SOCIETY NEWS πι I IΚI I» I VRMI K ;\UUl: 111 Sill" It·. Reed dues nut M'cni like .1 ,λl'il lu t'>wn when· 1 ml> l,i nu m I" y ; 1 ret. No tin , 11- ι pi lit·- Nu crack W.i ·; ΟΙ 1 Τ··ι·. ··' ' , j, . . 1 t In· ill 1.11 ni, bill In r, \ iv. IliIlK \\ nod-box lie wii i : I mill 111K 111.Ilk tin· tub ,1 1 · i\\ rii i"- in tin· air a chill jlt. .. uld be bringing cattle home : m d, c;j, : ng implements and making ·' i v i'i y IiVIIit. but in Tin 1 Rt ' · 11· Λι.Ί d. ;he Ulld ni μΐ'ΐ ι ill av. 11 H 'V> ci tu il - \\ i 11 ΐ!;ι· rake upon tin wood Isabelle Bryant Longfellow ( hoir Practice. , , vid ian cl h h r will |irac ; : .{11 o'clock at tin M on 1" \lina l lui» Elects. 1 .ni· will meet with II. Iirndic at her home , ι'αιίι mad Thwr.-day al't I ,· cluck. Mrs. Ford S ne Hit guest speaker. in \uniista. <1.1. ;\| 1 \ ! li .ι·· λ 111 ο ι c anil ()_, _ .·. 1 ' spent the week-end ]lrll Mi Moore's mother, have ret iieii : their home in Augusta, C.i l.'-iiii 11 lo ( anuria. M: · '.li 1 > . .c M.lore and tw.· 5,■ 1 Un ned t ι their home in ' 'ic'idmi; three ·.·.·( - k :n ·: ri:.v with Mr. Μ ι··ν s : '.I KriiUe ( lui). 11. I '.I 1.1 If. Mr I. \v C ι Λ Γ Λΐι \ ny. M Κ Η ι I ·'■■'· ■ ! I K. Clemen· « · ' ' 1 : · η τ · ·η todav. to atteni a I the Tri-City l5ndu< i'i' ι· 1 "M t : ι « * i lour ;ι ι Uetiiri's tu Durham. Mi-. ,'ι ι liiptnn hiis returned to Durham where - '>< holds a p«>si l.cii in tin· Postal Telegraph fit. Ml . "iiiplnii lui - !>·■( η \ ι iting he! e. Fropi Wirrentnii. Mr-·. A (' R1::l"<4;. of Warn nt .«< is -pending some time here with In sister, Mrs. Klliott G. Shiiw. who i ill at her home on Chai les street. Bridge Tournament Planned hv I DC. 'Πι·,· United Daughters oi 11 -, > ■ ('.in ederacy will sponsor ,1 bridge 11 m »· iiament: Ί'ιιι· day evening. OctulH".· at H < Γ< !.. k at the Anient·,,u eion hut. It w as announced that il:· e ■ \ i-liing tn play setback may tin n. Proceeds an- to go to the chapter.··' benevolent causes. it was sa * Κι : ι ·· . 1 uni may be made by con tacting Mis. Alex Cooper. Miss Dick Kimball 1 ionored at Bridge Mrs. Alpheus Jones and Mi Ka.v ■ Π'οιηρ-Ί.ιι entertained Tuesday ovi n ng at Mrs. -Tones':: home in Wanen ton at bridge, honoring Miss Dick Kimball, wh'i-v marriage to L. K. Gooeh. Jr. will take place in Decem I bcr. Guest : played several progressions at seven tables, after which an ice course in green and white was ser ved by the hostesses. Favors were silver wedding slipper nut caps. Sil ver was presented to the bride, and attractive gifts were won by hign and low scorers at bridge. Mrs. 11. M. Hokin.