ïteîtîtëfsoit Baîh| dispatch ^ ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SE'"ΓΙΟX OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR 'ίίΙκΜΜ"®0' HENDERSON, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 10, 1941 PUBU8,^B^^i?N,;\7KKN,,ON FIVE CENTS COPY German Forces Move Into Iraq .. « ν „ - .. - - -- - Bevin Charges Hess With Duplicity Says Hitler Knew Fully Gi Flight Bi iiish Labor Minister Hints Broadly Hess' Concern Was for Ger man People As Result of Heavy German Cas ualties. ι ' Πιι· Λ ·ιitaat ' (1 Ι'ι e-.it. ι I' ',-h I.abur Mmi-!n Krnr.il I ' iid today th.it lie believed Deputy Fuehrer Kudolf Ik's ■■■ 'iti.md with the full know I i Λ < 1> · 11 Hitler, but th.it he 11 " ι ·< i lb -■ came "out ol any sym ι ■ ·■■.· lor the British | copie." b ;i11· ijrst outspoken official eoni . eu' "it the bizarre episode, Bevin ucclai ed: I·. " my point ol view Herr Hess ■ ι : urdei er." V· c.iii undia. ■. ;: 11 my feci in,; when l till you he was the man who im index card un cvei \ ι'r· ii i> ader ill Germany ami • ι 11 d« π a ici 'ills, and when tin .'·. they Wei e eitlier sent In ■ ·.' it,un camps ur murdered." Γ.· π i.inted broadly that lies.-' v, . I.;;* the German people η t the British—as a result of nazi ι ■·· -- m the Balkans and deaili il· trueV.cn wrought by H Al un Germany itself. Berlin, nazi sources said it was • . "itcd that Heichfuehrer Hit . nd make a speech to the Ger . : ι |κ ι pie on tiie 1 It·; k affair. Λ th'ii .t.itive quar'ers in London • l the ι ι (id a· oy declining to eon amfficial but censor-pa -ed re , ti.at the nazi deputy tuehrer, in • "χι· i»t Adult Hitler's orders, Britain as a sell-constiluted tie ol peace." j new .twist further complicat ed e war strangest story. I'liese i.a ' i nicrged: \ Β ι : 11 s 1 ! radio spokesman first ■d broadly that Ik·.-- was aivulg '..ι Gciina'i military secrets bj : mil; he was talking and writ : ι, "words which will make the .000,000 pledgee ihi-ii' to >ecrecy. Later. Assistant Sec 'clary Sullivan submitted the plat' m ,-eerecy io this committee but il leaked out. Before we began hear ing·-. a pledge was extracted Iron committee to raise the $0.500, 000,0(10 in new taxes, but the Trea. u'y failed to acquaint us with llit ^"1 Mtuuli-jn." The Wife Hess Left Behind Much speculation has boon aroused as to the fate of the wife and infant son Kudolf Iless left behind when he escaped Germany by plane and parachuted to captivity in Scotland. The No. ;i Nazi is shown here with his wife. Use. Soon after landing, Hess showed his farmer-captor a snapshot. "That's my baby son," he said. "I saw him in Germany this morning. I don't know when I'll see him again." (Central Press) U. S. Suppiîes Sent To French Colonies DISASTROUS FIRE AT PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia, May là. — (AI') — Philadelphia's most disastrous lire in a decadi· today tie troyed the bloe;\ square I'm t Hiehmond lumber yard, halt a dozen ni'it>h[>oring home.-, and ate its way into the newly-rehab ilitated Cramp.· shipyards before De-j ing ferougn! under eontrol. Loss to the lumber yard alone was ' estimated ·>>· firemen at well over a million dollars. CMfieial "! the ship building cnni pany said t h ι fin· would not intei i'ere with préparai 'ι ίι- under i.v to 1:11 a S120,000.000 eontraet lot the Na\y. Ineluded in the order an s, . eruiser.s Reynolds I Wins Vote North Carolina Sena tor Recommended for Chairmanship of Im portant Committee. \Yίι hmyton, Μ,,ν 15. ( ΛΡ) - S.