Hendrraott Bally fèfepatrlf lvst.ilili-.hcii August I 1914 1'ublislud I \ cry Mtornoon l.\iept Sunday by IIKNDI l'.M>\ DIM'Vil li ( ().. 1M al In!' VouilK Strt'l't HLN'UV Λ I » Κ Ν MS. Pu-, and KU.tui AI. L. FINCH, Sec γ.ιμ> . Bus. Mgr 11 ι ι γιιομ » Editorial Office 900 Sh'h-'λ ' Hu~ h < ) ' : . t.- tUO The Henderson Daily D spatch is .i ntembei fhe Associated Press. SliUÎllI ■ . ι . - ' ■ 1 · A> sociat \ Press A ■ ciatioti. . The A. >: l'ro- ■■ - i\ ■ .» entit > d now.- d..-i'.i' . i'd ·· » ·. t ·! η··'. I 1lit '. V\ .... V dispatel ·- >er\ tv Ni l'v Kli'l ION l'Kl( I > l'a table nï ι ic tl> in ad\anee On.· \< s S; \ M T!:ice λί Week h Bv (. cl' On'v) Γργ ν. Knie d . ■·. Ht ■ .-η., ν Λ - .i ; nui .'il he hi t'< >u In South America b; .ι I 1 ' ν : a ·> · - w: |ii t ····. . it S· nth Λ : : erica. Where he stayed long enough to] make ·.· ι■ .· · ale ···a:tacts and t< see for himself and investigate at! lean a u ·' ·· ep a ■· ' ■ the <η.' a , III tin· rqu;i' >r. We >· ···>· t : >·.,*(■· h;i\ t been possessed of a generous case off jitter . ·■■. · .··· ·'· ···>·· began ,· ! t, ·ι , · . ] ·■ ,nf H t''' eff· " · South Λ : - .or- j ienn u··· a few flays opp. : no. .pies. Only: an who has had j lv c. · η t act - than; atims ind pr·' iat they pro n« v>. and «h it m are be··· :np' Gem ans are rftos! - as'.-ed ··' ur "501 neiit'·!'· " ' ' ' ev w IS tc! ally Ce tiny result id Ins re] !v was in *! negative. T! ,· τ ' ι .. ;!v !>r ·» however. '!. ' S···,!!. Amoriiins being ··. ··, *· -Î ; ν -η-picion- held ' wa ;'d !1 · ■ ■ ' "V r'h Λ η er c at The.· ·· · Ira. sa;d he. th they ,··,· ■ rhocile · 1 ta f; prey !·· \ pa u-'ai. 1 ' η a lova ! tioti.il id·· ' - are sinu.it or " ' th' sucker ' 'he th· ' a-l ν · en'ed ·[".. · .... il · r1 y '■ r.rt en . '. d St.rr- *.■ vhat eve· l> ■ t-'ie Rut \ve here a;r . ' ! . · Ί 1 .ur notions ahnut for. .. . .. t:.ins in S.iuth Amer iean republics without ba-is. In riiieni.· I,,.'..· i een sufficient to justify at least some suspicions. Granting tria' .ur id'·,! may result from on own ajii'.ranoe of true condiVon . there ha- been enough to a.· .use speculation. If we have been mi>.ed, it will be good new· to know that we have. An encouraging irisl". too, has been that ;lri- far every reported attempt -! X .' t-> a. η a f.-nth··! 1 in South America has been frustrat ed. Wr have taken friah' from knowledge of large German settle ments in various republics to the south, but to this they answer, says the profc--"! that their are more German.- 111 111 e United States than in South America, and they have n< t gained control of anything here and no seriou.- fears air held that they may do it. All of which is plausible argument. What lies behind that, though, is the feelina that South Americans are not firmly enough rooted in their own loyalties to resist as North Americans are. The professor's conclusions at least are worthy of a place in our general store of knowledge. Thev may be accrpted in good faith or with sevrai grains of salt. At least i1 is a different slant from what we have been receiving from down be low the equator. And that is some thine of a value on the cheerful side Of the leader. Religion in Russia l'ut of the stew and stir now rag ing about relit; < freedom in Rus sia comes .1 feel 11g that major chess innds a: e plnvmij 1 r high stakes aid :n\ ading ,1 realm that has not hither!.