New Taxes Hike Prices Public Yelis as Retail Prices Reflect Dispro portionate Increase In Living Costs. JSv ( !'. STl'AVART ((filtrai 1'ifss ( ultiiiisiisl) V. ► ' g..,. . nmeu l.ii money raising expei ! . ;,u' inhuming to };« » a pow· rlul ρ ; ι lie ivactiuR Hi ι 1 u η >v tax I..w. e! !t tiv e HH'r ( ïcto H'r ]. Il i.-n't a .. \ ; able lie e.t ! κ ι . ,\ι ι t h, ' t < ι 1>Λ ii |)im .(Ird for in tin· i.ιw ■ ι ;iι*ι· s much adv rsely criticized. | I ι ;.y generally is nv >m .ad t ! ι., * I licit S:im has !.. have the ι otlev. 'I'll hou I . - over the t \ . ι re ml· having to p.iV a lot more. I'm, Its like tin.-: Suppo.-e the tax so much pi'i t.u ot something or per hogrheadl il. it it's a I ni u ici. I" i u ■ g"\ t riiment col· led.- il on that ba.-is. 'I'll·.· produce, pays exactly what . called ι r. Tht"i he passes his -tui'l along to a wll le ·■ a 1er, tack ng on the amount that la·'- paid, with perhaps a trifle added ι 111 : > it. The wholt saler, in turn, transfer it to a rota I r, ' ·> . · likely with a little additional rake ill. The retailer ell- it over h (Milliter to the ultimate con-nil 1 r. Hut the r·. tailer doe■ n': do hi jι Ding I.y the t.m r tiie i.·°g iiead fill. He doe it by tin . ·: ι "π ο lull I pint or maybe just a ul . This" .-mall measurers' prop. ■: 11 ιι of the tax probably isn't more than 1, Ί. or :i or possibly ii or V cent ρ r ounce ii' .-wig each. Such m.due: transac tu ns in mere c.'npei are inc men lent. So, in.-li ad ol 1, Τ or IÎ or 7 cents per .-ale, a nickel or a dime gets il.-elt tack·.d on. ! Υ π cutané Still' Well, ii t ■ mo nickel 01 une dime do; >n'i amount to 11 : ι it'll, as a loin1 . ι i π ι ι ·1 ι ! i> Itlcv, but It ι epre : tt)' a heck ni a .-til l ρ rcentage 01 • ncrease Γ ι· instance, hiking the price ,.f ι â ι-, I'll! liai I pmt ol "I ickt r" In (10 ci ni.- make the stimulant cost 20 i or ci nt more and a .-ingle slug ol it. shot lip Ironi là 111 Jo cents, ν, ίλ. vet Such lutes oi increase, applied to a whole loi o: item- ot t ,· irally rends the gross eo.-] ol ' , mg - kylio ting into the air. Retailor- are the boy- 1 come j no;pal!y into contact with, and 1 'in s I know .issuι ο me tha ; t ;. vre not the group who in " > nickels and dime-, 'l'hoir storv " that vthe e\tra tax boosts are i;ril into pi ices higher up by uii produce, "i' wholesaling middle : ι. they ι ι | >!y. As t that, I d .n't , ■ ■ and ι", ι il·: les it \\.. .!d take ι , igressional investigation, or some <■:, thing, tn ι nd out. The advance i- noticeable to ι ι : yoiie, ho\ve\ er I, apparent!'., took the public a few days to appreciate how gener . iy it Has line t lie spread around. , ■ .! it's man ι lost that it begins to np j.'i 'C ate it ti.iw. I··,· evei ν coiigiv-s man's mail ■ - Willi letters fro a his hum lo!,,. st; over It.·· ■ w ollen si/.e ol their bills Si me ol thi1 ιίόιιιmi:ie ti.ιόri ι ι nteiul that it'- a gond thing - the'. it 1 i ιorce e il an buy. rs t cut di'wn their purchases; that this will I· ave industry freer to product de- ^ ■ lie and h a -e lend s uppl its; that,. »!· ■ ■ Ί ilt'ii,an 1. damned up fur the 1 ί t sent, will burst into a per ieet post- ; t ueigeney i'l"oil. thus preventing a 1 btisin ss that stage ol the t game. Grim Outlook !'e an Κ ι hink not, however. Their notion is that today's taxation will ha·, e be ciitinued indefin i't ·,,·; lhat μι.η ·,·μ e; gency living ct' is will continue at 1··ρ figur s; that there'll be a slump because em ergency production will be reduce:! to a minimum and that there won't be any of the ant;. :ρ:ι!ι -t ι pideinic of civilian buving to t:t!:i up th·.