Ce «ri I;cr Unions Supreme Court Hands Lîown Far Reaching isions; Negroes Score Victory. { : « ouï t mini ves tl ».!· ' lht (1l-( lin ι 11 Kt ι : • m discrimination in tiuiair pr.u tree and , ... ; » .4il order otfend t.» ii ι et - the rejcct :. ι; lï.M'k t»U> . :i ι tint he denied ae iit.it equal to Ihose aï ..iles in intersiate pi il -H ( Al') Tht t Id yesterday that prohibits : 11111 liiiim ihi hiriim <»t work ; ι then lirmg. in and Γηr reachou upheld the power ni . ι lo ι·ιΐιπ|κΊ a ( ort: t h alleged tu ha\ ι beeause <i| the, The ht m ril alsu ea ι. νηιν ί < ι .Hive such m ci the lune ni Iheii . ·! ru a.\ ! m »t take <:U(T. 1 ! e a 11 y "l'he court', lie» I-ranul urter \va> ,\ 1h.it the huaid ί η e;. e that such or ..i \ t<ι el'lcetuate t))\ ,. · ■ ! that ι · ι « > a I j ν 111 kl"·" ' I ι ' · 11 · ι this, ι} ι e c k · - ! « ' ·ι e at is>uo. m ; ι s ι )( id);!· e« »! J )( >ra I it |I 1 1 v enpper miner- <u Γ, :.t · I In ; el ore the court oi ,ir «. pHKveduigs by thi i <ιu.iI Kiglils. jH.rh.nt cmm* tuda\ j,;. 'if ( S î I Kit lll^l'IK'.· ! I I ; -, : j „ . .U' mkJ: accuinmuda- ' i ; ailerMato I ravel j \r1h · W. Mitchell I -. "ii!y iiivj ii (,'un ' ; « ' It*- t >11 it a l td' hi .ι ρ 1111 η ι ; ι · ι tu t . ι « ».ii ■» ι : 11 Ariiansa .1 '. · i I ' ! 1 « I! I ι C liicag h. (1 ι : ltd briel ,i, · · 1 l'ι'L;;it Min 1,:\\ ?■ bit. ittit ι·.. ■ this (jiuv ··Î:î ι>y Chit d' rl.ii in:· Ihe i>-Ut I I'll Ogregat I'M. ' . ι :<i ".ih (I 1ii. ' .-· ait h t O »r 11 iIUIC tu ; CglC .. j · · m -rpaiatc cal\S a luii: i·* ι < » ι « t(j lia I ι > » tin ι.·· r υ il i lu :iiii car-·, arc pruvid I ' i . . t ! »' >dge l'a.- e v. a* tech Ί deei ion. with Justioi «'' ai*ticipatmg and mx • 'Me: \ ..i .ait. Pat .Ills .ι rii: >· ni i 11 n opinion ii ι- · m il. j.mvi'd that rc ϋ ι η bt cau.vc υ Γ then ι 1 h iii would be ail un ;·. ιct·ci* under the law. [•Ί S;.'!ie di-sentcd only dim;> that tin· hoard hac. 1 · « !t η ted" ι tower to C( ή ι ■.·"-!.· hire >uch iMi'ii and 1 iack pay" an action. '··. "which had very gen ι rally Ιχνη thought to I)· heyond 111' puWcr * ΟΥΟΙ1 ol CI HI 1*1 . Tlll'll 11'ι - .lion apparently \\ a thai 1|h ΙιιμιίΙ ad power only to o'-dcr « a |·I·.yt·r= 0 "cease and desist" te m disci iinin torv employ· out pi. ol . . altlnhil* 1. hov did not ι laril ν tin point | ο 11 i'callv. I lihfld Flatly. ( >n the other hand .|ρ· ιii-o Mur >hy, in a .separate concurring opln im joined I>v .lu lu·· ! ïlaek am! 'iHifjIa·. contended that 1 ! κ I). >ani° h der .--hoi ι Id lia\ ι no η uphold : I. y instead ol lu mi; m aided lor a '< ti rmination of whotiiei il v a- nee - ary to carry out the purposes o; he act. They in Id that 111** in·.ad ai 1 ady had found it inn -.ry. On thi< point. Franklin 1er's ma only opinion aborted that "the •oard determined only the dry legal ;ue.-tio|i Ή il - power. Λ ! ι nil we ,-u ain: il did not mn idi r »■, helher in ■mployinfi thai ρ >\\ι ι 'ht· polira· • ι the art would be enforced/' Ii <ir i red the ran ι·>··ρ! y. 11 nd paai nn ι ■ Iy heea:il . ;·. '.-d ! 1er ii irtViT m' 1·' d ι." 'ii .■ il Guernseys At Two Sales Η : 11 e i u 11. Aprii :!!» Tin· ' nttim> off <! ."ill imports u! 1 i\ t -1■ t*k h um the .lamed l.-lr (>| Guernsey (imw oe ■upied by tin· ( lermans ) i ι ; « m d i ί *: ι ( > - η s| North I · 11 ' · 1 i 11 ; ι 1. 11 ■ - > κ · ι ■ in their I fort> tu improve il · · r live toek . rerds at t ί 1111 * when there i :i heightened d< η and Γ« , i dairy cattle, hut they will ht· offered two ««pportiinitie within ira next: ten days tu pureiia . r-.i, ι nll v elected Guernsey.*-. The X C\ Gut rnvey Breeders A. soeiation will h<»al two . -it;nifieant * a 11 s !ii 1 at Seli l.ury. May 2:. Mini trie μλ··ίη1 at Λ>!