· figured .11 this war on the side of the democracies. Tbt demo* eiacies t»<·\\ are digging int.» domestic ill.1.: s »f :! ,· S>\ .et ;:i seeking to ex tort from Dictator Josef Stalin a con eess. η η religion that figures in politics. Thus thr two—state and re g·· 11 are about to burn each M-, s 'inger·. as victories ire hunt· •d r. ' e diplomatic front. Religion has gradually been till but ■ ι:oil :'··· he ' \ e> Sovvt I jjeoples. so l'ai as that - Humanly pos>iMe: .·: ' λ i-r tb it the eon .·!ns.< >» fr··- : es that have conto froir Russ a : bv bit over a long pes ;.id ·( ye · Catholics have been : :-pressed : with orthod· χ ■ ■ eats that onee t·: . ed " Russia St..' - -a·»! ·■'·.' under pres · Pr.· " sevelt to .'·■·■ ' freedom throughout the whole ol :-:s domain. • · " le-it is re 1 ■ ,' ·:'-■ -it-g··' .' 4 - ' 1 pope t • ■ - ■ d [·: il ··- li ·!-.:= dip!.-·: ι "ϊ}ι The j dt 1 s that if relig · ahng the, I r,ith.>!tes. eaft be .. - ' gain of I · ft do·, >f iU't il 111, H· will ing ρ e-sure >n C IS Un ■ , |>ied 1· ■ .·· · ! >■· -n and ! Portugal, .is ·, el! T' course. !■ -ng · th ><·(" 11 .·,· Γ -ι and Π Pier's ' .·. '. · ■ i ' · - live • and : the I l''": !,'~" \" ·:· 1 · ·.«··> :· per , Mut !< \ · ,:· ν '' S* "y g" ! t." !··- end ·■:' "he ; -pite te\ ei ι» e ι • dge" Λ -sir ing " ' ·· nsents ; !... t!ie ι·. ·Γ,·.· · ub ■1 ■ ι · · · e if ··*·.."> : lie edges" Hi p. ' i'v 1 e- · ' ν \\ ; 11 < 1 tninvi g!it be I'.wt ' ' <-! : h :s : >ei>ρ!ι ;!d r: tiv. • ■ η 1 y h. \\ : -hed the· ι ' .. ι -,. · w . and e ν-". : they were told ' his pmni .-· he : ii .· ill '1 a e through.. " .1 \ ' : · · · ft .a fwl ' • pie ι "g then .. 'hey :.re >\v g e': t h. - ■ a: ivev ' de·· al of e< γ ι · e t' ev "ai · essed • \ - | · I ' I Xi<: · ■· ' d trin< · t · , ■ , , 1 * g . · e.y ex·η r ι ■ s. y ' aeha-ve their ends Perhaps •lev .a · ., ·::■ d : that ., tt t It V ' ' ! > t , 'lid ' . · " '■ ' e ! it I i H tie· ! s · '.·"i ·. h · d the eat-! te:- a ,· ι · . ·! a ,1. pe,.pie's , el g la tils, as we'.: is · 'hei taiths ana habits ol ·[·.··.: · and ha- a;i out : . ted out religion among Germans But] t:i ;s is t:.t :. 1 tune ta:'- ' · - ,:g:on have ' - ..ed ill '. i*egy at ι,· icrac <··. ·:. ugh a. '.a..·· n t ne i-ti'iVst : · · -d .at respect. \Vi.,; 11e S·..'..·. y .-'-Mr.; t ·■ . ι .· ι ' ι · ·. : t : : n g : vhat S:., h ι. .· ' . a : : y ii ·. may be S' a : t . . :;g l . g hit' s. I. let 1 in',·: · ι :· . : .·. .th. and ! • e trusted j t ·.·· I·'. ι>ur part, .. ::. : .. ι y niach store ·-.'