Hrttfcrraott Bailli Dispatrlj t-Ntalilished \Ui;iis( 12. 1914 Published l\er> Xlleruoon Kmoih Sunday by HENDKIÏSON l>lsr \T< II ( (). IN( at ID!) Young Street HENRY \ DENNIS, Pres. and LU ■ M. L. FINCH. Sec.-Treas.. Bus., Big. 11 I 1 ΙΊΚΙΜ S Editor:.· Society l· busine-. The H ' nuiribi Suulliei î SOClii tli · r ·. Prest· Λ The A - entitled r.tws di otherw -ι also the : All rij; dispute! < 50 t). · til· \ev. Asso t I' t No , i <·: ■ : ■ > 1 .. c ϊ e .'f spec. μί \ et: A» S( ι;-» tari ΙΟΝ Γ1!1( I S •avaliir >trnll> ni ad.anoe One Ye.i S.\ M. π' Three M Weekly 11 Ter Cop> Entci oil at •on. X Only) Lî3I Forget Congress shall make no law respecting an estab lishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exer cise thereof; or abridging the freedom of specch or of the press. —U S Constitute· Forty-Four Billions /hiit i. \\»u that ai the de \ ! i\.e ! - : Are jUSt ll; ;-eh«.or and : r inety ι. · î ι. Oh. yt Prei'i· ; by C"î X . drink .did · · ·.·. y t. day. : e.■ 1 : ! ; · ·· : t . : .r ·. >. e\cept. ! .-till ; Τ ·■ U -.··.·■■· V : . iiud ίι' : . ;. _ : I ;ι, : ( >ft:!»u-s · ··...' · tl ΙΟ. Greatest Aggressor Report - ' · - π in ference ! !' : Χ M. " ter Chun ι 11 telling it little. . : y'! ; i >; . : .* i .■ nt> know, fre-iilent lii » ■ -i ' .ici c < · η - versations are being arranged in Moscow t possible assistance to Russia in its defense against "the principal ag gressor oi the modern world1—Ger many." While η. > c· ! η τ ι s - men will endorse that characteriza tion of tl'i· \ , . . - j between ' ■ ρ·■■ .. ' ; .· . ι though i;;rdi\ ; nv " tei i : η ί ι ·. 11 : · _ is a tech:..ψ <■ ti.: :< ■ · ' observed eve in l rt :it Ί tl is w: r era of the ·· .· ·!.!'% ! ' . y W t;.e President -\,,d fX|>rt · ·· ;i pui> llP sentiment nenei ally here. The strange thing about it is that in the face it tl - :«·.·! na >·. hostility and enmity, the I'mted States con tinues on a ne. ν ι,··. .-...1 dip lomatic tooting with that nation. Mr. Roosevelt's attitude and his reasoning almost certainly are far ahead ol those of .st American-. While the people share these ex pressed sentiments, they stop there. Whether the President does or not is 'cejt ijiown to hirr. Automobile Quotas Réduction of passenger car pro >! :.on by a little more than one 111 the current quarter, with ·. - ve increases rising to about in-. . . l\v .d-1942. means that \ ■> ν 11 have to be content ;h fewer new automobiles. It ■ .· 11 -. too, that that much of the industry'.- capacity will be , : it· : defense work, and from ' -\,nd|>oiirt there will be very vie ρ *e-t or complaint on the ι !he public. It > qu.te re..d> and willing to make the secrifice il sacrifice it is -in the interest 0( ' preparedness. ,'· e i"ii:-:.i:iment will not be felt u -.y it ottierw ι ΊΟ Would • · ι ...