Hettîterson 5Batly Bfspaίφ ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA ^Sty-eighth year Henderson, n. c., Saturday aftlrnoo n\ august ic, ïïm '•ll"-",^:, K^'vi%Nl,Vv"CKN""N *'i RUSSIAN RETREAT IN UKRAINE IS ORDERLY Roxboro Mob Fails To Get Young Negro Charged WithRape Berlin, Stettin Bombed In Reds v u Λ ork. Auk. I(>.— (ΛΡ) — Berlin and the (irrman Baltic port "I Stettin Here heavily at lacked li* Russian bomhers over· niclit. Tlie Aloseow radio, heard here 1" < II"·, reported today. ■Main ineendiar.v and high ex p|iisi\r hninhs of heavy ealihre «ere dmpped < :i Berlin and Stet tin." the broadcast said. All our plane» have returned to their bases " RcxboroCCC Probe Asked By Governor Interference of Negro Camp Workers in At tempted Lynching Scene Denounced by Broughton in Hie Pro· t«t. ;>tM τ » had '.<"1 ·* \ian ^ ' 1 l\.{· î$ÇgTO ^ t tending ; ^ v . tv.hi'd ■ . ... Hi.- ·« AI'i- Gover :: aid today that lu i the head of the Civ: ■ lion Corps m Wash .· .in immediati tlivps . ' march of a gro ΐ|ι ο : χ iy s on the Person court ' isi· during disorders at . attempted lynching 11 n;ght. Hroughtun dca Hi >\l)oro " dis< irders a . with a whoK 1 t ο .. d it was a wilder η '. : 1 !fd " • : τ : ι ii" .-aid that tie was ir group of Negro CCC tin·, r camp on til H ixboro t w ard tli • while a mob wa.- millin ' ι- ii ι:Idmg. demain: ng I' : y .ii old Neg: i. >·· irge ■ .: a white girl. Thi CO '..thin 150 yard of th when they were (i: ι ν hut- fired from the mo ' >· irt h use. • : 'ten to the head of t!' ng f■ ■ r an immediate iiue f this oeeurrenee. \vhi( ■ 1 or linn i:t'iicr.illy lair and cool Sun (lay Ccurt House Damage Estimated at $1,000 as 500 Men Try To Get Black From Jail; Prisoner Rushed to ' V™ e Prison. R'ixl·· ·Γ·.. Λ114. If! (ΛΙ'ι ( .1 1 (ic (·( tu! i-d 1 >n till ] if tic I .\\ η < Ί" ι ·,««·« ir 1 h..:· ni r tin· 7? ί ! ί ι 'inn V ruinia line today afte: , ι -· in which a mob 11Γ âllll m. η at!· · ' ι d ι:; uee>-fully t.. get the ι· ! v. 1 η ( y \V m- te;"' '.'.2 yi·.. ■ mI \ charged with raping a younq ν Sift. l'util around I a m . 1 · members, armed with guns. .·! nés, bottle and sticks. ρ ltcd the l'or on cminty jail while nfficr > ■ mod up in a room in the jail drove the η c:i had: in interval;· v. :·. :··.,· Ras. Sheriff Μ Τ Clayton, v.·!"·. . for -'lin.' · nine. aid ! r<.m til" 11 . ; nnrt Raleigh police departments and 'he Sta'· I lighway Patrol, iv in ■ d to whisk Winstead out of the little ' i\vt· '·> S'at Prison in Raleigh. id that as lar as ho could learn η one ' : ad in" η .-.oriously in i :. red S: \ h■ ι■ ιr- a f ter the crov Ί : ■ : · f · ■ r : ι Hit; and the shorill sent a η I call for help to the State Highway I Patrol, the mob began dispor.