Hettîterstm Haflg Ufepafrfi ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NOKi II CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR HENDERSON, N. C., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, Si.! ' i ! AIDER 12, 1 !» 11 • ^'■i^:^^s^7aHNOON FIVE CENTS COPY NAZIS CLAIM 22 SHIPS SUNK FROM CONVOY Reds Report Bloody Setbacks To Invaders Germans Say Progress Being Made Nazis Lore Last Chance to Equal Napoleon's Warsaw - To-Moscow Schedule; Red Star Reports Ger mans Driven Back. ( 5>\ The Λ sociated I'rcss. ) ΛSi·-<·ι>\. report·. tadav told til ■ "-ib.uUs for Adoll Mil- j lei ·, li rions on the «entrai So \ ici ! l out. I he German ΙιΐκΙι command .κ-know Irdiied that German h ii i s on the ItusMaik front arc ciicisnntcriiiK had weather and 111 ! t i < < 111 terrain lull declared op- j (•rations are "procn ssins; well" ni \ crllicless. vii ι !.. t tin r I;, , ,·: ■ .·. I.i equal Ν ,ι ·· .It·. .ιΓ I.:1J .. ' ...ί (I. ν fee the VViir- ■ ' -M.i cow push. I ! ι i| ; τπι.ν new spnpcr, Util S' -crti'd lli.il ικι/.ι- well' heini-· ci η wi'.-tw;ird Inward Smolensk . ( rat;· of trom seven tu ten nul·· : — I .v m oiio 11 ! Marshal Semeon ■■ 1 il nko": del en. e ,:.ίιι | ( he ΙΤΙΙι German tank corps and associated artillery and i il - l.intry units were declared Ιι\ the s..\ii ι in!<>·'it>a t ion htireau to have suffered hea\y losses in So- ; ί \ tel pincer operations modeled j upon the nazi pattern. with J .MM) of the invaders reported kill in a single engagement. military sources, however. ! ι . r'd belief that the German ι ' ι.. ,nd . ι» .11 would aniKaince ί ,cli h ,e ι h tin· lia 11 le-ton. :.i · .sector and along the .southern , ·.· .· wall. military situation at Lenin ,i : "It wa.- el.iiui< d. So\ iet s.uir |. ι . : ed .iPLJi ι lâche- to both that • i I-;t\ 111 the Γ. S. S. l; and !lu I'kramiaii capital, wa . ; ρ ι :.d with Cii i man d'. ad. ;. I . ι my pilots from the H ilt · Mi·; were said to have joined aimy '' ι ■ ill m c> <mb a t tun; ( ι ; : ο .. inch have c used l-!:i a r u ai g a.l I.eningi ad. η 1 h i ; nl; ι d i- pa tela> ai laiiii 11 I ighting through ι a.η had j '•v.l ι·μ·ι· .\\ai·i{iy lands ol Kale- . t within In η : il. ol l'et ro/.a - j .. a :ation . .η 1! ; ■ Soviet rail 1:11· : 1 .ruing) ad to Mum ati.»k. ; j Big Audience !ί Hears Address ; e W.I hillgti hi. Sept. I.' ( Λ I '1 Dm- . j 1 :.· Ιί.,ιι <· ..mi'· ι«···.ι t.rti.i.v il·.·: J 1 i ! filMI mes>age s ivct . · Ί 1 - \ t ;■ nighl j and this morning on Pre ident Roos« : ol ..|i -11:11 ; : ; 111,. > .1.1!·· ""lily 1 ."ill well' critical and 11 · · ! . '■ ι ' >■«·■ ·ι il v. 1111 it." At ; lie >,iiiu' tini'.'. Sti'i ilu n 1 !ari\ . presidential secretary, said a Colui - I ; lira t ma Sy telii . tir\ ey I I."V.iii the addn wa.- heard by tin • '■Ml I;,rge- t and:vnec of American , | lui ■ listeners. i Tiie survey. Karlv ^aid. gave In ■ I >« ι ι i ι a (17 I iei cell I rating, \\ liai. nu .ait that (>7 per cent of a potvn · ! iiai .aula nee nt (ill.