SO CI ET Y NEWS I On Northern Visit. fl (\ Anderson has gone 1«> Mnnrotnwn. X J .nid New York City t « »ι .ι \ ι - it € » I several days He is expected to return home Sunday. (iuests Here. Misses Dorothy Μ,κ· and Mar garet (iooch iitul Mi· Mae Mustian, all ot Norlma. are \i itmg the.i un ele and aunt. Mi and Mrs. K. L. Mustian. on Rowland street. From Wadeshoro. Miss Annie M Page and Mrs H. Î Dunlap. <»i \\ air boro. arrKed y« terday to vi it their sister. Airs. L H. Cîooeh. at ner home on South (»ar nett street, and to attend the Ce.i tennial. Miss Stainhack Is JO Wed Mr. Morris Of interest to many friends in Henderson and this part of the state is the announeement. made today by Mr. and Mrs. .J. ('. Stamback, ot the engagement ol" their daughter, Juan ita. to S Ν. Morris. Jr., ot Jasper, Alabama. The marriage will take place at the Κ ι rst Bapti-t eiiureh l.ere Satur day, July 1!). at â o'cl ck m the aft ernoon. Miss Hunt s Guests Honored at Dance Mr an 1 Mi William Perry Cïhol son enter!.-med M:· Virginia Hunt' house guests with a dance at West End Country Ίη1> Monday night. The recei\ mg line was composed of Μι» Hunt and Clifton Mills; Miss Barbara Kinney and Wallace Mnim hutt; Mi.- Ann Shaw and ,Ioe Macon; Μι» IVgg.v McMiilin ami Jack Sandeis; Ml» Anne Rogers and B< >bbv I )a\ is. Delicious refreshments were ser ved. and dancing ά.. enjoyed from 1(1 to - o'clock About two hundred guests were invited from Hendci on, Kaleign. Oxford, Warrenton. South Hill, and other nearby town·. S. S. Parham I lost To \ isitors Here S. S l'ai · un entertain ί at nis home at a dmni ι party I a ~ t evening in hon ι ol .J.« K. Pluimner, S.muel PlimuiH r and wile, and Richard L. Hend' rs n. all ol Newport News. Va Messrs. Plummer and Henderson are former residents ot Henderson. James Κ Plummer and Richard L. Henderson have h» Id most iespon sible positions with the Newport News Slop Hi..Ideis and Dry Dock Company for year-. Samuel Plummer · president of the First National Bank « » 1 Newport News, \*.i I'hi - present, including the above were Mr-. Wm. H. Mann. Thos. A. M rgan, M. F Legg, Dr. W. II Fur man. Mr and Mi's Kdwin Fuller Parham. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brooks Par; am. A. J Watkins. S. H Wat kins, Asa and Malone Parham. EMBASSY 1 Oc—:î(Y— I Or Phone 1Γ> ΐ I \I)S TODAY Vallée. Helen Parrish »> 'Too Many Blondes Ο Γ FA'S TO.MOKIUm Hud Altlicitt, Lnii ( astello, I'iek Powell—in "In The Navv" Special Showing (if t ι· I I tt;·.·. t two Ι- I 11 a!iirc Hint ,.|| !> .·) ,|·1· evr: ! ι : i ι ί ■ · "THE LIFE OF JESSE JAMES" Stevenson Theatre tod vv COOL STEVENSON >latin<"<· 1 ."><■—Nigh! ·ί0< TODAY Added: SnooRi· life! and I'ii'turc I'«.·(>ple TOMORROW lOr and 15c Charlie Chan in "DEAD Μ MX ΤΙΊ.ΐ;· Miss Dedman Feted At Afternoon Party Ml \V Ii. Κι pi ι m. m < 111 < 11,lined .'it bridge Tuesday afternoon at lier home on Voulu; 'Mit. honoring he; sislei. Λ1ι.