SOCIETY NEWS L.wusi Ail that I see from v.iici" I |jt· ;\u> hilltops hung ;ικ..ιι·- ' > ky When· sunrise clouds 0., swdtiy v. lui led \ ,·! . ι - .ill opaleSCeht world. Hut ander one tin- stUiiiy earth ..\llord the comfort o> ,1 j;M lit. i, ·,ιιΐ), t" m·· and nighl and dawn _\ -11 j ι ( I place to test ip.m. liolaiul Kngli. :i Hartle Λ way f»r H'crk-Knd Aivelle Turner -pent the vveel· ,ι,ι ι Hock y Mount visiting friend <;ucsl at ( okesbur.v. ΛΪ Mamie Belle I'egram -per ΊΊ,ιΐι day night with Mi>- Ila/.c Stevenson at Cokesbury. Weck-Knd Visitor. M Lorraine Overton spent tin ι week-end with Mis.- E>m I·, 4 a:ι. near Greystone. Ilere for Week Λί Franci s Bragg, ol Rock; M t. ι- -pending the week in Urn riti-"ii witii triends and relative.-. Returns from Visit. M: W. accompanied home by Mrs. Hobgood, who woll visit her for -everal days. Ϋ Hal Shaw to W ed \\ nshington Girl The billowing invit.ition has been rrce. .· (I i.y re la ti vis and Iriends in • Hond v.-nn: "Mi, and. Mrs George Thomas Howard reqiK.-u tiu> honour ol' your presence ;ii t ι- marriage Γ their daughter | Virginia Adelaide to Mr. Hal Marchand Shaw on Saturday, the thirty-first ot May at eight o'clock in the evening Saint Alban's Church. \V .-liington. District ol Columbia." I i uesday Club 1 las Barbecuc Supper The members ol the .lunior Tues . day club, with Mrs. M. Y. Cooper a hostess, entertained their hus band:. at a barbecue and brunswick .-tew : upper in the last meeting of ! the club for the year. The allair was ! given at the M. Y. Coopei cabin on ' the Oxford road, Tuesday evening at ! (i o'clock. A delicious supper was served to : the following members and their . '.'.nests: Mr. and Mrs. Thom s iîadger, I Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Cooper, j Jr. | I and Mrs. Hartwell Bass and Paul Crow, ol Honolulu. Mr. and Mrs. I Marshall Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Τ P. > (_;!:ol.-on, Mr. and Mrs. Λ \V. Gliol | λ ι1 ικΙ Mrs Π t'nvil Κ on· ι ball. Dr. and Mrs. W W. Noel, Mr. ι and Mrs. Sam Peace. .Ir.. Miss Tuddy Parham, Dr. Charle- Rollini· Mr. and Mrs. |{us>ell Parham. Mr. ind Mrs Koy O. Hod woll. Mr. and Mrs. Ed mund VVaddill. and Dr. and Mrs. Clarence White. Meeting of Guild Is Held i uesday The Wcslcyan Service Guild of the. First Methodist church met last night at ii o'clock, in the ladies par- , , lor of the church, in its regular i monthly meeting. Miss Lucy Plum- j in· r J nés. t: ο chairman, presided. During the business session, it was decided to have the July and August meetings of the group in tile form til picnics. ι Mi.· L u-ilit.· Cothran led the devo , tions. with "Sitwardship of Chris· ; tian Education" as the subject for cii-cussion. "Investing Our Heritage for Christi; η Education" was the topic for the very interesting program pre sented. Miss Vivian Lowrv was in charge, and presented the foil wing, who discusscd various p.-.ases of the subject: Miss Elizabeth King. Mrs. .1. E. Parks, Miss Margaret Smith. Ali·-. Charles Finch, Miss Mary Turner, Mis- Mabel Hayes, and Mi-' Ruth Allen. An ice curse was New York. Ν Y Legion Auxiliary Sponsors Poppy I)a\ Poppy Da\ is Saturday. M;iv 2i and at that time members <>t th American Legion Auxiliary and th Junior Legion Auxiliary, with Mrt Geneva Tci-er of the Auxiliary a chairman, will distribute the httl red poppies in Henderson. The custom of wearing poppies n memory of the World \Var deal : prang up spontaneously 111 man; parts of the world soon altei thi close ol the war, inspired by tin piicm. "In Flanders Fields,'' b; Colonel John McCree. Fir. t weannj ol the puppies in America took place in New York City two days bcl'evi the signing of the Armistice. Ί nt puppy was adopted as the memoria I lower ol the American Legion ii liKVt. and similar cti. η was takei at tin· American Legion Auxiliary'.' tir: t national convention in 1 illi 1. The American Legion and A uni liary poppies are made by duabiei war veterans in guv -ruinent hos pitals and in eonvale.