■·ί •i Henîtersmt Urnltt His pair h %x ΓΛΜΤ V ΠΑΤΙ V \TDlirnn Α ΠΠΓΛ ru r*-»r rnttnrx - ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA 1 \\ I.N I Y EIGHTH \EAK the α^ογΪατε » Vkess or HENDERSON, N. C., MONDAY AFTERNOON, .11 NE 2, l'.tll pubush κmj: >· λτγκκμ .on FIVE CENTS COPY Axis Heads Confer Ai Brenner Meeting May Signal Opening New Phase Of European War iifilish Acknowledg ment That Mediter ranean Has Become Virtually an "Axis S e a" Undoubtedly Figured in Conference ( !ï\ The Assoc iated Press). Λ f lol l I 111 1er ή id I 'ι em .er VI i. u iiii ι each'. (I a new ' c· ·· 1 > ! « · t ♦ ■ ,γ',γιί' I It'll 1 1 I 1 I III· CO : ' < I ' ' ■ v. , ! to : 1 : ι y m anoihei : · · « · ' ι : : ; ■ i emu ι I M . Il'· ι > ! " Hi r ! \· I ι ' ι ; ill (!(·(·) • ι · ' h ni I he 1! 1 in· ίιΙ 1 «Ici 1 -111 pt an Λ'ίΐ Γ. A t the .» 111e time live British as ;n-iv. |f(l;,eil th i! 1 ! « Μ<·(1ι1«·π ;inc;iii had I»· cm h· \ 111 u, » 11 y ;,ιι "axis sea." I -1111 « '.' ·ι : . ; ;ί ■ '·1 «Ί: till· i/.e tin :t mdouhtedlv ; :;urcd in the Hi;1· r Μιι stilini talks. ( Uialilit 1 ml »m ai.! m London aid liie pa : wee!.' developments— ie»ial ;>■ the ! II ><1 Cietc and the al ignment 'Ί France with the axis— had practically elei mated the Medi terranean a a 1ml". between Britain ind the Middle Ka.«;. Kven last wa r.-h;ps. it was said were likely to I ind Iran it 1 the I )U'(i-mile sea a ieaî ni extreme peril, v.i'h two uangeru.ts bottlenecks in lie middle. Surface ve el· in the two danger <:ones-Hie 200-mile . tretch between na/.i eoiK|'.a-red CTel· and axis-held Lmya, and tie U)0-mile jiap between Sicily and French-ruled Tunisia— were described as vulnerable to at iack from axis b mbers. Thus, the inland waterway once » Continued on Page Seven) Americans Reach Libson 1. bon. .June 2 ( .\I">) - One hun dred and 19 Americans who wen· abo;.td the K^yptian liner Zam/.iiiii when -ίιΐ· w;i- inters pled in th·· South Atlantic reached Lisbon today They ramr here by trnin \ ia Span: ii'diii Iimrrit/.. German - occupico Ι· γ,ίιητ. lu ii- 2\ other.-· of the - zam passengers were held by th J Clerman ι hr 1! I ; ι re American ; 111. - bulance di ι vn No Sabotage At Jersey City .{(·!.">■ Γιΐ.ν. .tune J (AP) I Ί if|,t iie! ! m ο ι igation ex pre.- ed bel;iei that it ί'-t 111! If · I V 'Λ . Ilot I bot ι.Μ·. Ι*'ι' ' ( hiel Frank Ει 11··. w1 ι e II » ι ; 11 e« I the dan ι. » 14 « ■ .it SL!.>.> »i 111,< μ ·ι 1 "Id new men t<> "put any sabotage dea "lit til' your mind adding th it he 111 e «·. » 111<1 have tarted 11» »m .. • 11 · Ι«· ly t" sed cigarette. .1 Mi I.L* ; ι r Hoover, chief ol the FIJI. • 'iii .1 11 ci 1 m a h η. Neb., that Ii»m 1 · won· no national defense ma ri 1.11 do Λ 1 < >yed. Possible U, S. Action Discussed lîoinc. June " —ι \Γ)— in formed fascists s,I ill l! Vt |llails fur mec lint; ans move li.\ l'-c 1 nitrfl SI.tirs presumably 1 .rul ed ut least part ni Un· eonseï va lions between Adoll Hitler and llcnilo Mussolini al ίϋ··ηιιι:' l'a-s today. Observers said tin· axis lead ers probably w .· - concerned will: (lie prospeci Ιο: In: Un·' ac tion l>\ tin- I nitcl Maies m il ut* with l'resideut Ko.· veil's jjrn Krain to defend ι ι· western hemisphere wit!) ti e i.avy. vc!