~- \·Ί! Dedmiin, wlm e marriage tu I. < 111 I'..ill \V Mcl'ol him, nl (,'oncord and ι olumbia. S I' . j will take place *nι July 'Jà m High • 'oint. 'I'lic ς'ΐι1·! lii-t included the lui lowmu: Mr.-. H. II lia-.-. ,Ιι.. Mrs h (' l-mi^hlm. Μι- S T. Peace, ,Ιι. I Μι . .1 Μ Peace. Μι J. II Ρ,ι van. ! Jr.. Mis Λ II Daves. Mr.-, if. I,.| Re rccnt Show er For Mrs. Donald I,\ ans On a recent cvcriin/î. Μ: .ι Mar- : H:iι C'. Τ icker entertained at a lllis eellaiH'i'it Ι'.-ν.η h m.; Mr Πι maid Ιλ . ι η . a recent i ■ ι < I · ■. at he home <il5 tin· lîaleigli mad. Tlirough out the house mixed .-animer flow ers dominated. Several enjnvaltle c >ntc *■ were held. ;t·ι prizes being awarded to Mr ■ S dix y G re η and Mr Be sie ' I,ayt->n. wlm gracefully presented • hi 111 1 ι the hi ah·. I .a tl ; ι klliie,; ν, ι h'·. ι I'd a ' 111 f4 .lee: ι · ι : ι ■ · 11 η c i 11 : a package fur Mr Kvan . which contained many bea Marian Martin s Pattern ' Ι'ΛΤΤΚΙίΝ UTjii ll< ru s a "diί: t'en;' . m ! un · > w a r ,ι1)1ι· cire.- · h ·ι a j ί m ι--! Ma nan r.iai'till h...·, cri a!· cl P.■ !tern !'7ΓιΓ> w.lli c Ίι r. origin..!ity. -pint! Λ ιί»Ί, : :hi.- -ι a ι·ι, in .η- - en t'y tin- rip pling c. prli't -hcvo, though you ay prclcr tin· .-.hurt sleeve version. ΊΊι i' extendi (I. rounded yoke- em I ill a i/.i the new natural should·. r.- - h tiic how I l'y lorm one j>it i· · Willi ι'ιι slimming I'.ick pani'l. In Iront •In > tiillow right through into the ■ear Iaie.- ni tin· long waisted. .Oiapi1 iH'il ee sections. Υοιι 111 i f* 111 gay iy nil! r, the seaming wi'li braid nr 1 and · ;·„ .sing a strip nl it arniind t :» bot t Ma'! the skirt, too. Poll's . ni- I:.r auisnal curved shape ol I e Υ η ιι· \ really exciting dress! Γ.'!ti in l'7.i > may lie ordered only η inn ■·: irn - .i/c.·. 11. 11', l.'i. I t. j 1.1. Ill 17 and IK Si/ I !( requires j '! 7 ii y rds .'il· inch fabric and 1 ■ids m banding. S |.·ιι.'ΐ ι.'|. . rKNTS ·· c ···· :■ I hi.-. MAUI \.\ ΜΛΙί'ΠΝ' paitorii '■· nre to iv le plainly your SI/,I. \MK ADUIIKSS. and STYl,!· \I MM MICH Send ν ι · 11 f order to Tlie Hend^rsoii 1 ' ! y IV ι itch. Ρ a ΤI » · ι · ι [)ι·ρ ι tinriit ·: !' W IHth S! . New Yen 1:. Ν. V Αι Hold. Mrs. .1 L. Mclnm Mi A W Gholsoti, .li.. Mm W W. Nwl, Mi . .1. C\ Farmer. Mrs Κ··ν « ». Κ<κΙ weil. Μι ÉL H. liick·. Mt J ' 11 « 1111, ι · ,.ικί Μι . .1;·πn 1»! Icy Hi^h >eoier lor the* .tilei rimm w . Mi Mclimi.·. and Mt 11 :<· . M'cond lii^h pn/c. Floating pn/. went to Mr·. Rcdwell Mis Fopei man presen t ed the lu»noi ;;iie· l \ (T m her pattern. In the I ; ι to afternoon Mr IV m..π mt\ ed diiinlv u < cakt.nid mints to her HIM ts tiful .nid ιiscfill tfil'ts. Λ ! * > ι thirty guests were pre m lor the occasion. The hoslcs scnted Mrs Haywood Fa ans. ;il ο . '"«'(•ut I>: ule, a piece ol glassware . nattern. 