-cent workroom: maintained by the Auxiliary. Manj hundreds ol veterans, unable to di other work, are given cmpioymcn tail ing the winter and spring months their annual earnings exceedini $10(1.000. This year poppies wen made in ill hospitals and -11 work looms, with approximately 12,000, 1)00 of the flowers being produced. The largest percentage of the money contributed for the poppic. ivorn in Henderson remains here, go ing into the welfare funds of tlx local unit. This money is used loi relief and welfare work among loca disabled veterans, their families, anc: Uimilies of deceased veterans. It 's hoped that everyone in Hen lerson will wear a poppy Saturday hereby honoring the World Wai lead as well as helping the disabled ,'eterans of that war. LOUISBURG ANNUAL STAFF ENTERTAINED Louisblirg, M;iy 21.—Mrs. Gene ieve Perry entertained the >1 11 of lie Louisblirg C liege annual. The Dak, Monday evening at β : 50 o'clock it a dinner party in the home of vlrs. G. M. Bean. The yearbook of the college was his year dedicated to M vs. Perry, vho for some 13 years has served is treasurer of the school. lias Tonsils Removed. Miss Hazel Finch has returned to 1er home on Belle street and is said ο be getting on nicely follow ing λ onsil operation in a Purh ι · il·· iitdi IUund.iy. . — ». w ν» . Λ--· — ι * ·*" Λ μί> %JM il ι VU, ?»Iil/11UUl/ni, λ Wilma Thompson Is Hostess On Birthday Miss Wilma Thompson entertained a number of her Friend.- on hei Fourteenth birthday .it the West Knd Country club Monday evening. May 1!), from 8:30 until 11:30 o'clock The club was decotaled most pro fusely with various colored spring llowers. The table bearing the birth day cake and candle was almo.-,t ! covered with huge Flat bowl- of I pansies. The punch table was at 1 tractively strewn with daisies and ; greens. The porch was arranged in the I fashion of a garden, with growing d.iisies bearing fortunes Mesdames F! Κ Thompson, Lee Coghill, Τ I! Hue. ;ind l( M Clem ents conducted ;i number of games and c.intests. ,liter which the guests formed lor the grand march and went through the improvised garden, each couple plucking their fortune, which afforded much fun. Dancing was enjoyed afterward for quite awhile, after which re freshments. consisting of punch and 1 :es, were served There were about seventy-five guests to enjoy the occasion. Library Reading Course On Pan-America Travel Girls iind boys ol Henderson ;md ; Vance c unty will register ;it 1he H. ' Leslie l'eriy Memorial library Fri day morning at tleven o'clock lor the annual slimmer reading course. | "Travel Through Pan America via 1 tile 11. Leslie Perry Memorial Lib 1 rary Bookline" is the subject chosen I for this summer The timely interest in South Amer-1 ica and other neighboring countries indicates that this subject will prove | popular among juvenile· readers who w uld like to become acquainted i with girl and boy citizens ol Mexico, Central, and South America. The : eleven thousand mile highway, the ] longest road in the world, which runs from Washington, D. C. to Buenos Aires in lower South America, brings much closer the other countries of the Americas. There are few countries in the world that can pr vide more color in the lives and customs of its peo ple than these countrie New books ι recently received at the library pre sent vividly tm oug.i stories and pic-1 I lures the happening in everyday : lives of Latin-American girls and 1 boys. Although one finds that ehil ! drcn in t.iese lands are in many j ways very much like the children of ι the United States, one also notices I some differences in proper names, I appearance, dress : nd speech. Even ! house-, trees, f od and games differ, ι In "At the Jungle Kdge" Meliecnl ! Lee tells of Carlos and Maria, a boy 1 ί and girl of Costa Rica, where cocoa beans η re grown. Miss L( e has Ik en all over Costa Rica. where she know - even tnc jungles, lull ol shrieking parrots and chattering monkey.--. Other Pan-Amcrican Incnds will be met in "Mateo and Lolita", by Bun Durlee, a story ol two Mexican children: "Quit Exprès·", by I,ud wig Bernelmans, a story ol what happened on an express train whin the author found Pedro, a lo.-t Inca baby; "Runaway Balbo.i". by Enid Johnson, the story of Balboa, an electric mule who pulled ship through the Panama Canal; I'ancho and His Burro", by Zhenya flay, the story of ;i trip made by I'ancho and his sister. L la, from their mountain home in Mexico to a nearby market town to sell chicken.