ASSOCIATED PRESS AND CENTRAL PRESS Utotfereon BâfUj Btepafrff SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1941 ι Laws Guard Trainees Against I Loss Of Jobs, Life Insurance, And Property While In Army i r.ι!noes diafted under the selec· tJ\ e -er. ice act arc p: tected agains! lo. , (»t their ' ·!>>. lût· insurance ant pi pert\ darmg the lime when thev till· in Federal service, it Was >tatcc tooay l>> Λ Λ lïunn. cha. : : ν in ι ! the Viuiee county draft ad\ iso"y bo; d. Special attention was calied t>ι i\\ > c« 'iicei n:ng *::e>e matters, be Ci . ι ! ;p a-n!> recently made to *:ie lu·. .J Ρ ν légiférants who were no; lamihar will) the protective pr · vis ns. e· ·:m " :"U : ?· t"· ·pi ν · ,ei11 ■ ·: tl a nee.- >pct.:\ : - t v. ::eil a dialtee r ι ι y ami HENDERSON YOUTH NOW WITH MARINES . Jesse Willard Champion, the son o: Vli and All - W ... air. ii C :ia:i: p ■ ι . lnjy M.ip.ι - >;.er\ Ht π G>. r-nti, I.- 11· v. -rr\ .:14 Wit "·. M... :ie L)e! ι. 1 .Maw V,i: ■; Β η. M -, , ·.·· idir.K 'to η: : ■ tho Marine C .·(>. Kaiiigh > : 'Cell |>! ': 1 : 'ted : ..nd - π >u eli};: (nation rece rt i". uii:ng . ■ lie has rt P: bit : Ί· ι J · listed in K., St- ' · ' ' ' · ' t.. .rung VV. ! .· ,i .1 ** . auk. tai" : . he v\ as •i (i ; ;.oh p. ^ ·· > '•re: Y - <■' 2 " - : · i ■ ( ι in d' m .»nd ! li ! ·: · V. . e ' AGENTS RETURN FROM FARM AND HOME WEEK W Sii nd< ··-. \ .nice conn ι ν ·· Mi- H Κ I'lumtiT ίί · t <|.··.\ il on agent, returned η " 1:1 \ : 11 ι spending , . . ,t Sta V College in Kaleigu " ndmg îiie annual Farm .nui Home \\\ '! M IV Τ·.:·.Ν"η and Mrs I [) Hut. both »·ι tiie Dabney coil ; - m unity, received certificates at g: ..ii·' <*n cxerc.w- la. t night, de noting attendance .it tour Farm and il W.-ck Mr- I. K. Barnes ol Κ 1.1 ι ·ΜI. wh<> : eceived . graduation c« :!:î:cate "îvc year.- ago, also at tended tin wr»'k'> ses-ions. and a η ; π be r n! othei' Vance county re-, i M.t.- were present for one or more ·: the meeting-. FOUR CASES HEARD BY THE RECORDER !·'·'ίΐ! charges were heard t->day .n r i.nty court, with Recorder R. Κ C c · nt> presiding. (\ F. Lowrv. Jr. was charged witli n« η-support. b the proseeut:ng witness, Mrs. Lowry, came into court, and withdrew 'he She ta\ed with the · - The state t< ·οκ ..i ' '"· :a ο s \v it.: lr- V<> a> t. .r.uiFV % Haw km>. V _ -aod ' · ■ ; * ! cii ici!ν weapon Jame« Miller, Negro, was guilty ' : - s . ; i · > ! ; ! ·.· . ι !uv ' > ! " ' . 1 ' , ' ; 1 ll< IΤ i)t' Γ' 'M \ ;,·ι1 : · ,.·.».£» any criminal ];r\ .·■ V ,ϋιτ . .·.·>· . .thin the next ' ·.> y ι., - !'· ··!· ··! Meg ι·-·. r<>u to ."> F: ι : rl « i ■., ι ; ι. w as αϊ, ity of rt ckir. di -nu .ιnci piayor for judgm··!)! \\ . continued upon payment of rh·· TRAFFIC FINI L W Spain paid $1 into 1 flee of the eitv eterk ib à f ,nv : 1\V \ iolation. : "<■ oid. U ·.' fd today must make application tor his old job within 40 days oi his di>char>;e lion; the army Othei laws >pccify that insurance i;\ nt'd by a r .in inducted .nto ... nv nari tne -elective -erviee[ ;.iw " ·,.,ν π. t bo lapsed during the j period ή ser\ ee oi within one year I after discharge. and that the trainee j may reinstate the in-urano· h y j\,\ ment of the premiums within one year the date ot : : · ..y :·.·«' !·♦· ' ee »st«t w" . .<1 he is r. <»·:- et η» . .· .y ] : -pert\ be m »!d t ; >: t a χ es Full ··! · .