Broughton « Urges Quotas I H i' >' C h i\ tTM( »! J. Mol- I ij'htoti, addr· snip. Ν rth tarm populace laM ni^ht, . , : »..11 tin· pi e· t-rit \\ ;a . itn.i ' ι ι |nu\ 111^4 a benefit to the , : !. it.' and indicated that »·\ι.·.11 ■ reduced Ho per cent, < ! ■ cotton prices — highest . -it - ulted in >pite ίο the I id not becaUiit of it. ■ \ t.ii.n.n 1ο the state's cotton I *ι .ιîni ou net>haif-ci*· »p- I ·■ nants alike -to n.> to the | • t nhei 13 and ca>t then ! the 1942 rel'erendum on j u ο ta s, G ο ν e r η « > ι I ι ig V d« «I Iiι^ audience that "·'· : , | • i:ni years—*since the,early i : · ΛΛΛ cotton l;t. κ· ( -.-••I whole-hearted ly with ι ι ι nthc] crops m a coopeia 11 1 · make a bet ter living ■ < ». I. The results <>l the four i ι el'erenda on market!:; t , · · e\ idencc ot thi> coiiper;i : ι u cotton farmers." and the ariMmpanvriu ι 1 ι I'll 111 el !· ct 0' 'J ;ι· eason.-i f a ] JOI'i κ I πι whu.\ ; , ■ : res have more than doubl , ■ thf 1937 I igutv ot slight!" I r.v virtue of power "t , . . , ' î ned in that Deed of Trust ! . I !>y .lot· K. Hunt as record ! ι i ι■ .flice of the Regi- tei ut ρ ι Vance County in Book l!1 I default having been mailt ι· ι therein secured, and a: •ill the holder of the mi 1 ν ·. . I - .11 m II for cash to the Irs·! at Public Auction at t!,· ι ι-e Door of Vance County χι · n'clock (Noon) Monday 1). 15th 1941, the following lit ι a land: • r: ii Stake llam Wil < ι ner (m the < )ld T(iwns ν ..ι id. and run thence along V. ή line S 14 155. West 35 ,· ■ a staki on Wade branch, tr ■·· a -aid branch a it mvan i · '. .e. ciil'lier of tract - N<>. I • Sa·an Hunt Lew i ·' IV ■ arc along line of tract No •is.·'· · w 'ill 11? C'lls tiI take oil the aid Townsville Road; thence ■ 1 ι '.id S (I!) 1 - J I·) 0.7 chain S 4:i I·: ! ch . S 43 1-2 Κ 4 t S ·V 1-ί 1·: 3 ch-. s 50 1-2 Ma t 4 S 'la 1 -2 I-àist 2 chain to il;·· ι logmnmg containing Oiu i: . I tw ciity j'cres ! >v .ai - : Γ. Ci.cgory Mar. 18tl. 1932. II ■ Nuiiiber Fi\ e in the di - vi ion ι Hunt land a;· shown in of— ι " S C said county ai Hook 9. . a ' 130 and being Judgment 'i dav of November 1911. S ΚΙΤ'ΓΚΚΙ.Ι.. Trustee. M AS 11 It's ΝΟΤΙΟ·: in DIV'OKCI . In the ( mil l ol Common Pleas No. I Fur thi' County of Philadelphia. State of Pennsylvania. S ' . : Term, 1940 No. 1 1 (Î In Divorce Λ. V. M.: ( ora Κ. Collins vs. Nu t- 1 Collins (also known as Nor lii.ui 1 ( ollins). To Nick l·. Col li»--. ,ιΚο known as Norman !.. (ulliiiNi. Present residence is ini kr.nwn. liut the last known resi de;» r was 5511 Walton Av enue, 1 " il.ulelphia. Pa. Respondent: . :.I plvaso take notice that < ii appointed Master by th ; the above ea.-i\ in which ,r. Cora K. Collins has -.lit against y>>u for ab.-uilnte ι the grounds ol Cruel and treatment and indignitic. t · '- ι- : " η and that I will h·'Id .ι··: the pui pi. -e ol taking ■■ .h ^aid ca.-e at n.y office K-tate Tru t Building, S • 1 Ih ad and Chestnut Streets, '■ · !-! Pa., on Tuesday, De o: :· I UI41. at 3 o'clock P. M . '·'···« -'liai v. here you may attend with witnesses if you so desire. CI.KNW" c." MEAD. Master. 8!" I!·. · K-tate Trust Building S. E. Broad & Chestnut St.<., Philadelphia, Pa I'll !