■■ g : . :d ai»>ut his at • a n 1 . ei ig.oii, or, for that ■ y · t. ι g else. C)ne difficulty t : a ta a t ι:· ,gh, though, and : a deal a·",- . regardless ot the de gree if -a :... ri ty involved, can a de t·· '· antago, ace· >mpany ng t. ι ·ub 1 e ■ y idinit of negotiation and solution at a more convenient ta:.·.· \\ hat Do Ν οιι Know About North Carolina? Bv l'Ut I) Il M \ Y 1. H. .v. many . err .·· dimmer v. fit- n ' : id icrd : : .< 1861 r· Ό \ r il 11 ο π ? Ί. What \\ ;,s Un· !.··.'· \ ..· of Gas ton iinmly ■ manufactur d pi· duct.- 1' τ 19;ï9'? 3. Who was the Green-i>oro man who was delrated f r governor and then elected c >ημ; r-sman η 1856? 4. How many Ν ·>Ήι (' ■ lina con gressmen have become chairman of the ways and means commit tee'.' 5. When did North Carolina firs; establish a fund for the instruc tion of children in reading, writ ing and arithmetic? 6. How much has Robeson county received in State and c unty highway expenditures >ince 1921 ' ANSWERS 1. Two secession ordinances were introduced on the opening da·/ of the convention. May 20. 1861. The firs' of these was by George E. Badger, of Raleigh, former superior court judge, United States senator and Sec retary of the Navy. The other wa by Burton Craige, < f Salisbury per sonal friend and neighbor of Cover nor John W Ellis The ordinance in troduced by Crnige. said to havf been written by Judah P. Benjamin attorney general of the Confederat states, was adopted thpt day 2 Gaston county s 134 manufac tunng plants in 19ϋ9. Κι -1 year year reported, turned out pi duets t tal . ng S25.649,694 The reports show :h.it 19.698 persons were employed ii these plants a: ' tal \\ iges of $13, ■>64.998. Plant,» w " outp..ts of less •..in $5.000 were π '■ ncluded in these i t ports. ■! ,Ι.Ήη Adam» C. ! ι ansuccess ;1 v." g candidate : governor in 18,>6. Shortly afterwards he was elected to e tigres» η Ameri an pa: "v ticket, and »er\ ed from M : }. to Milled ΐ 1861 l'on grt »»::-.m Gilmer was a banker and a ■treat ■ 'e· er η large issues of cur t - ey ill deni'ii mat >ns. He ■ "ended ' at »·> all currency was ■ .ch :'c "reded by the average man. 4 Three X- : th Carol-na c- •••çress nen have bee 1 me chairmen of this i'P riant hou·· c mittee The »· λ a» C τι;:. η .la·· . - Ivor Μ Kay. ι Ρ,;.·„Κ·ι r.'v η m ms • " _: ■ s. - * ! to I .î4 9 rhe -d was C · . ι --man Cla de !\ '■ "it'ii. ι·: lia! ' s . anty. twelve - c.'tig! es». ·:". 19·Ί until - death in 19-.'t "· 1h r-1 - C η iressman Robert I. Doughton, now i' c ngres». elected .n 1910 and ha.» cceeded h niselt eac!i election ». nee. 5 In 1 823 the legislature |i.is»ed he . terai > t aid !au. w · cil i>t ca- e ι vi'-v :■ ν|i,Ttant measure il mg the M h yea"· 1 !i, > . ι et set , ι * dt rrr 1 ,.i'd>, nck.daig : ce. pts t mi '•l : ed -1 'cks, I tci.t taxes ' 1 ». a:let:..neer.». nid eel ta n t taxes t< be coin in ι icd η a fund. This fund was to be invested > ·::··; 'tee and . ed .,» directed >y the legislature .TJnder the d ιec· on Τ that bod.»· the firal ■ :ld he ised .n training children in reading, w r.ting and antît- t . c Τ'ιι» fund leveloped rapidly and served a great 'i'ost 1 >e·' re · w as dis.» pat d :·> the ; ec ··!