·»'\ lie. 1\ 1..\· it ii a s been .jimoilccd by Dr William Moore, a--"oeiation a-ere! e y line The S'aU College K\len iuii Se: \ ice and the ^tate div .· ■« η ui sue;! tiunal agi ieultu: e are eoopei a t i η :.. At the Salisbury sale, which veil! be held at ' : ■» ■ ' Jo van cui μ 11 y ! a ι :* grounds beginning at n««on un Ma;.· 2. there will be uflVred 'J'· nnbrecl heifers partieularl.v suitable fur 4-H and vueatiun.al ealf elub wurk In Λ heville. the ·.·!.· ·. 11 offer 2A eow s. I rev}) nr near freshening end 1A bred and open heifers. The -ale will take plae- at tne eavahy stables (•n the old lilac k Muiintain ruad. 1 ! w ill begin at nuon. May 8. "At a time when great aereage i-· being taker. . ut ui e. h erups and tîie demand I'ur ί i \ < luei: i. great. the>e sales offer North Carolina farmers and other, an mutual uppurtunity tu improve their herd: . nd make a significant cuntribn; mn t· » an indus try de ι ini'd t« > i · · ι ; > ! a .\ e ihc lan in come of the 1 de." aid Dr. .\iuure. Money Minting Sets Record Kaleigh, Apt I 2!). The United States minted a lut <.t money last year even il it made no gold coin and 110 silver dollar·, according ti information from tin U. S. Bureau ol Standard pa.-scd along to yolii π porter liv C I). Baucom, chief ol the Stat. Deparlnient of Agi icllJ tore's division ol weights and meas ures. Mr. lîaucom said the total sets a new high for number of piece's turn ed out. Ihough not lor value of oins. This value cannot he (ielmitely fixed trom the figuri g veil out by the bll ri au becau-e .-ilvcr coins (half-dol lars, (|li; ι tei . and dimes ) wei e lump it) in one category without being div ided .·.- to denominations. The record ι epoi ted by the weight-- and measures chief : Silver ( hall-doll', f's. < 11 ■. r t· "" aiu dimes). Itiil.âil'i il-"· nickel- liait.729, 158; one-cent piece 181,155,872-! toi a total ..I Ι.2ΙΙί),·17»,!ΐ:;2 ol all de loininat ions The It dei :.l ι<· ot al-.. c ••lied 35. 171I.IKIII piece- lor lore'gu govern ments during !!U(I. H'AKKI Ν \Λ\ Γ \>MI NTS. Warri'iitm. Apr :"·. Warren com t'.v farm ί e.\pect to receive arounc 'J,0(11) tin - year fin their pro iuee in the \Λ.\ ι.··ease allotment jf cotton, wheat, c irn, ι .ci' and to baeeo, as compared witii last year", government payments of $275.000. Gallopùde Will Open Tomorrow l.'irkv Λ ! » · i. ? ι '. Λ j »r i I 29 Mucky J \1' ■'!' ill· Î !. i :·.·.»· r Î ; ι nd Shiny, stood] ! « ad> I· κΙ.ι \ in receive the 111 ·> t ! ν . î ι : - Wed ne 11. ι \ morning when Mi*'' e\ enth . 111 n ; ; il spring le.-dival. | the < ».i 11-·] >.u |i · i: skirled with tin'' S h -1 (l.iv lu m r how. l ie I·' 11\.11. toward which hiin- i died ui .· . κ· worker-. have been ] a 1 ··' e Ι month-, w ill be ' ' : · π y ear than m : 111 y year of | its hi lory. And Rocky Mount is . exj <(·<·; : 11,', ! ■ .·,< πι» .·. ds ol \ i.-"itors fi·' 'Ml CM .(·:η C. : »·. nit. The Hi' 1 ti.iv harse how. which i.- attracting; ;i rccoid field. \\ iil ^tart ;it H * »* » "lock π the ·Ι ». » 11 η l1, . v! 4:M() there will in- .i pit. parade. and1 an î» o'clock tli.it night the t'lanh . - \ V a r e h ο 11 - e will ring with the revelry of the "'World' - largest ; '.juare dan.· ·." The d ince i tree to all. The I [oral parade, always one of the iin'St important Gailopade fea tures. comes on Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, and gains added stature tin year by the addition of numer ous, huge, inflated comic rubber hguro. Twenty-seven of the grotes que figure.