SOCIETY NEWS NIGHT-PIECE. I comv alone from suma bath at night While overhead great Vega shines, a queen, Like w iute-clad maidens birches flicker blight As all around my homeward path they lean. My father's land has birches too, he said. And cool, dark flowing streams like tin- 1 now Alu.-t . w mi aero-· to reach my peace oed, And peuple known for keeping every vow. The stones are rough, the water black, but see— The lair sweet star is floating there serene. My country this, America the five, Suomi far off 1 have never seen. Yet do 1 pray her midnight plungi will give Again, to quiet folk their place to live. Fred'eric Arden I'awley Week-End Ilerc. Zola F. Wright, of Durham, r spending the week-end with his par ents, Mr. and Air.-. J. 11. Wright, or. ι hestnut street. Week-End Here Miss Margaret L'. Bailey, who is attending Klon college, is spending the week end at her home near Bear 1 Olid. Visit Foxes. Air . Homy Fox and son, Bib Henry, oi Sumter. S. are visit ing J. 15. Fox, and Miss Kli/abetn Fox, at their home oil Chavasse a\ enue. Visit Here. Airs. Winnie L. i_.umbcrt and Mrs. Lma Wmdle, ol Woods Hale, Ma.-s., stopped here a lew days with trit nds A/ .mil All . K. 1\I. Allen en route to Foi t Bragg. Mrs. Lum bert plan- to join her husband, Sgi. A. li. Lumbcrl. w ho ι on mativuvcr.-. O. E. s Meeting 'i lie régulai me·, tmg ol the James P. White Cnapter No. 1!)9„ Order ι i '.lie Li-U'in Star, will be held in the Λ .· m. 1111 AI 'inlay ev ening at !o . 'i-lo. i . ii ι. announced. Mrs. l\ ι IJ. Weldon. district deputy and matron, will pay her official t ; th. local chapter at this time. I all ii λ mbers are urj'.ed to be , > e.-l-nt. ( 'ouples Married !ιι Double Wedding ι '■ Τι, ■ il. y : l'iernoon, October 7, ι'ιΊι ck. .1 double wedding was h·,-mi in a quiet coivniony in >i. ι -.·» \viit'll Miss Mabel Abbot, imc tin· bride ol' Eugene Lestl'r, Mi - lk-a trice Ayscuc and Jack η \vt . e married. Letter is tire daughter of Mr. I Mr . iî. J. Abbott, of Henderson, e is a gr.i.iuato of Charles Π. Am·Ί-k high school. . Lf-;ei is the son of Mrs. ( \ ton Letter and the late Mr. Lcs 1.1 Ki .f.klin euiiiity. Hi: attended ■ i! at Cé 'M Sand. '. 11 Thumps, in is the daughter of ; , late Mi. and Mrs. William Ay-cue. of Alert. She attended school Gold Sand. Mr. Thompson is the i :i ef Mr. and Mrs Kddie Thomp -ill. nl Henderson, and is a graduate ol Charles 1!. Ayeock high school. At IV ι the ceremony the bridal couples left on a wedding trip to an unannounced destination. District Garden Meeting In Wilson The annual u eeting of the North C lastal Plain d. triet of the North Car lina Garden club will be held in Wilson Friday, October 17, in the courtroom ol the municipal building at 10:15 a. in. Brief report- from each club tell ing of outstanding projects will be a feature of the morning session. Mrs. On ntin Gregory, of Halifax, newly eleeterl district direct r. will preside. Luncheon wil be served at a mod érât" cost, it is reported, and re servation should be made in ad- i vance. Mrs. Π ,τ. Lybrook, of Advance, j president of the State Garden club, ι will be present. Mrs. Radie 'Γ. Clark, j ol Wilson, is local chairman for the | day's meeting. ! Mrs. Clarence Finch Entertains At Bridge Mrs. Clarence S. Finch entertain ed a number of friends at bridge Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at West End Country Club. Tht clubrooin \\a.