-· ·:ction ·> g ··:«· 6. Robeson county, the largest nty η the statt !i..s rec< ,\ed a ι ■ : S4.a(i ! .ι '4:' .!■»■'. ·. :. a, ■ a ! ■\ ay con -1 act ' a a i ^ t 1 !i" 1. : ■ 1 sûT.i'S.i tif· " ι 1 -, on funds s,in· 18.'? 1 I :: aid' η t these amounts Robeson ha» received ι intly with Bladeh $86,482.70. with 'o| a : : ι !n ; » Si!· . ■ >!' ai .. I No ' ad. $ ; ί : 1.117 ■ a ■ ". ο, ■ g ■ a. -, •il -1 itift a mi : : a aar! · ■;·. v, ; ; : I'-'luinbus $27.t11 tï a à a nty con ' : .et on 1 ,,nd». ANSWERS TO TEN QUESTIONS S» ι Ha eft l'n Of L< ng <>: ( presribed by city ordin : ;M ■ DEFENSE BOND Quiz Q. H u M'vnmcnt set . 1 i'.i 'ta ' ·- ,ι >ed through tin· rales Ifr: . \ ings bonds" Λ \ . there is no quota and no ' ' .· The defense i\ nus :■:·.>- ! λ to be a e< tnt.n ;ΐηκ et : .rt. and ι ' -.'.h defense bond- ai d <:.» ·. ,'d be pureh.i ed r'e...,].!>· and regularly. I Q. Why were the nation's retail j stores asked ' . sell defense ,v.iv;r.s> , a I I stamps. Λ Λ: m ..· '· - v.r asked—they volunteered through dertake th( lie of defense Savings Note to ν defense bonds and ■d loan assi wia- I ti * Treasurer >>f ' '■ ' ! « '■ Washington. Π. : λ* are on sale at M · · ■ : ng »·<·..η·«if. cal egg pro *· .· '.are ·' ri :ng feed .· Π eall 1 or '.ncrra-ed ener :·.·■ part o| \ ι ·h Car·Ί:na • vi.i-n -a.vs R S I)· at·· 'vne »>f (' State college. Lest We Forget Congress shall make DO law respecting an estab» lishment of religion. Of prohibiting the free exer cise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press. —U S Coroctud·· W eekiy Market News Review i;.i!< :u. ( ■· · ι · i . . .ι l ι ' ■ ' : .. . . . il 11 ι nil d.,1 - .· κ Un ! ' - ' ■'·1 ·.. J H·, t· · :1 ii l' S .nul X ··: ν :... de[ ·,,: ' - ι ι : . . . ',. · : . · w ι ι ,. Κ II .1 I ket III""· < : > , Ai I. I' libera 1 ut tenngs <i w ! ativeii - iiiut · ; ; eeu c.iki ... .·. · . .ng up ; ίΙι<· dt : ; .il. ι. ■ ' - pi iiU'lp.il ea :.eu ng .II! ; : ι ,ndl \ ■ >1 '.\ !i. i!i·.·, lv '. ι ■' ι : * ι. i ί t · detained >! ;u!;! ly t· · i ι t ii « ; ι ,1 ·.·,::.. 1 a,t 3 In: 1) e p. . ·. '..··. ,·.>! HI! 1 Ii , Ui· ' ■ ι ' -ρ· >1 .· ι ' . l.-i i . I . ) e.. ! agi'. : F.i ; : : .r: ·. · -1 ■ ί ν J ί · i:. . I ■ : ι ί ι ! ; - ι · : t m .» 111 g I y , ·. ;. ι ·. ■ : : ι. ■ , .. ! ,·. e e ι.. . ι η ι. remained unquoted Un cleaned and shelled stork Κ I 1 1 ■ -.'..pp.ug |>..:η·. . 1 1-1 t.· 7 1 ■ - e< t.: · . ρ.·;ι:κ1 w ... quoted liM' ee-t Y., gilt.a . ,·:.'; .- 'l'he' l.iCK ι · 1 :.ι. :. ! .ι :. . the : ι 'Ά ing et op in Y : rgiiu., atid X : ' . :, ■ 1 :na cau.-;ng peau ,t iWeis ;·■ ,i,g ear-! In·: " in ted. 1 ;· i !. X'..rth l'a .-· ι l!ι ' . . !. e.idy -1. ι : ted. Γ! I' !... . >>t . .-!.!.· 11 !.- also • U...:ic ■·■'· ·. ·' ι u.a'ed ·ι the ι j[ th. u^i .1 ' ·. ι earls t ,· y . '.ν!..it e\'i u'. .Marivet a...1 >1 Γ .. 1 It · . 'An·, po tat h·.- gati.i . ed ··· > nta: . during tile Wee .. t'1 '■:!> i! :;g ·:« Will under w ,.ν ί · κ w en !.,;. . u mo.-t ·· .