SOCIETY NEWS M I I Λι Ν ; . 1. |V icilow* ci i'|i icintent , ι . 11 ·. e ! < ι \ i [h.· fruitage home. . m yellow ■ :.ι gleaming rick>. ; 1;, 11 j11\ er- ι o;im • U red un the ν. ι the shaven fields, , ,j i.ttle iupesvvnods ;,· 14«.■ ι -11> · leeping. ;i ciI t.cllt Splillgs. T I. > .it Williams. Ui rK-l ntl in Richmond. ImImiiihI Brodie lelt tins att Ιί.ι-hmnnd. Virginia. ■ w . i I spend tir. week-eiKi To \\ ashinçlon y j li Bimn has gone to Wash-Ι 11 ; ' . t" pend -.nine time j η and daughtei -in-law. ,| \i. . .1 11 Bunn. \t I m l lirl\ oir. ι . ι ; 11 ai old I lanί·,. llon ae a. ι tiny, ni Company . or; Engineers Training Bat dinti. at Fort Bclvoir, Virginia, it . : uni today. !'ii Vmv-Nav\ (iamr 11 r. thv \V« .-ter left this ■ r I'hiladelphia, l'a., where , ·.Join her brother, Λ1 Wes : . tin ek-end and the \a. y game. l (denial Dames to .Meet. - :i .Ί Dai-.* will meet Sat '< :' ii a ; I ■ .'clock at the ■ » ί Mrs I W Hughes. The said !>- lie important, and are urged t<i attend. ( lass Day Changed. ··. ballroom class ι Ί Mr.-, ' ' nndp Berlin will meet at ..·«.< Saturday night in i "Jit. "f the ■ .. - I'i.iN ί >c ■ ; ι lg gl\ .11 to - I.rave for (lame. M. S Gerber. Miss Alice m li.iii 1'hrower plan to ...! I": Ι'ι. iadelphia. where ' :·*»:·i the Army-Navy ι. a re .V Gerber and ■ ι, μ,.· !.. \i w York on • ··:, '.:ιρ. Missionary Meeting Λ ι 111,111 . Ali -muai y S· > c i c t y ... MU b , rg Baptist ehureli ■ i ie ■ ni meetmg at th.· s nui > eveii'iig November . :ii ..clock. Friends are in .11 .1 ii : ι-.embers in this λ i isscs Alien Will | Wed In December : lowing ι- of interest to the 'i · ol the couples here: an i M-.·. W. I.. Allen ■ ι ■ Mu- engagements ·. i·.·· d .uahters Ci Mae Garland Harris and Mary '. · . l.\ ii John.-. Ί1 : ι . .i ta.. · ι !a-,v dur Marian Martin Pattern ^ jm «m _—ΓΙ PATTERN 9783 Here are some cye-deciving de a: 1 s used by Marian Martin tn make 'atttin 978:? the most slenderizing mode you've evei worn! A trim front buttoning, for example, that mak s ■ou seem taller and minimi/.s the aipline! Graceful .-ide panels in the bodice that come below the \va -t t ncrea-e the vertical emphasis! Those side panels, incidentally are also repeated in the back. In the -hoit —1 cveri version they may be cut on the bias, if you use a checked .abrie. Don't you think the scallops : dd a feminine touch—use them on he sh. rt sleeves too, if you like. Make this frock up for immediate vear in a cri-ρ cotton that launders easily—make another in wool! Pattern 9783 may be ordered only η women's sizes 34. 36, 38. 41), 42. I. 4(> and 48. Siz 36 require 3 5-8 •arris 35 inch fabric. Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins or the MARIAN MARTIN pattern. Β sure to write plainly your SIZE, NAME. ADDRESS and STYLE NUMBER. Send your order to The Hender on Daily Dispatch, Pattern Department. .'32 W 18;h. St. New York. Ν. Y. Moores Arc Hosts W ith Bird Supper A H Moore, proprietor ol Plant ers War·, house . and Mrs. Moore were hosts Thursday evnitig at 7 o'clock at the Vance hotel at a bird suppei honoring the tobaeeo buyers in Hen derson and their wives. Guest - were greeted by Mr. and Mr-. Μι το ;md were invited into the pre a'.e dming mom of the hotei. hcc two long banquet tables wore >I11■ 1 A del ·ί ,u- lour course din ner v.'a - ι ed : ο a'oi m! ii ι tv guest -. Attc i ci mu·: Μι Κι i.nk M. iiai η - .in . ; r g I η1 .iin I «ο . e fall" and ■ i.'ve I . . -a .1 election- on tii" . no. "Another Spring" Is Gi\ en Tonight Ar.o; he ι Spring '. a ..entimentl t i ■.· :i a ι h· iluRU·· anil three ac1-, ,, ι .·μ η ted by the senior elas : mi η I , on ! ι igh I'hool tonight at ; · .'clock· i'.i,.utiiul colonial costumes will be ,.,· d m the play, mo t ol them tur : il.. I led by proli-s aonal costuiners ..insu v. ill be by the pit band of the cl'.ool. lor the lu.-i tau· a condenser nade by Wiloaia Adcox as a project η dramatic- ' ill be used. With this, pec:al effect can be gaine I m the litim ng of overhead and too'.light .,.î c11 ci ans for the play include iJavada Loughlm, Roy Adcox, George /urqueron, films Gri soin, and Hai ry Patterson. A istmg m the make-up will bt vit: s De.-s Johnson, a former presi dent ol the high school dramatic: . ,lib end more recently connecte! with tire Playlikers of Women's col li ι eiisooro. Mrs. Burwell Has Contemporary Club The Contemporary Book club was *ntcrtam*»d Thursday altrrnoon by j vliv. Richard Burwell, with twelve nembers present. Mrs. L. H Harvin presented a very nterfcsting program on William >hirer. authm .i Berlin Dany" Sin iave a sketch ol his hie. and read several passages from the· book, îuoks were exchanged by the men. >er> during th.· afternoon. Mrs. Burwell -er\ ed individual mincemeat pu- with eheese bail md dei...-ta>si a> her gue.-t.-. Philathea Meeting With Mrs. Knott The Claire Mills Philatlu · ι· 1.■ m tllC F'llst IJapti-t church met v. ι'ι. Mrs. S Vv Knott 1'uosdav at 8 o'clock. with Mrs. J. C. p., .. . as istant hostess. M 11. . Mill . pi e ident. : n oad '. ; by appointing η«·ν ι···ίΐ tees a:,ii ha\ n :g ropoi Iin·· committees. Mi Kliy.ii· s· conducted the de\ >·ΐ"ΐι.-. a a Mi B. Shearer, led an aiti ·.■ ·' :u . ·π.. hour, including κ.. : ι : < - and · ■ 111 ; < -1 The hoste ses served a delicious Aveet course. Vance Girl Calls On Mrs. Rooscn cIt Miss Annie Mae Diekeivun. Vane, county's representative in the 1 Carolina delegation t·· tin· national ! 