ι of S Deed, t'a 19G ed \ori( i: or form i.osi in·: SAI.F and by virtue of the Powe, contained in the following 1 Trust executed by R. 11 • : 11 >. < i Bessiy Faulk hi: wile as 1 : J in Register el Deeds Office I! : Book 196 page 206. Book .·.·«·· 307 and Book 2nB Page 239 Jfciault having been made in the ' jyii.i-nt- "i tire Notes therein secur id at the request of the holders (l1 -aid Notes; 1 shall sell for easn ' th highest bidder, by Publie Auc ■·;'» -11 the Court House Door »n \aiuv Co. X. (.' at 12 o'clock (Noon) on M. nday the 15th day of December '941 the billowing Lots and Lands; fust Tract That 197 acre tract of hud in Tou'ii ville township being 'he conveyed by ,1. I. Mur row to Anderson Marrow, see Book 1 ιJ IJUgt 239 and by Anderson Marrow ■ Harris, see Book 187 page *81 *i::d conveyed by Α. Α. Βιιηη unci w'i'e to R. Η" Faulk Nov. 16, 1939 Jtid ni record in Book 200 page 391 f*e8istt r of Deeds office Vance Co., which deed contains lull de scription by metes and bounds. Said Wnd i.- hounded on North; South and List by the lands of Goody Marrow ''"ids and on th'e West by the land William on Taylor. Second Tract: That 224 ucres ol bought ol O. S. Faulkner and ^ife ά tu 11 ν described in Faulkne. "('>'d m Book 1 HT page 4iu> and o: "lut H.iok ('. at page 17 Reg. Deed.· 'fhee Vance Co., N. C. Said Land i Island Civek and adjoins tin Lewis; Hargrove; Carring i°n: Mutton; McGhee and others. Third Tract: All of Block 21 tnava Β Ν. κ Ν land "η . lands property as shown on rial Λ at page 3 except the lot in corner sold to T. H. Roberts. " r t h Tract: Lots Number 8; 9; and in. Block 12 Chavasst A. at pagv 3 and 7. Block «"ok A Page 3. ''•s the 13th. day of Novembei Property Also Lot.- Num 12 Chavasse lot.· 19 ; ι τ H-21-28-5 KITTRF.LL, Trustee. .ifci ^ 3 >?. ^c-<£ 'ψίΦ^-*^' ^2*f£f >— **^e£r& /'t^i- ·<φ* a -» ii -/ *r-"'-'*0i* '< *v Our Christmas Gift io You A Bountiful Fruit Basket Free! with your Purchase at Christian-Har ward * USE YOUR CREDIT! Ψ$ψ, % ^wi vsçtj. Vi ■ ;v:;w ^ Λ - 1» 1C*' ii ife ·4 ? j ' ! O: fj' ! It Pays To Shop At Christian-Harward Λ beautiful Barrel Hack ( hair j Stir mother means one vj her ; happiest Christmas's l ull bar ί ι .i hack. Cpholstcrci! in dur 1 able tapestry Fruit Basket Free! SI.00 Week I ν ]'a>s S *%f\ ? jk Qp the lit t Io tots Γ» On* Weekly Folding Doll Carriage I \actly as shown in redden brow ο «'atherette. φ r* Q Γ' \ι tna 11> louls up :»0c Weekly Make Your Selec tions Now Before The Big Rush Begins ! , m if Colorfui Hassoc ks In choice of coloi · \i : 11 \ i.iil ored. Prices Λ £(\ begin at ·-' 1 * IV Rac -, s rr- -a »iq * I ■ τ «- r «^ \ r Ο ν ' \ oecï i ,ΐ « i Y Sturdy Built Fiber Rockers . $5.95 MU Weekly Sturdy Built $4.95 -»!iH(V\ buil! Well designed \ f loeipedc. Will provide months ot enjo\ ment for any < h iId 1 lir ill lit » This ( hri>imas With a Lane Chest! ι >;i 1 i \\i noi.i Then ι - hardly .m\ choice for tho best girl s gilt—it'* usually a l.ane ( edai t Ir-M ( ompletc display "I all iiopular I.alio Chests. Priced Start at •SI' \KKI.I\(. Gift Mirrors To hrii; ii if ; 1 up an> home ui\e a Console .Minor. >.>n;»rtl> de signed Mirror m r% q r* bron/e ♦r-mn ^ * ' ÎY Weekl> / Ν » Iî 11 ι. 11 1. iiis $19-95 7."χ· Weekly y » FURNITURE COMPANY, INC. HENDERSON, N. C. Metal Smokers 97c „ J From