- will space out the parade to such a length that is estimated it will take well over an hour to pa-s j a given point. . On Thursday afternoon the climax will come to the Gailopade horse j show in the presence of Governor .f. M. lîinughton and other important | stale and national figures. That mi;.hi 1hero will !<<» U*-i\ #.»*.·«»-»κ· ·"■> · . 111 - > 1. ι : · M>l'tball doubleheacter and cι free costume carnival dance with Hill Yanden Dries and his orchestra. The third parade of the festival, the baby parade, will start the lina; day ..it' right at 11 o'clock. At 2 o'clock the big' Carolina Aero C'hib , \\ : 11 hold a meet and show. featuring ι between 75 and 100 planes, stunt M artist-, mass formations and races. At the city's children will come back into the spotlight with a Baby May Day Festival on the banks of the city lake. The high spot on the entire pro gram will come at the close of the Festival Friday night when the rul ers ι 1 tiie ( îal-lopad \ 1V1 i - - l,va ! I Hi'ice and l« Graham Do/.ier, arc, i-r«iwncd amid t elaborate corona-1 tion ceremonies by General Jacob 11 )c\ er< ο Γ Port Bragg. Following mat reremony. in which princesse.··, and their e-corts from many eastern 'v .oolina ci..· will have an impor- 1 tant part. Isham Jones and his or- . ehe>tra w.l! p!av for the coronation ball. * I GOVERNOR CAN'T VOTE IN RALEIGH RUNOFF PRIMARY Haleigh. April '2SI -Governor .1. M Bmughtnn did not register for the j Kaleigh city election, although he has been a lifelong resident ot the Slate'.- capital. Λ- a result he will not be able to! vote in the runoff primary next Mon day in which City Commissioner of Safety Bob I'owell is being opposed by former Detective Captain Bruce Poole. Oscar Pitts, state prison head, and other gubernatorial political lieute nants have been openly and repeat edly charged with working hard fin Poole's election. A lew days ago the gnvernoi issued a statement denying He is participating. It is evident that he will not par ticipate—at least not with an actual vote. MAJOR ELLIOT TO BE C. P. U. SPEAKER Chapel Hill, April 28.—Major George Fielding Elliot, world l'a m ou.-, military analyst and prognosticator. aecepted an invitation to speak at the University of North Carolina on Wednesday. May 21. under the aus pices ol the Carolina Political Union, providing "the war situation isn't too hectic." it was announced today by CPU Chairman Bill Joslin. Another ol "The Ramparts We Watch" and co-author ol "It War Comes," Major Elliot addressed liie Carolina Institute of International Relations here tin· summer of 1 just two months before the war broke out in Europe and warned ai the time there was "nothing to en courage the thought that there won't be another war. So it is only sensible to be prepared." PFOHL MEMORIAL CHIMES DONATED Wake Forest, April 29.—(AP) Wake Forest college has been givei a sel of chimes as a memorial to! Donald Laurence Pfohl, music direc tor of the college until his death last year The gilt came from Pfohl's par ents. Bishop and Mrs. J. Kenneth Pfohl. ol Winston-Salem, his wife anci members ol her family. The college bell, which has mark ( ed class periods for 107 years, wa îeplaeed by the chimes. NO FOI L PLAY. Raleigh, April 29.