract un der the aid measure only to the ex tent that money i.- appropriated or conti act are > ι η·.; ι icall\ author,zecl Iront time to tune. This limitai. η doc- not apply, however, to S1 .MOI»,1)00,000 ot mili ; try mi miment which the S vern inciit already own. > ' w'u eh Con Kress had appropriated tor. Γ1: - equipment could be t'anslcrcri v. t ■ out lurthe: confire-don 1 a ithority Also approved ν as an au endr ent terminating the lull on July 1. 1343, or on any earlier date approved by a majority ot both houses 1 t eti gress. \t \ ι »1 u ι m in ι , C 'h rill..η (ici trge, I )e: "oc, ,, 1. lit·1·' a ot ' ' foreign π hition c ur utee. the Sen ate \v»Ote into the b 11 an atm.'iitl· (Contmueo on Page Five) Money Bill Completed Subcommittee Refuses to Reveal Provisions Until Joint Committee Meets. Kaleigh, Match I, (ΛΡ) TO*] • ub-comniittee working on the leen inal appropriai ions bill eon plcted it work today but refused to reveal, what had been done until lu loini committee meet· to hear the report, and the McCiawn lu|Uor bill wet 1 !o the House finance committi'e to Infill hfiht legt lat t\ e action. Sena tot Lim 11 >k in ol Κι. nk I ■ η. chairman of the Senate mono spending group nul co-chairman ot the sub committee. said the joini committee would meet this afternoon and likely would repot t the bill to the ; lour. When the sub-committee started work on the measure it stood some ι S>2,4IMi,ooii out of line, with estimated general fund revenues. The liquor referendum bill, ap proved 12 to II by the House pro-1 positions and grievances committee yesterday, was set for another pub lic hearing Monday altcrnoon. Vet eran legislators I inured it would b? killed by the taxing group a* d was | estimated nearly $0,000,000 would be secured during the next bienmum Irom whisky, beer and wine taxes, and that would be knocked out it the ' (Loiitijjutd on i-'dgfc Fact Signed With Mexico Wa-,ΙίΠίκΙ'.ιι. M.1.1 :i \I») Negotiation ot a mutual as«.isl aiicf agreement between the tailed States and Mexico ga ν the North American continent in effect .ι ciiiiiiiiiin defense front from the Arctic circle al most to tlic Isthmus of i'anama. The understanding villi Mex ico complements tin· recently concluded joint defense pact be tween the ! 'nitcd States and Canada, thus providing for pro tection of both southern and northern flanks of the continent. Military, naval and air force experts of the I nitcd States and Me\i;'o are already at work on specific ni t us for cooperative de fence against aggression and it vi is believer! the arreenda iin lud ed .Wexi'-o's cstalilishment of 'i:i.:'l and air liases which would lie ihailahle for I nitcd States lise in any emersency. Gunmen Shoot Into Home Of Labor Leader C'liM 1··"< Λ1 .·ι · ι· 11 ι. ! AIM C'.tin ' - (il ni ; i ' I ι -ι i π : : >1 ι · ! ι ι tic 1 II :!· V I ' i h'l!·.! I Μ Κι· ·· . Iltlsituv. - . .· ..;>· I I! < ι .. it ι · ' ·; II»· In— t « Γ11 -1J n . I I J ! \ ' I('l , t ; ι I ,| II.. t ! ■ ! t'fi-i ·'■' ■ Vi π·Ιιι.,; « ·ι ;. il d !!■!,·,■ (AM. ■ : l;,v ! I · >· ·:. 11 ; . ; ' ■ · ! I i. ΓΙ M 111, • . I'll! ; ' mit" ·.· . :· "... ii| l'un y' ;ΐι.·>»! ϋ«» ν ■ ι he I. .It; t in t'cipt'iil) Krnnk N. Litt If ji.hn ot' (lie . 11 : π I ii'11,11 11' "111 . I nj >· ·' ι reel I. π ll.,· ι I■ - ι '■ ι ' 't Hint h ι.-· 1 ι t η ' -ιI ■.·. c-ei in whirh t ■ ι in ■ 111 : ι ( i ï · ! - ■ I I, I I I ■· Ί ι ·|ΐ I'. f I . 