· 'Λ e -net rn n« the > law s protecting :nU:cst- ·; e.rat't··!. mon i::av : >e >ecu·. ed ! :' 1 ". : ν · : <· < : the ad\ isory b >ard, Mr. Bunt: Labor Spokesman I" — ——·■ —-— — ^ - ν: :«:>! J Λ F::iâ. ι'.' Salisbury ■· *· . Χ · *; C ! r.a State Federal: ή !.. · ·\ will p:es:de a!! ·..; • 'u- : ' I Inslιtutt e\ »··■ * . e it ι !· i ' ' - State. 1 h*£ : :r,. nu . : ! ' it t * ί. > (Λ >« '| ΗΊ\Γ . Πί· ' •t· ' i ■ r t.T". îy ' » 1 X »r I h Car and the W η iuimrv operrd λ :· 7 1'>\vfτ Κ :' - ν lt)>od 2Ά î.m 12β lower. M id. · - : ■« »î Κ».97η ■ ι ! 24 C> ; »οη (Ί«»μ· ! vet t Η).70 ΙΟ Λ0-51 .ί.ιίΐυ.ι ·. 1»! 7ο 16ôln λ I ί:·e!. '.«'.S! 16 0.2 λ. > 16.82 16tj2 J lily . 11>. Τ 4 16 57η FUNERAL ON SUNDAY FOR RACHER EVANS Hacher Kvan.-. 30, colored. î«»r ι past 12 yea s employed at Γ r « ν · . I λ ι.? ν ci .-i tins morning .ι! ί·.· -γ:'.;;, after an illnes> -a ΛιΊ'Κ. Funeral ser\ ices were announce : a.da.v afternoon at - S! church. and >:*· : : « · * . be made m the . 1 . Hf - >urvived by In. < midren. NOLLE PROS TAKEN TAX-LISTING CHARGE ;·.· Matthew - ■' . -■ < ti · '·;'ν cuifl tud.ii . · M . 1 Η· ν Ί Powell ν,'' for taxation. Τ it defendant ' ■ <·<.::· it ί m1 had been c \t ; ' · : 1 ! - .. taxes by the Vance County Board of ι :>.-n moi -. and τ I . ■ !.r ι .ι nolle pros χνοκκι κ> \\ w ri i) l'Ile Mender >n >:'!.. . ' S* re Employment Service tod >y reeeiy- { 1 ι call fin1 ". r Ν· 4 ί ' "<.·[> M-'iiday; '·· ' .·. -rk at ι Κ fi'clock on a y··,-··· ι .h ■! ! Iitch diiîKing. Γ .y ·! · ·;!■ an hour. CAN YOU ANSWER ΓΗΕ5Ε QUESTIONS? See Pn;ie h'oi'T 1 Thi maximum d-taiice acfossI the Un il( ri States 11 ■ ■ : : ιμ-Ι t· west is u. ·■.,·« than .! I:·· north t onth : tr ■" or false ' ϋ \ ctru> ir·.it ar.ii a chemical • ■ : 111 κ 1111 ri hot h ha\ · tilt' •anu1 four let ter n.iiiit·; spell it. 3 Name the capit 1 of Vermont, ι 4 N'amc t. ο No!-l'iiian who ,s be lieved to have discovered the North American continent nearly 500 years before Columbus. â Who wrote "The C ttei s Sat urday Night'.'" β In th· Navy petty officers rank below commissioni d officers What corresponding name designates such I grades in the Army'' ! 7 The Great Pyramid in Egypt ' contains nbout one. two or three million stone blocks? R Ti e Soamsh J is pronunced ! like which English c nsonant. 9 Which modern King is called thf "Cnnnuprine I.ion of Judah"' in in what co"nt<-v did the S poy Kebeliion take place? 1 Kiwanians Hear NYA Director There arc 44 projects operating m the state NVA Area No. J, which Je- P.iihann Person, Granvdle. Vance, KranWIitt, Warren, North jmpton. Halifax, Nash .md Edge vmbe ' ■ 11:· ~ and -even of these proje» : - - ι I·: oil as national tetensc nie; . ..4-, Frank H. Waters. ·. il ι·.·: . t,.i members ': lit di . s. ; Is., λ 'm:s club last Defense ;·. ίοι : : "he area in ■luded defense τ ident centers at {,i'e -a:·. "1 I».. ·. λ vi λ rk nfi lefênse shop? at Raleigh and Dur an .:·» ' oc:- tn es shop in •lend»· - ··.. nd : de!en e eon .· λ · ·. ■ M \V >!or- said j Hides u'h ne shop work, welding, J ι >!' ti.e otlu·: 3. p:·Meets ip tne | ι i .i which are classed as regular. I \: \V s . \1. · λ . ,:·<· Negr · 1 een!i"'s. one ι » f which is a" Henderson In- . ι : t i !1 :r >!he: a center for J joys at Bi eks, in Edgccombe coun-I y Tht ' 1 ■ 'ject- are cirri- j •aI. !" ' ι ' »· ns'ruction · i!-,l . ■ * . l it n;ii!d:niî< | Y ■ ■ . ' s ι : r i a ·'■. ;'it 1 m i on - " 1 ·" ι l'a I il T.HilO . ·η ! Vï ! . ;1 ' '■ ■· th.