· slack. lit the meantime the retailing pee wee's eustonit rs are pinched and «conomize all they can, which pinches 1 the retailer in turn, and they both !n Her. 1 incline to think that the retail?" is truthful in ; sscrting that he isn't gelling any of the supplemental odd o.>; p· rs—-that higi er ups are getting ! '< 111. The r tail: l 'd bk.· t keep h: pi ici s dow n, to hold hi- trade. Tht I higher-ups, if their civilian patron j has Conference Will Deal With Passenger Fares IlaiÎT iiispatrh Hurrau, In 1 II v» Si - ;a. î t-· · « !(>;.»·{ r ϋ m:v wfkill Kulc.^li. < >et ι i Γι; » 11 ιι· manag (r 1 ■ .«il the bu 11 ht of North Cur» 1 lui" have » ■ « 11 ammotU'd ι·· a <·< »n •1 · * ii··· i it ii· i haï .· day w i Πt utility . Il «il u I V. Itl 1 « 1 \ !l Λ It. f-\ tkn.»tt\ rate pro bll'l!!· . '*· ' ■· .'(il. ehief ck'i k of the com . r · î ar» »'iiki t · ι .i ri a 1 i /.a - • i.iuv . : the ν \ i> ting ι .■ 11 · * ι I < t ' t ! \ oUlWJli d TgU ol eu e : ,i;. ι ru v ι 111 ; η · 1 >· against mtra •. î·· passengers otid in favor of lit· • t. .<· li aveiei s. Ti · . >· an* ai » >ome installers i t ■ v.ii.iïî ;i,'.-ru .in· apparent di ι·: laiina i mus ai ι M11; ι1 ; ï t î 1 ratrs and on llu -e {lit· utility men aiv prepared t«» turn 11κ·;ι biggest gun r \ en î·· the pom· c! invoking some « » 1 thvir po\vei> t.» tî\ rates. That there arc di· criminal ion> ι clearly apparent Inun a siudy ot jii t a î «-w example The lion L'a t > Γ * « » ι I « » I k i S2.â() by any une i t ton.· route.-:. < >ι..· of · he se take :; ■ ι --a n:;t τ \ lu ou g I î VV indsi >r, v. Inch ι 1 Mle more tl·. η hall the v. ay to tiie Virginia . caport. yet the i t:- !.. ■· mû Kalcigh to Wind -or a No Slî..*>(). The η there's the. case of the trip ι r- »! ι c ' ■ ι · iia. South Carolina. 1« (Ί rit t >n. West V irginia. Phi ti ip m tie lliroegh Charlotte and Wm i on-Sale in > '■! the fares to Che! - >n i μ ι : Coi î m ilea. Chariot te aiu \\' ! n- ton-Sa lei 11 a re id*, nt iea I. Ίο the utility eommi-sion men thi ί thing doe -n't make mu π < ) 1 eoai e. wh.ere interstate rat< ,ιγ "I- rd there isn't a lot that in· tat.· commission can do abou Ί·ι. I (' (' has exclusive juris diction in such ca i>: but there ar a number ol peisiiaive method: ι ■ · 11.1111 - -1 · n ι« ■ ι Stanley Wnilxirnc uni • ι· ■ 'U'.'S can iim· without actually clacking down wdh Hat orders. I '<· are. hi addition, sonu· cases >1 pure!** inti a.-tate d.-crimination 01 ' II. ι· to t . I > I i s i ι ι * ι : 111 >t't 111 \'l* rate « >: l'iipU . .t < .-I Mii'otliiiig le : • ! ο ι '.ri'.· t 11 ' ·Γιΐ Λ lu'\ ill.· tt .':i inR'ion by w.iy ol Chai'lotti· a I'll·· the fare between tin· --aim· t\v< ■ : i ;. ! ι > -1 S ι Γ) ( ) il tin· ti ip : by . y m .-.ali bury. 1 i. ι ■ ι ! · :. · tin th< ι c ι evet ν ■ l.t I ■ ' ι ■ i :: .it (Tii. tic· :.t·! :· >u "ill l>. ' la η ii the companies persist ιι Iding to il·, ι, pre-ent polic.'.s. Another waiter that will be con· idercd I ti; ' ι :·ι ι.>a 1 of tin· coni i.iif· to rt'ci. :;n i /.t· ta hot pun ha. d over other lines. Thu tin Greyhound .ill im! accept ticket old by til · ■ 'ap'lina Coach c.iinpany bctwei η . 'ι and Luuisburg, though both m· ni. ke the 'rip. Πι . lue thing Irlic ot 11 .11 > o'l'cr routes mi which litre >s ( liaipet The ut ι lit ν r. 1111111 i : .-.ion men I ie - .ι·v*i· that t!:· time has conic wlier, tic i ai. i·. h . ■. >ann - - hollld do aw a. ' , th a throat-butting policy and put ι ι iid to (1. criminatory rates. V pre-enl the Interstate Coili •icrcc Commi ion has never forced linn ni of rati s at so mucli ,i . 'out ha- permitted the coni ,ii to ia i.e rate.