<·' ·. · <t Γ. S X'n. 1 1 ' ' H leai ! η New V . I. t .·> ' · ρ. .a a year ,,u· ' "Γi .~ .· ■ ι ,■ v. : :initial 1 u. cl.a -e X t'. . '. : Λ eets i··: tue v. a· «·: X : · : ι and Smith t'ai : : ι: ι n! U. S X" 1 u .. ' ·. ; : It'll pua chased by tin quartermasters' corps at 1 . UI pel" ii'a · On the l'i..> .··.·.;. :· arkot fed -tee! - : · . : ι t I wen· ill lighter ιιρρ ei" ι . .mit ad \ alieed I > eellt . ; e<l tei ι s bl_! ι iii. ι ! ii 1 - " 1 I"p- l'"Hg ted w .gl.tv tei - ii, 4. .· 11 at 1 1.1)0 and : · I : . ι r ■ ei·· < d .«tnmg, bringing : ! 2.Γ»·': e··'.·. s wen firm 1Ί 1 n· ti d ■ ,νιι : ·au age hull.» held steady: .a.d v. ι ale;.- were l'uni at 1 .·! ι U! I · ' It · Mi el a ' ■ < ' t >1 jeep and lambs ei" vd abmit -te.aly alter lluetuating at t1 . peninu. and ei - ly .·· Tied ·.·. t ·. ,-ρι ι nu ι ι brought I I ill t" 1 J. ι the en --e. w : h :ι lew ehu:ee n.,t . .-ellu.g at 11.ϋϋ ι 1 1 il,ι Ί ' e ι ■: · · 1 wevk's <l<tlnn ι it. .1 .t it -it 111 < ' I '! :.r.igo h<>g ! ' 1. i r - t t, I' allil Uilt-. :N·.» j . ■ . ;. ■ up. I- 11 vu lo to cent ·. ;.t a general top ot 11 30 far the close. S .. » ·; ·. . 1 > 1 > . wluli' I11,!:! !».<«,< 1 . , i w : I: . w · ik undertone from | ; 1 , · ! ; J., l '.1 i ol 11. · : < i Virginia . .. ' ·,. i : <ίΙ Mit' imm 'tlii! w 1 .m · w .t:. j.! .11- dccl.n.ng trum Cotton prices advanced about 3.01) ; " Mil.' : 1.1 v. 1 ν ■. 'Wing tile de ; 7 1 · .in; tin tin· - pre - ivii 1 wi'ci. M.iiM't interest was ivii'i . ι ι : M ■ ■ ' .-tlu'oni mg October •p îoreca.Nt. Picking and u:'.· : ·. ι : ι· reported to lie making . j .. Spot market activity .it .iiul the total volume ot , . λι tii.it for this time yi m .:.other recent season. Γ· ; , · . ,u activity apparently 111 <■ 11 1 i >.;·«· than scasonablly late : Sopti :nl■<■!' I'nfmi hvd cotton ι !. :h .1 : ιt> were quiet. NOTlCi: Of RE·SALE. An advance bid having been made upon the property hereinafter set out. 1 and under and by virtue of the orders issued by the Clerk of the Superior Court ol Warren County, North Car olina, in the Special Proceeding en-1 titled "M V Cooper and wife, Mis lew C. Cooper, and Mrs. Jennie I Steed (widow) vs. Kmnia Steed Har- j r - and Willie B. Harris, her husband, j Catherine Steed Miller and Nathar. ι T. Miller, her husband, Will Steed,' Jr.. and Mary B. Steed, his wif j (minor) Hesste Steed Stegall and Krne.-t Stegall (minor) her husband, Charlie Steed (minor and unmarri ed), and F Β. Hight, Administrator 01" the Kstate of Myrtle Steed, de ceased. and T. A. Steed, Jr., and Bet tie Pinnell Steed, his wife", which Special Proceeding is docketed in tin office ol the said Clerk, and by authority ol the said orders, the un del -igued comm·■ mers will agait. ttei ι r ale at public auction, for ca.-h ι ; t the courthouse door in Hen derson, North Carolina, at 1- o'clock. X mu. K..stern Standard Time, on Thursday. October 9, 1941. the fol lowing described tracts or parcels of land m Y incc County, North Car < .1 :na : 1. Adjoining the lands of Robt Beacom, John Hoyle, et al. and being my interest 111 the dower of my mother 111 the tiaet upon which she now lives and contains 27 acres, more or less the boundaiies for which is fully set forth in the sur vey mad.