(Kill.(Kit) peuple j 1 lit.nd ii. ,\ Vu pei lent rating wa -ei . ;i ι led tile I 'n nient'· May - . i l-i 'i'h in which In· declared an un- \ I -1 " 111 d national en ergeiicy. , ' j I RAF Bombers ; Again Active London. Sept. 111. (AIM Π: * ' I "inht ;·-. attacked Gnmanv and Cit » iiian-iiceupied iei l itory Irian Noivsa;. I" Fianee last night, concent ratm.; "i: northern (iîrni.iny, inciudm: Kiel naval base, and the Baltic port ι •Ι Uostook. It was tin· l'irst attack' "II Ho.-took. The air ministry said that despili ' bad wcathi ι "considerable iorccr,'j lei I lai fe'j l ires burning at both Kiel arid Ko.,took. lloiiilxi· coi.· nand aircraft also at-1 lacked tin docks at l.c Havre and Boulogne on the t rench coast, wliiiv j ancrait ol the coastal command | bombed docks at liaugcsund, Noi - ! v-a,y. .nul a Norwegian a'idrome ir. ar | Sta\ anger. Slapping was attacked oil both t'.ic Kurvvtyian unJ the Dutch iwoi.-· Fights Norse Rebels Josef Terbovrn Nazi pauleiter in Norway. Josef Terboven invoked martial law in Oslo and threatened v.olators with death before firing· squads as (»er many sought to quell widespread unrest climaxed by a wave of strikes. Several summary execu tions were immediately reported, and a new decree banned all strikes and called for a 7 l'.M. to 4 A.M. curfew. Mew Revolts in Norway Gigantic Conflict Indi cated Within Few L»ays; Trade Unions Lead Opposition. St ckh tni, Sept l j. (ΛΡ)— Ke : ; - ; :.·!ΐι U-lu y -aid a spirit : t*\ ■ 111 a .i; ; 11 m s t tiie (terinan-hup «rti'd tj ιi1.11ιλ ·α·'\ eminent was ■"Winy rapidly in ,\ ·: v. ay and a gantie conflict way indicated in the i'.\t low (i Wo . tr.ul. iininn •aii a; the ; : .11 in i · the .\a/is. alien au ·,α 3.~>H,0U0 lembers. Λ l;ι cat · ..n\ ;.. ,·.· .·, u <■ ; ο re ; ; ι ι ; ■ . ι -ι. ι . : , ι. r ol place h ir.-day. J,. 11 r . : ι. ' 1.1; .ι ι ·. i \ . j nient el κ lai "I Ie.lei . ι nteneed ι ilea tii and tii· :ι ; m tinned 1 >y .7 sol' erboven. .V, /'. .;u.;i Hi r ' ί' Λ. a'v.ay. - (il l ii ial act··uns!- - .al "la ·<·ι· peace a> restored and there ware ne ijÎMidos ni' any kind." Price Ceiling set For Coal V.... ■ ·.. .·· p: I" · Λ1 *) — II ' ■11 ; ι . ι· π. I ρ ice ad - Mil ι · . i ι ■ prie en ..ni I .... : · ■ κ,y . ' el.- el Aug i .1 ..II I l.i· . ι ! ι l ellt J, toll la . I ,i Ρ' '■ .m ..ι 1111 ·. .1 le ρ Τ . ι p ipi'.-1'd te lilt ι ; 11 ■. el h it :ι. '.I .! .day. I'lic at IIι 'I:.. . e. !abli.-lied Il I, ,ι ι I ■ ! I. r; I . !' ■ .lie >1 j.liti 1er he pr in·;; m! dm. a -. a1 i/.e>. broken . : , ι e.. it fin >' 11 it : 1II 1er pea . .11 : >::',.ι ι··ι I. iekwheat mnnber ι - : ' ! ι-1 ι. ι e and S2.1 f> for ,,:!.·. 'l'ie ι .: "e I' 11 b. mines. Gayda Says Axis Ships Must Attack • Authoritative Italian Eaitor Declares Ger man and Italian Ves sels Now Exposed to 'Deliberate A g g res sive Actio.