ïtenîtersmt Hatht Htspafrft Π\Ί.ν Π Λ II ν* \ri7ix7 CinAnnn r\l'r»r rr«T»r,^ . τ VV Κ NT Y-EIG HT H YEA R Τl f l·' Ki <J™. Ι ^^ 1 Κ ASSHP ATL'r» l.linnn >ΝΙΛ DAI1A NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SEC TION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA Τ H Κ asso< ,·»Β3». HENDERSON. Ν. C., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 29, 1941 PUB)',s,i ' ,ϊΐ^>Νΐ^τΓΒΚΝυοΝ FIVE CENTS COPY Sea Battle In * * * * * * * X * « Mediterranean Jugoslavia SUent On Germany's Demands Oit to Work on Trinidad Base .TiiM'lih Clouticr (loft), construction superintendent who will work on tin1 new United States naval and air base at Trinidad, is fiiifr< rprmled fedi ral records before leaving New York. Doinp the printing is \\ ι Ί min 11 .smnierslev. Some - ΛΗ10 American mechanics will work approp riately two years building the $61,000,0u0 stronghold on Hriti.-h soil. (Central Press) State Appointments Hold Main Interest Waynick, Prince And Gili Named in Ra leigh Rumors as Slat ed for Important Posts in Broughton's Official Family !< !>.. Mai-ell 2!» (AIM Ht.-! ι ι persist hero that Capus Way : 11 ;i>h Point, Ben l'i ill ce ι> 1 I i . i· ι .m tile and I 'amies Coi:. 'Mi'i Kdwin Cj111 nl lialeigh are *."d i... iie poi t int ·!>ι> lintiv e pi>sts <;·.· ernor Hri «unlit η'. of I iciai 'iV.iyniek has been mentioned Irr • i"ii'l> in recent week in eonnec .·. ' h ι la- chain: ,.h.· hip of tin I in'i ρ ! ι · ν ; ;. en t C'onipcn ation {.'<» - p... t which his been 11 - ·><·'! :.\ Chill,- I'n ■ el. Γ»** 11 Pi nee . f ι o'pa ntly π :enl ion - 1 -ι ; politician.- as slated to beeon.t highway chairman. T.. Boite Wan'· '·: W.! ·>ti a I.-" ι· ι eec;·. inR stroni; ·.·;·· ' I"' tin- οι ι 1 <;i;- ni·· ρ·· ' 111 < -1.·.> · ! I · - , I I t·· 1"· pi < ι! ! '. it'-rl pi ■ .-.li I i > III II ■ ■ ρ·. I lit I·,· I'll!'· II.! i< IP.I'I . Ί Λ .1 M ,. II top - rie. ft • ' el*·· . ted. |· « - i,.i.i!it. Hath ty ( 'ι.. , .vould .e ·· I certainly ι.· ι- parole. ι .ι''.·1 ■■ ■:'er. most H "I·. \V i.vnick Λ 1. I' · ·<·!·>··· ( '·ί - I • !-·;.ι . ifln 11 ni--t 1.1 toi »f t.' ·■1 1 et loi 11 v.. ι l;< · -1 nu ir law, i- nl'·· 1 mentn tieii ·. ι i>Ie !'('(' elian .■ .ί Ο- car Pitt·., ii j >ι ·· 11 ; ι ι. lent nl pi - ή apparently ι luted to he pro ted t., the ioi) nl In 1 "I the penal (Il . -mu. This probably · "Uld liie.il. • not hei -tate job h h the pre -eut pri "o head. Hubert ( ! ι ■· I y .'· >1iiim hi. < i· ci in I in million its· : mil-1 ' ppoint t ijjht -peci il Milk'.·' and till 1 eue ·. most Ireijueu'ly heard hen include those oi .1. ( Hudi.-ill of Catawba county. It:;· .·ιι- V dentine "I \'a-hvillo. Hector Clark oi Kii/a '•ethtown and Clarence lilac . : >ck ol A-1 lev die. a well a- sevi ra I · : t lie incumbents. Fayetteville To Entertain Roosevelts Fayetteville, March 29.—tAP)— President and Mrs. Hoo--evelt will be driven up Kayetteville's Historic Hay street to the old market house when the President come- here .Mon day to inspect nearby Fort Bragg. Plans for the visit here were made at a conference between Harry Coop er, a secret service agent, and Mayoi H. C. Blackwell. The President's train will arrive at the station here aetween 3:45 and 4 p. m. Mrs. Roosevelt is expected to join (Continued on Page Two) ANTONESCU SAID TO HAVE RESIGNED Ι.