-on and Mis. Page Gooch from Henderson attend ■d. Mrs. Black nail Has i Sans Souci λ lectin»' Mi \V II Blaekuall enter· ,ined j the η."embers of tli" San Souci Lit * ciary club Tuesday afternoon at her i home 'Ίΐ Charles street, which wa i tastefully decorated with arrange j na nt - ol fall fl nver. ) "The I and of tl.'e Inca" va ■ th.' j ι : i - , e! ι r tli" a I tein, ion's pn jgram ■I t'.. verv i,o ·,» papers were • \ i- Mr.-. K. (' \V Radford pre -I : ·< ! 1 i·'ι ·■ . ■ I'll : Ide of the An - • s". and ι i 'rend wa. read by Mrs. 1 ' A'ann. Air Blacknail served a ; 11; 11 i plat:' " ι'!ι hot tea, followed by a sweet course, to her members. She was ι 'ad in -■ rving bv Mr-. Frank Yalent'rr.' and Mrs. D P. McDuffce. James C. Cooper I I ώ Πιο»»· 204-J W Henderson. N. C. rv let To Atterd Weddina. Miss Bet tie C. Jone Id; ν t<*rci fur .I.icLm »ϊι\·ilit\ ΚI u j ι d a, t-i , 111< : · i the marriage ο Γ hrr ι mm-c. Μι s Π<·1!\ 1 ·γ; It W., fi cl i 11. !<> ;.τ1 c I : s ·. · S.m . which will lake Thur lay noon iit St. Andrews Epi eopa 1 •hureh, m Jacksonville. Meeting < >[ ( ] 1111 > \\ ith Mrs. Mabr\ i Tli'» Kij'Jit ι >'clo< \* club '.· 1 i .· | . ι ". i · ι monthly meeting Tut da λ \ c.. ι ·., .il tile home < 1 Mi . Fred Λ i ; 11 » r \· < :i Χ Ίϋ1 s: 'Ci w 11 h ΛI Li i I Kill Welti' m .. - i» ·1111 11< · -11· ί . « ; mg w.i· ι .,11. .1 ' · « ; c!« ' ι Λ ι - M.ihi v π -a- ;. n\; Il a · <iev< > lions, I ο [In wed by a -hurt bumie. di-eu>sion, during which the inrm· b( ι > turned in some garment.- the/, il îide lor tin· 1< km I Ked C ι · · cha j ter. Λ report was then given on tht reliel work done bv each !■ · mbt daring the past month. Alter the bUMiie^, tin- memhei> ei; |. iVfd a e< ·ηΚ .-· t. and al ο .ι lev. ■ ni bingo, wiîli Mr-. M;ldren 11 ri -vi ίιι w inner of llie prizes Tile buste: ses served a dehciuu liint eom.-e w ith salted nuts. A \« . . t).ea>anl evening wa had by ail tl. mcmuers. Meeting 1 Icld For Methodist (mild I ■ ! 'I'hc Wesleyati Soi vice Guild of The First Methodist church met Tues day ewning at the church in its reg ular meeting. .Mi·· Marearet Smith led the de i votions on "Who Giveth All". Mi i Nellie Gray Kittrell read tin· .-crip ture, and "This My Father'.· World' and 'Work I.» the -Night i Coming" ware sung. The program on an allied ·;..··■ "Harvesting," was conducted 1 y Mrs. Margaret Finch, with Misse Lucille Cothran, Vivian Lovvry, and ι .le-ephine Thursti>11 ;.ii.:ο pas ' ί · Staim ί'ρ lor Je.-u.- ' v. ·· ung. Λ di.-cussi'in ot the lank giviiu b;.- ket which the m-yam/ation wii ι prepare tor some needy family wa· 1 had. and Miss ,J . ·'. aie Τί·ιir· t ( was named chairman. A nominatmji I coaim1 'toe, e ··' M I'/in Oliver. I'age Margaret Smith ! and Helen Whitmore, was appointee : to bring a slate ot officers in to tlu j . ,ο\·. ι . . r meeting. An iceimut of t..· · i: ··" ··! i il». I'M i 1 : ! >-τ- lo the Fa·' In ·ηΐ ;·! ·ι: ! 111 liaι· ■„·, w ■ }·■ ■ 11 It \ <1 a <1 In ir . .te I! ·.