· r ot the great i ll-! ι new cars that was experienced y dealers all over the country last i t mprecedented demand t ·. 1 \ ■. ; ill t \ceeded output. : : r industry has ex .1 ■■ -fit ■ iieydav it will not have ·;.. next twelve months, even ;f e we: e no quotas on production. ■ · > ·!: .. 1 ' u . · th .gh 104:'. V ; -I'd It. It ,- .It',, ti'.cr W.I! ' y. No -'.eel '·. .1.- a\ an..hi.· I'tui e of tags again in ! 1 · • -.'M next year wf.i ha e · duty. : .·. I'l'.il- "42" Will .IP!. the plate.- that g ■ end ni th. - year. Κ.ί t>4:-t .tt inch and .1 h;.!t 1 .1· _ tin· new numeral.- .\ 1 i .· ·. -, Id to be bolted ι g ,:Ί'.-. Ί'ί:ι· -ei'i'et. 1 ; : . a.-tu' : ..tenai ti'i M,ihigan. i' ■ >' t :e s'.eel .-trap w . . . ha·. .i at the ice as ; brand new tag were iur ·■ St..'e ci ;,i.r..y 1.- in ·· ... Li [ ci * ,.l e.i.-i even . ! ' : ·■_; new ,-teel slabs fur ···· U" vehil I'- u\\ m d j luuple. ill , tit··;: is .-u: etliing new in f aiitonu·: lie woi . i. Mieh.g.iii is lift-: .ι- .a th;s particular fit· let, • ■ !. .. :·,■■.·. year*· the innuvatu«:i . . t a *. \ tually all · t the Russia Will Stand Every one knows who reads the ' ti ends now are au. t :>ut tiie ά ay I rum ti··:» ' 4 What Hitler :. idy done has cost him plenty, and tiiri 'Ugh yet m ... . l ii t's ot men. t'qii i 1 ' ti ,.!- il tie expect - t , · ■ : ..!· enough int. · : ·. y ·· · put him at l U·:, 1 distance. . Il IV U> UIKe .ι . '■· -etise the va.-t I·. ' ·· r ι· : ι it· of the Union .! > < ; - ι ... ·! Republics. The i:.r .y i-pied to some c.xt·:.' ' ιii \ w : 1 h in tlie ι e... : - tiiat it call be bc.tti :. .· extent . ·! eea.Mllg ' ι e . ' . :i ··.· : iesh and .. ι· ·· r. ·. .· . ■ e lee the Ge: : : - . : and. lit II : t ier is ad: : 11 « » : - .i .•t .11 both polit et· "■ y ôcgy, old Jose: ~-V . .'i;.'- !'"■ il in eitile: ' · t : i i Ie i.uows his way ar<'..iid .·. taeties 11 : .macy as \\ ell m ie. ng '•e movements of an .... y . : . he hasn't been - ■ ti.: u !.e et t,'nion and l.)U; ld:::g I . : '.11 y no .ill these ye:, .·· t:.e His pei>ple - \ · .enecl m the ai ts o! .lui i-try ,iiid ..· maeture a.- the (ίι . · . but !, : r - armies iiave gi.ett .in ex - .«-ι:; account ot tile ι <■ ·■ ' iuis ■· balking Nazi |>;.η.·ι d ·.··η« aid Hitler's well trained soldiers I: Hitler'·, purpose i.- !.. ..·. ... ,-l out !ΐ· ι iv any opposit: ·η the ■ i t. to the end tiiat lie w.,1 be com : . icly free to turn ei.·.. e at tee:,,,!i to an all-out attac* "il tiie ! ; ι >n Isle.