- ni* land shortly only a few spectators re mained around the jail. "It was th<· win · night in Poi son county history," the sheriff said. "The dam u to the tail alone prob ablv is ab ve S1.000."' "There is a bottling plant act"-·, the street from the jail and the mob entered that and hurled case niti ·■ iMs· of omotv bnTTTos into the ι : r ■ 1. " !: continued. "Thr.'iie'-.oiit we kept pumping t < · : ι ! ua at then and sending calls ' IVιi ha ·· and Raleigh for help I from the police and the State High (Continued on Page Six> Oil Industry To Double Airplane Gas i ! __ q Washington, Aug. 16. (ÀP) 1 Pelro-Ieun ι t \ m ii-cliμ;ι i« »r Iria · ai ; · ! nouiuvcl todas 11κιt the -il .nde-tn was drafting plans ti> ( 1 « » u 1 > It · it- re· 'lining capacity U»r 1 m»-· .»·ι.ιΐκ· a \ :. ι 1 1ΐ"Π gasoline. there!>y !· · ρ: e\ cut ; j .·h< Mtage I or the ! , < · I. : n- pi in,· !\Π··μ;ι, Britain a .ni tin· t wpanii.n j . Ann ι ican air f<«rces. , ' "The a\ai'ahi ! i t ν <>; adequate >ap plies of dl and ga-ohne will dele! mine live conflict nuw n.gin a ,.hoard." leke- declared. ; Mean.- til accomplishing an in , <■ .· ι a «· in ivfming capacity were di> -e(i at conference here tliis wee I het v. rt η intiu-ti.N ι epit x-nîat ι\is an I officials m the Office of Pctroiein C". iilin ">■ Certain primary >nrveys alrcad are well under way. Iekes said, an othei ■ tlidu are hi/,ng made to dc termine the probable rc.t|uircincn in ciackmg and other e .>enli . 1 eciinpment Britain Is Dismayed By Publishing Of Pictures Baltin. Aug. 1G. —(AP) Paul 1.!ι. publisher ol" the Baltimore Sun papers, said in a cabled story I Ii"Uduii today that the Briti.-h -'■"I'tiy m|" Information was dismay-, ( : to i.nd th;it pictures ol the Roose ' ' it i-hill meeting at sea had 111 ί ι ! ι ·; ι t ·( I to American new > I"!*'» "V, :ihnut warning" and before, :,M ! ι«·:«'·t e t" British newspaper.-. ''alU -m ιι the other hand, the Minist lui»ti n ation, foreseeing t (ii aUd historic phases ot* t m» « in t' .· ·. re; i 1 pain< tu provi ,i - pi ci.il - : al ! 1" vec· >rd t lu ' event ι lit- t i. : \ : met ι ■ > supply a rompit aivmmt t'··;' the pu· —. "luttmat;<>ns we e reeei\ cd h as t" the i tlVct t !..11 tin appeal ai ot Ihis staff "1 \\ ι iter> and came men \va> η-a !.t\« » r a i » i \* received the l'ri· .-nient. who app.ncntly lus plans carefully î;u.i rded,. e Jrom lus secretariat, and \va - piepared for such an exten-aw ρι licit y program." Patterson said tin· picture- la!, finally was permitted and the pi, sent to New York, with the « νj tation that all the pictures would flown back t.» I«ondoti for selec and censorship and imultancous tribution. Through some disarrar ment of plans not explained here, pictures were turned loose to American pre and tht British ρ was left helpless. Historic Rendezvous of FDR and Churchill at Sea » Leaders of America's and Britain's war effort surround their chiefs, President Franklin U. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill, at their historic meeting aboard the British battleship I'riiire ol 11 alea in the North Atlantic. Standing (left to right) are Harry 11 · ρ k ι π s, ! ease-Lend Administrator; W. Averell Uarriman, Lease-Lend Co-urdi nator at London; Admiral E.J. Kincr, Comniandci' <>! Γ ι > λ ; F left; (ii η. Gcurjri.