SOCIETY NEWS sprinîï c;aki)i:n. So many ι>1 .11>4- he turned-tile wai in ing Ι.ιικΙ. And ceded i'-ut; ι ou- t<» tl.c rci^i ol sky. He cannot U t .■ η early >ρι ilig go by Without .1 lew row.- diligently plan ned. Tin· city neighbor- cannot undei stand. When, .it 111 ; h i : · · t bet ore hi.- \cr.\ eye. Foi httli more than : eed he could supply Gieen vegetable- and never turn a hand. He know > all ttlis, but w hen tli.r. April . un Lies waim across his . hoiildi r> like the arm ()l m une old ii.t nd. lie cannot ' · until That bit oi early planting is begun. Till down the furrows ol a shrunken farm Ile I cel.- again the old. expectant thrill! I.abclle Uryalls Longte!!· ·.. Visiting in Kiclimoncl. Mis. E. F. tenner i- spending υ cioei. at tin home of Aits. i. 11. C'rovvder, o.i Young a\ enue. < entrai Γ. Τ. Λ. The t'entrai M'iioii I'.-T. Λ. νν;!1 meet tomorrow alternoon at !i:li) o'clock at the .-chool. l)r. W. W. Noe! will be the guest speaker. All inter ested Iriends are invited to attend the meeting. I'.-T. Λ. .Meeting. 1'hc J.uiior high school Parcnt 'ri .iciicr Λ, . e at.on will meet Wcd ne. day altoriMoii at ι Λ 1·κ·Κ at the school, and tiierc will be an in stallation ot officer.·.. All number arc urged to be present. I'xiirrtcd Tonight. Mr. in I Mr Sicniund Tei cr. who have spent the winter months in Havana. Cuba, are expected to ai ι iv e hi 'me tonight 1 rom M : ui.i. Florida, win re they stopped a ί 1 a y ci two cn route from Cuba. At .\rm> IXcreiscs. Mi and ΛΙι John Χ. Kmj4. ΛI » «1 ! It i M ' Y.lté H : 1 1-. Ml . ί ; IΓ Κ j Wade. ; 11 ici M:-. I > · 2 < » 111 y Abbott ,Λ Ici 'Ck'ti Al a.y Λ λ l'xcii iM - .it loll Jar.. οι ι. S (. . \i< nul;» ν. w. M 1 Meeting. Tlu W M. I «Ί \Vw Sandy I'm·;, church will · - with Mi ('. H li.uiihi mu WcUh< ii y ','\ciiinj; ;it 7:!ίΐ· « / e * « . ΑΠ ι. λ ί ι:»»·, ί > .ut· asiu. I to br present in ici \ iMt«»i> are i n\ iîed. Ο. I . s. Meeting. l'hc ix-îl*hicii meeting «>1 Wclion fllii}»1 .. ( 11 ( 1 » ' i t»l t UC Kil>U'! Il y,\ 1I1 · · · 1 νI V» nliK >day C\ citing »|1 7 15 .il·, all menιυι 1 - «·ιν ur^eu < ,»ttend. There will be >c\ (.,il h ..lit is .h importance tt> cum · I'cIi.m the group. Whitnnire-Wesley ( lass. The W h i tn mre-W esley cl.t- the i* :r. ΐ .viethn(ii>l church will π,, cl t». M'^hl at 7.4.) o'clock m the cl.i>. κ .11;. .. ith Mis. .1. M. Liar ν. Mi . \ 11 1 C'urnn. Mrs. Sue M. i· y. M. ilarry Whitmore. Λ11 Aune Moor» aiul Al; .-. H. C". Gary h« to Get- Fo^ether Club Fo Present Pla\ Λ play, "Tlu· l)hi M.u;l ' n'. w ill be ί41 v·'L'li by tin· iiumiIii·: - «il , the North Henderson Get-T igethe:· ι elub Thur>day night. April 10. al j 7» o'clock. .it the North Henderson -chool. Λ mi ill 11 admission lee will be charged. Miss C;irev Bride Of Herbert Pack In a 1:1111 ; t · but el In live cere mony. Μι-- ΐ'.]·,ι ι· Sorrell Carey iie eame the οι .u, . lleroert Kaya: '.al 1'ack on Aitrd. North Carolina." Marian Martin ■f Pattern 9690 J PATTKRN 963!) The '.r:ll.v Miuirt 1 rock ilat'.ers the ; ; ■ r : ; ι ·. · i:;'nre without sacrificing îvt- >·!