1 Mi if ι ir I ,me Iri·. t■ ι join 11 ·: "ii. Police V'-ll'l <i :<-<l flirep 111 ; · 11 "Π ι·Ιϊ:ιι"'4(·- "I . ."It villi ;i ('ι ;itl ly v. ■ ·ίΐ|Ί<>11 ll|i<n. t\\ I 'a : c.o. - \i ill ν fl ι"; \ it . Su in i. is r ::. I I I ir 11 i < · w ci e .-illfgccl toll·1'!· Ιι··Ι .ί" l!;·· two n it'll while their c ι ..<··· |ι··ι·(|ίιι·: til rough the bll un · irlum Super Board For Defense Roosevelt Plans New Group to Dovetail Na tionai Defense and British Aid. W. a ι ! ; t> 11 ill. March 5.- (ΛΡ )-■ I'm· .dent Ron «'vt.'lt will set up a su I «·>' committee including lour cab ira-ι nu .i.lior and possibly Harry L I ·. ■ >| 'i ■. 111 s Id bol ι j him dovetail the la 1'lung national defence and Briti.sl 'i )'■ ogi ani>. reliable sources pre dieted today. Fill! re ponsibilitv for production ! \v:i> emphasized, would continui η r■ · -1 ■ '· ··«·»· M'oii· uifin the ι >1 fie ol Production Management and it. (■•directors, indostriali.·.» William S Kr.udsen md La'oonte Sidney Hill ian. But Μ 1ί o-evelt would rel\ heavily, tin ■■ -ource.·, declared, lipor 1 ht* four cabinet officers, their ad· \ i -1 us and Hopkin.· in determmini u.obined I' it i -11 and Americai needs and . deciding what existing equipment .aid new productiol should in i< a a-rd to the British. The c\ ;·* ι.» η: winch the over-a! aiiv isor.v group would take was no d,.-closeci. S - i-etaru's Hull. Stimson Knox :.mi M.a'gcntliau were listed a· (crtain .aaebcr-. however, and Hop !■ ins wa rep'i.'ted to be slated for ai 11, ι >o r ΐ.. > ! .ilce in tin· -etun Thi might be a a member administra to Ol' lia· on ofUciT. Carol Escapes From Spain ! ;■ a:,. : M IM'I-I :> ( ΛΡ) Km ■ ■ ■ ■■ Κι,ί Ί ni lUmiania, win bon uni; protective guard π In, ι · I "ι m S-. ■ ila . Spain, wa. reported 'aao tod y î ' < · ; a ■ e e>cape< aero-s the !i "iit'ia into l'oi tugal w itl ; Polish ρ ι- port. Maria,· .· M igda Iaipe.·eu. the c\ monarch'-- red haired friend, wa.- le ported to have I !'·<I with him. Carol abdic ited laM Septcmbci ..,i oil Pas» Five) ABC Store Advocates Have Their Day To Present Case Dany ItispaKli ÎÎuri-uu. In ι he s,r ·«·■.,;.4-r nuiei. li.v IIKMCV AVEKILL I, ι i ; · i : · h. March .") (Opponents ul a lateuide I i(| ι κ ii- ι c|( ι t*t if i u 111 yes t< rda.v ; 111 ( · ι .· ι < 11111 gave cumulative · ■ 'firm· - tli.it eond linn- in ABC < iiint κ : ι i ι· much I )( · 11 < r now than thin were under prohibitι·m imlud :: In·,ii -.is testimony tli.it Kepie I ι : t;it:·. ι· (' I I. McGowan "I I'cndcr, .util··· ni 11 ii· p'-nding referendum i ; ι i 1. -.iid Ii·· than a vim:' that ! the -'alii - (jim i> tin· bi'.-t method! nl handling the liquor situatinn. II wa> tin· finit nil lei·.-·' day tn tali:' before tile Hmisi committee mi pro | .n it inn.·, and gnr\ ,ιικμ- and they took advantage nl must ul the twn hours and >e\cnteen : ·,, u : 111 ■ - allotted them In equal the amount oi time consumed last Tluir--ila\ by pmliib: tionists in eu.-.-iiiM ·' liarleyeurn and demanding a crack at linn next Λ'ο-ι vemuor. The crusading air ul I a -1 week was lacking there were no little Imy.-i and girls in uniform herded into the I Hall of the House to give "atinos ! I here ' to the proceed m,"·. bill iiiu"ii: tilt ^ptciikCli lui' Jul dl ep'.l.U ! were liible i l i - teacher-. countj commisMoner.-. judge- and out.