'i ics t s were invited m! « ta dmm.L; . oom where cake. ;md : punch were served. Tht îahlc wa \ery pretty with its laee c »\cr, and lighted tapers in two-hranehod ery >t:·! candleholders on each .>ide ol '}··■ punch bowl. Miss Rogers Bride Of George \Y. Ford Mis Katherine McLauchlin Iiogei became the bride <>1 ( ί· · Mge vV Kurd, of Louisburg. in an impressive ceremony at tiro First Pre..hvterian ehureh nf I Jendci son at t> <»'el<u I. Saturday afternoon, .Inn" Lîfï. Tin Rev. VV. I). Mclnnt officiated. Before th.e vows were poken Mr.-· J. B. Martin, organist o| the church. I ? laved "Liebest rauni", "Because" and "Sweetest Story Fa er Told" During the ceremony "To ,i WiN Hose" was played The traditional wedding marches were used. The cou pic1 entered the clinrch to gether. The bride wore na\.v sheo with matching accessories She wnii· a single orchid. Only the immediate families wil ne-.sed the ceremony. Immediately following the ceie mony the couple left for .in iman nounced destination. Cpon their re turn they will be at home in Louis burg. PRINCESSES NAMED FOR TOBACCO FETE South Boston, Va.. July '2. The first three o| η er a hundred prin cesses who will . ervc in the court oi Kegina Tobacco \* 11 in the National Tobacco Festival were chosen here this week. Miss Marguerite Shell of Law renct ville, was named Miss West ampton College; Miss Anne Branch Madison of Petersburg a> Mis.· Fourth District; and Mi-s Shirlex Mart/.cll of Bristol as "Miss Sulhm ( 'ol lege." Invitations have been extended t< governors. mayors and other not ables in North Carolina. Georgia, Tenu» · see. West Virginia. Maryland .aid South Carolina to name prin cesses for their states, districts, οι municipalities. Close's Column ΟϊΙίΛΝΝΥΜΛ WAS KICÎIITY-KIVK but (îrannyma got around. When ever or wherever something was going on. then· wa.> also (î.annym.i Take thi4 day of he parade. tor in stance. Cîrannyma took oit i.iy !ηί self to see the parade. She was a little woman, however, and try a> she might, she eon Id not l» l · t neai enough to >ee what was .»n Suddenly a distinguished looking man came up to her and · aid. "Wouldn't you like to see the parade Irom the State lmu. e? You'll liavi 'a much better view ! ro'.m iliere." *· Wliy yes." said Cîrannyma. Id like it very much.' So the distinguished looking mar. îook (îrannyma nnde: his ν ng and began to push hi· way through the crowd. "Make way lor the lady!" ne would civ, as though she wen sonie one ot gre.i * imp m ! .nice Kac: time the crowd would part lik< the Red Sea and (îrannyma won!' pa ■ by t'p nit1 » the State In»u. · they went. ( >nee in ide, the mai •ommanded that ( îrnnnym.i b · » \ ι chair in the window where then wa· the best po> ible view. 