-n ator Reynold--. Democrat. North Car olina, was reeommended I'm c · 11 ; 11 j · manship of the* important Sena to military a Hairs committee today t iter a closed ^es^ion of the Senate Democratic steering committee, ι Senators said the \ <>te was 112 to ,'ϊ I with Senators Glass. Iîemocrat. Vu ginia, Gut'fey, Democrat, Pennsyl I vania, and Green. Democrat, Rhode Island, asking that they be recorded (Continued on Page Two) One Oil Tanker Has Arrived at Casablanca Another En Route; Further Shipments to Await Foreign Devel opments. W'a ΙιίηβΙοΐι. M·.;·. 16 (AP) - Th< I huted Si itc ν. ι Κ' π lied au tin ritat i\ ely li ici,a v. ha- sent t\vi shiploads· ni' hadty needed .-upplic: il· French X >■ 11: Atrica. luit f'irthei sh ipiiieiit- : ι ! · · I ".nu withheld pend il if» clarificat ,>.n ..| tin· colonies' ml; ni the event <>: any doser "colla· I " rat ion" bet ν ι en Fi a η ce a ι ici Ger many. At least une ι ιιia τ I.iden wit' Aineric ai oil and j Ηι·ι·Ι··!.ιπ prn mod ο ι.!"(· r l' ai il' German.' secure·- direct > ndiiect control ο tIn- French V: can "ι.lonies. iio mon -h ι ι. . ut would I·.· ilowed to leav< Vît.erica η pi·!·· · o·· to pass througl (Continued on Ριικ· Four' Interesting Fight Likely In Hoey-Reynolds Contest lu the Sir Walter Hotel. I>:iilv Dispatch Itureau, ll.v HKXRY AVKKIII,. Halfiyh. May 15 This Hoey-Key ; nolds atfair. with the national ef.ii mittee scat fur North Carolina as tlu- prize, could hi' a nice, hot poli tical hatflé ot the type Tar Heels have had the pleasure ol enjoying I only once since tin halcyon days ! of l!t:i(i when t'iyde lloey. h'alph M< - i Donald and Sandy (iraham went about the state fastinti aspersions ; upon each other in no uncertain ' terms. Since then the onl\ really finish fight of bin time caliber was th." 1 festive speakership race of li)3!) in which Libbv Ward ultimately prov ed (by two votes) that Durham is in the west Practically every other statewide can pai^n Ikil been a dismal ilup Hum tin· (mint ni' view of tin- in torested ι>1 tM S οι ιι|· ι I ι· n l.iccai "nu ci in lest" long before tin· Mil counting was cioru·. The Bob Re.vnolds-Mancock srna torial scuffle in l!)3il wasn't belli' than a minor league allair .il be.-t Frank never at any time makini headway enough t>> ranmr ^i· belie Ικ· had a chance. The multiple-can didale lSHll governor' battle cul lapsed alter Governor .1 .Mel\ill< Broughton led tile first primary b\ -o manv votes that lie m m red ol Lieutenant Governor Wilkin- Γ Hoi ton's financial supporter.-. The 1ί)41 speakership race became a vvuiKover uncn the Gardner-Hoe; group threw its whole weight inti the scales to elect fellow Shelbiat Odus Mull over George l'z/.ell ο (Cûutinutd ou T. Churchill's Report On Hess Incident Awaits Proper Time Germans? Weekly Meat Rations Cut IVrlin. May I \l >—Λ 20 prirent reduction in Germany's weekly meat ration. etteelive June was anuouiit d today by the lood distribute).ι imreau. I iujt'1" the new d: crce the nor mal ralion will lu- eut ιι >111 .1.1O g ranis (one pound) .1 prsun to 100 g rums weekly. H'oraris. whose rations will he corres pondingly reduced, will be allow ed SCO to 1,000 grams a week ac cording to ineir t.vpL.' 01 labor. Λ spokesman said the new quota*. would continue through tli«' summer "hecatisc (icrmans eat less ill ".it in the .summer and besides tliey have more vege tables." liuucr mlions. the spokesman said, will be increased but allot mi nis 01 oti.er kus win lie cut so that the fat allowance on the whole will remain unchanged. lie boasted that Germany now is producing 700,000 tons of but ; 1er annually, or twice the amount churned before l.'l.'JS and only 50,000 tons less than the Γnited Slates. Petain Asks Full Support From French Vichy. M 15.