SOCIETY NEWS FANTASY. ι now. the lull-blown August ! H mon. .t< il with It." several veils ot pond mg storm. H.i,id with the silence ol w.iiim ι , r.itlilo' d.ii k. ς Ι, ,ικ lin- willow witli sheer spec- I ti.d lorm. • ,· leav es assume .1 laccpiered ' light ι. 'luts are nioxeless lountains :;i i eii-sil\ er beam.·, II the tree become.- nnici le ··. 1 Willow tree ei η,|:imnded .nil .it I* red; in k hiinght i Tlur And Aiul 1: I . I , .iχ ι· liir ( olumhia. !i A. .Newcil and I a ι ;, i ly lett • mug l"i (.'olumlna. S. ,■ ΐ'Υ pian in \ ι - e\ - M ni ·!. W ι v. I (iini'i 11 oui (Kford \\ M. t.' il η na reUii lied , nvre alter visi mg lier \1: . lî. F. Fox. m Oxford. .·!·.·. davs. (,ms to ( olumbia. r !■ ν ι .ill ι left Thui.-day .... S C . w here she will ! at tne Wade-Hampton c\ ι ι al da> (iiirs lo Camp ι ■ Mat . I ' · 11 : ι ~ t » 11 It·! '. Weil Camp Betty Hastings. Y. : ι : ρ η· ar \\ η -1 ι: ι Salem, > acting a.- a eounseior. ,!n Lake Γlucid Trip ! : · Η .(!■. ι 'lit has been gofte ■i a trip t·' New Vol k i, .■· I'laeid. She lett la>t • ■ ,, pa ι 11 ! ; riends 1 π >n and nlans ' return to Sunday. "· ' r ' Iinit'r ϋ il"l I'. C C 111 Γ..; , ··.]., ]■". . - ι r:\ i t! I ι \ il Μϊ· an-1 M ( ; I ι ■■■.·;:! d ' · V I ; ··. ' '· · ■ wlin - pent • V'· ·· ι| ι. iv ! : ; ' 11 1 * ' i il ΊΚΐΐ'Ι >1 I Ultll 11 i III. 1 ii (in lr the Bapti : Assembly grounds, t · > heat Π ι ;ι K. Truett in a series of ■ ' ; iir will he then· lui several ■ >,.·. ■ ■ i1" lu- return ν ill .tin In 11, \ ·,· . Va., mi ,i fishuu', trip. < ilM'S to l.ittll tllll. Λ II Κ imhii II plan- (■ > «η to I, ' > tomorrow. t" spend some • . er nld Inline there, and to attend a series of revi\;i 1 service; .it : Sv ;ι!.ι|> el.lire!', hem:; Con !.. ·. -ι ·ν 111 · ■ ρ a -1 ' 11. He\ Albert Simms, a former Henderson resi (iucsts of Aliss Vow. : \d i, . · ,i w has as her !;< .it '"'-r home in Wil ·' ι. > \\'i m lia r i and M :;··:·>· :·'ϊ»·ίΜ·'···. 'in. of Green .,! liar: a t I.awi enee, of l.i " ad M Sara Ann Baker, ι ι V ■ \ lie. They will spend sev i-1 ·ι ; : ν I t'l l with lier. lïirtIi of Daughter. M . \d Mrs. Williai Y Bryan, ol Columbia, S. C'.. announce the ..η eight-pound daughter Τ! ,ι.,ν. AuRiist 'J 1. η Columbia. M !;:> in is tin· son ol Mr and Mrs. •I il l'y Bryan, ol Henderson. Prettiest in the Capital Stada Banchowski (left), of New Kensington, Pa., and Martha Wil liams, of Franklin, Tenn., named the most beautiful government em ployes in Washington, are shown as they arrived in New York for a round of sightseeing and entertainment. In a contest sponsored by the American Federation of (iovrrnment Employes, Stada won top honors, but Martha was such a close runner-up that ollieials decided to giv# the trip to Ooth of them. WITH THE SICK lias Operation. Mrs. Jesse II. Gupton in I : v. cut ,!i tipi-r.'slion al Maria rail;.. ho. ,'.al tin ■ nu » riling. Leaves Hospital. (.'pl. Charles M. "Chick st. ri lias been discharged from C.. ρ I- ■ rest hospital, in Tennessee. a undergoing tre.itnient there · >··,· era I week-. Ile lia.