> attraciively decorated with ar langenients of early tall flowers, and II.» tut-place was banked with dog Wood boughs. L j >· m their arrival the guests we it erved ice cream, cake, nuts, and col fee, after which they played sév irai progressions of bridge. Mi.-. Joe S. Evans wa.i high scorer for the aft 1110011, Mrs. Harold Stone was next ugh, and Mrs. W. D. Payne had low core. Each of them was presented a μι ize by Mrs. Finch, and a dainty case of flowers wa given to tlr.· hign -corer at each table. Guests for the afternoon indu the following: Mrs. L. R. Gooch. Mrs W. D. Payne. Mrs. M. L. Finch, Mrs Henry T. Powell, Airs. Dan Clark Mrs. Phil Rawlins, Mrs. Loon Vick, Mrs. I. H. lioyk·, Mrs. Henry T. Powell, Jr., Mrs. C. B. Whte, Mrs. Robert Tanner, Mr-. George Holden, Mrs. Clifton Finch, Mrs. \V. B. Hight, Mis. Κ. M. Rollins, Mrs. Q. L. Arnold, Mrs. Κ I'. Shaw. Mrs. Ralph Finch, Miss Ethel Crowder, Mrs. Laurence l). Wall. Mrs. M. F. Legg, Mrs. J. W. Sanders. Mrs. Ray Hull, Mrs. Ben jamin Narz, Mrs. K. A. Latta, Mrs. Fiank Jordan, Mis. J. L. Bnley, Mrs. J ου S. Evans, Mrs. J. H. Wheeler, Mrs. R. T. Upchurch, Mrs. B. G. Al len, Mrs. A. W. Gholson, Jr., Mrs. A. .. . Watkins. .Miss Myrtie Hight, Miss Lenna Hight, and Mrs. William Tay lu.. ol Uxiord, Mrs. Fred Kesler, Mrs. W. IVI. Young, Mrs. J. C. Mann. ! Mr.-. Harold Stone, Miss Margaret! Horsey, Miss Carrie Draper, Mrs. C j urch, Mrs. T. H. Crowder, Mrs. ; u , ;:if!ht, of Youngsville, and j Mi : SK'V. art Finch. ί). Α. R. District Meets With Old Bute Chapter 'I'm· old Iiutc C hapter, Daugh-1 ters ot the American He\ olution,1 was hostess Friday to the Sixth dis-j iiit·; conference of tire State Society I ni tlie Daughters of the American Revolution. The eonferenee was held 111 tlie First Methodist church with .Mr.·. Thad G. Stem, oi' Oxford, dis trict director, presiding. The invocation was given by Rev. B. C. Keavis. The assembly opened j with the llag salute, followed by the! American's creed and the singing of j "America". Mrs. Stem introduced Mrs. Sam Harris, Jr., \vii<> brought: greetings to the assembly. Mi.- Saliv B. Garlick gave a welcome addles.-.; j the response to which was gi.en b> Mrs. Hoy McMillan, of Raleigh. Reports of the various chapter Were very favorable and showed that work being carried out among tl. chapters was very thorough. Mrs. H. A. Snow introduced Mr J< soph Silver.-teen, State regent, wh brought a very interesting and .-ta ring message. Mrs. Silversteen said that at tins time oi grave peril to the people's freedom they must not -pend their means and energy unnec essarily, out make everything count; that tliis society do that which will render the best service to the State and to the nation. "Words will not perpetrate those principles of free dom and democracy", she aid, "but we must do all ill our power to aid our country in this grave time of peril in all its defense efforts and lrelp those in war-torn countries as well." She urged the buying of de fense bonds, having patriotic rallies, giving all help to Red Cross and other branches of service possible, having a committee to contact the lo cal draft boards, and doing some thing for the boys going into the serv ice. Miss Garnett Myers delighted the group with a song .