· gr.".|> to > m ■ «· li' (Η ·· η I r the CiuildNov. 1 :be nu « t ng. M... es ' 'a lilor and Tempi I ». \ - Mrs. Cîei ' π de Fleming. an Ι ΛΙ : 1 ,ney 1!'1 ί . ho tv.- :1 tor the ι . 1 1 ilig. .· ■ rved a wee! cour.-e with h . t in .et .late. Slightly Improved. ' Air. I'H .e ' 1 . λ ! ■· ι ill . ! : lai'i'i I 'ar :. ■ ■ ho pital lull Wllig ! 1 : ι i ; t .' ' ur.lay ni.;i it. 1 · .-aid to b ' ; ·!■ 1 a .:·, rd today. Marian Martin Pattern * PATTERN 9884 ΤΙ: ι : " ί· ι- lint's «if lh ■ iuu' h "nie I λ · ; τ ! ι Mart in a ιό modern au· Pattern !)884 is de signed especially for the targPi* fig '1 ι limming detail as ι a ι 11 ! ι ι panel, and the sid . ' :1 that dip below the λ ; ι : st I · > Yii-i may add tin •ι· 11 I ymi lik The jaunty ei>11 ιr ay i :· ρ -!itched like the cuffs— I a ]. .red c .liar, tun, :■ liown. η the smaller view. If you like, you • . ν a:. tli I:··>(·!: with lon«! .··· have 11 finished in ' ·'■ · eh \ rr S v. ( 'Mar·' : d! Plan it !" ■ · · ' · Μ ν Π,.ν ·■ ν ·' .ai· m. perliap· with fresh white ■ lia and e Pattern 9884 may be ordered only η W"in-n's <i/ -s 3fi. 38. 40. 4:'. 14 β I à'1 Size 3fi refjii res 3 3-8 :d 3"· ne:, fabric and 5-8 yard S···: I FII'TITA' CFA" Γ S in coin • ·· Λ Τ .Λ I ! ΙΑ \ MARTIN ρ a 1 * " r · ι \ , · . ' γ ; * ο i.'ninly y'lr S'7,v \ λ î \ηΠΠ KSS a η d ST VIT TMBFR. Send ·ν..ιη· rdor tn Thf TIcr.d'T-or ν, 1 fV^ivitch PaHern Π^η · ' · en' ""1 W 18th St . Ww York. N. Y Youth Crashes Windsor Party ι ·!'· \ \' :) V ■ VV.i ■*!··. ■ l.v ! ι : ihc 2!>; :i rî· m ! : ' a H ni I) : . '··(!. ,!·'! < '' ι ' \ Y.. 1 : a II,.· ; ' / · ' t ■: ι V I 111 I 1"' -in· ! Pa. I'·! Λ I· ·' 'I, t'l ·" I ' :·. Il I ' ' I 1 ! ! · ' '··.>! It. ·. . ·! si··»!» Mr I · . · I · ■ aim· ·π tin : ; ■ .··. 11 ■ · . <; η. i· • ! ι. ■ ■ ! ; , 1),.. ii Ι'Γ mu m! ll ■,·.'■■ ' · I'u r V. I ■ II· ■■ ' 1 ·ι \ 11, ·. ,. · . · ■ · , ι M I Th· '■ ί · ' 1 III» ι > ι! I, Il Γ' , ' tin· 1 11·.Η -ι : *' Ι ' t1!' il· suit·· ' • :■· ··! !' ι -M···-s I : ■ I l'vil ; 'il II ·' · l'C|l! '.Il ' ' C >1 1 · ·.··'■· I' · I I)t,,,t . "it in··: n ι : ·■ !.. ' I *1 a"t »'» ' I · '·· of li ·' ·.·, . \ il · :·· Il 1 ' ' ··."· 'ili ' II. I ·■ ·' ' ι Ί. ην Mil·· ι ·· C \ · 'iran Blind ·»' , | ·.' I 1)1 t 1 "»t ·ι · · "ΙιΊ · ι- ! ' I · ι· itirii with ί* * Mom! salmi IPO s< ι; : I 1 1 fluc-'t i* .ί.*· I Ii as well · ■ ι.·' (In· [· ,| ".in ■ · ' I · ' · t1 111 ''rnp Fie'' 'DertrrveH' (Continued ι m f^ag· nne) W ι ! · .ι. * ' le ton :ιπ\·ι n I ··■ -it.· I· » -s can lie ι* lire:' .I ' ' 11>n Wodiu'srl 'in I! futt ιηοιν •trot· ' nt nga>nst Cha Ictti η until Werlt twteji aftern on." Π * · ay of curing ι' v. ι'.ν aiiustmi" ..* <1 r·.: i— assertions ι Complete Plans Queens Coronation At Fair Frid a\ PI;.»- ι ..