- arbitrary to a ic.'rce. Vor has the tatc ever ,.'t any lix i rate per mile. Kvcry time a com : : ι η y de ires to increase a rate it ■ t g'.'l the utility commission' ι.!;r11\ a I ot' the hike, but there is . ■,!)· to prevent decreasing rates ii cut-throat competiti m. Capital Gossip Ry HENRY AVEKII.L Raleigh, Oct. 14. - M ... oo there's iomethmg in a name, alter all. At east, - ' ι te Kuril Electι'Ί ιίιΙιιίι ni· icials -ay there'.·; a chap over in ir.aige county named I'rabtree vvh ι (let mined to prevent the eio·.· ril ication "I Miami Hennnn e:i I : ;■. ■ and trtitil he is |>aid s.'ulil a,ι l ;a:d it by the church and u■ ■ t ■ liiyb dv else—for a right of way >·- 1 ! 11> proptrty. The sit lation is one oi the most m .suai the ΚΚΛ folks have ever en ••■uniered. Th.y conies- ttmmselv· · i.impi'd in e\crv effort to provide he church with lights, although it is .vithin less than a mile of lour scp irate and distinct distribution line :id wn.'iin les- than one hundred a;ds '.e is cut in '. pou, can turn to do ■ n-o and I· a.-e-lend business for ie time being. The little retailer h a" on a limb. .. il.IV. heard .-evrral New York- | ι·: express amazemen: a', the tliuii lu.oas ovation which went up from ..,ι· c arolma stanCs l ight ait; r I'resi- 1 dent Frank Graham was introduced ! ri!· :·.· the game. Their amazement | e,iaiii:ed to amusement when they a , il that it was the Carolina squad which had given the prexy such a I break— by running out iro.m the messing room just at the crucial imi ,.eiu. . . . K. O. Sell, chief clerk >1 the utility commission, and Broad da- Glover. bus expert, are figura l.vely kicking themselve.-. Th y prac : caliv ordered all bus company traf 1 i ι ■ managers to come to Raleigh ΐίι irsday for a conference—forgei. ;>!!« t:..11 this is fair week and that ' ■ would have had a h liday il ". y hadn't talked, or rather writ-I '. : ι. 1 :ie:; ι elves out of it T. !\l. ( 1: ..inger. state ΗΕΛ engineer, is an ; . 'iiu of the University of North ri'lina and of Georgia Tech, as ι·11. Saturday he tuned in on the ι ( 'aroli a; Κ rdham Ran· in the .-re ad liai: with the Tar Heels one ; meltdown behind and on the mow. Then came that freak fumble and the Hams' final tally. Sadly Mr. Graing- ; er -witched his dial ver to the j Moire Dam--Tech battle. At the mo- I aient the Rumbling Wreck was 1 ran tilling down the field in good1 :yle and the engineer's enthusiasm r '-e. Then there was a time out an.i m the pause the announcer said: "We are in the fourth quarter and the sei re is Notre Dame 120, Georgia T< eli n." Mr. Grainger is looking for oehody to buy a slightly damaged adi - et. . . . One o| the higher rank- j ng s'.at officials is very enthnsias- , tie o\ er the fair—"the best thing about it :s Thiir.-day." he cracked. "I an go out and play golf that morn ■_· Utility commi .an attaches are akiinih calling today's power cn'i b-'-cnee in Georgia tiie "Second 15a! : ie of Atlanta." TO CAPITAL. Raleigh. Oct. 14.—(AP)—Josephus Daniels of Raleieh, Ambassador to Mexico, said today he would go to U'a-hington within the next l'ort light to confer with Secretary of SCHOOL BOARD MEET m, ΒΓΥ lî. i 11 11.1.1 ί s \V. Λ. 1)1 is ! YV. A. Decs of Gold.'· >. pM-idcni < » i t he X rlh Carolina S· li ;t Association, a nd i1 ·! (i ;. I'. PhiUij» ni the l Ίι iver-! ,'y Kd .i' η d- }».»:: .mut. secretary, w 1 j«■ i 1111y announced plan.- I r t! - :.·!! d ' me t i η lî. < d the . 11 1 to he held -hp »ι ii»h· » it tin· tate I next month. The meeting* will be held as follows: Charlotte. Octohei 21 J ( ίreensboro, Octolu ; iîaleie.h. November !: Κ η t « «ι 1. Ν I. ι η iht"î« m. \< »\* ι mber lu Civilians Advised To Avoid Carolina? Maneuvers Area Daliy Dispnli ii r.nn aii. In It™· Sir '· ■ ·■· ;ii»ic|. By IIENKY \\IKIl.!,. Hak il;11. ' )ct. 1 -4 Ml u a;h m > roads in tin· Λ nny ; 11 : ; ι h ·' ι, .