4-H Club Congress in diieau· ■ me of the group who w re · c· ived by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt at tht White House tins .iftrrn»»n. s :· . y called to present the 1·Ί t l.aily a gift of canned food from tin past try shelves of Irene Mohan ' C a -rland county. 1941 4-H -tatc can ning champion. Miss G ranees MacC.n go a i.'.aiit !-H club leader, arranu cl for tin Troup to visit Washington and ' · ο received by Mrs. H osevelt. in ;.· . > to the Chicago convention. The Vance county g rl was wi" of the state 4-H club dress revue, and will compete in the contests at i. national meeting. Townsville Club Has Birds as Topic For Da\ 's Program The T'>wnsville Garden e'.iib v. a delightfully entertained by Mrs. Hal ie Plummet- in Middleburg on Wed nesday. Her home was beautiful!;, arranged with autumn flowers. After the business mooting Mrs tî, Β. Tay'or gave a talk on migra tion of birds. Mrs. R. B. Taylor read Mrs. John Yancey' pap· .. as sa· was abs'ent. on "Keeping Your Bin: Friends All Year". Both talks wen very instructive and education >i Mrs Plummet' had an attractive bird contest. Mrs. R. B. Taylor won th< prize, naming the most lard· Mrs. Plummer. assisted by he; '•■lighter. Mrs. C'res, and Mi Jose phine Rair.'s, served a ι : y followed with a sweet t· ·,.: >· a id coffee. Guests for the after m · ·: · Lily Carroll, of Was!· m ' ·. :> In Senior IMa\ 1 «■"* 1 — I . ι c are Μ ι L.egg and Fa .11;: ■ er. \\ ■ ■ ; 11 have the > · · : >!· - in t hi cainr play. Spring" which .'. ill be pre • i I.· light at 8 ·<Ί .c . in tli high school auditorium. The former - ( ·! i'i the part- . f Xancy Car .il I Nancy Allen. v:*h the lat 1 .vins the doubl· .le of David Lee and David Madison. an Davis ' 1 tender and Cam Junior Red (toss Dance i his K\ ening Λ a lii.nax to the vc'.v -ucci'^s !111 .1 ; · r Red Cross l"u! 1 call j a -' compli ' d at Henderson μΊιίο;. an t!1 ' ; ■ ,Ί dance will be held the si h< >1 gymnasium tonight from in t·· :: .'clock. Charlie Blackburn c ha : . h ■ ι the roll call. also ha t l'.■ . ; rangements l'<>r tli ■ dance Tin membership con mittei i i "-I'd · iMine room president-. and 1' ni j \V. I). Ρα/η is sponsm for the ehiiol. Men . tlie .Junior Red Cm exec-ut" .· nittee I'm· Vance coun ty will be m t;ir receiving line Th">· ι ■ Μ; I, ι ι I) Wail, chair ι·.·!'. M ; I .ι "" Y : ... chairman ol _. . λ! ( 'ti ne*, a B. Te se c : ·.. an 'I : : a d M " We? le.. • h ni ch ; m of : 11. ' 1 η " : Mr . Tli ··· il" ne: ,.nd Mr- D. Morgan j "(Ι·. . Mi ;;»!·« r- ·! :!