ν»· been cotnpl ted l · ··, c<u..!:at ,.n I Queen 1941 of · v polder Beit Fair for Friday nig it of thi- week. Tne 11 leen's crown ol ι >ses will : < ·ιΐι ι fi ιjν dainly 1- ....11 I{o land, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. W. Λ Ι>· ·· ·' d. ··Γ Epsom, v. ι arching '·'· '1 !u. will bt ring bean . David Watkins, t.ny son υ! Mr. and Mrs. 1 Κ n-. of ste-ι s srah R0.0 •d. 1 etty <ii. .gliti . ni Mr. and Μι.- I. M Hobgo.d ni Hender.-on, pages will be Ci,arli· Has- and Lawrence Russell Hartley, both ai Hend ι-on. AU flowi η ίι r Her Highne; s will be designed by iï 1 ;<ίail. '.!;·.· tiorist.' ■ 1 Henderson. ''Miss Hindi: on." Helm lb. man. is leading in the po; . . .· ι ο 1 M u ·■ .In - .1·' '· : 1 Mi s Aye 1· " ! rile P. '. . .. . ar-tif c between S:< . e " ?.i. :y W.r. r'cwneivilk'," IK tie Faulkner, who ad 2.4:i0. ( >:l) :■ «.··.·it«··.tit 1 . ' ·ι ' M.I a : ·. ■.·. "Λ.ι ' V .. '■ ·ι- I ;. - . j.i'V'i; Kp... ■ .) ι.·-thy W ! 1 ·.. 1 .·':· ··. M .- Ν . lia." I 1.1 Ik i! · i · ·. r. 1., : i C .1 ii. '.1 »i»: ".M. D'il M . K!i . ; :i. ' ! Γ': "1: fi· 11." S 1 ! (anIcy. 1.: ■1 : . Woody Bennett, 1,310; "Miss Creed moor," Hazel Wo itlard. l."".ie "Mi >x I'o il." Μ 11'.r (. 'a -11. 'n'll ; "M Kranklinton," (.'■ raldine 11> 1.ii■ ' . 360: "Mi-< Warrentun. M .111.·· •Daniel, 300. V ting will contin .·· *itil 7.'! ' l'eliu'k on Κι day muât v. en u res> re.-cutalive for 1 ■ ; 1 ··: 1 ■ :i: 1 .·.!»·:.,i (is vviil assist the inmiiiii;i e in :ii final count followed mimed.ately · the coronation pageant in v. . ,-h '.he contestant·- will apa ar t with their individual < cort - 1. ' for the evi nt The pi ' 1 ■ presided over by a pup .la: 1 ce rem on i. s. Ships Save Lehigh Crew (Continued From P.ije 1 )ne! \ηι··ι·. can-owncd ship.·- t· · .Mian' 1 raiders. Th sea war'.- toll o| Λ νι -el niIV.' .-'..nil.· at ten. am ί'■ · -. dent Hoiisevi it made pl. .a ti · a considered the l.ehighV pai ticularly flagrant act ' I pa iey. \i me of tile I .ehigll am e id ed at Bathrust was injured, accord ing to the c enmission'- ι : ni 1 1 but tw . of those at Freetow. suffered injuries. The condition of Joseph Brad;· Jr . third assistant engine.· va- d Clibed as "rather se · lia U red che-t and leg injurie.-. The other injured cr·. w memo wit J. » |,h Bartlelt, an ordinary ■ ·.■· m. who lost three toes, but r cond.iimi was described as not serious. Rotary Club Enjoys Music a> _ η joyed a I iiiculiMg οi the iLMiay evening . L the i L. F. Shaw pro gram. a Jenk.ns sang "Syl iutii il Dreamer . ae An.. Shaw. . a:..i K.I'.ii· · .!'· V. Way *, ir.\ t i ace >mpanit d «il λ!:-. M. F. Legg. •ndactecl a m · en, • '· ·'· bars of songs. « ï." ' y ; : ι ^ th·· ·. ■. ι «ana e ! 11 ' : ι ' ".ι·:· guest.- ν ν > ■ (· Su!.lord, and Hai ■ i. I -ï ; > t. rians auik adance. -RAFT FORMS SENT TO 50 REGIS 1 RANTS T.i. Vance .