—(AP)—Chief of 1 N; lit· ,M ;i ι -1 i ;i I lv.a.n lulu !. υ trench I >> 1 ·11* tom^iit Ί! is up to you to i n u Willi· .t mental reserva lin.'i" .uter he i.ad inhumed tnetn the German French negotiations have hghtid "flic path v. :i> to the luttiiv.' Γι ! ι,ιι .-aid, 1 have appimed the prim .; 111-" ut tl.i meeting uetueen IJai'lan and Hitler. "F 1 vu 1 I·' enehim 11, ti:e illy thins i" :1 ' me without mental reserw.lhiii 011 road ot honor and in tlu iiat.■·!..·· interest.'' A few ;te belore it was an nounced that tne marshal would make in.- 1 -rl. unit xpected speech, the French e e-ta. lisle, d fuil censor ship regarding ill tones e nceniing negotiation ;.ri\\een fiance and Germany. The ann . .·< . "lit said I e action was taken m eu of the discretion ary respmis · llowed foreign corrcsponden' 1. I lei lin "I'm every , tiling eoncft in mi l' iench German ne gotiations.' "It is 111.' 1 ' it the same 1 lie-, of courtesy creed by foreign .jouruali.l .·. 1 ·-u led to \.'.ehy . it said. Auto Workers Go On Strike (By The Associated Press The United Automobile Winkers I i('l( )) union failed a strike agafejet lit. .c Hudson Λ1ι·ι··γ Company plants I iii IJetroit today and General iVlolur. ■ Curporati u reported a w.ilkout .it [ 111 m- ni its flint. .Mich., plants despite I agreement to postpone a stiike against GM until Friday. Company olt'icials estimated that upwards of 3o,(H)il workers wire idle. From Washington, K. J. Thomas, president ol the United Automobile Workers, telegraphed members o! his union l return to work on the alter noon shift ii they had left their jobs, and to continue at work elsewhere until General Motors gives its ..11s (Continued on Page Four» WE4THIH FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Partly doud\ tonight and Fri day, scattered showers in moun tains tonight: warmer Friday and in west and central portions Ιο ί Ilijlt. Prime Minister De clares Delay "Certain ly Was Not Unfortu nate," But Would Have Been Unavoid able Nevertheless. I ,ηηίΐηη. Μ, ι ν i ."> Λ11 > Priin Miniate· ' 1 ri■ ! Il t. .ifI tin· house o' ι oninien ' Ί IV 1:1.1 ! : ·· \\. >uld re Ι«|)·( ' I . 1 1.11|>.. Illllitv fin till Hlldolf I : "I· fll'tlt IJ11 i 111M t 11 < V ■ li I 'rl 1 ■; i. ·ι| " the fleet if):" ni II ;>< ί[.! " >..v tin· public in terest." Pi··· ·· i ' .··;·! ■.· delay of 4" !.j -jχ>· 11 κ»n seeking an opportun1! ν ι « i-.· hrard. wage-hour officials disclosed A short. two-d.i.v session was in prospect, with eh:eî merest centei ing mi a π·ι·ι·:η . *·ηιi ! ·■ ·η that the wage-hour dr i -1 · · 11 dev>e a ul preventing wage deduct.· ·η; for renl and supplies hv cou pany -tores thai might "circinm ent" increased inini rniiin wages. Hess Ahked for Him The Duke of Hamilton Indication that Rudolf li . No. S Nazi, bad planned pn.vt · :. ·. i. ··»·; to land in Scotland aft· ι hi· tliuht from Germany was se< ?! in his re quest, soon after para'dint in^ t-> safety, "Take me to tlu· I>-ike." He was on the estate of the hi.; ·.£ Hamilton, formerly th· .Μ.ί»·«j>i«! of Clydi-sdale, so-railed h···· ; · · r who flew over Alt. Kv· r· : .· 1 ' ; .. ( ( < η ' ■ ni i'r< us) Ship Bill Not Limited Senate Defeats Amendments to Pro hibit President's Transferring Foreign Ships. Washington. Μ··ν !" ί.