·. · ' rt the t· ·ινι>· play, w : c h will be pi" sented iu-t I ; H', ceding the dance, will also be honor guests. I Epsom News By MRS. M.ETCHI'R Fl'LI.FR Mi . and Mr . Y. X. Rgerton. o: I ' " ;ilid Mr. and Mr.-, iv>\ W< : ι i. Ό ; Ί,ί ι am v. . ; Ki s .re w ι id 'VIrs Κ \Γ·. a ι.. Kai-'ni, Tuanksgivinj I );iv Friends of Mrs, M. I,. Grissom wil II gi el t . know that -i.. is ill ir M alia l\t ; ; ;, ai h : ι-Ί They wis • e d\ r· ·> ■ :'v, I ;· . :e \\ r·: ·. . ,l. '. l: Tues • ·. ' : ni '-Vault lin ' ii!> who ha e boni dra"i 1 ut' scr\ ice. Ha ·! Λν-cui . a indent ;n !·'. i' i '■· peut lin Thanksgiving I ci;iν -·ι ht·! [mr η'.-. M· «n.ii M \\ s Aysc if*, s-ic η ad ;< ta r ·".*· ' | M '> Hill livid. "Ι Κ : a η k 1 i η l .' ■ : il (!| con■■!>■ A nukl Livingston of Boston. Ma ' lent at El on college. ΛΙι Zola Wmn was a m' n .^li la.-t Tuesday. : Ir.-. H .1 Nev. Ion .-)-··· · : ι. · , · , 1 I : <1 ill Maplev.ile. : . 1 1 »1 M and Mr- ( ι ι Ï;· an J j family Λ ι» t ·.· e ·\ ι t' ndi d the Eastern North Carolina conference iit Λ .Ιιΐιπι Ciinfiroga' i nal ('linslri ι \ ι . . '·ίι. m ,i. !îal".Kt,. · r Ke\ . ·Ι Ε. McCa :.·> M 1. (Ι ; m Κ ( r VV'cIdun. 1. I. Stainbaek. Mis- .- M - KM'·' Λ 1st.m. Dorothy Giis-mii. and Mi. I; .1 Newton. Μ - ι Mary Nell Ha- of If·.· < )! ι · high s ι· ! ι > ·· >1 laeul'y. . · ι ■ ■ i C" i 11 : -1:11 ο Eave>. ol the Μ"'.··ιι:<· ichool. .-pi nt tlit· hohd. ..·- · ;'·. ■ pai i nts. Mr and Mrs. C < ■ I· .· Charles E. iPulIsr, who has bee Ut nf till1 S!;1!!' (μ ' : ι · ι : 1 > : νisitcd his !;i-'thc:·. Κ I!. 1· 1.1 . short wh le Wednesday Richard Weldon, a studi nt ol Ëlon colli «<·. ■ .·i u ' t : · Mr. and .Mr Κ Τ \V!, -i \ 11 ; 14 ίι· lidav;. !·' · id- Mr ί·'' r recrot to learn tnat ho · is in· •irk in lied all tin· wee!;. . 11 ; ι ■or! 'd -' m what i'ioiroved. The Ε ρ oni high e'.iorl .nd 1 ho 111 1 :· of I .112 I MO of '.·■.. · i "1 ' cho en to play . 1 4-1! ol parade and route 1 w ." . in· held in Louisburg Saturday. Th members of 11·.·· I".;■>■ el i'o and are looking fi rw d to a y·· -·ΐ ■ ι : ι : e in I.·· li-bu.-g. Ti · pi nserer! by the Louislvirg C"r; .: ;cr of C'ommerc School Group \\ ill I loltl Meeting \\ ith ( )nc Mcmlvr ( λ >nc Mi .· -!.♦·. ol the Vance <rounty I . Κ i .< ι ··ιi ill held IL< .. ·:·ΐ!,!.ν ι iff?. τ ι ;u next Monday with ίΐ ol th«* 1 numbei mis intf Τ Β ί ϋ 1 .· f. .ii w «i- rlf-eîc ci : the « : ! i. · f · ! ï 1V ,1 \ .1 : lil · for «I ; «'(·< ·.· :· I î « · : ! ι . h f!i· ri i ?.μ·(· th»· 1;.-1 : - 1 τjM ' id. VVi etb»·! oi 21 ·* the board " : ) i ■ ι * t i : ι !..·.<· na.::C ) 11 - utv le ο.'