-, lie stands .. i: uiv. bet ter than an even chance el lailure. lb ii ay try an invasion Britain, but he won't be tree of continual harassment at his back door. In some form or fashion. Russia .vill stand. The Soviet Union is not going to be wholly annihilated, whatever successes Hitler may achieve and however much Pro paganda Chief Goebbels may boast of those successes. And it should no! be forgotten that the Germans havt paid a terrible price for such ad vance-1 as they have made up to nov . and these sacrifices have ertainly weakened them no little for what ever strategic moves may folicw in 'heir attempt nt world dor,in r. Everybody Approves Governor Broughton'a r· appoint nirnt of Commissioner Λ .1 Max well as head oi the State's revenue department will be app: ^ ed ; > 11 :i" St,.It· at la; so. While we vt ne\ t : subset bed to the theory that a:.;· man Is indispensable in any capacity of publie servee. just about every • •no \\ il endm ο Mr. Maxwell ι·>ι ! continuation in the office he has held with great distinction lor more than a do. on years. I'"t _ t . ι it ■ η end- a long pt . >d 11; spec ila' am .is to w ho ■■■id get ' · s rιeî pin::!, one ol the ι ■ ι · λ- g : t . ■ ' :■' ι ι execut \ e and which pays otte of the highest salaries η the whole State set-up. Aith.-i.g. M M.iW.eil 'las a cail d date ... · C. u . IJi. aighton ρ the IV > i.'st year 1. : - -ei · ,1 ! ι - i d : t he top rung ι. * ait lit was quick t>> tli. " t !" his fellow Haleigh « · . . > : 1 p'iil ed lip n ': : : d I t ■ ι lilt,tig ι 'I "he IM .· ' · > ■ ■- ■ tune lie ν : ne But he has now, according to his own est.: :.. ; t ■. r. : ietei\ . tg...l:ell his health, and txprt'ssed his great ! :.i pp:r. ss .Ί being .ej ι : >1 ! , ι alld >11 being ad ι : r. ,.-te: eti '. lie ι Kit 1. Max tli .is ; tax e.x; ι . 1 i.i - come t· be . I'thiim ι : a trad:!;. η in .V . ' '. ι . ' He ■·■::> etlt d t ■ > · the State η his ! .» Id. ■' ! >·.··<· · !!!..! t'es, and ι a e ,■ ·!ig : ' tl : Vt ai · I eel . · ' egisln t;ve : . >· ι :!e·.·- ·. shaping t \ elait < . ■ - ,res. l^li te ι■ t. n: . ..::et ρ edlt' :a»n- t;. .tii , I'>. light. .. l;a.- .·:ten gûîifi · ··. t -:dt· the * ·I His tiW'tt . Li.iKii up; »:·:«· m i: rn : ' ei Hi ι.d· ne .. ,n ;.· · :. a.g M.. M. sv. t ; ! ·. ' ,·!·.« :>.o h.ui-a t ' f ■ 1 :■ d.V Pi Λ e : .if 11 m Hi t. in st a! ;ce. W hat Do \ ou Know .About Nt.rth Carolina? K» FRI 1) Η. ΛΙΛΥ " 11' 4. W · : wa- P" ;, ί Λ Λ W! > ,i..! X ; Γ. . : Γ Γ 1.-l:*! I «·|»ρο:d :n 1838'.' Λ Η nfl cai'l·. lion .! .'rtb· v . ι ; w■: *i it • y it ight : nd certain wind cond a· ι been ad· - ·. i ·· !<···. H .. V C · .·. a- .-ought i>v ι : '· ' Λ' t.. rapt ! • d at Kitty Ha \ {. ■ . * . .- infon* ,a 1 : *; \V : ■ ·.. Κ.:·>· i! · ;!«"!. T\V Wl't . a't ■ ' . ( ).·· ■ ilit*, joined h ' · · ]· : Tl'9 ·· was ft*;»"I'd *· · .ι a· trea- wry "wt . : % ■ » ' *·.·■; pta'i'in f< * ' ■ · hi ight hn\ t* ,i ··.·.* *y : ' ' end- :n :; ■ -· · bly ι - * fears do p.· t ' s-... Carolinians of t day 1 Λ ■· a*t of the asst * ν .· 17-19 ■ I.- ' lawf ιd to k(-i * ■ ■ * d " ' ι - .'it; as the ι *\i r·· .· ·*.! i ' * i.iil *r for ft t'd * ''m pr • · The prisoner, /ad*·: :h" a.