\Γ"· pile argument- that it \v >■ .rit:. ·:■'■/ ing "needless provocative · war," tin.· Senate defeated *"Cia\ a. pit irt t. ι Γιirbid the Γ' ο tii ' ·. transfer trum one bellige μ : ■ :. : τ ; . · àι another any foreign ve--ei ; i.e. •iver ander pending s ) ι i ρ j . : ; Joui- . Hon I!' a vote <·! 43 to 38. the eh - ι rejected an amendment by Seh.it . Van.denbe -g. Republican M i a and CI:. Democrat. M. - wnîch would have forbidden such transie:·- A similar amendaient previo ;-ly had been defeated in tin Ho i-e I Yandenbe'. 'β argued that the pro vision would not impair the legi. latain and v. · id prevent needle pros.»·,,...,, v.·.,·. Umii t. · · * . ι· · .'Si' 1 ·! whic ' ... the P: e-aie·.: ' ο . any or all it' tin Ι!"- ·ύιί I·· ·· an i'k ves-ei- lying idle :. Λ · . .v.n water.-. Two ol tl ion ι are Gent.an and 2s8 are Italian. i Sen.ι tor T. »:>»>. U . . η New lia ρ-hire. · .' ;· ·' "tremendou.- and uicrea-.ng volume" I of letter.· ;·.» the \V: ·> II·· ι v. ... (Confirmed on p.me two) Babson Sees Army Fliers As Potential Peace Force ι;% ι:<χ;ι:κ \ν. habson. ( ( » ι » \ ι i ι·, 111 1911, Publishers I inancial Bureau. Inc. ■ ■ <-1 ■ ι Mass.. May 15.—'Till'1 il·· ''1 r\ remind.·. nu· ni what 1 wa-, ! t ill « i en m lîelgium before the' Y . ι Ά h' 1>π kc I standing in the publa· square at Brussels watch-| nig the si'liliers kiss their wives and s« eet hca rts goodbye as they left for the ' "1 When I commented as to thci' earnestness. a man at my side : ι r'.ed 'Yes. they are earnest, but th.i \ are only the infantry In lanti .v v. .II not count in this war. The wa> u H i»· started and the war \w'! be ·.·;■!■ ed by the fliers" When great e\enN are happening in Eu nipe. Xli'ica. or on the seas, we are apt t ι lorget that the world' Hier- r.n be as potent in foiling peace a ι waging war. Then the Hi·.-- incident brings lis up with a -uddei a ι .. :.;akes lis rub our eyes and wondt'i Watch the Airplanes. Annies are helpless to desert ex cept w ith ι ! ii· cooperation of their nUicer- Menan t ol the navy can do little by 1'ieniselvcs. but are de pendent upoi then commanders. Armies must be led: battleships must be tueled: and even lone submarines are useless without torpedoes. The present system ol warlare has been i built up through the centuries under : centralized control whereby the sol diers and sailors ire mere helpless pav.vii. l'a» idea ,·)! * dta".. iWiiUe army or ι > .twit">n It novoi did (■·. exist ; .md 11 ι η ι ■ ι W ; ; !. fliers». hmvi·· »· tirelv diffère! t Κ α t>>rd unto itself and is free to g > nywhere it wishes and I..'id > .t de sires. There can bé a tiai\ democrat ic air force. Confidential information has for SOUIC t; "O lieCI! !. . !·", ILih th.l'i airmen on bo!h de a\ r been iit\ inn up voluntarily to the enemy. This* was tin real π 11 !·· it··· I ;.·11 η collapse The Quak··! Ii ι very intere-ting stone- t·· η .. alone these lines. They. \vlu> do not bi lieve in war, have especially been on the lookout I"!' t! ers wi'.< land on enemy soil, be nu tiled ol 1 ι war and its bri labile- Then 11. ο · :.. is: "He kindly to every one. but es pecially to the cm " \ : he: - Ί ne\ may become the world's pcaccn.ak ers." lamp ISlaadiiiK storv. When visiting Camp Blandmg the past winter. 1 -aid to η >·: ι ό· "I suppose all these men η.·\> η t: . ' - him will some day make up a new j and powerim Amencan Leg,on. n this he replied: They will probably m ·· · ·■ » ■ -.