· C. Marshall, U. S. Army Chief of S·. < n (i. Dill, Chief of the Imperial British Stall; Admira: 11 ·. ι . !. Chief of U. S. Xaval Operations; and Admiral Sir i\. . Sea. Lord of Britain. FDR holds a prayer bouk .-· . . cea. Russia Far FromBeaten, Belief Here Three-Power Confer ence in Moscow Indi cation of British American Attitudes; Britain May Land Troops in Arctic Area. Ι,ιιΐκΐιιη. \ ι, Πι ' Λ Ρ )- The re nnes! by 1 e -lient II"" evelt and Ρ ι- Mm li ι ' ι 111 cl; ,11 ! "Γ a three power conference with Russia was taken here '- n ot «ι 1 >nu term policy." apparently mdicatmc expectati'>n that the war would la.-', a 11)ιig time. At the an. tw<> nations } maximum > new crop ol w > >uId land t big Gei man-Fir north would eu }·'.,! 1 ! ; : 11 Turks Permit ,lc Tanker's Run ' Ank.i. .·. Kl AItei a lieaUil ii.K I'm " 1 ···■· , „ ; u.ii- · if 111 ■ 111·-' , ' il.uirl I'· . the 1 tiii' 1 ta : I I!' na· . " proceed to R ;llo under tin emu l('., tin- ι· w Ή iu' 1 J- niU· be I ^ was tin h key liait ι U" ;·! ijs. I regulations to Bi- :·· '' !' the,''il liadl.v needi the ' inie was : ve •ess ι 1 s. Λιΐϋ Hi.—(ΛΡ) ο 'Ht· ' ivcr>y in vol Italian interpret ι·,' <\ π niny tin· 1 )i rk - t"ilay pernutt'. : tanker Tarvisio I" ,:i a' f..r oil—b i ' that h. real t io exceptions to ti . - ii :i ne that Ί'ι led it.·· Si ait.» trea l> rrι ■ ι : the Tarvi.· I ; π j ι ' Hnniania f I : \ Italy. The I'll ,veeks ago, when t (Continued or. Pige Six) Rural Electric Power Users Concentrated Daily Dispatch Bureau, In tlltt S«r UaJui 41 Il U i. By UiMiV ΛΜ.Κ1Ι L Kaleigh, Au.:;. Hi. —'i'î; 1· i >p third ol Nortn Carolina's hundred coun ties have almost two-thirds t the ι mik's ο! rural electric lines and 1 customers served by these lin s, ac cording t<» figures obtained irom the , office o!' the State 1 ί :r;$ 1 Klectniica tion authority. By these ligares. the lines actual ly built in North Carolina 6 χ tend ior miles on which thcio are 140.470 ciist· ■·::*·» - In îl.e top S!} counties, rated η rirai power mil eage. there are 1 (ΐ,ΙϊΐίΜ miles. ·..r HI) per c it "I I e .-late total: while in the lie - î c« · ait e . ;ted on iiuin î)er ol customers. : · 1 ■■ a re Ml .2â(> ί 1 -1«'*·■· r . 1 ir (>a )h r cent of the total. The seci>nd th:ia 1 : mûesin show •nly 8.1 (in ι»7 η ae.-. .?,ιι ρ τ cent. while the -acrid m c: :st« ·ηι·Μ\> :\ e ·. ι 'r 21'· ' cent. The third tl. . d 1 ■ · a : ; e . how ' ! * 7 Γ* 3 fi ne ! ' ' can* : while he last t 'id a · ' ncrs c.ntain :;;84. or 9 p· d<" sed .· t ! \ th- η l)o'h its— mileage ami customers, of the h-ad : · · ' ■·■ . :a cas er d<> la-t · the anp r in pe m · ? trail! ed by π 11 he ι' . Ί cm·' I ) : roam hat fer than 45th in · If' nd rson, "nth in custom, - h · ·η'^η ' 'aha; ' u.s. 2tth o· · t- m'a ι t on t . T I ·. ·>·ιΙ·ογ ,vs in <· mlenge: and Β 3fît (Γηηΐ innod on T'hront Rccsevelt Is Due Back At Rockland Late Today Anticipated Press Conference at Maine Port Expected To Throw New Light on Epochal Sea Rendez vous With Churchill Rockland, M.. ·■■ : Hi—(ΛΡ) - President Κ ·-d to ward tlii.-. "dnw'i ! ·■ ■ rt l· -aay from in- . ' ■ ■ ι · i- /\ ■ * is at .·va with \\Ίη> .aid Mathmi \v lited η 1 : « . a:.y 1 ur ther di.