· are . d -eet .r 1 • M :! · Κ···· and of th.: 1 • · ' V. ,n n'y y 'Utils rr . | . ■ ■ · «" "al "·■:·,· • !· '· · , ■ ι s- ι' ' · ; The nier' nu >ι.·\ ' ·.··!·< ' wa< an- I ·· ' d. ■■«.·. . i l'iank CARRIAGE LICENSE FOR TWO COUPLES C pape • : ·. ■: · ··..· \ >!.< .· Ki-U.stry ..Il ce. ι; '.:· K.'Ikn. r. 111. ar. 1 ι.· J. I'll ■ · ··! X' «■!.' gi anted ii colored couple. James H. Yar • lit;! 47 'ni I iliella (11 ceil, 3,">, ι οι Henderson, also scoured li teynolcs Undecided )n Tax Stand (Continued From One) : ν en: !" :.g!"n to op ose one or both of the plaixs, and !·« .lU'iiiy puu ■' of X·.··. I'.,; ..·.. e· >ngres.-M mal ' ! I . 1 I . ' . ι ! :d Sella te ) .·.·>· i ! ■> ■: · ·■ ι : < 'testants. Senatoi Josiah U Bailey and prac i> .« . : not . . . tlir Her! louse members have tlatly commit· ο v..·.· -> e- .ig.nnst both. The governor, the State Highway ommisston, the Commissioner oi : :d almost every : ■ · 1 : : 1 < nip in any w \ . ■ η ■ 1 ■ ; ■.. . ι ι egistei i'd opposition to ι ! ; t. ' Γ t1. i L >. >· ' Reynolds tei 1- iu ::· ed ■ · e to gather in!·>····· .· ·α •·:ο text of h:- teli j·! ..pi: λ · >■ .ι oquest fi'on. ' : . ihcimu stand, should v.·· g., hi:· • . ;uvo tax mere, -e. In' , : ο ι, the Senate: V. j'MCiate your u.qu y How ver prefer not to make statement ι .-ont time until 1 i... e gather : e information reierence taxes ' : '.hoi and gasoline Regard -aw Enforcement Board Meet Recalls Fight In Legislature (Continued Frorr Page ; i · 'ίίιογ J. Melville ί>· >»·.t;ht"ii I'M lui ing all the 1941 -« π Γ the Jen era! Assembly. As i'mqlly enact ci. the statute ga\ »· v.· £«·\ιτη«»ι lu· appointment <·! ι · 11 r ci' the marri's seven meiûhri whieh vould have given 1.1 practical »· >wer to name the ci. , · m;m. Kveryhody kno\v> Bmughton ν ■· . : c 111Ί willingly name Pou rhair ■ mi; ·Γ . ι ! ι ν t ! ; i ! ι u Everybody know it during the legislative session and • · 11 ; * 11 c i - > t the .-tate auditor weie adamant that hi- position as chair-; man should be made unassailable. 1 The governor argued there was n > m i (I ti. ii., _j_· chair1: an in the bill ' ell. wanted that part out; but an ultimatum was served on him. warn ing that it was to make Pou the sta tutory chairman or fight. The gov-i ( rnoi didn't care to go that iai X .·' Ν -aid it vva- because the sen ati at least, would ha\ e refused to I - anv board bill that did not name Γ ι as chairman S there was really a story in t h ore identity of the presiding of I ticer. ! ι 2 It was thought il» some circles that the board would elect Titts as -ecreiarv. but he wasn't even men ' amed State Treasurei Johnson put Honey's name in nomination. Sheriff Krnn S! ... Forsvth seconded it. That ■ ide it obvious that nobody I else had a chance, as Chairman Pou Ai'iild have broken a tie again.-' !' Its c ι ■: i! the latter had received ♦he vote· of Greenville's Police Chief George Clark. Alamance County's auuti. Ii .1 l{h·nies and his own. Behind the Shore vote i.- still an ithci Imv SI t· u a - a red 11. >; Β rough ton - -.1 ] Ί " iter in the 1940 pri mary. but when the governor did n· ' ι ai: e the F -r.-yth-baeked highway eon.mission candidate from Stoke.-, the one-time big league ball pitcher iost his entiiii-i..-m for the govern··] and not even appointment on the board appear- to have Totally ap pea si'd him. CA' Morris' po.