·' ' be allowed th.< ■ r a ■1 tit _ it:iid*~. not i" t \i t t ; ·\ -- - 4 Γ':'! rountv wa- : ·· cd ·· :ΤΓ. ' 'Beaufort. L. g Γ *■ : . * a t of the present · ·ν s· . ' *···« nville. was named • it 11 Λ .-...-Mr· IK :ii .> . . .>u: ; \ t. · ...uv . \\ a> a. *a'.fU lui" ί i/fiff I .* 'Il OfCaiSi' t . U >n : I « Ί 1 ulîfi η ι\ πι the Di : 1 if : 1.1 ci π ft* Π V Iff I ...t 1 !if . .. fffdillg l ife· s . .« \vji - lut» . , i :: lit V. .»·> in f ·η .·,!:· 16-i(i ' ! ;ί;'ι 1. WiU'll ι ; i-îif iuinalii-n. a (. Ci aven. Cumberland. Forsyth, Ci.. ■ C i h ;. : .ni. Iivdvi;. .1. ·:.η>;. i.· u. M ci) v. fΜ..ι·< ή. Madison, Mecklenburg, New Han ovt r. Pitt. Rowan, Richn ond. Rock : nu ha: i:. Wake and Wilkes. DEFENSE BOND Quiz Q ( ' I : edee :i y ί : i·.. . : ; y l'a χ Sa\ ''■ ι - lur < asti'.' : ' Λ N't S : Λ ι ;ιII .it tile * lit · i- i ! -t .""der ed ..· '·.· t>: >e y ; .i <1 ί·τ th— at ι ( ι a't S Γ. I. > : ι îlot a :cd it ' ι ; ·. : p.i ;tl : ■ ί · ■. any t : · <■ a: t< r till da> s l'ri t : 11 tara il is ... ; r 1 .i.ι>·- il ticc. t) Wi.i · car· 1 redeer tlicru" Λ At ■ Κι cii al Πομ 'ι 1'. ]. . :! .1' ■- .-.i »:·!« · ■· ai·.·, .radin-t· \C : : ι :~ : ι' ,c iuii'k ·«! «·;ι< '. : Ί(·. \ ' ■ 1· ■ · η ' ; li.'ti iiit'u! '!.11 • · · · T.. χ Sa\ iim- pian, -k ν· .r i Ci : ΐ\ ι * !" ..i write d. :. cl ' 11 ■■· Ti'i a : ν Dcnartη it'll t Wa-h ûStun. Γ) r. D. T. SEAT. FORMER OXFORD MAN, DIES o\! i d. Λπί 22.—ί). T. ι Banc ι s · ".·; \V d War veteran, diva at \'ι 'c· ■ Kayettev.lli·. Wed • ' da\ η ϋ · Κ 'ici'al will be lie Id a; ( '■ : " .c 1 Virgilina. Va . at 4 • · Kr day at tenu ton. S ;r\ :\ :na V.:· Seat ·λ h" t'sided near Oxford a η· !. - ν w ·.· d one son. Ma-.trice S at. Oxford. SALLY'S SALLIES It is all right to have close friends—if they loosen up occasion ally. PLEASE TO EXCUSE AGAIN, YES? 5û1Çl?y,N6 6Δ answers ι ο ΓΕΝ QUESTIONS S» ι Ha en l'uae -· , : 11 \ .. : ."ι Λ .' ι : ι 7 Kt !!··< .ne 8 Perambulator, or pram, tor short. H Λ . ■ i : t . ι ? ι : ! 1H ni m: ■ : I·1 11..·' ·.·· Bft-l'hfl· Stowc·. Cotton Market Prices Higher New Yi -rk. Aug. 22. iA!M ('<>: !i»n nil ..:v> opened 4 h» 6 higher Mid-day valiu·.^ were unchanged a> t! p< > ι η Is higher: October 16. De cember 16.56: July 16.65. Casualties Are Heavy Un All Sides (Continued From One) S"\ t t ci >i : '.π a;n:ques have 1 rttjuoi it — \ :ep.:ieu ':.e annihilation .·ι S S. A Tas? (official Russian new. liîiiH'.v ι correspondent said the be .· a«» e.vci rity was echoing to the i : .1. .-!rt>g men through its broad squares and parks to jo:n :·.·.■ supporting the regu lar army at the front All through the night, a Soviet lui ι saul. lied army iron»·. battled in late summer rain s toi ins to eiiecK ïu«· maul nj/i drives around Novgorod, 100 miles south of Leningrad, and Kingisepp. 