·· by George Houghtaling, the County surveyor of Vance Coun ty m the proceedings to set apart dower to my mother Mary C. Steed and to which reference is made for ι more particular description. Refe·· ence is also made to deed Book 39, page 81. also Book 8, page 143, Vance County Registry. 2. Adjoining the lands of Robt. Beacom and others, and containing 511 acres, more or less, and being the home tract upon which the late Thomas A. Steed lived at the time of his death. 1 ,'i Adjoining lands of James M. Ed I wards, H W. Kalkner, Mrs. Steed, jet al. Begin at a Hickory M. E. 1 l.ankford's corner, thence Ν 83 de 1 grecs W 154 poles and 16 links to the center of the Milford road, thence ..iong said road Ν 6 3-4 degrees VV 38 poles and 2n links, thence Ν 3 3-4 degrees W 5 poles 5 links to a stone corner for J. M. Edwards and wife, thence S 88 degrees Ε 161 poles and ή links to a stone in Lankford's line Edwards' corner, thence S 16 degrees W 44 poles to the beginning, contain ing forty-three (43) acres, one acre ot this lana has been condemned for a public school. This sale is subject to the dower of Mrs. Jennie Steed, (widow), as set aside to her by the Jurors as will ? ρ pear by reference to the Report of Jurors in the Special Proceeding heretofore referred to. Bidding to start at $1312.50. This the 22nd day of September, 1941. T. P. GHOLSON, J. P. ZOLLICOFFER, Commissioners. 22-29-6 _ _ _ 1 SALLY'S SALLIES R^.l-rrd U. Ν f'atrnt Oft,, - ( rf-5 LOVE AT Τ )f IR.S-T £I4HT- Itf>4 ζ <Ef MARRIED lALlfclwtff , ^Uat'5 t )oûfc. I *> * l\J The greatest universal time saver is love at first sight "-THOSE ANGEL VOICES CALLING-!" £% vWs 'V » Of 'tP zy* <4; WANT ADS Get Results OIL STOYES. $5.50 FOR TABLE tVpr. I )ll (.OIlU f»l« >\ r white ι ι !. ι ! ι i ■. linisli ovens 98c W'atkms Hard wale Co. Mam Stnvt. ti-Uli BEFORE VOl' BUY PAINTS LET us show ynu the Vita-Var Imr. the genuine BIO'S pure p.mil for all purposes. Tanner Roofing Co., phone bl'ti. - 17 IF THERE'S A KOdF TO l.E cov ered' Visit "The Place .>1 Values. All heart red ivdar shingles, Flmtkote asphalt .shingles and .u per clianneldi .1111 gah.mi.'.ed root ing. Alex S. W'atkms. "When quality teils and prices sell." U-lt OUR LOAN SYSTEM IS A BOON to builders. We finance home building remodeling and refinanc ing. Henderson Building & Loan Association, Al. B. Wester, Secy. (3) W Λ Ν IT! I ' NOW OK WITHIN Ht; days three room lirst Moor, fur nished or unfurnished apartmen; with private bath, close m, steam lie,it preferred. I'hone iiilj. lj-31i DON'T SAY "1 WISH I HAD'. BE w ise, come buy some bargain at our furniture salv. H. E. Satter white & Sons, near fire station. 