· y ·: ;:utilne> ·! Pattern 9691) by Marian M. rim i- .ins! such a rire-s! The beautiful symmetry oi lint· 111c» kn wingly placed soft n'.ss the tasteful details, are all par: ι ι ils t·ν[ii■ ri. lcndei-ι;·.ίιΐίξ effect . ι y ■ ι : π ■ μ 1!ΐ"'ΐ· l te. Th; re's easy ■ ·π : ?1 the (".r\ tel V necl;. i lank1 (i : y 1 Cl !y a ι κ ■( 1 v< ike ■· ( 'lathers ι ». ν ;!-u y· la . ' a.rthcr with dcco . ' λ ■ >!iirnnt ι :i ι itlirr s'de. i us? • " i1 ■ ■ V1.': 1 ! ι ! i·'. hold 1 lie b<'dice where m >.·? cl 1er! h c Κ en y.iur below the-wai-t appear aii.'c ί t l'.en care ni. with wide liane! >·> the ΙΠ-nt and hark Uirt C .. r the short h'eve - sketch'd m u e the ."athen-d three-quart'r ver ■ m !' i" thi ■ " >nderful \\one n't dress. Pa tti . η !Μ·'!Μ ι ι ν I ·<· on lei < d 1 nly ρ \ ■ ;ο. m .) ρ ρ; and Γι'ΐ S" .*"(> η quire,- yards inch fabric. Srii'! I'IK'l'! !'\ ΓΓΛΊΓ in coins fo ·' ' AT Mil A X M V.'TiX pattern R urc l'i >\ r; 1 e ι ·! ■■■ ·· ', ν voor SI 7.1· >CAMF ADDHKSS. and ST Y T.I VI'MfiT'li Sri η I ·.-, ι ι. ··/ 1er t ι 11 : i ! ν 11 nati'i !'attn η n.'pa: la ι·ι:!. W I nth S' Ww V... '■ \ V Boyd's Crossroads I5> \1 I .I M I t Mil V Mr and M. c;. II. W ι and family visited Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. Proctor and !.. a:ly Sunday after noon. Μ ι.·■Ann ν Κ aa i ret r:t''d t lu" huâ t· la t S mda\ night after spending the week w .th her coumii. Mi·.- Mamie Kimball. Mr.· A. C!. Mos- ά a a recent v. .tor ut M; \V. Η. Ρ: -el·.!· llenrv Proctor pent Saturd.o 11 t.uht with Roy Lee Carey. Mi · .Pamir Proctor and Mr.·- \V A. Proctor rvited Μr.«. Richard Mat thew W'ednr-day afternoon. Μi--c- Aliéné aed Lucy Carey Garden Pilgrimage In Full Swing Over State (l!y ti'.c Ni.rlli Carolina Garden Club). Tin· til : ·i<■ n ac: o-s tin < >1i the 1 fuelit ol tin· I'll ■ · igo . !· ο - Nowhere in the I'nitod Slate -■pr'nf* more lovely t. ; η ai North Carolina, and certain!·.. mthing in North ( 'arolin ι : : . intoro-1 ing •. 'all her : leati! : I I '·.'.·, ι ·■ and y :.. d us t<· bo t · illod I · ■··. or 'he St it·· While some of them tell wonderful '•π. - .Ι history. -· i:.e of the· more recent one reflect the inh.irn love of beauty ai.rl growing things that : character! tie Γ North Carolinian-. : nd i'"i ta ι η ly e'. · ■ ^ m ... 'an! of this lair Stale should Rive thank» tli .t our bi auty and liber'y are not toi-n to luts by the cruelty of war. The North Carol na Harden Cl.h Pilgrimage afford the opportunity to see many homes and gardens that are open lor this ene oee;-aen dur ii". 11 ■ ; yi·:· r The f I > «ville Gat'i ί Club ha . because of the late se·· s n. changed its dates to April !fi and 17. Here nine lovely gardens will he on display and ira served η Thnr day afternoon in the gar !en of Mrs. Graham and op Friday in tao Gard'-n ol Mr I'. i'>. Ficklen. The Wadesboro Garden Club is opening on April it and 10. the eardens of Mrs T. I'. Caraway, Mrs. T. C Coxe. Mr.