70 miles to the soutins est. From the north, other Ger man-Finnish l'orees w ere Unit - ing down the Karelian Isthmus, only li.i miles away. A bulletin from Adolf Hitler's field headquarters, declaring tnat "th" enemy's casualties are unbe lievably high," reported more than J.Vi.ooii Russians had been taken prisoners. DNB, the official German news gency. calculated yesterday that a ' t:il of 5.000,000 Red soldiers had been knocked out of action. This, if tr it·, would mean tjiat 3.750,000 Russians had been killed or wound ed But the high command itself did not go this far. The na/i command also claimed the destruction or capture of 14.000 • od cars. 15.000 guns and 11, 250 planes. I ' German and allied armed forces ! are standing deep in enemy ter ritory in unbroken strength," the inmunique asserted. ΓΙ was silent on Germany's own losses, listed by the Russians at 2.000.000 killed and '. .landed NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified Administrator of the Kstate o; (). Ellington, deceased, this is notice to all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned, or his at ι torneys, in Henderson, North Car 1 . linn, on or before the 7th dav of Aug st. 1!>42. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All per ons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 7th day of August. 1941. J. Β W." ELLINGTON. Administrator of the Estate of Simon O. Ellington. Deceased. Gholson & Gholson, Attorneys. 17-14 21 28 4-11 ( >nly ι il h1 ^ci'.UI aph r > i ι \ : - Ί1 tin· Mountain SI..te shuwcd :i una'ci lucrea-e m popi: I.,t h Ί ; bi-lu'irn 19Ti ; 111 d HMD than betv nil 1920 and 1930. | WANT ADS Get Results li·· vol' ΛΚΚ Κ Λ R-SKKING Vol' v.;ll prepare y· η sell lor thi fu ll.. r with a g.><>d ba.-ine.-s training.. 1 it mil l .-ιMl Business College. Fall term begin.- September 3. (1); BARBECUE AND BRUNSWICK, stew tresh every day. Meet youi friends here, and enjoy these old southern dishes. It's food at lis I best. Red Taylor's Hill Top. Phone I 550-W. 26-tf ' FOR SALI·. :-iiι I'SKU Hi-INCII Ford lin·! Mender.-on Junk Co. i 21 -3ti lioμ κ \ι·:ι:υ modernizing·.· vou can arrange a loan with lis on con venient monthly repayment plan. Hend« ■ η Building & 1. .an As Λ ! 1 i. Wester. Scry (ô) I GOODYEAR TIRES; BATTERIES.1 Tubes, Oil-. Shoe Repair, Harness iicpai . ca.-h . ι credit "li Tires, i la! tei ;e Cot . priée - befiin \ ... liuy (.'.■·■ ■ 'm.. Tire Store 21-ti NOIK Κ OF ΛI > Λ11V1 > Γ Κ ΛΤΙΟΝ. 1 have this day qualified before ι llcik ijI the Saper.<ί Court ■! \ am i Counts a.- Administrati i\ of : he ι ta'e ol my hu-iumd Κ ι ). Rea\ . defeased This is to n.any ill l'iei'son having elamis against tin· ι t.:t*· ol -aid deceased to pre.-e· I e::': to me or my attorney on or oel"ie tile 1st day ol August. 