'Πι man stood behind her chair to set that no one tried t<> make lier move It was a wonderful occasion for he. and afterward she thanked him ano went home to tell the lamily a! about it. "What a nice man!" -aid he laughter "Someone of importance >f course. I wonder who'."" "He was a gate crasher," said Îrannyma happily. "He was Usim me as a racket to a good view • r himself. But 1 certainly did havi ι wonderful time." V * Λ iikki; stohiks from pukhti :<!('( ): 1 > : ■ i' 111 n Spam>h (lays on try boxe .•.til· built al'ins till' const at in ■ivais .mil tin- u.iard·. were changei' each night ι )ιη· night a .-.entry d ippeared Λ -< arch wa> made, hut • trai'i1 .)t h:m could he found The next night tlx· new -entry also disappeared \nother. more thorough search was made Neither man was r seen «pain. Many théorie were advanced, and the accredited one as fantastic. There had been :··; abnormally hi^h tide on both nights Distinguished Centennial (iiiest Ont υί tlii· ht·!.··!· il gai·.- ' · July 1. 1' and '.ί. \\. Λ.ι.- I. Π· yd dauglitei ut Chid .lu :.«··■ Laoiiaid 11· ι Cell! t. lui whom the I I l· ttder · ·! il Imvn l»> t. e Stiitr I < ■ u. -1.11 .; ι \ ι·!11 .ill I Ι; .ι 'a ; M :i ' . i. by the legislature ni 1 i·' h 1. It was decided that the high tides had I in 'Ugh 1 a 1111 u' ' ■· ' ·| 1 ■ ' ' 1 1 and t-.n-h senti \ ! ; tu ·. i.ul carried a v. ay l>y *::t lake a d: < a ι : < a i ·· a i ί 11 a · 1 u : r . . tin· : \ · ■ - -1 · 1 \\ •onung iiitu barb": I wa I · · - · r i > · ' Λ til I■ '.il. Oil . i. a."l> !" |r. iad a ' ί icrcd ", · Ά a ' I va .Ί". ι·', tin· \\a;.. i .. . a ι ί i •••lor ν ;\ id. Sud.i· ν :.11 : ::..'· I I urlll'd I" ll": !'· I. Ί · VI". Cl Ά a headed ra. c111 I ■ a ' coral n! I I Set ore then1 eye , ι1 · 1 the hug·. ; coral !"' >ek a nd \\ ι ■ η I down, a . hands lost. There was ii" radio then : I hilt m ..'.ht · ,·\ ι sa , ni ' I : \\ .· a diva η i. It ha ι .pi'iii·. 1 . ! ι S : .1 a. ai a ' lillili. Th<· la -1 .·: ·. y ·. ; a an ; ee.-tress "f one Ί ' ■ j tan', taa ο lie.- a 11 · ! ■ I! a > Sa J wa- m love with .· V'nai; .nan ·' whom her fam'Ty disapproved. When 1 -he refused to change Iter maul · I or her heart . . . she was cnt to ; i ci invent. 11er v. ··< · t : a : . a ' a ·· ·1 from a voyage to laid that she w r.ild -non take her last v. .· lie .. ttend i ed Mass and the ..a IV' ·. a;u :.a -I a I voice That night -he '.a.-hioiied . I r.ipe and .-lid d ■■ a · ,n · · i·· I » · i η 11 : a ι Γ... . '' ' ; . · . heroine, she fell, breaking her leg The young η . . : a .1 a ' 111 - ancle who ' a la··" ia I .on i tlll'V \\a ; .1 ι "a I . ' .a I ' •.vieil · t.a· ; : ■ . ι tower ·.· ' e .a . .ai !· ·\\ : ; eau -till be · . a 'Century of Progress' Is rhrilling, Impressive; Parade G: eat Spectacle I I (t'ont aia· d : ι I1.·,·' 1 1 1 ! tie. Ill ι -teruia Ii r 1 I.aid a I -ideu ah,.· stam · . t a av ' ' all a " la ' till' in' a p.. ! It wa- one litr: · ·. : i . h iideia< a : uita! ia :1 Attendance 'lie "i ' a > oi ■ .»r« ! I. ' on ' a ' a ielil ol II. : id· ;gh -a ·· Γ lay night !o! !