\ ins French « Ί %iri< i. u e A/ores and otlici \t!ar.t,c I,unis. \ terse announce ment made no mention of snecilie to|in s. Inil said merely I' at ilili' i a*.d lint said merely tl at Hitler ai.'i .Mussolini were liilh a:;re< d o;j tin- "politi'ul situation." Informed sources predict.:! that Italian forces woiiii· use Crete as a springboard I n r.c\, attacks l>\ air on liritisii por tions in a trianRlc formed !·ν '.lie island of Cyprus the ί ιτ'ι pl'-an port of Alexandria. aiia ir.ç Palestine port of llaila. lint, they said, greater <|Jes tions must have brought the two war leaders together, a.ni l.'.j j cited, besides Cnited Stale- ρ ■■· lie,v. such major Middle H.içf. :.o- \ jeetives as tin· oil fields of I* . with their pipeline thrcj^ii ralestine. and I'rench-ni inu..u'(i Syria and the Suez can;·I. Manchester Is Hard Hit Millichc-!n\ îmil; ( »' ( γ ι ! ; : 111 pl. i πι.· ι»" ineendiai n· biniib.·. mi thi i*ly today. Ki-M-hc rrews a hr.»vy ρ ; 111 ·· 1 ·ιr victiue hui agr. hilt, 1111 Κ ΊΙ > 1 ; 11 '«·(! by lilt· of f ·Ιΐ(Γ"ί. Λ nil! Iii μ ι ' Ί Ιο lia ν γ Ι.ΗΜΜΙ h· ol .ι nui »· !. 1 ι h π τι hi:'.1 ι . ! pitals v. t re dai and lin.·. ter. u'ci ι ■ 1111 i»i ι. honn ΊΊin·!· ι, *· ' al.· υ were ! ' June :l (.\V) fd tin»u. and (» ' li ιh explu-ive nulaelurmg cilv • h«-indirPd by ■ .Ι·.<· -ι lhey 'In;; • und'T the» WM-ci; t\ri . I I ill·.· wer · • I· . H'.IH· gut out 1 ι r were lea red • d in Ihe wreekage • u h ι«·Ιι rr< vi vrd a c lut. Ί\νιι lu .·■ I in other art a ·. aid evei a I . 11c 1 - dditimi to nuinei - :■.! ii movie theat ι c· ITALIANS AND U. S. SOLDIEKS RU'OK I ED FIGHTING IN Ci UN A XV··. Y Home rad ml·' · *d liai dn·] ». ι tel ι i.ai broken «"it iu tl> twee η Itali m an< The hi'.adr . I : la il:·. Mil* lu· «1 2 'ΛΡ) Ίι··· \ tcd.iy . SI ί ι. . thai fighting ImiÎ ( h ι. ne e rit y !>·· \meriean · ail··: . • nu turtIie ' de he repurl Broughton Keeps Own Counsel in Making State Appointments Daily ImmmIcIi Γίιιπιιι, In ll;«- Sir Walter ! I 1 j-. and Iiu.n m: ! .li'.i n.iCKer- ut thi'M' elisappuinl til ι.tb-hunter.- no end. Λ .ι matter ot tact the outstand ing l'e;it lire ·Ί Rroughlon appoint ■ ι ni- .-.ι la ,-eems to he that while th-.'.v have been uniformly good, al most every one of them has aroused unprecedented wrath on the part of unsuccessful aspirant- and their poli tuai sponsors. It may he that these folks hid the:, real reason (failure to make· pay roll connections) with eal c.dating camouflage: but the fact re main- that m .. -<·. les nf instances the Uo\ ernor has been charged with fail ing to use ordinary courtc.-v in It*t ting his own suppoi ters know when in· had made up hi- mind to pick someone other tha;i the "horse they (Contnued on Page Sc. en.* ι Survivors of Bismarck Reach England Λ. .ι British soldier >tands guard with f«xed bay net. I y 'ïm· 1 »ri· Is 11 al'Ur i.ie Binnarck had sunk the Hood, are m ι iindi.-elu-ed English port. Thi. rablc was flashed by eal sur\'ivn"s of the German batik- !up I'·, marek. . unk shown disembarkinf* ironi an Englix: war. hip in le fri'ir Lnndim to New York. Priorities Rules Extended Roosevelt Signs Bills New Measure Permits Assignment of Manda tory Priorities to More War Supplies. 1 !>·>!<· !.. Ν. V.. .1 mo 2.