· un'.il the next t het or» has not I ·«·: tea ned Ί! » ϋ ι f i ι ; ;iy have nine d;-cus ■ η of th· « ι ed -ehool budding ai ' ■ m< eting M< >nday, t!. ι . :. t· i. id ! r ·' : -t.· ' e! ; !. ; t»·! \ I< : i» i 1 )d:t\ V. ' t(*' \ :( ■! |;. i . ί i I. ; if ; <..·· · ci ρ .-ul'licienliy tu pu) ..t «Ί ·.?.·.· : .< m by trie b'.;-rd u! it I Ye M1DDLEBURG P.-T. A. HEAR DR. L). B. BRYAN Tii. · Ui.:.· . onthiy ol • ■ M .il ile: i . u P.-T A. wa- held ι (i .· ■ · ι n:i>« m liic .-cli"' ι au ditoritim. Tl.:· principal speaker oi I ) I ) I». Bryan <c ; ■ ι . ι lS < i : S".ιϋ :î'. M,ιv Spend Thi- ιi" > !. , and II..· ' I' -T. A. can ι IJ: 1 ii y.iti cl ' ι ι Ί in -ub 1 ,ι ;, " i m!' >tιηκ and in ι v: t.ι ■ . > .ne 'i at v.. I ..11 kvirn t·. i u.· .·! arc : c .. : π creative . . .'i' ■ ί . \' ι ·. l ; . ; [·!;·>·. I;·. •ι "îv ■·::(.'!· form. i' ' ··.« Ih.· . t ci r. ■ t,. ··.irt bu.-m· - '.ii' ..· adjourn:'.ont îtif officiai n. ·■ I!·'· Birth ot ν m Mi i.iid Μι I. H 1' · :l .<■ .111 nincp ·ι.ι· h :ih ol <1 son Har >lrt ΛΙ n 1 t".ι ι :.·.■» M I'lUfiinci"/ ft : ; In Watts llii-liilal. J Λ I', il pat.t-r .. ; : hi.·! -I. W.'dr • . l)ur "" · P« > Ii: CUI1 ( \t:i) οι 111 \\κ> ds ίο»· 11 " W< 1 mi ·. · ν J « I « I < Λ μ, 11 I » · Herbert A. Davis INDIGESTION Relieved Quickly with PUSH Keear· ; <*ϊι,< - Indi^i ' - can.-·"! '··; you can ÏTSH. Λ in pow: :· compntin ;· acidity, π ; without co praised PUSH for the- èroKipt re lief it b; luftht them. Get PUSH today and rp it on hand ialwaye. PAG Κ HO( ITT URlXi ( O. • ' I."w many medi t r : < ■ 1 i for Arid 1 ;r, -. c .r Hcai Tburn - stomach acidity . 'k rfiief with . prescription, m- it is especially ' ■ uiitrahze: excess .··· ti*'it■ouicklv ■ ill. Mritjy bave .< .-iuszii.*.;««L. Li. UAV15 & OUi'O i-w. V ! V Remember The \ I ι **■ I With Hundreds of Dresses & a ■"» I 4 at r-^j -îf^, >e any l.l ( KY ΝΛ"Ι A! I M: .1) 1'. Xv. i ' il t Anc'or π Γ . Va ki'i v. •, Λ; ■ ίι. . ntliy :.F ( ■ i 10 111 " : t ' Ml Fine .. Mi Kmiiv 1:1-1· ΛΙ Kriv .·: ,i Aii Λ" ι Mu M ,1 ni ic Dlinn. Mr-. C.c ι ο M ldcii. ■! : 11 ■ '. Τι ι1, ν. Γ.Ι :. I ! ' v. . M G l ac . ι ! ! . y .j t>ifi"*<NCr —^ / ref aous eye*·»" BULWARK OF AMER/CAN MORALEcuvcL DEFENSE à ^ Jf zad'J * _y4n. AMEHICAN (■$>:■ y> SCENE Ί' y^u.Wnία)/,///><'■ CAROLINA POWER. 6-LieHT COMPANY BABY'S COLDS „ Relieve misery fast φ — externally. Hub on i%œ M \ i _ M ;. 111 SO.· ι i ! il i>?C · \ 1 i'r ί ii.i ι ·· ■ i.niori ui\ ! Ϊ < 1 · 1 J I Ο Γ ι i \ ι; ι τ τ ι: il — in "King of Doclçe City'' 1 J·, ι · ι · ■< κ π; v( '· w ι η mi." ι 'OM! I)Y V<-:la? - T«nr»rniw TIM McCOY in "" 5 he Texas Marshal" !;rs M-.Vi SI WIN I IK Ν -Ni l!IM. \M) CO.MKDV— DONALD DIX'Κ NEWS SPORT RbfcL

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