·«. ··;» . re expected In lie t·. ι k> I .nul c'osi cl at any I. ne. Λ : y > 1 l it als stressed a;ain tnrlay iiio . ■ 111 ne cessity for 11 civilian traffic to avoid this section as m Hi a.- pos sible while the war Liaioe.- aie in progress. Lieutenant Colonel il. ν Π Scht ibler. provost marshall with the First Army headqu rte.·- at II >ΓΓ man, in conferring wii'i rep.e-enla lives of t!ie State Η ' ·· iy "id Pub lic Works Con.a - : in. ij'^i-ted civilian traffic be advised to avoid State Hull and I1,-cs·Π··ηι 11·· · eve!' He added that he ;t« η led 'a · ! a to Mexic ' Cit ■· Ivirtlv In. Washington .· inferences. I maneuver ar< ι-, in '■· n inter··· t except in imm-· · >f e, 111·.·l;· ■ ι n-y . .ι : ; ι ;hl.v important !· · ne The prov.>.-l ·ιμι ΐ>;·1 · ite.l the rea sons π s ;ι b for his çugges· t h m : (1) The !:..·«.· ■· .· \i \ v· hiek - Ijein}: ;·.».! games is subject ;.ι ι . ι, •nent and. then ι will be subjected i eti ed fur all h.ghway in areas by the highway ..nd these limit le 1 by the state higlnva·· pat; ■ traffic speed, Ihcivf.i:· . . rally restricted in Λ · ■.'· ■■ ιρ.· .1 territory. (3) Army vt-liii !»·.-. .« .·Uic 1. nits at night. ! ravel t thei. headlights burning. Τ'ι . · · ·.· an ; xtremely danger ' :.>>n Γ->r· <1 irmal C · l ί « ι ! 1 »·! ' C. : , î« :](·> V «tî wry low* spet»(i (·?> Cud·· >|»ecini cond.î »n J* in? ·!;ιι·Κ >uts, the t ■ tr 11. :'.h a i '· ν t »n^.de· * ne<*ess;ti V ·ϊ c." <· î( 'ι -ι ι i ν cert «Ή η sections of . «»\<·; winch Army move : ι · 11 . » ; ·* » being m. ide FOUR SOUND SECRETS; OF SOUND QUALITY. • SOU · CLIMATE • SELECTED V!NE VARIETIES * HUMAN SKILL OF HIGH DEGREE pO Ale .. . these are per fectly combined by Widmer's ttSTAT* TOidroet* W»«llSIOE ©Wines «Ί·Μ··Ί MINI CIUXI tie.. m. ». Liglit-with-Dark JACKET DRESS Georgiana lavishes wealth of exqui: ite detail on this double duty costume of Avenelle Crepe. Slim, young frock, contrasting yoke and sleeves matching in color the sleeve less waistline jacket. A marvel of styling and value at 1095 Chicory Brown with Blue, California Greon Beige, Black with Red Rust. Sizes 12 to 20. witk We Have Just JL S η * O no of t !ι ο most modern 1 6 -ί t . Stainless Steel ROBERT M. GREEN u tin tains With Complete Sandwich Unit And are now better prepared than ever lo give you che fountain service you like so much. • COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE ® SANDWICHES • ICE CREAM s SAVE WITH SAFETY AS SIEN IN VOGUE One of these is your bright passage into October's whirl. For, whether you enter in black or an Autumn landscape color, you'll want to wear "Georgella". This is Georgiana's new clothy weave—a rayon grenadine with a clothy feel and sheer-wool look. You'll wear it hard—never tire of it—love it always for looking so well with so little care. Study the four "trend types" pictured. One will be yours ... for only $7.95 -"Line of Venus' , shirred shoulders framed Î* dtppinq scallops. Gold, red rust, green, or frost clear Sierra blue. Sizes 12 to 20. Two Part Look", a qay deceiver because it's ail in one. Black, rose beige, brown, or green with a whipping edge of color. Sizes 12 to 20. -"Anzac Flavor", a coat dress with new shoulders and deep V. Red rust, black, brown, or commander blue. Sizes 16 tc 44. -"Necklace Drape ' and muff puff pockets. Now seamless shoulders. Brown, qroen, black or S'Orra blue. Sizes I2}4 to 22J/4: 12 to 40. 'Jh* Homo of Better \hhtes '