-election, "Prayer" ny Guion, accompanied In Mrs. An drew Davis. A ie-olution was read and approv ed that the Sixth district go on rec ord as having endorsed the proposed establishing of a blood center in North Carolina. This is for the sav ing and preserving of blood and is a part ol the national defense pro- j gram. A delicious luncheon was served to about seventy-live guests at the Vance hotel. Table- woiv lovely with | flower arrangements and decorating favors in red. while, and blue. At the | luncheon the following were elect ed for another term of office: Mrs. Thad Stem, director; Mrs. R. Λ. Snow, assistant director: and Mrs. J. M. Gregory, secretary. There was ,i report from the courtesy commit tee thanking the chapter for its many courtesies and hospitality to the as sembly, after which the conference adjourned. State officer attending were: Mrs. JoM'ph Silversteen, ot Brevard. State regent: Mrs. Gilbert Morris, of Fa ν ettes i 1U·, corresponding secretary: Mrs. C ). A. Meyer, of Hender.-onville. treasurer: Mrs. Sam Lee. of Monroe, îegistrar: Miss Helen Bryan Cham berlain, of Kmston, historian. Mr . R. B. Crowder extended an invitation to the group to Burnside and a pilgrimage wa conducted,·dur mi; the afternoon. Flowers used to decorate th'o church were later taken to the grave of Mrs. Sidney Perry Cooper. Mrs. Noel Speaker To Sue kell\ Circle The Sue Kelly circle of the Fir.-t i>apti- t church met in tiro ladies par lor ni the church on a recent even ing, with Mi^s Christine Morris, proident, presiding. The circle ro pe ited the watchword in ummmi, and Mb.- Sir.· Kelly gave the devotion. At the conclusion of the busine.·. ■ -ion the meeting was turned ovei .■> Mi.-s Carnett Meyers who iiad ι .age of the program. Miss Myers pike brrefly on the object for the ι veiling, "South America," altei v. hich she introduced Mrs. \V. W. Ni.el, λΙιο in her usual charming ι· .huh ι gave an interesting and in -tructr.c talk on South America. A:tei presenting the historical and ι g ngiaphical background, Mrs. Noil ' i'.etured the social and rcligioi/ lit'..· ui the people. Hfv'ing lived in South ι America she relatvd personal con . .acts and experiences. F. K. I'innell told the circle about ι Mr. F.spinn/a, a native of SoulM j America, who came to America to enter tire Baptist 'theological Semi nary. Mr. Espinoza is now working m South America among lus own people. Miss Myers closed the pro gram with a summary of the work and need- in South America. The hostesses, Mrs. C. L. Lavender, Mis. Asa Wright and Mrs. C. C. Loughlin, served delicious refresh ments. WITH THE SICK Miss Jackson Improving. All. Ina Lee Jack-on is improv ing niiviy .H Maria I'arham hospital wlu re she is undergoing treatment, it wa.s said today. Mrs. ICdwards Better. ΛIr.--. Κ. W. Edwards, who has been ill at her home oil South Chestnu: street lor the pa. t week, is inuen improved today. Mrs. Wheeler Improved Mr.-, H. I.. Wheeler, who is in .Mai .a I'arham hospital, is said to be mueh improved today. Group Here Sees Duke Gridders On Way to Baltimore Λ numhiT οΓ citizen, wore on hand to fiii et the Duke I niversity Blue Devil football squad when the\ tame here Friday night to entrain lor Baltimore for their game in that city today -with the University of Maryland "Old Liners." The team ".va.s aecompanied by Coach Wallace Wade and also by Add Penfield. Duke sports writer. The group came here by bus from the university, arriving shortly alter i) o'clock. Their train, the fast north bound No. 1!)2, was due here at 10 o'clock, but did not arrive until an hour later. Two Pullmans and a diner wvre attached to the train for accommoda tion ol the football team and those accompanying it. THREE DEEDS ARE FILED ON FRIDAY Three deeds were filed at the Vance Registry office Friday, ac cording to the records there. Jasper B. Hicks .