-ition as collector ·<·ι··· t·· have been made safe by the wording *t the law It probably wasn't the treasurer's desire to get ι the job of collecting the funds, but I the attorney general says he did get I it so that's that. Anyway, on the face of the record it looked like M 'i ris, as a legislator j from New II mover, had helped leg islate himself out of a job; but in I practice he was quickly given it by the treasurer Who knows but what j it ■ planned that way" At all events, Μ ·:|.- couldn't have been • ■'ni ii< 1 ■ <·\ m by four gubor nali'i. ;·:·· rit«» * \ oting as a unit. 14 ΤΙ.·· in ·η-ι\ΐΊΐιοη of Pitts IS •rctty well covered under item (2), ■ t■ ι (ΜοΙ'ι : ι ρ: r-ented. Tin .·· !>-thing anywhere of rec '(I ,;nl ·■ .t.tii· that Governor Brough am made any move in connection vvitl, !lu· whole affair. Nowhere is thi;c ι·· ne found any evidence that ic wanted Pitts a-· secretary or that he wouTn have preferred someone ither than Morris as collector. It is mlikely that ht would deny he v\ ι·ιιId prelei another board chair nan than George Ros> I'ou. though ibvimivly l.i would not affirm it. Vet tho-e who know the situation ■ t close range and ^.v familiar with ;he governor's desire to gather com plete control ot every governmental ■unction into his own hands have a I'eeling that things would have mov •1 l'iiieh differently had «not Ihe li) 194 l legislature bowed it.- back lust once and served notice it would : ι. ι : | ., lulT winch W(Vd 1 d leave Pou's pi 11 ί · a> chairman at the mercy • ! ,, It: 'Ugh.ton -picked board. Another interesting angle is the • n\ ·,, il- alliance of two of the elec tive oil cials the treasurer and the insniance commissioner—with the state auditor. Nazis Made To Change Timetable (Continued From Ta^e One) • in· s nt to battle the British in the Middle Kast. 3 An attack on Siberia by Japan the I'mted State.-, intervenes ac tively in thi war. 4 Luftwaffe destruction of Kus -:an industrial centers east of Mos cow . ."· Increased pressure η France, Spam and Portugal for occupation f tin ii Atlantic and African bases t" ' .'.hten a counter-blockade of F.ngland. Education has in it the power t» foster nobilities and to discourage vire. Stock Leaders Add Losses Now York, Λιικ 9-—(ΛΡ)—Taxes ! and war doubts persisted as anti bullish arguments in today's stock ! market and leading industrials adderi tractions to two points to recent losses. Negative comfort was derived from! the fact that selling never seemed really urgent. Transfers for the two hours were around 350,000 shares. The direction was downward from the start and few recoveries were in sight at the close. It was the eleventh straight session in which the list, on average, had made no pro gress. This was one of the longest stalemates in a decade. Closing quotations: American Radiator fi I-"-' American Telephone 153 3-4 American Tobacco Β .71 1-4 Anaconda 27 3-4 j Atlantic Coast Line 24 1-81 Atlantic Refining 1 7-8 ι Bcndix Aviation . .... . 37 l-<>j Bethlehem Steel 71 1 2 Chrysler 57 Columbia Gas & Elec Co ... 2 71! Commercial Solvents 10 1-4 Consolidated Oil Co 5 7-8 Curtiss Wright 8 3-4 DuPont Electric Power Light General Electric General Motors Liggett & Myers Β Montgomery Ward & Co Reynolds Tobacco Β . Southern Railway Standard Oil Co Ν J U S Steel 159 1-4 1 7-8 31 1-2 39 1 4 87 3-4 33 1-4 32 5-3 17 ,. 