οικίοη. Mardi i!t.— ι Vl'i — Keuterv British news agency, quoted an Istanbul dispatch to an independent French news agency today, reporting that General Antonescu had resigned as Kumanian premier in protest against German demands. Th·· Assoc iated I'ress had no confirmation of this report from other sources. War Relief Regulated New Priorities Board Named to Determine Distribution of Relief Supplies. I'.v < MAKI.» s i·. s i I H \RT ( Vntral Pr< .-s ι 1. Mist W.i ii,ngton, March L'H While waru.lv ο >· ; ; 11 icndatory -. 1 ι n':ty to Victims: .i| ι >\ t i'.scas ν h r ■ ι iri ! : ions, State Secretary Cordell I! i wants t si ι > lei · :ji t i/rd a.-> In ι ι :. ι» ι' ! tiO IK'I'ccn! cllictive lîcsule- Ihr l!('(t C'i'c s, it seems thiit the number of prs ate i flicl agencies nie ai'·· the h iiidrcl- Act ai}; each >·:> it . own, Sccretaiy Hull's idea ι that they lend t-i ! II oser one an !!κτ, chill·, r iii}; . ρ the 1111 j at winch they all n.can .-.ο well. Thai'.- way. upon CordoH's rectmi nend. ; 111 ■ · ι, President Iwosevcll rc cently named In- throe an national cimwi.ittee t" give collective direc tion Ιο the .ι·ι. -cellaneot - urbaniza tion.-,' elt rts. 'i'i.c caa.rman is Joseph K. Davie.-, American ambassador to Iïelgium m.i :il tin (ïei'i ans overran tin· cnun liy. Λ -ocated with him arc Charles I' l'ait ol Cincinnati and Président Fiedcrick P. Keppel ol the Carnegie corporation. Besides tunneling lor i un relief into the right channels, ■ c committee will have charge of ι· ta. . ■·: shaping the diection of cuntributi n- for the benefit ol our selectees' training centers here at home. Ί'Ιι ; - latter may not be relief, in its strict -ense, but F. D. K. and Secretary Hull think it needs at tending to, to make the gilts count up to a maximum. You don't get tar into a discus sion of anything relating to today's overseas situation and our own de fensive preparations without run ning into the question oi priorities. Who I'uraes First? Who's to be provided for first, if supply sources or transportation la editics are skimpy? It's Quite a problem in connection (Continued on pajje two) Situation Tightens In Balkans Yugoslavia Makes No Statement on Nazi Demands That She Clarify Her Position; Italians Prepare to Evacuate. (By The As u ted Pi<?.· s.) Yugi > -1 : ι ■ · i ί kept -ill ti xlay 01 (}ι·Πι!.·ιι· (Ι* ι .';ici . ' -iir clarify i ι·ι· ρ· ·.-·' ι· ni lnvvai (i " ; ι χ i , and irr.|»i'iieittj»ry '•••port.·. ·· the Balkan •ί. ·Ι"'ϊι : ; if ί : ι ·■. it -cl a ; .. iteu.iig ton· Mill. The Yuri. - ia c;o\ ι ■ ,ct Ί had halted .'.Il ni. gaUffil; < ί ι man i ;.!'(/··· and era Π · the Yugo -ί.·ν i'('t à m ·11 t!;..