—(AP)— SBI Director Frederick C. Handy sa.d to day an investigation had revealed n. evidence indicating there was Ion play in the death of a young Ft TTragg second lieutenant whose man gled body was found beside rail road tracks three miles west of hen April 21. Every indication. Handy said, ι points to the conclusion that the man, William S. Burgess, Jr., 24 of Sumter, S. C. was killed bv ; train. An autopsy revealed no bul let or knife wounds, he added. Bur gess was a man of good charactei and good family and had no reason iuiit£>eu. ODORA DROP DOOR WARDROBE AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR CLOSET Efird'g Dept. Store 2::0-»32 S. Garnett St. Henderson, N. C. Sinrtl)—made to withstand long WffJr ^t-au|V — gorgeous wood tff etts, ι row η shape moulding, rated in beautiful Wood • rain design. I nol-proof con slrut'ion—pre-tested so nothing ta" get out o) order Simply press [he button and the pat 'Weil door slides down. The bottom slides up for added ittlitv. Wide enough, deep '""ugh to hold 12 heavy gar ments and accessories. Contains "* Patented Odor» Retainer Kiddie Κιης Jî ο David Gallagher i\inp of the kiddies is nine-months old David Gallagher of Now York City, chosen as the typical Ameri can baby by officials of National Baby Week. Little David has a drink 011 the house in honor of the occasion. 'Henderson's Shopping Center" BABY WEEK SPECIALS! * Baskenette Of ivory trim in pink and blue. folding stand attached with rubber win el.-. ί»Γ ΛΓ Standard < 11 <.·' 11 (iuaranteed water proof mattress, φ"! ΛΛ .Made with colli η teii to match vl Uv Lovely Crib Blankets In solid white, pink or blue. All rayon sat in bound. Size ■"><) >: "in Also wit h nurser Mire $1.69 ( )! hers 1 !>i to Infants Baby Dear Shoes In soft elk four eyelets. These shoe- are sanitized this means that slu.es of this method are self steriliziny in effect. Sizes 0 to i ... $1.00 Everything For Baby at Saving Prices! Get r\rrv! hint'· you need I'uf the lialiy durinji <»ur Na liniia) I!a!iy Week and saw considerably. You'll like to trade here because ot' our complet" selections. Diapers, highly absorbent, package of 12 for $1.00 Cotton Blanket, tubfast, revers ible. thickly napped $1,69 Quilted pads 25c Dees Dri sheet $1.00 We W'rap All Gift Packages FREE. Special Layette Remember! 11' it's twins we'll match this layette. We rarry ίwin insuranee! ;] Shirts 25c 75c ο Huniers 25c 75c 4 Dresses 69c $2.76 4 Slips 69c 2.70 ο dozen diapers $1.00 3.00 2 Receiving· Blankets 25c 50c 1 large Receiving Blanket . . .50c 50c ί Sacquet Set 50c 1 Rubber Sheet 59c "> Pads 25c 75c 2 (]. Tins 2->c 50c 2 Pillow ('ases 69c 1.38 1 Pillow 09c 1 Oil 50c 2 Soap 25c Powder 25c $15.74 Baby Week Special $13.95 Baby Bottle Sterilizer Made with jiood <jliaiity aluminum, t ln>r ο u μ· li 1 y sterilizes (i botth ■ and nipples ι if 7 bottles in a few minutes. lîottles are sterilizi il less time. Strain. posited on tiiem $3.59 Large Bassinette with Drop Sides $10.98 Mat t re: $7.95 And complete with rust proof spring and very com fortable mattress. The bassinette is available in several "nursery pastels." Lovely Soft Zepha Knit Shawls Some with hand work with and without jjig I π ne'e Dresses Hand ι mbroidored hem -1 * a 1111 ρ ι ί I. With and with out ci.llai's. li months, 1 and - yrars old $1.00 Sleeveless Shirts '·,.!· infants, in fine cumli i■ νI Γ'οΐ 11 in. Sizes 1 ι ο ' *< ■ ■ 25c Quilted Pads l!ab\ |)i-ar (pulled pads. 17\ IS. closely quilt- 1 Q ed in Cellophane 1«/L Size ! Sχ."ΐ-1 .... 48c First Quality Diapers $1.00 Size 27\27. dozen .... Curity diapers, ΛΟ size 21x41». doz. φΐ."θ Gauze diapers. Λ»·| OQ size 20x41), doz. .Johnson's CΛ _ lia·' ( li! DUC I.arjre · ; ι Powder 25c 19c 2 f, 25c Requisites Baby ί Η > Ί il λ Soil]» 1 ."k Sets Which consists of bottle olive oil. 2 lafe'e boxes powder and 1 cake soap 50c Bathinette $5.95 Fitted Basket Sets Set consists of four bot tles in pink and Mue. Special . $1.00 Baby's High CHAIR Here's comfort Jiuilt ri^ht into baby's first chair! Choose from natural oak or colored fin- QÇ ish. Now at .... φ0·ϊ/0

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