- returned : I . t Jackson. S. and i< expectc.: :ι ίι.e I tur a visit in a lew d iys. ι FIRST AID COURSE DIPLOMAS ISSUED Cards signifying sue.· \-sful com | plotian "! a Red Cross t;r.-t-aid iMiirse recently conducted in Dur ham under direction of Tame.- \ Capp- have been received o. 1?Γ> per.-oils in Henderson and Loui.-bi rg, among others. Lu ! residents to whom card v. ··!·!· mailed inc! ided Velnia Mary : Finch. Hargie Edward-, Irene Γ». I White, Julia Moss. ' idy Th -mp- >11, ' C:ii'"ii> Draper, l'sa Hell '. ' ·ί I \ iohii ' .1 Adam-. Hi ι : ' C> Η ι·.·. ;·η 1·'. 1·'. I Ge Β- Co'l 11 \ Da' .- Jr [·Ίι :·'.]ι I». ·.··„ ·; Π Kl:. . I. G 11·· ! -ai ·;>·.■ t h. <>! . M , Markh.i : . S . Pan- ■ : Vaugl h and Kas.dl D S'. .·> t.. mi-hare c ' i/en ■ n i · ' the course includc Cranfnrd M. H·, aslev. • L . . i' H :. I Willie L \" .à.an. 1! !>":·: ί i W W. 1 : a ν : I - il V Κ :ng. most delicate mean- Ί ;>athy. Carvers Visitim; Here. Mr. and Mr-. Geuce Carver and joorgc Carver. Jr. hn\e arrived in ho city and an· .-.pending miihc time .it the lniine (if Mr. and Mrs. .1. Gardner. < 11 Charles street. M'\ Carver lia just returned from -shanghai. C! inn. where he was pro lessor ol Knuli-ii in Shanghai mi ι - ι r ity. : ml tin- lall will teach at Wake Finest college·. Marian Martin Pattern * i 9787 L Ι'ΛΤΤΚΚΝ U7B7 Ι lia! 111ill dark div.-.·." si ι.Hi.-pi.: ai'l h>: lin tinio l>1 yeal lu ι ■ it . i:i a distinctivo Marian vlarlin style. i*;it:i in 1I7K7 has the ir.ill inw ii'ilr> in tin* season ! it'- ···.·:·!·· I·" make with it> ac 1 ipan.v r. . S η CI art. Tin scpiar I vi ·!·. ■ · ■ ' ■ ■ Hit' - Ivk' of the :1 lia ri :. , n. · nod neckline • an d.ii t nether with 'lie: . ; i ..· · tl >·, alst. hold-in the :··>:· tu· ··:.··! The slim : ·111 I ira s · 11 ! lu- skirt are em 1 as'/i d by double front panels and :■'·.· ia ■ . ι j a ! : ι · !. Let your sleeves ι ■ ν ! .(·.· and ι II. long and : '. ι ι \ r -.mille puffed ' "· ·'■·. for a cftktr you ρ al·.· · ;· ι runt tίο ends oi ': ■>·. id ι iblmn. I * ι : : - in il7!!7 a ay bo " rdored only ' d \ι ι ron's sizes 14. 1 fi. ■ ·»·> ::: "β 40 and 42. Size ■ a. .-ν: ι vards 3!) inch fab ι ι Η ribbon. ^and KIKTFKN' CKNTS in coin»· M \ m ·\\ MMITIN pattern • 1.. write nl ι :nlv your SIZE • - ' · t I HUN KS and STYL" VUMBER. ς.·η · ν ■ -Ή. ·. Τ'ι Ttonderso· •·· Π " ' . Γι'!- η Department \V. 1Sl;'. St, -New York, Ν. Y, ►(H ί(Έ. G. DAVIS & SONS CO Average? Tall? Short? Here's a GOSSARD for THREi; Figure Types ; ' I.. V ι» 1 ;t ■ Λ r - 1 ). 1.. MK'alluni. M ι M W • M · W H Av. mi·, Mr . YV YV HoMrn. S: . Mi. (i inptiT. M · Sein· y Cïruen, Mrs. William Tuck, Mr- YV Τ ( Mi·- W" · : ! A'iilchoil. IVIrs. W. I\. ΊΊιπηί', Mr>. .1. A. Cri· :>{)t M·- Hav· s, Mrs. YVilliam H unci. Mrs Τ 1» '' " ·'' a r·. W o dit w 11. Brecdluvi», Mi>.- Durothv Stur.s VÎ1 M. G. Kvans. E. G. Davis & Sons Co. ο C M >1)4 M ) Schools Open In 3 Weeks; Few Openings White «'Hid colored chools ni Hen derson ;ind V«Ίnee county open for their tall terms thiec weeks hence, but there are still a few vacancies m faculties of some «»i them. While contracts have not been signed, it is believed teachers have 1 fpn lound for two vacancies in the commercial department o! Hender • ί ι high school, and a il.rei· »r ol physical education there, who would I «ii.