-, Κ M T.ittle. Mrs. Ί. W. Little. Mrs. Hrynn Moore, Mrs. F. Y. Sorrell. Mrs F Hhunstein, Mrs. Geo. \\ 1,it tie. Mrs. H H. Hard·" 'M a ne' ?.trs .1 I) 11 rn'\ Head •iiartprs will b>· at ·' 1 too of Λ1 is W. 1. Mnrhall. .lr. ChaTmnn of 'he Wad'-sboro Pd >vr 'Γ:·r'novi ι·| r'- au· tour both Λρΐ'ΐΐ 10 and 11. Mn.v historic ••Ίacn· s \«·c 11 ;· I· ■ 1v "ardons will be on display. and !■ ·cl η will be served for a nemi" 1 ·■ · d the com munity house. hcadcjuartTS for the 'our. On April Hi iod 17 Π · · ··■ -i will •pen the gard·. η ' II Λ. ''.'.'lier η. Mr . Ρ Ί !i- ··:. Mrs. ι 'nl.n McCuo-an. M. I'. 1 I) •/••rue. I Mr · G W. H> ιw11. M .1 W Mo· j r.aiigh I : il 1 leadiji ι . Mors tor t hi - h ur Il le .·· ' Γ ' ot Mrs 1 C. Thou· ι , (''ha·: a:i. Fayettevi! I . V. ■. i I ; ν Viiunt will (lhso'xe Iho une Pi I "l'image date:·. Apr·] 17 nd HI. Tlie-o dates, as in the oa-o of i· my ither places, has e ·η c1· ngi d. ill •l'der that the \ : t r " ;iv have ti e advantage of «eeing the garden. t the·'' lost. The Fir-' 11 · by'e l'ian church will I"· h > ·: · d ί ί a i" i"' s tor F; yettov ι lie and Mi.-· .h.|in Λ (Vite.-. ;s chairman Visitors for the Wils >n tour will re" -te> at th ' Woman's Club with Mrs. M. M Dew. chai: man. The home of Mrs I. 1. Mi'io - will be headquarters for the Rocky Mount t"iir and Mr- Thos .1 Pear sail is chairman. Hal it ax md Roa noke Rapids re .eeiiing t' or · ·' " ">;il date o| \nr. 1 â nul Hi llali a" · if· . · ι .Id hi ' n'ic places a-' well as many a idem gard: ns. and \ isitod the:: te: . Mrs. I lerlio: ' 'a ι v.. at S ι I'll lit' day ο '-ill !. Mi-sos Kl. both and Margaret Proctor \ .-..ted All-- Hello Thoma Saturday at a ·η. Mr and M I! Α. Ν d. Helen, lia. . I · Hen. ..·· I K.ia.i Morroe Norw ' and I! "·!-. ·. .uni Han Mi ·-.-. ·· I I lenry and I· :,tn . ''··. ι ' ■· · ' ·■ Sunday dinno •.'.ue-:· ··: M■ Mrs. W. W. C..· o> and family Mi .1 Ρ Κ all spent ti · i, ·.·."' t η i'ontly v. .11 niece, Mr W 11. Proctor. Mr . nd M ' irk I'innell . tod Mr and Μ ι V. ter Carey S timl ι y night William ( ha ret. ! t · Sto· all a 'Ίο: ·Ρ(1ίη;{ ->:·■■ t : ·· ■ with Ins pa. Mr. and M. . W W. Carey. κ.liap.ti ι '• Il ι >! the ch.11 ι : Τ ^ i; ι * ι ίΐι a small gulden. Tilt Will ri'llt 'll ί ί.ι ! ' 1 ( II ί ' ( tli ii .ill the 1'ilgliii , il» .ind 17, with :iCtidi|>i.i Warren Hotel Mrs l>. f. Blalotk i.~ chairman. fai again visitor.- have lire όρμοι: mtv ·■«.· ins the cnurm and ut . 'y u: >: a i.uildmg j.nd garden. .. liii . 'le modern one Thc Orchid Garden I et ween Suiiti.ei η i'ine* and I' h· ni- ne ιιμι ned nil Λρι ,1 ii Λ ι κ : deen. Mender hi <■ ι .· .1. ι .I'M·! ■ e I'lie C! ι η April 17 and !M ·:<.· fiardi n- and homes .o. II tiie al ternoi 'ii·; ι m ly I'm· I·' r ' I ,a.|y "I w?ll hold open house .t tilt ι ■ ?.i.i : >.- :i ι h 11Îι d. leu·: ι t ι ι. April i !