-.elective service board : : it .is:. >nna ι ίο Γ>0 reg.> . 1 ·.·.·:ίο were listed in the sec ond •.•elective service registration, il . 1 > inced today at tlie offict of t'li· draft bo rd. Ti br;·::,- 1· > 1 "ill the nil! : >· · <n . ι i ι π registrants who have ι ·i >i lestionnaires. Λ ' 'il ol l!)(i young men wen this county in the ser ine h. and questionnaires wil ' ' ι the remaining 4β whet ίι. Γ..Ι1.. Cl il) i . -ι p.ted tÎK pro, ν lit ,i ; id *' 1 it ν •■J s I ' draft γ.ί!!: iijxin this «imiilv indicate ί that they may be needed ffll quotas, it w;ii faid ELECTIONS THURSDAY IN TWO COMMUNITIES i Farmer: ol Dabnty and s.itidy j Creek communities wiTl meet to* morrow nantit to elect AAA com ! m unity committeemen and delegates ; to the· county convention Voting in tii· I)i ;:h\ ty 'ill be at I Dabncy high school and voting in ι the -Sandy f <■< ' t. '_v will be at Ayr· ■; < . t , . ι»ris arc j scheduled ί r Τ Insufficient η mbers if ballots ι were cast ::i ·:·,.· · · lmunitics in :ecent AAA . · . : ; it I -nee a· ν · i, ,1 , · .ins for a I :'ond time. · · L -ve thinks no evil and envy no j a >od. 7 uesdayCl it bContin ucs Its Stiuly Of Printing "lu lore the Printing Prwi" wa tin ι ρι ι . tin.· program iif Hi»· Fuc*dny i! ib, wiun it met Tundi) <»fU riirton ,11 the bamt of Mrs. J I ·, Ί I ι . . : ι,, liai qilotitt ,<i!, li ι ! ι, ( ί·, e ( pen ), bee \ . i.u ι , i.m-hmcnt ι govern 11 . , ■ ,1 in connection t:. subject. Mr s Γ IVace gave .ι \cry iii 11.,it . ,· 1 ilk i n ilium.11;.ti il man , , ,>t tell ni, u! tin beauty .'.i 1 . ' ' ■ \ ,ι the illuminât.·ίι d< me .-lia ;.v liy monks before the t ne .it th printing press lied, go I . ■ : 111 lue were the ehiel col -- ■ : these works, which were usually t·ι<· iipi n ng letter of the paragraph, 1 it sometimes there were whole ι - turcs. Mr>. Henry Perry rtdi'cii th. Chinese w ith n u rvit:n_: pi \ · _ cards, in hi. d.seus.- mi. "The < iri n of P' ' : : .: Is" She explained it th. y ν· r tited before books. and they vv< iv (.died "she*·..; d..·<■"■ .sue ^a\e the i>t the .yni bols of the card». Wo.ui bloei. ■ < tii t. ' U , ι ill th«· .ill ni |i; ml .tin. .ici·· u .1 a,; t ■ Mrs. .1 T. Aide· un, who .spukc on ' the -ubjeet. Sni ' ' . Ii >w I ..· lit.·. Were K lt ill it !.t-l. aa.l th ο ■ ·.. vva.- pressed at.1 ak, tin· »·.>>· de riving tin· nana· "pre: tin late; , machine. "Λ Book-Lovpr's Apr»! >gia'\ j poem, was read i·. M. \V I! I';.r ham Ml- M F. I Ii.-t-va·· pi . ' dent. p: rsided 11\ t·: tin· lui me.— si - m Mrs Kate Watkins, chairman of I the memorial committee. read beautiful and fitting tribute the the! ν 11! 1 he !.ili Mi I Ii S Ί ι me ilior of the e'ah. \ 1 pla wi'h t ! 1 !" 1 \ I by r mdy. \va> -··..·! 