-tand jni4 eituen- li il! l'vi'iy walk of 1 i 1 <· They began by agreeing with per cent nt what ua- said la Thursday" and ended by staunchly defending omtml as the best mcthoc 111 dealing with Hie liquor probjen and by pleading with the commit tee nut tu give other counties will dillormg view- the right to impost tin*1 anted condition on them. The AL>C view was stated in it; bait -! and clearest lorm by Georgt At. Fountain of 'I'arboro (a Bibli class teacher), who defined the is sues as ( I ) whether liquor should bt controlled and (li) what i.- the mos ta-moeiatic way ol settling the que.-· ·, ion'.' He declared himself unable to pas mi conditions in tar western coun ties ot the state and declared he r quite willing to let them decide wha ι hey w ant. He claimed the same t'igh tor his county and section. On the issue of democracy ht termed the logical result of tin ' dry" argument would be that Un CuiiUiiUtd ou Pa*e Eive) Britain Breaks With Bulgari And Hints Of Bombs To Foilo W ψ Turks To Stand By Britain Nazi Offer To 'Protect' Her Refused I Rumania's Premier Rushes to Vienna to Confer Wi!h Goering Over Russian Demand for Naval Bases on Black Sea. (By The i'ross) I Turkish li.adci , fli'cl.n'ccl today thnt Turkey Λνο> Id remain laithful to her alliance with Iϊι ·t:.i 11 de-mite j Adolf Hitler's las' minute ;« 111 η ι ) it I to drive a wedge b.'tween the· allies I as Runi;ini:i ma «·Ί a : : π 111 ■ : ι re.-cr\ e troops on the S> viet Russian frontier. I Tin nazi I ·· · :·<·!·. in ί nu·- ago dramatically !!<'■:; to the Turkish j capital yestri'i !, ι ν 1 :; c\pre-sed ί , ι desire to prntee· Ti.rl:ey*> "uiter.psts ; and wol'being." , I 1 fi!_;)ι diploi: ,iiic r|!iartc:- a' Bel grade said that General Ion Antone. , cu, premier of Rumania. rushed t·· ι Vienna today to confer ι :Reich-* I marshal Go"rin,<; he.-a'is:· Soviet i Hns.-ia had demanded that Rumania -I immediately cd- naval ha-"· ■; on the - ! Black sea η ι lie: . Rumania's armv. now ivaring l'lill j mobilization, is dominated by Ger •I many. Only 48 h ■·ιrs ago, Russia j publicly condemned Germany's ae -j tion in sending troops into Bulgaria. Nazi troops were declared to be massing in evei mounting numbers •ion Greece's frontier, with steady .streams of tanks, armored cars and ■ ι heavy artillery rolling into Bulgaria from Rumania. Thousands of Greek s ldiers and workmen tailed feverishly on forti fications barring the mountain pass es from Bulgaria. The Greek high command, bluntly • rejecting it-ported German pressure on Greece to sue Italy lor peace 1 under threat of a nazi invasion, an nounced: "The army and the Greek people have decided, in the lace ol events I ··'. matter Ir m what dir'ction. to . ! fight on with the same undying will ' I for the:r liberty and their father land" Report-; reaching Sofia said twelve German divisions — about 1 50,000 j troop. —had already reached the '('.re-k fron(ier region by nightfall, j ( ;> π îany's fourth air I lee'. ·· - tr I mated at 1.1 'Of) bombers. ti'io fighter, land Kill observation plane-. \·. ere re ι ported already installed in Bulgaria I "Henpecked" iMan Kills Four I ι ι I ,< ·" I .! ι ill, Mil I |i" I : I i ' ι Villi- i VI il'U ; ι 2 1 ,)·,■■ .1·· (I : I police ■ ■ liav in;·. cm! · <1 · ,! ! It it elf. ι rl Ιοίγ ml.i 'I · ! ν Ιι(τ:ιιι·ι> Ik- was Ί|ιίι|ιιί l.i'd, ' faced anais'imt'nl in district ci it ! today ι m ;i ι mrdi'i cli.n ;;. j l'ni ice ( 'It ii Γ ΊΊιΐmi ι .!