SOCIETY NEWSI nui. \γ ;·<'Μ I «"'s a boy the color of a boat m girl's hair and thmr could make me sh--ii·; ■ wth joy. Then I lo\ vd a Mi'«\-lui:'ί η than a drowning the shore, then the rneaker sulj ι :: > hm k ι,.ι a whole groves ïcnglr. wore a forest look, and fireflies were .- t;:r ■ with a -oils*· ol humor (and God was a friend of f,.:hei': and time a sting that toe town bells put in rhyme). Tom Hoggs m Spirit. Visits Sister. \V C Watkins spent the week end with his sister. Mis. H. K. Fost ei. in Hcarpond. Guests at Supper. Mr and Mrs. John K. Foster and little l'an were the Mipper guesto S ,;iday of Mr. and Mrs. Κ. K. Foster. Visit in South Carolina M.s. Bruce .Ionian and children, and her sister, M: . Carl Holtzman, h, ' e returned from Ciieraw. S. C . where they spent the week-end with Mr... Jordan's relatives. Dinner (iarsts. Mr and Mrs. David Fuller. Mrs Λ A. Fuller and Mr an ! Mrs. Newell Pi ont. of F.o.-oin, w, re the dinner gai sts of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Foster Sunday. Koturns |o Cincinnati Mrs Kthel Eden !'-turned yster- I on .il o'cloi'k at the Baird home m Oxiord. at a bridge party and m;sct tu ï ti<rd. H:a'i sore pr,/.; was won by Mis. VV. 1!. Might. and Miss Williams ri ceiveu lut· prize lor th.· next high .-cure. In tile i.i.i ai;, i.iini the guests were join.·;! by .1 number of other friends, including Mis. I. Talmadge Movie an.1 M li ιΊιι I Watknis from 1 lende rs .η. An it· · course with green and white bridal hvs. ndu'i i lial cakes decorated as old-fashion'· i I I ι n -1 t* a ν s. nit's mm mints, was serv 1 ed. Λ number ο very attractive Rifts w re pre entcd to Miss Williams 1 after refreshments were served. /eh Vance P.- ί . \. Session Postponed The régula. .· coting of the Zeb Vance I'.i ι·:Γ.-Ί"! ,αΊιΐ'Γ Λ <οι·iati■ >n. set for Thar:il.y owning of this week has bec:: ρ istponed until one week later, t announced. The meet in;* will be held on Thursday evenin;·.. ()(·'. 23. at 7:30 o'clock in the school auditorium, it is said. \\ '-it ill' re "'•lev < ! The Whilii'ore Wesley class of the Fast Method: ! church will meet this evening at H o'eloek in the ladi.s larlor of the church. High Γ.-Τ. Λ. Meets The Henderson hiuh F 'P. Λ. will met Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 ■'clock in the library f 1 ϊιe school. Mrs. C. T,. Finch, in charge of th · program, will present Dr. Λ. D. Gregg a- guest speaker. I Christian Circle in Rcccnt Meeting i I λ". 1 ι . : ίο (Λι :·.,: gntional ! Ci ristian church held it.- rcgul·!·· meeting un ii rcccnt evening at the lii.ine ni Mrs. I). I,. Newman, wilii Mi - .lui phinc Lang-tun as joint hostess. jut inciting wa- up. ncd witii script:.rc reading by Mrs. !ί. T. Wei ll η. .'iter which llev. Frank Apple lid i:i prayer. Oll'icers were cl cted I'U" iiie coming yiar as follows: Mi's, ι.. K. Burgcs.-,. secretary and treas urer: Mr.-. John A. Hall, program chairman; Mr.-. J. W. Abbott, social s r\ ice: Mr.-. Η. 'Γ. Wcldon, sick com mittee Mrs. A. W. Newman and Mrs. W. H Steven^. new membership committee: and Mrs. I). L. Newman, reporter. Mrs. T. A. Park gave an interest ing talk about the missionary confer nce held at Union Ridge Phristi.m church Tuesday. October 7. The host esses served refreshments Γ llowing 'he meeting. Marian Martin Pattern s ε 9782 ill PATTERN 9782 Vuii luve them, you wear them collection 1 tail ι ι i ll .