-old Ida May Har i is a lot on Hight street for $175. Ida May Harris conveyed a lot on llight street to Hill W. Pegram fo: >l!i and considerations. T. P. Gholson and wife sold C. A 1 egram, et al, a lot on Walters street lor $11) and considerations. LITTLE DAMAGE FROM ROOF FIRE TODAY A roof fire this morning at 9:50 o'clock at the home of Ed Lewis colored, on Vaughan street did about $5 damage, Fire Chief Cooper Elli. said. Firemen responded to a call there and ii ed a booster line to put out the blaze. Herman S. Raines HENDERSON, Ν. C. Was the Winner of a Lovely Console Mirror given as our Friday's Daily Prize. Free! $250.00 Free! IN VALUABLE PRIZES GIVEN DIKING Ol'R FORMAL OPENING SALE Be sure to register for these prizes. Christian-Harward's Churches THE FIRST METHODIST Rev. B. C. Riavis, pastor. Rev. Walter Thompson, a.>st- pastor, j Church school will meet at U:4.> j a. m. Morning worship will be c nduct ed at 11. with a sermon by the pas tor on the subject: "Citizens ol Eter- I nity." The young people's worship pro- ; gram will be held at U:3o p. in. with : Nellie Cray Kittrell in charge ol ι the discussion on the topic: "What ; Some Ancient People Thought About C d." Evening worship w ill be conducted at 7:30 with a sermon lyy Rev. Wal ter Thompson on the subject: My 1 ask. ' C( INC ! R EG ATION AI ..-CHRISTIAN J. Frank Apple, pastor. 9:4")— Church school, il a, m.—Morning w rship. Ser mon* topic: "Putting F.r-t Tiling ! First." 7:3(1 p. m.—Evening worship. Ser mon topic: "Quenching i'he Spirit." Mid-week service Wednesday eve- ι ning at 7:31). "He thai hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." MOUNT CARMEL METHODIST Rev. .J. P. Pegg. pastor. On Sunday, October lli. at 11 » : 1 f> m. the Mount Carmel congregation ι requested to gather for a church meeting. All members arc urged to be present. FIRST BAPTIST E. Norl'leet Gardner, pastor. The topic of the m s, rr.vm will be "The Rise ol Saul." at the evening worship hour, the topic will be "The Decline of Saul.'' 9:45—Sunday school. 11 —Worship. 6:30 Bapti t Training Union. 7:30 Worship. M nday 3:45—Junior Girl- Auxil iary will meet at the church with Elizabeth Davis as hostess. 3:45—The Junior Royal Ambassa dors will meet at the church. 3:45 —The Intermediate Girl- Aux iliary will meet at the h me o! Edith Davis, with Ann Starkey as assistant hostess. (i p. m.—The Business Girl- circle will meet at tin church for a mis sion study supper meeting. WecltV'sda·/ 7:31) -Prayer meeting and church conference. Thursday 7:30—Junior choir yrac tice, Friday 7:30—Senior choir practic Saturday !):.'i() a. m.— Junior choir practice. HOLY INNOCENTS EPISCOPAL Eighteenth Sunday ·111«■ r Trinity. Rev. I. \\\ Hughe.-. rector. 7:30 Holy Communion. 9:4fi Church sehool. II) Men's Bible class. 11 Morning prayer and sermon, ti 30 V. P. S. L. 7:31) Evening prayer and address St. John's Mission, North I tender son. 2 o'clock, church school. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN William Π. Mclnnis minister. 9:45 Church school. 11 Morning worship. Sermon by the Rev. J. F. Menius. First Van gu . rd church, Raleigh. 