-closures <>! : ·■ y i-.opcd to as -u re "a bot ter : . ' :· ·: the w ■ rid." '! ... . C \i i'U! .{ Λ Λ : : l',0 wiili'h be · .. ' · ; * •.'Mt'.-vl na otitlg, \\alii I : ι : . · a • . m ; toi aur! .. . • M'; . L M t oi>J(Vti\ 1 i t·, hi-Titial aaa Μι Κ » ·· M'it \\n , W'a - a ιΜ.'1 >11 by ... r it rep"! rv hoped l·· liaa. M«a·.- with Ohurci ( j< )chhcls 1 .ahcls Meeting 'Outrage' Berlin. Λιΐβ. H».— ( ΛΓ·—Pro paganda ΛΙiiiisit-r Paul Joseph (ioebbels. îiddin:; his voice to the outpouring ο! N'a/i scorn of the Roosevelt - Churchill program, described it toda> as an "out rage against common sense." "Seldom lias histor\ ^ -en such a stupid, unimaginative docu ment as the tun bin uuns of world plutocracy framed on the Potomac." (iocbbcK declared i.i an article released !■■ tiie cr.tire German press. U. S.-Britain Move T o Make Pledge Good T: uii> Lit 111 u v.il:..!,: . 1 ! 1. till > ! J · 1 11 * i M tiI ; l . : Up, !.. i '· <· lit!.! 1 \ι ·> ι ι \ t , ! . '< . Oiurcli:II l· il» t ruction ο! \ \V! : U ;m\ iuiiit . il, , ·;■ ·■':.« tir il. -ι M l \ < cit ι. : . : t : I < ! : : ; ι ! I U ' 11 I. 1: ρ 11 ' 11 cl. 11 (1 . cifiit ( » Γ tl.r v irs ni t ill lit ..mi t! > . ■ I — u an Λη.ι;ί --Λ ■ i.e.* in M > ί 11 m tin· lied iii. > . N.ll Uni 1)1 " 111 ■. . . ι ni ly lH'i d." St.dm utquii· » < . Ill· told ti ; < · ·> I- · - ' Will "Stagger Hosiery Worl l'!,. ! Inlti·. Λ .. :ι. irk Stalling, ■ 1 1 ! ' ; .. ι "1 tlia ι epiVM'h ' ' » ■ '. ;ι A; : l- i'tlrr it it >1) , ■ i l.nlav ilial · ■ .nil • ι the Slati .·■ > . iki i-l I'ort ι\ ι- Λ] ι a t,.\ ' 11u • n mdiM'miU' pi . ci ι-.ν : .·.:»«···.ntf cmpl'iy: > · ι fhat « .il ι- Una t (Continued on Τ'λγ®? Government Not Decide u About Running Ship Vara v (5fc> The Associated Press) Thr (Irci- ii»;i : : : ι · awaited t. · day ·η w het!:< · « \ . > w· Mid tak·· I UN-CM- the :i κι ! ι it y. \. I ! pl;nit » · I ti.i- Ft vit ;w. adding an ι 1 I Ji yd. v·. ■ . ·.. a-oound !< ι Ion day- w An - ■ ' '.()()() in yo.^m. Λ> I, I i Κ pic - « i « : ι ; j the I'm 'i'd N' r· < ·! C Mip.my' shipbuild.n^ y. eoneladed a. ! series ol euniore.· 'h Navy m; - ,, eiasl vi>lord \ . ]> Carey. CP ) . el erre!; i\v. a·-- <* 'ι . ' thi· l'irai \va h» ongao.rd m ".ι .ainsi the >\· kl1 eminent." (1 . Carry t) " h»ro the &o\ nti' eminent ai'trd >> Κ < >rnd. >:MI" s re quest t: . ! 'a* λ ' ike ovvr the 4.. yard, there be . rene wih man ^'0 , agement and · · ·ρ: ata' · t· . or "so that tîh" ι■ ^ e n«> misimder ,st landing in tar t < i»n the t'unda he I mental ssttes m i iicies involved." Konrodrt't otft '« to turn the yard j over to the . · «· »t rather than m λ ni i.1 η l;·' U( C \.. « \ ' , r l a . y Km :·. thai ι! if e· » ' > . · ■ t · ' pîril 11 ι Ci . lu -c the ·ι· ! h ! tin· 1 7.0(··1 - h ipvard w'î u k( : .· :i'i d 1· ι Lit*I bark "Π till j ι ID. Λ t'A '-(I;ι\ .ι .' '· Πγ tmit plant at the Β Man ifac t : ι M,14 Coir J ι.: : ι y ,· · ··■ ι . ' l( ' enec of !\'γ.γο.·ι !ι!,ι! ι a ' ' ι " CIO 1 m . î ι m i \ .