2-tl ELECTRIC CHURNS, $12.95 A NI. $14.95: electric fence unit, $9.9;: and $1(1.95. Good stock wire, in sulators and clips. W'atkms Haul ware Co. Mam Street. LAD IKS! SOMETHING NEW. LEI us clean and spray those suede shoes with "Dyo-Flex". WIL1. NOT HUB OFF. Bring them m or call 038. Gnssom's Shoe Shop. 19-tl WASH POTS, Fit Y BANS, COM plete line. Iron hollow ware No. cast try pans 59c. W'atkms Hard ware Co.. Mam Street. li-ûti STUDENTS LET THE DAILY Dis patch follow you off to school. for entire school term. All school subscriptions must be paid before paper is started. Subscribe now paper w ill start the day you leavt for school. 11-tl KO It SALE FltESH COW AND CALt also plenty pigs. I· rank Barnett phone 970. 6-2t LOST SUNDAY NIGHT: GHE\ checked coat. Iteward to finder Please notify Kenneth Isley, Jr. 6-1 GOODYEAR TIRES, BATTERIES Tubes, Oils, Shoe Repair, Harnes? Repair, cash or credit on Tires Batteries. Get our prices befort you buy. Carolina Tire Store. 21-tl NOTICE. I have this day qualified bofon 'Jie Clerk of the Superior Court ol Vance County, North Carolina, a: Administrator of the Estate of m> Mother, the late Mrs. Sallie Bur roughs Brame, and this is to notifv all persons holding claims agains said Estate to present them to the un -fcrsigned within one year from this date or this notice will be pleadec in bar of any recovery. Persons in debted to said Estate are requested to make prompt settlement. This Uif 5th day of September 1941. PERRY BRAME, Administrator of the Estate of the late Mrs Sallie Burroughs Brame. J. P. & J. H. Zollicoffer, Attorneys. ι £-15-22-29-6-13 WANT ADS Get Results F1KE HA2AKDS INCKKAht, WITH the coming ni inU1 weather. We are prepared to give you lull pro tection. Citizens liank and Tru-t lu. Insurance Department. 11-ti in m ini; hhkkcues - pants. l>ii.ii proof-w atcrpi t>ol, tcmlorrcd -, /c- M2-34. iih a«>- In, pi u rd 5>-l il,ι. W.itkins llaii.iu.il·. Co. Main Strict. (i-oli FOH ΗΚ.ΝΓ VKHY DKSIKAKKK Iront ollice with lient and light*, second lloor lloinei liuilding. Kent reasonable. Only vacancy m build ing. See W. (. Catcs. Agent lor owner. 3n-2-4 JFOR SALE: HOME COMFORT lang'e in good condition. S. Brooks Brumiiutt. l'lione liilJ-.l. li-iSi uL)D LUI' FICTION, YALLKS To 41' all. reduced to al>c. Many chil dren's book.·, reduced lor quicK clearance to make loom lor new stock. I U ndersoil Book Co. 11-li FOH 1 'HINTING, PHONE 62. AL lords l'l lilting iSi Omce bupply Co. "Hendei son'i Largest and Most Modem l'i luting Instable liment and Oil ice bupply Stole." We guaiaiitci to please. 22-tf SPECIAL HUH FOUL) COACH. $2à cash. Lot.- ni othei bargains. Clyde'.- Auto Sale-, below Avcock school. l'lione U.j-4-J and 3111. lj-^l WE SPECIALIZE IN' ALL kinds of buily ami l'entier re pair work. Motur Sale» Co. 1 HEP AH ED WALL PAIN I. WHITE and C'luis >111.) gall hi. quail 59c. Get your supply before advance price. Watkm.- Hardware Co. Main street. 6-3ti OLD HA I S MAliK I.iKl. NKW HV oui iii.iuern cleaning ami re-block ing nu ll. Ι- \ alio· Cleaii'iig Co., l'ii"iie :t. :> H '."> Gai licit street. I I ivc II.- a tl ι a 1 iill-'.t s\ ais, ι ι·:ι ). ι \s ι > οι; ι π κι .