6:30 Young People and Pioneers meet. Election of officers in the Young Peoples group. No evening service. Monday: Circle- of the Auxiliary meet. Wednesday: 7:30 Prayer meeting. R:30 Choir practice. CHURCH OF GOD. Rev. J. II Daniels, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Sam Leonard, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m., with the subject continues from la.· ' Sunn ν fi p. ni. Ν' P. Ε., Mi.-.- l.ouisv Weaver, president. 7 p. m.. Devotionals. 7:30 p. m.. Preaching. 8 p. m.. Communion and feet washing. The public is cordially invited. I SPECIAL SERVICE Α Γ MT. MORIAH SUN. The Ml. Moriali Club Rally, e 1 orcd, will close Sunday afternoon ν 3 o'clock, with a special service be tm conducted l'y the Rev. I. W. Hughe pastor ol Holy Innocents Episeo|;,.l churcli, with i t marks by May Henry T. Powell, and Attorney Π P. McDufl'ie. There will be quartets t render music. Rev. S. P. Cooke is pastor of the .-hurch. I Aid Classes Start Monday Evening Here Λ ι .J . M.i.jitely tlcn ι .linn dis· injuries ccur η the United Sti«:· annually, according to San; ΛI : : c I. chairman of the local Red Ci · chapter, eo-incident with an ii' ! ι * h,cut that the local chaptc. « ι ·. sp η soi a -ι ries of first aid classes for instructors starting Mon ti; \ ι w ning at 7 o'clock, October 13. t'la.-e- will oe held in the Par sn II ii'i Ί the Episcopal church on . In -tnut street. "What an appalling tragedy i'. would be it e\ ry citizen of the -ta'c of I'enn.-yl vania \> ere suddenly laid low by an accident," Mr All· rl pointed "lit. Yet this number ot pi·: s in.- receive disabling in.i ries each year, and a number equivalent to the total population of Allen! >\vn, P;·.. Kill.0110 art killed each year. 'Accidents are no ie.-pecteis o! states, cities or o! individuals." All All rd saal "Tiny invade ι·ντν city, ι very state, and every c intiy They thruaten per.-ons on every ,-trcet. at every place of work, and in every home." Mr. All'ord said that clashes in firs ι aid to I r sponsored by the chap', were a part of the national program of the American K< d Cross planned to reduce the number of deaths ana disabilities throughout the e untrv. "We art trying to spread a know ledge et first aid and it.· proper id ministration everywhere ρ .· -ible." Mr. Alford declared. "Our own c ι munity has great need for more p· 1 • oils 11 ained in caring lor ti e η jured, and for trained per.- mnel · every case o! emergence·*. 11. r· In.··, we urge every interesttd |>ers η t·· enroll in the clas- starting M · ! > and help us spread the knowledge s vitally needed in our country REVIVAL ANNOUNCED FOR CHURCH OF GOD There will be a revival it 'he Clnirch of God. beginning l evening, it if. announced by ti:e liev. J. II. Daniel, pastor, who will do the preaching. Mis- 1 lorothy Bra-wel! · r. it·!· music at the pian . The pubic is invited to . '.'. ml any and all of the services. To Tcacli ( lass. John H. Zollieoffer will te eh IV. Men's Bible class at Holy Innoeeni· Epi-copal church Sunday e.ornin; at 10 o'clock. WPA Workers Get More Pay Washington, Oct. 11.—(AD—An 8.5 per cent wage increase tor almost 1,000,000 WPA workers, effective. X \ ember 1. was announced today by Howard ( ). Hunter, work projects com ι η issioner. A flat $5.'Jo .. month increase v....: granted to 834.000 workers who . earn less than SilO a month, and Hunted said he was working on an increase for woikit.