>t 11 ■ ' rt · ι ■1 entatioa .·:·.· · · II ιλ;"··:. ι a 11 had I 'eell I that .a : a |»|'< ' vision: ! a ι i : " aide a · λ I thai Would a ' !. '· U t t. . ι ι ■'!.'■■ e ' t a η ι Is 11 η (i 11 ■ a ν 1111 ·. ί ·. a ·. · . · ill 1:1'. i . a.i I I · 11 ν Γ · '. '111 e ! ι ! 1 : a 1 a ! ;.. I ! ; V - were :. ν ι η "a w y 'l'he erre:· · · tile e: a. η ai·.·, the queen pa the |a;:· aa! ■ell 'Ma M Fa! a eniwned ιiy M I''>wcl 1 .. ija·· ι • Γ 111 e t ' e 111 e ι a ι d , 1. 11. I 1 1 ■ · il.-o ! t . itive ···· · "■ · \ I a a a I M gillia I ., VI ι - (.'··! an! ■ 'lia: ι ι : a. S Γ, Kogei.-, Ot tile \ ' ·■ lio. I ll "1 II ty t'"ini)a.-si : and "lie "t tile lie 11 ii ii ihi" ... exec, . 1 ve ■ ·:■ nittee. e\t ta- greet a ι l; ··> t la in et η. Al! ami 'ht a · t ttelldilti 1 . λ a· I a ·1.\ .a lageantl y . · a :ιιι il th.- ο 11 non·.»", a 111 r .·. the th a te. η : de ol the p. il of in gi .· •jan, depicting nistory ut tin· c.ty ι nd county. The ,-c\ e. .. episod e:a i ad t ■ rough tin· . ■ day.- !·· loi·· tae colon le-, toe. -la . m indepcndei ι · . tr ggh .- oi ' · 'nies t pi e-erve aeir rt\ . κ ot tla railroad nid chartpreiu Hendei-an, then he t'<\ 11 \V 1 wed I►> agric.ii tuai ad· ι.η, · · '.' and th. ι.e ni.i tion ol Van· « ity fro:. ι· a t- .·ι Franklin. ( ; a ae and Wan ell •mint·· - 'Γ " w a. ·. an ι ρ ode ot the (i \ Λ aette.-. · m ins u ο the grand ' ·:...·· during which the ■ntire cast ot . a filing like â(111 ρ ο olo appeared ' igelhi r. 'oraiing a wheel of progress ar und Mi-- Co lumbia. and repi e.-onting the ,-ta'e.-. While the va-1 a--embly was gather d on the ground before the audience they -ang "God Bie<s America." and the audience ] ">:ned in singing ' The aw»laswwMBlllWBMWWi1 maxaamv. si· H ndersoii Centennial fclcl»r;it!.>ii Vhite, of Birmingham. Λΐη.. a grjnd derson of the North Carolina Supreme : \v:i named when it \\ a» chart· red as "41 Tat Centennial coinnicieorat d ; ary of the tormation oi Vane : . . Si.ani:\ (i Iianner." • la. pel Hicks was the principal irrator. assisted Ijy Russcl! L. Row . . an! din ctor. ..ι ' MUo ad 1; 11 lliek- ' . the r Κ Ι ι .. : Taae. ; : : dep (" : 'lie <·.,. ly :.! ' the 111 :, ·■ η see; ι ai, ill : I ' ' ill I place 'el ■ 11 and nt ι r en a - ι .cciipv a : the (.►h 11Y « ! Μη c mmunify Vciv nuch un ι irl, te m », » »! the naming • ι Hendc · toi Ch.r! .! -hev Leonard ll< :.1 i» ' «π, ol the Stat· S ι )M · <· ( ' ; · · Un . llj^otiop »t λ \\ i lit'in. , .. .· » fcave th» ground •π Uh ι . lit» (i . 4;iti η ua.-> • · :i. . 1 1. 1 -i. λ· Ci.. ne m a mai η j ι .ιί 1W3H. i'n « . < ; «ut u ii ti « 11 t ^ i c · ·'·-· · : · "· < lt î< · : 11 - toi .ν, ; ' ' « :<4 i I il ill Γ I. .^Îlly Cl . · U! ..Ht ·; ·· 1 . · ( ι € ·} >t;( ij ! « . .\ο· 1.1 4 il Kl j )( a ■ ' \ Ici the > .:0 1; ' dip y t ill il (i .