· Data;. t i \ er. T!i· t Ί·ι· I ' Mail leg··' ·>» at Be! ·;. ■ I' ■'lad I""·, a' pre par ' Mis fur 111 removal < ι ! : · ! i Indians l'i> ·; the coun try. ,>l:i 'iilfl tli'' situ it inn "tun: v. ι·! se." Still aiidti.i : report emanated In·.a Belgrade- a date,ment hv German ι :reles thai the German commercial an line had ordered itf planes to s in ρ flying over Yugoslav teiritory. In Berlin, authorized sources said tin· Gei'inan ministci to Yugoslavia was greeted with "insulting calls and ! whistle^" when he participated in church services attendant on the en thronement ol young King Petci This followed η report from Belgrade j that his reception was one of cold silence. The German high command said a long-range nazi bomber had attack id a British troop transport about 111 miles west ot Cape Wrath. Ηού I land, and forced the soldiers to take ; to the boats. Sinking ot three mer chant ships totaling 7,500 tons also j was reported. Germans and observers in the Bal kans expressed belief Yugoslavia's luture course hinged principally on whether the country's major groups, Serbs and Croats, long at odds, split ' or stand united. Although reports from Berlin said I Germans were looking on calmly, (Continued on Page Two) IHC Plant Stays Closed C-'îiicîag". Mardh liU. -(Al' )—-A spokesman I · >i' International Har vester ( p.iny announced today that bcra , r ni lack ο Γ union co operation li;e company had cancel led its pl.m to renpon the tractor works hci' and the plant at Knelt I Falls, 111.. Monday. ι "When e ann > < < ·I our inten tion ot ■ : ι»· 111M these plant,·, yester day." the spokc.Mi .i:' aid, "We a sumed th<· union .·.··· ι Id go along with ii \nw we I ' d they are de manding condition 1 ' make then position \ ery iiiicIlmi Workers Vote To Continue Their Strike Milwaukee, March 2'J. — (AV) — The Allis-t'halniers loeal ot the United Automobile Wnriters union voted today t ι continue their 67-day old strike "until the government compels the company to accept" a settlement agreement proposed by the OPM, national defense agency. The union voted as a number of production workers labored in the -hop.-, to turn out vitally needed de fense goods, including propulsion machinery for 25 navy destroyers. The strike, which started January 22. had tied up $45,000,000 worth ol na tional defense orders. Arthur Kichter. union counsel, said a standing vote was taken on the question of acceding to the govern ment's request to return to work in the interest of national defen-e while negotiations to settle the strike pro ceded. lie said there was a sprinkling of opposition from men on the fringes ot the crowds but that no one talked .n opposition to the strike's continu ante. King Peter II Inspects His Troops This picture, tak<Ti recently, shows the youthful King Peter IT of Yugoslavia with his uncle. Prince Repent Paul (right), ir.-pecting the Royal guard of honor in Belgrade. Prince Paul is reported under ai i.-st v.iule Peter has seized control of the government and is rapidly welding his army into a strong anu-a.\is machine, determined to resist any Nazi move». Defense Mediation Board Labors To End More Strikes Tar Heel In Washington Sees Democrats Weakened By Changes In Districts By hobi;rt λ. ι κ win. Washington, March li'J. Λ bi ici t xiau'Mon min election ι· atiien.atic.-. in connection with oreat, ή il .ι η »,·.· congre.