*!.' Koine. Sept. I:!.— (ΛΓ)— Kal ian ami (ii'ini.in warships. c\~ lx.'s; (I now I > "deliberate a« •rressive action of American warships," must attack io sell defense if tin·.·. cannot escape, YiiKinio Gavda declared tody. It ι ev■id'Mit," declaivd the au t!nirit;iti ν t · jax'ist editor in tin· newspaper II Giornale d'ltalia, "that ■ il ι tin· |,,rc ,.-c announcement given l> tin· White House. every Italian and Oi'iruaii .-hip, knowing it.· -II e\ ;" ·.·(I tn deliberate aigres ι\ ·· actio;, ι ■! An.ι : :r η warships. must at lai'K !·.ι it- ' h (iotcn-e i! it I uk. tίι. 11"; ih'U.v of escaping attack," 1'oiilical circles denounced Kimscvclt's announcement as a ■'deliberate. Ilanranl violation of iieutralit> which, juridically, the I'nited States of America has new abandoned" (>ayda said "no formal dec laialion of war would now add any new or different elements to tin- rcaliU of this open, direct agression pre-announced by Koosevi It's spcech." I Λ Maternent i .-ued in political cir ■ ele:· . aid Roosevelt's speech .-Ivwim J i. desiiv fur "aggressive occupation ni strategi·.· points outside American 1 water.·' and charged the I're ideni with having an ini;ed to "exploit the .-lightest incident." 'tin.- ι 11.-', a .oil- ·■! act and niani I. -tation is received with calm and . nhout surprise in Italy but with ι eiΐ'.-wed and deliberate firnuiess of :he will t.« ι · iii". i μ ι a· ; h ·. · war together •λ Mil Germany and other allie? until v ictory." the statement concluded. Tax Base Broadened Senate - House Con ferees Agree on Tax Exemptions Provided in Senate Measure. Washington. Sept 12. (AIM In formed legislators aid today a joint Senate-!louse con ft re η ce conimilRt iiad afin "d to lower personal incomt lax exemptions and thus require an e timated 4.911,(100 additional pcr.-ons to make out income tax returns next year. The redur.-d exemptions, which would cut married per.-on ' la\ Irec annual income from $12,000 to $1.500 and that of .-mule indi\iduals Irom SBilO to $75(1, was written in by the Senate and was estimated by tin· Treasury to yielrl $,'i0!j.000,000 a year, t inly about $40,000,000 o! the ad ; dit lonal re.enue would lie paid by ! new taxpayer.·. The remainder would I come Irom persons already pay in,·.' j income taxi·.··, in tire form of inrroa. I t'd payments. I Detailed result- on the confèrent"· were a clo.ely guarded .-.Vcret and the conferee- reoprted t 11 a t Chairman Doughton had exacted a pledge that the compromi-e im-a-nr,1 be withhekl irom publication until Monday. Figures Sustain Waynick Contention That 'Flivver Drivers Pay N. C. Taxes' IHspatrh Bureau, In llu' Km Walter Hotel lt\ III Mtv \ \ I 1:11.1. HaU'i^li. S ι it I " It take · no mathematical Kcnilis ju-t a pine.I and a knowledge tin■ 1 ■ 1.