--nit-; Pattern 9782 by Marian Martin is a prize atiditinn to any .young wardrobe . . . note the curving collar, the two big optional pocket;; plu> the hankie pocket! Long darts lit tlu- top-stitched jacket, front and backs, and its long-t rso length i just right. The two pleats in th skirt give you action room yet the lines arc slim and trim. Make this suit now with the Sew Chart's hein . . . you can have short sleeves ii you like. I'ick your favorite tweed— a herringbone, or perhaps use a plain wool for the jacket .'lid a plaid wool f r the skirt. This two-piecer may .χ- made to match or mix with other clothing. Pattern 9782 may be ordered only in junior miss sizes 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. lli, 17 and 18. Sixe IS. iaeket an'' skirt, requires 2 7 8 yards 54 inch fabric. Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coin for the MARIAN MARTIN pattern. He sure to write plainly your SIZE. NAME. ADDRESS a η d STYLE NUMBER. Send your rder to The Henderson 'Vi lv Dispatch. Patfrn Department, 'T' \V 18th St.. New York. Ν. Y. .You GIRLS WHO SUFFER. If you suffer monthly cramps, back ache, distress of "irregularities," nervousness—due to functional monthly disturbances — try Lydia Pinkham's Compound Tablets (with added iron) Made especially for women. They also help build up red blood. Follow label directions. α hc> Arc Y yr»" ! or Honor of "Golden Belt Fair Queen" Pictured y re some · : t: ι· · r ι·. ;i:U r.s Γι r Qui n ol (5 . 1 ; , Fair which will lake place :ii Un fo : u jag-ant at the ia.1-4: Friday night, October 24, on a special stage erected for th occasion. They are, back n«\v, left !" ncht: "M: St· > Elizabeth Currir.: "Mi.-· · > . ford," Marie Cash: "Mi - S ; e : : 1. " Ai. U'atkins; "Miss Middleb .1 Wo dy Bennett. Idle row, 1. to r.: "Miss Dabney," Avis Ellington; "'Miss Aycock." ι ill : "Mi.-:· Zc-b Vanee." Beth (!: - ···.: "Mi.-.- Hcndor on," Helen . "Mis.- To\vne.-v::ie." Ilene Faulkner. I. to i·.: "Mis.· Mur!.! ..." La.ira Belle F -ter: "Mis.- Creedmoor," d: "Miss Fr. t.: π." Gt a;d:ne 11 ild. r: "Miss Henderson,*' ! :'·>·. "Miss Eps m," D-i'.iti.y Tliomas \Vcld<>n. Visit in Durham Mr. and Mr<. King St—4-1 I ;>·■. I daughter. Kayletie. Mi -, iΐ a !i. S'.uii back and daughte r. 1> r. Ann. and Mrs. (.'. < > Πι yd anil : ' 1 . \i,,rv f ■ a ncr and (Jeno. \ : I d Mr a ed M r-. I. B. Kc-nn in I)urha! 1 S;ittd.>.v. >1 isshniaiMei 1 i » : u The J. h. Atkinson W ma - M .- 1011a ry Si>cie|y ■ Ί 1. >eι : Γ . . : church at Kp-om \ ill Ir ad ; ,· ··· : r meeting .it the "l Air . T. I·' Ayy-cite Wedne ■ i..>r t; 1 . 1 . ; i o'clock. All members are u:gcd In >>c pres. nt. Garden Club Meets The \V·.st KikI (lard·. 1 1 ' i> he entertained \V< des : t· . ..· at 5 o'clock ; ' Wi : Km! l '■ 1 '. ■ club by Mrs U . tu,·|| Π ι.- . v|. Kdward Loughlin, Μι- Waiter Al ton.4 · Mrs. A. W. G .le. : -d ' Mrs. I). Morgan ('■ .per. II, ah.·, who cannot attend a >■ a.