—(ΛΡ) - ·Κι »· · e\ el 1 obtained today jiowci" to speed the production of arms for ireat Britain and tire United States m ip· · · ; ne. "ii An i<·!'ican m du 1ry naudah»r.v prioi :Pe> of wartime cope. Mr. - . eit : a, i.mied a bill, the emporar. Win!. Π >a -e announced, nider which mandatory priorities : av be . η\ (I tn an order or con ait ol an: !··!<·ί*.»η ,ύΓ vernmenl n.'U^ht ν t' in tin· tenu <>! the lea e end net and, in son ι ea es, to orders • t .my ,i;n\ ri iiniciit department or of " ate industry. Heretofore. only contracts placed λ ti'i \ ι ni y and Na\y could be ι\ nu mandatory pi iont n . by the » 1 ! 11 ni pr di (el mn ι Management — he au· ne> t>. wlneh Mr. lioosevelt . . di ι· L-.ated in. authority over )ι ioritk -. An ! in t-i bnl .ter the armament a ".Man:. the Chief Executive has ·■_!!< d a " " . « «το . î ' · 11 ore speed π·; 111· « < e· 1 ι Ί m t · 11 would pel - lilt C 'an idian \ « '■! - tn carry ore h I ween A·· · 1 ■ m p · ' ·η I he Great ,akc dui nig tin· It) 1.1 transi» rta lon . ' a oil. Λ Jim ,1 I,ill : : 11 · il i.v the I'lcsi (ti-l it ι j 11 μ ' ι j 111111 ' t >■■'! I::.;.!!)■!. 1 !)ί) Ιίγ H,,· I ' tut I ic < 1· ί ι ι" m "lit in the ^ t .ir ln'.u;iiiiiing July 1. Death Row Population Only Ten Men Uuil.v l>isiiikl<-h Bureau. In III·· sir VV.illcr lintel. H.v III M! 1 AVKKII.I.. I ;.l It :;;h. ,I llllO J. I J|-C| ι I ι >1 I >' : 11 ϊ ι li"\\ - j >1 >1 111 I; 11 i< >11 t(> ;il>->i|t liai! it- normal figure in pin t u · 111 ; 11 " I .v plOaMllg 11» ( 'ollUllissioncr 111 l';il'lllr> Kdwin (Ml, whiw' duly il is tu make the investigation- which mean In·.» m death tu condemned men. There arc now onlv ten men under death sentence. The commissioner told your re porter that this reduction i- due in no small part to the promptness with which Governor J. Klelville Brougli ton handles clemency appeals. So iar in the present administration there lias been no putting ol'f am. putting off ol executions "tor fur ther investigation" or similar reason. Nuch reprieves as have bien grantee have been because the doomed moi may be needed as \vitnc.-.-e> in othei ^Continued on Pa£e Seven.} Wide Power Is Asked Proposed Legislation Would Give President Power to Requisition Any Property. Ά iniigton, .luην 2.—(ΛΡ) — Λ re ;■ legislation authorizing tin· Ι' 1 'i· ΐι* during the nation,il cmer : ι equi-ition property of any I. mi ' iiiTi··sarv to the national dc : hi·" \\, .-ubmittt d to t'lUign.'-s ' "I \ !·> tin· War department. ι 1 : .·;..! - ..aid tlii' a ut h : ty sought '.ill mclu.-ive" and \. · ■ in:ilar t ' · powers c.M M i-i'd by Presi i(| · ' \V ; I son in the World War. Ann Milling the . l· p. 11 it War lie I 'in!, aid the ρ ι ■ ι| " ι ed bill w;i · • 11Ί' ' d in' till' Γη· -ident, tin· Navy in .· Dl'M. I : ' ι in i| MiM'd hi 11 staled that llu· ι' ί' tv asUid "shall In- ion - rued .ι η .dditional grant ol' authority. ' I 11.(40 national delen.-o ait al t' i;. '· 11 power., thv President t en l"i ' . implianee w.l· dt lens'1 ord i . and .iddilioii.il "dr It indu I ry " Ι· ..ΐΊ '.'.mi· "iicludeil in ι he -elective Ml I e aef la.