-.ο » ί 1.1 ci ι the football and basket ball te ;: ι. - These are expected to he filled ν·, it h in «ι few d r and eei tainly belore the school Ντιπ begins. T« ai-iiers will meet on Wedne.-day. September 10, and Rodents will rc { port for registration the following ! day. They will return on Friday for j lesson a.-signments. and active cia > ; work will begin the following Mon day. One vacancy exists at Aycock «nul one at Townsville, it was learned to day at the office ol Supormti nder.t Ε. M. Rollins. So far as is known, the laciutie- at Zen Vance, Middle • urg and Dabney chools are all ι complete. j Faculties for all Negro schools are also complete, it is understood. Capital Gossip l$y LYNN MSI5LT L· α 11 > l>i.-.|uuii iJuicau, til till ΛΙ· ΙΙΛίΙιΓ llutcl. u.ii. ι, , lu^;. v.onmii.-Muncr iUUUle Vk ti 1 L4 Ol UIL I1C'»\ itIOlUr VI acic.- ill·,.j. miL'tu may aeculiiplisii mil; II l\n Hi Si'MieUling tiWU ui ecl (.Hurts have lulled tu achieve, 'lit III I: it pI'lllIC lUllCtlOHS 111 his .L ] ·. 1 : i : 11· lit ;.· to promole salety nil :.e h.gtiways. Mi'· Ward right now devoting nearly all 1 his thought ■ nil oiicigy to making cltcclive th'j schemes lor conserving gasnl.iic. I here is a detinite .suspicion in this In;ii t' ι that lie is urging less driving '.i congested a'Vas. slower speed, nore elfiicent equipment, etc., not nly lor sa.- saving but for promot : ι g highway safety. Any way, he is ο thoroughly concerned about the ituati η that it's hard to get him ί talk about anything else. .Maxwell Stays Put Reappointment of Λ. J. Maxwell is commissioner of revenue came a> m surprise to newsmen around the •apital, although a few weeks ago ome foresighted reporter could have 'otten ten to nn. odds η a bet that ' would happen. One minor state fficial. who obviously eanno· be inined said this was one time that he force of public opinion forced he governor t change his mind. At ■nv rate there is almost unanimous atisfaction in knowledge that the ■Id master of revenue and budgets ■ νi 11 con'inoe !v ^rvicr· in thi · most mportant capacity. Traveling Man The fact has been commented upon many, many times and this week proves again that Governor Brough ' ι m is entitled to s me kind of trav eling man's badge. Yesterday he poke at a test farm picnic a' Swan lanoa tomorrow he is exp.ct"d to t-'nw up -it Roannke Island. Glimpse 'ι map: Swannanoa is way up t'other id fif the Bin·· Ridge mountains "id Π,γ n'ik" Islnnd is just a- far out in the Atlantic n- y u can get •id s'ill br in the state. Karning Interest ι '' 111 U i . . , . UUtlili S Ul Ilk . . « LU ItlK'J ulll' U. Ul;.Wll [Ι',1 ι ι Λ n 13 lu S tu U CI 11 Vu· '"··- ...Mail}' OUL'll UlVOSlCU ! I.· . .nil.114 -UiLlCSt. It) !_)(.' L'XUCl, •j..' ι ...ι- ulcii î 111 ii... . ..a ir.-.pal bunds a.ia ntiercsl a! ; : 11 · late u! -.-19 pei .run .fill, inal s in .11\ $25.0Ul) a year η mg aiuud l· me fund. Mate . 11 ii.-iii't. ι · ; 11.11 i .ii tiandlvd this m ι ail:.. ·. Ik- lias mlormed ill' it Hi mi ni b aid that in\Ts,menl ' 1 tin' lund t: il.