1942. : ti, notiee may 1»· pleaded in bar I the.! :i r"Viuy. AH person- lndclu j ed tn I'-tati ol -aid deceased will ; plea.-e make immediate payment. Th:- 31 st dav ni .1 ulv. 1941. MRS. M ATT IΕ REAVIS. Administratrix of Estate of R O. Ilea is. deceased. A. A. Bunn Attorney. 31-7-14-21-28-4 NOTICE. To the: Stockholders of Anchor Store. Incorporated Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the Stockholders ol Hit Company has been called and will lie held on the 2nd day of Sep tember, 1941 at No. 1 1 West Gar-· nett Street in Henderson. Norfh Car olina. at 4 o'clock p. m. The object ol said meeting is to I ret upon the following resolution j which was passed at a meeting ol ι the Hoard o! Directors held on the 2iith day of July, 1941. called for that j purpose: ι "Resolved that. In the judgment I of the Board of Directors it is deem I ed advisable and for the beriefit of ! the Corporation, that it be dissolved, and. Be it further resolved. That a Meeting of the Stockholders i> call ed to be held on the 2nd day of Sep tember. 1941. at 4 o'clock p. m. .it No. 311 West Garnett Street in Hen derson. North Carolina for the pur pose of taking action upon this res olution, and. It is further resolved, That notice of the adoption of this resolution be mailed to each Stockholder residing m the United States at his last known postoffice address, and further, that within ten (10) days' from this date, notice of said meeting and of this resolution he published in the Hen derson Daily Dispatch, a Nevvspa|>ei published in Vance County, North Carolina wherein is located the Pi in cipal Office of the Company, once a week for four consecutive weeks. " This the 28th dav of Julv. 1941. \V. C. CATF.S, tary of Anchor Store, Inc. i 1-8-15-22 WANT ADS Get Results WE INSURE TOBACCO CURING barns, pack barn and Cost ι s rca.-onable Wt ·, quiries. Insurane» 1 >i [ Citizens Hank & 1 , ; ; HENDERSON BUSINESS ( OLLEGE olfice opens Satuiii.iv. .\u . ι t a a. m. tu 1 ρ r. Mi I intetview loose intere ·,,( termg September i Y( >C CAN Hi·: ( >\l: ( >1 I II!. sf dressed women with . ;j clothes, a little . ae\ Valet nabit. Cell W4 today Valet Cleaners & Dyei BICYCLES ON SPECIAL SALE η ι» Π«£ · itii I ; ΚIyi·i s. $25.75, I >rl sc models SitO .!·;') Κ ν te: these sale pru ' V. · · •Associate £ίι.υι^. Kjt ι usilu l u i\ lice. FREE GIFT WITH EVERY ORDER ot gi vis.- οι η.··: «· 1 'ein'ii ; ,ut ed with your name for only $3.39, Choice ui many useful articles, llender.-on Hook Co. , if You Are Sure (. >1 a Better 1 >· ' i y time it yi i,i i j .. > ,.n Γ..·, ι · ;, , ^ ear. We gu.i alitee .1. . · n. Ki'en ady Clie\ ι ·.< ι . :lL 707. OLD REL1AHLI·; FIRM HAS < ■; ! litor waling v..·> !.*-r ι ,.·.,ι good reputati··η ι < nti .. (· · - t eal mug. . su ι ed !> r Ίι .)