< : < H ( * M. i' M ' î . i . ti'i «··.!· · v\ « ! h rec ! a ι ng eh ... .,1 <i ' : ·· .. ι, a need i ' iIli ; n ·; 11. . : i 1 . ι. r ' :.Ί ! :■ 1 ! ! f d Mid the !.. * λ · rd ι. li ;r. el cou. fort. Al:·» «»n tii^pliiy v ,<·· «»rif· ol tht mod'""n ' ·· ·. .11 ΙΙ.Ί' *i!i thl S» .1 la..ιd i iie ι l'en ·. j >: »g:nm today ;n .1 \V Λ Γ )' ,11. "I t :S', ! · · .S ( ' ' on Tin Suprci « C : : iîid i4 H ; - : y *, ;}; ι , ,■ m \ lac ; . : ' : i . " · < >·. · v. ' ' ! hci ! \l '··: tli« )>.ιî a de .: ' · t Mtid and t ·m■ H« ndci ■ ι ' 'in·: ι -eh' i hand gav a con " ' * ·. the ·. <·!.: · I i»'r 'inai Tac t ;.nd we . f nlf! ta an rl a j a ι ci icon ί the 1 îiût'O ι twice - îat ion a mile "·! t! io.lcii- s·, ad. Al'te! * !. il',' Mt 1 »! .·' ' . the Ce! îcm î :a i ha : will i >e L'. '.en .a lin ' ! ' I i . . i < ! . \ ' ' M '! Y 1 I 1 ' . ( ' I ),i I ' ni .n !'· ad. Λ !■ r h. v. il 1 he l*ι· en at the ! : ta ;· - ··: . ' ·· '-1 . nea» ( ί illhnrg. ' 'ai* η l'a· · a t ol Ihe city, tomorrow a "1er·!'»■·,i. v ' l· 'uni Πν ai}·, para t( j. ·ιο nd t i·· la..· Final ••'ι·' η t · : ' · ι ο F t11" | ) a li ' ■ · ' î l'iin or • < ι ill end th Ccnten !.. 1. Λ ei ca* nala η 3 pa. "... comprise • ·· · ·* " .!! »n acres. I une Limit In Strike itm ii rt I I ' .U· < >IIC ■■ Mil; d to tl··· <uui t ■ <i H Kcctipct-alinu < .. ι i < » H. . Sr. let; liilhn m ( ; · \\ ' \\ · : λ ι n 11 -ii V < < .·. .· (i ' t ·.« : « ft 1' / • i. ι y - the part η th< set · ϊι ν ci. km* ** Relieves Pain of Periodic ^ Female Weakness AND HELPS BUILD UP RED BLOOD! Lydia Ε Pinkhams TABLETS 'with added iron) have helped thousands of ^irls to relieve pain "f lunctional monthly weakness. Pinkham s Tablets ALSO help Ijinlrl up π-d blood and thin aid in promoting MORE STRENGTH. ^Wurlh trying! ^ NOTICE! W. W'il' !>c Closed All Day Friday and Saturday, July 4 and 5 M l!i ; 1111 y Simp Vanity Beauty Simp Vim'ih· I'-t auty Shop City Ucauty Shop \V ■ ■ i, I. ' I :. ; 1111 \- Shop .lewd Hcaiity Shop Hlaiii'licttc Meanly Shop. NOTICE! Fourth and Week-End Vacationers We will be open all day Thursday and Closed all day Friday, July 4. We will be open all day Saturday, July 5 To supply your nerds in beachwear. slacks, and cool things to wear. Efird's Dept. Store > 230-232 S. Garnett St. Henderson. N. ('. We Are Open All Day Τoday in cooperation with other Henderson merchants, we will remain onen all day today. We Will Be Closed Friday, July 4 In kivpm.u' with tin· ]>«» 1 ic*\" of this store, we will remain c: sed all day Friday. July -1th., in celebration of Independence Hay. We Will Be Open aturday, July 5th hiver minttliil ot our duty «>t service 10 uns secuon. we will be open all d;iy Saturday for the benefit of our patrols. 'JhoUomoof Bolter Values' DE PT 'Henderson's Shopping Center'

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