-eit a lull time job m' a «ο.ut m.,ii Ii· eeipts in tin lund .111 stvp up ircmenduusly next .. inn Willi ii|m :i::;g Lit school terms .ml pa 11<■ ι,ι..! ί ol' some 23.00U ι ai'hi'i' , 1111 : ' i ' m I a 11 ν, empli yees >ay eheek.- ar .r. oiled with the 4 μι ι - mi ι·.., a·· ' i in- tin.-· ι and, his being tί.· y ease in which ie -late deil oney from pay ■hecks |..r any pose, and is the nlv tax" ι u dirt'etly by the late treasurei Caught ·>>■ the Fly There nrv ..- any- -or more - peetati :s alway- watching work or he new in.-inur ' · uildinq next door ι the hotel w this bureau i oused as the ■ workers η the ob. That's h■ ■ w Koekffoller got the lea for official : des in his Roeke oiler Cento" >! Now York. lie rade the nbl pav for thr rivilogc. . The Ashfville dele ation didn't " 1 "'k home with a νw bridge. r 'hey did get pro rise of a I'.rl rev. The present bridge over I'·· French Broad be 'w'.O'i V-he\ r,. ,nd West Ash"v:,lc is said to carry \ er 15,000 vehicle a day. Durham Man 's Executed (Continued Γ: "in Pau ο One) deadly cyauide t'umes. ( >ne oi 'ht : t >î groups of spcc it' rs and w-'n^-r-os to virw an •o(Mitir%n hrre m recent months saw 'ash dip Twrnt.v-six curious on 'nokors jammed into the narrow °>nfines of the w itnos^ chnmber. r*·* ·'- ·'■ · ··■ ,Λ· in Dufh.nv superior court of fatally wounding ^ wjf^ hv 'M-no 1h>'oo in'" nr ',r she ran down the strvet near lieir he nie ïcre.v.yi.n* for help. Few Sign In First Aid Of Red Cross Although much interest in the project had been reported in ad . iince. eif»«il> in the i.i t week or so ο sign applicant.· ldi a Red (."ros: ιrM a 10 cour.-e here have brought »nly three actual signaluie., «ill oi hem \ .-· ι .'ounty chairman, said today. Mr. Λ1 « · » id Λ κ ι iu belle» ed there λ ,ι. < '>it Kiel able intere t in the pro »·-s<. U e.;i .·. and that κ number o! ■ inuv.d 1 'Kl expie .ea a Uesiu ο attenu the ciass... uui in.' it \\ a leee . aiy that lue η t be coniplcUo i.u.cKiy. >« » the national org.ini/a ."II m.ghl be notilied prompily. t<< in enu lhat a date eoulu ue «irr.uig ci lor an expert irom the 11 a t : « » 11... m gaiii/almii'.·> stal l to come he ι e. ι he only three applicants tiiu- 1 a ι eccived arc ;Vies ι 11 « ■ « » λιοι»μ·>. λμ ι*. 11. iViixon and Mrs. Louis I·,. liâmes. ι nm r have called to indicah Lheir icauioess to enroll, but so lai have not done so. Mr. Aliord sin· sed the 1'act that the course would be particularly ap tj I ι.ι ο ι unver o. . chool I use.-·. ;,nu ι 11 111 a i as .· 11.111 y «"1 the. c .· .ι ι m ou loi lue e Hii . e. Ί i.i Ked I ro.v slal I nisii ucloi Irom ha Wit·.''lungloi ι ncaiujuar lei tvulild be cut here uilnoui e- >;■ I I1 p,.i i.cpai.iiK in ine cours··, and ν \ ι 11 ok le.vîûo ».» ■ \\ otihl he lur : i>,ii ii ,, ι. ι ο u ί charge to tno.e mak ing the study. iauv one interested i. urged to coijuiii toe local cnanman at the earliest po. . ible time, :o thai ar l angt nu h is may be made lor an in structor and a date assigned. tlîAALbl IL L^iluK lû AL/i^KLbi K.1WANIS I Ι· .1 lui . S ('.. Aug 21 Dr. Ju .1.1:1 S lVnlhr, c-cii:<) 1 cil ihc Cliar lotit· « t!