· t ·..; prupn tiltie and attention. ί \ estment lu'eded. Write I;. . \i>. Γ>1171. Richmond. Virgin... Jj-:.t WE SPECIALIZE IN Al.L kinds ot bmly anil letul· r re pair work. Mutiif Sale- ( u. WANTED AT ONCE, THREE OR four l'o a pa 11 ent it ι it· small hou.-e. t '. ■ « m. ί ItKT ΡΗΚΐ,-ι 0.\ (>L'i\ I SI· I) CAIiij before you buy. Κ it /, Mi · ■ < -, Dodge and riynuiutii ,i- , · 111 Chi·- tnu' street. , ,·.,,1-n !'( >K PR1NTI X( 5. I'll· » Γ. ι;.' ΑΙ.· ford'.- Print :r.u >V ι ·. '■ Co lit τ. .· ι . ι - 1... .. ι ■ : ,; . : .Mi di · · : ί * : : t. * s 11 l! I. ■ ' ι t and (.ΊIici· S ιρι !v St··.! V,,· guarantee tu please. OWNERS OF GOOD PROPERTIES are mutual insurance iniye: η ,.i-y hnnel ;t 1)> s. am J in -u , · . · . ι·ι ficient service and til · nt di vidends year after year by injur ing with Cates Insurance Ane::··* 12-tf EAT CHICK-EN PLATE WITH your hand- 11.i 11 ci.<·■■· . >c string potato*-. h«»ney and !■··· ! •ut tered rolls. Served daily at Wi:i'3 House Restaurant A Cîr.nie A . nd Air-Conditioned cafe. 4-'f SPECIAL FOR TODAY AND TO morrow: 2 Hlii'J C'he\rule! dc; i\e sport sedans. extra clean. A! ·< se lection o! V-H and Model A. l· nds See us l'or a better deai. Caiilii·: Palmer Motor Co. Sf.aleh Κ'.Μ' dealers. 11-tf FOR RENT: TW< ) ROOMS \ND kitchenette entiielv : . ■: · .-d. modern e >ί ivciiiencc- i '.y :n same unexpectedly «·;.?!»·»! : ·: town Call at âlïR Kowl.a .1 ' i'< t or ti-TJ-.T. :-'--'t SALESMAN WANTED TO WOKK Henderson and vicinity Salary tl) start \. :th Kxperienec 1 ·' · ,-ary. Will be :>:ed ; y < enced -ale- : ι .in. !;<■;■> t· · S.< :·. care Daily Dispatch, giving ref erence. expel iciu-i' a Ί .iia FOR F Κ KSI 1 FHl'ITS ΑΛΊ) \ ι· table.-, see Coward's Cash Gi - eery 215 William street. 1111f DRY CLEANING. REPAIRING AND altering a mû plete .-i n ir lur your clothe- C. l i and WANTED· Ν Κ'FIA' FF i : \ IS! I Kl) healed a | a rl : l'lit I' t ί : ei ·.:111' -. not 11 >1 )aec'in i>tAddre "Λ|' ment" ran1 De patch 22-2ti STOI.EN WFDNI SD.W M< >UNI\'('.: Red heavy dut ν h.eycle ('. - olina Sport !·/.. ■(' I' nd> 1 , 1 e notify police department or C1 -'lie Chavis. 1'I -.ill FOR RENT: ONE LARGE BED room, l ir.-t fini a. .. : : ~ ι de ι nt .wv, prix ate hath. In: lilated. ν. t!. -te >n: heat. Joe Evans. ,lr.. 11 · 1 e 11 h ■ · ι : ι 1.'>ΐ 11) 411 PROTECT YOUR Μ( IMF WITH Vita-V'ar. the guaranteed 1 Ofl'r pare paint. We carry a fail 1·«Ι; ot' paints and painting - .pplies. Tanner Rooting Co., phone <><)<'. • 1!) FOR RENT: ONE FURNISHED OR unfurnished room, close η iea sonahle rent. Call Μι>· Kathleen P. Way. phone 4t'T W. 22-lt CLEAN CLOTHES ARK CtxH.KK neater and they make von I'eel lit during hot weather. Let its your clothes the right v. ay. \ " Cleaning Co. Phone 3Τ;ί I'1 " NO "REPAIRED Ι,ΟΟΚ N·» nails, no ridges at the ! ιι!. T' ' a.' II In Sib why people keep e···· shop for shoe repairim; S our work, toi ι On Shop, phone h.'û:. '