·.. ■ ·- ι .. η they will not have much influence. ...^ incis 111 oe uu dominating force alter World War 11. They wil have their own organization: wil (Continued on Iwoj Nazi Planes Use Syrian Airfields Hitler Apparently Ful fills Statement Made at End of Balkan Cam paign That Only First Phase of Middle Fast War Was Over. I. :·'(·.··. May I") —(ΛΙ'ι -G- ■ ■ ! · : l' . 1 ;. ' 'J.i 11 (i S y . ■.., s;. . , In-Ill luit !>· ' ·ΐι «<>\· ι nment ai.ii·>· nice· 1 '·. ;... ν At ti'it saint* lime a } : ■■· j>i-c' ■! 11 ■ Κ ι ench 11 andat· ' . :. \ < > I ·. ci >·:. ι 'in- 1]■ jggle over I ... ' . 'cil ·: a declaration by Foreign Seer laiy Eden that ''foil authority" π .d "•en nivt-ii to IÎ.tί->h force Ιο ,.11.ι. German |.»ian.es n Syi-ia. Eden charged thai, the trau-it Ge: : ; an phi lie·.- \ : S y ι : V a " ' clear ijn aril ni the armis; ι-·- acrre ment between Germany and Franc·· iltei that Uritish ally va- knocia d ul ι! the European wai last June Irai], scene ot sporadic guerrilla lighting betvien native I'oι ce.» and the British since May 2. is one of the vorld's rii':.est oil producers and a route to Britain's vital Sue/ canal. Thu . apparently Adolf Hitlc: ' ast has gone to the aid of the against the British fulfilling the German statement at the end "1 tί■ Balkan campaign that only the I ;·>! phase of the war in the Middle East was over. E\ idence that the Germans \ν· re ready or already had launci ed :■ new military offensive on the Ι·<·1 -and.- of Asia Minor came today it··;·, several sources—including a Cairo announcement of the Middle Ea ' command. Among them were: 1. A reliable source here said Gér ai planes were landing .n French : undated Syria en :.· ti *.· Iraq s.ivl v.··· .Id be bombed and machine gun ned ' y the British :? ?'i.reign Secretary Eden charged that the Vichy government apparent ly had granted" transit rights to tin Gem,an forces. 3. Τ.λ- German ambas.-adrr la Τ ; iv* > l"'r. iiz \ . ·η !'a peri. wh« · re cently returned to Ankara after con sultai ions in Germany, conferred at length with Turkish President rsinet Iiioiui ti'dav and bore hin. "friendly i jr- ·Ί nu-" · ·■ Hitler. ι The German radio safd the Brit j ' ad lie ·. d all Br 1 is): w . ···. η·) child: .··: \\ :hdrav. η fr in Pale t ine '. British Push In Ethiopia Italians Reported Re sisting "With Extreme Fury" In Amba Alaji Sector. Γ.·.πμ·. M. j !5 ( VP ι . I I: 4I1 cot: ι ; nana ■ - ; ·■ · u-1 i ■ ■ ί !rit :■ ■ ■ , . ρ vs.- ..·, * t inns n' t·"τ ! 1 '. .I >,., ■ , · . ' ■ All l M Ala.i. sect' . S'.ï.c;.· : ! : : I ' r *. 1IV! .V t : : V Λ 1 A s'il inu' : 'ltl 11 III ■ ■ · ! ■ ' * is br.ni» (;■·.liv ando · 1 the < .·· ·: ·· · ·. Π .. · Λ ·· ' . ' who 1VI! hack I· the -ector n'lei' 11n· i:. · - : ,·ι· : cd Add - Λ ...υ "" ι ; · ι '■'·.■· d ~ " .m ν ; mill Iff ·. : a 1 ! ' ; μ pod : 11 \ " ! >. A !.. 1 w it'll Î : I ! K· ι : lopC- · »t ι - r.! [ H\ ) Ground operations on the nortfi African ti'ont. {lie daily war bulloliu -aid, wc:r l.:ii:lod yesterday In ;>r ' I Iffy 1 \ohanuos .it li, .11.-I1 -I 'id V ■ i'iMK and -I'li iting acti\ .ty oast ni ~a! , Ksi.vpt Τ .in plane - were rep t«-l 1· > :a\c subjected lho harbor and dc ! rVn-t· works at Tobruk t 1 a série : if Mnihard1: vnt- during which a steamer was -et afire. j Three British planes were shot ι down, the communique saia. when ; Italian and German bombers al lai ".cd a.r bases at the British Medi terranean base of Malta. British aircraft were reported to 'are attacked the axis at Derua, A'bSt 01 Tobruk.