>. erver, will b·.· tir Mon day afternoon speaker at the con vention ot Hi·.· Carolina- Kiwam di.-trict to be held at Myrtle Beach, September 7. 8, and il. il lia.·· just Ik. η announced by .lack Wright of Florence, general chairman ol the c tu t n'inn. Or. Miller will spvak 11 "Youth m a World Crisis." Other speakers at this convention, as announced by Chairman Wright, are Captain Norman Hawson of Lon don. Ontaria. Canada, an interna tional'·./ known philosopher and hti norist: Kdward Scheidt ot tie. C'har lotl·' oiiice of the 1., ..11 I Ι·Ίή1 er'fk M. liâmes of Jvrsey City, N. J., official représentât ive ol Kiwanis Internati ual, who will speak at the fellowship luncheon· Babson Discusses Taxes Already Paid in U S. (Continued From Paai· inei Fifty per cent of the criminals are under 25 years ol age. Let us also remember that the fire losses alone last year would have purchu.-ed 13 great cruisers for the U. S. Aavy ami live for Canada. In other words, it we all would get busy to eliminate crime, our taxe.- need really not cos! Us anything. Taxes Which Everyone Now I'a.vs. Already now :r> percent ol we pay in rent goo to taxes. When buying a loal : bread now. 20 per cent goes lor direct taxes and 25 percent loi· indirect or a total ol 45 per cent. K. every Sllill \v; now pay for c, >'.:ir.. toe tax collec tors take 52 diflerent kind.- of taxe-. U. S. taxes eTeragcd Li t year S 1(19 for every man. w ·" η and child. According to tin· C ;.:ttee of American, 122 La,-: 42 .·>· .view Υοΐ'κ hvery time we jmv an electric 11filt bill we are g.%aig .>1 out ol e\ ery $(j of oi it mward taxes. An average oi 813 . , .· ; year.y, m tuxes by every telep ι >ne user. Tlie housewile pay.· .si :..\r κai o, Λ'πτ $4 >iic .spend.». ··.·:».· arc over 140 different taxi- : .·. .;e-i n tnc cost ot a pair of shoe e\eu !ίγ Uu· oaoy. The cost «>t tin· . -:·.«■ car is paid out all over ag>< ·. < ■«■·> : >ui years by taxes tin· :? ■ Ρ ■> 111 opei iting it. lu dru.. - » tic· υ I milk of magnesia em λ · ιΜίπ ent taxes. Kailroad- ' < ι ν ι ai-»re than doubled sinee 1 li ίr .· >.;»■·wt 1-3 oi our fare js tax» ■: 11 on Taxes (in Dividends ami iNa^es. The American Fed» : ' 1 ·: 111 - ν es tors ol Chicago tin corporations owned b\ . 11 ϋ.ουυ stockholder.» paid an . ·. ·.. . \ · · $3 per common »han .·: : ».»l double the amount paui . u icud If these companies coulu > paid taxes only on their prope \. «Moi·! these 7,1 18,000 sockh , 1 have received $329 more m a \ lend or else each employee iv. .d ii.iw received $600 more per yc..i salary. With lower taxe.» y ui get more interest on sav ing - ,u ail and lower life insurance e-·-: -. 1 am not asking that taxe.- < u dueed, but I do say it i.. uni.· ! increase them. It would be I r belle to eliminate all "tax-exemptions' Existing .-'.ate and local LI. S. : 1 eminent securities total $20,000.000. 