-.. All ol these book· and other which travelers who register at the library Friday will see arc authentic, and in most ea:-es are written by authors who have cither lived in or travelled through the countries about which they write. Colorful posters placed in the chil dren's r om will show the progress of the sunmici reader-. Ten books arc to be read in order to complete the trip. Oi these, live must be books about Pan-America, and five net about Pan-America. At the meeting on Friday morning further details of the cours" will be ex plained to those who attend. Regis tration will e ntmue through .June sivth. After that date no one will be allowed to register. : Meeting Held For Ï Philathea ("lass ■ I The Shaw Phil: thon cln. >>: li: • First Rantist church m^t in tho 1 id:c I parlor of tho church Monday "ν ·η . ing. with the extension departmon' r of the church as -pec a I sue ts. Mr· Marvin Davis, president ol the ) group, presided. Devotions were led by Mr.-, W ti r ι Kimball, on the theme of abidinT :r ϊ Christ and being co-laborers with 11 Him. f"P'i-li7 were given by Mrs. C. H Ciilhland and Mrs. Mar vin Davis. I Mrs. J. (' St.iaib.ick was in charge of the prngran and pre enteri Mrs. • F. E. Pinnell, M : - E. G. Sha w. Mrs. R. L. Wester, nul Mrs. S. P. Patt'r i son in a quartette. "I Will King the >j Woncn-roiiji Si y Two roari ngs, I "You Are λ'··' fie Type", and "The , I Burglar Man", wore given by Miss j Miriam Pinnell ! ι a guesMiv' eon | test. Mrs. M. F. Lcgg and Mrs. M. ι J. Woodlief were prize winners Delieiou- π :···.-i11; cnt- were served 'by Mrs. Salin I i"!iurch. Mr.- Ralph ι Walters, M fi·' go l)a ν t.-. Mrs. I Ε. M. Edwa■ d . M> M. J. Woodlief. land Mrs. K. ·ιΛ lirnett. at the eon [ elusion of the pi ■■gram. I Closs's Column I jA LOCAL I )i> I *f r( ; I ST report.- that 'his live year old niece became scp i drated from her mother and aunt I in a large department store and found ' it necessary to con-lilt a nearby cop. I "I haven't seen them," said the ; cop. "Are von lost'.'" j "No." said today's child, "but 1 wonder where the hell those two women could have gone." * * * DID YOU KNOW that the Duke ol Acosta. who surrendered to the Bri tish in Ethiopia, and the Duke o! Spoleto. who \va made King of Crmitia the same day .... are broth ers? i'( ) 1\ THE LOW DOW Ν on German Russian relations, read the People's Forurh in your most widely read regional newspaper. If the usual Red writer^ are harping on sweetness and light, or other innocuous sub jects. the negotiations have hit a ■nag- If, on the other hand. thi ■ war is a war for the benefit of all the rich plutocrat.;. Russia and Germany have signed a new treaty. ARK YOU WELL BREAD? The De partment of Agrieulutre is spon-or ing the new kind of bread thai i. fortified with Vitamin Ξ5-1 . . . . among other things .... it's sup posed to build morale .... guaran teed to make us a nation of clilf hangers instead of erepehangers. j TWO SOUTH CAROLINA GHOSTS: The fir -1 incident was told by a rcta I live of a prominent Henderson (N I C.) tamiiy . ... to a relative of mine ι who has often been in the house I where the ghost appeared. Tlie hou .<■ was in C'heraw. S The woman I who owned the hou.-e had just fin ! ished an exten- ,ve h.iiisc cleaning, ι during which the walk was swept ; smooth and clean All morning aiulj half the afternoon had benn ta!;":; up with the cleaning. - > that the j woman was annoyed to c· . ; visitor Coming up tin· walk Sir, looked out of the window and aw. to her surprise and delight, that the \ visitor was a favorite e > imii. .i ma:·. | who lived in a didant town Tlv | woman glanced at the clock, not red i it wai four o'clock, and thought ι ' herself, "he must have arm ed om the three thirty train!" She hasten- 1 ed to open the door, but no v:s;tor 1 was there. She went around to the j hark of the house, thinking her i rou-in might have been attracted by something in the back garden or side yard No one was there. Puzzled, she returned to the front of the house and started down the walk, when she noticed something odd .... the man whom she had seen comitu down the walk had left no foot print-. for her- were the only ones to he .