· Worker·*. S ιrηr ι·μ·:>! > · ί ρ ·· — department h. ι J 1 ! «■■ liera : ■·· < »! the dism;s-al · ·! steward. The union t » t * ; ι · throe stewa had been rehio 1 T' stopp.ιne ηade thousands ·>! a i1 plant opeiiti. es allé because tin ' wc.'e dependent upon for parts . , !. ·! I'! . -1 · ! I it'll ul I I'M .. ; · . : i 11 CIO • : ι τ J.·-: ι 111 a I tiie !.. :. q !in that nieiiibi r . I ;..Μιί M.; ·.'· !>- ο their ja», d 1 ed s ! ι « »p pi J. ι 5 - υ Descnoed As Cheerful Stalin Quick'y Agrees to Anglo American - Russian Parley; Ger man·. Reported Dig ging iJ(, at Smolensk for Lor g ' uggle. ·· ' .ι■ ;< ' "n c;< il» χ ι/ι 1 i.vii ' ! ι I I ν n .nded t'Ut its j v i ghih v. ch4;. ι tit I .'.it · η Lnn I <: reporting t'i. .ι··· · : >! ■ < nt stud 'lit Hi . tin will uf. would appear quite cheerful." Both London and V ashing ton in— terpreti'o tin1 I; < ι elt-Churchill j proposals i · · -It aid pro l ; a: : 1.. ·· ·· ,S · 1 ' indicating j confidence ·: ' '·. ί ; t-ci ; rmy. how ί · ·.>■'· 11' 111 . ! · . ; ' !: ·. .m beaten. ; I! ·· .I.i-i oh Stall ι ι *\ n-Bi it 'l I Ί ■ ι j ι· c: : ί y confer I ι lice in .1 " ι k out the rvu:..,' . .-i. 1:11 ..ti ί j- a.d the ex i ι hiiiiut· - · ι : ι ■ ί ied a com 1 : i· 1 c : ! . ι l 1 ι ■ " rce of the 1 L." ; 11 ι < i State- Κι ι.. ii and Russia in ti . ' mashing the P.· ··: Hu : :.d C ici ii ,n com muniques on the course of the light - 1114 .u· ν il ' i.. ..ι:.:..· ·' . i| terms. Tin· So·, ict m. ..tion bureau .. 111 11 ι ι a " 11. re. 1 ighting οι ι 1 ι 11 fronts during tin· night." .\d' ill' Hi tic: ' "i .idquarters in tin iield m.itclied tin declaration with ! ! I u .ι ii ι. .unct'i ■ t n! ln.it tiperatitm ι 1 iiit in i. ■ - ,irr... ! ull\ according to ρι.,ι : ..u tin out ι· ι t ., - tern front." 1. .iid ·: ·'1 lift' ■ Ί a heavy Ger :... 11 atk.cU un a narrow front west ··! K.i. r ι... i ι·ιΐ "i 1. « ■. ι ■ a ted" hy H u.· ..t. ..· .ι:::..tied the entire ! ' ι. ·. ι .in · · , t ..itou v. .ι .extremely con . u.- ed. ii. tin Si 11 -1 let ; >!. ci 11 " ·.. i sector. ■ iiei e : .«liting pi e\ iously wa (Continued on I'.ige Six) Will Regulate " Installments 16 -( ΑΓ) - . , ;, ;i talliKont salc.s • «{· w » l,a>" ^ ,·!! . I : iMHsidcivd ;;,·τγ\ c Board Cl \\ '' · tlii.V !:Mdr • ,:···■ (·> ι »! -.1. CHI . .( (I '"Ms r.-illed· ivi'ini; >[ t . it'll'! ill Î, < fr UOiMt I · Til l . ; i 11(1 .nu .ind air bs limit on . apply to md to pur cars, radi s, i h«·»ιι -ch- »ld Thive Axis Ships Sunk, British jay I ■ ·. Iii (API - crcl ' ■ nd de J y d Ml; i;. ι -upply base 1 λ : !" . ι : ι . : ι i l\ \\ c ro si;nk k' ι . Thur.-riay . _ ' I· \l·' .diii' Kast head .1(1 11 η I . II .rid ;il I • · > . : -launched >«·..· 1 .'ink, and fou» > i,AI· bombers in ' ■ . . ι.! 1 :i ceiitral Medi i ι - Η ι ι ..ι ,ΐ'.ιΐι l'l'Uv i'i ι ' ΊΊ ; ι mil and the m i - ,d\ ..net l.ybian ί < .it Bengasi yes ttae; '.rid.iv. w ill Τ v. 1 Ί these. I. ,th ■; .noil-ton tank ι··ι ι: .. w·.π ι ted as probably Ί tin . The «···!!.· lis m |Ui· aid one blew .j. i tl■ < "ihiM w shrouded in :d i. black smoke. The other ships hit by ·:·· · ;t -aid. . ■ two euu-tou eu irih ι 'lit "1