κ uoom apai I η > 1ι ;. ι 11111 lied u Kill 111 iilsli eCl. i Ι ι H., lient Itt Ιι ι lu ι - ex changed Wiite Apartment". Hn.< 301). Iiendci ill. (i l!t t OH ni·.s Γ si Κ A Κ S AM) SKA - lood.- ι al a : 11.e White 11■ ni-e Ke. t,un.in' U''i lia\e I. η Ici ami Hed Snapper . teak. Free Ticket to Επι ba- \. 1 III e\ Cl y π ι m I ot .ι' Η ο:' ιι.l ie Glade A An I onditioned. 25-ti ι .-) H.\ I ο I H.vl >K 1111·; I'.K'V cle way Call Herbert'.- Yellow Front, phone *k.!l lor Western Meats and Fancy liroccriv.-. Stale change needed, and get quick cour teous service. 12-tf Λ1.ΛΚΙ·:. INSTHCt. I'll'X SHOHTAGi; ol gm.d Auto B'dy-Fciider repair men. Wi ll lia.η mechanically in clined men Un this good paying traiiv. C.m opera'.e own shop. VV'oi κ c.i ily learned. Sh"p practice lli 1 , .ded W : lie 11 1 II ee hu ts. I 11 ht h In-!., care Dispatch. ti-Jt CALL ".72 Hilt GROCERIES, hints, vegetable- or cold meat.-. Wines, all populai brands. Cow ard's (.'a li Grocviy, 215 William St., (next to \V;l.-oii Electric Co.) 25-if FOR RENT: ONE STEAM-HEATED i>idi'mil'. 11"! an I cicl water, pri \.itx· entrance. I'M»· ' two null |>rt·— lei red: can furnish two meals, daily it wanted. Very cheap. Phone 1 154-J. ti-2ti COME l.\ AM) Si·:!·: THE NEW Studebi.kci tod.,y. All that is new lor '42 now on display m our shmv rooms. Candler-I'almer Motor Co. 25-tf FOR SAL,Κ A (UK H) TOBACCO tarm, well located with liberal to bacco allotment. C. Λ1. llight, Hen derson. .Y C. iilioiu· tiHU-J. 30-Htl WE I'.W Vol' >..110 FOR SEELING ten $ 1 .(HI boxe.-·. ;ιθ beautiful as sorted name imprinted Christmas cards .-i ll .>1.(10 your profit 50c. Free samples. Cheerful Card Co., 2iiBY. Whiti· Plains, Ν. Y. (i-It New Lubrication Department With Evcready scr\ ice and completely equipped to scientitically lubricate every moving part of an auto mobile. Bring us your car. E\ eready Chevrolet Company. Rhone 707. LOST PURSE, VALUABLE PAPERS and driver.· lieen-e along with $12 or $15. Reward. Return to Jessie N. Jones, route 2, Ik'ndcrson, N. C. C-lti FARMERS — TOBACCONISTS — Come right on out and enjoy the best barbecue and Brunswick stew in this section. Hill Top No. 2, Ra leigh Road. 2-tf LISTEN TO THAT ΠΕΙΓ! DRIP! AN annoying and costly experience—a leaky faucet. But you don't have to listen to it f you call us. We will do you a good job and do it economically. J. Ci. Wheeler, Jr., phones Β12—J or 378. 29 tf FOR RENT: MODERN 3 ROOM lurnished apartment, with private bath. Clark and Charles strcvt; three room unturnished apart ment, private bath, newly painted, Harrell St.: four room house, Davis street. From 341-W. li. L. Mustian. 6-lti OWNERS OF GOOD PROPERTIES are mutual insurance buyer.··. They benefit by sound insurance, ef ficient service and substantial di vidends year after year by insur ing with Cates Insurance Agency. 12-tf INSURANCE — RENTALS Real Estate — Home Financing Personal and courteous attention to all details. ΑΙ.. B. WESTER Phone 139 McCain Bldf.

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