-ecu! Half an hour later she received a telegram saying that her beloved cousin had died at foui o'clock. The -econd incident, told me by - another person, concerns a Metho dist minister who was spending some ; time on Pauley's Island. He was ! waiting in a doorway when he notic- j 1/1 X iéX, 1J11 cd throe Negro mon coming toward the house. Thoy win ' c.ich other in .1 perfectly natural way. but they kept .-topping un t!,■ heels of a man in a grey -nil v.!>· wax walking in front ol them Thi greyish man did net .seem to mind thi little inconvenience, b t it . so odd that the niinister was la-c - natod by it When the group reached the house, the minister -ta: ted to greet the man in grey and to .rid himself facing only the three 1 >1 neo men Thi.- startled him much that he told the Ian :ly about ' Λ her of the household recalled a say ing that wh'.-iiev <■. . i>. tin· ter rible »rm of 1 ÎK14 .irST I .IK Λ Λ VIRGINIAN.Λ mar. who has twn larilis, each vv.' i cat tie on decided to merge hi in terc t- He hipped his fifteen head of cattle i : ' · · : : the North C\. farm up to join the twenty hea l <· cattle at 1rs tai hi in Virginia. The following week he had a tele phone call ;rom the manager of tin Virginia : .nil. "Y01:"' have to come get thi North (',1 ιοίina cat!le," lie aid I two her 1 won't mix. The V :: ·. cattle v. ·.'! have a thing to d 1 .. cattle Inc. North Carolina.'' THIS SAM Κ MAN went :·. trouble to have a well ting ' neighboring families . . . I> r ';. families won't 11 e it . t! 1 ··> say they see spirit era·.·.! o.: on the bottom of the well. Farmers who have u »'d elect ■ hot beds say they are better tl· 11 t1 . old stable manure b< rl bee a ·· ' plants grow faster, according t ■ I ) . Jones, N. C. State Ο liege no ! < . . ., ill . pet ι 111 t. The Catholic Ac '1 ' I America is 25 years old. r AUD πνο TWO REGISTRATIONS WITH THE REGISTRY Tin ' ■ · ι ' ms «t til" Y ill I; _ · \ · Τ il' rl lV. rocird- thiTi· h· · rl : .rl,.\ i) 11 ··. ι ■ 11 ■ -..iii a lut on tin· Raleigh Road to Gpofjtt ■ :r ,i -III and Mu. «.· M.· . · .1 W " · I)unn sul»di ι -1 m '■ ! ίί : · I r 11 .dora tiun>. The expier ion ''p <'j. Vi'hispçr" ■nr.· (·.·'. per." GOOD NEIGHBOR <1 l.v the ■ He: rig I y ι .(■ f ■ Id de have • Ί ι m the ■ h · 'In■ no ι tlio im i1 id f 111 ; 11 i f y I ' ' cs'.'rip tit' oc! h'ilh !·" ' pli n:, to \i:i: i ι:.. ])Π ( mand lor Ijt'l II · ii , ;:!(■() I'Vni. · .'1 · and v."·· . ι " \\ ( FOR WOMEN ONLYf If fidgety nerves, restless nights ancl other distress caused by functional monthly disturbances keep you from ! wiving fun at such times—take Lydia i: Pmkham's Vegetable Compound— la mous for over 60 years in relieving weak, nervous feelings of women's ^•difficult days." WORTH TRYING!j spring song of cottons WASH FROCKS Smart tubbable p.ints! SALLY LEA FROCKS Crisp colorful cottons to wear everywhere! Florals, stripes, dots—very pretty and prac tical. Remarkably low priced, tool Siies 14 to 52. CHILDREN'S SHFER FROCKS New prints, brightly Aft trimmed. 1 to 1H tUv BRENTWOOD* FROCKS Brand new and lovely! So smartly styled and well tai lored you'd expect to pay much more! Come early and stock up for the entire summer. Sizes )2 to 52. ; tui ■ y vji iu 1? 1 1 1 DON Τ COUGH i^YOUR HEAD OFF <© ASK FOR 1MENTHDMUISI0N OUGHS FROM COLDS THAT WOMT TURK LOOSE FOR C WIT FIVE MINUTES IF YOU FAIL TO GET EXP€CTED RELIEF ASK FOR YOUR MONEY BACK Parker's Diu° Storr HcinJcrsim. V I. ( . M. r ^ P7//S i\U*" M y s. M|SS implici + q iy/cw because it is lighter m weight, smoother in feel and appcarancc! The elever back straps lift the bust and slenderize the waistline to idealize loveliness. Model ;6i6A (average); Β (heavy); C (full hip); D (tali average); Ε (straight hip); F (slier*: average). w, "V "Τ>, / \ί / ~S.· ^ va \ ' "V A 'v ^/v> *.<■ # . \/' * -'if rli 1 ^ Γ··1 " -//A • /vVî r s /·.■'>" 5,y7 1 O/hcr New MisSimolidty* Croups, $7.50 and $10.00 E. G. DAVIS & SONS CO. ^77 · /' r -J-UIC < / ·_/> r ΛΥ ' FIREMAN STOKER HEAT NOW! jA Vie Will InstaU How intouf p,e*fn! ïutnace et Boil« HO DOWN ΡΑΥΜΪΝΤ NO /NT£*£ST« 1 * ' NO MOHTHIY - until OCTOBER (hit Offer it Limited — For Complete bétails Phone . . . or Se "'••'OW WILSON ELECTRIC CO. l'honc» 7·", S Henderson. X. C.