· ι I lie .vihihh !'i ill Iwmi. ·· ·: I that In1 am "tiΓ' ίί <-I i:; i . ι. π m"i ! ; iid -lui red", last nigiit "ii1 · · .1 ■· · i I nuarter . l· aided η <·,■ an ι 1 a'·· ■' j tnl. and c.iln ly . t ι tod: "I've ■ In ι1 11 >111 j.M ί ι plo et i \ I re id -til · ! l\ :lt\ Ii - π · ithci'-i:!a . In ' ·. n j and an mail U. S. GRANTED SITES FOR PANAMA BASES Panama. March *>.— ι \ 1* ' — President Arias today iiriiclaim cd in a manifest:! the solidariu of his nation with the I'nited States in all matters pcrtainiag to defense of the Panama < an il and announced an agreement for the use of Panama lerritoiw for air bases. The agreement w ith the I nited States, the president said, «ill permit the latter to use air hase, searchlight and detector sites throughout I'anama territory be yond the boundaries of the ten mile Canal Zone strip. WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Fair and continued cold to night: Thursday fair in east, in erc.isi»"^ rloudiiiess in w c.si !"►' tû.'ii ilirai.. tUiiift Ltmptiitiu·. · British Aid For Greece Is ReporU*: Italian l· : - ·>ι ; )< . "Almost ί -pi· ί .· S < vision" of Canadian Troops Landed at lonika; Other New . the War, ( B\ I:· /·. ,1 ,·.· t (;.· ■ π (•lilt .I>|> Ί I ι hil it ! j nd h '.I'll V. III Y' : lie ΊλΙ . I) ! ;■. îii.vdn I.■'! ί ' Il I Mil 1 ( : ( > ' li.d liltlli'·'· ' lia. ki ·. ( ' · lie . ' •Mltcli t C. ·. Brit; F ι···:·.· > Edi'h nid G··' .·!..(>! the i·· ' slafl were <;· - · · •lUarit ι'· *ii ·.: ·' !····· ι Brit ι-)i λ, ι.. ·■■ (Ι in askini; : . 1 - •t cusod ! ill It» . >»i !·■> > Gemniiv tack "Ή (■ 11■■ " Rtndt; ι 1 attaci:- in uι " · · . · . ·. "It : ! Iii.s n.iiji ty _ ·■.··■ Bulga. tect hi· < · 1. · Μ·ι·". tin F dr In BflKi-ad.· i"C( j Ll L\- it'Ci I ! . - · YH/L·. isl.t an ο11 · ·ι ' · un the Bail;: It appe;. ■ i lomatic· qui. ·■ - Li \ i a s lit—· leave fur Gi \Continued : . h>·· ι· Five Killed In Auto Crash Aver. Μ·· Μίι«· · ι;; ι!. · ··. · : !, · » '1 ■ · « ! μ ; ι '■ . ι -k· I ·ί< 1 ■11 '· Th. ί 11 toi ι :1 . ι κμΙ :; - Parliament Told Οί Need For Ships Lull'). Il .1.11 . r ι .. !., Ί ι «h h . : ; ι · 11 : ' Λ Χ' \ίι \ . ί· ;;dn°iralt>. in ι propi κι; .M .Il 1 III 11 ι τ · -ι S 4111 )) t « ) I (i ί ! . '» Μ ι ! Iivmi'ildiih. "..il ρ, .. ,· AHhiiuuli thiH would be th< 11! tin· . 11)!>. "p . ι ·. ι 1 νΐ" til· .(1ι ι Ί;·. .sum.-, the ιλ,.ι·; ; \viiulti he I-;«.■ ι ' Tri. "\l ·\ ,-| II 1 : ι ■ ι ■, · \ pi nvi'i have ui had hundreds of ships and men," Alex ander -aid ' Ί'ι ι rein ! ι il ci III" I leet 1 · - he-itatillMb' ' a ,;v · ·: ■ 11, · Sir great nun In ol n i l. nil In. great quantities ul -lines in equip them χ \ v "In facing thi' battle of the Al» '.antic now opening wc need pvefy ounce el .it', will.· ■ ι-en·. ,.i;d ever incri-.i.-ms product h ίι He alined i-mnii >ι ·ιι t >■ (lie iCuntuiuti urj i- I'vfe. Work for Pan -American Unity jMiss Josette Daly, the "alT^Ameriean glamor Kirl," ts shown ·ητ,·ιτ) nftt-r a broadens! t':· >;i, N.-v. Vm !, nth and (Yi:t ·! Aim-i i< a i. the interests of Pan-American unity. With her are Miss Sonia Correia (left), daughter of the Brazilian Consul General to tho U. S». and .Miss Kstelle Betaii<··. .» ;, dau^'ht· r of tile Cuban (,'onsul in New York. Strikes Continue To Hamper Defense Fort Davis Strike Ends Without Decision on Terms, But Strike Continues at Wright Field and New Walk outs Threaten. ι iî\ The Associated Press) Λ ' : " οι construction workers ι at ;ι S 13.')i)(l.000 Army anti-aivcraft | • '·■ - in North Can lina v.as • : ""I ' ·<1· ν but an American Fed - ! l.abor walkout continued I .. iUt ;p Sa.900,000 in essent al (Ιο ί t; i ·!:·!