-t Tall. (.'"ntainilig provi; ion l'or l'air eoni 1". η t '. ii Ίΐ l'or any ινψιι it:· ί 11 d pro perty. tin bill pruvuli that during any period of national emergency I ied by the I 're -aient, the ι ιοί·: Kv e'.itive is atltn nzed "when In· ill ι 11 il in the iiiteri·..I ol na tional deleu.se" to take this action: 1 I l.e over either temporarily ei pi i: ..nently. property ol any kind ni chai ,ieter. whether real or per ••"11.il. tangible or intangible, which va id.iplable lor use in any way I": ' e national delen e "or ill the cnii 11 ι .et ion, nianutaclure, prnduc ti n. trail |lurtation, π 11 ir, testing or storage" ol military or naval sup plies - Ί'ο sell or olherwi e dispose "I any property, right or interest taken o\ er. Allied Troops Still On Crete1 I '-'in'", June 2. ( Λ Γ ) British lii'liiln'i have I icon - *. ■ · | Ί ' J ι i U medical SUpplic and food t'i isolated l>udie> °t linnps loft on Crete alter the "I'M1"' withdrawal, the ΚΛΚ reported loilay. 'In' eoni®iUnique save no further c'« liiil.v mi tile British imperial and Circek troop remnants on the Greek I s I · 111 d. now abandoned to axis con quest. '■•iirgo formations of the RAF .is. λν'Ί " the South African airforce j •sl"'"t yesterday patrolling tile Modi . II ! ' lin an in protection ol "his nia- j ■I* ■'>' - ships and pierchant vessels" removing troops from Crete, the com munique said. . Enemy aircraft were repeat· dlv 'ft'fnepted and many wore attau it added. Weygand Sees Petain Vichy, Juno 2.— (AT1)—(ion cral Maxime Weygand arrived here unexpectedly today hy spe cial plane from his command in North Africa to confer with Chief of State Marshal retain. The French military comman der in North Africa rushed from the Vieliy airport to 1'etain's headquarters at the l'arc hotel. After a wait of only a few minutes in an anteroom he was greeted I»% General I.aim·, the marshal's chief personal aide, and was ushered at once into l'e- j tain's private office. State Death Tell Eleven ! Traffic Accidents anc! Drownings Lead Causes ο f Holiday Week-End Deaths. Ciia r lotie, J une L' --{AIM - \t leaM eleven persons met violent death.· in North Carolina η-ver llu· wt'i k cull .nul. as n-aial, tral'lie aeei dm! <·1;ιιιιι<·(1 the must 11\ c·:- Drown ings won· ee 11(1. Λ head 1 -n ut« tmohile aeeident twelve miles nrnth <Ί I )umi killed Harold Marti-. 21, and his two si.sf «- v., Τ\·1 ·..·imn. Miss ( τ ! ο r j a ti.vrd uf fall in^ton -iiid I). T. Stevenson Γ near Ounn. Λ boat sank in High Hock lake in Davidson county and drowned Hubert lack-on L,asky, L'fi. and Lillie I'earl Swaim, 22, both of Winston-Salem Λ truck struck and killed la inonths old Hetty Hoc at Kayette\ illc. Jack Hobinson Towell, lîâ, of Kan napolis, was struck and killed by a train at Cone rd. Phil l-.ee. 84. of Chatli; m county, was killed in an automobile-bus ac cident mar San l ord. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wynn, of Bristol, Tenn.. was killed in an automobile collision near Colfax. I'holia K. Key, tanner of Mulberry community near Elkin, drowned while fishing in Mitchell river, fie stepped into a deep hole. STATE OF SIEGE FOR EAST SYRIA —_— New York. .Τιιlie i.— (ΛΡ)— ! The French high commissioner for Syria has proclaimed a state of siese for eastern Syria. French Middle Fast mandate, the (ier man radio reported today. Fron- I fier control Mas ti„litnied. } Jcrsc\ Bund Camp Pndh>ckctl New .H r-i-y >tuv .! ! !