- making over S90. Hi indicated ι ;ai r would b· granted to bring any wage t over S100 a month. The increases do not aflict lOfi.OOO workers now employed 40 to 4i> hour. a week on defense proj"c: - The c< Mum i>sioner explained thaï the in c< me of these workers already ha i ! eon increased. Peace Move Proposed (Continued Fiom Pa_se One) v. e probably wi : t have a nation left in the world which is friendly to us." ι j Pre.-ident Roostvelt and l in· M ni ter Churchill, however, I ave di-clared that their countries ••'..•iild :.··· i·''liM'lit to any peace "heii involved a continuation of Hitler,-in. Proposal Is Rejected (Continued From Pa^u One) failure t eo"| ■ · .· itti i.m· cU ten-e program. It recommended that the union call off tin- ' . ■ ed. ,tel\. thai the company ι- t.n η .11 .-tr.kers :· their jo:, v. tii · d scr;minatior.. and that n<-u ' · ' !>e continued. Home Guard Company Is Inspected By Gen. Metts Λιι ι ! Ii( .; 1 in-|n cliiin was held oi th< I ΙνικΙι · II < 1 ,. 11 (I cull - puny .it : ! · .V.· .mal C! un il An: · .1 y r ι ici.IV inulit I > S' iti Adjutant (tell er a 1 .1. Van B. Metts. A competitive !1 < ■ 111 ·. : ! Ill .11 li! :ll \v:i .1 part of the «•xcrci-os il tin fwninR. and Hubert Turner ν . ν imu'i . and was I Γ ft:· (I il ' 1 iV C if it li. lilt!.- . A steak suppei preceeded the drill, i nd General Mi -ρ ·ι.·· in ι n Hi atulatimi 1- · tin· <·■·: |ν . ι *:·ιο I l 1 ' Il d It 11.I ! ' .'ill ' ..lid ■ ' i ' · )■■ - ici' it i.·* rendvi 11g. dtcl;a ni> tiia.. tin Stat. ; ι · - ' . ' 1 ' 1 At 1 ■ ·: I 'ah;. .: 1: ( · · ' ι· 1 .il Met' ! 1 1 \\Ί·ι ι> Major I hit·' L'pton. ;in ·*: nul ; in the adjutant t' · < nil's ol ; · · . and . .··: ι- <·! Η) ι ·!· s η. .il. ο . e\ - tv.u η.-val olïict il· ι.· Guardmen ' ■ " I .. . li '. ! Il I '. I I : ■ CÎUiird men ■vere also in attendance from Dur niiin and Oxiurd. Ail c.ty and county fl'icials were invited lu the -nppe: and the inspec tion, and many of them were present. The home guard was organized last print;. ('· innd <■ W Jrnkins captain in «··,» tid. About lifty ι en cmnpn-e tin .nil. I; holds di ills • I h Til : -(!.> e\ ι α it in.· armory. though la ' 1. 4111 exercises in dl'l - night η .en iunt oi a <···ην of nldiei - pi. -nig thnHigh : y ,-iiij; tlic 1< iy as head ,i. . : tei 11 ·· ι· ,1 j. i : ι r drill night. Deanna Durhiii gets her most delightful and devilish role in "It Started vVitli Eve." co-starring with Charles Laugliton anJ Robert Cunimines' Sl'NDA Y — MONDAY — TUESDAY — EMBASSY Ray Middleton nits the hurricane deck of an outlaw bronc, w hile a group of fellow (peelers look on. A scene Irom "Hurricane Smith." riD-snortin' Western/ φ STEYhNSON MONDAY AND Tl I SDAY # IS your overcoat could TALK OVERCOAT î'\e taken a lot ot rough treatment. l'\e broil soiled, crushcd. sont· through lain and mkiw lor \ ou. \nd now. after a vory short time, you're thinking ot discarding me tor a liefer one. YOU: !»ut you've lost a lot oi your handsomeness since ï first bought you. 1 Our color is faded. the fabric is shabb>. OVERCOAT: Who says Γ\c lost m\ good looks? Just send me to \ VI * I 1 leaners and watch them restore my > oulhtulnoss. \ ou II change f our mind about that newer model! "Henderson's Foremost Cleaners And Dyers" BE SURE TO SEE YOUR STATE FAIR RALEIGH OCT. 14-18 5 BIG Days & Nights i /fm\

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