{» work at Wright Field Ohio Settlement of the strike at Camp .ι , ι Mil ι :nced last nigh! by si.· :'liai iotlci al labi r con ι i Hater·. He said the strikers on the : ci ι lie! p" .jeot !>.ad agreed • ' k today although no 'ι had I icon reached ν ,- calied Mull ■ - ·'■■[■ \'iiidli Carolina .'in; r ; 11- a ted that t. '' ni· ΛΚ1. >·. <n-k«v< tailed to ςί i. ■ 111 3.011(1 tasi-d ι ill the da' ' Κ·ι·!.| ! ; , ♦ , I .1 111 S ,11 IP pari it a] 1 · •no of . craft s" had : :i '('lit . Tics Fort Bragg Cons traction Is Speeded V. ■ ΛI ' I —Si\ ••.ι <g a at on. the ι, ci h * ι · ii pnigram at It·.·. a ··· the largest e\ er ι ai.; cp in the War department. \ ■ : ι ί .''lit ·■; c n π pk't am a month . 11 m ad "I ■ chi'dll le. : ··· ·■<·!... ' " cut lia- all eady ev uei tic I " ·ιΐ'ι than S 115,000,000 for K· ·!·' 1 'm ,ir:u construct ion. Πι cntac piO.Hct. now about 75 ! nercent c·plcte. will cost 834,000,-. uiiii including $2,000,000 spent cii-, rceily 1 o· the construction quarter ι ter iiclore contractors tuok over 1 ι the work Housing units .or 17 full rcgi . 111 ^ armiiul 4S.UIKI men—already li a c o"co completed aod accepted ι'wunlimited on t St tiU Birmingham Strike Called (By The Associated I'rcss) \merican Fédération of Labor members seeking wase inert uses and a "security" clause said to day they would strike tomor row at the Ingalls Iron Works in Birmingham, Ala. The plant ha- defense contracts approxi mating S 1011.000.000. 'I'heir announcement followed close on these other developments alfecting national defense: Twelve thousand American Federation of Labor roofers went • :i: strike in Maryland walking οΠ' i"!is that included project* it the Aberdeen pro\ ing ground ΓΊ ;ι'« ιι(η1 arsenal and a <. I «· 1111 I . Martin airnlane ftefnr\. The imi'm spokesman protested It· it carpenters were being given work which was the roofer < ! ' ) mt m tiers it t h·· Aluminum ( ι.ϋΐρ,ιii.\ of \mcrica plant a! I il-.'-w aler. V ! . call· for a < ' ' ι 5 , · ί I. 1 ' X )'■>', ! i i ?s \« >\Y ! M \ ! t ' \ i ' " i , ; : . ■ I MM" 4 · t M I H, ■·.!·!,·· . · . ; «η Μ · srt iii ;· >\ . ί . I !'· ι . Ι.Ί ι >!U'(l .1 ' ' λ ; \r1 h 11 r White Oak Mills Close ι (ίιΐΌΜ-ΐ,.,Μ,. Maixh Γι. (ΛΓ) Th»·' Whit.· Mill- III ■·.·' t tore.* ■ nl tlrnim ill tin ■ - lei. ρΙ·»> tng 2.077 persons. Hissed down t..day li.r .m tod et util· ,μμήκΙ w hei the 7 ι ι'ι·1< ick si It -i:,ned 1·. : . finishing room relu.«pd to go 1·· w i Later in the morning. company · , u · ι ; 11 - conferred with ·· >·οηιη itiee m 11 11 it mi and women represent in;: the • ■·.< 11 iloyees. but -llortly belo,t' no< π Herman Cone. mill oiiicial. .ιηη<·ιΐηι· cd tli.it no agreei: eut had been n ■lied. Members oi the en· fitter - id 'III y welt" protesting t!:·· out, Ί ι·Ι âmi .additional looms ^ li eh v. ·- 'urn ed into the finishing room S.iturdry Ί hey said they were asking not ! ι iilv lor more help to handle tin m i ι rca-ril output tiom live loom 1111 1 ' loi · ·ι .4L;·· ill ι . 4.» f! L'i.l J J i-J .. vttU. [ to 40 CiiiU an hoar.

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