· a· i .. III <> mliton ν .1! -ei \ < ■ ιli ning \ ι -1 h ι - ' ; 111 d 11 a i 11 111 e .· ι : i ι The La rden r· ■■ 11 V |l ·! I. 1 (IU3 M I ils. II I. S ' · ! κ adqi ii rie1 s 'm' I :· I North Carolinians . · · ·! ' the Stale Capitol ·" >.· ■' ι·ι. M I old land.1.,Il . i. mo l perfect ρ ce· in ■ II of \i..erica. Ton gardens will be on d Hal Uh. including ' · 1 ahelle I ί· ι. en lie! lilt \ ilol's η ■ a V s"·■ ·>< ! η·· variet.·. oi ι ; "i'd· ii and the ι heds Mrs. H · ■'·■ on raising her ■ seed. . ne Bin iinutnn ( ί ' I . » !ι;ιπ;'%γΗ - it 11 asiond In'n fin· *>iM <»f « I » » · i ι ! ' «»r who -Î:a5! **t int! ! 11- »,·.». pïace f If<- that kth < ;· h ι ii'.l·, ijm! ri |»·ιr·* h« -rï y\)m h.ilh not lifted ιΐ|> !»*··«η! Ull*'· \ 1*1(1 V. Ι10Γ StVOril < 1 « '.'il* INalm i MARRIAGE LICENSES FOR TWO COUPLES ...μ<·ι • * V <■< Κ«τ - . l! .If I'll,· id to Ill !ll('\ , ι Sijdif Μι H . h II.i- lin thil t\. ^ !f You Suffer Periodic Female Weakness AND NEED TO FORTIFY RED BLOOD! : I Γ'.ϋί am . TABLETS \uHi '! »ni have helped ■ ·' r . !·· relieve furie : rut. ' . . ,.Ί and wcakn» • ' ALSO help i and ιh'is aid in ; !:E STRENGTH Special for Lester iillSM'j · · . ( ;i !K i ics ί Π Ι .·' Ιοί '·. ; . 11 j κ Γ S $1,00 av ' 3* j ' · r poun*_\ Semer Lrug Cor «pany I PI < Π2 'fti ï 13. Special Prices l'or Your Easter Permanent Also *1.Γ>0 jic'i Γ:ΐ:·m ut waves. ( )ni'r;itors : ( i r » l)i( k(M'son and Viva Haywood Vivian \\>1K oiirtnn. Owner Vanity Beauty Shop I Miotic Oil. s:'...->0 v; Ô.OIι value <;.-->() value . 7.50 value . S2.00 3.00 (>.00 knt'-stx c Ε. G. CAViS «S: SONS CO. Γ'Χ.-. " w ! w I i i « w w I I w I ! w ι w I W I I *1 « 1» «> Evening' Dresses (Ji'i' l'ariv III il'nlll » ί ' \" l il i 1HV ill* > λ ν ' - οΓ ST.!)ô t:> ,^Γ,.οο \alia·. ( lusiiiy oat .-ju-rial $.">.()() Ladies' Shoes I'.lai'K . bin and liniwn and wliitr . Last t a .··.( vl«·.·! at $tl.·')(». n size.-. S|urial IJoys' Pants 'Γ<Λι cdiiniy ard wool î r:>·ι ·, ι in broken sizes ι an.", in·.; bet να ι η !> and Hi, were $ 1 .!>S and $2.US Now Hall' Price. Albratros Gladiolus [ '. ι ; ι ί Y ! ΛIbraIre ■ Cî auliolns bulbs Γ)0 for 7î)c Call M oi 79 for Your Easter Groceries Mams Jones Dairy Farm pound 40c Our Own Cure, lb. 40c Country Hams, pound . . 25c to 30c Spring Fryers Fresh Fruits and Vegetables S11 a wber r i es—S po η ge Cakes. E. G. Davis & Sons Co. ^uiiKam es / >() Ε. G. DAVIS ft SONS CO. 71 2?%ε&££ -f: < MUV «'!"'" ν ! ! I ί ί«!\ i: ' i oil! . < ;ae ;> , · 1 Mvsm·.-'. Small navit ·> anil blacks, wit1·! « i * ι : :· ί t \ 1 i ι :"v : ic l<> ti'aiiH'a ι * ; ν tl,.' · :u'· ■ a.- . ' ·· »\vn al ί » . N': ' μ i thb' sty lr iii tlie latest Vanity Modes. just ··■· ι i·ί·«!. «.ι·you can i'■ !·■ ! :i ··, li>s -oensive divs-·. - > ·.;' "■ ·~· 1 ί*.ΐ»-"». © ! α μ ι ti;·' h- of beautiful coi ni > i ' ι ; 11 i· >n-. ® !'' aU/es- < ' »ats and Suits. © ( \iju s iii navy and Mack. \ ou il !" ind tiic 1 Yettiest 1 a-ter 1 >se> at E. G. Davis & Sons Company ί