· . · . ;ι·ά··ιΙ 1·ν Λ î .· ι.ι ■ ι ·. <".ι cd d wit f■!ι Camp Ν· rtifai i. the lf><> ,κίί· N'îi/.i earop at Atiduvcr and seized trunks full of pamphlet;, swastikas and pictures ol Adoll Hitler» and ordered tlie «rounds a:·. : Ί-.iu-ii AIj· a e i- a wa.-lika ti>-r ·· i'..m υη wiling of one of the as ernbly · ill.». Atlantic Bomber Patrol Proposed Jouett Says Long Range Bombers Could Guard Shipping Over 200-Mile Wide Lane. L..II!-·. :ili . Ky . .1 . -—(ΛΓ',ι—Λ ι" li.r.-!:ijin the American :>ir— ι " : ! ι ' :idu>ti \ Im.l.v pint/used that l'inç-rMuc. 1 ,ιι c M.mni'tl !;< ■ mljoι > d·. I'luyi-d jit-piss the Atlantic on an nil" ... ,v 2110 unit.- wide can help ... .: · c .!,\ y jiroblt in." i 11 η . ckire pi ι ι i t ι ί · >:' dc \ ι·ι \ !·« i.iu the «mrr.iul ι»η οιιί.υη tii · As ι cria-1 ι. .1 · li. .i · nïU. I WaMi tiglon, I > l ' lii1 .uei ■ I !!m At "III ι U-t it·; 11 t ce, -aid, ".-fill . ι ■ ι this - .le tif 1 lie .r · · . .·.· ρ .-"i.vthinf· like ( \ ι ry hour "ii liit1 h.our schedules, ι:.· ,v imii c ι lii'.ivy υ mbs . ij; ι i. -e . . .,,·■■ · ι y 201) η 11 ier> I nd w I ii a d . · ying ii ■«· - . tit . - that \\ ι ί I I! 'ί·Ί nut ' ' cur II v. as . ι > ιΟ Stewart, However, Points Out 1 hat Sen ate Isolationists Are Among Oldest. Hi ( I! \l!I 1 S I'. S ( I \\ MM l ι ι I'm - (Λ -r.-t V» -I · · " V· · old • ι 11■ ι . Tt ";iro tilt· ■ - v. m·: "'■ ν 1. you Wi . ι- ι. λ l; . 1 : ■ y 11 Ll wouldn't It si> fresh about it. It's \ . 1 1 !1κι.Ί_\ h!. nk .'let dodoes will» (Continued on 1'age Seven) CKOUGHTON APPOINTS PEMBROKE OFFICIALS \\ . Ji.tM J. . ΛΡ) Governor ' i.L. *-ΐί ; μ. ν ..pptMited G. E. Γ; ν \ ... »r ι .1 Pembroke in ί\ »· ι cum my. Named as town » · ι . wι■/.'] > Wfi't1 B. l·'. Colo. Lae\ M.ivnor, Wade H. Tyner, and ir;. Pate Lowrv. All <>i the terms were iur une year. Holiday Death Toll Is 459 (By The Associated I'resO Violent death claimed at least 139 lives during the nations three-day Memorial holiday. Traffic accidents alone look 'JOS lives, train mishaps Kî. Sevcntx-five drownings were ι - ported and (>3 were killed I» miscellancons eauses. Both the total deaths and Ini tie fatalities exceeded the nation al salcts coiineirs prc-holidas estimated toll « * I KM) deaths in all and M)0 hy motor vehicles. High Court Ends Term Only Six Cases Re main on Docket As Su preme Court Begins Four-Months Recess. \v · I, .11j; i!■ · \r Sill 1 κ: 11 .ι fo 1 · recess to '< ! up Of till* p:M r ι; t Two o| \hi' c: it .· « · 'lu· Los Angeles Tina and Hivrry Bridger*- west C'M~t î: le.tl< ]')·(»!:· V 'Mteim >t ■ »■ Γ · comment on the ι·· π «·.. r taet ·; >· ΓΪΜίϊ 1 ·ο: Si ι·.·. · ι!: ι lion ■ ·· «■ -·:■■:'·■■■ Civ just ice Hughes pUm> >'OOn to re tire inc' t-.i-rd v\ *h t1 ·t■ enH . >! 1! -■ court tern . The 7i«-\t\i'· tiki un st. howe\ er. deci ned ;in\ c«»i · ■ - · GERMAN INFANTRY LANDED IN SYRIA Ankara. Juno 2 ιΛΙ'ι Oi'ininn motorized infantry was landed by Coastal !i'riyhti r< at lhr Syrian port nt Latakia May 2ft, it wa- learned tu da.v oil liisjh anllioritv. WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Parllv rloudv antl continued warn' (oni^lit and I'ue.sday.