·" · disti : ·: ..ι v. ··.·.!·. ι u North ( ' mi.ι. ι- ι.. tlvr ti. ci mes ; ι ir.g f r t the Denmeiatic point ·Ι view. Λ obscrv ci. . inciudinu ι ;. e tizci: ■ 1 the ncv. 'l'eut!· c.-ti .ci which ι !St> ol t ! .c i ce-. ■ i I < ■! lin iniiui.-· (i.i.-iton. Cleveland. M.idi or ..ilfl Y . ι·(·;.· en: i 111 '* ·-. agi c I i ' ..· I η .--t 1 »· ι ici atic |>ri" ai y in th. tu λ district next year wtil he a wi t" open. .· il n'k-dow n-and-diMg ··>:' ai l'air. The I " era! a- ι <o·, . :i ii >h ι 1. lenblII . ' ·1 a : t ι ι ' lia te . !. ι ers a- · · bg <j . t:· il ,i, . turn Ιι» he ι·> : ι Κ""·' ■ '· ι η a ι y ! ' tip· 1 ■ ι i · '. ι · ; i ; ρ , i :. pub; 1 ι 1 ■ '· ί ι ■ · 1 ' ! ||.»·-: · '>" ' ' ' e take hi -it in ';· ,ϋΐ, ι corn en m:; ll.'le .Il .i ' ι Ύ. : :» i , (III ye ■ ι li l t ,, ,i · ht Cil the g! e, ite t ' 111 ι ci 1st I ici c nulle ·· : ill t Il; 1 re -nient ia I elect " : ι .■■■.·' ι ■ 1928) De; . -c, al .·: : · Ί e ■: turned l't; t en ι . · ■ I > ·;ι ■nu inajiit ity t ■ Ie- .:i \, !m presented t lie; ! ■ ι 11 ,an> \ ■ ΛI ti.i ι·ι A. iBuhvmkle, ol Gaston In the off years, however. the η,,.ι·.. I :.. - had a fight mi hi.- hands. Tin · mathematical excursion is bused ι.π the subtraction ol Gaston, Cleve land .'id Yaiicrv counties and tin· i.'irmal Democratic majorities and Democratic votes in Madison coun ty, usually Kepubliean, from 'l'en!:, ci iricl returns in ewry general olec - I ion since 1030. The result is noth . I >ut a del inite conclusion tlia! 'm· Sl..t!· 'i-iiislature oi ! off si in < I i"re j. n In Maim Bulwiu kte won n,"· way back lu Congres. . ι i ί < ■ ρ ι ; I ) I i < ai C'ha Ιι \ .! ■ · 11;, "I. ·ι mi l'a Ι·.< ι ni I · , · fou t, ι ni ·Med. .-. i 11 I '·· ί·ι ai. i.ill (I 1111 ι . ι ted 11 a il the then . H ι M M !,(«:) I «m l'eut! 11 ι li H ni !) ο in iied Ό l'âge Four) Traffic Fatalities increase During f irst Months Of 1941 I>uil> IMspalrh hurrau. Ill the Sir V· alter Hotel. n> \vh;u,l Raleigh, March :2!i Tlic rep ·: re by im mean · r. ι ::H in: ι si ) it is cert;ι : ' ' It!;;! in North Carol <" ν ·:Ι -hov. η. up in the \va\c ··! high·,.av si , . 1 - ter which started .. tar i n· . a> September. Since then the; ο . I iw a stantial irtéieaso in the death ι t vet y monlti ..i ci. m the basi -, ■ meagre' March returns. Ronald li lUtt. direct.a o| ih>· highvax safetv division, has already sadly annoinn cd that mon people have been kill ed on the roads in the first thin months ο! ! ί>41 than mot Mkïden and Violent death in motor vehicle ac cidents during the Inst lour moni:, Oi 19411 Tli it makes it sure there w be an increase of more than 2d pet cent. WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Fair, slightly colder with frost tonight: Sunday fair, s low! ν ris !!!„ Uiiieciatui t. ) _ .1.11!·... 1 > . Ft 'i)i U.I r\ Λ1.1 :'i I : . i April ni i η s t year there wei e rec ,ι il 248 ;: i. :;· Tho.-c were the· . ,1 miiircs. alter :ill reports nad ι :i received. With .Ι;ι·η > and Frl ·: ; \ iv t i·..· .pleic .,.'1(1 list ing dii1\ those .III.·. < >1 f u-■ ; 111 \ vertified by tile et\ ; 1 i \ ion through March '".