-ked t>- no'.ity . ne of the hostoess. Mrs. Bar η hart H;is Sans Souci Meeting The Sans S. ■ , :. r.u y eh delightfully ente: . ied : j Frank M. I'ar ai . : : .1 . noon. Her apartment was tas decorated with lu 1 hi pink rust.:-. Mr ' : 1 Xaitny :iresident, pre i.■ i > ι r th„ .ng, and the ίι .. : . . .ne.· which preceded the program. ("ont in i:ng the a era I .- ib.i the year's pr : "Tit;· I . the Southern ( thi : the al'ternui m'.- .1 - m ·.·. ,;ie K. pit ". Mrs .1 hn L gave· a a u-t c ■ ; ' ■ hen-ive ' the a ne - ' : c;\ . ι η ο Ame; Mr·. Κ ί'. Nun η ν her usual charming iianner en t i t led 'le ι ' Γ Lat ■ in 1 ! 1 e ate ι a M hart rved a t!· ! · -up; 1 to the club : 1 >e a. an. 1 !>· ;■ Mrs. L. C. Kerncr and Mrs Keavis. t H(liM'«.· tu ■ ' S. Ρ l'ur\ is. of s· * :i: id Ali. S. ινιτι un i1 Purvis • « ι ·. ■■-t tin· Inm ur of y■ mm' ρ ·. 1 :■· ■ at tii'-· niniTi.igc "1 tlu ir da ιi' r Mary Elizabeth to Ί h Κι", en nil William Wallace Finlator S ; ,rday. i he ι a·-1 ι>ι X· :·.! tei i' hundred and I ·ι t\ 1 De at e:uht o'clock • " e hy'a rian Chinch ·■ Xerti: Carolina." ••.i cards read: " I ί ι ·ι ■■ ; ' ·η ·. i ;.ti iy a Iter 'h cori au ·ην al ■ ' ■ ; ..h··· of the bride." [ >; i-\-i s t ht grandd tir ! :ti· Λ!· and Mis. 'Γ. Ί'. H "'i has v;-.ted relatives here a hum ·' ■■ of times H r m 1 her is the Miss Relie Hicks, of Hen derson. Tintons Gathered Foi l·Reunion ( >:i S' n.lav. ( H·!. . · 1 ·';■:,·. X ■ x: ! !. IX Tar: χ ai iii in oelebi ' . Τ ■Y- 7." id hi nil day \l , ■ •i idi" η t. the la -it · · : reel hir . · >n" ' 1 the family carried basket lunches • ; 1,1 ivrci tlie picnic dinner . . v.rk stew served fr-im the ! y d !: !π', table. Miss Hatch Bride t )t James (iarland 1·'.· ·'.■ I ' ··;·, Hate! .in i ! ι ... ■ ::,rl;.ml '·.·.«·!- n trried ,. t : ι S;. 111 I'd.i.v. October t. • ·. !.. 'he foi moth·.·:·. M ! ! 1) 1! ·.·!], m Hamlet. The ! ; ι ii·'..· p ·..!·, ι ! ;e Kev. .î. H. Lan H r.L. ol'! ieialt d. ;.. ,i. v. a· dre* ed in :i '. :r triii nied costume suit of defense blue .'. '· .:· ■ ι '■: ·.· h· es and a car sag o[ white rosebuds and b uvar dia. Mi Garland is the daughter «> λ!ι· 11.:. . and t. late 1 lenry 1 ) · vvitt Hatch. She was graduated from Hamlet high school and attended Mar.- Hill college. Mr- tiar!.'".! ·· Iho -·ι<η of Mr and Mrs. James Thomas Garland, of Mar.-hvilie. and attended Marshville ah se·: ol. . nd wa· 'iradnated from l'n vi·! .'y ·.: X i :.i Carolina. II· ι ".· is connected with the Unemploy ·*· C mpen■ ation Cmimiission !! nder-on. Aft·. " the ccr. nionv Mr. and Mr i 1 ".-! left fi r a motor trip to FI : ■!·"' mid ιμιιη their rot urn thoy will i >e hi·ι! e rn Henderson. ΛΙοιη'υι ι · ■ : 1 ht Uv > and a !V\v i:ii'iut· \\ · entertained at a iriiMi't liiiiihiun l.'llnwing the ccrc : ι m my. T. >na ou Libel. 10c, 30c, 60c sizes. M* KMWMM Il ►<>·< κ F. G. DAVIS & SONS·^ Κ H i j i I w w ! w I i i w I i Don't Put Off Selecting Your WINTER COAT Come in Tomorrow romplololy at ease ... yet over so smart · · · PRINTZESS CASUALS OF FINE BIARRITZ CLOTH Fashion smartness and utility join up in these pick-of ♦he-sports-crop Printiess coats! Rich warmth of fabric, sturdy expert tailoring that will be your pride end joy. Smooth fitted or jaunty sv.aggsr styles. $39.95 E. G. Davis & Sons Co. ' · Λ He*