> ! Inn damcn tal a 111 ΙπιιιΊ ica1 in- ec> 1 1 - confirm the truth ·■ t Hp■ tatemMit which ("apus \V ·> inr'„ II :h Ι'οίιΓ tditor, made at Monday's much publicized tax conference, which stateniciii >1 ριλ thaï .1 ΐί· the ίIiν\ e 1 ! ιΐι .ι : " wli'i c;n ry the prineipa ι > ' 111 ( It 11 ni .-t;i ti· taxation 111 Nortt lina. I.tinkiiiK back into the revenue de partmentV t;i\ colli ction figures foi I.i.sl Uni·· li eal years, appl'yim tin I i nd. 111 it'i ι la I processes mentionec and rt-coiil m; tIn results, it is fount 111 t.'i.L':!ll.90 collected bj t : it* ofi.ee ο! H venue Commission» (Continued υ-u Page Ihree) Nazis Claim to Be Working Russian Mine C. I*. Ktidiophitlo According to the oiTicial Gorman caption -λiτ1. thin photo, whfch was flashed 1-y r- from Be lin t<· X·. w Vurk, Nazi soldiers arc shown m-civii· ' ;ir.<t ».ro t.i 1 ..· out of the Km I: . .··.»» ιι..·.ν h nice the machinery was wrecked 1-j the r :riming liy.-siana. Krivoy Hog is in the .-'uviet Ukiaine. Halifax Lauds Siaoci British Ambassador to Washington Says Every Briton 'Greatly Heartened.' I.( null m . Scot 12 (AIM I ■ ί 1:111 !. ι χ, tin· Ijiilisli amba .-ador W a. ■ 11 i n.ti : il. .. i ί I !" ι ν that es l ι \ liriton In.· born ":;i eat . Ii. η ti m · ed" by President Hod evclt's no tre»*· pass vvaniins I·, a.xi . ο hip.- and . 111 > 111 : ι r i ! # Speak Ί){ί ■ ι t an ;i:a . ι ; 1 et ! he ai' : h ■ aili , h> ι I :11 I ι 1 . ! I ι ι ,· I, ai' / ■ 1.1 Λ! ι . ι ; a Λ .. > t · < . mplo ο: th. help in prarf,) ι.,, , ! · ■ I ' f ■ ί S ι a'1 !·· •■ive us and those fighting with us.*' "Thev ι ea I ι t ·\ < ·■ i ■ >· ι ■ la I : ' · '■ what ι la- ι : ι at a·'.· ami ' ι ■1 1 . it i:■ that thru , i'u , . : is ιiia·· .■ m : · η ("'.II; ι ν "I am a lit' ccrta in t ! : ί >Ie ut' I: ·■ l'ai:. (I ί· ■' nie what ι >:ι.ν. a11 · i ! ·' h >· eh ie\ · · I a ' ' 11 ' . , ! ■ ' · " : · -i-ll in the position ol'· if. il world ' ■ I . a ι··. !. !·..· I !· lits it. 'i \\ in.· ι·· ίηΙ'· ι · i la··. '.a . ■ Fights Occur Among Miners liazlet I . Sept 1;: > .\ I ' ι Flghtm.; '.· I a · ι · a ι . union lai : : ·.!.«> ' η an : ' ι Cite colliers , a pi - a M .■·.■■■ increase a d a p. , t a new terra \ a m ιντ \\ ; taken η . ν ! ",ηιΙΟ m ana ■: lobs. In a i ι ·'«'! lor of the CI' ι · :>·:I Ma ■ U . of Λ mot ι t ai IΊ · •hn'cl · ■■ ι Reading ( " d ii Kniekei ■ 1 ι \ « tra\ lin: ot earlier |>an.v' : .1 ι ν r I !III c were η ■ ι a ι ιι π·' ~H'EATSii.K ι οι; mmîtii « * «roi ,j\ \ (■rut ι.ιΜ· lair ("niivht ami Nil lirdas. couler soiilii and extreme ca-t portions loniehl. I \lc nli'd lure / st for the pe riod from 7:.'!0 i>. m. September I ; to 7 :.'!<> p. in. September 17: South Ml.inlie states: Tempera Ilires below normal al brrinniim except near normal in Florida, risiim lu above normal liller pari: moderate to brass showers in soulhern section first and middli ι», period and scattered li^lil slmssers north sect·.m latter pari Μ.