>·■ vol n'ic accidents h.id already claimed 280 lives in 1041. And March ..-I'd . rt > by ii" means complet» . cveil through March -8. And there .. r-till aiintliei· bloody week-end in I ispect. M · Ilocutt and other safety ol't'i i- ue limkly discouraged and a ,it!e bewildered. 'I'hey have not ye; ! i\ed at a .-atist'actory explanation : the ti-rril'yinu increase. (in·1 thing that did net cause it. ,\li Hoeutt 1'eels. is the increase in natioral dei'ei se activity in Nort ι •Carolina. "Persons who seek to excuse th» increasing de..til toll on that ground", I t said "are simply kidding them selves." Turning tn tin records he pointeu nut that during January and Feo I Continued un Pa^e Tw o) More Than 22,000 Workers Still Away From Their Jobs, Al though Board Is En couraged by Settle ment of Key Strikes. Cy The Associated Ι'π·> ! T. M.· niraged by Uie prospei:t of wu. resumption in some key de l'ei ι " nd ι.·, e.^, llie new rfiediation bu.- ι today tackled the .specific .mu ni .citing iibhv than 22.1)00 strikim; w ers bac!. In their benches ... ·.···.ιί munition.- plants. rive board members assembled in U - i.m^ton t.» In-pn mediation ef i Ik-d :>y the C'lt) Kq . ■ j - 1 ι' \V' ο kc: « >rgaη[/. ■ . ('·■. '.ter . ' l'ir h id we · ! : .1.' ιη.'ι 1 Har\ Cstc. Γ ■ ,. . n\. r 114 20,000. I ' I 1 : ; ι ·. \V i.ers 1 iieet : rt;ier to go • 11 h :· ί 1 . y tilt· ••••1 · t)i It)»· ■ m Wa. li 1 j seek ■ .ucéssion ■ 1 ■' 1 -1 ids St ο I'·.. ' ι ' . ·.. Detro 1, imp,,ι ί, ' I ■ ι ! ι, I . · ' ; y. '.' I uIK < ' .11 π <i; ;. ( I ■ ) 1111 a m h e 1 'i lers ( Ί1 pay pi . ■ ... '. yivip- Steel (.'■ h . i '. -iilgo v 11 ]' ■. I '.ι The five ■.■·■. . ■ ii.i.t "ίί 1.11 ned o\ e. ι 111 at ;"! 1 1 I 'oai'd !. -: set t le, ι 11 : : <·· plant. \ t.il : - ·· ». !..re cast today. The as eeoier.l was said 1»· ins oh e in· .,· Settlement e ·' ,e at t::< 1 iethlehe.■ s:■.■.· i'.> ;>.my' !i . .;e plant at Bethlehem, Pa., however, did not end tue . : : 1'- d. ! : icultie-. The CIO union ο I marine and ship yard worker.-· authorized it.-· leaders to call ; t · 1.300 1 ii Bethlehem'.- lloboken shipyards. The dispute centered on v. hat the union called a failli e to net a contract alter eight weeks" negotiations. Wage increases and the \ght t . organize inside the yards when the men are off duty were demanded. Resumption ot work at Bethle hem's .Tohnstown, Pa., pi,.lit Monday was foreeaste by a federal labor con ciliator. Three were v. idely varying re ports concerning the number ot workers who have returned to the plant of the Allis-Chalmer- Manu facturing Company at Milwaukee, which was ordered reopened by na tional defen-e oflieals. The CIO contended only 4H men passed through the gates yesterday morn ing, while the company said 2,000 went back to work on S4rS.000.000 worth of defense orders held by the ill ill. One Italian Battleship Is Damaged Γ wo Enemy Cruisers Severely Damaged, British Declare in Pre liminary Reports of Clash in Eastern Med· iterranean. I undoi: Marcji \ The admit ι'"· ιmifiuiH (,d 1 ·: night "it 131 < 1>ι· issamcd" t!>.