41 3 4 .57 Aluminum Drive Nets 1,885 Pounds Λ total of 1.885 pound of alumi num, contributed from the kitchens, scrap piles and widely-aborted sources of Henderson and Vance county, was hauled away :oday from the bin wire bin opposite the fjrp station to go into the nation-wide accumulation of this metal for na tional defense purposes, it wa- m nounced by Κ Η Dixon, chairman of the county drive. Trucks of the State Highway de partment carried the metal to the state highway garage on the C'ary road at Raleigh, which is serving a ι concentration point for several counties. Theodore S. .Johnson of Ra leigh. state director of rl>· fense, will be in charge of final dU nnsi'ion of '.lie metal collected in the -tate. Mr. Dixon today expressed appre ciation of the cooperation of organi zations and individuals who·aided in the drive, both in Henderson and in the county, and said that all nem hers of the committee are very much pleased at the response which re sulted in contribution of . uch a quantity of aluminum. J. c. FAULKNER ON VA. POLICE FORCE Julian C Faulkner, who movd I Mewport N< wf Va . over η year ■ go, ha^ been made a menibi ι of he police fnrce <*f Warwick > ntv. Va . m which Ncwpoi t X itnnt~d. il «·,ί> learned here t .rlnv Mr. Fmilkner is a furnvr re I· n* if Henderson. Is Flying Instructor. Pilot A Glenn Lancastei. hτ ii"_* received his w^jigs in the Canadian Air Force, ha.· '^i cn ρ ■ t (•(I to Trenton. ()ntai in. as .in struetor on twin engine aircraft Lancaster will l>e flying the twin engine Oxford. Aero-Alison, and ,il the American-built twin engin·· Lockheed bomber. He will also I»' flying single engine aircraft Mica as the Spitfire, Hurricane, and tin North American Harvard. Odd Facts In Carolina . By Carl Spencer ON MOWAY JULY 2Blh AS N.C. STARTED v-/ DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME L L TOW€RY "bUELBY WENT TO MILK AS USUAL BY EASTERN ' x STANDARD Τ J ME - ME FOUND THAT MIS COW HÛD BROKEN INTO THE PEED ROOM AND MAD AN EARLY BREAKFAST / .^ . • ' I CAN Τ 50W GAVE &RTH TO 13 P\G~ . SIX WERE BOP-N ON MONDAY JULY 2/ST, AND SEVEN ON F/P/GAY UULY 2SM. ' c L. &£AV£Gf &EAR PO&t-AR. 52'/,l INCH CUCUMBER / OP a4Y/S W/L SG/V «MIE WCPK1NG AT CtMP OAVI2>. HOL L Y f?fOCE At/5 5£L SW/HCEL L, ML WHO TOM, WORKED UNDER THE FOLLOWING FOREMEN GREEN REHD, BROWN, BLACK AND WV-UTE / WHITE EGG PLANT PRODUCES WHITE FUIMT f-MQS J H WALTON, • HAMLET SEVEN LEAF CLOVER / FOUND 3 Y MAX/NE REDOING. FAANKL INVIL L Ε. WRITE oa WlRk YOUQ LOCAL FOR SEEQS ' -ALLOW 09 Y«* FOR SHIPMENT {* m iperate on Eastern Stan | lard Time as heretofore I —one hour earlier than I Daylight Saving Time. I Seaboard Railway In lovinjr memory of Robert K. I'erkinson who died August 10, ΤI is Family Β. Η. ΜΙΧΟΝ (Incorporated) Contractor and Builder "Β κ il du Ret ter Ruililiniia" Also Wall Papering, Painting, Hoofing and General Repairing. PHONE 7 Citizens Realty & Loan Company COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Renl Estate — Property Management Joel T. Cheatham, President Plumbing -- Heating - Electrical Contractors Oll-O-Matlc Oil Berner» — Iron Firemen Coal Burner* WILSON ELECTRIC CO. Phone 738 WlllUm Street Strikers Halt a Car—and Eight Warships One picket holds up his hand while others surround car οt man seeking to drive into the Federal Shipbuild ing Yard at Kearny. N. J. Walkout of 16,000 CIO men brought halt to work on two cruisers and ·ίχ de stroyers. Direct government intervention wu threatened when negotiation· stalled. For Good Clean USED CARS —See Legg-Parham Co. Buick Dealers. I