Λ © Ό y t * f ! Days Address Next Move Up 'J o Nazis, Hull Declares Wash n£ton St pt. 12.- (ΛΡ) --- ore · 1 ;11 · i ·;.,!> ! ! ti i I jϊιci it .ι led t< - ι ; ί ι ν ■ ...·;·< η \ ul d«· U· . ' ! · · I : : , ν Ι ί S', » I ' · .hi ^ :. : ν<· \\ ih r · " in ... ' . ' ι . 1 V. 'I -i > h ·ΐ .ι : ■ drii !. i . nij» Λ (J . .'· ι ι·. "it er ι tii'd, il'. ! I·( :fii, ι : ■ i ηϋ«·.; Sl.'iU .il ·· ν ι n · ..· (.1 ι K( i ·ι funqur.i • ! ' I I : ! ' r 1 I : ι · 1 ι ι ( a · 11 î K< μ ι ·\ l I;' . ■ ι. ί .11 V. I h m' it'Ut . · ; I . ι ! I. · 1 ill ι ί German Spokesman i>eciares fresiclent s Keierence to freedom oi be as Was Peak of Hypocrisy and Denies Charges. Berli 12 ΛΡ) Tlie Ger ::iun hist' .· .ittcl i· 'iiay ι* · min t-i 1'i'tsid'S'ii: I! < < vSi'.· no . j κ 'iv h 'Λ ' : 1 : : : : i : HV! ti lit t i κ 11 1'·Ιηκι'.. ι. ; : ■ ■ ' 'cast 22 .-h 11 (l it (il a Ci:' .· ί ·. '.it.: i)(ililîd HA'uV. ; ι π ci an a ■ ■ \ . ; ». 'Κοηΐίΐη laU r dcciared: ' .\ '· 1 i ·■■ · »t s coiiU'ii Tin· l :■··. . .·:>·. I> fliap-, the grrale. t ■ î 11 1 !!·' u'!1 a-i-ai.· t ι*· · ' -l'y and π ι a 11 ν qua: (.·!< Κ|ΙίΓ!11 .ι \ c it. Λ spokt ! : ■ ·( cl; )l! 11 ! hypon it.a 11. a- an dent Boose .,ned, li v. l'C ! t ·:VI H't* , "the peak • it that he · ; < r all cnn ' ( \ ,nt in;,. c·· 'i Wi Γ·arm ι -'.ces And Labor Rates May iu ... L-isastrousiy When jy War „ ;'j Lnds, Baboon Says ι ; · ; ; ι . " ι : .. < iirv ! is·. 111. I !> I !. .ι ι ! "in .ill ta .ι 1 ·!ΐ Γ: r\. · I ' IV·; : !;. I'' ' ■ ■·;.,. ι· ι ; I 1 : .Mt f il'.1 · '...11 . ■ Λ . " I'll .'..ι-. ;, — s \, I ^ii il Hi -Hi !.. ; ! ■;,! r \ ll'.l 1"· ;>.· : ■ ..rt :> ' I to lilt· ·\ ... I I. t · II 'Γι Ι η ιι·; ins th.. I \\ ι ' 1 · Ί I ι <\ν I hi I "tin i η ι ;ι ι ···!·«·> l'Ht 1111 ! ' ! 111,1 ' ; I ' "I'll . Γ.Γ· . ' ' II. ΓΓ- - ,. IV Mut this :il: ·» h · ' ί " ·> «-ml «il ' · 1 ; 11 > < ■ ι ; ι s ι · · ι . ' 1 · I · ii:; :r ν ii;·'" '!"1 >< "ii. m •irnt !■- η t ; 111 ■11 ν to :·1Ι un 11 η.-· ι tin j · t ΤΙ. ι - "priori t v" v!i;i ; L i's and laboivi > μίί · ·. ■ the cilié! rea 1 »n ' ν tin di\ is ι >n • iîl! ! ι ί; (ΗΙΓ !" ! ,Vl !·- ciu-t I " : ; 11 y iicet pi : \. t »i 1, c ·ιι Î Γι » I d\ i'i' : : d S IKiij'lt'ni!iι* 1 ' 1 jvd 1 he thou (Cont :· ■ Jap Liberals Score Victory Over Radicals S. , ι. 1:' ( ΛΙ'ι l-V:.il» 1.In ι ;t η t ι I m., : . 1 11 liclri ι t' li· ail I (|iiaiti'i> (irii'Hv ιικίι ι tin- empcru |'·1 .lapati i \ ■ i t 1111 \· 11 ι in ■ l'iit:- ail iin portant \ : ι · t · · ι > Ir Japanese liberal in th ir ! in· ι :';iit I'licck the iin ponalist ( in paiyn "I rail cal arm; iff ! The ftew organization indicates in f'Nti lit tn wlii'.'h Japan is 1'ivl n;> th ·(' ...1 ... ρ Twi. ) News Seems To Be Reply To Roosevelt Germany's formal Stand on President's Broadcast is Deepest Official Secret; At tack on British Convoy Continues. Berlin. Scjit. 12.