000 with over a billion new one being issued each year, ll seem infair not tax all securities aiik( If these writ taxed at least tin lew ones issued -this would be an >thcr solution î< our problem. Putting More People to Work. We cannot have prosperity n; mitting a ball and chain on Miiplo> ers. No sensible farmer puts a cheel. rein on a horse hauling a heavy load "We cannot lift wnge workers u, >y pulling wage payers down." There is today a scarcity ol skillet workers; but at least 6,000,000 peo île are still looking for jobs Let u liieretore, encourage more men to o. •nine employers by making it ea 1er —instead ot haiwer—lor then). The elimination of tax-exemption • hould help employment. Huh peo )le would then quit burying then noney m tax-exney ui the U. S. and Canada t<» give every- , »ne ο I good charaetei a good living j me dillieulîy is that th.- money i iM "tax-raid shelter a!,,.si t» ;· to work. Let- .-top oar t χ uhtz ,\neg and ijive tii. money confidence to et une out and -erve the nation. L ι s Spend More on Research. II state -men w ild .--pend one Lentil ni lin·,: t .«· m developing iew u&f&s 1 ■ ·i■ waste products—in- ! .. ι ο I .n< taxi - no ir« , η tax rates would be neces . y Λ ο! tin su id.' the chance- tor ι . ed income and employment ι. :;!i re-'.-arch are beyond t h * »nde.-l dream- It ; our only hope ;uv en ting a post-war collapse , Ko λ cotton is worth only twelve •••ills .1 pound; but put it into new ;ioe - and it 1- worth a dollar per )* it 1 : ι. I. i'eti' >lcum is worth πη|\ 11 \ 1 · cents per gallon as fuel oil; but put :t into dyes and it i.- worth many time- this. Sova b< ns used to be *r< atc■ I .is weeds: but today are a most ought for crop. Coal sells for only a few dollars 1 t-Ίΐ to nrn: mi it is worth several hundred dol 1; r< per ton when turned into nylon .ilk. Kv( η sea water r- becoming useful for making ma;rne ium and bn tminc. The Solution. The real way to .a tlie new money needed for defen e i ' · .n •n .i>' the national Income and lea\e t ; ι χ rule- ; 1 - they are. Til c 11 be done bv reducing c:'ime. sup ■ ; i η l; e-onnnerialized e\'il and "u co;i] new indu trie . ! »· -" !" S. and Canada need more eng,necr. and fewer politician Some will ;ay "t:r ···! an a s;ur :· · ! 1 '·--nil th oj the Aim rican p<·· Ί·· ' Well, why not work for this" Tlmre 1 no hort cut to cither prosperity or ii:\y. The Ten Commandment.- and the multiplication table ",s. r the 'inswer to taxation. Military Verdict Draws Criticism ill .IMS. rl (Continued Frmn One) λ i « s di>ch;nned on t lit* order of C » 1 i.nol Chai l(v ii Klliot:. eomiPiind'T it Κ·., t fui >i nît ιf <1 t" ten y iti «ind nine months ιrι lh· Um1i i.iI i>< rntcnl.iii v iit Ati.intu Vf» ιϊΐβ - id the -< U e! ■ ! dt ; β ot I,.· .tcn..t " L· · ·! Κ ! «in to clean ;· me- ki\ cletin a lh r, imd to |>ifk up p.(c - -if br 'U-n cm I λ ! /ι les . Y n^ \ν;<Ί< to See* ·;ι ■ Sî.ii ■ Γι !,ι< U î I.· ·■ .T. Κ : ;. is is a fresh, ciffiei m οί ici . ho itud< .ind ce n et d ο • start u'ettin.u' the best and most satisfying laundry serv ice you ever had. We send youi· clothes back snowy white, smellimv fie.-.h and clean. Kvcry garment ιeceives our best care and attention. No harsh soaps used. Color fabrics and dainty pieces are jriven extra care. Henderson Steam Laundry Phone 508