1" '·: · »· ti en meinl >ei ρπ 1 a ; a ad 'ι M \v I). Mclnnis, Mrs. Louise Mann, and Mrs. Β. H, Burroughs. rYOU GIRLSh 13 to 25 Who Suffer DYSMENORRHEA And Need To Build Up Red Blood! If pain and distress of functional monthly disturbances make you feel weak, dragged out, pale, crailfcj tier ν ι- at such times - try Lydia Pinkham's Compound Tablets (with added iron). Pmkham- Tablets not only re lieve monthly ; ain κ ramps, head ache, backache . but also help soothe nervousness due to such cause. Wonderful to help build up red blood and thus aid in promot ing more strength. Hundreds of thousands nf women remarkably helped! Follow label directions. \\ - Save % the cost of driv Autumn trips BY GREYHOUND HI S STATION William St. Phone 18 Skip all of t'ne bother of driving-—?.nd 2/3 of the cost as well—by doinj; your traveling in Super-Coach comfort. It's easier on you —on vonr car—on vour pocketbook ! Next trip—every trip—go Greyhound! Ore Round Way Trip Raleigh S .65 S 1.20 Durh'm .GO 1.10 G'nsbnro 1.50 2.TO W.-Sal'm 2.00 3.60 F'tteville 1.65 3.00 One Round Way Trip Kinond Sl.tiO S 2.90 Wash. 3 25 5.58 lî'tlmorc I! 85 6.95 X'irfolk 1.90 3.45 N. York Γ-.95 10.75 Plus 5'/t Federal Transportation Ta\ I"* tfiwn tAL·— Busy workers know that a minute tor ice-cold Coca-Cola promotes contentment and efficiency.Why not enjoy it at home? A six bottle carton of Coca-Cola from your dealer brings home the pause thut refreshes. THF SIX-Βυι ιΐι_ ..Ak 1 UN BOTMEP U Ν D Ε β ΙΓΠΡΙΤ* Of THE COCA-COIA. COMPAN COCA-COI A BOTTLING COMPANY OF HENDERSON HITS HEAD COLO MISERY FAST Put 3-purposeV.i-tro-nol upench nostril. Il (1) shrinks swollen membranes, (2) soothes irritation, (3) helps clear cold- mmmmarnm closed nose. Follow VlCKS SΐίΓ VA ÎRO NOl ! ϊ he Long and Short of PLEASURE ! In ι » ', clip ν ore! I Mut nc 1 ·* tju ·t ι\ κ r:ibrs our soil is an I · iurûaes — m \S! RE • . . the rb iMjrr d rived f their satisf>inç; r?fr<" bnwit and t.ivtfi-thrilMnq: rr-dr'***. I\ that pleasure tnd** by ordering y<uir favorite 11 11 "»r at «»·" ι » « · - \ ivodern fountain. I β/ç, roomy, beautiful new 1942 ΜΗββ TOP QUALITY CAR OF LOWEST PRICE FIELD ^s%v*">· • A marvel of handling ease and restful riding! • Finest materials and craftsmanship! • Remarkable gas and oil mileage! Many speriol Studebuker lectures ol no extro <os for α Champion Butinctt Coup· CHAMPION SB 10 ant? up COMMANDER . . Jit08 and up PRESIDENTS S124?andup •Jhes* »ιθ delivered pi it es il I at to*y. South Benfl I" liana as il C« t' t ei I ill I ertml Ιλι π» luUed Pi.( es an 1 si*i dita tiOfs si.tiject ι ι hange .M'hcut no'ife hut Quai'tv Miti '«main conjtani. C ι Τ tei m». CANDLER-PALMER MOTOR CO. William and Mitchell Sts. llt'iuli'i'Min.

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