■ t ;ι1 I»·;i· 1 mi'· 11.! Ιι.m « arsh'■ i> \\ as sin·I in a li.illl in tin· < ast ('I'll Μ ι ilil"i · ;i !.. an λ oinniiiiiiijar. 1 ! : < r< mill ul tile d ■ aid. " I Ί ; I in i' informa I i>>n 'it tin· naval action in the eastern Midi ttnani'an is not \et available, but raits containing Italian sut vivors have bien reported tins morning l>. oui aircraft. "It m a ν therefore hi- assumed that at least one Italian ship lias hern sunk." I.arli"!·. the admirait1 had ι e IKii ted unotlacr oi i'remier Mus solini's heaviest battleships a number of cruisers and a de stroyer damaged. London. March 29.— (AP)— Tin t.dmiraltj inn· .meed today that Β i.-h and Cirée';.; naval forces joined battle with Italian warships in l:.·· eastern Mediterranean and that far "at le· ι one I.lltorio class bat tleship has been damaged" and » ,.o e!H· y rruUors severely damaged One ship of the 35,0Ô0-ton Littoral cla-s was badly crippled in the Brit ish torpedo plane attack on tin· II..i ian naval base at Tarant» on No vember 11. and the Br Pish ha·.< on j they believed it was not yet rep;, re i. According to British source.·» Italy has only two ships of the Littoi , > el.is They are armed v. t)i nine la inch guns, Uveive fi-mcli and tv. ·.e 3.5-Inch anti-aircraft guns as well a ! 40 anti-aircraft machine guns. They ; carry three air planes The admiralty's c.i. nuniituc saul: "Naval operations ot some import ance are taking place η the eastern Mediterranean. So far only prelii < maty reports are available, but from these ' appear- that yesterday ··'. ι aval lorces operating under t command of Admiral Sir And π ··,·.· I'unn :ngi .,·. ighted I " .lian ton consisting of battleships, cruiser- and (l.Vntinued on Page Two) BRITISH BOMBERS SCORE VICTORIES ( .urn. March :·«. — i.M'i — British bombers in Ι'οπτ made ,i heav ν ami succès·.!ul attack 011 Italian \\ irshi|i* in the Ionian sea hilim:. two cruisers and 0111* destro\ »*t uilli hcavv hotnhs, voval .'i In·,, ι lie idi|narier> an noiinet ti toda * --Ml! Is M SU (I. ; 111 M · -· · Μ* · Ί Η Τ ι · ··, ΤΙ ■ dm Ils, ι π·· them ;· ·· ,ιΗ t ■ \.·ν« ν.,· . • ι· ·Γ|iccii ί■'i W··') ··· ! y 1 il'! I'll F..·..,· ί· land -. 1 . . ·!..· need of : ■ ."s 1.iri.i\. Italy Claims Sky Victory Possible Sinking of British Cruiser, Dam age to Aircraft Car rier Reported Tin. Ι Λ1;.Π··· L'!». (AP) Πιι· P". ible · nkii'H c! . Πι it >!' '.'ι ui e: .uni ;!»' (I.,' 'Isillg · ' .i'I'I rat' ι',ι: l"rt .'id ii in 11 In crui-er in torpedo ano bomb attacks bv Italy's air force were reported by tlu· high eommaril today. At the same tin e the official Ital ian news agency said that th® "naval ftsi-aull craft" which entered Britain's naval base at Suda Bay on the is I; nd of t're κ· 'Tuesday and reputedly sank a warship were tiny, new high speed vessels requiring skill anil d.ti nt; on tiie pari oi their volunteer crews. The agency s.ml today that Ital i.'ii scouting planes had discovered ti.,it tin· warship, reported sunjt in yesterday's high command communi que. was lying on its side with its tern resting on tin bottom of Suda h. ;·. nd it dec!, undei watci.

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