— <AP)—Ger nmi> informed the world today thai Gt-rm.in submarines had ;.ur.k -hips i'l iim .1 British con ν·>·. i:i tin- North Xtlantic and still were attacking, and it ap peared as lliuimh Germany were trying to answer President Kooscvelt with actions instead of m c.rds. What formal stand Germany would lake on tiie \mcrican Présidents broadcast last night, ί <i\vev< ï, was siironded in the deepest oftirial .silence. Adolf Hitler himself, it was obvious tu H observers, has re served th·· ι·\ι lusive right to de tefinin. (..rmaiivs official re action. II '' 'ί · ι :· ,i;i< ι·. πespondents i ■- ·; 11 ! ii Ί : ι ut·. ι ter the silont ι:· ■ ■. j■ ι ι·'.ιιί«·Μ·η«·ι· when the t'i.'ii·· ί·' ·ι ι 1 1 the world of the con Λ -penal i·. iinnmnic|ue, heralded < I· ι'! ι ·:ι ι adn ι listeners by the <·ι!-1 ·■!!:.·ι > lantare ol trumpets pre ceding . ι ii 11;» 1 announcements, did not locate tin· continuing action spécifi ai ore than 10 ships, heavily protected by swift corvettes and destroyers, gave the submarines tl' η target. the communique said. In a stubborn light of several days, submarines so far have sunk 22 steamers of a total of 31 1.000 tons. Two other steam ers of 11.000 tons wre tor pedoed and may be considered lost." it said. "The attack against the enemy convoy is continuing." I lu I : ι 11 H !t It ; 's headquar ter.- t : aide ruai tii.'t the raid ι in the : --!,p. ι · .· y l'a irdcd British a λ ι >ya i ta.a ι . ··· it· President :·'.·· ι . · '' a ·..'. and tiuit it was till going on, (The President's orders applied to r; ι all ; - sighted w it h ill waters !·■·'"( ι ■ ι : ι ι ! h eh is neces aiy ι. Amvriean defense.") Another Nazi is Assaulted In Paris V« · ν s· · !:· ■ \S". Informed • ν another ai η mi m Paris ii · ! .· ''intc ' ι <-prisaIs < · :■ ι; : . 11 <1 ! : ■ .r ι ties and ι ! ' : ed bv an lew, leav en first aid ■ ι i ii ■ and then ■ 1 ! - ■ Γ· ' ··!)«> r!■ ihbed the ■ ■ ι ; 'ι i be iden 1 M • 1 n ■' ι j m .oils no in ΊΙ- ci ime.x, .■ni! "incemcnt ' l',:H -'It'ii y. minis ::i;> due- not ■ ' π ! ι , i ; h m camps :> < ·'(iposition ' reigners aie it · · ν . iether tlw? ι ii three Ger .iiid other.·» else Leaf Offerings Are Heavy i Ii, ι S· : ' J.! ι ΛI ' ) T< >1>rc : \ : 11: (.'.ιι ·ilma's Mid v I ;· !' « Ι·\ «niid pnees in •ι ι· ι, '· -1 ' ; ' ■! ί days of auction, 1 ι ι.»·,. y ' 'ι I ermgs to market ; a; in today. Sah" "ii thi·' Durham market ye - • ι terday, totaled 538,870 pounds at an ι average prui' of 29.SI for an aggre- « , ' Kile "Ι $1;»!>.··Γι2.:{2. With much of the tiering.·» con.·, i.» ting of cheaper ! ,.'πκΐι ·.-. today'- -ales were expected a appiiixin ate (ΗΙΟ,ΟΙΜΙ pounds at an a-.t'iagi ι · r i ι ι ol around 31) cents. \!> .ι η win le. neighboring markets ni the < >ld licit reported that tobae i··· already was arriv ing for the open [ .ηκ ni sale.- next Tuesday.

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